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File: 1.75 MB, 1200x900, Grindset.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23324637 No.23324637[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Inb4 just do it!
Many people try, many people fail. What are these grinders doing different? Any literature written on sigma grindset?

>> No.23324654
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>Pass user since 2023

>> No.23324660
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just do it

>> No.23324661
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>> No.23324669

start with the greeks

>> No.23324672

read the bible

>> No.23324673

This has nothing to do with grinding.
That's personal information.

>> No.23324675

Which book specifically?

>> No.23324680

f*cked that half of these writers appear on there twice

>> No.23324702

Judging by the pic, apparently you need to start baldmaxxing.

>> No.23324705


>> No.23324706

Already did.

>> No.23324715


>> No.23324766

Tyler1, Ronaldo and Goggins are the only genuine here.

>> No.23324806
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>> No.23324807
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bruv i hate david goggins
he looked like way more of a G before too

>> No.23324898
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Unironically this

>> No.23324926

Wanna know the secret of self help? If you have the will, you will find a way. That's it. If you need someone to rationalize hard work for you, you don't have the will. The human brain is a miraculous problem solving tool.

>> No.23325815

Yet some of them were losers who just snapped and became better one day.

>> No.23325842

>how are they different?
Some are sociopaths. All of them are very greedy. None of them have the slightest issue with hard work. Some are obsessed; some are masochists whose idea of fun is "more work".
>how do I do it too?
Just alter your personality at a fundamental level lol

>> No.23325887

discipline is unnatural

>> No.23325993

It just depends on your level of physical energy, if you don't have that you will just burn out.

>> No.23326128

I hate that balding restricts you to only be able to tap into the hypermasc dunce archetype

>> No.23326192

I'm not reading schlop.
Read Seneca and or Epictetus.

>> No.23326195

Sloth is unnatural.

>> No.23326204

>Many people try, many people fail. What are these grinders doing different?
Not giving up. No matter how many times they fail, they always get back up and try again.

>> No.23326419

humans in nature live like lions, just sort of chill.

>> No.23326602
File: 47 KB, 571x548, nua54zybm1w7964eo1_640 (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just search : the art of........*insert any topic you want to read*

>> No.23326701

That proves my point. A person can snap and suddenly invoke a burning desire to succeed.

Extreme success is unnatural. It's not necessary for procreation. That's why cultivating the will to achieve it is so rare.

>> No.23326714

I think anons in this thread are missing a crucial point These people weren't always like this. They were lazy, self-loathing procrastinators just like anons. Then one day, they suddenly changed. I wonder what happened. Can you do that by grinding without looking back and focusing only on getting results and not giving up even if you fail? I wish there was a book or study on it.

>> No.23326738

Never ever stop. Never slow down. If you falter pick yourself up immediately put your head down and keep going. Be rele tress. Be unstoppable

>> No.23326740

>I wonder what happened.

so many things :

guilt, shame of living poorly
"cannon event"
childhood trauma
obsession about something
psychopath personality

> focusing only on getting results

wrong, focus on the work and each small portion of work, the results will happen automatically

>I wish there was a book or study on it.

you are looking at wrong side. these books are just motivation porn.
What you need to do is look for specific books :

means, if you want to get successful in Real Estate. READ READ READ RESEARCH a lot only in real estate. textbooks, research papers, interviews, autobiographies of successful people in real estate

you don't need mainstream grind books.

>> No.23326748

Read Stoicism, unironically. It tells you to do the 'good' or necessary things.

>> No.23326802

>That's why cultivating the will to achieve it is so rare.
bit of a slave mentality

>> No.23326813

never rest. if you are lucid enough to know you are resting you have to be gritty enough to force yourself back to work

>> No.23326843


>> No.23326854

You're right. Elon Musk is a slave. Christiano Ronaldo is a slave. Jeff Bezos is a slave. David Goggins is a slave.
But you, who have no will beyond your 9 to 5 job, are free.

>> No.23326903

But what about the method of grinding itself? The "must do's and don'ts"? How do you what you are doing is right or wrong "type of grinding"? You should ressearch or read books on it, right? Or is grinding simply doing anything with dedication?

