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File: 17 KB, 460x276, Christopher-Hitchens-007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2332685 No.2332685 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]This fucker is dead! Atheists -1/Christians +1. All you atheist anons and tripfags think you can rely on pseudo intellectuals like Hitchens to sell dimestore ideas and tacky rhetoric.


Consider him getting owned by William Lane Craig, a great person and scholar!</spoiler>

>> No.2332690

[spoiler]december called, it wants its thread back</spoiler>

>> No.2332697

[spoiler]He died a christian

so its atheists -1 and christians +2000</spoiler>

>> No.2332705

[spoiler]>post Kierkegaard, Camus, Nietzsche and Sartre
>still taking Christian apology seriously</spoiler>

>> No.2332711

[spoiler]The "Henry JAMESIAN"</spoiler>

>> No.2332718

[spoiler]Christianity: Always way the fuck behind. Never change.

[spoiler]Or do.[/spoiler][spoiler] Please.[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.2332731
File: 83 KB, 541x720, wtfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Trolls gonna troll.

>Pic related, OC.</spoiler>

>> No.2332750

[spoiler]christopher hitchens lol

he's up there with richard dawkins</spoiler>

>> No.2332860

lol no he didn't.</spoiler>

>> No.2332870

[spoiler]There has never been an intelligent Christianity Vs. Atheism debate on 4chan. Stop making these.</spoiler>

>> No.2332871

[spoiler]Meanwhile, in /pol/</spoiler>

>> No.2332880

>There has never been an intelligent Christianity Vs. Atheism debate


>> No.2332887

>This fucker is dead! Atheists -1/Christians +1.
That's not very Christian of you.</spoiler>

>> No.2332888

[spoiler]Troll thread, first of all.
I'm an atheist, and all you're doing is succeeding in what any public figure wishes to do: to be relevant even when dead. All you're going to do is turn into a martyr.</spoiler>

>> No.2332894
File: 19 KB, 226x282, _55428324_oconnor282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one book explains all

thousands of books by hack authors bitching about religion

Don't get me wrong. I'm a Darwinist no doubt, but fuck atheism.</spoiler>

>> No.2332898

Atheism isn't a belief like Christianity, it's a lack of belief. So what you're really saying is "fuck anyone who isn't religious"</spoiler>

>> No.2332899

>in before someone brings up the multiple versions of the bible, and then the thousands of pre-abrahamic religions etc.

I just don't give a fuck.</spoiler>

>> No.2332903

I'm not getting into this, but:
a·the·ism   [ey-thee-iz-uhm] Show IPA
the doctrine or belief that there is no God.
disbelief in the existence of a supreme being or beings.</spoiler>

>> No.2332904

A martyr dies for a cause, he died to cancer.
Though I still agree with you, I don't think anyone here is unaware that this is a troll thread.</spoiler>

>> No.2332909

I remember when hibs had promise.</spoiler>

>> No.2332913

Where did you get that from? You can find the meaning of atheism in its morphology.</spoiler>

>> No.2332915

It's disbelief, not belief. It's skepticism. It's withholding judgement until anyone is able to prove their supernatural claims. You wouldn't call not playing soccer a sport, would you?</spoiler>

>> No.2332925

I too remember those days.
Back when sinking £400 for a season ticket didn't feel like paying to get stabbed in the face by a homeless man.</spoiler>

>> No.2332929

>It's withholding judgement until anyone is able to prove their supernatural claims

That's an addition, a reason, not a part of its basis. Other than that, carry on.</spoiler>

>> No.2332931

>avoiding playing soccer however could be considered an sport.</spoiler>

>> No.2332935

I got it from dictionary.com.</spoiler>

>> No.2332992

Well it's wrong, at least misrepresentative.</spoiler>

>> No.2333067

There has never been an intelligent Christianity Vs. Atheism debate anywhere ever.</spoiler>

>> No.2333122

>there has never been an intelligent atheist
they all turn back into theists before they die.</spoiler>

>> No.2333127

Isn't that agnosticism?

