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23311125 No.23311125 [Reply] [Original]

Order them

>> No.23311135
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No, I ordered other books (Hamlet, Romeo & Juliet, Paradise Lost, Idylls of the King).

>> No.23311153

Oh I expressed myself wrong, I meant that you classify them from best to worst quality.

>> No.23311159

Oh, well in that case... from best to worst:
The Brothers Karamazov
The rest I haven't read them.

>> No.23311168

1. Crime and Punishment
2-6. I haven't read the rest.

>> No.23311401

i read notes from underground (forgot most of it) and crime&punishment. going to read the brothers karamazov hopefully after i finish stoner. i hope i can read all important dostoevsky's before i die.

>> No.23311433

1. Demons
2. The Brothers Karamazov
3. The Idiot
4. Notes from Underground
5. C&P
Didn't read The Adolescent

>> No.23311707
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>(forgot most of it)

>> No.23311758

I've so far only read crime and punishment and demons, id say I probably liked demons a bit more, but my decision is based more on which one I spend more time thinking about. There were certainly parts of demons I was enjoying much less while reading. Still, it's a more important and interesting book

>> No.23311833


>> No.23311835


is this the new discord tranny meta?

>> No.23311885

1. C&p
2. Notes
3. Brothers k
They are all kino. Think ill read demons next as thats what posters here seem to have liked

>> No.23312071

1 - The Idiot
2 - C&P
3 - Notes
Didn't read the others. Probably will read Demons next year.

>> No.23312461

z-lib has.

>> No.23312919

Has what?

>> No.23312929

are you out of your mind? demons is the most reactionary novel there is.

>> No.23313116

BK > TA > TI > D > C&P > NFU
The Adolescent is underrated, C&P is overrated because people think that since they teach it at school it's his masterpiece but this couldn't be farther from truth

>> No.23313204

BK > Demons > Notes > C&P > The Idiot
Never read The adolescent since it isn't that well regarded, but maybe I should

>> No.23313211


>> No.23313251


>> No.23314003

1. Brothers Karamazov
2. The Idiot
3. Crime and Punishment
4. Demons
5. Notes from Underground
6. The Adolescent
This feels like the objective ranking. My personal ranking would only swap the places of C&P and BK because of its effect on me, but I acknowledge that BK is the superior novel. I'm not sure how you could rank Demons as #1.

>> No.23314015
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Amazon said no backsies

>> No.23314026

Haven't read adolescent
The Idiot has a very dear place in my heart so I blind myself to its obvious flaws
I think Demons would have been seen as one of the great masterpieces of world literature if Dosto hadn't written TBK which does the same things and more much, much better on top of being a more enjoyable read
Demons simply spends too much time bumming around without achieving anything
If the elder Stavrogin's story was its own book apart from the rest of demons, I'd have probably liked it way more but it being stuffed alongside everything else while not actually being the main story point diminishes it. I get that Demons is a parody of Fathers & Sons but it just doesn't click that way for me
C&P is amazing but all the melodramatic side-stories remind me of early Dosto in a bad way
When I was like 14, I jacked off to underground man ranting at the prostitute but otherwise, it doesn't really leave an impression on me

>> No.23314029

Elder Verkhovensky*

>> No.23314056

>Notes from the underground
Voice. Could be modern, the only time he really gets out of the 19th century for a whole novel
>Crime and Punishment
He needed to trim it down, but there's a perfect novel in there somewhere. The first 100 pages or so are superb
>TBK, Idiot, Demons
Too preachy, too on the nose, too long.

>> No.23314193

1 - Brothers K
2 - Crime and punishment
3 - Demons
4 - The underground man
5 - Idiot
Haven't read the adolescent

>> No.23314266

Je'dore Dostoyevsky and all his works so it is difficult to order them but I would personally go by their accessability for the new reader. Both by how difficult it might be to put oneself into the socio-historical context of his novels and by the complexity of the themes of each book. By this I think C&P comes first by horse lengths simply because of the easy to follow main story and the somewhat easily understood criticism of utilitarianism. It is a fantastic book which I think aught to be most people introduction to Dostoy. But personally it isn't my favorite (my favorite changes depending on my mood and how drunk I am) but I can swear it never is C&P or the Adolescent. The Adolescent probably comes last, mostly because of the continually rising tension which doesn't really climax in any satisfactory way. But also because it seems even more eclectic than The Idiot. The Brothers Karamazov comes after C&P because even if I find it superior, it's introduction can be a drag and the heavy focus on the orthodox church might not be very appealing for the Dostoy novice who just wants character drama. But aside from that the trial, the question of who truly is guilty and Dostoys jab at the then emerging judicial psychology is amazing. After that the stories are complex and deeply historically intervowen in a way that I think anyone who tackled the first two books should be able to understand them enough, altough personally Demons would be my favorite pick among them due to its politicaly prophetic theme and portrayal how demographic generations can cast long shadows. Notes from Underground is fucking bonkers and doesn't read anything like the others, this is only for the true Dostoyevsky fan. The Idiot is the most... tame? story he's made and obviously the most meandering. But this doesn't keep it from being fantastic and from me thinking about it weekly.

>> No.23314297

>Brothers and Youngling I haven't read yet, but will
>4. Notes from the Underground
>3. The Idiot
>2. Crime and Punishment
>1. Demons
Notes is also fantastic, but longer books have the advantage of just having more space and time for depth

>> No.23315052

Brothers K > C&P > Demons > Notes >>>>> The Idiot
Haven’t read The Adolescent

>> No.23316722

Is Adolescent worth reading.

>> No.23316773

Simply based.