>> No.23326913

That's why those people are bald. They've normalized stress and a constant striving. And that's why they're dumb, because they don't think only act like apes

>> No.23326952

the word grind basically means only "work" or maybe "hard work"

what is work? work is basically step by step (linear or non-linear) instructions that you follow in order to achieve certain goal.

there are no types grinding (personal opinion).

you need to have mindset of following orders, logic, problem solving abilities.

for example : in order to get some leads (goal) in newborn business, you need to contact lot of people.
so there are many ways to do this : going to people's door to door, trying calling them, DMing, attending events.
if these don't work, then you get a mentor who will guide you in further steps.

so basically have a problem solving and logic mindset
all this instructions for every problem, are written somewhere and you need to find it and study it.


if there is problem you have, and no solution, then there is another way of INVENTING a new solution.


you may ask "why am i doing all this?" , this is where question of Passion comes.
Do you really want to help others with your business?
Do you really want to help company with your work?

You just want to earn money and ready to work or do anything to earn it.

it's your own personal choice

Read this : https://www.amazon.in/Whats-Your-Problem-Toughest-Problems/dp/1633697223

>> No.23326959

How to Get Rich by Felix Denis. It’s not about being an alpha male. It’s a red pill about wealth in the 21st century, and wealth is clearly half or more the sigma grind set value system.

>> No.23326966

They’re no less a slave. They’re beholden to customers, shareholders, and banks, same as anyone. The only real wealth is property, physical property, land. If you aren’t free on that basis you aren’t really free. You just have more or less money. Elon Musk can maintain the illusion that he’s free because the people he answers to is a decentralized network to some degree whereas the wagie has a direct report but that and net worth (as declared by a bank) are the only differences.

>> No.23326973

fuck off zoomer

>> No.23326976

That’s objectively not true. Jeff Bezos was a high performing college student at an elite school and then trader at a top hedge fund before he ever founded Amazon. David Goggins was an Air Force special operator before he was a Navy SEAL. Elon Musk went to an Ivy League school, top grades in a dual degree program, and then immediately founded a high growth fintech company upon graduation. Andrew Tate was a world-class kickboxer. Every single one of these people was highly competitive and hard working from day 1. It’s just in their nature. Always was. The only examples of lazy people who became wildly successful come to us from pre-industrial history. The most prominent is the most successful man who ever lived, Caesar Augustus, who, by all accounts, was a lazy student and military cadet interested in poetry and philosophy until his uncle died while he was still relatively young. There are almost no examples at all of people in history who were lazy into their 30s and 40s and then turned it around. None. If that’s who you are at 30, chances are that’s who you’ll always be.

>> No.23327007

This is amongst the highest degrees of cope I've ever read.

>> No.23327008

Burnout Society

>> No.23327028

Start a company and grow it if you don’t believe me. You’ll see you have less free time than you did as a wagie.

>> No.23327158

There isn't a book that will teach you. You just have to do it and keep on it. Most people fail because they give up after grinding for a couple months or years.

>> No.23327204

The question is whether it can be taught. OP seems to believe these people became hard working one day, but it’s been pointed out this simply isn’t the case. They always were this way. They just hadn’t yielded wealth and women right away. So can it even be taught? Who knows?

>> No.23327222

grind. grind. grind. go. go. go.

>> No.23327234

>you have less free time than you did as a wagie.
The crucial difference is that for a successful person, that's a choice (ie. freedom). Someone like Elon Musk doesn't actually have to put in that amount of time. He could walk away at any moment if he wanted. He could stop showing up to work whenever he wants and never have to worry. His standard of living would be exactly the same for the rest of his life. He chooses to be beholden to investors and banks, but doesn't have to. A wagie can't do that. At best, a wagie can walk away from their job but have to find a new one within a couple months or become homeless.

>> No.23327286

Discipline can definitely be taught. That's what the military does. If you want to be self-taught, you'd need the willpower.

>> No.23327295

>it can be taught.
taught what exactly?

>> No.23327305

Goggins was a fat NEET. Ronaldo, an ugly incel. Rogan, a failed comedian. Rock was just a WWE entertainer. They were failing(comparitively to what they are today), then they suddenly changed.

>> No.23327327

Goggins was a special operator in the Air Forcr before he became fat and was never a NEET. Ronaldo was an elite level athlete for his entire life. Rogan was a top level martial artist and while not a successful comedian his friends attest to his working very hard at it. You clearly don’t know how competitive it is to enter the WWE. The Rock played division 1 and I believe professional football.

At no point were any of these people failures. They were just not yet as successful as they would become. Every single wine of them was top-level at something or working very hard pretty much from the start.

>> No.23327338

But don’t you think that has to be taught young? It’s one thing to point out that hard workers weren’t yet successful until later but I can’t think of a single person who achieved greatness at anything, wealth, business, art, politics, who at the very least wasn’t working seriously hard at it by their mid twenties at the latest. I literally cannot think of a single person. There is no example of someone who did nothing and was lazy until about 30 or older and then became ultra-succesful.

