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/lit/ - Literature

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23306229 No.23306229 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>23302177

>> No.23306234

I want to learn Japanese and then go to Japan and go drinking every night, everybody there seems so chill and fun.

>> No.23306247

with the current rate of autism diagnosis (1 in 5 children), the autistic spectrum is either completely overdiagnosed bullshit blatantly done for selling medication, or a normal common personality type that increasingly doesn't fit into a dysfunctional society that only allows a highly specific dysfunctional type to flourish and rejects previously successful ones
many boomers and gen X people from my experience come across as having many autistic symptoms, yet they never had to be diagnosed ever and never had issue integrating and being part of society in their day.

>> No.23306250

I find women who swear casually and often very off-putting. I reckon I should swear less myself.

>> No.23306266

I think there are two things here.
>Autism overdiagnosis.
Autism is very overdiagnosed these days, it's insane, and it's the same with ADHD and the sorts. I'm not sure why they're so overdiagnosed but they are, it's not like the person who diagnoses it is getting any kickback from big pharma for doing it.
>Old people probably having it but still being part of society.
Yeah, you see it all the time, a boomer will tell you that autism didn't exist back in his time but will instantly turn around and go to his insane model train collection in his basement, complete with stations, electricals, and tracks that he made and painted himself. The reason that they integrated and became part of society in their time though was the same reason that gay people did, it was either force it down and be "normal" so that you can be part of society and "succeed" in life or don't do anything about it, be the outcast, and fail. Back in their day, being the outcast and the failure just wasn't an option, they had to do everything they could to make sure that didn't happen. These days, however, being an outcast and being a failure is completely normalized and we even have things set up in society to help those sorts of people survive and still be outcasts and failures, we have the option to be those things now.

But maybe I'm just spouting bullshit, I don't know, I'll probably get called out for something I wrote.

>> No.23306270

I’ve been really depressed recently because I keep brushing up against these moments where I realize that everyone is stupid and more importantly, selfish. Everyone. Friends, family, leadership at work and in politics. Everton. I feel like there is this super-stratum of like education or social norms that is supposed to keep this all in check but has totally failed in modern day.

>> No.23306292

Young couples outside remind me of my inferiority. I dont like that.

>> No.23306295

I'm super bored and I don't have to go to bed for another two hours, ugh.

>> No.23306299

According to my parents, I need to go outside more. Personally, going outside kind of pisses me off most of the time.

>> No.23306300

read a fucking book

>> No.23306304

Contrary to what weed nerds and Science say I have experienced HUGE psychoactive effects from eating raw weed that has not been decarboxylated. I am a firm believer the "science" is wrong on eating raw cannabis.

>> No.23306307

I proposed and she said yes

>> No.23306312

It'll put me to sleep if I do, plus, I just finished one yesterday and I want to take a break from reading just for a day or two.

>> No.23306319

Not because of the environment, bu the people are insufferable. My father thought making me take the bus was going to do something it did not. I don't know what he thought would happen. But it didn't. On the worst days I just seethe while inventing obscene stream of consciousness screeds in my head about random bus goers.
Alas, I have to go places. So I seethe on.

>> No.23306381

reading gravitys rainbow and starting to feel a bit paranoid....

>> No.23306401

Why does love seem so simple when in not in it but so complicated when I am in it? Anyway, I'm out of my first relationship because my gf was fundamentally different to me. I did fall for her but knew from the beginning that she wasn't the one. But because of who she was, really an ideal candidate on paper and really from high society, I felt some need to date her. I did everything well for her but after a while, as I got comfortable, she would exhort me for said lack of effort. I've achieved it and now I hope I am free to follow my heart.
I miss my hs crush. After she rejected me despite some dates and the chemistry still being there, she contacted me years after and began to go on dates again. We'd kiss in hidden spots all over the city...we nearly had a relationship but I abandoned ship last minute. She said she was too flustered after I asked her out to say yes...I wish she contacted me again sooner. I wish we could have had that relationship at the start of university because it would have been fun. I had a chance to start that relationship but it was a bit too late. Could have but did not. I miss you Fi. I want to call her again but it's been years once more and don't want to open up new wounds. There'll at least be a faint expectation I do something. At least I'm now free to date without myself there. I think there's some solace in that she was my first kiss, first girl to have asked out and first love. I really do miss you.

>> No.23306403

Hell yeah if real.

>> No.23306408

I’ve always wanted to be more of a wild spirit and an artist than I am. I’m actually very strait laced and stoic.

>> No.23306416

50 percent

>> No.23306422

What is stopping you?

>> No.23306435

Oh it's real
I'm confident that this one won't screw me over. And besides, if I want kids I have to get married.
I've dated plenty of women and with none did i get close to considering this. Now I have.
Also feels good to say fiance instead of gf now

>> No.23306438

The Retard walks in, and all laughter and merryhood vanishes in an instant.
I tried to look up the word merryhood to see if it really exists or if I'm just making it up, but the fucking search engine just vomited out a shitty American movie instead. Other attempts yielded porn and other such things. Fucking worthless tool.

>> No.23306444

No but I love the sound and connotation of it, keep it.

>> No.23306453
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Happy Birthday, uncle Adolf!

>> No.23306484 [DELETED] 
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I'm attracted to my younger sister. She doesn't know and I make an effort to be a normal older brother for her. I've tried looking for other people and putting myself out there but I always end up drawn to girls who are similar to her and none of them really clicked with me like she does.

>> No.23306485

dude Freud writes about so much stupid shit in Beyond the Pleasure Principle
fuck off with this evolutionary embriology dude
I want to hear about the human mind, some interesting nutcases you worked with that I can relate to and why you think they were the way they ended up like that

>> No.23306494

Tell us more, anon.

>> No.23306500

you are a wretched predatory animal and you need to be put down

>> No.23306528

>some interesting nutcases you worked with that I can relate to and why you think they were the way they ended up like that
I dont remember posting this exact thing.

>> No.23306543

Despite my sincerest continued efforts, time and again I'm reminded why I quit myself from interacting with a lot of people who are more or less part of my life. While there are some who I connect with, it seems like they themselves are under barrage of what I feel are a majority of people living in a petty state of solipsism and forcing their ways on the few who shine through.

>> No.23306551 [DELETED] 

What else do you want to know? She's short, small, very driven and motivated, very smart. When we were little kids she was fairly clingy and attached to me but that was before all of this began. Right now she's going to school in our hometown while I'm living on the other side of the country, so I only see her once or twice a year.

>> No.23306571

I have made great strides and unearthed a lot about myself and feel more complete now. Uncomfortable realizations but realizations nonetheless.

>> No.23306603

It doesn’t come natural to me. That’s not my personality. I don’t think like an artist or poet. I’m not quite a scientist or businessman, but I don’t have the mind and personality of an artist.

>> No.23306610

Everyone talks about how America is either a declining or nucleating empire, but nobody talks about whether Russia is a declining or nucleating empire.

If you transported a Roman emperor to modern day, the country they’d be most interested in Russia. It is the largest political entity on the planet by land mass and is always in militarized expansion mode. Russia looks a lot like the Roman Empire than America does. If Russia successfully dominates Europe, that Russia is an empire can no longer be questioned.

>> No.23306615 [DELETED] 

I can't imagine being an unironic zigger in 2024.

>> No.23306620 [DELETED] 

I can somewhat relate but with a cousin instead. Hopefully yours can be chalked up mostly as temporary and dismissible lust instead of something more and you someday are able to move on with someone else. Unless you think she might feel the same way, in which case best of luck, anon.

>> No.23306628

If you’re so unwilling to engage with an idea that you will just immediately resort to paranoid ad hominem, just don’t reply at all. This is a literature board, a board for people who read and also think. If you don’t do either, you have no business here, and frankly, these threads could do well with a few less of your incel rants or sex-obsessed spam or whatever other complete garbage you no doubt “contribute”.

>> No.23306633

If you watch porn, especially incest porn, you should stop immediately. There’s a high chance your attraction disappears.

But anyway, it’s relatively normal to seek out partners who are like family.

>> No.23306635

were you always stoic as in that being your personality?

