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File: 77 KB, 550x418, books-Robert-A-Heinlein-Kansas-City-Missouri-1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23314236 No.23314236 [Reply] [Original]

>Heinlein: "The bugs are literally communists, and I fucking HATE communism and communists and want to exterminate every fucking commie roach down to the last fucking Leninist subhuman retard"

>Some gayfaggot leftist youtube essayist: "Look guys, Heinlein's views were COMPLICATED, and he definitely had a ringing endorsement of socialist worldviews"

Why are they like this?

>> No.23314243

>Why are they like this?
sci fi hacks or leftist readers?

>> No.23314257


You can stop posting now.

>> No.23314263

What a godawful book. A shoestring plot sandwiches in between heinlein's political essays. What I dont understand is why right wingers endorse a book about a one world government where only rotc kids vote, and where base biological impulses are the ultimate source of morality. Very buglike

>> No.23314271

Who's the youtuber trying to reclaim Heinlein for reddit-style socialism? Seems implausible. Or is this just a hypothetical for you to get mad at?

>> No.23314276

It is 4chan, likely the latter. If he actually wanted to discuss the book he would have made a proper thread about it.

>> No.23314286
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Based Heinlein.

He published picrel to encourage people not to be swayed by commie propaganda and to support nuclear weapons testing. Because force is the only language Ivan understands.

He actually traveled to the Soviet Union and toured the place so he could come back and tell everyone how shitty communism is.

>> No.23314287

boomer moment

>> No.23314325

If boomers hated communism, then maybe I'll take back every single negative thing I ever said about them.

>> No.23314329

Hating communism is peak boomerism. Who gives a shit about commies.

>> No.23314355

Spoken like a true crypto-commie.

>> No.23314358

ok boomer

>> No.23314380

>Some gayfaggot leftist youtube essayist: "Look guys, Heinlein's views were COMPLICATED, and he definitely had a ringing endorsement of socialist worldviews"

post link or it never happened.

Also, what leftist gives a shit about having Heinlein on their side? Heinlein is a shit writer whose influences go practically nowhere. The only interesting thing about him is that real artists love to make fun of him

>> No.23314387

There's a plethora of youtubers that made videos on Heinlein that literally try and state how, early in his career, he was an "ardent socialist", citing zero information other than the fact that he was more liberal when he was younger. It's the classic Gramsci technique of poisoning the well on subjects.

>> No.23314394

>Heinlein is a shit writer whose influences go practically nowhere.
He invented the concept of space marines and mecha.....Guess what's most popular in science fiction?

>> No.23314395

I cried when they drag the bug out and they start screaming 'it's afraid!'
I can't rewatch that film ever again because of that moment

>> No.23314402

>He invented the concept of space marines and mecha
>Guess what's most popular in science fiction?
robots and aliens

>> No.23314419

NTA, but there is a large subset of lefties who unironically try to argue that, while Starship Troopers is fascist, it presents a socialist fascist worldview.

>> No.23314427

It's okay, you're allowed to cry, anon.

>> No.23314430

well, it certainly doesn't present an ethnic fascist worldview either like some chuds claim.

>> No.23314436

I accept your concession.

>> No.23314448

>What I dont understand is why right wingers endorse a book about a one world government where only rotc kids vote, and where base biological impulses are the ultimate source of morality.

because "dude beating children is hackin bsed and redpilled"

>> No.23314486

I love the book and I love the movie. It's a testament to Heinlein's genius that despite all the effort in the world and hatred for his source material which he didn't even finish, the Dutch communist director couldn't ruin his work enough to make the film adaptation bad. I absolutely love braindead retards man. It makes life worth living just to laugh at em.

>> No.23314517

/Pol/ really needs to be on a separate website, so you faggots will stop spilling over onto every board and making everything about your shallow political preferences, your abstract enemies, and your imagined superiority to them.

>> No.23314525

Phoneposters really need to be a on a separate website

>> No.23314537

The aim was never to "ruin" his work (how would that even happen?). The aim was to make a satire adaptation instead of a faithful film. Verhoeven succeeded.