Idk. The get up and go. Work ethic or discipline I suppose. That engine that makes people have goals and work hard towards them relatively early in life.

>> No.23327341

I can see what you're failing to understand.
You're wrong. They didn't change at all. They simply kept going. The hard truth is people don't really change. People don't form to the world like that. Some of them just stick around long enough that the world starts to form around them. Perseverance is the only thing that works. Nothing ever happens suddenly. Everybody fails until they succeed.

>> No.23327350

No, it’s not a choice. He cannot walk away. 100% of his “wealth” is tied up in business valuations given by bankers. If he doesn’t continue to slave away for those high valuations, he has no wealth.

>> No.23327394

>Idk. The get up and go. Work ethic or discipline I suppose. That engine that makes people have goals and work hard towards them relatively early in life.

the passion
the dreams

passion comes from childhood stories/trauma
those successful people must have found a way to become rich while working

they are healthy people, positive minded, want to do something in their lives.

it's hard to get those first 100k, once you get those, the ladder becomes fairly easy. rich gets more rich easily. that's why there is gap between rich and poor

some people love to work, just like we love to play games.

>> No.23327405

>100% of his “wealth” is tied up in business valuations given by bankers
Yeah, a large portion of his net worth is in business equity (which can be sold). But acting like he doesn't also have a substantial share of liquid assets and property is pure cope. If he, personally, over leveraged himself then that was a choice he made, but doesn't intrinsically make ultra wealthy people "slaves".

>> No.23327578
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You need more?

>> No.23327659

So as long as people work hard and keep going even after failures, they will eventually succeed?

>> No.23327675

>they will eventually succeed?
No. There's no guarantees to success. That's why so many people give up. You still have to learn to adapt. You still have to have good ideas. You still have to manage your time and resources effectively.

>> No.23327682

Loving-kindness is the gayest word imaginable.

>> No.23327764

No, it actually can’t be sold.

>> No.23327870

Now you're just lying because you can't admit to being wrong. All equity can be sold. If you're a major shareholder of a public company, then there's certainly a process, but he's rich enough to let his lawyers do the whole process for him.
Please avoid saying objectively false shit. You make yourself look really fucking stupid.

>> No.23327878


What sort of cringe inducing buzzword is this? That picture is embarrassing.

>> No.23327895

Definitely not. You could be a morbidly esoteric figure in a black robe.

>> No.23327924

You should perform a challenging task followed by a reward such as a cold beer. Now you associate difficult tasks with a cold beer. If you drink the beer before performing the tasks, hire a tranny to peg you as a punishment. It's that easy.

>> No.23329433

He' going to end up becoming an alcoholic with a liver disease who has a tranny fetish.

>> No.23329470

>sigma grindset

>> No.23330255


>> No.23330334
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>Books on grindset?

>> No.23330357

I hate when you frauds talk about shit you know nothing about so confidently.
>Can Elon Musk sell all his Tesla stocks right now, resign, and start a new private EV company to compete with Tesla? Once an investor is in the “block of control” of a company, he can't simply sell all of his shares, not even 30% of his shares. He MUST first exit the block of control, later sell his shares.
The shares would be effectively worthless and would open him up to SEC action as well.

>> No.23330358

Can’t think of a bigger grind than this one desu.

>> No.23330456

>He MUST first exit the block of control, later sell his shares.
As I said, there's a process... You explicitly said he can't sell his equity. And now you just admitted he can, with a process (like I said). You keep moving the goalposts and pretending you said things you didn't say... All because you simply cannot allow yourself to admit that ultra successful people have more freedom than you.
This might be the most desperate cope I've ever seen in my life. You actually went to chatGPT to give me a response that literally proves my point.

>> No.23330891

Is it true that they just threw bodies until germans ran out of ammunition, or is that just an American cope?

>> No.23331294

>There are almost no examples at all of people in history who were lazy into their 30s and 40s and then turned it around
There are plenty, you're just ignoring them in favor of the point you want to make. Felix Sulla, Charles Darwin, Ray Kroc, etc.

>> No.23331674

>Felix Sulla, Charles Darwin, Ray Kroc, etc.
Those are some big names. That gives me hope, assuming it's actually true that they were lazy NEETs until their 30s and then turned it around.

>> No.23332358

There basically is a guarantee of success if you keep going long enough it's just that some people will succeed much more than others due to other factors.
But if you just keep going it is almost impossible not to end up more successful than you started.
There is a sort of reverse survivorship bias here where you are looking at all the people who give up and assuming they would not have found any success if they kept going. Because giving up is not the same as failing. The plane that gets shot down is not the same as the plane that never leaves the hangar.

