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/lit/ - Literature

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[SPOILER] No.2330343[SPOILER]  [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]plenty of writers have killed themselves but what way would you like to go out?

it's not from literature but personally i can't think of a better method than [spoiler]you're waiting for a train...[/spoiler]</spoiler>

>> No.2330348

>it's not from literature but personally i can't think of a better method than you're waiting for a train...
>has never read Tolstoy</spoiler>

>> No.2330362
File: 196 KB, 1200x1503, Albert-Camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]"There is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy."</spoiler>

>> No.2330371
File: 30 KB, 321x357, walter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2330383

You do know you're gay, right?</spoiler>

>> No.2330388

[spoiler]I'd probably just go with some manner of painless poison.

And a simple note asking the recipients to see that I am cremated quickly and disposed of - with no funeral service or memorial grave of any kind.</spoiler>

>> No.2330390


tell me more</spoiler>

>> No.2330397
File: 55 KB, 785x658, socrates_drinking_the_hemlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2330417

Have the wallpaper/artwork.

>> No.2330423

[spoiler]Why do so many writers commit suicide /lit/?</spoiler>

>> No.2330430

constant self-reflection and observation is not good for a human being's mental health</spoiler>

>> No.2330432

[spoiler]Massive heroin overdose. It's hopefully a ways away.</spoiler>

>> No.2330435

I do that all the time...</spoiler>

>> No.2330438

Well, DFW committed suicide because he knew he hadn't any talent.

Other writers had other reasons, I'm sure.</spoiler>

>> No.2330440


The title of that painting ruins it for me. I like to think that Socrates is giving Athens the finger while sipping Cristal from his pimp chalice</spoiler>

>> No.2330441

they are worthless drug addicted hedonists, with no wife, no children, and no money because they wasted their whole life.

that's why they kill themselves.

the joke is that this sort of degenerate leftism is the dominant paradigm these days... Will a liberal ever feel a second of guilt for the cancer they are perpetrating on our countries?</spoiler>

>> No.2330443

>No talent
Really? How is that such a big deal? I mean I feel a little bad that my grammar is bad... Still no reason to kill yourself.</spoiler>

>> No.2330446

I feel like creative endeavors are the only, rather flimsy barrier between me now and me as a serial killer. I think for many people, an unstable psyche comes coupled with creativity.</spoiler>

>> No.2330448

He was depressed, and depression is a raging, all-consuming fucking bitch.</spoiler>

>> No.2330452

Wow I am the same way well not exactly but I mean the character I have created lives out my fantasies and it calms me.</spoiler>

>> No.2330453

[spoiler]We can call OP's preferred exit the "Nipponese Option".

Despite Clemens' opinion, there's no reason to commit suicide. Regardless of how much you have suffered, there are always things you want. Whatever the unlikelihood of attaining the things you desire it makes more sense to attempt gaining them, to the point of risking your own life, given you value continued existence only if your circumstance improves.</spoiler>

>> No.2330461

Didn't they at least enjoy what they were doing?</spoiler>

>> No.2330460

What if what you want the most is being free of wanting anything?</spoiler>

>> No.2330466

Ignore the troll, we were doing well.</spoiler>

>> No.2330522

That makes sense, but I am under the impression most people who commit suicide are depressed in some shape or form. Depression and inertia are practically siamese twins. I think often suicidal people get stuck in thought patterns. They've tried everything. It's horrible. But if they uproot themselves and try again somewhere else they're both depressed and in unfamiliar terrains, and as bad as things are they can always get worse.

Death, however, means the end of suffering, and once you die do you care that you're dead? (Depends on what you believe in of course, but I'm goin' with non-religious here.)

I can really only speak for myself and my stints with depression, and clearly I have not comitted suicide. Hopefully my thoughts make some kind of sense.</spoiler>

>> No.2330526

if they enjoyed, why would they kill themselves?</spoiler>

>> No.2330576

I agree with this statement. But does anyone know how Soren Kierkegaard went out? IMO he was the king of self reflecttion/ awareness. Could it be just the light in which we view ourselves when self observing? Or how open we are in judgement of our own actions?</spoiler>

>> No.2330598
File: 13 KB, 240x200, laughing at an idiot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even if it's painful, I want to die laughing. That's how most people remember/know me anyway.

It'll be interesting when people tell other people too.</spoiler>

>> No.2330616
File: 259 KB, 1353x633, crows.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Heh. Fags saying "there is no reason to suicide".

Tell that to a suicidal.

What I mean by this answer is that this simplistic idea that "you'll die anyway, so die later" or "no matter how much you suffer, something good can come up" is just out of the reality of anyone going for suicide.

So many authors killed themselves because they were on the edge. The edge of art, society, language, thinking, emotion, existence. Some go nuts, others grow a productive compulsion, they become hermits or they fall into complete hedonism. Don't confuse it with impulsive teenager wankery. The feeling of depression might be similar and I actually think it is, but the difference is in the depth of their struggle, seeing they had their lives made around the abstractions of words, trying to embrace it all. These guys didn't have anyone or anything to hold on to, they are naked and they have no one to help. That is because they can only search for answers within themselves, they are the writers afterall. Some of them find a reason in their own philosophy, like Camus accepting the condition of Sysiphus, but others don't (others can't) and they also can't pretend, they can't ignore themselves. If at a given point suicide estabilishes inside their heads, I'm sure they will be honest enough to go for it to the end.

