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23327078 No.23327078[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Thank you General. Can I ask one more question regarding what you think the world will be like in the new millennium?

>Wolff: Well, you are a young man, and wish it to be well for you, but for mankind I am not so sure. We National Socialists showed every race on earth a new way of thinking, and living. The problem is and has always been the Jew. The Jew has a predisposition to burrow into a people and then weaken them to the point of their destruction. I already see Jewish names being predominate again with bankers, head of large companies, lawyers, politicians, and so forth. With this trend they will acquire great wealth and power over the Western world. Morals and Christianity will be attacked; women will be the primary targets as they are the vessels of reproduction of their peoples. They will bring in the darker races in an effort to pollute Europe, all while holding weak politicians in the hands who will support such endeavors.

>If Europe can't arise to recognize this and fight it, then who knows. It will mean admitting the evil Germans were right all along, and Europe must stand together in a Pan European bulwark. We had no right to plunder the other races, and they will not let us forget that, if they are allowed to rise up. They will look upon all European peoples as their enemies; they will not distinguish between English and German for example. England and France have the most to lose, as the Jews and their natural greed made them many enemies abroad. If communism is not checked, it will use its power to also weaken Europe. Good signs are coming from the East Block, as I see cracks forming in the curtain and nationalism is starting to reveal itself again.

>I believe we were a light in the darkness, a cure for the illnesses of the world, a preview of God's will and kingdom that will come. Life in NS Germany was so special, and holy, that we fought as a united people, until we could fight no more. Once broken the enemy had their way with us, and many cowards stepped into the void to try to show a different view, but in the end, truth will always find a way to reveal itself. Therefore, I would like to believe that National Socialism showed the world that living by nature's natural laws is the only way to a truly happy and healthy society where everyone looks out for everyone else, and the state is the vessel of the peoples true will. There was a painting which hung in the House of German Art, which sums up my views. It depicts a holy mountain wrapped in glorious light with the hakenkreuz at its peak as a symbol of our creator, millions of men are streaming towards the mountain, some helping wounded and broken comrades along, , so that they may be judged and receive their destiny. The mountain stands victorious over the earth on this holy day and all enemies have been removed so that the righteous now take dominion over this creation and live forever in peace and happiness. That is my belief, which will someday come to pass.

>> No.23327108

Death to fascists.

>> No.23327115

That is beautiful OP, thank you.

>> No.23327127

The race as a nation idea is in the historical dust bin at this point. Nowhere was its futility on display more than in the COVID lockdowns. The ironic part about all this is that all the /pol/chuds, Neo-Nazis, NeoPagans, and white nationalists who think collectivized racial consciousness is the ideal would gain a lot more traction if they recognized their shared nation for what it actually is, broad Western European culture with Christian underpinnings, rather than their racial delusions what with myths about hyperborea and Odinic incarnations. Sadly, many of the nationalists will glean nothing from history and defer to these people as if they were prophets absolutely.

>> No.23327129

>The problem is and has always been the Jew
HAHAHAHA. What a fucking retard. If the National Socialists really wanted to know what was eroding the morals of the German people and traditional values, they should have read Marx to realize it was capitalism, not a cabal of cackling Jews. National Socialism is for literal mental midgets who feel the need to blame the Jews and can't see the bigger picture. Marx was 100x more lucid than any national socialist schizophrenic.
>All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned, and man is at last compelled to face with sober senses, his real conditions of life, and his relations with his kind.

>> No.23327138

Capitalism is a leftist spook that is almost dumber or dumber than “it’s the Jews”. The fundamental feature of modernity is a denial of the medieval Christian basis of Western culture, and although it’s less true in national socialism, it’s still true, same is it’s true for Marxism. Denial of that basis is the fundamental issue, and fingering races or le capitalist oppression doesn’t change that.

>> No.23327139

Biological race fetishism is necessary but not sufficient for proper nationalism. Of course every people should want to maintain itself biologically, that's just as normal as wanting to stay healthy as an individual, but complete obsession with the material aspects of race is unhealthy and vulgar.

>> No.23327144

Damn even predicted the Soviet collapse.

>> No.23327148

>Jews can't be the problem because a jew told me capitalism was the problem
anon you should not be calling anyone else a mental midget...

