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23297058 No.23297058 [Reply] [Original]

I've attempted reading this but cant for the life of me get a good grasp of the era the story takes place in. Everything seems too foreign for me. If you can recommend some material be it books, movies, documentaries etc. That will help remedy this please do so

>> No.23297107

It takes place in the 19th century in Russia you fucking tard

>> No.23297226

yes, neither you nor me were alive then. you cant pick up a book pertaining to a wildly different era with no background knowledge of said era and expect to understand everything that's going on.

>> No.23297263

i read it. forgot everything after a week. read anna karenina it is way more fucking enjoyable and fun.

>> No.23297268

Haven't read the book, maybe some Russian history book lol

>> No.23297293

I obviously intend to read that aswell

>> No.23297301

Watch Barry Lyndon.
It takes place a few decades earlier than Napoleonic era War and Peace, and it's not in Russia, but it'll give you a decent idea of elite Euro culture at the time, i.e. the fashion, balls, gambling, estates, whatever

>> No.23297378

>it takes place in the past therefore it's incomprehensible
If this isn't bait, how retarded are you? Even if you've NEVER been exposed to any kind of 19th century aesthetic or classical Russian aesthetic (severly doubt you've never seen the first one, you not seeing the second is more plausible but still doubt), the book itself would be your introduction to this time and place, necessarily. I feel like I'm talking to someone with Asperger's here, Christ I can't believe I have to explain this to you. And you don't NEED to understand EVERYTHING you fucking autist

>> No.23297413

…Why not?

>> No.23297439

Pick up any pop history book about the French Revolution and Napoleonic era. Watch the 1970 film Waterloo. Listen to the Revolutions podcast episodes covering the French revolution.

What sorts of things seem too foreign?

>> No.23297450

not my fault you cant appreciate work past the superficialities

thank you

>What sorts of things seem too foreign?
everything in general, never was exposed to anything of that time period in a meaningful manner

>> No.23297523


You can view the movie adaptation (in Russian) on Youtube, so maybe htat will help you. Basically think of the Napoleonic era.

>> No.23297542

Watch the PBS documentary on Napoleon, it’s four hours and available on YouTube. Then read Dead Souls and the Brigadier Gerard stories. Then you should be ready

>> No.23297548

it is endearing to me that you're so forthright about your ignorance. just search up some 1800's documentary on youtube or some such. also set up some historical goalposts for yourself. I like to remind myself that the american civil war took place in the 1860's and the napoleonic wars during the 1810's. it is insane how stuff old to us were already old to the old stuff to us now.

>> No.23297630

>not my fault you can't appreciate work past the superficialities
What the actual fuck are you talking about? Like actually what the fuck do you mean? If anybody can't appreciate the work past its superficialties it's you.
>I've never experienced the setting so I won't be able to appreciate the work
is what you're implying with your own posts and setting can be the most superficial aspect of any work. Just read the fucking book already. goddamn you're a huge faggot

>> No.23298107


Even better would be Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure.

>> No.23298312

>he hasn't danced the mazurka
>he hasn't lit the samovar
>he doesn't hold the sugar cube between his teeth while sipping tea
>he doesn't duel to protect his honor
>he doesn't ride in the Troika
>he hasn't earned distinction in the military or government service
>he hasn't discovered the simple peasant's way of life is superior

>> No.23298326

I don't know if this is good advice. While watching the movie I felt like I was expected to be familiar with the book and the plot. It wasn't a problem for me since I was familiar with it, but for OP it might just be confusing.

>> No.23298922
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>> No.23299395
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