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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.80 MB, 3648x2736, dem shelves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2332716 No.2332716 [Reply] [Original]

how does /lit/ organize its bookshelf? by author, genre or god forbid by color?

>> No.2332719

big to small

>> No.2332720

by kind - nonfiction/poetry/novels and short stories
in the categories i do it by publishing house though, looks nicer to me, so i guess colour lol

>> No.2332723

by magnetic force

>> No.2332728

Nonfiction, poetry, plays, novels and short stories.

Within that, by author's last name.

>> No.2332734

I number them immideatly when I receive them and thus have them ordered by purchase date.

Also makes it easier to keep track on stuff I loan out.

>> No.2332735

>shitty paperbacks and sci-fi, thinks it is worth organizing.

>> No.2332738

I always organize by color, but then again, i'm a racist(and proud of it)

>> No.2332739

This. Also, there is my main library (~250), downstairs, and my favorite books (30) and comics (50), each one has it's own ledge. I don't take a photo because I am in the process of adding them to Goodreads and my books are all around me in piles.

>> No.2332741

I have books all over the place. Fuck the system, I throw em on the ground.

>> No.2332743

meant to say my favorites are in my room.

>> No.2332745

>being a racist
>not just being anti multi culti and unvehemently ethnicist

>> No.2332749

ur not my mom, dont tell me what 2 do

>> No.2332753

>multi culti

here in Berlin, the green-leftwing-socialist-facist used that horrible word for the integration of turks and arabs.

they failed on every level. Multi Culti is dead.

>> No.2332755

>ur not my mom, dont tell me what 2 do
>ur not my mom
>what 2 do
>ur 2

what the fucking fuck is wrong with you, are you retarded?

>> No.2332766
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>> No.2332768

multi-culturalism isn't dead just because you Germans failed at it. You give with one hand and with the other you take away. Do you really expect them to integrate placidly?

Try treating them with respect.

>> No.2332769

when are you gonna ship the turks back to turkey?

It ain't dead till germany is german again.

>> No.2332770

ah shut up you retard.

>> No.2332773

im pretty sure multiculturalism isn't about integration, good fellow.

>> No.2332784

I'm pretty sure that's what it's all about, old chum. It's about telling others that they're free to have their own culture, and then resenting them for doing just that.

You give with one hand and with the other you take away.

>> No.2332789

pft sci fi plebeian

>> No.2332791

Do you know what integration means?

>> No.2332793

integration is more to do with melting pot and assimilation of cultures, where culture shifts for accomodation. multi culturalism is pluralism, where people with different cultures inhabit the same space.

>> No.2332795

this person <3
to the fucking racists man, shut the fuck up. empathy and understanding will actually allow you to lead a life worth fucking living instead of a little hate bubble. you gotta break the cycle of hate.

>> No.2332802

>...and the development of a culture that draws on diverse traditions, rather than merely bringing a racial minority into the majority culture.

Multi-culturalism's stated aim is NOT integration, but cultural pluralism. What is happening however is that you have buttmad xenophobes everywhere resenting them for choosing to stay a minority (majority-minority at this point) and cloistered off, rather than integrating. Multiculturalism is, in fact, integration.

>> No.2332803

end the hate

>> No.2332808

gosh, why won't those stupid, hateful xenophobes just accept their genocide????

This world would be better off without them anyways!!

Notice how all the liberal solutions always come down to tyranny and oppression on whites.

>> No.2332810
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>not knowing this picture is as old as /lit/ itself

>> No.2332813

multiculturalism is about welcoming them in and then saying you can still do everything you did in your homeland.

it failed because it's a contradiction or at least everywhere it has been implemented, it's been so ill-defined by governments who don't know how far to push integration and how far they can allow people to live as disparate communities. even the people don't know how to balance it. Like how most people get upset at muslims entering their country but have no problem with the asians who arrived decades ago. Immigration is so mucky, and integration so fuzzy and yet we tried to plan it. It's no wonder we got it wrong.