>> No.23306636

Possibly the problem is that you are constrained to the rote ordeals of ordinary society. A philosopher once said something along the lines of the bane of a genius is the ordinary expectations of society from him. A genius shouldn't be burdened with things ordinary people are occupied with.

>> No.23306637

Books on strange fits of hate? For some reason I feel anger whenever I read weabooposting. I know you haven't done anything wrong, but I really want to slap your face

>> No.23306648 [DELETED] 

You react like this to the slightest criticism and expect anyone to take you seriously? All over a shitty mafia state ran by a monke which is now in its third year of struggling to invade its vastly poorer and less capable next door neighbor? Fuck off back to /pol/ instead of acting like you own this board, and take your dogshit political opinions with you.

>> No.23306652

>This is a literature board,
>a board for people who read and also think.
A literature board is for people to discuss and talk about literature and books. Go back to /pol/ with your zigger nonsense.

>> No.23306658

i read so many dark books. filled to the brim with the worst that humanity has to offer. now all i can do is try not to go insane. i hope i'll feel better soon.

>> No.23306661

Anki is like selling off a part of your soul in exchange for power.
>489 cards in 54.59 minutes today
>still another 370 dues and 150 new words(long story) to go
At least I'm strong enough now to endure this sort of bullshit everyday. When I'm done with today's stuff it should have taken me two and a half hours in total, or something like that. Before that though, a meal break.

>> No.23306668

I always feel better and more intellectually stimulated at night. I'm always moody in the morning. No idea why, I always get plenty of sleep.
Good for you, anon.

>> No.23306669

Yes. Tight lipped. Straight postured. Not particularly emotionally expressive. Always been that way.

My dad died when I was young and we grew up circling the poverty filter. I was just always expected to be mature, level-headed, calm, and just get things done, be a firm barrier for everyone to push up against. I think I internalized that over the decades. The rest of my family isn’t like this but my dad was.

>> No.23306676
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anyone deal with anything similar to this? any suggestions on pulling yourself out, or don't worry and time will take care of it? thanks.

>> No.23306679

It wasn’t even criticism. If you consider that criticism you are a numb skull. Look at you. You don’t even have any arguments let alone an original idea. You are chimping out like a monke.

Gee, I wonder if global politics and the Roman Empire are at all related to literature. Of course not! How silly of me to think that these topics are literature-related.

Out of curiosity, how many books have you read this year? Surely, you’ve read books. You don’t at all reek of someone who does not read…

>> No.23306685

Unironically read some light-hearted stuff; even picture books for children. That usually cheers me up.

>> No.23306688

bros I like this song and I wanted to share it with you

>> No.23306695
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There's always William James Sidis, the most intelligent person to ever attend Harvard; America's greatest prodigy.

>> No.23306710
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Thank you, Anon. That's very helpful. I don't know why I haven't thought of that. I'll give it a go. I was starting to think that there were no good people left in this world. ;3

>> No.23306745

Anki is really great and effective. I only do 100 review words a day and 10 new words.

>> No.23306747

I bought his biography today by coincidence.

>> No.23306749

>overdiagnosed bullshit blatantly done for selling medication
Do they even give out meds for autism? I thought it was just something you had to deal with

>> No.23306750

If I ever finish my book I'm going to put "Anonymous" in the credits

>> No.23306756

Maybe your father still lives through you in form of personality.

>> No.23306758

Isn't stereotyping just a case inductive reasoning?

>> No.23306767
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This is one of my favourites.

>> No.23306780

>Be me
>Ethnically Indian, born and raised in US
>Visit India for the first time
You know, I was expecting to feel a sense of disconnect/not-belonging in India, like the classic case of a diaspora member who returns to the ancestral homeland and realizes he's too different to fit in there.

For better or worse I fit in there very well. I felt just at home in India as I do in America. Really the only things that I found off-putting about India were the air quality and the apparently terrible job market. Of course I know India has a ton of issues, from religious nationalism to poverty to climate change, but on the ground I felt fine. Perhaps it's a sign I'm not the classic unhinged diaspora case.

>> No.23306826

On Hitler's birthday no less

>> No.23306828

Why is it impossible for women to be funny?

>> No.23306900

I don't get how can people find actresses or other famous women so attractive. Whenever I see one that looks hot I can't not also think "she HAD to have sucked and fucked dozens if not hundreds of disgusting, degenerate producers and other industry people to get where she is". Like no matter how fantastic her boobs are or how cute her face is, the moment you think about her getting pounded in the ass by the thirtieth ogre-looking ass motherfucker that week just to stay relevant, all attraction and appeal evaporates instantly.

>> No.23306912

Wait what are you using anki for?

>> No.23306924

that's what they want you to think, until the moment you speak to someone born there and they say 'oh, so you're not a real indian!' then consider you a moneybag and make fun of you for your manners of speaking

>> No.23306926

Language learning.

>> No.23306948

I think I'll study anthropology, and maybe I'll use you guys as research.

>> No.23306964

The last woman comedian who was representing the entire woman kind made a joke that bombed so hard that they all had to go extinct

>> No.23306992

I've had this kind of peculiar depression lately. It feels more like a kind of wistful longing or basic boredom. It's a feeling of just not really knowing what to do with myself.

>> No.23307000

>It's a feeling of just not really knowing what to do with myself.
I know this feeling all too well. I thought about it and I realized two different states regarding this.

>> No.23307003

Bro Hymn by Pennywise is such a great song

>> No.23307010

I don’t think so.

>> No.23307012

I was thinking the same, but sociology.

>> No.23307014

Living in a college town in your 30s sucks. There are no women older than 25 and if you date college girls you’re labeled a creep and a groomer. You can’t win.

>> No.23307020


>> No.23307143 [DELETED] 

I forgot it was adolf niggler's birthday.

>> No.23307195

What? Says who? You're perfectly fine to date girls in that age range lol.

>> No.23307202

Nice, ty.

>> No.23307210

Hes baiting

>> No.23307238
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noticed my neighbor had the HIV tattoo on his arm today. stared at it for about a minute and blurted out "does that tattoo mean what I think it means?" immediately regretted asking and apologized but he just said yeah it does. I feel like an autistic prick but I can't wrap my head around someone tattooing that somewhere everyone can see it. the whole situation left me feeling unsettled. I guess I should just stop thinking about it.

>> No.23307255
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Part of me wants to get really high today, because I am bored and depressed. The other part of me wants to continue abstaining because it dysregulates my dopamine, shrinks my hippocampus, and makes me a lazy braindead retard who can't write or read or remember. I haven't smoked weed in two weeks. I feel too conscious. Consciousness is a disease. I'm not going to smoke weed. I'll just sit in this boredom with my full overwhelming banal awareness. I'll read, I'll run, I'll (not) write, I'll draw, and I will be counting the seconds until this beautiful sunny day is over. I won't get high but I'm going to get drunk.

>> No.23307256

It's not just a cool 'biohazard' symbol tattoo, and is a literally a callsign for HIV positive? That's wild.

>> No.23307260
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I can't study properly anymore. I struggle severely with focus but I do know why; lack of support, encouragement and reassurance; and I do know because there was a short period of time in my life I could focus quite well. Near a decade ago when I was 14-16, one of my new science teachers was first and last person in my life to care that I did well, she was the only person that clearly had hopes in me and unlike my parents didn't give up on me before even I had chance to give up. During that time I had insatiable zeal for learning. So much so that even the fact I had to take double the amount of exames (most people had 3, I had 6) still managed to get near highest marks possible.
Huh, I started crying when typing this. Haha...
God, I wish I had someone who cares, or at least I didn't need anyone to care, I would be eternally grateful for either.

>> No.23307284

gay dudes be wilin

>> No.23307289

I feel for you anon. I was in a similar position, though I’m only in college now. I had the worst possible time in high school and freshman year of college, terminally online and addicted to internet, porn, and videogames, no motivation, no concentration to do anything (even reading, and I loved to read), incredibly depressed, the whole 9. Completely awful and crushing.