Odds are you're probably wrong or biased, anon, rather than a paid editor of a heavily-used online dictionary.</spoiler>

>> No.2333138


>Isn't that agnosticism?

Almost all atheists are agnostic.</spoiler>

>> No.2333143

Agnostic atheist, then.</spoiler>

>> No.2333152


Yes. Is this going somewhere?</spoiler>

>> No.2333158

>It's withholding judgement until anyone is able to prove their supernatural claims.
is not a part of the definition of atheism, it's part of the definition of agnosticism.</spoiler>

>> No.2333163

[spoiler]IQ, edukashon, etc. ar prety gud prediktors of atheism. This is rather obvius.


Lol @ WLC. Graet debaeter no dout, but horible/evil person and not a very gud filosofer.</spoiler>

>> No.2333162



Atheism means nothing more than "lack of a belief in a deity/deities"</spoiler>

>> No.2333168
File: 813 KB, 1000x928, atheists-vs-theists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Christian victory!</spoiler>

>> No.2333172

quentin i'll never like you ever again if you don't stop slandering Hitler.</spoiler>

>> No.2333175
File: 54 KB, 470x470, 1326647260242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Richard Dawkins
>founder of atheism</spoiler>

>> No.2333184
File: 60 KB, 400x400, victory for all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>James Cameron (film-maker, director of Avatar)</spoiler>

>> No.2333210

you are so dumb, furreal

run and tell that</spoiler>

>> No.2333212



>> No.2333213
File: 60 KB, 512x384, 1316315326026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


georges clemenceau (signed the treaty of versailles which helped cause world war 2)



>> No.2333214


You have serious comedic talent. A subtlety that is uncommon these days. I hope you're not just wasting it on 4chan.</spoiler>

>> No.2333216

Quentin, I respect you. You are capable of trolling an entire website so easily, and capable of derailing threads with such ease with little to no care. Even though people know you're the biggest troll on 4chan, you're still capable of making them piss from their mouth whenever your post.</spoiler>

>> No.2333248


Hitler was a Christian, claiming he was a soldier of God in Mein Kampff amongst various other things and like Mussolini, Franco et al, he was heavily dependant on the approval of the Catholic Church for the popularity of Facism.

Einstein was a Deist, so was Voltaire and Reagan was a Christian who thought death squads were fully acceptable.

I know it's a troll picture but there you go.</spoiler>

>> No.2333253

killing commies is doing god's work.</spoiler>

>> No.2333258

[spoiler]William Lane Craig is a hack, who, at best, succeeds in proving that there could possibly be a deistic, impersonal god. At worst, his arguments consist of unoriginal, trite, idiotic half-proofs, the most notable of which are:
"We don't know what created the Universe, therefore God exists."
"Math is tautology, science can't prove anything, therefore God exists."

He is able to win debates against men like Hitchens who, instead of consigning themselves to the realm of anti-religion (where they should stay), make the fallacious and illogical jump to the position of gnostic atheism. The arguments that Craig uses (which cannot be originally attributed to him) only succeed in proving the POSSIBILITY of an impersonal god that created the universe, and nothing more. Those that watch his debates assume he wins invariably, because he refuses to accept the validity of science and, (can you fucking believe this shit) in his debate with Lawrence Krauss he used the Empty Tomb hypothesis as evidence for god, yet IGNORED KRAUSS' ARGUMENTS AGAINST THE VALIDITY OF CHRISTIANITY COMPLETELY. Literally, he said "We are debating the existence of God, not Christianity", even though HE USED EVIDENCE BASED ON JESUS' DIVINITY to prove his case.

That man should have no place in the realm of Christian apologetics, and should in no way be lumped in with great apologists such as Gödel or Aquinas.

The words "great" and "scholar" in no way apply to him.


>> No.2333261

atheists are CERTAIN god doesn't exist.</spoiler>

>> No.2333259

Atheist don't say that God doesn't exist, they say that there's no reason to belief it does. Small but crucial difference.</spoiler>

>> No.2333268

No. There's a difference between thinking that fairies are mythological creatures and knowing that they are. Famous atheists always make this distinction in their work: We don't believe that god exists, but we can't disprove it.</spoiler>

>> No.2333277

do you BELIEVE fairies don't exist?
Or are you merely agnostic about it?