>> No.2332816

But I think the question over whether multiculturalism has really failed can be very simply answered by asking our German friend why he thinks multi-culturalism has failed in his country?

I don't think you know what genocide means. Do you mean the cultural and literal physical genocide that white people have been perpetrating on their fellow man for hundreds of years? Claiming that white people are the victims of genocide is straight up horse shit.

>> No.2332817

>thinking everyone has been here for the same amount of time

>> No.2332818

you're an idiot.
multiculturalism doesnt work for the most part, im not talking about multiracialism either, culture is more than ethnicity, its like having a communist and a capitalist in the same room, they might look beyond it but more often than not they won't. im all for multiracialism, i dont think multiculturalism as pluralism is a good thing. integration is cool. also not promoting cultural imperialism because thats retard

>> No.2332825
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This reminds me of a guy who stood up in my class and complained that half the businesses in Vancouver aren't even hiring anymore unless you can speak Chinese. "They should learn our language," he complains, "it's not fair when Canada's official languages are English and French."

My professor looked him in the eye and replied, "You want their money and their employment, maybe you should consider learning their language."

The winds of change are blowing. If you're butt-devastated because they're not learning to love your superior white culture, maybe you can try to learn their culture instead? You never know, you might learn something new.

>> No.2332826

>thinking anyone gives a crap about your political opinions

>> No.2332827
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from a bookshelf to a discussion about integration and multi culti

thats why I love you /lit/

Pic very related

>> No.2332830

why are you writing 'multi culti' instead of multiculturalism? Is this some new hip abbreviation among sociology students?

>> No.2332832

multi culti sounds hip.

>> No.2332835

Actually they want the money and employment, which is why they came. Prof had it wrong.

>> No.2332836

it sounds gay and stupid and you're a nigger faggot for using it

>> No.2332837

deal with it

why so much butthurtism?

>> No.2332838

Nope. Now they have money and own half the city. Mainland China/Hong Kong/Taiwan/Korea have been pumping a lot of money into the Pacific Northwest in the last 10 years.

>> No.2332840

>claim whites aren't being genocided
>defends the colonization of our country and land by foreigners
>claims it's "change" when its being forced by tyrants on an unwilling populace

Murder a leftist, save the future.

>im all for multiracialism

So whites should turn into minorities in their own countries, leading to eventual extinction.

And yet, turkey reminds turkish, africa remains black, asian remains asian.
Trying to pretend you aren't literally advocating genocide?

I don't think YOU know what genocide means, and i don't think you know anything about history either.

And anyways, what sort of precedent lets you claim that the sons can be punished for the sins of their father?

>> No.2332841

Why does everything devolve into off-topic discussion? Fuck.

I don't have a bookshelf yet. In fact, I don't really own that many books. What's a good size to start with? I plan on getting at least 200 within the next two years.

>> No.2332843

>My book shelf:
>Tis complete anarchy.
>Keep unread books on top. Finally took Nueromancer down a notch and will have The Sun Also Rises on the second shelf soon.

>> No.2332846
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Show me the genocide of white people. Give me some citations right now.

>> No.2332847

a small billy from ikea is always useful

>> No.2332848
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>> No.2332851


You liberals in this very thread admit it going on, aka chinese cleansing vancouver of whites, and yet i suppose it's different because whites deserve it?

>> No.2332853
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Go back to Stormfront. You are too stupid for me to bother arguing with you.

>> No.2332855

since the end of the apartheid (1994) more than 1700 white famers have been killed.

when do we call a genocide a genocide? after 2 Million dead people?

>> No.2332856

I have approximately one and half shelves of the kind of books I'm into right now. The rest of my bookcases are kids books and nonfiction. I need to tidy up and throw stuff out but not until I need the space

>> No.2332857


Uhhhhhhh. What does this word mean to you?

>> No.2332858


Wrong. Most of the Chinese that are buying up homes in Vancouver are wealthy industrialists. You get rid of them and the local economy crashes.