I’ve gotten over it and have regained all my concentration and drive mostly due to: A) quitting internet for the most part, and B) finding some inwardly motivated “drive,” or “why” for doing things. I remember the Nietzsche quote, “he who has a strong enough why can bear almost any how;” all you need is to find your “why.” I know it all too well that it’s incredibly hard when you don’t really have anyone who cares for you. I care anon, I’m rooting for you :)

>> No.23307317

Writing it's literally the only thing that makes sense.
Endure those thoughts, allow yourself to feel. Your mind will eventually change. I've experienced it before. It's crazy.
That said, I'm back to gooning and smoking weed lol

>> No.23307330

How wrong is it that I had a dream where I fucked a high-school aged girl that I know? I've never consciously thought of her in a sexual way before.

>> No.23307337

My laziness is holding me back, but from what? Given my, um, weird thought patterns, were I to be more proactive, I'd end up either in jail or dead.
Basically, I need a full rewire.

>> No.23307343
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My mind is hurting! Awareness stings!
I feel like a plane flying with malfuctioning instruments. I hear *WHOOP WHOOP* -PULL UP-, Bank Angle-Bank Angle-Bank Angle, but it's pitch black outside and I can't see shit.
I can't see shit! I can only feel it all around me.

>> No.23307344

>That said, I'm back to gooning and smoking weed lol
wtf bro why?

>> No.23307348

I like cute girls. Unsure if that's considered controversial nowadays. Just can't help myself, so don't cancel me.

>> No.23307354

nothing a few beers won't fix

>> No.23307359

Because living without brain-numbing distractions feels to intense. I've realized that these are the only moments in which I feel at easy and in control. When my mind is so out of itself I no longer exist in reality, but only through porn.
And if I stop doing that for a month something fucked up happens. Religion enters, politics enter, you start developing new interests. Something just begins changing inside you, but there comes a point in which you just keep waking up into a world without distractions, and you just panic.

>> No.23307376

Anki filtered me. Hard.

>> No.23307423

Consider moving.

>> No.23307522

damn bro, I understand. I'm going to try to hold out for as long as I can this time and see what happens. It feels like a metamorphosis that I always interrupt.

>> No.23307528

I downloaded a German vocab set with like 5000 words and study it for about 20-30 minutes a day. it uses spaced repetition to help you memorize the words. It's very effective.

>> No.23307535

I think lip filler is hot af

>> No.23307539

My house is so dirty but its impossible to clean so i dont know what to do. I basically need to refurbish and buy new everything but im too poor to afford one room let alone the entire house. Living in a pigsty it is.

>> No.23307546

It's exactly that. A painful metamorphosis.It's letting something sit inside of your head and reshape it. And then one day you have different habits, listen to different stuff, think different... you're changed.
There is madness beyond the fear. That's why you're so afraid. But if you're not insane, then you're just cattle.

>> No.23307556

It works as both advertisement and warning. I wouldn't feel like a dick, he got it to get people to ask.
Your dick just wants you to put it in something with viable eggs and it can smell them. I wouldn't worry about it
We'll have to send you to cute girl reeducation camp where cute girls subject you to tickle torture

>> No.23307560

That shit freaks me out. I saw a video of a surgeon explaining he wouldn't fill anything near eyes any more because of how it can start worming its way into your eye sockets

>> No.23307563

Chair is starting to get pretty weak. It's so fucking over. I'll have to pay over 9000 papers of money for a new one.

>> No.23307599

I'm going to stick with it because I want to write. I can't write if I'm stoned and masturbating all day. My life is already shit so I might as well face it with full clarity and write something down. Porn and drugs are chains I've been wearing and I'm taking them off. I'm done repressing my strength and reality. Why don't you want to change? We have nothing to lose.

>> No.23307631

>and I realized two different states regarding this.

>> No.23307644

LOVE consuming porn and drugs. I know I could allow myself to live like this. No actually no, lukewarmness is the problem with the gooner lfiestyle. Hell, I should be smoking crystal meth and not this baby shit. I heard it makes you goon for days.
It's either that, or some equally fucking insane bullshit. But writing through all this shit is an amazing exercise.

>> No.23307650

Catholicism is like people trying to construct Christianity by natural reason alone. It's an interesting system developed by great minds, but fails because it relies too heavily on the reasonings of fallen man. This is why it emphasizes vain tradition and works so much. It is the self aware man, seeing his own fallen state, trying to justify and regulate himself. It is nothing more than mankind recreating and self imposing the tyranny of the Law. Now of course, no man, being fallen, can ever be justified under the Law. Hence why Catholics have built up so many traditions, rituals, and holy days. They pharisically try to self restrain with a rigorous ethic.
If the Catholics would only abandon their own will and their own efforts and their own reasoning and just allow the Revelation of God and His grace to transform them, they could leave behind all their empty worldly endeavors and enter in to that peace with God.

>> No.23307656

>if only catholics would abandon their faith for random shit Pastor Jimbob came up with, they could become true Christians

>> No.23307703
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>> No.23307707
File: 150 KB, 720x730, doubtposting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pondering the marvel of Jordan B. Peterson

>> No.23307747

why are competent people so straight to the point

>> No.23307748

I'm going to write about the crusades but instead of Christians vs Muslims it's humans vs ___ (not sure what yet, zombies? aliens? orcs? robots? demons? gods? eldritch horrors? immigrants?)

>> No.23307759

>Anon thinks he's already seen the face of God and that God didn't give him reason
K, seems unlikely

>> No.23307895

Spent a quarter of a year learning to draw, another quarter to draw, one more to learn German, and the last one to stare blankly at the wall. The only one I succeeded in was the last one. This year I will try to be a little bit more successful and productive, though I feel my conscious attempts do not mean much and I am basically rolling dice that was weighted to 1.

>> No.23307921

I'm also trying to learn german/drawing.

>> No.23307925

*another quarter to learn to program
Brain is just fucked I guess.
I hope you'll manage them better than I did.

>> No.23307940

Not pastor Jimbob Jones, but just Scripture directly. I have respect for the Catholic tradition, but that tradition is like 1500 years worth of clutter piled on top of the original. Like a desk that you allowed to pile up books and momentos to such a degree you've forgotten what the desk looks like.
1 Cor. 1:20
Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made the wisdom of the world foolish?
1 Cor. 1:21
For since in the wisdom of God the world through its wisdom did not know God, God was well pleased through the foolishness of the preaching to save those who believe.
1 Cor. 1:22
For indeed Jews require signs and Greeks seek wisdom,
1 Cor. 1:23
But we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness,
1 Cor. 1:24
But to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.
1 Cor. 1:25
Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men, and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

Job 15:2
Should a wise man answer with the knowledge of wind,
And should he fill his belly with the east wind?

>> No.23307941

Feeling sleepy...

>> No.23307958

There is only one city. What we think of as different cities are but fragments of this one city, because urban life exerts such an irresistible homogenizing force on people who live in cities. In all senses except linguistic and phenotypical, the people of New York, Berlin, London, Beijing, and Tokyo resemble each other incomparably more than any of them resemble the people living in the rural areas of their respective countries, who in turn resemble each other far better than any of them do their urban countrymen. That is to say, the urban vs. rural divide far precedes any linguistic, social, religious, or national divide.

>> No.23307966

Where did Scripture come from?
What did Christians practice in, say, 70 AD?

>> No.23307983

Ok calvino

>> No.23307993

These dating shows can be fun but almost half the couples on them are FAGGOTS
Why is tv like this? Why must 50% of all people on them be faggots, lesbians, trannies etc?
Extremely off putting

>> No.23308002

Kek if you're trying to use the bible to prove your point maybe don't use the book that says you can't know until you're known that everyone remembers from its weird construction and percussion metaphors. That also says it's unlikely you saw God better for abandoning the practical for faith

>> No.23308003

Go for a run.

>> No.23308031

9 years ago my brother planted an apple seed. The tree would have died within a month if I didn't care and cultivate it. We moved 2 years into its life, and I dug up all its roots and transplanted it in our new yard.
For 9 years I cared for this tree. It bore no fruit. It never flowered. It barely even branched. It looked just like an ugly bush. I knew eventually it would have to be cut down. I waited for its maturation but it's now past that point.
Last year my brother died. I saw the tree as his legacy and didn't want to cut it down, regardless of how fruitless. But today I did.
The tree is a great metaphor for my brother. He never did anything. Barelt graduated high school. Didn't get a job til he was 24. Was fired for smoking Crack in the bathroom. He was always in and out of rehabs, jail, and homelessness. He was useless, ugly, and just sucked resources out of everything around him. He died alone, in some empty parking lot, of a drug overdose.
I didn't want to cut down the tree. It was sentimental. It was part of my everyday scenery. It was raised from just a seed, and cultivated by m careful effort and attention. But it was worthless. I am going to replace it with a fruitful tree.

