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/lit/ - Literature

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23301830 No.23301830 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23301833

Scrote worship

>> No.23301838
File: 612 KB, 648x1364, François.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet another illiterate American thread that is unacceptable and barely germane to the discussion of literature. Everyone is so tired of you spamming this board all day with this unfunny, stupid, puerile sex pun that only serves to demonstrate how America is an obese failure of a nation with no culture or honor.
Meanwhile, when I ask the average French 14 year old about this outstanding writer you Americans ridicule with the most stupid and most puerile sex puns, she can tell me all about them because the French high school curriculum is this:
>Les présocratiques ; Platon ; Aristote ; Zhuangzi ; Épicure ; Cicéron ; Lucrèce ; Sénèque ; Épictète ; Marc Aurèle ; Nāgārjuna ; Sextus Empiricus ; Plotin ; Augustin ; Avicenne ; Anselme ; Averroès ; Maïmonide ; Thomas d’Aquin ; Guillaume d’Occam. N. Machiavel ; M. Montaigne (de) ; F. Bacon ; T. Hobbes ; R. Descartes ; B. Pascal ; J. Locke ; B. Spinoza ; N. Malebranche ; G. W. Leibniz ; G. Vico ; G. Berkeley ; Montesquieu ; D. Hume ; J.-J. Rousseau ; D. Diderot ; E. Condillac (de) ; A. Smith ; E. Kant ; J. Bentham. G.W.H. Hegel ; A. Schopenhauer ; A. Comte ; A.- A. Cournot ; L. Feuerbach ; A. Tocqueville (de) ; J.-S. Mill ; S. Kierkegaard ; K. Marx ; F. Engels ; W. James ; F. Nietzsche ; S. Freud ; E. Durkheim ; H. Bergson ; E. Husserl ; M. Weber ; Alain ; M. Mauss ; B. Russell ; K. Jaspers ; G. Bachelard ; M. Heidegger ; L. Wittgenstein ; W. Benjamin ; K. Popper ; V. Jankélévitch ; H. Jonas ; R. Aron ; J.-P. Sartre ; H. Arendt ; E. Levinas ; S. de Beauvoir ; C. Lévi-Strauss ; M. Merleau-Ponty ; S. Weil ; J. Hersch ; P. Ricœur ; E. Anscombe ; I. Murdoch ; J. Rawls ; G. Simondon ; M. Foucault ; H. Putnam.

>> No.23302051


>> No.23302437

One of the great novels from the first half of the 19th century, featuring three of the best characters from the entire Comédie humaine.

>> No.23302666


>> No.23302777

I am going to touch you :)

>> No.23302793

Yeah but his name is Ballsack. I love his works but I will also shitpost throughout the net about his name. You can sneed, Frenchie.

>> No.23302802

Ballsack is sadly neglected nowadays and shitposting about him, while not quite honouring him, does raise his profile so that new readers may enjoy his musky prose.

>> No.23303544


>> No.23304608

checked + touch me nicely

>> No.23304653
File: 41 KB, 512x564, 1713501740862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're seething so hard kek, you've posted the same copypasta in like 5 threads. The French can't meme