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/lit/ - Literature

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2329016 No.2329016 [Reply] [Original]

Beside being into my twenties, I love Young Adult Fiction more than anything else. I've already read the Twilight Saga, Percy Jackson, The Midnighters, Time Riders, Stone Heart, The Maze Runner and Skullduggery Pleasant. Are there any other big YAF books/franchises I've missed that are worth checking out?

Daria always related?

>> No.2329019

Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix is probably my favorite young adult series

its also known as Old Kingdom Trilogy

>> No.2329021

I love Garth Nix, I'll have to check this out. Thanks.

>> No.2329028

I fucking loved The Midnighters. Check out the Uglies series, by Scott Westerfield also. I assume you have read His Dark Materials? Also Mortal Engines is my favourite young adult book ever.

>> No.2329031

His Dark Materials is about as YA as I'll go.

Get into some Gayman and Pratchett though. Shit was cool when I was a kiddie.

>> No.2329037

Loved Anansi Boys and American Gods. Did the whole thing much better than Percy Jackson did.
Yeah I read Dark Materials when I was a kid, I'll have to check out more Westerfield works.

>> No.2329042

Enchantress from the Stars by Sylvia Engdahl
the Enchanted Forest chronicles by Patricia C. Wrede
Evil Genius by Cathrine Jinks

>> No.2329183

My favourite so far is the Gone series by Michael Grant. Its about how all the adults suddenly disappear from their world and kids/teenagers struggle to survive together or against each other. There's bloodshed, death and sex like most other young adult novels.

Also if you haven't read the Hunger Games, you should check it out too.

>> No.2329233

Thank you for all the recommendations!

>> No.2329291
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I think you would love these books op... although saying twilights name with percy jackson...

>> No.2329322


>> No.2329330
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Do I have to say it?

Before you ask, it's Mistborn.

Also, read the Farseer trilogy.

>> No.2329381

I heard she gets raped is it true? I love when women get ravaged in magic books.

>> No.2329385

Damn you!

Cheers for all the recs guys.

And I don't think Twilight is that bad, Meyer just needs more focus her writing is all over the place.

>> No.2329388

"the knife of never letting go" patrick ness
i loved it.

>> No.2329420

Boooooooo. Boooooooooooo.

there's nothing wrong with reading young adult fiction, but for god's sake, don't make it all you read. you're an adult... i mean, enjoy what you enjoy, but also try to read things that are actually good. "when i was a child i spake as a child, i understood as a child, i thought as a child: but when i became a man, i put away childish things"

>> No.2329467

Read Daniel Handler/Snicket.
The Snicket stuff is for children, but it's not.

>> No.2329472

Darren Shan's Cirque Du Freak is amazing. Don't watch the film though.

>> No.2329474


It's bad even for YA Fiction.

>> No.2329488

true; Bella is a character erry 12yo girl can identify with, 80% are describing edwards hawtness, the other 20% of it is just boring blahbla.

>> No.2329490

Eh, I didn't love it, but I didn't hate it either.

Oh yeah, I read Lord Loss and really enjoyed it, so I should probably check out his other works.

Who says YA is bad? I see all the philosophical shit all over /lit/ but I'm not trying to impress anyone, I just wanna have fun. That is what reading is about, to me.

>> No.2329491
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Daria is an over-emotional jackass (don't need to show it to be it)
- She really does think she is smarter than everyone (when she really isn't)
- Her Pragmatism made us wait 3 and a half seasons for her to start to make any development.
- She was responsible for a new generation of delusional preteens and adolescents appealing to their own sense of worth by reassuring their ego and superego with some false sense of intelligence and connoisseurship.

I've heard this story over and over again, you're not unique or special by reverting to isolation which you justify through some seemingly bewildering piece of information you've been lately exposed to and feel a certain feeling of moral instability in yourselves; nothing new, move along.

>> No.2329525

Op did you check out my list? >>2329291
The hollows, Dresden files, Warded man, Felix castor, The black magician etc etc etc?

>> No.2329531

>Who says YA is bad? I see all the philosophical shit all over /lit/ but I'm not trying to impress anyone, I just wanna have fun. That is what reading is about, to me.

again, if you want to read YA and have fun, more power to you. reading for enjoyment is great. only reading for enjoyment, i am not so confident about; and only reading YA fiction is childish. it is. put away childish things.