>> No.23327150

>medieval Christian basis of Western culture
This is another spook, but you are right that *both* communism and national socialism are fundamentally secular in nature. But WHY do you think Christian belief had eroded in the first place? And is it really a coincidence that is coincided with the rise of capitalism?

>> No.23327155
File: 7 KB, 311x162, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I won't accept basic historical truths because muh jews bad

>> No.23327162

No, it’s not. When you have a political regime that paints racism on its banner you have a severely disintegrated politics. This is glaringly obvious in the classical authors and it’s a uniquely modern delusion to imagine that racism as a feature of a political state is even tenable let alone good. That racism naturally exists to some degree among people is not a mandate to spin up racism as the state ideology, and yet, that’s exactly what the Nazis did and it was much to their detriment and the detriment of future conservative politics actually. That’s why it’s worse than state denial of racism. An ideal state doesn’t have racism in its politics mandate. A mediocre state denies racism as a political mandate. A bad state tries to stamp out racism as a political mandate. A terrible state makes racism its political mandate.

>> No.23327168

It’s not a spook. It’s objectively true history of a people. We are not Romans or Greeks nor are we Vikings and neither are we strictly speaking secular humanist enlightened scientists divorced from a medieval worldview. We are the children of the medieval and even a shallow reading of history and its ideas reveals this with absolute clarity.

>> No.23327191

I don’t think Christian belief eroded. I think it was dismissed. The enlightenment wasn’t based on a Christian disbelief. It was based on a Christian denial. The Renaissance brought in a preoccupation with the Greco-Roman classics and to a lesser degree I guess Arab civilization. I personally think that caused a sort of envy, a power lust, snd increasingly, especially as occult ideas and scientific enlightenment ideas spread largely from this import, the medieval worldview was identified as a parochial and backward problem. Spengler appropriately diagnosed the Renaissance as a popular revolt against the intimidating and esoteric world feeling of the gothic Middle Ages. The history of modernity is in a huge sense merely continuing over and over again, in light of the power of technology in particular, to deny that worldview, not to refute it, or even disbelieve, but to simply refuse to engage with it at all as a matter of choice and nothing else. There was no logical working out or refutation. It was simply a cultural choice that choice have not been chosen, and the single biggest inflection point in all this history is the point of political revolutions of the 18th century. Democracy is indeed about power and it has no particular use for a medieval worldview. That’s my view.

>> No.23327196

That could have not been chosen*

>> No.23327201

The medieval decisively ended with Westphalia, which was as far out from the Crusades as we are from Westphalia. Pretending to be Catholic doesn't change the fact that your chosen religion isn't even European, let alone medieval European anymore.

>> No.23327212

>calling others memtal midgets while being a proud finger who points at it for the moon mistaker

literally all the most disruptive and destructive political and social movements have been invented and propagated by jews.

it's right there, you just have to not be retarded and look at the facts

>> No.23327236

It's a total myth that we are only heirs to medieval civilization — usually repeated by Christian apologists who think Aquinas was the peak of human thought. The rediscovery of the the Graeco-Roman classics was what brought cultural flourishing to Europe, so much so that Petrarch called the era preceding him a Dark Age. This is also not the neglect the role that the Arabs or the New World played in this either.
>I think it was dismissed. The enlightenment wasn’t based on a Christian disbelief. It was based on a Christian denial.
It cast doubt upon Christian belief. Why do you think liberal theology sprung up in the first place? In order to adapt Christianity to a world which could clearly not be explained on its terms.
>Spengler appropriately diagnosed the Renaissance as a popular revolt against the intimidating and esoteric world feeling of the gothic Middle Ages. The history of modernity is in a huge sense merely continuing over and over again, in light of the power of technology in particular, to deny that worldview, not to refute it, or even disbelieve, but to simply refuse to engage with it at all as a matter of choice and nothing else. There was no logical working out or refutation. It was simply a cultural choice that choice have not been chosen, and the single biggest inflection point in all this history is the point of political revolutions of the 18th century. Democracy is indeed about power and it has no particular use for a medieval worldview. That’s my view.
How in the world was it merely a cultural or aesthetic choice to reject Christianity? You're just ignoring the objections of Kant, Hume, et al. All the discoveries in the natural sciences. On a materialist and mechanistic worldview, Christianity is merely superfluous and as Marx says, it will consequently be thrown away. Its decline ought to be demised, but due to its obvious lack of explanatory power it was meant to be dismissed.