>> No.23308038

I'm sorry for your loss, anon.

>> No.23308045

I agree with some of it

>> No.23308048

Biohazard is also the name of a NYHC band who’s singer is Jewish oddly enough

>> No.23308049

Do you guys seriously believe in Christ? How?

>> No.23308063

i wish i could live life more but i dont know how or where to go or if its just the desire to belong to a community. im also petrified of the world and being a woman doesnt help

>> No.23308064

>Neither of these fucks knew to graft the tree

>> No.23308070

>live life more but i dont know how
wtf does live life more mean?

>> No.23308078

not be home all day doing college online

>> No.23308080

I need a fucking car. I need a fucking car.

>> No.23308082

Now they're pairing a sweet girl up with a dark black african with two severely disabled hands.

>> No.23308089

What else makes any sense at all?

>> No.23308101

idk if you should be in college if you don't know you choose how you spend your time

>> No.23308103

okay ill drop out

>> No.23308105

Another fag couple

>> No.23308106

NTA -- a creator certainly seems reasonable. I just don't see how you make the leap from that to Christianity.

>> No.23308109

When I see myself in the eyes of my cat I always get severely disgusted and my previous smile gets torn right off my face. Since it is just a cat I can still handle it, but if I were to see myself reflected in the eyes of a girl I love I would probably just go mad right then and there. It's not that I don't want to be reflected, it's just that I don't want the me that is reflected to be like this. I put a modest effort into improving myself, but I feel that there is something more innate about me that can neither be destroyed or changed, and that it is the thing disgusting me so greatly.

>> No.23308110

Hey stop ruining my sad metaphor

>> No.23308112

lel yeah you def shouldn't be in college

>> No.23308115

stfu tree killer

>> No.23308140

Syncretism got a lot of Catholicism there. They sent out monks to translate to people in their own language, so God generally is all creator god(s) like for the norse they're translating yahweh to all father, or for a lot of America other sky gods. Sometimes it works backwards like with the Irish where the missionaries go a bit native, but in general it works because most previous religions also think a creator reasonable, then you tag on the sequel with that guy's fave kid

>> No.23308156

I was watching Ukrainian conscription videos. How the government lackeys treat “cowardly draft dodgers” with such contempt. In one video they caught a van leaving the country with a lot of men stuffed in the back. They just dragged them out into a pile like mice and began beating them over the head.

But what are the Ukrainians fighting for? This I just don’t understand. I understand the rulers of these countries, the politicians and big businessmen, I understand what they want. But I simply don’t and will never understand why simple people go to risk their lives for either side.

From my point of view, as a simple man, who the rulers were never mattered. At the end of the day I still have to go to work and earn my bread. As long as they don’t raise my taxes too high, and don’t impose on me tyrannically, I have no interest in them. I certainly wouldn’t choose sides in their squabbles and go to die over it.

So what would have happened if the Ukrainians simply didn’t fight? Probably the lands to the East would be annexed into Russia, and a new Ukrainian government would come around. The small people would still pretty much have the same lives - they would go to work, come home, live out their lives under the dominion of the new ruling classes, much as before.

Would the Russians have oppressed Ukraine? Would they have raised taxes immeasurably? Would they have gone around murdering Ukrainians? I don’t believe so. Only the ruling classes would be affected.

And yet who is it that fights - the little people! I was in Romania not long ago, in the coastal city called Constanta. I stayed in a hotel on the shore. In that neighbourhood, which was comparatively fancy, there were more Ukrainian registration plates on cars than Romanian ones. And they all had fancy cars - BMW, Mercedes, and the like.

So these rich and middle class Ukrainians just escaped in droves. And the poor people are forced to fight.

But fight for what? To join the EU? To be ruled by one government rather than another? Is this worth dying for?

I admire the American spirit of independence. It seems that Americans are naturally critical of government control and just want to be left alone. However I wish we could have a much more radical version of that - a cultural spirit that completely renounces the sham that is “patriotism” and just focuses on self reliant, independent communities. Armed communities who will shoot at government conscription agents. People who will fight only for themselves, their homes, their families, not abstract ideals such as “the nation”, “the EU”, or “democracy”.

If we pay taxes so that the government would “protect us” - why is it that we are forced like slaves against our will to protect the government?

I wish I knew more about this. I wish I were intelligent enough to understand why this is happening and how to prevent it. My spirit heaves for these dead soldiers. Maybe I’m effeminate, or politically illiterate.

>> No.23308159

The final count is
>1420 cards in 3.26 hours today
I'll do some immersion and fuck off to bed.

>> No.23308168

Imperfection must exist within everything. If I fail to detect a flaw I will edit or insert one. I'll place a fart sound in a song for example.

>> No.23308174

I'm not sure I'm convinced that if there is a first cause, creator, God, that they are knowable whatsoever to begin with, and even if we can know them in some sense through reason, then much less that they will have interacted with humanity in any way, ala The Bible, Christ, revelations, etc.

>> No.23308180

everything was going so well until this afternoon. it just doesn't feel fair when everything's going right and you're suddenly blindsided by setbacks you have no way to anticipate or defend yourself from. all i can do is tank this and keep going on a little worse than i was before.

>> No.23308183

I'm actually attracted to women who are nothing like my sister

>> No.23308194

here's the deal jack; i'm off my meds, i have 500mg of testosterone in my ass, i'm drunk, i'm at the lowest point i've been in months, and i'm about to drive 110 miles an hour on the highway.

>> No.23308196

nice birb

>> No.23308199

Are you quoting the right anon? I was just explaining how Catholicism spread through very loose translations of creator god to places that already had that idea in place and prominent in their religion, so Christianity taking hold in those places is mostly explained by the Catholic church engineering language

>> No.23308202

Sounds more like a murder disguised as suicide than anything.

>> No.23308208


Oh sorry I misunderstood your post. I thought you were saying there is a universal foundation to Catholicism as it has historically incorporated the religious beliefs and rituals of countless peoples from all around the world, so in the sense they're worshipping the same God, etc etc. My bad, ignore me xd

>> No.23308215

i have every intention of making it home safely and sleeping it off.

>> No.23308221

No, i'm just talking about their missionary practices. Some of them are hilarious because some priest from Europe shows up to somewhere that thinks eating your enemies steals their magic powers from them, and the priest is like
>These guys love the body of Christ, they want daily communion
Some of the Irish ones are great too, like they're convinced Homer should be in the bible for completeness.

>> No.23308222

What justifies living life? What justifies the suffering that it entails?
Hej congrats dude

>> No.23308247

Ah lol.

>> No.23308273

A basic argument is that if there is a Creator then it should only make sense that the Creator be personally interested in His (its?) Creation. Given that there is obviously something unique about humans among all other animals then it follows the Creator should want to make contact.

>> No.23308277

I wonder if they ever read the manuscript I sent them

>> No.23308283

Pretty interesting how this is so consistent with the legacy of Rome, which before Christianity integrated all local folk religions into its own canon. Catholicism really is just spiritual Romanism. The Reformation makes more and more sense every day

>> No.23308290


>> No.23308294

Thank you for the response.

>> No.23308298


>> No.23308303

nice little piece of writing - it made me feel something, quite a bit, actually.

>> No.23308313

>NTA -- a creator certainly seems reasonable. I just don't see how you make the leap from that to Christianity.
You could take a look at the John Green book referenced here: >>/lit/thread/S23233276#p23237888

>> No.23308320

i challenge you to name a pop song more brilliant than "like a prayer". you can't do it, can you?

>> No.23308322

I wish I was put in Vault 69 in the Fallout universe.

>> No.23308337

nothing compares 2 u

>> No.23308345

damn u got me there honestly

>> No.23308348

I assume you mean like contemporary top 40 pop? Britney Spears - Toxic

>> No.23308349

Late antiquity (particularly in the mediterranean) is fascinating to me, for some reason, it seems so distant, but so similar.