>> No.23314594

If you look back at post-WW2 US history and that of the Cold War generally, there is actually way more complex and fucked-up of a story with astounding implications, of the KGB’s/Soviets’ effects at cultural infiltration and influence of Western culture and perhaps particularly America (as the economic and military powerhouse of the West) to get them more amenable to communism, or perhaps at least sow leftist anti-capitalist ideas and tensions (along all sorts of lines like class, race, gender, sexual orientation, etc.) that would soften them up and weaken them compared to the Soviets. The public education system, in its version of history it gives to many young kids (often, but not always, with a very “progressively” oriented outlook) can easily dumb some people down into characterizing this whole period with phrases like the Red Scare and McCarthyism. But on the other hand, historically, Soviet espionage and infiltration actually went high enough in some places as to include figures like Julius and Ethel Rosenberg acting as spies for the Soviets and giving them classified knowledge to help them build and develop nuclear weaponry.

KGB plan to heighten racial tensions in the U.S. (particularly between blacks and whites) to start a possible race war, at minimum divide national unity: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_PANDORA

Some possible roots of Islamic ‘terrorism’ (note: it is a terrible thing, but Israel and the United States army can also validly be seen as ‘terrorists’ around the world from some of their victims) in a KGB plot:

> Pacepa described an alleged operation "SIG" ("Zionist Governments") that was devised in 1972, to turn the whole Islamic world against Israel and the United States. KGB chairman Yury Andropov allegedly explained to Pacepa that "a billion adversaries could inflict far greater damage on America than could a few millions. We needed to instill a Nazi-style hatred for the Jews throughout the Islamic world, and to turn this weapon of the emotions into a terrorist bloodbath against Israel and its main supporter, the United States."

And KGB defector Yuri Bezmenov’s revelations about Soviet active measures (cultural subversion) have also become something of a classic among the conspiracy-minded or conservative/anti-communist folks, suggesting their hands in academia/higher education and its ever-growing shift towards progressive values of ‘social justice’, using key struggles as for blacks’, women’s, and gay rights to introduce anti-capitalist and leftist ideas, etc., probably even being in the counterculture or ‘hippie’ movement.

>> No.23314641
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The CPUSA (Communist Party of the USA) has existed since 1919 and had clear obvious closes historical ties to leftist movements and agitation in the U.S. throughout the 20th century. Black Marxism has also been a big underlying current in this, from the Marxist-Leninist Black Panther party all the way today to BLM (proudly founded by two black feminist Marxist women). Etc.

Some would say the communists perhaps had some type of furtive cultural win that took on a life of its own, even while the Soviet Union explicitly seems to have collapsed. (“Destroying the enemy from within without even firing a shot.”) Another Soviet KGB defector to the U.S., Anatoliy Golitsyn, in fact claimed this in his books “New Lies for Old” and “The Perestroika Deception”, even making the claim that the apparent break-up of the Soviet Union was a deliberate move by some type of higher-level esoteric inner circle of KGB/Marxist-Leninists so they could continue their efforts at cultural subversion and infiltration globally even more effectively and secretly — an astounding claim and astounding (yet clearly risky) move, if true. It might be one of the most amazing geopolitical chess-moves (analogous to the sacrifice of an important piece or the queen) ever played, if this happened.

Longer full lecture by Yuri Bezmenov on this: https://youtu.be/5gnpCqsXE8g?si=2UV8XWOwSetJq0r0
Shorter extracts from interviews of his for those with challenged attention spans: https://youtu.be/Hr5sTGxMUdo?si=c-1awrgns7DP1atf

Some have also taken some of this to even suggest that the plan is different from and bigger than classical communism — in fact saying the goal is to form a sort of fusion of super-capitalism and communism globally (both of which systems generally tend to concentrate massive wealth and power into a small elite ruling over the masses). See the late former American politician, Senator for the Democrat Party, Larry McDonald on this in pic related. William Cooper also took this to more or less be the plan. And David Rockefeller (who strongly praised Mao and the system of communist China) also proudly admitted in his memoirs:

For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents such as my encounter with Castro to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions. Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

>> No.23314681

>The anti-Rockefeller focus of these otherwise incompatible political positions owes much to Populism. "Populists" believe in conspiracies and one of the most enduring is that a secret group of international bankers and capitalists, and their minions, control the world's economy. Because of my name and prominence as head of the Chase for many years, I have earned the distinction of "conspirator in chief" from some of these people.