>> No.23327245

Why do you think so many Jews ended up on prominent positions anyways? Any glance at financial history will tell you why. You're mistaking an epiphenomenon (Jews in prominent positions) for the actual cause.

>> No.23327279

>they should have read Marx to realize it was capitalism, not a cabal of cackling Jews
It was unironically both. But I'd rather have capitalism any day than starving commie schizo babble

>> No.23327291
File: 6 KB, 200x200, wojak-soy-boy-angry-buck-teeth-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>basic historical truths
Like the 109 countries
>b-but the ADL says it's antisemite propaganda!!
I already know what you're thinking and what your responses will be. That's how zombified you redditors are

>> No.23327296

White people have been kicked out of more countries than Jews

>> No.23327314

It only ended in the sense of a tendency. Other than that, it never ended. We’re closer to Medievals than Roman emperors were to pre-Alexandrian Greeks.

Oh is it a myth? Oh good. Thank you for clarifying with your fundamentally unjustified and indeed unjustifiable claim. As for myself, I’ll prefer to see clearly that all of the intellectual tendencies of modernity as well as dominant national identities in Western countries trace their absolute origin in the Middle Ages and not earlier and conclude otherwise, but thanks for clarifying.

It never cast doubt. No philosopher nor scientist ever refuted the existence of the triune God as articulated by the councils accepted by the Roman Catholic Church. It never happened and you can’t cite a single one. All you can cite is the implied assumption or a baseless declaration of disbelief. In fact, Hume was the one who pointed out the claims of the enlightenment were fundamentally baseless. Materialism also is by nature unjustified. If you don’t believe me, go ahead and spend a month to research the claims about the existence of the triune God articulated by the church and then identify a single author who identifies the logical contradiction or lack of justified knowledge. You can’t do it because it’s never been done.

>> No.23327317

Can you post the chud version of the image, please?

>> No.23327337

>It only ended in the sense of a tendency. Other than that, it never ended

>> No.23327343

>As for myself, I’ll prefer to see clearly that all of the intellectual tendencies of modernity as well as dominant national identities in Western countries trace their absolute origin in the Middle Ages and not earlier and conclude otherwise
So you're just going to wallow in your own self-righteous ignorance? Be my guest. You've probably never read Plato or Aristotle or studied the history of the Roman Empire and the barbarian tribes.
>If you don’t believe me, go ahead and spend a month to research the claims about the existence of the triune God articulated by the church and then identify a single author who identifies the logical contradiction or lack of justified knowledge
It's nice of you to use your ignorance to make a sweeping, universal claim. Like I said, Christianity is utterly superfluous to explaining the universe. Apologists just keep pushing God further into the background. The only way to defend Christianity is through a radical fideism.
>Hume was the one who pointed out the claims of the enlightenment were fundamentally baseless.
Do you mean the problem of induction? This by no means justified knowledge by divine revelation lmao

>> No.23327412

Why did Nazi Germany produce no art that wasn't wretched kitsch?

>> No.23327453

Why do christcucks hate nazism so much?

>> No.23327472

How am I wallowing in anything? I see myself as part of a medieval inheritance that I can draw on. You see yourself as inheriting nothing. If anything you are wallowing. I frankly don’t care if you think I’ve read more of any author than you or not because I’m confident about what I believe to be true because I am studied on the topics.

I don’t think you actually know any of the claims of the sort of people we’re talking about. It’s pretty obvious, actually. You haven’t even mustered a real argument identifiable by anyone studied in classical philosophy. It’s just assertions.

Even your last couple sentences demonstrate ignorance. I don’t think you even really know what the problem of induction is, what the implications are, or how a Christian theologian gets around it, in so far as it exists. You’re a classic midwit, haven’t read all that much, and you know this is the case deep down. So keep seething I guess. Some people will see my replies and go right to the source and they’ll see that I was right.

>> No.23327523

who didn’t

>> No.23327581

Sieg heil