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/lit/ - Literature

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23324667 No.23324667[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any good literature on why Jews fundamentally are and always will be Jews?
Any books on how, hypothetically speaking, no matter how close a Jew could be to snatching victory - with his opponent embarrasing himself so thoroughly he'd just need to sit back and watch, the Jew still feels the need to just jew it out one last time?

>> No.23324687

Crazy how all he had to do was take a couple pictures with attractive women holding his books and he became a celebrity overnight. Really shows how deracinated RWers are, a bunch of fucking losers.

>> No.23324696

What? Everybody already knew who he was from his first book, which gained traction and has had staying power vs other RW grift books because it proposes relatively novel ideas.

>> No.23324701

>proposes relatively novel ideas.
such as?

>> No.23324703

Give name of the woman?

>> No.23324704

I was referring to his first book

>> No.23324707

Idk I guess A People That Shall Dwell Alone by our good old friend Mcdonald.

>> No.23324714

He ideas on owned vs free space were a breath of fresh air in circles that had been reeeeing about niggers, kikes, and the heckin West for a decade.

I don't think that poster was because it doesn't really make sense? See my reply here >>23324696

>> No.23324726

>Shalom! I mean hello there, fellow gentiles, is this the model agency? I'm looking for a model for a social media post, how much would that cost? Great, not a bad price! I need someone who looks kind of "thick" as the yeladim, I mean the kids say these says. Someone with some nice flesh hehe. Also with regular sized breasts. Excellent, tell the shiksa to meet me at the Hilton Hotel at 3 pm! Am Yisrael ch... eh, goodbye!

>> No.23324789

A civilizational… what?
Anyway, missed out on breeding joke

>> No.23324801

his first book was "marketed" the exact same way like the tweet in OP

>> No.23324813

>novel ideas
Pick one

>> No.23324831
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They are cursed by God. It's all over the New Testament.

>> No.23324881
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>> No.23324896

Disgusting harlot

>> No.23324901

Culture of Critique

>> No.23324909

Isn't that guy Jewish and also gay?

>> No.23324915

The philosophy hasn’t been made globally illegal yet

>> No.23324918
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The memes are real.

>> No.23324924

From what I know we talk about the same things from wildly different perspectives, he’s just got nepotism on his side because he’s Jewish not a poor WASP borderer like me.

>> No.23325001

That's not why people actually read his as opposed to the other 100 Twitter schizo books that have come out. It was a fun read and it wasn't just the same slop everyone had seen a million times posted on /pol/ and across the various forums pining for RAHOWA and TND.

I mean yeah that's how he got a PhD from Yale and got connected with all of the think tank fags he knows but that didn't have anything to do with his book. He was around for like a decade before that posting on places like The Phora and Salo Forum. By the time Frog Twitter became a thing he was already a known quantity.

>> No.23325049

Women with just the right amount of baby fat fill me with violent sexual urges.

>> No.23325052

Buy an ad costin

>> No.23325056

Early 20th century Nietzschean eugenics is not "novel." It went extinct for a reason. Nobody gives a fuck about it. Men becoming coomers threatens no one in power.

>> No.23325068

I don't give a shit if you read his books, honestly I don't think you'd be interested in the one in OP. I've seen this guy around for like 15 years now across Twitter and different forums and seeing Zoomers without any background knowledge reeee at him every single day here because some streamer told them too is annoying.

See >>23324714

>> No.23325342

The New Testament, then the Old

>> No.23325383
File: 289 KB, 753x1137, OttoWeininger-bildnis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex and Character - Otto Weininger
>I showed that the essential element in the pairing instinct was an indistinct sense of individuality and of the limits between individuals. Men who are match-makers have always a Jewish element in them. The Jew is always more absorbed by sexual matters than the Aryan, although he is notably less potent sexually and less liable to be enmeshed in a great passion. The Jews are habitual match-makers, and in no race does it so often happen that marriages are arranged by men. This kind of activity is certainly peculiarly necessary in their case, for, as I have already stated, there is no people amongst which marriages for love are so rare

>> No.23325712

I just entered this thread to say that I love boobies. That's all. I'll be seeing my way out now, thank you for reading and I hope that you have a great night.

>> No.23325746
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Men honestly weap what we sow. Loser simp society fuels the degenercy.

>> No.23325868

>Selective Breeding and the Birth of Philosophy
Mega cringe. I would not associate with that guy for all the money and sex in the world.

>> No.23325959


Pathetic. BAP is saving civilisation while you spend your days struggling with your le porn addiction (just turn the screen off nigga lmao).

>> No.23325970

Jewish History, Jewish Religion - The Weight of Three Thousand Years by Israel Shahak. You get it from the horse's mouth.