>> No.23308357

not half as good

>> No.23308366

>Don't let the truth get in the way of a good story.
If your story isn't good enough to tell without lying then you shouldn't be telling it at all.

>> No.23308367


>> No.23308368


>> No.23308372

I've been thinking about learning to dance, but since I have neither a GF nor am I normie enough just yet to go to a dancing class, I feel like this is one of those things that will have to wait. It's like when you are a virgin, you want to learn how to please your future partner the best, but without a partner to practice on and with you can't get good at sex.

>> No.23308415

good work anon, that's a lot.

>> No.23308431

can you tell my why this is? i shouldnt be in college because of..anxiety?

>> No.23308439

I want a gigantic statue to myself gathering moss on the town square.
Do you want to learn any particular style of dance?

>> No.23308443

I haven't yet given thought to that. I guess I could practice most moves by myself but I figure that's like practicing chess by taking on the CPU, it's just not the real deal.

>> No.23308449

I have no idea where my life is going. Probably nowhere good. I've been in between worlds for a long time.

>> No.23308454

Do something bold
dubs compel you

>> No.23308457

I've felt like this quite a bit lately, and it defaults to feeling bad, but sometimes I can engineer my mind in such a way that it feels exciting.

>> No.23308460

Woke up and blocked the plug for nothing

>> No.23308475

Of all my failures, failing to maintain my dental health has been the most regretful. The fucking discomfort and general pain of having shit teeth is brutal.

>> No.23308478

nta but piece of me is iconic

>> No.23308481

I have no idea where I'm going either. It kind of makes sense because I'm only 21 but at the same time, I should be figuring it out pretty soon because I'm 21. All I do is sit at home and fuck around all day, I've tried to get a job but no one wants me for some reason.

>> No.23308489

I only got my shit together at 25.
Thinking back if I started at 21 I'd be fucking golden right about now

>> No.23308490

If you could turn back time, what would you change?

>> No.23308501

when I was a kid and I asked my mom to buy me clothes that fit, or soap, she would tell me to go fuck myself

>> No.23308507

Another explanation I heard is that society used to be more formal, so it was easier for an autist to integrate with it, but now informality rules, and concomitally, you have to be more of a loosey-goosey person to fit well with it (autists have been described as being made up of straight lines, they/we have a hard time with such a setup).

>> No.23308511

How are we defining pop? Because a lot of things that make the criteria >>23308348 here aren't typically thought of as pop as a genre, and a lot that fit the genre never chart. Technicalities aside, this is the one to beat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xat1GVnl8-k

>> No.23308512

That's just a stereotype, plenty of artists aren't that way.

>> No.23308514

I had three major head surgeries before the age of 5. My earliest memories are all ones of extreme pain and me screaming alone in bed with my head wrapped up. I'm now 21 and a KHHV. I don't think my childhood trauma is to blame for that, but it sure is an easy scapegoat.

>> No.23308525

21 is young bro. Everyone still looks at you like you're a teenager, because that's basically what you are. Just pick something productive and do it

>> No.23308530

name 25

>> No.23308532

It sounded better in my mind before I wrote it. Maybe I'll rework it and refine it. Maybe it'll be therapeutic.

>> No.23308538

I'm a virgin who tried to learn to dance, salsa specifically, discovered that I don't naturally move in time with the music and it just wasn't a fun experience. But I've been thinking I need to have a go at getting into the EDM scene, try to get down the basic moving in time with the music (though how would I know if I am or not?)

>> No.23308545

Not try to befriend those jerks in high school, should have quickly realized they would never accept me since they were failed normies, should have gone for the true weirdos instead.

>> No.23308549
File: 110 KB, 371x246, Screenshot 2024-04-20 195251.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The chudjak is the utter antithesis of the Vedic mind
Whereas the chudjak archetype has repeatedly denounced the idea of any change occurring, one of the main concepts of the Vedic religions is that change is a constant that ceases to end.
Furthermore, running on this logic train the chuddy seeks change through any means available, ideally through mass death via nuclear war, whereas the Vedic psyche wishes to slow down the steam of change through stabilizing society, thereby promoting peace as an ideal to escape Maya.
Fuck I just realized that these kinds of meme analyses are the same thing as the Greek plays of the 4th century BC. Instead of using Greek gods to symbolize things, basedjaks are used

>> No.23308550

I took a class with this painter, Carmelo Sobrino, he has paintings in the local museum, including a permanent installation, but was teaching a class for beginners because he believes in art that much.

I can't emphasize how much of an ordinary guy he was. He was just a dude. Not bohemian at all. Not a stoic either, but there you go.

>> No.23308553 [DELETED] 

yeah i switched from artsy failed normie nerds in junior high to druggy skater dudes in high school and definitely ruined my life. those guys were so fucking stupid. one of the failed normie kids runs a tattoo shop now, no idea what happened to the rest of them, but probably something sort of creative. the skater dudes are just total fails, probably not even employed.

>> No.23308554

Leonardo da Vinci, Vincent van Gogh, Pablo Picasso, Michelangelo, Frida Kahlo, Claude Monet, Salvador Dalí, Rembrandt, Georgia O'Keeffe, Jackson Pollock, Andy Warhol, Gustav Klimt, Henri Matisse, Wassily Kandinsky, Edvard Munch, Caravaggio, Joan Miró, Roy Lichtenstein, Banksy, Keith Haring, Jean-Michel Basquiat, René Magritte, Edgar Degas, Paul Cézanne, Pierre-Auguste Renoir, Astrid Lumière, Remy Brushstroke, Serena Skywater, Isadora Quill, Luna Starlight.

>> No.23308555

wait why was s.o.y. changed to based?

>> No.23308559

you have to go back i'm sorry

>> No.23308560

Your story reminds me of one I saw in the videogame Persona 3. There's an old couple whose son was a beloved school teacher who died in a car crash (I think). Part of their story is that a persimmon tree that he planted with his students in the school was going to be cut down. But there was an outcry from the students, now adult, and they managed to save the tree.

It's like an inversion of your story, but throwing my 2 cents in, I think you should have kept the tree. If only for the sake of unconditional love.

>> No.23308569

>Just pick something productive and do it
Like what? I have no interests that could be made into a career.

>> No.23308571

No don't send me back to the sharty please

>> No.23308582

No one ever cares

>> No.23308587

A hot tip I read once, for someone in this situation, is to make a list of 10 things you have wanted to try, but haven't done yet. Take some time with it, wrack your brains if you must. Then go do that.

>> No.23308588
File: 6 KB, 259x194, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favorite bird? the black-capped chickadee.

>> No.23308591

Focus on improving yourself rather than residing in the empty hollow pitiful void. Your life will finding more meaning & you could probably wife up some chicks

>> No.23308595

>Vedic religions is that change is a constant that ceases to end.
I thought Hinduism taught a type of monism where change is an illusion and reality is one

>> No.23308600

Careers aren't about your personal interests

>> No.23308606

I don't regret cutting down the tree. It needed to go. A new era of my life is beginning and holding on to sterile fruit trees is a waste of space and effort.
John 15:2
Every branch in Me that does not bear fruit, He takes it away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes it that it may bear more fruit.

John 15:6
If one does not abide in Me, he is cast out as a branch and is dried up; and they gather them and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.

>> No.23308622

sorry, i've been away for a long time. by recs, are you asking for recommendations for heavier reading?

i've quite a lot but here's a sample:https://archive.org/details/the-saturn-death-cult

further reading: behold a pale horse, pawns in the game, tavistock: engineering the masses, blowback, TRANCE-Formation, etc, etc, etc...

>> No.23308637

It does not fall to you to decide which branches are to be pruned. That is literally playing God.

>> No.23308644

Do something that isn't boring and makes you a lot of money.
Easy. I beg you not to drift around wondering what to do. You'll regret it. Just pick a good field and start already

>> No.23308647

It's all a very elaborate metaphor. I didn't prune my brothers life, but I did his tree.

>> No.23308670

>Doesn't know that the 'Cuck has worldfilters
Nigger are you 12?
>Straight laced
He wasn't insane but normal he was not.

>> No.23308697

All of your peers will say this. If they don’t say it, it’s written on their face when they find out you went on a date with a college student.

This should really be obvious that people think this.