>> No.2332861

well, theyre just keeping keeping south africa black, the same way you want to keep europe white.

>> No.2332865

That sort of shit didn't happen in north america.

and the young is the future.
Less then 80% of germany is german, total population does not show the real picture because the average age of a german is like 45.

But keep thinking "multi-racialism" can possibly exist, liberalism is a self-defeating ideology, hopefully it doesn't take all of us with it.

>> No.2332866

I had the chance to pick up lolita for free and passed up on it for fear of what my family might think of me reading it. Now I have to pay for it.

>> No.2332867

Except south africa was not historically bantu at all, you brainwashed white hating traitor.

Ah, so you will sell your country, heritage, and future out for "the economy!!!!" ?

>> No.2332868
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lol. Are we both aware of the historical context of those white deaths? Do I need to go over the history of South Africa and apartheid? They're occupiers, staying after their occupation is over.

Your claim to genocide is that your population is less and less "German." You realize how unstable such a term is, right? The moment the first wave of immigrants have naturalized children, your population will be right back to 99% German or whatever the fuck ratio it is that will keep you comfy at night.

Chill the fuck out, bros.

>> No.2332873

What heritage?

if this nigga don't shut the fuck up.jpeg

>> No.2332874

>They're occupiers

the bantu people, arrived well after europeans.
and so historical context justifies murder and genocide?

German is a race, an ethnicity, immigrants never become german, you fucking idiot.

>> No.2332877
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>German is a race, an ethnicity

No, it isn't.

>> No.2332879

I understand what you're saying dude. White countries are being forced to allow mass immigration while non-white country are still allowed to have restricted immigration.
But I have a problem. You and all the other stromfags on >>>/pol/ (this where this discussion should be in the first place) keep throwing out "white genocide" as a charge word. We aren't dying. Give me one instance where a race (whites for example) are being forced by summon to have children with someone not of their race. I know god damn well that no one is going to make babies with someone I hate. A person of a certain race usually, not ALWAYS, will try to find someone that is of their race or creed. Whites, and any race, aren't going extinct without some form of eugenics or government program. I wouldn't put it above any politician to do it, but it simply won't ever, EVER happen.
I hope my comment is the last politically-charged comment, because I'm reporting the next fucking idiot who wants to turn /lit/ into some stormfag circlejerk like >>>/pol/ thread.

>> No.2332884

And what do you think will happen when we are a minority in our own countries?

Did you miss the people in this very thread championing the genocide of white south africans/boer?

You know that we live in democracies right? Whites are already a minority among children in the USA, they are rapidly approaching that point in europe and canada, when the non-whites are a majority, THEY will run the government.

And you can damn well bet they won't be supporting any loopy suicidal leftism.

>> No.2332885


Guess what? "Heritage" and "culture" are fluid and dynamic. Your country's culture was different 50 years from what it is today and will change even more in another 50 years. The people that are upset about immigrants and multiculturalism are just small minded, poorly educated, and usually just misplacing their anger.

>> No.2332886

White countries are not *forced* into anything. Mass immigration is necessitated by the drop-off in birthrates that occur whenever you have a late-technological state come to fruition. It's the same problem that's happening in Japan. You allow immigration into your country because you need a steady influx of knowledgeable, rich, or hard-working immigrants to keep your country's economy young and vital.

>> No.2332890

what is it then?

>> No.2332891

White genocide = we're not having enough babies! OMG!!!!! THOSE FILTHY SAND PEOPLE ARE HAVING BABIES FASTER THAN US!!!

Native American genocide = welp

>> No.2332892

Germany is a state. A state is an organized political community, living under a government. Entirely artificial, and nothing more.

>> No.2332896

um no, our countries have had similar demographics for thousands of years, this mass immigration is unprecedented.

>> No.2332897

>our countries have had similar demographics for thousands of years

Citation needed.

>> No.2332900




I can guarantee you that that is not even close to true.

>> No.2332902

Germans are a nation, fucking idiot.

>Native American genocide = welp
didn't exist. Where were they genocided? They all still live today.