Also are you aware of something called "culturally christian" ?
Why do you use your atheism to attack the basis of our civilization?</spoiler>

>> No.2333284

>Why do you use your atheism to attack the basis of our civilization?
I'm not that other guy but that's complete and utter bullshit. Christianity is a system of beliefs, and, like any other belief system, is open to criticism. Christianity isn't an ethnicity.</spoiler>

>> No.2333286


Incorrect. Atheism means the lack of a belief in god.


>do you BELIEVE fairies don't exist?

I don't believe fairies exist.

>Or are you merely agnostic about it?

I'm agnostic about it.</spoiler>

>> No.2333290

I wasn't aware that the philosophers and logicians of Athens were Christian...</spoiler>

>> No.2333295

If you are agnostic about it, while do you feel the need to attack christians?

If you had actual, constructive criticism, then that might be valid. But all you are doing is attack attack attack against christianity and christians.

I like how you ignore that, the technology we enjoy today, and the civilization we enjoy today, was founded/built by christians and without the church we would have much less.</spoiler>

>> No.2333299

I wasn't aware that they are relevant to our civilization today!

Also: The concept of inalienable rights is FUNDAMENTALLY LINKED to the concept of a creator.

You cannot claim there is nothing about humans, without also saying rights don't exist.</spoiler>

>> No.2333303

[spoiler]Dawkins, Hitchens and the rest aren't even philosophers. They just never grew out of the angsty angry-at-mom-and-dad phase in high school.</spoiler>

>> No.2333308

Muslim mathematicians invented algebra, therefore we can't criticism their religion?

There has to be a logical fallacy lurking someone in there...</spoiler>

>> No.2333309


What is this "attacking christians" shit you're going on about?

Does debating equate to "attacking" for you?</spoiler>

>> No.2333315

Christianity makes assumptions about the origin of humanity that are incorrect. It is factually wrong. This is why some attack it. It must be brought to light that the teachings are WRONG (factually, that is).


Funny thing about Liberalism; it appeard during a period of widespread religious criticism.</spoiler>

>> No.2333317

[spoiler]>do you BELIEVE fairies don't exist?

>I don't believe fairies exist.

U didn't aktualy anser the kwestshon. English (and other jermanik langs) is konfuesing bekus of the uesej of "I don't believe that". It sumtimes meens "I believe that X is not the case" and other tiems the literal "I lack the belief that X".

Thees ar logikaly diferent:
1) B(¬X)
2) ¬B(X)

The kind of atheism that many peepl ar torking about in this thred is korled "weak atheism" or "negative atheism". It is defiened as (using "G" for "God exists" or similar): 2) ¬B(G) i.e., lak of beleef in God/gods. In older tiems, "atheism" was defiened as: 1) B(¬G), i.e., the beleef that ther is/ar no God/gods. Now a daes this position is korled "strong atheism" or "positive atheism". "Theism" is stil defiened as: B(G).

Uesing this system, every purson is eether an atheist or a theist. And every atheist is eether a strong atheist or a week atheist. Agnostisism is not relevant for this nomenklatuer, orlthoe it kan be inkorporaeted if nesesary.</spoiler>

>> No.2333318

um, "muslims" stole it from the hindu, they didn't actually invent anything themselves. they are just savage desert nomads.

Goes on all the time by atheists.</spoiler>

>> No.2333327

>I wasn't aware that they are relevant to our civilization today!

Yup. The inventors of the modern notions of political theory, mathematics, logic, philosophy, biology, rhetoric, and aesthetics are no longer relevant. I mean, who the fuck still talks about Socrates, Plato, Aristotle, Xenophanes, Pathagoras, Homer, and Heraclitus?</spoiler>

>> No.2333328


>Goes on all the time by atheists.