>> No.23308698

that was after the necronomicon and 100s of other grimoirs

>> No.23308703

Moving back in with my parents is probably my single biggest regret. It’s certainly top 3.

>> No.23308704

What's the max acceptable age gap in your opinion? I would say that after age 21, it's a ten year gap (so a 21 yo and a 31 yo).

>> No.23308714

I guess it depends on your peer group and other factors, like I look very young for my age so that probably helps me get a pass if it really is the exception.

>> No.23308727

overdosing on fentynal seems like a pleasant suicide, better than leaving my brain and skull on the wall.

>> No.23308747

I was banned for several weeks for telling a joke a mod didn't get and then calling him a fucking retard for not getting it in the appeal, so he denied the appeal. I got mad for one hundredth of a hundredth of a second, until I realized, he moderates 4chan for a living and sits in a discord all day with faggot transvestites talking about moderating 4chan. Then, a refreshing wave of calm washed over me like a cool ocean breeze.

>> No.23308783
File: 86 KB, 800x600, meishan-swine-800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ability to soberly control the mind is fleeting and can be hampered significantly by external and internal influences. (Emotions, time of day, hunger, work stress, traffic, envy, impatience, etc.) Often this can lead to a nearly complete loss of willpower, and a total submission to entertainments. (Scrolling, cooming, gaming, etc) I need to be very very careful with the influences I let into my life. I am not a closed system.

Living in alignment with that which is deemed most meaningful is the marker by which everything is judged. It supersedes all, as long as it is in some awareness- think of the dread which starts small but slowly increases over time until it is distressing, whenever you engage in an entertainment/stimulant you use to numb/distract yourself. The entertanment is effective for some time but can never fully hold back the increasing tide of dread, as long as somewhere within you lies a more meaningful value.

Some side of my personality waits until I have made my resolution to change my life so that it can then go ahead and engage with entertainment. My recent awareness of this seems to be all that was needed to reduce its effects, only because I remember that such behavior always ends up resulting in the failure of the resolutions. I suppose such behavior at first doesn't really seem "wrong" by which I mean I wasn't trying to lie to myself. I really felt like I had fixed the issue and that going ahead with my entertainment vices was totally ok. I just now know that that doesn't work.

The mind seems to unconsciously judge whether the present actions and reality are in aligment with held goals. If it judges that these are not aligned, the mind induces dread and anxiety. Anxiety when values are threatened, despair at the thought that fulfilling them is no longer possible.
It should be remembered that the mind is still not omnipotent, and these unconscious judgements can be flawed. Take the procrastinator who spends the first 2 weeks of the alotted 3 weeks to prepare for a test procrastinating. He unconsciously believes that he still has enough time to prepare, but on closer examination of the test materials he would realize that such a thing is impossible for this case.

>> No.23308790
File: 610 KB, 1115x1102, IMG_8153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skinner and behaviorism is true. Negative and positive reinforcement works. Sure it's not 100% of what influences action, but it's a great deal of it. This is a large discussion, and I need to watch more lectures.

Setting my phone to black and white really works for reducing the pull of social media. Inverting the colors even seems to work with porn.
Useful finding: in quelling the pull of a habit, a more effective way to weaken a reinforced behavior is by allowing the reinforced behavior to occur while removing the reinforcer, compared to trying to block the reinforced behavior, assuming that the block can be overcome. Seems to be why apps that block access don't really work. If there's ever a point where the individual decides to remove a removable block for any reason, that behavior will then be strongly reinforced and the app will lose all effect. It has to be 100% effective, like using a dumb phone or leaving it somewhere else completely, or it has to reduce the reinforcer by making it black and white or idk emitting bile smell while looking at porn or something.

Entertainments align with lesser values, values which are far far easier to gratify in the present, but when judged in importance directly with greater values lose out; which can be demonstrated by visualizing yourself permanently giving up one for the other. I did this today and was surprised when I really felt that one decision was correct. Even though my greater value may not always be present in my mind, it is very real.

I believe human beings are creatures who evolved to perform that which is meaningful. More or less what Viktor Frankl talks about.

>> No.23308791

Based mod banning unfunny anons; if only there were more

>> No.23308801

pretty sure I have done nothing really good in my life. I mean I must have down a few cool shit but I can't remember most of it, and I've never sacrificed anything for someone else, really. next to me, people like my mother or father are paragons of virtue. the only good thing I can remember doing recently without second thoughts has been taking time for someone I felt needed help ONCE and it was last year. I'm not even joking. and it had to girl I found pretty. I probably wouldn't have bothered if it were an indian or something

>> No.23308811

I read 800 pages in the last 3 days, binging some well-written litrpg shit. that was neat. I felt the need to have some original thoughts from somewhere. I can't handle doomscrolling anymore.

>> No.23308857

Goodnight /lit/.

>> No.23308863

Goodnight, Anon.

>> No.23308864

How far back are we talking about?

>> No.23308866

Have a good sleep.

>> No.23308882

I used to be heavily into comic books and superheroes a few years ago but slowly my interest had dwindled until today. I watched three documentaries on the comic book industry and different authors and writers and stuff and now my passion is back and burning again, this feels good.

>> No.23308898

Start volunteering

>> No.23308930

Goodnight baby *smooch*

>> No.23308965

Do you realise that I compulsively scan the board every night before I go to bed and search through the threads looking for anything you've posted and I can essentially always tell and lately the things I’ve seen have made me feel so upset and frantic and I fucking hate myself for doing it and it’s not even a dopamine kick anymore it just hurts and I need to talk to you so badly and I don’t know why I can’t stop please make it stop

>> No.23308982

rest reasy

>> No.23308993

Every day I feel like I’m losing my mind more and more and my thoughts get scarier and scarier and I can’t think about anything else there’s nothing else going on in my head it hurts so much there’s nothing that will make it stop

>> No.23309066

This is just /r9k/
Disappointing. 4chan's become too mainstream

>> No.23309094

No, and frankly, I don't care; get a life, loser.

>> No.23309097

I closely guard any thoughts that might actually be insightful, just in case anyone steals them from me.

>> No.23309122

Lol iktf

>> No.23309129

How do you learn drawing?

>> No.23309135

I think I might be Paul Valéry

>> No.23309142

You know what? If you and I were in the same room, I'd let you slap me, why not?

>> No.23309143

in what sense?

>> No.23309146

>Follow tutorials on YouTube.
>There are books on drawing.
>There are free lectures and classes on it.
>Just keep drawing.
>Trace over images to get a feel for certain shapes and certain things.
>Keep drawing.
>Just fucking draw.

>> No.23309156
File: 144 KB, 1200x735, 170685538890 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The truth is, you're just another totally insufferable fuckup who comes here because you have nowhere else to go; see, this site is full of people who care more about the discussion than the thing they're discussing. Nobody on /co/ watches cartoons; nobody on /v/ plays video games; nobody on /fit/ lifts weights; and it's pretty much a given that nobody on /pol/ engages in politics or reads political theory. These people's enjoyment of the site comes solely from being a part of the in-group, repeating the correct opinions, regurgitating the shibboleths, finding "subtle" ways to convey their bitterness and misanthropy to a crowd of people who are just as empty as they are. It all reminds me of Ebert saying that a lot of fans are basically fans of fandom itself, that it's a security blanket for the socially inept, a substitute for social skills. And just like anyone who falls into this rabbit hole full of shit that is imageboards didn't have much going on in their lives, a lot of these types are much the same elsewhere online; I've met quite a few and they were all lonely, from a disfunctional family, poor, dropouts, no career prospects, few opportunities, plain shit at socializing; It is what it is. You can't dispute this. You don't end up on sites like this because you have things going on in your life. Successful folks use social media to boost their IRL image and clout, they don't use it to escape their depressing reality like permanently online dweebs do.

>> No.23309241

This isn't r9k because there's nobody posting porn trying to trick lonely autists into trooning out

>> No.23309281

Drawing really isn't very fun. It's mostly cope and seethe, in my experience. I ahve a discovered some interesting things about my own aesthetic preferences through it, though.
For some reason, I draw things very long, especially people. I have to struggle alot to draw a broad headed person beyond the stick figure level of abstraction.