And also:
>But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.

The historian Carroll M. Quigley, who also got rather close to some of these Western elites and studied them deeply (as in the so-called Round Table group) also made a similar claim that, indeed, there is this upper class of closely interconnected and coordinated Western elites amenable to some type of globalist/internationalist/supranational system, not above working with the communists, but not necessarily exactly identical to the communists; yet, in the process, nevertheless (he admits) doing things and supporting policies that could be crudely yet validly taken by the populist Right as “a communist conspiracy”.

>There does exist and has existed for a generation, an international Anglophile network which operates, to some extent, in the way the radical Right believes the Communists act. In fact, this network, which we may identify as the Round Table groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists, or any other groups, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for 20 years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret record.

There were, again, indeed many Soviet sympathizers, even defectors and spies, from/in the West during the time of the Cold War and during the so-called Red Scare and McCarthyism. Lee Harvey Oswald was one — actually having defected to Russia out of his sympathies for communism (and somehow allowed back into the country…). So the so-called “Red Scare” wasn’t necessarily just another shallow boomerism, and besides, again, not even all these boomers bought into it, some even being communist-sympathizers.

>> No.23314688

>people with dissenting opinions
kill yourself you stupid nigger

>> No.23314843

Wrong critique. The flaws are that it's YA genrefiction, not that it's "too political."

>> No.23314867

Yes it does. The Filipino identity of Rico is only mentioned once, two thirds of the way through, for the narrative effect of praising a Filipino general who massacred communists as a hero. There is no ethnic or cultural heterogeneity otherwise mentioned nor dwelled on, there is one homogeneous race and culture under millitary government. There are humans, to be read as White people, and there are are alien non-Whites: the enemy "bugs," i.e. the "gooks" of the Korean war.

>> No.23314878
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No ivan you don't get to keep Ukraine

>> No.23314883

Heinlein wrote a mediocre YA genre fiction novella. Verhoeven, the vastly superior artist, wrote and produced a good and sincere action romance movie from that very raw material. The claptrap about "satire" is figleaf and handwaving to obfuscate the sincere success of the movie's fascist aesthetics and narrative.

>> No.23314886

poltroon steps out of his shit board

>> No.23314887

If there is one Filipino character, main character no less, chances are there are more non-whites. There is homogeneity but not racial, rather it's humans of different backgrounds. The bugs represent commies of all sorts, not exclusively Korean.

>> No.23314894

>Modern Russia is le communist!
Peak boomerism after peak boomerism. Stay on facebook, grandpa.

>> No.23314898

>The claptrap about "satire" is figleaf and handwaving to obfuscate the sincere success of the movie's fascist aesthetics and narrative.
Unless you have autism, it's an obvious satire.

>> No.23314932

Corporatism and syndicalism? The only substantive dealing with economics and enterprise in the novel and film is the millitaristic-romantic critique of the bourgeois father as stunted, with war (and army mannerbund* in the movie, but not the novel) presented as the true mode of human flourishing and self-realisation. Otherwise the economy seems to be run by the free-enterprise bourgeoise dwarf men, kept in their place by an electoral franchise limited to the real self-actualised men (and women in the film) of the millitary.

*Extended to women by Verhoeven in a very erotic and vitalist way that makes the film far suprior to the non-erotic YA novel.

>> No.23314938
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>leftroons and nazi chuds trying to claim Heinlein
>he was a pseudo libertarian

>> No.23314945

The bugs are directly the Chinese human wave attacks of the Korean war, the dehumanised "gooks" that opposed the White Americans of the United Nations taskforce. Again race is only mentioned once in the novel two-thirds of the way through, in a plot-break insert chapter, and only for the purpose of praising a particular anti communist general who happened to be Fillipino. Otherwise there is only one race of the future millitary state in Heinlein's utopia, all the "bugs" are outside the fortress fence.

>> No.23314953

No. It's sincere and successful, the cause of the success, fascist aesthetics and narrative, is embarrassing to admit in polite company, and thus with a handwave a figleaf of "satire" is provided for the non-thinking.

