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/lit/ - Literature

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23302032 No.23302032 [Reply] [Original]

What are the shortest classics? I want to quickly become well-read.

Here's what I got so far:
>Siddhartha [160 p.]
>The Old Man and the Sea [112 p.]
>The Stranger [159 p.]
>The Metamorphosis [81 p.]

>> No.23302048

Crying of Lot 49

>> No.23302053

Next time I will omit the space between the page # and "p.", nice formatting on the 'log is important.

>> No.23302059
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>> No.23302076

How do you become well thought?

>> No.23302087

That face, from the insertion of my penis, is.

>> No.23302104
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>> No.23302117

Plato- Apology, Euthyphro, Timaeus
Hippocrates- On Ancient Medicine, On airs, waters and places
Sappho- fragments
Sophocles- Oedipus trilogy

>> No.23302118
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To think well, one must first think. To think, one must first be. To be, one must first. To first, one must fist. To fist, one must first find a hole to fist. To find a hole, one must fist dig. To dig, one must first have a spade. To get a spade, one must first as a Queen of Spades. To find a Queen of Spades, one must first be black. To be black, one must first lack. To lack, one must first be oppressed. To be oppressed, one must first get dressed. To get dressed, one must first have clothes. To have clothes, one must first have cash. To have cash, one must first become a pimp. To be a pimp, one must first have hoes. To have hoes, one must first be black. To be black, one must first lack. To lack, one must first be oppressed. To be oppressed, one must first deal with whites. To deal with whites, one must first be a pimp. To be a pimp, one must have hoes. To have hoes, one must first be black. To be...uh, what were we talking about again, tripfag?

>> No.23302130

You're obviously begging the question.

Do you have a meaningful non-gimmick answer to >>23302118 or are you just vomiting textual diarhea?

>> No.23302142

Fragments --- Heraclitus. Short aphorisms, fragments of his works that are lost. 128 pages if you buy the Penguin Classics edition, and that includes the short introduction.

>> No.23302155

>Sophocles- Oedipus trilogy
Any play really. You could probably read the entirely of Greek tragedies in a week as a neet.

>> No.23302169

There are only 32 tragedies. Each one is about one to two hours long reading at a reasonable pace.
You can easily do 5 a day and finish within a week.

>> No.23302310

You can read everything that exists of Greek lit in like a year. There's not that much that is extant.

>> No.23302316

I like Hesse but Siddhartha is the biggest piece of shit waste of time you'll ever read.

>> No.23302371

nigga who the fuck can read all this in a year unless you are a NEET who does nothing but read Greeks all day.

>> No.23302387

All of Tolstoy’s novellas are worth your time, he has like 10 of them and most can be read in an afternoon

>> No.23302393

Hesse is not terrible but he's took inspiration from greater writers and turned it into something more bland.
Hemingway is terrible and there's no point in reading him.
Never read The Stranger, have no opinion.
Kafka has some interesting stories but I personally disliked the Metamorphosis.

You don't become "well-read" by reading many books. You become well-read by actually enjoying reading, engaging with what you read and enjoying it. You might as well just read the sparknotes and wikipedia pages for every book if you just want to look like a nerd.

>> No.23302417

What would a Latin author list look like?
who else?

>> No.23302425

Charts that can make you "well read" quickly?

>> No.23302469

Apology by Plato

>> No.23302525

Marcus Aurelius

>> No.23302530

One Shakespeare play a day with some extra on weekends and you can go through all of the Bars in a month.
Do the same with the Greek tragedies and you'll be done in another month.
Then I guess in the third month of miscellaneous to round it out and you've finished all noteworthy theater in three months.

>> No.23302531

Aristotle is the only one of those who actually has a decent amount of surviving works to his name. The rest of them you could knock out in a month each, even sooner if you go only by their necessary works and not random spurious shit.

>> No.23302534

> Caesar
> Sallust
> Livy
> Cicero
> and more

>> No.23302538

This reply chain went from
Everything that exist of Greek lit
To an incomplete list of Greek writers
To only the significant works of the incomplete list of writers

>> No.23302547
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>You don't become "well-read" by reading many books.

>> No.23302559

Surely there is more to theatre than Shakespeare, the Greeks and thirty or forty other works?

