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23313776 No.23313776[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was a liberal just a few months ago but then I gradually realized the austrian painter was right about them. What are some books to read to deepen my understanding of these creatures?

>> No.23313782

Liberals are the real racists.

>> No.23313783


>> No.23313789

You’re pretty damn late to the party I see

>> No.23313813

lmao based, kikes are seething already

>> No.23313836

>I was a liberal just a few months ago
Babbys first edgy takes. Please don't bore us with this level 0 shit.

>> No.23313840

Eternal Strangers Critical Views of Jews and Judaism Through the Ages
Classic Essays on the Jewish Question: 1850 to 1945
Culture of Critique
The Steep Climb: Essays on the Jewish Question
The Jewish Hand in the World Wars

>> No.23313849

I would recommend The Great Butter Battle by Dr. Suess, that seems like it might be advanced reading for someone such as yourself

>> No.23313864

Jews seething

>> No.23313878

Go away, /pol/. This is not your board. You could have easily gotten all the "answers" you seek on /pol/, you selfish bastard.

>> No.23313889

>promote Jewish tribal interests, nationalism for themselves
>promote gay race communism everywhere other than Israel
They aren't the only ones who do this. Muzzshits do this as well, but Jews are just better at it. Reminder: everyone is conservative about their own people and their own stuff, and they are liberal with other peoples' tribalism and other peoples' stuff. The left/right dichotomy is incoherent. It's rather who/whom that forms mass politics.

Also see: that Turkish mayor in Belgium who shut down a conservative speaking event. Just a few months ago he got in trouble for letting right wing Turkish nationalists into the country. He's not a leftist. He just hates White Europeans and wants to promote his own interests and sees conservative as a threat to his own ethnic conservatism. Sadiq Khan, Illhan Omar, Human Yousaf, etc are all playing the same parasitic grift.

>> No.23313892

*sees White conservatives as a threat to his own ethnic conservatism

>> No.23313904

Love seeing these Jews who promoted BLM riots, bail "reform", anti-policing, and filled every corner of the media with anti-White
hate suddenly saying "WE NEED TO CALL IN THE NATIONAL GUARD" on some dumb, ineffectual fat kids like the National Guard is their personal little goy army.

It's who/whom all the way down. Stalin understood this.

>> No.23313905

The difference is Muslims aren't an ethnicity. Jews are.

>> No.23313945

Religion, ethnicity, same shit.
They are only leftists in that they have (correctly) identified leftists as useful idiots for their own ethnic Irredentism. If I wanted to increase my own power in another country and I didn't have any physical power or capital I would naturally hide my true intentions and side with the traitors in the host population. Both Jews and Muslims do this.

>> No.23313964

Arabs would have been irrelevant if not for Anglos. I really don't give a shit about your whining and self-victimization. Maybe pick up a history book to learn how complex things are. Literally every country in that region but Iran and Turkey are fake (you can tell by looking at borders -- straight = fake but squiggly = real). Gulf Arabs are extremely retarded and degenerate (into fetishes like scatology and shitting on Instagram thots), but they were ultimately strengthened by Anglos. UAE and KSA are powerful due to being their passive markets.
Arabs have been slaves of Ottomans for the past 500-800 years and now they are slaves of Anglo-Jews*. You reap what you sow.

* For all intents and purposes, Anglos and Jews are equivalent.

>> No.23313972

>Religion, ethnicity, same shit.
No, it's not the same shit. It's a completely different dynamic. Muslims seek to convert, Jews seek to pervert.

>> No.23313988

anything on rr it's a jew website

>> No.23314016

Maybe 1000 years ago, but not today.
I can smell the curry from here.

>> No.23314025

>you're Indian!
You have poor reading comprehension and should fuck off to /pol/. Why are you even on here when it's obvious you don't read?
Pick up a history book instead of endlessly talking out of your ass.

>> No.23314033

You won't get anything meaningful to read besides schizophrenic books about "lost races and civilizations" and distorted, decontextualized infographs.

You still very much are a liberal. Nothing really changed.

>> No.23314041

Only helpful answer
ok jew

>> No.23314070

Schindler's Ark by Thomas Kennelly

>> No.23314076

Jews and Gulf Arabs are pretty bad, but honestly, Arabs (especially Gulf ones) are much worse. Literally no one but white liberals care about Palestinians. Iran doesn't care either and much of it is just a pretext over competing oil pipelines and trade routes, basically economic rivalry between Israel and Iran.
I honestly do not care if Jews slaughter Arabs or vice versa. Most Iranians, given the opportunity to torture Arabs, would be far worse than Jews.
I wouldn't mind all of that region but Iran and Turkey being depopulated desu with you. That also includes the Western contractors in UAE and KSA since they are abetting enemies. Just because I hate them doesn't mean I like you either, especially given you keep getting in the way of our regional ambitions.

>> No.23314077


Anti-semitism is an attitude which transcends all political and cultural boundaries. Guess why. There are even plenty of "anti-semitic", self-hating jews, albeit that when push comes to shove they stick with their own kind.

>> No.23314083

Your understanding of history is retarded. The reason Gulf Arabs have any influence at all is because, by accident of geography, they live atop the finest sweet crude that also happens to be very accessable. If Anglos weren't going to do business with them, then another group would have, ending in the same result. You just want to justify your hate and envy of the Anglo.

>> No.23314092

Keep on telling yourself this bs , faggot kike

>> No.23314095

Why are you talking like that? There's a human behind every message, you know.