>> No.23309284

Learning a language irrationally repels me for some god forsaken reason and sometimes I wonder if it's just residue from something my parents attemoted to force me into.

>> No.23309387

None of this applies to me actually.
Very successful people use 4chan, you're just desperately hoping everyone is a failure like you.

>> No.23309389

Are most people evil?

We are led to believe that we live in a world were most people are fundamentally good people. I am starting to doubt that dogma.

If it was true that most people were fundamentally good, there would be way less evil in this world. No. I am starting to suspect that most people convince themselves and want the world to think of them as good people. But they will also strive to commit as much evil as they can get away with.

>> No.23309443

I have so many thoughts in my head that I want to get out.

>> No.23309466

Tall buildings shake, voices escape singing sad, sad songs

>> No.23309468

>that one actual schizo who has oddly illuminating political insights hasn't updated his blog in two weeks
I hope he's just on one of his trips again

>> No.23309495

an I correct in understanding that nobody actually knows how the UK government works and they're just making it up as they go along?

>> No.23309496

I bought a pencil and a ream of computer paper and am going thru a free course called 'drawabox.' plus, I spend some time copying references sketches outside of the course material.
I've always wanted to be able to sketch people and animals and I know all I need to do is practice and it will become reality.

>> No.23309531

The proverbial touch grass might help here, and therapists are normies, but they can help with this kind of thing too. Hoping it gets better.

>> No.23309535

I just find it funny at times, but it's true that it gets repetitive.

> chasing clout

That's what normies do, so many people here need to get it out of their heads that being a normie is a good thing, it has tradeoffs, like anything else.

>> No.23309548

This is the part where you get me to ask, "who?"


>> No.23309582

If I was ever going to learn how to draw it would be so I could draw my favourite characters from the books I read, there just isn't enough book fan art.

>> No.23309612

yeah I'm reading gravitys rainbow and there a lot of scenes that would be fun to draw. I want to draw slothrop in a hawian shirt getting cooed over by the three French dancers. or the octopus attack, or brigadier pudding kneeling before lady nocturna

>> No.23309618

I remember once taking a glance and finding out that you can just buy a position and influence which bills pass and which don't. I assume the whole system is just this one big thing that maximizes cash inflow and corruption, leaving every notion of fairness and good management in the dirt.

>> No.23309686
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Recently, I watched the interview with Paul Schrader on the Dick Cavett show about Mishima. The link is here, I highly recommend it

Under modern labels, Mishima would qualify as DID, but honestly Schrader's label of "functioning schizophrenic" gets much closer to the truth. Because with DID it happens randomly and you're not in control, but Mishima's whole thing is he treated life like one giant stage play and acted out multiple different characters. There was no "real" him, just an assemblage of masks that he couldn't manage which got more extreme over time until it destroyed him.

And honestly, this makes me love him. Not just because he was badass, or batshit crazy, but because this concept of totally erasing your identity and forming masks just to sate your primal urges is genius. Obviously CEOs do this all the time, but Mishima may be the first artist to do it. He really tempts me to do this myself, to just abandon my identity and forge a fake one to satisfy the same underlying drives. My personality hasn't helped me at all in this world, so why accept it? Why not throw it away and just fake my whole life?

>> No.23309694

prob true

>> No.23309723

I don’t want to be a book person anymore. What are some cool lifestyles or hobbies?

>> No.23309750

visual artist
mountain climber

>> No.23309756

martial artist
rock climber

>> No.23309757

thats not a cool lifestyle

>> No.23309764
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Somone doesn't goon hard enough.

>> No.23309765

political activist
bird watcher
chess player
true believer

>> No.23309778


>> No.23309779

Got signed up at and been going to the methadone clinic for about half a week now. The people there, the other patients aka addicts, look exactly as you would imagine they do lol, as well as their behavior. Not hating, these are 'my people' in a sense but goddamn, like off television you would think. I stick out like a skyscraper in a forest.

>> No.23309781
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>> No.23309787

>political activist
That's the least cool suggestion so far.

>> No.23309789

It makes for a good byline in a bio and is probably good for getting laid and making friends.

>> No.23309791

>and is probably good for getting laid and making friends.
You are wrong about both of these, no one wants to be around a political activist, they are single-handedly the most obnoxious people on the earth, and I'm a fan of cinema, I know obnoxious people.

>> No.23309792


idk, these activists do things in a network of groups, no? They aren't protesting or handing out flyers or organizing meetings alone.

>> No.23309797

Most of these are not remotely cool.
Nobody cares about this shit.

>> No.23309799

Slapping is homosexual, are you effeminate?

>> No.23309805

a cinephile gymrat workaholic sounds like a pretty kino guy to me.

>> No.23309810

metal detector

>> No.23309820

imagine saying this now like any of this is new or like this place is even half as relevant as it used to be- oh wait, I just realized, this place was never really "relevant" at all, at least not in the way I figured it was. thank you for your unoriginal post, I really needed it.

>> No.23309832
File: 696 KB, 3200x2254, IMG_3069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not keen on Nietzsche but I’m starting to find myself in agreement with his disdain for Christianity. Many of his critiques were erroneous (for instance Scheler tears apart the whole resentment thing), but in the end the fact remains that Christianity is a slavish, egalitarian religion that preaches spiritual equality. Call me a chud or whatever but, as someone who has lived in non-white countries for most of his life, I find this absolutely unacceptable. In my youth I took my christianity very seriously; almost went to seminary in fact. And now I’m lost. There’s no paganism to return to.. I have suddenly become aware of a vacuum - there SHOULD be something in this empty spot. There just isn’t.

>> No.23309850

I’ve been going to therapy regularly for the past year. Nothing has changed.

>> No.23309863

Books are a dead medium so it's not really possible to be relevant

>> No.23309864

Have you read Antichrist?

>> No.23309870

good except the selling meds part

>> No.23309877

I too tried going to therapy. I got mad trust issues and its hard to trust a therapist when their service scams you out of money in first month. Or how another says and I quote ''therapy is capitalists substitute for having friends'' You start not to trust them very quickly, if anything they made my trust issues worse.

>> No.23309883

The sheer unimaginableness of coming into her mouth — of coming into anything other than the air or a tissue or a dirty sock — was an allurement too stupendous for a novice to forswear.

>> No.23309886

Ich komme gleich!

>> No.23309904

My instinctual sense tells me it is to some degree contradictory for a desire to be both 'unimaginable' and 'alluring,' y'know what I mean? Perhaps my intuition is wrong though.

>> No.23309908

cuz you're too dumb, dummy

>> No.23309915

Same. Served a table last night with two gorgeous girls, but they cursed so often and so casually it made them considerably less attractive. Beauty does truly come from within.

>> No.23309916

My fellow server anon. #FoHGang

>> No.23309917

i really dislike this interview and Schrader's label of "schizophrenic". a schizophrenic can't recognize their own delusions or control their abnormal thoughts. Mishima was clearly very lucid. he knew what he was doing, he knew it was bizarre, he did it anyway. he was a genuine eccentric. strange actions aren't pathological if they're perfectly aligned with your wants and values. mish was just fucking weird. this interview honestly messed with my appreciation for the movie because I feel like Schrader didn't "get" Mishima. in general I think he's a very talented man who's too retarded to make the most of his abilities.

>> No.23309919

Lmao nice. The money is good but the work is such a grind. Socially exhausting too. Trying to get out of it by next Fall (2025), once I finish my Masters. I might do it as a side job after twice a week or something for extra cash but as a full-time gig it sucks.

>> No.23309921

Yeah, I was getting my haircut by a pretty lady but she swore like a sailor and I had to really make an effort not to grimace each time.

>> No.23309924

Imagine being so epic that cute anime girls edit themselves into a photo of you

>> No.23309929

as an American, I am west of the so-called "West" and therefore better than everyone who resides therein

>> No.23309933

I won't mind the work to be honest, I find it fun -- primarily because of the coworkers as well as the freedom that comes from being able to handle serving in your own style, eg. greet table, run some food, take order, invite the new qt coworker if she wants to join you outside to vape, etc. -- and while I can certainly relate on the social exhaustion, that in itself is kind of a perk because it means as soon as I get home I've got my mental faculties at full charge for reading, writing, and whatever intellectual or creative endeavor.