Challenging someone's beliefs isn't an "attack", dipshit.</spoiler>

>> No.2333337

Atheism is a view on religion.
Someone who wasn't religious wouldn't really have a view.</spoiler>

>> No.2333334

implying they weren't in fact, entirely wrong, and that the europeans invented shit independently?</spoiler>

>> No.2333336

Oh wow. A racist too. Who'd'a thunk?</spoiler>

>> No.2333343

>entirely wrong
>implying Greeks aren't European
Oh goodness, i've been trolled.</spoiler>

>> No.2333350

Germanics = true europeans.

Modern greeks are in fact, not at all european. Just another crime the turks should answer for, i dont' expect a liberal to care about that tho, they only seem to care about invented crimes committed by whites.</spoiler>

>> No.2333352


>Atheism is a view on religion.

No. Atheism is the state of lacking a belief in a god. Babies are atheist. Chimpanzees are atheist. Rocks are atheist.</spoiler>

>> No.2333353

This is what conservatives actually believe.</spoiler>

>> No.2333354

60% european admixture means, not european.</spoiler>

>> No.2333356

Voltaire, just before he died, was begged to renounce Satan. His response? "Now, now, my good man. This is no time to be making enemies."</spoiler>

>> No.2333359

Greece is in Europe, therefore they are European. If a black man is born in London, he's European. European of African descent, but still European.</spoiler>

>> No.2333368

>The 5-day journey was too much for the 83-year old, and he believed he was about to die on 28 February, writing "I die adoring God, loving my friends, not hating my enemies, and detesting superstition."

>His enemies related that he repented and accepted the last rites given by a Catholic priest, or that he died under great torment, while his adherents told how he was defiant to his last breath.

>Voltaire considered himself a deist</spoiler>

>> No.2333370

>If a black man is born in London, he's European
stop being retarded please.</spoiler>

>> No.2333378

Lean the difference between race and ethnicity please.</spoiler>

>> No.2333382

>An ethnic group (or ethnicity) is a group of people whose members identify with each other, through a common heritage

stop being retarded.

Are the boer, "africans" ?</spoiler>

>> No.2333405

Do you realize that modern travel destroys the notion that ethnicity and nationality are somehow separate. No one is pure anything anymore. Even white Europeans are mongrels.</spoiler>

>> No.2333410


So pretty much an entire life as a deist and a great admirer of scottish enlightenment figures and suddenly he goes full Catholic at the end.

Loads of lies have been made up by Christians about death bed conversions e.g. Thomas Paine, Charles Darwin Albert Einstein.


>> No.2333426

Do you realize that you are an idiot and that nationality and ethnicity refers explicitly to race/genetics/ancestry?

travel has nothing to do with it. The only reason nationalism is less popular, is because the communists and anti-nationalists won WW2 and have engaged in a propaganda war to destroy sane thought for the last 70 years.

>implying he wouldn't spit in the face of any modern atheist?</spoiler>

>> No.2333442


>sane thought

I lol'd. Nationalism is on-par with Feng Shui, Astrology and Ouija boards in terms of sanity.</spoiler>

>> No.2333450

That's your opinion.
and it's wrong.

You often here liberals talk about "community", yet they don't understand what community and society is based on, it's not something artificial, it's not people just forced together, it's a common bond of blood.</spoiler>

>> No.2333455

[spoiler]I make one last desperate plea for all of the idiocy in this thread to fall past page 15, completely forgotten.

I beg you, stop posting in this thread and let it fade into oblivion.</spoiler>

>> No.2333458


Oh shit! I didn't realise your argument on Voltaire came from the fact that you actually knew him and that he was far angrier, stupider and more ignorant than anyone actually knew! I humbly bow to your superior understanding.</spoiler>

>> No.2333459


Nationalism is LOYALTY for a country. Not mere love for a country.</spoiler>

>> No.2333467

nationalism has nothing to do with country.
A nation is a people.</spoiler>

>> No.2333476

[spoiler]everyone who posted in here without a sage is the cancer killing /lit/.</spoiler>