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23324798 No.23324798 [Reply] [Original]

pic unrelated

>> No.23324830

This one's free. A story that can be read left to right and right to left. Hell, if you count graphic novels, you could make a story that's a manga if you read it one way, and a comic book if you read it the other.

>> No.23324841

Okay I thought of one.
I won't tell you what is is though.

>> No.23324843

I do this all the time while drunk

>> No.23324848

all toilets stop working

>> No.23325059

A mad scientist creates a device that makes people's heads explode when he says "niggers tongue my anus"

>> No.23325275

The title should be 'Poopsday,' a portmanteau of the words "poop" and "doomsday."

>> No.23325551
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I've had this one for a while, in a non-descript distant future the last remains of mankind have adapted to live deep underground and feed off geothermal gases that sprout from fissures in their enormous cave systems. They believe that man was pushed away by the gods to the inner earth thousands of years ago and the surface is inhospitable. They worship Fire and the Inner Sun. There are two suns, an outer, false sun which they worshipped in the past, and were punished because of it, and an Inner Sun, which feeds them its energies and warms them with its dark light. The priesthood decides that a select pious few must be sacrificed every few decades in exile as tribute to the Inner Sun-- The exiled travel to the surface and find the surface is not as inhospitable as described, the falselight does not burn their skins, the air doesn't choke their lungs, and while the landscape consists of endless plateaus and cliffs of granite rock, it is not impossible to survive. Small rivers are sparse, but do exist, and around it diminute yet digestible insects live and reproduce. Yet the exiled are forbidden from ever returning, they now only live to fulfill their last mission given before travelling: To roam the land in search of the last vestiges of mankind's Sin and burn it in holy fire. Man's first Sin was adoring the false light of the outer sun and the life that was born from it, it was because of this they were driven inwards. The exiled are sent to the surface to ensure whatever vestiges of mankind still alive above ground cannot flourish. The exiled find the last forest, the last bit of decaying civilization and they burn it to cinder. And this to them is the holiest and most rightful of ceremonies.
I'm only interested in writing Phiolosophy so I'd never be good enough to write this, but it sounds cool in my head. You could alternate the POV of one of the exiled protagonists with one of someone living in one of the camps/towns they will inevitably find and massacre. You could make it into a revenge story, though I don't find that as interesting. Also I once told this story to a friend and he said it was basically the plot of the anime Tengen Toppa Gurenn Lagann.

>> No.23325632

A piece of sentinent dust that observes and comments on a horrible marriage

>> No.23325727

so there's a pyramid...but it's like..people

>> No.23325798

A guy runs down a long flight of stairs. He realises he won't reach the bottom.

>> No.23325800

Genius Randian hero who is heir to a baked bean company fights for his idea of one really big bean per can instead of lots of little ones against a government that will do anything to stop him.

>> No.23325811

An alien travels by Earth and feels bad that we're always on the edge of armageddon, so it 'defuses' every nuclear weapon with a device that manipulates quantum fields so that no nukes can ever be produced again.
WW3 starts.

>> No.23325817

Isn't that just House of Leaves?

>> No.23326098
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Thats just the short story "Descending" by Thomas Disch

>> No.23326125

Team of dogs bands together to build a rocket to go to the moon

>> No.23326158

I like this, although there are plenty of non-nuclear WMDs.

>> No.23326171

>Huge plague kills a bunch of people
>Vampires living in populated city must leave as food source dwindles
>Go to "the North" (Canada/Alaska/Whatever) to feed on people living in small isolated towns
>Get to town
>There's werewolves there, and they have an innate sense for vampires
>Werewolves protect the town from vampires
>Both must fight for their own survival

>> No.23326205
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based on a true story
kind of like rosemary's baby in that that you don't know if the protagonist is a schizo or if it's real till the end

>> No.23326299

A magical realist bildungsroman about a middle schooler on his summer break before entering 8th grade:
>protagonist's best friend is a compulsive liar wracked with insecurity and half-lost in his own reality
>whenever something bad happens to him, he tries to pull MC farther from reality in their games that he treats as being progressively more real
>protagonist is visited by himself from the future
>he knows too much about MC to be discredited but there is zero trace of MC's personality in this other person
>every character's parents are divorced and all the kids only refer to one of their parents as mom or dad, using the stepparent's first name
>MC's stepdad acts like a goofy redneck, but he's a skilled engineer, and MC is the only one that never sees that side of him
>stepdad implies at one point that nothing exists after you cross north into Kentucky
>MC and his friend's favorite place to play is a stretch of suburbs that are still being built but look abandoned
>no one ever sees construction crews and the houses are only wooden frames on dirt lawns with nothing but dirt and asphalt in all directions
>MC doesn't want to move forward into adulthood but can't decide on what fantasy or delusion to choose instead because they all seem like different forms of reality

>> No.23326302

The eldest son and heir dies in a helicopter crash, and it's now up to the spare child to learn what it means to be a leader.

>> No.23327526

this one is good, you should try to write it

>> No.23327655

A male 30-year-old khhv NEET dies in a car accident and is reincarnated as a high schooler 13 years into the past, but as a hot female instead.

>> No.23328179

Cool ideas anons

>> No.23328452

I've tried and not gotten far. I want to write in the voice of an average middle schooler, but I either dumb it down too much or don't change my own voice enough to sound younger.