>> No.23314976
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Why would an army of the United Nations be only white? Why would a character named Juan Rico be white? The Korean war was multi-ethnic and the inclusion of a Filipino suggests other ethnicities were also involved. Neo-Nazis and leftards seem to use this book as a mirror of their ideology. Basically just forcing their meme interpretations. Neither the book, the movie, nor the Korean war had a side that was 100% white.

>> No.23314986

Successful how? It bombed at the box office. It's a cult film known as a dumb action movie with an obvious satirical tone about the military. No one except neo-Nazis see it as sincere. You're actually telling on yourself.

>> No.23315108

>I accept your concession.

You already conceded when you replied in bad faith, anon. Tsk tsk tsk.

>> No.23315178
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>Why are they like this?

They subscribe to a religion that has to lie to itself about itself and subsequently everything else, pursuant of the self-fulfilling prophecy (and strategic advantage) of simply making everything worse on purpose. This is why we can't have nice things.

>> No.23315181

>Who gives a shit about commies.

Uighers in concentration camps and forced exogamous marriages to infidels. The majority of the Mongol population in Inner Mongolia. Every Tibetan. Most Vietnamese.

>> No.23315215

Phoneposting on 4chan is the best. I was using 4chan on my phone as far back as 2010, although I don’t think you could phonepost back then.

>> No.23315256

Sounds like something you made up.

>> No.23315535

Differing, widely contrasting views and the present transgression that can arise from it isn't the issue with 4chan, it's actually the half-baked, pseudo-intellectual and anti-intellectual tautology being spilled left and right, paired with emotional immaturity, subpar media literacy levels and the nihilistic glee that people try to dispaly as laughing at the absurd, but is usually a cry for help and a showcase of a deeply rooted trauma and disfuntionality of their system to function as authentic human beings.

>> No.23315948

Dumb post. /lit/ isn't for idiot polemics. The UN intervention in Korea was an overwhelmingly US dominated almost entirely white (barring US blacks) coalition fighting against Chinese and Korean communists, that famously had great difficulty distinguishing civilians from enemy troops, regarding both as "gooks," as they later would in Vietnam. That a million and eight hundred thousand strong US army brought along eight thousand Filipino Man Fridays doesn't make a difference.

You're not engaging with the literature as it actually is written, the novel isn't the factoid summary. In the novel race is only mentioned once, two thirds of the way through, in the last pages of a plot break insert chapter, entirely to introduce political praise for a real life 1940s-50s anti-communist general who stopped the Phillipines going red. For all substantive elements of the plot everyone is of the same single race, fighting against the de-human race of bugs. Heinlein's state is Ein Volk, Ein Reich, and everyone outside the state is a horrid bug to be crushed.

>> No.23315953

>Successful how?
As a work of art. This is /lit/, not /tv/, commercial success is irrelevant to its success or failure as visual literature.

>> No.23315966
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Russia is the end result of Communism, yes.

>> No.23315998

NTA but I’m fairly certain he did invent them. Who did those concepts before him? I’m fine with being wrong, I’ve just always heard he was the first

>> No.23316042

Those opinions are usually held in relation to the movie, not the book, and the movie is 100% taking the piss out of Heinlein and the book.

>> No.23316048

>I did not actually read the book

>> No.23316052
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> Verhoeven, the vastly superior artist

>> No.23316061

The specter of communism was arguably the closest thing to the devil incarnate that ever existed for Cold War era people. It was the biggest boogeyman you could think of.

>> No.23316112
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>There is no ethnic or cultural heterogeneity otherwise mentioned
One sergeant is explicitly Turkish.
Another sergeant is explicitly Japanese.
Another sergeant is explicitly Chinese.
One trainee is explicitly Hispanic.
Another trainee is explicitly Arabic.
Another trainee is explicitly Native American.
and there are more.
> race is only mentioned once in the novel
False, as mentioned above
>Otherwise there is only one race of the future millitary [sic] state in Heinlein's utopia, all the "bugs" are outside the fortress fence.
Also false. The opening chapter describes Earth forces fighting non-Human, non-insect allies of the bugs.
I understand that the book is a whopping 263 pages, but try actually reading it before critiquing it