>> No.23332494

It helps marcus aurelius was a cuck and used it as a coping method for not being able to unlock the real grindset

>> No.23332674

First, there is no evidence that he was cucked other than by some historian who really liked to slander emperor's wives. But if he was, It can be argued that he prioritized the safety of his empire and its citizens. Divorce could've caused a rebellion by scheming opportunists, just like the situation with his biological son.

>> No.23332704

what has gone wrong in society to make people think this is cool? I swore in middle school because I thought it would make me look cool. Did they never grow out of that phase? Or is it just a marketing gimmick that prays upon midwits with some disposable income?

>> No.23332875

It’s like energy drinks: people who have energy don’t drink them and people who drink them never have energy. You can improve on the margins but if you had a “grindset” personality type you wouldn’t need a book to unlock it.

>> No.23332984

/// The National Park is surrounded by moist deciduous forest and teak plantations /// You can see it, like skid marks of a car at an accident scene /// Similarly, the ministry teaches the premillennial view of eschatology /// I'd like to travel around Europe this summer but Jacob is dead set on touring the U.S. /// Tuck your chair in so that no one trips over it /// Marauding gangs of armed men have been looting food relief supplies /// Shapiro received $6.25 million in TKO Class A common stock vesting in one year, while Endeavor CEO Ari Emanuel (who is also CEO of TKO) received stock grants worth $40 million vesting over a four-year period /// It was his first vacation after 18 months of straight up hustling /// Hayes had a blank slate to fill, a team to construct from scratch /// This cream contains a mild analgesic to soothe stings and bites /// The epistemological deadlocks of quantum physics /// Exculpatory evidence was ignored /// He chastised the degraded nonsense which country preachers are ramming and hammering into yokel skulls /// At present, municipal authorities only minimally control these activities under the rubric that comuneros have free access rights /// There are two equinoxes and two solstices every year that dictate the seasons /// Modern art just doesn’t speak to me /// She showed a lot of pluck in standing up to her boss ///

>> No.23333808

couldn't make a better collage of 3rd world idols

>> No.23333840

> Felix Sulla
What lol
> Charles Darwin
Was wrong
> Ray Kroc
Simply purchased a lottery ticket business

By all accounts Julius Caesar and Virgil were basically nothing special until their 30s so you should’ve at least said them

>> No.23333843

It’s neither true nor an American cope, but the Soviets lost a lot of men. Some accounts say it was 1/3rd of their male population by the end of the war and those accounts appear reliable. The Eastern front was unfathomably brutal. Loss of life is rivaled only by ancient Chinese wars as far as I know.

>> No.23333845

He literally cannot do it. You don’t know what you’re talking about and I’m done replying to you. Just google the question to find out why this would be a huge problem for him you fucking pseud.

>> No.23333887

Andrew Tate drinks a ton of coffee all day apparently. Teddy Roosevelt drank a pot of day. Nobody would challenge either’s grindset, even if one is stupid.

>> No.23333898

Mind of a woman.

>> No.23333913

The grindset phenomenon is interesting to me because it’s so obviously part of a modern false dichotomy. It’s clearly largely a reaction against a last man lifestyle, but it’s just the opposite of it. It doesn’t really escape that dialectic at all. The world is filled with these grindset bro types and they’re clearly failing us, they’re failing at really being the leaders they think they are, they’re failing at being as successful as they think they are. I mean, these guys have to a huge degree failed to even gain access to a higher social strata than the one they left. They don’t mingle with Senators and artists, they hang out with pornstars and felons. So what is the point of the grindset philosophy really? There isn’t any. It seems to me the real red pill is not even necessarily about how hard you do or don’t grind but something else entirely and in so far the question is about that, the solution is obviously to grind when a grind is necessary and worthwhile and to kick back when it’s not, but that seems too nuanced for modern audiences…

>> No.23333914

The Laws of Human Nature

>> No.23333921

Never said it would take a while. I said it would take something that he practically cannot do. I’m absolutely, 100%, without a shadow of a doubt certain of this. I’m not going to appeal to my own authority here because of my experience, but I’m completely certain. You, on the other hand, don’t have any idea what you’re talking about. You don’t own a business, you’re not a majority shareholder in any corporation, you’ve never sold a business or shares, you’ve never brokered a transaction, you don’t know how a business valuation works, you don’t know what SEC regulations are precisely, you’ve not even done much research on this topic. You simply have no clue.

>> No.23333927
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Keep earning that taxable income for me dawg

>> No.23333937

>he thinks I'm paying taxes