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23300212 No.23300212 [Reply] [Original]

Spring means libraries around the US are having annual book sale events. Do you go to any?
Post your hauls.

>> No.23300220
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Went to two different library sales and got these. $20 for all the book, plus $10 membership fees for each library, but next time I won’t have to pay that.

>> No.23301361

Next book giveaway in my area is in a week or so, but there was a book sale last year in my town, and there was a free book giveaway. Managed to snag about 25 or 30 free books total, and also about 15 50c or $1 books from the book sale. Ended up getting the Canterbury Tales, the Odyssey, and Oliver Twist for free, and in pretty good condition, among many others. Excited to see what I can snag this time.

>> No.23301892

Going to a huge one tomorrow.

>> No.23303047
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Picked these up the other day, just from a used book store though. Going to another sale next week. The blue book is a folio edition of Hourani's history of the arab peoples

>> No.23303050

I bought a used copy of Walter Rudin's Principles of Mathematical Analysis for 2(two) dollars online, I feel kinda bad like I ripped the seller off or something

>> No.23303087

you have to pay for membership at your library?

>> No.23303098
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I wish my country had estate sales/library sales cause I'd get some cool books from them but I live in an illiterate country

>> No.23303109
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Not pictured is an old hardcover of Heller's Something Happened, I had to slip it into a coworkers bag because I was out of room lol. Got another one coming up next week in the larger city down the highway, so fucking stoked lol.

>> No.23303135

Good picks lol

>> No.23303212

The Liv Ullman book was a fucking crazy find lol. Really looking forward to that, Cumings, and Mieville.

>> No.23303589

Daily reminder game theory guy cameos in one scene at a diner in this film.

>> No.23303631

go gators

>> No.23303645

My local library has dumped cartloads and cartloads* of books into the trash dumpster (which is kept behind a locked gate). Many dozens of cartloads of books. And our library system has a used bookstore, to boot.

*4-wheeled, yellow canvas carts used (at least in my library system) to transport books to and from the truck that brings them to and from the central warehouse.

>> No.23303760

Not to be a member, but to be a "Friend" which gets you into the sale a day before it is open to the public so you can get the good shit. There will usually be a big line waiting outside with random sketchy looking dudes who travel around with book scanners on their phones and grab all the valuable shit as fast as possible to resell online. But there is still plenty of good stuff left after those guys leave, they don't pick books based on how interesting they are.

>> No.23303932

>go to library booksale
>see asian buying a fuckload of books(50-100), presumably to resell on ebay
the rage consumes me

>> No.23303958

I always see random boomers with barcode scanners of some kind that check the prices so they can re-sell elsewhere every time I go to a library sale.

>> No.23304757

Why are asians the jews of the east?

>> No.23304869
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Got these today, ¢50 for paperbacks. Freaked out seeing Past Master (worth $60), super rare nowadays, excited to read it. Also didn’t realize the Gene Wolfe is signed (worth $90-$100)!

>> No.23305135

why not borrow them for free

>> No.23305248

There was a free book giveaway at my school today, I snagged Go Down Moses by Faulkner and The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter. There were also two fucking massive volumes of the complete Sherlock Holmes stories that I was eyeing but I didn't want to be "that asshole" that took everything

>> No.23305321

Shame. You totally should be that asshole lol

>> No.23306208


>> No.23306217

Based popcorn ceiling

>> No.23307211

I run a used bookstore and after library sales you can approach them and offer a donation of anywhere from $100 to $200 and they'll give you every book that is left plus you can write off the donation.
hot tip for you.

>> No.23307225

Fuck you I hadn't felt envious all week, you killed my streak, also I'm in europe and those Lafferty and Wolfe are even more out of budget for me.

>> No.23307431

I keep going despite not finishing books from like three sales ago
I have a problem.

>> No.23307512

I have e-bay seller going to one I visit. I have to go at opening to avoid these scum. The next one is early may.

>> No.23307715

I go to my local (I'm in the American Midwest) library's sales religiously to get a variety of titles you can't find in any used bookstore. At a single sale recently I picked up transwoman Julia Serano's memoir/manifesto WHIPPING GIRL, early 20th-century black writer and filmmaker Oscar Micheaux's novel THE HOMESTEADER and William Pierce's white nationalist novel HUNTER (I also come across Holocaust Revisionist books pretty regularly).

>> No.23307745

I got some Maupassant, Highsmith, Chandler, McBain, Amis, Akutagawa, Moorcock, De Lisser, Ellroy, Koontz, Howard and other stuff

>> No.23307754
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I have a big book fair coming up (they rent out a gymnasium for it). So I'm saving my book buying for that.

>> No.23308360


>> No.23308605
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So this thread is what libraries are supposed to have? My library is so ass they probably have never seen a Gene Wolfe novel. They didn't even have an Ishiguro book. Even GRRM books have been stolen and any old novel has yellow pages with writings marked '1983' or some shit because they never replace the books.

>> No.23308635

Do you live in Malaysia or something?

>> No.23308691

No. Generally libraries will take donations but they'll never put them on the shelves, either they're in too bad shape, don't want to waste cataloging them, or would rather put up the latest mass-market slop. They then sell their collected books (plus a few culled books) for a deep discount.

>> No.23309681

You realize they serve a purpose and otherwise books would be thrown away or squandered right?
I you are just selfish and want them for yourself, also probably a retard commie with no understanding of economics, but the middle man is the guy that finds holes in the market and moves goods from less desired places to more desired places.
The book is literally worth more to society if it's listed on Ebay and available to those that want it as opposed to sitting in a corner, ready to be thrown away if a faggot like you doesn't stumble out of bed, disheveled, stinking and groggy, and "discovering it" at the library sale.

>> No.23309691

They literally give them to me for free. I'm the used book store guy.
Give your books to used book stores and not libraries.
They'll be better taken care of, distributed to real people, and just save a step.
The library is full, it's not getting more shelves, and they have a whole group of faggots deciding and sending them books that they are basically required to put on the shelves for funding purposes.

They give the books to me anyway.
Support a local bookstore. Imagine thinking you are helping by donating to the government.
Why not just pay more taxes and ask politely it be given to the library? kek

>> No.23309702

This is sort of similar to how my area does it, but mine's already happened. Didn't have time to go this year sadly, but best of luck!

>> No.23309708

Holy Based.
I kneel to the Peoria Library and it's patrons.

>> No.23309989

Sales? My local library just dumps them in the lobby at the front for anyone to take.

>> No.23310936

Last time I went to the library I got a free copy of The Road :)

>> No.23311026
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>The American Aesthetic
What could that book possibly talk about? Dung hills and mud huts? Protestant dumpster churches and ghetto corner sluts? McDonald's fries and the circumference of a fatty's thick cankle?

>> No.23311199
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I can totally understand the spite toward libraries, but Half Price Books is the only game in town, unfortunately, and they would give me a pittance for a large box of books, won't sell some certain books because "it's not in their system", and spites me by continuing to close their stores and raise prices well beyond the rate of inflation.

Meanwhile, the library has a bunch of useful databases (journals, newspapers) that I can access 24 hours a day.

>> No.23311907

I wouldn't buy novels. I buy books that are much better in physical than digital. Like ones with pictures, extensive footnotes, etc.

>> No.23312502

My local library had a longtime chud curator who in addition to stocking chud authors like Spengler and Evola had a wide ranging and litpilled taste. Anyways he retired in the last year due to all the wokeism so now I expect all the books to be NYT bestseller BIPOC stuff.