>> No.23316154

>Filipino Man Fridays
you're a racist douchebag. The newly independent RoP very proudly sent their units to Korea to fight and they were an independent force.
Thailand, Turkey, Columbia, and Ethipoia likewise sent units to fight in Korea. The Ethiopian Kagnew Bn stayed as part of the peacekeeping force until 1975!
>US dominated almost entirely white (barring US blacks)
You mean AS WELL AS the large number of Hispanic soldiers that served in Korea, including the 65th Infantry Bde, right?
You mean AS WELL AS the many Asian Americans that served, including Medal of Honor winner Sgt Miyamura, right?
And you do mean to mention how the desegregation of the American forces helped promote the Civil Rights movement encouraged by heroic African American soldiers like Jesse Brown, James Harvey, and OF COURSE Medal of Honor Winners Cornelius Charlton and William Thompson, right?
> For all substantive elements of the plot everyone is of the same single race, fighting against the de-human race of bugs. Heinlein's state is Ein Volk, Ein Reich, and everyone outside the state is a horrid bug to be crushed.
FFS, just admit you never red the damn book

>> No.23316181

These are all literal facebook conspiracy theories. There's literally not a shred of proof of any of these. Plus, literally none of these nations are actually communist (defined by Marx's works).

>> No.23316206

>The Chinese Communist Party isn't Communist
lmao, even

>> No.23316258

>The Democratic People's Republic of Korea isn't democratic
lmao, even

>> No.23316295

>characters named Ho, Ibanez, Rico, Zim, Bearpaw, Levy, Jelal, Hassan, Shujumi, Flores, Mahmud, Xera, Khorosen, Naidi, and Malan? There is no mention of race there!!!!!

>> No.23316299

You are just digging a deeper hole

>> No.23316320

No I'm not. You're just saying that because you have no more arguments after I pointed out the flaw in your reasoning. Your reasoning was that a government or party with something in their name must be that thing. Try again, incel

>> No.23316331

Ok, fucktard.
The Communist Party of China does all the following
>calls itself communist
>claims to be communist
>explicitly promotes and teaches Marxism-Leninism as integral to Communism
and so on.
FURTHER, the Democratic in the DPRK refers to Democratic Centralism, a key component of the Dictatorship of the Proletariat as described in Marxism-Leninism, *not* the European form of Democracy as you assume.
Tl,dr; you lack the education to realize how ignorant you are.

>> No.23316338
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The CCP sure acts like they are Commies

>> No.23316344

>Democratic has only one meaning
Let me guess.
American public school, right?

>> No.23316355

>calls itself communist
North Korea also calls itself democratic
>claims to be communist
So does North Korea
>explicitly promotes and teaches Marxism-Leninism as integral to Communism
Yet it does not follow these principles.

I find it interesting that in attempting to prove China is communist you went down the path of semantics rather than simply explaining how China's society is modeled after Marx's works.

See above. Why not just list the ways China is modeled after Marx's works? It's almost as if you can't because you know that China deeply engages in capitalism.

>> No.23316359
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Why I come to this board.
The humor.

>> No.23316361

>North Korea is democratic
Sure bud, did you learn this at Trump University?

>> No.23316366

> North Korea also calls itself democratic
North Korea calls itself Democratic because it is, as per Democratic Centralism, as at least 3 other posters have pointed out.

>> No.23316368

No, at Oxford

>> No.23316369

So you're telling me that anyone can vote for whoever they want in North Korea? Interesting. Are you also those people who believe everything they see on TV?

>> No.23316371

Another guy on lit that never reads books

>> No.23316373

Fucking Americans

>> No.23316377

>You can vote, but if you vote wrong your whole family disappears
>Ruling candidates receive 99.9% of votes, by pure coincidence
>oXfOrD toLd mE tHiS iZ dEmoCrAcY
Wow, I wish I went to school at /lit/pol/ instead of Harvard.

>> No.23316396

>America is not a democracy because the elections are rigged against Orange Hitler!
>Also, North Korea is a democracy because they said so

>> No.23316397

>I LITERALLY have no idea how Communist states operate and STILL have not looked up Democratic Centralism
As anon said earlier - you just keep digging.