When Hamlet gives his well known solyloquy, he completely obliterates all these shallow arguments. Future pleasures? "Life must go on"? What the hell is this? These artists are trying to define life, they skip meals and some live poorly by choice. If someone gets to them and say "hey bro, you'll get over it, be a man", it would be useless, meaningless.

I agree with Camus that this is one real serious question that shouldn't be reduced like this. "To be or not to be", that's is the heavy shit.

Pic is the last painting by Van Gogh before his suicide.</spoiler>

>> No.2330613

[spoiler]>Take nice big ol' hot air balloon as high as it will go
>start playing "Detroit, Lift Up Your Weary Head!"

>> No.2330611

That really would be a spectaular way to go. Hella painful, probably.

I'd like to die laughing from a great joke, preferably *not* one told to be by a friend. That would be a downer for said friend.</spoiler>

>> No.2330622

[spoiler]I always liked the way Aeschylus supposedly went out. An eagle dropping a turtle on your head.</spoiler>

>> No.2330626


They are no geniuses, it's just crazy people doing crazy things, and others are like, wow look at the wacky things that crazy guy does lol and then he killed himself!</spoiler>

>> No.2330639

[spoiler]There's a railway track near my old school. I'll climb down the embankment near the bridge and sit on the tracks under there. I'll bring a copy of Yeats's Collected poems and read "When you are old and grey and full of sleep..."</spoiler>

>> No.2330643

Thanks. And yeah, the friend thing should be taken into consideration.</spoiler>

>> No.2330655

[spoiler]Probably sleeping pills 'cause I'm a wimp.</spoiler>

>> No.2330658

[spoiler]I don't consider myself suicidal, but I have the urge to jump in front of a subway car whenever they pull into the station. Mostly because I just want to make a large splat, inconvenience people, and freak everyone out. I always thought that if I were actually going to kill myself I would jump off a tall building backwards so that the last thing I see is the sky (and also make a large splat), but I think that might hurt too much.</spoiler>

>> No.2330662

Oh, but the poor fuckers driving the trains!

>jump off a tall building
I keep hearing you faint before you hit the ground, but I've never looked into it.</spoiler>

>> No.2330664


>> No.2330667

> So many authors killed themselves because they were on the edge. The edge of art, society, language, thinking, emotion, existence.

the sad thing is, that I generally agree with what you are saying...</spoiler>

>> No.2330666

[spoiler]I really loved how Rant Casey died in RANT. He lit a Christmas tree that was attached to his car on fire and led a high speed chase. Rant then crashed the car into a river.</spoiler>

>> No.2330672


That's part of the appeal! What better way to make an impact on somebody's life than to scar them for life with your death?</spoiler>

>> No.2330681

[spoiler]Virginia Woolf killed herself because she was bipolar and she could feel herself sinking into another huge depression. Bipolar disorder causes more suicides than any other mental illness, and yet oddly, people with the disorder are often glad they have it.</spoiler>

>> No.2330676

I sense that you are teenaged.</spoiler>

>> No.2330690 [DELETED] 


Nope, 24. Like I said, I'm not actually suicidal. I am an asshole though, and if I were to kill myself it would be in the most assholish way I could think of.

My father actually hung himself when I was ten, so I know how much it hurts the people around the person and could never actually cause that much harm to somebody myself.

>> No.2330694

>DFW committed suicide because he knew he hadn't any talent
>hadn't any talent
>had not any talent
Well I hope you realize this doesn't make grammatical sense and you're a cunt</spoiler>

>> No.2330696

um, it makes perfect sense, learn 2 english.</spoiler>

>> No.2330704

well, you sure remained teenaged mentally</spoiler>

>> No.2330705

Trains are a very bad way to kill yourself there have been multiple people survive this for hours under the train but enjoy i guess ....</spoiler>

>> No.2330706

Yes, well. Making someone responsible for manslaughter when you have no idea about their mental state: what they can handle, if your suicide might contribute to their suicide... We do live in a world where people are being chainsawed to death over thirty-dollar disputes, but I can't say I find it tempting to contribute to this.</spoiler>

>> No.2330707

it's not a standard construction in our idiom but it's perfectly clear grammatically</spoiler>

>> No.2330719

Hi! It's okay if English is your second or third language, but don't go around "correcting" things that are already correct. You end up looking like a fool and people are liable to think poorly of you.


>> No.2330727

>people with the disorder are often glad they have it.
No actually, you're quite wrong.
Teenagers who think having the disorder will make their shit poetry or their shit painting 'more creative' want to have it. No one with bipolar disorder enjoys that they have it.