>> No.23302579

Okay, you are being pedantic. If you want to read the whole green section of Loebs classical library that will take a full lifetime. If you want English translations of “all Greek lit” then that would take less than a year. Most of the writers here >>23302371 can be read in less than a month. Homer has two books and Plato has 36 identifiable, authentic dialogues.

>> No.23302581

Aristotle is the only one of those I have put off so far because I was put off by the scale of how much he wrote. I even read the important On Natural Faculties of Galen.

>> No.23302612

Notes From Underground
The Great Gatsby
The Catcher in the Rye
Thomas More's Utopia
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich

>> No.23302622

Wow, might read them lol (not op)
Makes sense though. All the sumerian/babylonian stories I have read are all relatively short too

>> No.23302624

Your eyes scanning over a page and even knowing what happens in a book is totally different than actually understanding a book.
Just look up videos of those Indian speed readers and tell me what those people are doing is impressive.

>> No.23302634


>> No.23302641

You want to understand the fundamentals

>> No.23302642

Yeah. Plays were meant to be done in front of an audience so the tragedies were not that long because usually they were shown several in a row.
Sophocles has 7
Aeschylus has 7
Euripides has 18 tragedies
Euripides also has the only Satyr play that made it to modern day. I'd recommend that too.

It is a shame that each of these three guys wrote over 100 in their time and then there were all the other playwrights who had nothing make it to today.

>> No.23302668

Man...that's tragic. I remember reading that there are some extremely acclaimed writers we only know by mention. Or how some of the originators of the school of stoicism don't have any surviving writing.

>> No.23302699

The very first playwright Thespis doesn’t even exist in any form to us.

>> No.23302747

After Shakespeare and the ancient Greek plays, what else does one read to start down the path of theater?

>> No.23302811

A Hero of our Time
The Prince

>> No.23302814

Heart of Darkness - Conrad

>> No.23302957

I'm not an expert. Pursue what interests you

>> No.23303364

Anton Chekhov
Henrik Ibsen
Arthur Miller
Tennessee Williams
Eugene O’Neil
David Mamet

>> No.23303383

Breakfast at tiffany's is super short too. Most editions contain a few of his other stories but even then the total comes down to 140-150 pages.
It's a really fun and short read.

>> No.23304084

>I want to quickly become well-read.

You will still be fucking stupid if you think that way, only more insufferable

>> No.23304121

Is that Scarlett Johansson?

>> No.23304128

>"A Good Man is Hard to Find" by Flannery O'Connor
>"In a Grove" by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
>"Cathedral" by Raymond Carver
>"Boule de Suet" by Guy de Maupassant

You need to read more short stories, anon.

>> No.23304205

The Sorrows of Young Werther - Goethe
Mangeront-ils? - Victor Hugo
Erewhon - Samuel Butler
Zuckerman Unbound - Philip Roth
Almayer's Folly - Joseph Conrad
Requiem for a Nun - William Faulkner

>> No.23304275

If you do not intuitively understand what it means to think well, you are a tard

>> No.23304894

Too pretty to be ScarJo.

>> No.23305528
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Tie the noose, it's over.

>> No.23305593

Get a load of this fragile flower (brainlet edition)!

>> No.23305624

Ah yes, my apologies, the original response is intended for>>23302130
and not>>23304275
Good day, fellow redditor.

>> No.23305662

A Christmas Carol by Dickens

>> No.23305849

audiobooks on double speed

>> No.23305900

>Oedipus Rex
>The Argonautica
>Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
>Romeo and Juliet
>Julius Caesar
>Antony and Cleopatra
>The Tempest
>Songs of Innocence and of Experience
>Lyrical Ballads
>A Christmas Carol
>Wuthering Heights
>The Scarlet Letter
>Notes from Underground
>The Death of Ivan Ilych
>The Picture of Dorian Gray
>The Great Gatsby
>The Trial
>Mrs. Dalloway
>A Farewell to Arms
>The Sound and the Fury
>Brave New World
>Their Eyes Were Watching God
>The Stranger
>The Catcher in the Rye
>The Palm-Wine Drinkard
>Fahrenheit 451
>Lord of the Flies
>A Good Man is Hard to Find and Other Stories
>Giovanni's Room
>On the Road
>Things Fall Apart
>To Kill a Mockingbird
>The Outsiders
>Blood Meridian
>The Joy Luck Club
>The Buddha of Suburbia
>The Life of Pi
>Never Let Me Go
>The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao