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/lit/ - Literature

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23314580 No.23314580 [Reply] [Original]

You DID read something today, right Anon?

>> No.23314585

A couple sections of Tacitus’ Histories in the original Latinx, on Otho’s coup against Galba

>> No.23314595

yeah, The Short Happy Life of Francis Macomber

>> No.23314713

almost finished DUNE: MESSIAH

>> No.23314811

no, I only read when I feel like it. that being said, doing some later does sound nice.

>> No.23314813

Have you considered reading on audio?

>> No.23314814

you mean audiobooks? I used to do those at work but I got a new job recently where I can't do that. but no now that I'm home i'd prefer actual reading

>> No.23314817


A few pages of Sloterdijk. I believe I'll read a few more tonight. The Iliad is just so unbelievably dull and boring that my progress on that one has ground to a halt, Hera's about to try to seduce Zeus to distract him and my (plot) instinct is that Zeus is going to see through her bullshit and not fall for it, but then the section is titled "Hera outflanks Zeus" so she must be somewhat successful. It feels like a bit of sex to break up all the death and mayhem for a little bit, rhyming (structurally) with the early section where Paris enjoys Helen once more (Aphrodite is the winner of that particular chapter).

>> No.23314819

I typed nigger a lot on 4chan then reread my posts and laughed

>> No.23314823

You have to be over the age of 25 to post on this site, bucko

>> No.23314827

Audio is not reading, pseud.

>> No.23314829

You're on the wrong board.
No. 18 is perfectly fine.

>> No.23314845

I'm 35, I'm just massively racist. I've lived through g floyd and trayvon though so I've earned my racism.

>> No.23314849


>> No.23314850

You're just another retard.

>> No.23314861

I read a couple paragraphs of Book 5 of The Confessions today :) gotta start small!

>> No.23314870

wrong he's based and you guys are close minded retards

>> No.23314881
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If a retard calls me a retard, does that make me a retard or a genius?

>> No.23314882

/pol/ denizens and their ilk are literal subhumans.

>> No.23314889

About 10 pages of Mason & Dixon, gonna continue later.

>> No.23314890

shut up you jews you dont even read

>> No.23314897

Just shut the fuck up you piece of shit.

>> No.23314899

shut the fuck up dickhead

>> No.23314904

I’m gonna when I’m done filling out these job applications.

>> No.23314905

Not like it matters when reading genre fiction.
You shut up LOL. Ya fat piece o' shit.

>> No.23314909

you gay pozzed bitch shut your mouf

>> No.23314911
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Yes! Some of Lloyd's Development and Growth of Aristotle (20 pages about), Milton's Samson Agonistes (100 or so lines spoken aloud), and Herodotus in Greek (a couple pages). I plan on reading more too! :-)

>> No.23314913

They incessantly seek attention from those deemed outsiders because they belong to no collective purpose or identity, other than that which exists solely as a contrast to conventional thought.

>> No.23314914

GOATed short story.

>> No.23314916

Sorry, I meant Lloyd's Aristotle: The Growth amd Structure of His Thought

>> No.23314917

Fuck outta here, you gay ass tranny.

>> No.23314919

no way you normie piece of shit

>> No.23314922

eat my nuts you cock goblin libtard

>> No.23314923

A little section of Capitalist Realism, I read half a chapter of Thirst For annihilation yesterday, and a full chapter the day before that. I also finished Junky recently which was quite good.

>> No.23314928

Be mad brainrotted /pol/faggot.

>> No.23314937
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Started reading "A River Runs through It" by Norman McLean

Interesting prose, in the sense that it varies between highly evocative and dry with no apparent inclination. I have not read much of it so far, but I do like how unique the author's voice is, which is to be expected because it is semi-autobiographical.

>> No.23314943

What's it aboot?

>> No.23314946

You r*ddit trannies were a mistake from day 1

>> No.23314948
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Nothing to be sorry about. You're a good lad.

>> No.23314949

seethe, cringe, kys, dilate, etc.

>> No.23314950

I want to write short stories.

>> No.23314952

So far, about MacLean and his brother living in a town that lies within the picturesque landscape of Montana. Also a lot of fly fishing.

>> No.23314956

Montana will lie in ruins.

>> No.23314958

how does one get good enough to read latin like this? i studied it in middle and high school but am nowhere near capable of reading all of this.
>1. Initium mihi operis Servius Galba iterum Titus Vinius consules erunt. nam post conditam urbem octingentos et viginti prioris aevi annos multi auctores rettulerunt, dum res populi Romani memorabantur pari eloquentia ac libertate: postquam bellatum apud Actium atque omnem potentiam ad unum conferri pacis interfuit, magna illa ingenia cessere; simul veritas pluribus modis infracta, primum inscitia rei publicae ut alienae, mox libidine adsentandi aut rursus odio adversus dominantis: ita neutris cura posteritatis inter infensos vel obnoxios.

today i read Akira! that's a manga!

>> No.23314964

If you write a really racist one I'll read it. Make it racist against blacks and women please.

>> No.23314969

there is some stuff about wanting to kill leaf-blower weilding Mexicans in the part I've written so far

>> No.23314981

I've known that feeling anon. It's a valid and noble sentiment. They're obnoxious with them. My yard people take these fucking "siestas" all the time mid work leaving their tools on. A siesta, I believe comes from their word fiesta, which means party, and a siesta is where they all get together under a tree and nap, so I guess a siesta is sort of like a Mexican napping party. It's really fucking gross, I see them outside doing it and get real fucking mad about it

>> No.23314985

You just have to be naturally intelligent. With other writers they give you enough words so that you can comfortably made out the meaning, but with Tacitus you just have to guess with very little context for most every sentence, which is something you can't really teach, it's an ability you're born with. Not too difficult for me thoughbeit, gives my brain an exercise, and when I read those exact sentences I thought "Finally a latin author that I can actually understand!"

>> No.23315000

It’s probably the best place to start writing to be honest. Have fun man, I’ve been trying to get one done myself for shits and giggles.

>> No.23315004

Kek I don’t mind someone taking a break but leaving the tools going is psychotic behavior.

>> No.23315029

Yeah! I read only a few sentences. I'll read some more of Kissing the Mask tonight. Have you read anything interesting lately, OP?

>> No.23315404

You shouldn't be that way. It isn't edifying.

>> No.23315405

gotta push back a little. leafblowers are annoying as hell there should be a better way

>> No.23315411
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>> No.23315412

>Kissing the Mask
>Kissing the Mask is the first major book on Noh by an American writer since the 1916 publication the classic study Pisan Cantos and the Noh by Ezra Pound.
Very interesting, anon. Have you learned anything particularly fascinating? I've always wanted to see a Noh and Kabuki play, at least once. I've been on a Trollope kick for a while, reading the Chronicles of Barsetshire. I'm near the end of Doctor Thorne, but I'm also rereading Sartre's Age of Reason and I've been consumed by the W.S. Graham poem, "The Beast in the Space," and an analysis of that particular poem. I read a short story here and there, and I'm always reading lots of poetry in between. I make this thread from time to time just to get /Lit/ to shake off its habits of non-reading.

>> No.23315415

I won't say you can't write, you can, but there's quite a lot of aggression, even in so short a space as a small page. Aren't you concerned?

>> No.23315426

I finished Boule de Suif
Goddamn it made me so angry and sad, I teared up at the end
Those motherfuckers deserved to be stripped naked and beaten in the street

>> No.23315435

Thanks, really. This was from a few weeks ago when I was a bit 'depressed.' I plan on re-writing it to take off some of the edge and to stretch it out a little.

>> No.23315436

I don't think poetry counts.

>> No.23315438

it is pretty funny tho

>> No.23315439

Cudgel jilt pepe
>natural selection

>> No.23315448

I finished Leaves of Grass for the second time.

>> No.23315452

Oh, we've all [/lit/izens] been there. My concern stems from knowing all too well how writing can be a way of letting out aggression, but if you're like me, then you're better than your aggression. I wouldn't want you to wind up defined as a writer by what is tied to your darkness, rather than your light.

>> No.23315461

Have you ever heard of a Latin podcast called Quomodo Dicitur? I was listening to an episode called De Bestiis Domesticis the other day, but my Latin is not that great. I could understand some, but got lost at times. I wondered whether they were fully "clean" and whether their Latin was actually as good as it seemed?

>> No.23315477

hmm... I will try to keep this in mind.

>> No.23315686

I take it all back, Anon. Why would you read a book by that guy? What could you possibly gain? One look at him and it's clear he's full of self-loathing and failed internal struggles. He's very obviously both the chud and the counter-chud archetype. An abomination. You should be careful whose mind you put into direct contact with your own. Look for a healthy Japanese perspective on Noh, not some deranged Westerner.

>> No.23315690

Matrices and linear algebra

>> No.23315692

Based, but that doesn't count for /lit/erature. Go read a poem or something.

