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23325351 No.23325351 [Reply] [Original]

>Humans are inheriyely tribalistic animals and modern society is falling apart because the market and means of communication promote division and no cultural homogeny
Any books for that feel? I've had that idea in my mind for a while but I don't know what it's called or what to read about it

>> No.23325425

Giovanni Colacicchi - Psychology as Ethics

Kinda indirectly but that's the most important takeaway. The basic point is we have to accept and integrate all our instincts; suppressing any one of them, like the tribalistic instinct, is a pathway to misery and disaster.

>> No.23325736

This is basically the bottom line of Mark Fisher’s art criticism

>> No.23325904

>we're still in the combustion engine revolution
>we're still in the aerospace revolution
>we're still in the electrical revolution
>we're still in the haber bosch revolution
>we're obviously still in the information revolution , near the beginning

none of this will stop changing the world for the next 200 years, WW1 and 2 were the final consequences of the industrial revolution, now we're still waiting for all the massive conflicts that will be caused by all this shit going on spreading consequences slowly across the whole world

>you can drive 200 miles a day, see property from space, see other countries on a screen, hear news from round the world, and die of obesity

humans are so unready for this change in the evolutionary environment and competition i predict it will bottleneck us by 95% at least

if your life feels wrong and weird it's because you're a medieval peasant living in a bizarro world your genes haven't been selected for (yet) thanks to time lags of all of the cumulative effects

theres your book

>> No.23326471

Thanks. Where's this passage from?

>> No.23326567

>if your life feels wrong and weird it's because you're a medieval peasant living in a bizarro world your genes haven't been selected for (yet)
Are you saying that a medieval peasant's life did not feel wrong nad weird to him?

>> No.23326588

NTA, but probably less so than today. The only life that would feel completely "natural" would be hunter-gatherer life in a small tribe. The further you get from that the more mismatched your genes are to your environment.
Genetic selection is slow, because it's limited by the reproductive cycle. Memetic selection is only limited by the speed of communication, so it's bound to get out of sync with biology. We're still basically cavemen under the skin, but we're playing with tools that completely reshape our environment.

>> No.23326612

>modern society is falling apart because... uhmmm... so i saw this tweet on twitter and it was about queer liberation

>> No.23326618
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>some grugs with spears have to be protected by us to now accidentally kill them all off are a functioning society
>global interconnected society that is exploring space and teaches robots to do their cognitive work is somehow a failure

damn OP you are really onto something

>> No.23326640

you fool we literally build our environment to match our genetic expression. have you not wondered why chairs fit so fucking perfectly under your legs? have you not noticed that our bodies are not as often ripped apart by wild predators at night? that few peoples caloric expenditure is too high for their environment?

not saying we dont make errors while designing but its the matching works better if we alter the environment than to wait for evolution to alter our genes

>> No.23326663

they have lived stably like that for maybe 40000 years, your society is barely 100-200 years old and it's already having troubles with the most basic of shit like having kids, I'm sure it will last though

>> No.23326675

you are just jealous they don't pay rent, or buy food or pay to sleep with women lmao coping with muh robots and space wben you can barely function like a human is supposed to

>> No.23326715
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nigga how is their society 40.000 years old and mine 100-200 what does that even mean? do you think my society just spawned out of nothing or do you think their society hasnt changed?
>it's already having troubles with the most basic of shit like having kids
yeah well these niggas have troubles with the most basic of shit like basic hygiene, reading a book or multiplying one-digit integers

> like a human is supposed to
??????? when exactly was that defined lol

you retards got your mind buckbroken the first time you knew modernity is not perfect and it shows. you should gom back to pol,where you can pretend every thing new is bad and everything old is good

verification not required so you know im right

>> No.23326721

they have lived according to more or less the same lifestyle since basically they got there from whatever dispersion hub eurasians emerged from approx 40-50k years ago, while industrial and post industrial society is an absolute microscopic blip in the grand scheme of homo sapiens existence
>yeah well these niggas have troubles with the most basic of shit like basic hygiene, reading a book or multiplying one-digit integers
they don't, because they have clearly coped with it for the longest time, while you are apparently ready to die on the hill of industrial society keeping existing and expanding, good luck with that

>> No.23326724
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>> No.23326726

>yeah well these niggas have troubles with the most basic of shit like basic hygiene, reading a book or multiplying one-digit integers
This is such insane levels of copium, you might as well be saying "well they don't have xboxs, whose REALLY living?"
If you asked these guys what trannies or suicide was, you think they'd even believe you if you said that shit existed?

>> No.23326730

This but unironically

>> No.23326732

lmao, it is defined by you complaining and responding to this thread, if their way of life wasn't at least desirable you would not be spouting so much vitriol , replying to everyone and trying to cope with le modernity.