>Mass immigration is necessitated
no, shut up.

I find it strange how you can say things always change so we must let change happen, yet you are the ones arguing for your specific kind of change. For turning us into white minority countries where lofty things like democracy no longer work.

>> No.2332905

I organize them by putting them on my nightstand until I read it, then randomly stuffing them in bookshelves with space. Works fine.

>> No.2332906

>Germans are a nation, fucking idiot.

No, they are not.

Hey, did the holocaust happen? Do you deny this as well? Also, what is your opinion on Israel?

>> No.2332907

Not anon you're arguing with but are you mentally retarded?


End of the first paragraph..."genocide." Read on since I don't wanna summarize it for you.

>> No.2332910

and what about the old german tribes from roman centuries? they were not a "state" in that time-

>> No.2332922

>Historian David Henige has argued that many population figures are the result of arbitrary formulas selectively applied to numbers from unreliable historical sources. He believes this is a weakness unrecognized by several contributors to the field, and insists there is not sufficient evidence to produce population numbers that have any real meaning.

did you miss this part?

>The extent and causes of the decline have long been a subject of academic debate, along with its characterization as a genocide.

Did you miss that it says it's UNDER DEBATE?

jesus... fucking idiots..

>No, they are not.
Oh ok, so then there was absolutely nothing wrong with europeans colonizing the world, because there are no nations or peoples, just humans moving around and cultures changing, right?

>> No.2332933
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OK. Then have more babies. You save your country's economy.


Don't conflate the modern state of Germany with Germanic tribes from 2000 years ago.

Straight from wikipedia: Modern Germanic peoples are represented primarily by Scandinavians, Germans, Dutchmen, Englishmen and others who still speak languages derived from the ancestral Germanic dialects.

You are not racially pure. You are bastard children.

>Oh ok, so then there was absolutely nothing wrong with europeans colonizing the world, because there are no nations or peoples, just humans moving around and cultures changing, right?

Nothing wrong with the first colonial period. It was simply history, which brings with it the movement of ideas and men and warfare. Some are on top, some are on bottom. Hegemony doesn't stay with one state forever, though. We're about to usher in a new era of colonialism. Prepare your butts.

>> No.2332939

>germanic peoples spread up
>form all the modern european countries
>claims they aren't germanic anymore


Are you white? why do you think us being conquested and genocided by non-whites will work out well for you or your children/family?

>Then have more babies.
Good thing we have leftists like you here, ready to wreck marriages, families, communities, and lay heavy heavy taxes on any working man to make having children as unpopular as possible.

>> No.2332946

As a way to make white people feel bad, countries have passed laws vastly lowering the requirements for immigration. The only kind of, for lack of a better term, foreigners that should be coming to a strong nation are skilled workers. If we want our nations to stay the same and prosper, we need to restrict immigration to people who will be productive. Left-wingers in the U.S. will cry racism, but that's only because, put bluntly, white people have better chances at a better education. America, and all first-world nations for that matter, have enough fucking useless, bottom-feeding twats who need to be pulled off America's Tit (we call welfare). The US doesn't need more people to work at McDonalds or get degrees in Literature, we have enough these people. We need people who can do skilled labor.
For people who don't want to read that, countries in general don't need plebs, they need patricians. One genius is always worth more than ten dunces.

>> No.2332947
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>Are you white? why do you think us being conquested and genocided by non-whites will work out well for you or your children/family?

When you can't argue a point, you just return again and again to brain-dead knee-jerk xenophobia.

I don't think there's anything wrong with colonialism. It's power shifting from one hand to another. Deal with it.

>> No.2332951


>> No.2332957
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>the reason why I'm not talking to more girls is because of the political left ruining heterosexuality for me

Do you realise how much of a virgin you sound like?

>> No.2332960
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imma leave this here
this is what racists on lit seem to believe

>> No.2333026

Disregard that last post. I'm going to go choke to death on niggercocks.

