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/lit/ - Literature

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23308568 No.23308568 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading?

How is it? Say something about it

>> No.23308627

Son of Man by Augusto Roa Bastos. It's good, I like the religious symbolism.

>> No.23308640

I re-started gravity's rainbow after being filtered by it a few years ago in college. I get it now.

>> No.23308723

I'm reading /lit/ threads and they suck

>> No.23308799

Mason & Dixon
The picador paperback smells so good

>> No.23308812

I’m currently reading
>Contingencies of Reinforcement, a Theoretical Analysis
$Discriminated stimulus gainsay,

>> No.23308849

revolutionary demonology

>> No.23308872

Naomi by Junichiro Tanizaki
This novel is set in Japan, when western thoughts and lifestyle were imported so radically that many people considered something that has western feelings to be fashionable without a second thought, and has such scenes here and there. And this work seems to be the most popular one among his works in English-speaking countries, but it makes me think something.

>> No.23308902

Literally just finished the first part of H.D.’s Trilogy, The Walls Do Not Fall and it was phenomenal. I finished it like 2 minutes ago so still chewing it over. I’ll read the next 2 parts of Trilogy over the next two nights so I hope the other 2 sections are as great as the first

Also rereading the autobiography of Cellini, one of my favorite books, in a different translation to see how it compares and to give somewhat a “new” feel to an old favorite

>> No.23308942

The Recognitions by Gaddis. A beautiful novel with very impactful themes of falsity and counterfeiting. Takes a lot of effort for me (I'm ESL but have quite a decent level of literacy), but it's quite rewarding. I'd have to reread it to clear some confusion. Wish it could be discussed here more.

>> No.23308946

More Du Fu, more Chu Ci. Du is just living, hanging out in the Gorges and being sad, eating some melons, bitter lettuce and cold noodle soup. The intro was highlighting the theme of food and it definitely shows up a lot in this era, really adds to the self-effacing tone, along with all the other minutiae of rural life.

Chu Ci is lovely. Really beautiful.

>> No.23308972

I just finished The Prisoner by Marcel Proust. I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a neurosis about the girls in my life becoming lesbians.

>> No.23309004

Shogun. It is great. I'm going to read all Clavell's work now.

>> No.23309084
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norah vincent's self made man, in which the author, passes herself off as a man for two years. first three sections were a good ride but the fourth kinda drags. it also feels like it's pandering to me too hard. so far she hasn't really said a single bad thing about men. maybe she thought a lesbian badmouthing men was too expected or maybe it's yet to come but in either case the constant praise of men feels almost belittling. still, she has a unique perspective and her writing is sharp. one passage i particularly enjoyed was when she describes all the men in a bowling alley ceasing play because a player was throwing nothing but strikes and they wouldn't make a sound until he finished. she said that what's she's seen of women's idea of sportsmanship is tearing down your opponents. she actually uses the phrase "it is not enough to succeed, others must fail".

>> No.23309099

Iron Gold. Its a hoot.

>> No.23309100

help me decice what I read next bros
the books I was thinking of starting are
>Brothers Karamazov
>Post Office (Bukowski)
>Anna Karenina

>> No.23309112

bk, and then demons.

>> No.23309131

The Guermantes way (part 3 of a la recherche du temps perdu)
It's about French high society in the fin de siècle and about the Dreyfus affair. The prose is what makes it interesting.

>> No.23309134

thank you my brother

>> No.23309139

The Idiot - Dostoevsky. Not far in but it seems good so far.

>> No.23309158

Same here. Reading Shogun and loving it

>> No.23309216

you all need to see this,