Guess you aren't in grade 9 english yet, that's okay</spoiler>

>> No.2330728

Sweet. thanks bro</spoiler>

>> No.2330734

>doesn't explain how it makes grammatical sense
>yup I'm right hurrr
end yourself</spoiler>

>> No.2330735

This is an argument made of cliches and ignorance. I found out that fact from a documentary about bipolar disorder made by Stephen Fry.</spoiler>

>> No.2330753

ahahahahaha you're wonderful in your incredibly incorrect arrogance

"DFW had not talent" is a perfectly valid sentence. It's non-standard, idiomatically, a little archaic, and it would be rare for someone to say it, but it's perfectly grammatical. How is it not correct? Think of "I haven't the slightest idea" - that's grammatically proper, isn't it?</spoiler>

>> No.2330761
File: 32 KB, 300x403, Hamlet_filme_Lawrence-Olivier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Which one is the worst/best: to live or to die?

I know that maybe we should just accept all this crap going on in our heads and the shit hitting the fan in our daily lives, but sometimes I think we should face this ocean of piss straight and game over. I mean, once you die you are just there lying still, right? I don't know... But at least we don't have that bad feel anymore, no one can kick us in the balls no more.

That's cool, I want that so bad sometimes. Be dead and all, maybe some crazy shit happends. But that is the problem, whatever happends, it is for fucking forever, man. I think that is what fucks shit up right there.

Who is the idiot who is going to stay here and stand for this shit? Why do we have to see the corrupt politician on tv everyday, the arrogant pricks... Be friendzoned by a girl here, be fucked up by the law there, hear the cops bs, and we all know the fucktards get the prizes while the good guys lose. I mean, why cope with all that when you can just cut your wrists and end this shit once and for all?

I think that we are just pussies afraid of dying, that's all, that's why we take so much crap. We don't know what is going to happen because you can't come back from it, so we get confused and all. Better to face the facts now, than to face the shit that we don't know anything about after we die, right?

We are just a bunch of cowards for thinking all that much on it, I'm telling ya. Everytime someone wants to just an hero, he goes on thinking things too much and get's caught in the trap all over again. And then everything you were thinking of doing is just worth horse shit and you lose the name of action.

Fuck, my gf on the phone right now guys...</spoiler>

>> No.2330768

Lousy faggot. Sever your empty head from its obese body.</spoiler>

>> No.2330765

[spoiler]I'd go at like a real man (read: Hemingway). Take a gun and blow my fucking brains out.</spoiler>

>> No.2330769


It's spelled with two m's</spoiler>

>> No.2330789

One 'm.' Hemingway.</spoiler>

>> No.2330814
File: 3 KB, 126x113, 1310155069712s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that your attempt at trolling?</spoiler>

>> No.2330811

[spoiler]Part of me just wants to wander off into the wilderness and eventually just drop dead of dehydration, but it would be a long, slow death. So probably booze and painkillers</spoiler>

>> No.2330813

[spoiler]Spontaneous combustion. I just wanna randomly explode one day, preferably in a crowded area.</spoiler>

>> No.2330825

Two m's. Hemmingway.</spoiler>

>> No.2330850

[spoiler]Just found this quote and thought you guys might like it:

“Words ruin one’s thoughts, paper makes them ridiculous, and even while one is still glad to get something ruined and something ridiculous down on paper, one’s memory manages to lose hold of even this ruined and ridiculous something. Paper can turn an enormity into a triviality, an absurdity. If you look at it this way, then whatever appears in the world, by way of the spiritual world so to speak, is always a ruined thing, a ridiculous thing, which means that everything in this world is ridiculous and ruined. Words were made to demean thought, I would even go so far as to state that words exist in order to abolish thought, and one day they will succeed one hundred percent in so doing. In any case, words (are) bringing everything down. Depression derives from words, nothing else.”
― Thomas Bernhard</spoiler>

>> No.2330885

Spontaneous Human Combustion is an actual thing! It's likely you already knew this, but anyone else reading this, congrats!, you now have another thing to fear.</spoiler>

>> No.2330890

Spontaneous combustion. It happens sometimes. People just explode. Natural causes.</spoiler>

>> No.2330902

I get part of it, but probably not all of it.

I wish when people were this bleak that they supply some advice on how we might go about fixing it.</spoiler>

>> No.2330907

the best thing would be never to have been born; having been born, the best thing is to die as soon as possible</spoiler>

>> No.2330911

Yep, and I'm glad it is. Its a good thing to bring up when people try to claim that science explains everything.</spoiler>

>> No.2331165

I remember reading the back of a book based on Spontaneous Combustion, but I've since forgotten the title. Any help? It was a fiction book, *maybe* YA, but I don't remember.</spoiler>

>> No.2331951

[spoiler]Hemingway way all the way I say (bitch about this sentence c/lits)!

I know this is /lit and that actual experience with firearms is almost non existent on this board but for anyone who has held a gun (any gun) in their hands the choice is obvious. Every other method is fit only for housewives and English majors.

A bit of a personal advice - stay away from medication.</spoiler>

>> No.2331955

Isn't this the basic idea behind Taoism?</spoiler>