>> No.2333031
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pretty random mix of subject/nationality/fiction/nonfiction

>> No.2333038
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Top two shelves, English language prose. Bottom left, poetry. Bottom right, foreign language books.

>> No.2333059
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>2012, still posting in troll threads

>> No.2333090

sure thing xenophile, you are the mentally ill person here, not me.

You are the idiot who can't recognize reality, inevitable consequences of certain actions, and the rights of any man.

Anyways, you have made absolutely zero points at all in this entire thread, just again and again repeating the same old rhetoric, emotional appeals, and then ad hominem.

>> No.2333092

Last opened.

Yeah i got a kindle

>> No.2333104

we don't need anyone at all.
Mass immigration drives down wages, that's why the corporations like it, it destroys unity, community, cohesion, that's why the leftist/jew likes it.

In their ivory towers they don't suffer the consequences of their policies, it's real easy to yell "racist, you deserve it!" from 100+ miles away.

What benefit is there to our country or any of the people in it, from immigration? Obviously none though it does increase government tax revenues which is perhaps part of the reason they support it.

Typical leftist, name dropping shit that isn't even relevant to the equation.

This is a global world, we can trade with them, we do not need them to live here, in our countries, we certainly do not need them to take over our countries by displacing and outnumbering us.

>> No.2333109


>fallacies are valid debate tactics, i learnt that in my marxist indoctrination camp called public schooling!

>> No.2333475
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>Leftists and jews are exactly the same--they're both intent on destroying my happiness as a white heterosexual male

>> No.2333493

Not really impressed by your gross materialism.

>> No.2333513

I decimated my book collection. Donated to the library.

The future is digital, yo. I don't have a e reader yet though...

>> No.2333517

By author and then similarities in theme.

>> No.2333693

People who conform to the political construct of "leftism" are usually people who are brainwashed, hypocritical, and generally dim-witted about the processes that exist in the universe.

It's social darwinism, always has been, always will be.

The craftiest, most cunning, luckiest, and most aggressive tyrannize the rest.

This is the law of nature: natural selection.

Fucken herbivore minded idiots.

>> No.2333694
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>this entire post

Try harder.

>> No.2333704
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It's a factor of evolution.

>> No.2333706

16yo grimhard detected.
Work on making friends at your middle school before shitting up this board.

>> No.2333711

Books I've read go on the shelves.
Books I haven't go on my floor so I have to read them to get them out of my way.
Finished two novels yesterday and I'm well into Tolstoy's Death of Ivan Ilyich and other stories. This is record pace for me.

>> No.2333721

The best of 2600?

lol nice work my son.

>> No.2333725

Two bookshelves. One has more recently read books that I thouroughly enjoyed, the other has more childish books from a few years ago, plus books i've read recently that didn't really resonate with me. Oh and two shelves of unread books (I know, I know....)
Then, within this system, I have my books by author (but not alphabetical) and organsied so that the more I like a book, the closer to the top it is. Also the childish books are close to the bottom, and double stacked, so if i really loved them, they're the ones up front.

It's actually really hard to explain, but it all makes sense in my head!

>> No.2333803

implying he isn't 100% correct?

You can have socialism in a group, they call it National Socialism, because in a group people work together for common benefit due to bonds of blood.

But international socialism, communism, or leftism, these things are wholy unnatural and very negative things.

Essentially you are disarming yourself in this world of eternal struggle, and that can/does have fatal consequences.

It is incredible that liberals can go on and on about white "oppression" of minorities, and yet can't quite comprehend that THEY WILL BE THE ONES WHO ARE OPPRESSED AND SUBJUGATED when WE become minorities in our own lands!

>> No.2333804

>a form of government is natural

>> No.2333806

how did you manage to get that from my post?

Any time you base your ideology on a rejection of human nature and behavior, then you are going to have to use tyranny to get it to "work".

>> No.2333810


you could always try posting about books instead of wetting your nationalist diaper, bourgeois baby

>> No.2333873

I haven't enjoyed books for months and months lately.

maybe i am just jaded or something.

