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23309197 No.23309197 [Reply] [Original]

Craving books with an ominous creepy atmosphere. I find that sometimes the spookiest stories often have the comfiest settings and moments. Like the feeling of ducking into a dim warm bar to escape a foggy road that is eerily lifeless. Ligotti often achieves this delicate balance quite well, like in Feast of the harlequin (though I think it's almost ruined by the supernatural ending). So does a film like Eyes Wide Shut.

>> No.23309296

Maybe not quite what you are looking for, but the chapters about the generation ship falling apart on Children of Time by Adrian Tchaikovsky gave me a very creepy vibe. Specially when the disrepair starts having consequences, I found it a very oppressive type of vibe.

>> No.23309767

Maybe something by Brandon Sanderson would be up your alley?

>> No.23309859

>an ominous creepy atmosphere
Harold Pinter

>> No.23309890

The People Who Eat Darkness. It's non-fiction but still creepy.

>> No.23311071

>The People Who Eat Darkness
This was surprisingly good. It's a shame true crime is such a hit and miss because as cliche as it may be, reality is truly 10000x weirder than fiction. You might be interested in this guy's japanese mystery/crime chanel: https://www.youtube.com/@kyotorobato

His videos are pretty kino.

>> No.23311106

my diary desu

>> No.23311137

You might give this a shot. A tired driver pulls into a highway rest stop at night. This creeped me out good the first time I read it.


>> No.23311232

I enjoyed it; was a little confused about what happened at the end there and had to reread a section but pretty good

>> No.23311297

B.R. Yeager does a good job at this, Negative Space is the most creepy of his works. Also something like The Sluts by Dennis Cooper or
300,000,000 by Blake Butler might be of interest.

>> No.23311428

Read Poe.

>> No.23311552

you might like flannery o'connor

>> No.23312130

The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle got tons of parts like this. Okada talking with Noboru Wataya through the computer, the endless hotel in the dry well world, getting into the dry well, Wataya's assistant just appearing in Okada's living room, the forgotten back street...

>> No.23312185

Oh my chungus! Is that a heckin liminal space?! Ahhhhhhhh I'm going NEURODIVERGENT!! Save me Crackerman!

>> No.23312202
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House of Leaves

>> No.23312207

Unironically Moby Dick. As Ahab becomes more and more unhinged the atmosphere and tone becomes more isolated, ominous and imo eery.

>> No.23312514

"It's cold out here" a short story by Patrice O'Neal about an ominous encounter in a deserted parking lot.

>> No.23312523
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The Electric State. I'd recommend reading it before 15 year old girls claim it because the chick from Stranger Things is in the movie being made off it but it's fucking incredible. All of Stalenhag's work is basically OP's pic. He's described it as "Kitchen Sink Science Fiction" which is sort of just an amalgamation of things like those backroom liminal space things but it's all a medium for a wider story which always freaked me out more than any story. I read the Labyrinth first and what I love about it is that there isn't a twist, you can basically know from the beginning what the soft "reveal" is gonna be but it places you SO WELL into these characters just not wanting to accept to the truth into it shoves you into to full two page painting of it. They're art books with the formula being text one page art the other and a double art sometimes for the important or cool shots. They can be hard to get but I really recommend getting hard versions over digital.

>> No.23312524

Seconded, also to a lesser degree the old man and the sea, it's obviously less about that ominous sense and the isolation isn't as ironic and thus meaningful, like obviously if your isolated lonely but Ahab being surrounded by a crew and being lonely is a lot more meaningful, but it's still there.

>> No.23312932

Heartsnatcher by Boris Vian