>> No.23314100

Again, read a history book, dumb cunt. The House of Saud was bolstered by Anglos. You could have easily supported some other group or just set up the region for yourself. Instead, you strengthened the most fanatic of all Muslims and handed them the artificial country you constructed.
>If Anglos weren't going to do business with them, then another group would have, ending in the same result.
In this context, killing and taking over that region is better, or you could have handed it to Hashemites or some other group.
There are also conspiracies that House of Saud are crypto Jews and given how many Anglos are philosemites that could be one reason for backing them.
>. You just want to justify your hate and envy of the Anglo.
Plenty of Euros have hated Anglos. You are a bunch of philosemitic myopic haughty retards.
Also, many countries backed Hitler during WWII because they were fed up with you Anglo scum.
Hitler should not have showed mercy to England and not directly invade Russia. If Hitler won WWII, then the world would have been more stable.

>> No.23314101

The fact you thought that was a pro-Jewish statement only goes to show how retarded you are.

>> No.23314125

You wouldn't say that irl tho

>> No.23314129

The correct answer. Thomas Dalton and Kevin MacDonald are the gotos for me aswell, though MacDonald can be quite dry at times

>> No.23314131
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>> No.23314134

The Anti-Defamation League website says that Thomas Dalton is a likely pseudonym he uses to publish hateful content. What say you to this?

>> No.23314137
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you don't read

>> No.23314139

>Saud were created by the Anglos
Literal Jewish Zionist propaganda. The Sauds were already powerful and incorporated other tribes of sandniggers into their ranks by the time the Bongs showed up. They simply sided with the existing strong horse.

>> No.23314140

Yes, I do, fag.

>> No.23314141


>> No.23314146

What's a sand n?

>> No.23314154

>Literal Jewish Zionist propaganda
Everything that doesn't paint Anglos in a favorable light is propaganda?
What I am saying is common knowledge.
>The Sauds were already powerful
The Sauds were and still are dysgenic morons. They can't even properly understand how to use basic artillery. The only thing they export is Wahhabism via funding radical madrassa school abroad with the backing of Anglos.
Just look at the kind of retarded shit they pulled off in Yemen.
Their elite are devilish people, engineering famines and more. Anglos and Jews are equivalent in many ways. There was even a colonial saying from them: "Keep the Arabs fat and the Persians hungry."
Arabs would be completely irrelevant if not for Anglos.
>They simply sided with the existing strong horse.
Anglos, Jews, and Arabs are all evil. Hitler should not have showed mercy to England.
There is something fundamentally very Satanic about the art galleries I've looked at in London city for example.

>> No.23314159

It's /pol/tardese for Arab or Middle Eastern.

>> No.23314169

>Hitler should not have showed mercy to England.
One of his many mistakes. This is one of the lessons one should learn from WW2. Never show mercy for people you think should be on your side just because you think they're similar to you in some way. If they aren't on your side, they're enemies.

>> No.23314521

You are still a "liberal", you just now have gone one step further and become a tankie islamofascist.

>> No.23314526

Not a commie, not pro-Islam.
Try again, Jew.

>> No.23314533

If you are against Israel, you are by definition doing the work of Islamofascists.

It's what is called being a "Useful Idiot".

>> No.23314550

>If you are against Israel, you are by definition doing the work of Islamofascists.
If you're against Israel, that means you're not a Jew nor a useful goy. Your jewish tricks won't work here.
>It's what is called being a "Useful Idiot".
Jews call the slaves that do their bidding "useful goy"

>> No.23314568
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This is a no Pajeets thread, thankyou.

>> No.23314570

You can be a liberal and an anti-semite

>> No.23314591

I'm an enlightened centrist. This means that I hate both semite type A and semite type B, and I believe that Levantine area should be ruled as European colonies, with intelligent men such as me in charge

>> No.23314598

I am not Indian, you stupid cunt.

>> No.23314612

Gulf Arabs and Israel are close allies, dumbass. Even ISIS was a creation of America and Israel.

>> No.23314616
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You have been exposed, and must pay for your pajeet crimes

>> No.23314627


2 key books by Jewish antisemites:

Maurice Samuel - You Gentiles
Sex And Character - Otto Weininger

>> No.23314629

I am not Indian. Why do you think I am Indian? Also, what race are you?

>> No.23314780

the patton letters

>> No.23314879 [DELETED] 

>Eternal Strangers Critical Views of Jews and Judaism Through the Ages
"The days of the ‘6 million’ are numbered, and I suspect that Goldman, Goldstein, and friends know it."
"When the orthodox Holocaust story goes down, the dominoes may well begin to fall. And when that happens, all bets are off."
Sounds like a serious historian, lol.

>> No.23314902

He's right, thoughbeit.

>> No.23315034
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Jews don't try to turn you into Jews. Muslims actively try to turn you part of their soulless collective.

>> No.23315041

Precisely. Jews don't want you to be like them and have the benefits of their religion. Muslims and also Christians, do want you to be saved. The Jewish character is selfish and greedy.

>> No.23315061

Muslims don't want to save you they want you to be a zombie like them. Their entire personality revolves around their ideology. Christains will just pester you a bit about converting. Muslims will meddle in everything like bi-polar women and then act like you're the bad guy when you tell them to fuck off.

>> No.23315287
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LMAO nobody falls for that shit anymore except 90 year old boomers. they're the enemy of the entire world. not just "islamofascists."

>> No.23315434

It is a pseudonym because otherwise he would be shoahed

>> No.23315457
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>the austrian painter was right
Damn right

>> No.23315462
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>> No.23315643

Always cracks me up.

>> No.23315646

Anon....... most Christians were like this too. Degrading culture and belief it seems.

>> No.23316054
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Kill yourself nazi fucktard

>> No.23316091

Excuse me, I'm a conservative and am the most racist man on the planet. Id rather us take back racism as a good thing than cede it to the libtards.