>> No.2333889

>hurr durr this is how we treated minorities

>there is NO WAY they'll treat us any better

Straight up. You are a loser and I am embarrassed to read the things that you type.

>> No.2333894

by genre, like they do in, ya know. real libraries.

>> No.2333895

By author, obviously, and by format (big hardcovers, little hardcovers, softcovers).

>> No.2333901

are you utterly fucking retarded? Have you never met a non-white in your life?

It is the white is the most enlightened, and kind, and noble on this earth. You should learn to seperate your blatant lying propaganda from reality, because they are two different things.

>> No.2333902

How does one quantify "enlightenment", anon?

>> No.2333904

Not necesssary to quantify it.

It is white countries which are the finest on this earth, do you reject the fact that it is the white race which is required to build these shining civilizations?

>> No.2333906

>Not necesssary to quantify it.
I think it is, if you want a measure of it.
>It is white countries which are the finest on this earth
A tautological fallacy.
>do you reject the fact that it is the white race which is required to build these shining civilizations?
I do not care about the black man that raped your mother, anon.

>> No.2333910

Good to know you have no argument.

Maybe you can tell us in which country you would prefer to live?

>> No.2333915

What was your claim again? Ah, that whites are better than everyone. Well,
I've already dismantled your meagre argument. I guess that makes me smarter than you.
Your evidence seems to be composed entirely of unsubstantiated and unsubstantiable claims.
>Maybe you can tell us in which country you would prefer to live?
I would prefer to live in my home country, Nigeria.

>> No.2333917

>I would prefer to live in my home country, Nigeria.
ah ok, fuck off nigger.


>> No.2333941

Just mad that the inferior white race is going to be wiped out.
Really, if you're so superior, then why are you being defeated so easily, without even a war?

>> No.2333948

>mfw these stormfags makes things worse for people who are genuinely anti-immigration, anti-miscegenation etc, and not screaming, buttpained children with shaved heads.

The rest of you are no better; you're not "progressive", you're not hip, you're fucking embarrassing. Go smoke some weed, or whatever it is you fucking kids with no sense of reality do to piss away your worthless lives.

>inb4 you make me site statistics that show minorities in all western countries (Arabs, Africans, etc) and their disproportionate rates of crime compaired to the majority, while being unemployed, living on benefits and having a much higher standard of living compaired to their homeland they so happily chose to leave.

>> No.2333949

only replying, because you have 2600:3 you must be seriously oooold school.

>> No.2333952
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My bookshelf is automatically organized by alphabet, author, genre, publication date and other criteria on demand, because I'm not a retard and I don't use paper in XXI century.

People who say they "prefer paper" are superficial plebs who value cover over content.

>> No.2333954

>make me site statistics
>not cite


>> No.2333960


>Hasn't discovered the beauty of second hand book shops.
>hasn't worked out the superior insulatiory properties of paper.

>> No.2333991

its just easier to flick through a hard copy than to scroll from one page to another. especially if you're skipping pages because you just want to check something you've alread read. also if you're machine is slow its made 10x more difficult. books are superior to ebooks. so suck on that fag

>> No.2333996

OP, i sort my books in order of last read, but categorized by type.

>> No.2333998


By colour. So I like a clean looking bookshelf. Get over it.

>> No.2334000


also, thats actually respectable.

>> No.2334061

Read some basic sociology, and you'll see how it's all related!

>> No.2334091

>hurr durr, poverty is why blacks in America commit 90% of interracial crime against whites
That has been disproven as theft only accounts for a small amount of interracial crime, while the majority is rape, assault, murder.. try again.

>> No.2334152
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>its just easier to flick through a hard copy than to scroll from one page to another
Are you mentally challenged or something?

>> No.2334157

By flavor.

>> No.2334164

i arrange according to specific gravity.

>> No.2334177

No it just is easier.