>> No.23315711

l reread a portion of BK. l think Demons and Crime and Punishment are both better.

>> No.23315752

facebook memes...
i like literature but i dont like reading it

>> No.23317054

Dhammapada Chapter 1: The Twin-Verses

>> No.23317401

I read a chapter in Matthew. When I don't have time, motivation or energy to read I force myself to read 1 chapter in the NT. I always feel like I get something out of it. The Bible (KJV) is undeniably a powerful book.

>> No.23317405

Yeah, this post

>> No.23317417

“Dramas, Fields And Metaphors” by Victor Turner. Not a bad book by any means but it’s far from light reading, slowly getting a grasp on anti-structure and liminal phases.

>> No.23317429

Yes. A chapter of Joseph Frank's abridged biography of Dostevsky.

>> No.23317495

Looks really cool anon, thx for posting. Love this kind of stuff.

>> No.23317498

Haven't finished a book all year.

>> No.23318654

I've read like 6 so far but they were all either short, or on audio.

>> No.23318904

I think the constant tranny raids on my home boards will make me leave this site. I will take my racism and other wrong think elsewhere. This place is tabbed.

>> No.23318922

Read Beyond Good and Evil yesterday, and with each page I simply love Nietzsche that much more because he gets it and he gets me. For today, I have lined up finishing The Crying of Lot 49 and continuing reading BG&E, then I'll continue with Pynchon tomorrow and start V., and once I'm done with that, Gravity's Rainbow awaits.

>> No.23319161

You won't be missed.

>> No.23319162

Audio doesn't count as reading.

>> No.23319191

Yes it absolutely does :)

>> No.23319193

Oh, are deaf and illiterate synonyms now, you fuckwit?

>> No.23319212

Don't be such a pedant. I wasn't listening to anything particularly profound anyways.

>> No.23319218

I'll do what I please. You won't get sanctions on audio as a substitute for reading from me.

>> No.23319231

What? Speak English, pajeet.

>> No.23319261

yes. Roger J. Buscovich - Theory of Natural Philosophy

>> No.23320599

I get so mentally exhausted during the day (not to mention latent depression) that I am only able to read 40K slop before sleep for a few hours

>> No.23322434

nuttin' yet todey

>> No.23322474
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>No, reading is for nerds and wannabe academics

>> No.23322484

I have a shit attention span. I read less than a page of a nofap PDF and stopped

>> No.23322490
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rereading dune again

>> No.23322493

Based, I'm on Children.

>> No.23322494

keep going the more semen you retain the more pages you will be able to endure

>> No.23322501

If my nuts are too backed up I can't read, personally. It's like taking a shit. You need to do it.

>> No.23322502

Inversely, the more papers you endure, the more semen you will retain. Don't read y'all it's bad for your women's mojo

>> No.23322640

Start adding an essay or a poem to your reading. Build up your attention span and emotional endurance bit by bit. Poems are especially good, I think, because they can often be ruminated on for days or even weeks, and the more you add, the more they're knocking around inside your noggin.

If you believed that wholeheartedly, or at least, believed wholeheartedly that that was a bad thing, you would not be here, sir. Add a poem or essay to your muscle-man regimen, or else, if you want to be a bit manlier, start reading history, or historical war strategy. The most alpha of alphas is quite obviously the man most perfect in body, mind, and society.

>> No.23322643
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I'm 'bout halfway thru Magic: History / Theory / Practice, reading it right now.

>> No.23322645

No, sirs. What you need is discipline and to win the favor of God so that he grants you a wife. That is who is to retain your excess energy. Until you have one, you're meant to expel that energy in various labors.

>> No.23322648 [DELETED] 

I wish you were reading something which was good for you. It defeats the purpose to read counter-producti

>> No.23322651

I wish you were reading something which was good for you. It counteracts the purpose to read counter-productive material.

>> No.23322663
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I want to understand how magic works. I'm not intending to practice, being a Christian. This is just to further supplement my readings on esoteric beliefs.

>> No.23322695

Nice; did (you) reread Lilacs on Tax Day (15th, anniversary of Lincoln's assassination)?

>> No.23322826

i read a diary of melville's. i was surprised to see that he went to sea as a passenger. on the first page i got excited when he said he talked to a german intellectual named "adler" but alfred adler wasn't born until 21 years after the diary was written.

>> No.23322876
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>> No.23323190

What device

>> No.23323274

Only 4chan posts
Nothing else is entertaining