>> No.23316401

I am not American you idiot & do not care about your wasteland of a country

>> No.23316412

>proves his ignorance over and over
>mentions Trump as if it matters
Certainly a yank

>> No.23316424

>This obscure brand of "democracy" that involves literally 0 democracy is ackshully democracy because it says so in the name
Let me guess, the Green Party consists of people who are green? After all, it says so in the name!
Man, it's always amusing when you can instantly spot the "people" who are educated by Fox News. You are the special type of dimwit who believes everything at face value. You are the type of people that would support the Patriot Act because, after all, it says "patriot" in the name right?

>> No.23316425

>Harvard, Arkansas high school he means

>> No.23316452

Go read Alain de Benoist's Problem of Democracy and stop throwing tantrums.

>> No.23316459
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>me refuse read words. Words hard to read, make head hurt
You refuse to accept that Democratic Centralism is real.
Let me explain it to you in simple terms
>Members of the Communist Party within a country from committees. This may be for a town, a factory, and so on.
>These are called "soviets"
>Members of the committee are elected by local party members
>The committee meets at regular intercals to deal with issues. If a problem comes up a motion is made, debate occurs, and then a vote id held. If a 60%+ majority votes in favor it is passed.
>Soviets then vote and select party members to go to higher level committees A town for a region, a region for a province, and so on
>At each level the process of electing members of the soviet, introducing legislation, actions, debate, and majority vote continue
>The highest soviet is the Party Congress that elects the Central Committee. Then the Central Committee elects the Party Chairman
Since there is, yes, elections and debate and voting for leadership, laws, etc., it is, yes, Democratic.
>inb4 "B-b-b-bu-but that isn't how m-m-m-Muricans do it!"
The Athenian Democracy looked virtually nothing like "Murica, either. Still a Democracy.

>> No.23316465

Ssssssssh! He's a yank! He thinks Communism is one guy telling everyone what to do! If he learns that there is actual voting he might have a stroke!

>> No.23316469

>>This obscure brand of "democracy"
>>obscure brand of "democracy"
>>obscure brand
It is obscure only to semi-literate, uneducated buffoons.

>> No.23316475

>1/6th of the world's population lives under Democratic Centralism
pick one

>> No.23316496
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I like how your argument devolved from "China is ackshully communist because they said so ok?" to "a system where citizens have literally 0 impact and representation in elections and government is democratic because it says so in the name created by some communist who wanted to market communism to the west". I don't care what mental gymnastics you perform.
Notice how none of you actually pulled up the actual definition of democracy: "a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections". Instead of using the basic, agreed upon definition, you go the antivaxxer route of appealing to an authority who conveniently redefined words to fit your worldview.

>Since there is, yes, elections and debate and voting for leadership, laws, etc., it is, yes, Democratic.
Absolute kek
>Not Fox News, must be fake

>> No.23316882

You lost the thread.
YOU insist Communists are not Communist if YOU say they are not.
You repeating
>Marxist-Leninist/Maoist Communists are not Communist, I swear
over and over is insanity, not evidence.
>Representative Democracy is the only form of Democracy
Against, YOU claim Democratic Centralism is not real because that is not how you voted for Biden.
>Fix news
No one cares about your American reality TV, yank

>> No.23316885

I’ll give you something to yank on alright

>> No.23316890

Third worldist buffoon

What shit hole do you live in?

>> No.23316911
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>These are all literal facebook conspiracy theories
China is not bad! China is not Communist! China is GOOD! Everyone love China! You love China, too!
Meanwhile, in Real Life

>> No.23316914

>NTA but I’m fairly certain he did invent them.
Why so certain? Have you looked it up at least? A quick search tells me he popularized them but did not invent them.
>Who did those concepts before him? I’m fine with being wrong, I’ve just always heard he was the first
Space marines: Sci-fi writers such as Bob Olsen and E. E. Smith.
Mecha: Too many to mention. Look up the wiki.