If I'm reading a book, I can be on one page and flick back to any page if i need to be reminded of something. with an ebook I have scroll or tap continuously and I can't have two pages open at the same time. Take a book open it at several pages at once for as many fingers you have. It's easy. i feel bad for you for not noticing this.

>> No.2334178

OP, love the pic with the legs and all. I can almost hear you say "Hey educated chicks, look at the size of my bookcase. You know what they say about guys who read books, right? Right? ;)"

>> No.2334194

>or god forbid by color
That's just silly, black people can't write.

>> No.2334199

Dvds and games go on my books shelf, books are strewn about on the floor generally

>> No.2334202

what do they say about guys who read books?

>dvds and games

oh god why

>> No.2334246
File: 20 KB, 349x300, bilbobaggins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tend to clear out my books every so often, unless it's something I can see myself reading again. Like Lord of the Rings or Norwegian Wood.

>> No.2334257

Still interested that I have many similar books. Good taste, OP.

>> No.2334259


Sup fogface.

The Chinese shall learn the language of the nation they live in.

If not, that's called an invasion. It may not be done with weapons, but it remains a fucking invasion.

I hope you crackers will wake up some day and realise you're being invaded by many nations, all at once, and you're too busy opening your buttcheeks to all dicks to realise what's happening.

>> No.2334266

I usually organize them by size and publisher.

>> No.2334270

It's human nature to organize things and list them in some sort of order. OP it's too bad most your collection is paperback editions.

>> No.2334273

its better if its paperback. they are easier to use and carry. having hardbacks or leather bound classics on your shelves is both impractical screams of pretence

>> No.2334288

looks good.

maybe even to the OWNER,


>> No.2334359
File: 499 KB, 245x176, 1326315023538.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this entire bookshelf is a fucking high school summer suggested reading list
>mfw over half these books never read
>mfw these books are to impress guests and not be read

>welsh, rushkoff, fowles lol whatever
bitter iodapa

>> No.2334366

books are expensive if you're using them to decorate. you're better with cardboard ones. you can paint them to look authentic.

>> No.2334369


>> No.2334400
File: 43 KB, 640x474, 1310486338836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no proper physics or construction books
>mfw op loads books on top of book shelf
>mfw op knows nothing about proper weight distribution
>mfw op should get a second book shelf
>mfw op either doesn't have the room or money
>either way he's poor
>mfw op idiotically puts bed underneath book shelf

>mfw book shelf becomes unstable and falls, crushing op's skull and brain while he has wet dreams about Holden Caulfield.
>mfw there is one less pretentious high school student roaming this planet.

>> No.2334406
File: 89 KB, 640x480, Photo on 2012-01-18 at 12.26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just moved, so no bookshelf. and more books in the garage and beside my bed.

>> No.2334410
File: 145 KB, 420x393, gandalf_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw assholes all up in the thread

>> No.2334418

Non Fic and Fic and then into genre except for all the ones I don't have room for which are stacked ot the ceiling on top of the shelves. I have about 1200 books or so I guess but I have never counted. My girlfriend measured them at 21 metres of books last year, but there is another 50-60 on top of that now

>> No.2334451

the holocaust

>> No.2334461
File: 709 KB, 730x1000, folio_pa3895_d2_1509_body0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we please get this guys feet off the front page?

I organize by category. Reference, fiction, art....that sorta thing.

>> No.2334527

Why do you keep so many books? I keep books I love around because I want to push them on people and loan them out, but I mostly read books from the libary or on loan from friends. I can always find a copy again if there's something I don't remember or need to read again.

>> No.2334547

I don't organise it at all. Just shove my books wherever there is space. Run out of bookshelves so I've got boxes of books under my bed and in boxes in the loft.

>> No.2334640

Never happened.

>> No.2334844


>> No.2334851

> construction books
>nigga wtf are you doin'?

>> No.2334855

hardcore historians categorize their bookshelf by date published

>> No.2334920

By relevance, my uni give you fuck all shelving in student accommodation so most stuff goes in boxes/piles.
Regrettably this means that my shelf is currently dominated by books which I'm sick of