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23314122 No.23314122 [Reply] [Original]

I have a small penis. What are some books for readers like me who were not lucky and blessed by God in this life? Men with big penises read stuff like Tom Clancy but what about fellas like me? What should I read?

>> No.23314202

Well OP that really depends. How small are we talking here?

>> No.23314214

The problem—and it was a new one for me—was my dick. It probably sounds strange now, but in the seventies nobody really cared how big their dick was. When I was a teenager I had every conceivable hang-up about my body except that. I don’t know who started it—queers, probably, though you find it a lot in American detective novels, but there’s no mention of it in Sartre. Whatever, in the showers at the gym I realized I had a really small dick. I measured it when I got home—it was twelve centimeters, maybe thirteen or fourteen if you measured right to the base. I’d found something new to worry about, something I couldn’t do anything about; it was a basic and permanent handicap. It was around then that I started hating blacks. There weren’t many of them in the school—most of them went to the technical high school, Lycée Pierre-de-Coubertin, where the eminent Defrance did his philosophical striptease and propounded his pro-youth ass-kissing. I only had one, in my première A class, a big, stocky guy who called himself Ben. He always wore a baseball cap and Nikes. I was convinced he had a huge dick. All the girls threw themselves at this big baboon and here I was trying to teach them about Mallarmé—what the fuck was the point? This is the way Western civilization would end, I thought bitterly, people worshiping in front of big dicks, like hamadryas baboons.

>> No.23315064

Anything by Hemingway

>> No.23315088


>> No.23315160

You know what? I've got a pretty funny story about that. So I'm taking my trash out one day and I see this babe walking her stupid dog. So I go up to her and say, "Hey what are you doing later tonight?" and she says "wha- what do you mean?" Chicks aren't used to guys like me with confidence being so forward with them. So I said "Hey I know you don't know me but you're cute and I want to take you out tonight" So I take her to this really nice restaurant and I'm flirting with her and everything's going so smoothly, right? I knew I was gonna bang this babe tonight but I wanted to try something so I could judge her on how she'd reacted first. So in the middle of the conversation I said loud enough for everyone to here "So, uh, how do you feel about foreskin?" and she looked at me and said "Oh, well I don't really know." The pressure's on her now because everyone there is staring right at us. And I said "Well, what do you mean you don't know? Have you ever slept with anyone with foreskin?" and she said "well yea, of course but I don't know what you're asking" so I said "well what length do you like it at normally" still loud enough for everyone to hear us.
So I say that and her eyes are getting watery at this point but I'm standing strong and I'm not gonna stop 'till she answers me. So the waiter hears all the commotion and comes running over and is like "Hey Anon, your gonna have to leave if you guys don't keep it down." and so I tell this guy, "Hey if you give me a pen, paper and two minutes well both be out of your hair and he's like "Well okay but be quick". So my date is crying at this point and wants to leave but I tell her "we're not going anywhere until you admit how long you like foreskin to be" I was pretty persistent you guys. So I tell her this and she picks up the pen and draws a regular penis but with about two, two and half inches of foreskin hanging off of it and I thought "jackpot!" So I pay and as were heading out the door I feel her hand on my thigh and I'm thinking "what's this about?" So we get to the parking lot and by that time she's got her hand down my pants and is playing with my foreskin.
So we get in my car and at this point my foreskin is wrapped around three of her fingers. And I'm driving her back to her house, because I'm a gentleman, and walk her to her door. But guys, she's begging me to come in and I thought "what the hell, she proved herself to me tonight anyway" So I took her to pound town.

>> No.23315172

Wasp factory

>> No.23315179
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>> No.23315221

Use your finger. Piv sex is gross anyways.

>> No.23317067


>> No.23317470

its from houelelebeck, retard. probably whatever