>> No.23316915

No one could yank on your 2 cm

>> No.23316929

Starship Troopers is acknowledged as the first discussion of military powered armor.
Mecha is arguably separate since it is more of a vehicle.
And Heinlein called the troops Mobile Infantry

>> No.23317028

>Starship Troopers is acknowledged as the first discussion of military powered armor.
Are you aware of the novel Triplanetary (1934) by E. E. Smith? Heinlein praised Smith btw and was his friend.
>Mecha is arguably separate since it is more of a vehicle.
Your fellow fanboy called it a mecha, thoughbeit (>>23314394).

>> No.23317160

>They're communist, even though I can't point to a single thing in Marx's works that they follow
>The agreed upon definition of democracy is fake news. This other country that murders your whole family for voting wrong is an actual democracy, even though accepting that as "democracy" renders the actual definition of democracy utterly meaningless
>Everything is communist. Everything is democratic. Words have no meaning because words are a jewish conspiracy to kill white people and make everyone gay
It's amazing how far right wingers will go to twist reality to fit their narrative. You even go as far as to outright invert the agreed upon definition to serve your narrative. Facts don't care about your feelings.
Also, I have a piece of paper that says $1 trillion on it. I would like to sell it to you for the cheap price of $1 million. After all, it says it's worth $1 trillion right on the paper, right?

>> No.23317195


>> No.23317208

Glad you understand.

>> No.23317231

>they are Historical Materialists and >they base policies & diplomacy on class struggle
>they use dialectical method to force social transformation
Your retarded ass
>BuT tHeY aRe NoT mArXiSt!
If you No True Scotsman any harder you will hurt yourself
WARNING! This link is to something that will expose you to non-American concepts & cultures!
Now that you have learned something you should probably take a nap, burger

>> No.23317272

You have NOT read it, then?
Because Triplanetary refers to space armor used in hazardous environments and that the best versions were effectively bullet proof and energy weapon resistant they were NOT powered armor and had no integral weapons, etc.
Tough space suits are not powered armor, sorry

>> No.23317280

They're taking more and more of it everyday, check a map NAFO faggot

>> No.23317323

>The government that murders people for voting wrong is democratic
This argument will never not be hilarious. You keep trying to convince me that a political system where citizens have literally 0 representation is democratic. But I guess in your right wing brain, words don't have meaning if you can ascribe two diametrically opposing definitions to a single word.
If you actually believed my original point was wrong, the most rational and academic response (that you surely would have learned at "Oxford") would be to pull up the definition of those things and point out specifically the ways I'm wrong. You didn't do that. Why? It would be so insanely easy and irrefutable to do this if you knew you were right.
Instead, you just googled, "is North Korea a democracy" and pulled up the first headline that fit your narrative, "well, technically, it could be considered democratic centralism..." without even looking at its definition and realizing it's a euphemism meant to trick dimwits like you into believing the diametric opposite of democracy is actually democracy.
Then, when you realized your mistake way too late, you come up with the cope argument, "ackshully there are many forms of democracy, muh american, muh american", while yet again desperately shifting focus away from the actual definition of democracy. You are more transparent than you think.
Using your exact logical reasoning, I can now define a horse as an insect.
Cope and seethe, chudlet.

>> No.23317517

Post 8 in a series of ignorance
Did you know that in Britain biscuits are what Americans call cookies?
Totally true!
That does not mean American has no biscuits.
>pull up the definition
You have been tikd the definition of Democratic Centralism & links to Britannica about it, yank.
Stop pretending it is not real

>> No.23317542

ITT: American baffled that words can have multiple meanings

>> No.23317549

Wait until this retard learns about the Australian Liberal Party!

>> No.23317563

This is a lesson plan for 4th graders, friendo. It might help you.

> https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-government-and-civics/us-gov-foundations/us-gov-types-of-democracy/a/types-of-democracy

>> No.23317640

It's hilarious how you keep responding with a bunch of posts within a span of a few minutes. Did you actually think no one would notice?

All posted within a span of 8 minutes. Every single one stopped responding.
What's more, what an absolutely incredible coincidence that the person who eventually responded just so happened to be the one who claimed to study at Oxford. Incredible.
Why are right wingers like this?

>> No.23317643

The Australian Liberal Party are actual liberals right?

>> No.23317692

I was unaware of the KGB measures in the US. Thanks for bringing this to light, I'll mention them whenever someone tells me they are skeptical of foreign sabotage efforts happening today.