And ah nice. I do it full-time myself (well, unemployed atm, gonna start applying to places soon), the plan being to do so while writing my novel on the side.

>> No.23309934

I don't mind*, not won't

>> No.23309936

I don't know why, but women who swear, have tattoos, or smoke disgust me a lot. Just a sort of extreme repulsion that comes from deep within. Incidentally I happen to be the type of guy to cuss every three seconds, and laugh like a perverted old fart.
God I fucking wish.

>> No.23309948

of all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: I'm drunk again.

>> No.23309964

For me, I want my work to be gratifying. Yes the work itself isn't bad, I'm generally a pretty social person so it's nice talking to new people every day. And I enjoy helping them get a meal they want, pairing wine with courses etc. But it isn't really gratifying or fulfilling to me. I'll take the money though, I've never made so much in my life, and I barely spend any money, so the savings are going to be helpful in the future. But I also don't have any ambitions to be a writer like you do. For a writer it's a good job.

>> No.23309968

strangely I like women covered in tattoos and plastic surgery. they also tend to be mentally unhinged. guess I am too-- but the reverse: severe ocd. honestly i don't get it.

>> No.23309970

Eating cheese and oranges. I love eating cheese and oranges.

>> No.23309974

>fuck that's not what I meant
but it's to late to fix it

>> No.23309993

Ah, makes sense. For me I feel immense enjoyment which comes from helping guests the most you can to best ensure they have a good experience, that desire affects me to deeply to my core, haha. When something goes wrong and they don't have a good time it just kills me, and on the flip, most of the gratification I get from big tips isn't from the money itself, but rather as confirmation they had a quality time and are showing their thanks to me.

Anyway, I feel ya, it's certainly 'small-time' if you have grander aspirations which it sounds like you do. Best of luck on those, anon, I hope your goals all work out once you get your masters.

>> No.23309995

what cheese?

>> No.23310015

>When something goes wrong and they don't have a good time it just kills me
I wish someone cared about me this much as you do about random customers

>> No.23310017

What's he saying this time stalkerchan?

>> No.23310025

What's your take on Mishima?

In my view he's sui generis. I believe he meant "schizophrenic" in the loose sense of the term, meaning "so bizarre he's essentially crazy". Mishima was fully cognizant of what he was doing which is why it's incredibly weird.

>in general I think he's a very talented man who's too retarded to make the most of his abilities.
Schrader? I got that impression from Taxi Driver. Travis is a great idea for a character but the execution is incredibly bad. The film wants him to be a tender poet and a clumsy homicidal retard at the same time. It blows my mind the film is as popular as it is when most of it's a poor retelling of Catcher in the Rye

>> No.23310028

Then you should just be career server if it affects you deeply to your core. Sounds like it's your calling. Maybe own a restaurant some day.

>When something goes wrong and they don't have a good time it just kills me
It matters to me my guests enjoy themselves, and I never said it didn't. But if they don't have a good time that's on them. I have been doing it long enough that I know my wine and spirit profiles front to back, I know varietal and region, I used to cook so I know culinary by heart. I can explain everything my restaurant serves in as little or fine detail as they want. I rarely fail my tables and in fact if you're doing your job properly they will see you very little.

By gratifying or not I mean knowing you can contribute more to the world. Since I've also been around long enough I know that almost anyone with average social skills can be a server. A lot of the job is rote memorization. Not exactly what I would call gratifying work.

>> No.23310029

It seems that some users have expressed dissatisfaction with Brave AI, stating that it “sucks ass” and “gets worse every time.” This sentiment has been shared on platforms like Reddit, where users have reported that the search engine’s results have become less accurate and useful over time. However, it’s essential to note that opinions may vary, and others might have different experiences with Brave AI. If you’re experiencing issues with Brave AI, you may consider providing feedback to the Brave team to help improve the service.

>> No.23310034

I think he's just waxing poetic about a druge job. And maybe inexperienced: if her were experienced he'd know some guests are simply impossible to please, and they come in fully knowing they are not going to be pleased with the service or their meal, and there is nothing anyone can do to change their mindset.

>> No.23310046

Argh, I have some memories of tables I served a few years ago that whenever they spring or intrude upon my thoughts it still gives me a surge of anxiety, guilt, and bitter disappointment for having either not done better or prevented whatever may have gone wrong if directly something I did. Fuck!

And damn, don't worry, anon, I have all the faith in the world you will someday.

Haha well, that kind of care translates or carries over in greater magnitude to my artistic/literary aspirations. My bad, I didn't mean to suggest that you didn't care enough, I was just enjoying sharing the experience on here.

And right, I completely agree.

>> No.23310047

Drinking alone and blowing off plans because you're too hungover

>> No.23310051

I'm gonna go smooch my pooch

>> No.23310075

I don't feel bad about the ones where I had nothing to do with the poor experience. Otherwise, I don't know, I see it as people are spending their hard-earned money at your workplace in the hopes of having a good time, and I wanna do the best I can to justify that choice and have them leave satisfied and overjoyed. Perhaps it's a tad silly, as yes, it's 'only' food as a luxury in the sense of it's probably not required for sustenance, but I can't really help it, people feeling like they've wasted their limited time and money is, if I feel like it's my fault, deeply upsetting.

Sorry for rambling again, haha, and of course, don't take any of this to mean that I'm suggesting you don't care or whatever, I'm just airing out my thoughts as they come and I enjoy writing.

>> No.23310076

true, but you are overthinking it anon.

>> No.23310079

I just felt the ground shake, not like this cruel world, damn you earthquake

>> No.23310083

work in a library basement, ya it's comfy, no the job is not good, and when that earthquake hit like a week ago it was loud as fuck. i thought maybe the building was collapsing or something like that condo tower in miami. you don't expect an earthquake to be loud and you don't expect an earthquake on the east coast.

>> No.23310087

Irksome tryhard. Highly affected and contrived. Just type normal. Shit like this is why I don't come to /lit/ anymore. It's full of annoying tryhards. All the adults left years ago. Maybe this is my wakeup call.

>> No.23310097

LOL sorry for having emotions and expressing them in a 'wwoym' thread. Fuck off, or just don't read my posts.

>> No.23310098

>gatekeeping how people write on 4chan to be more "adult"
it seems the only one trying hard is you, my friend

>> No.23310099

I only often think about dying but being crushed under a big pile of books seems like the comfiest way to go

>> No.23310107


>> No.23310122

>Very successful people use 4chan

Thanks for the laugh, anon. I really enjoyed that.

>> No.23310139

technically that is correct. But you have to take the term ''succseful'' with a giant boulder of salt. I met litereal nuclear engineers and physicists in fucking touhou thread on /v/ talking about how he wants one of the characters to be his mommy. Just remember that guy is responsible for nuclear reactors and half of things on his mind are anime girls spoiling him.

>> No.23310157

You guys would be shocked to know all the kinds of people who post here. This is gonna sound like bullshit but I personally know there have been Tier 1 SOF operators, agents at intelligence agencies, physics PhDs working at national labs, politicians (though I don't know of any at the federal level), and mid-level managers at Fortune 500 companies shitposting about anime girls on this site at one point or another.

>> No.23310159

For the hands-on workers in that type of mental job, the technicians and engineers and analysts and so on, I'd prefer the autists. The neurotypical or whatever you wanna call it ('normie' is generally a pejorative with the connotation of uncreative, inert, or even outright unintelligent which isn't what I'm talking about) are better suited for the decision-making leadership roles.

>> No.23310181

The duality 4chan: LARP or not, there's no way to tell

>> No.23310188
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>> No.23310195 [DELETED] 

Fuck. I accidentally wore mismatched socks today. It's from the same set, but the colors are inverted. Now everyone probably thinks I'm retarded, and all the girls think I'm an unsuitable mate because I can't dress myself properly.

>> No.23310217

bro get this, there's a type a girl out there that ALWAYS wears mismatched socks and would give zero fucks about your socks. I know.

>> No.23311373

I often hope an apocalypse would happen or some world changing event. Although I don't feel this is uncommon. I also want to become more then human, and not feel human desires too deeply, or to be able to disconnect from them when necessary. As I feel my anxiety and internal issues impact me far too much. Even just on a subconscious level.