>> No.23326757

>NTA, but probably less so than today
You're stating that based on what?

>The only life that would feel completely "natural" would be hunter-gatherer life in a small tribe
You're stating that based on what?

We know a plenty of isolated hunter-gatherer tribes IRL today, and the anthropologists that work with them know that their lives feel wrong and weird to a number of them.

>> No.23326759

>they have lived stably like that for maybe 40000 years
Yes. They specifically. The ones that are still around.

Most of the ones who did the same have died out. Hunter-gathering does not cope well with disease or animal migration.

>> No.23326766

humans have literally emerged as hunter gatherers as a species and survived even ice ages, most people aren't hunter gatherer not because they died but because they have been compelled by necessity to either become agriculturalist or pastoralists, it's a level of resilience that it's completely on another time scale than industrial society which is extremely recent and might go away just as quickly

>> No.23326769
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>> No.23326785
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I may have formulated that not so well. i do not mean reading books as recreation. I more meant that our society is incredibly successfull at not dying of starvation, at not dying of wounds. our society is also extremely effective at bringing up younglings, pretty much none get neglected and virtually none die of early death.
whether our society is robust or fragile, time will tell but in some regards we mog the fuck outta these lil niggas

i hope they read this bro but i highly doubt it

>> No.23326786

Dangerously based

>> No.23326822

You guys are missing the point of the thread, it's not about if modern society is better than cavemen, it's about things like the internet have kept people alienated from their local communities for promoting a overwhelming ammount of cultural lifestyles that keeps people divided and alienated.
People are no longer united because they live in the same country, and might not share a similar culture or lifestyle despite living in it, maybe even as neighbors. Don't put cats and dogs to live together

>> No.23326830

>humans have literally emerged as hunter gatherers as a species and survived even ice ages
Yeah, but they managed survival with quite some difficulty in that mode. The global human population dipped down into three-digit ranges on multiple occasions before the advent of agriculture. That's not "high level of resilience", that's blind luck.

We are straight up lucky not to have gone extinct back when we were hunter-gatherers.

>> No.23326836

>People are no longer united because they live in the same country
Countries/nations are a modernity invention.

>> No.23326857

Kys, Faustian.

>> No.23326870

lmao the audacity

the sole fact that you can read and response to this thread is proof that you do not believe in your own words. if you'd be serious you would go full ted and live on a farm or work on destroying it. you are merely a padded little skinnyfat nigga sitting in his gaming chair finding it chique to shit on the modern condition. all talk, nothing of substance

>> No.23326882

All this praise for literacy and you still can't capitalize.

>> No.23327153

You know what?
That's fair.

>> No.23327237


>> No.23327392

>we literally build our environment to match our genetic expression
Who the fuck's "we"? Did you build your local bank?
No. The elite build unnatural shit, and then they force your life into it

>> No.23327403

>the anthropologists that work with them know that their lives feel wrong and weird to a number of them
thats literally not true but go off sis

>> No.23327419

This is why sports were invented by the way.
People really don't understand that sports are one of the most valuable tools of modern society and economic systems.

>> No.23327430

You should just read the entire oeuvre of Houelllebecq. All of his novels explore the atomization and individualism created by neoliberal capitalism.

>> No.23327457

does he use commie speak or is that just you

>> No.23327478
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Nta, but a quick look at wikipedia and he isn't mentioned as a supporter of socialism

>> No.23327483

very nice, thank you

>> No.23327543
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Unironically Industrial Society and It's Future by Ted Kaczynski

>> No.23327552

thats literally any social structure...

>> No.23328884

Based, thanks

>> No.23328933

It's called communism, you'll have to get over it.

>> No.23329283


>If you want to talk to somebody you use your legs, go to them, and talk
>It gets too dark at night to do anything
>The job and housing competition is from a 5 mile radius
>You almost never meet anyone from outside your tribe
>Starvation is the main threat
>You work outdoors with your body
>You have no accurate topo maps of your local area let alone your country
>You can't discuss things with stranger on the internet
>You can't go anywhere different without it taking weeks of walking
>You spend your entire life talking to the same 150 people
>You can just take some land at the edge of the village for free because there's nobody else to take it
>There is no hospital
>There is no 'looking something up'
>There is almost no outside influence

On and on and on things everyone in history had in common from year zero to like 1950. Just because they might have also felt wrong doesn't refute anything. The human expansion has reached a level where it's significantly changed the actual evolutionary pressures faced by people over most of the earth.

I've spent time working with amish deep in the backcountry and their social worlds are very different, literally everyone in the landscape is important somehow and linked together.