>> No.2329539


Dunno if trolling?

>> No.2329540

God, that show really pissed you off.

It just appealed to the teenage sense of delusion and isolation, with some social commentary thrown in.

>> No.2329558

Yep! Got it saved on my computer thank you, ready to work through!

Don't worry, I'm doing a degree so I spend a lot of time reading boring ass academic books too. But in my free time, fuck no. Until I have actual responsibilities, I see no reason to grow up.

>> No.2329566
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Fuck yeah, +1 internets for you man

>> No.2329569

>Until I have actual responsibilities, I see no reason to grow up.

because it is right and proper to do so?

>> No.2329573

ian mcdonald just released the first book of a ya scifi series. his grown up shit is fantastic so I am looking forward to reading it.

china mieville also has a ya book out there and he is usually worth reading.

if you haven't read pratchett, he has both ya and adult stuff. it's all good stuff

>> No.2329577
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Check out the King Killer Chronicles, best YA fantasy this decade.

>> No.2329581


All he is saying is that you are not growing in literature, when you could be starting to experience lit as an art form. You are still drinking baby formula, when the time has come for you to start eating steak.

>> No.2329595

Get the Drizzt D'ourden books by RA Salvatore. The Cleric Quintet is also worth reading.

>> No.2330445

Thanks for all the recs guys!

Totally bored of the weird adult literature analogies now so I'll just say that much...

>> No.2330454

Twilight series is horrible.

Percy Jackson is entertaining but overall not well written and very cliched. You'll stumble across a decent concept in their occasionally but in terms of good literature its an empty well.

I recommend hitting up the City of _____ books. City of Bones, City of Ash, City of Glass, then Clockwork Angel and Clockwork Prince, and City of Fallen Angels. The parts where they sink into love stories can get dull but other than that I find them well written and deeper than other YA fiction. Their brand of mythology is interesting as well.

>> No.2330501

Have you read Sabriel and it's two sequels?
By Garth Nix. def one of my fav YA books ever.
There all worth reading but Sabriel is the only awesome one.

>> No.2330525

Looking for Alaska by John Green

>> No.2330553

Some interesting YA books:

Jonathan Stroud -> The Bartimaeus Trilogy (really, you're selling yourself short if you DON'T read it. Fantastic books and very, very funny.)

Eoin Colfer -> Artemis Fowl series, but there is also a lesser-known book called the Supernaturalist that is worthwhile as well.

Forgot the name-> Truesight. Interesting book, about a society where everyone is blind.

Harry Potter I guess, but who doesn't know about that by now?

Others mentioned Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. I wouldn't classify that as YA fiction really but it beats just about anything else mentioned. It would also be an excellent intro to more mature fantasy/scifi/what have you.

I would HIGHLY suggest the Night Angel Trilogy (and Brent Weeks in general) if you find that you enjoy Mistborn and other stuff by Sanderson.

>> No.2330559

Agree with above, the Bartimaeus trilogy is fantastic, and they also have a prequel out.

>> No.2330568



Also try the Bartimaeus trilogy by Jonathan Stroud and Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld. And of course Pratchett and Gaiman as mentioned above.

Twilight is utter shite, Bella has no character development a all, so the reader can imagine herself in her place, while Edward is described as the epitome of male perfection, but encourages the reader to accept stalkerish and overly possessive behavior as normal. Meyers has absolutely no skill as a writer, uses literary devices that are so crap that calling them cliché would be an insult to the word cliché and frequently "tells" the reader things because she isn't able to "show" anything (again, lack of basic writing skills). Also, loads of thinly veiled Mormon propaganda and fucking sparkling vampires. /rant

Percy Jackson is okay I guess, not very well written and basically just Greek myths with a bunch of annoying kids thrown in, but still relatively entertaining.

>> No.2330621

.... Are you seriously recommending The Mortal Instruments and The infernal Devices series to OP... they're in my list of books... but i am sorry i read them... Cassandra Claire......

>> No.2330629

Aka the Abhorson Trilogy

>> No.2331900

Sorry you read them? They sound really good.

Also like I say, Meyer isn't a great writer but I enjoyed Twilight despite the lack of focus in her writing.

And cheers for the recs guys!

>> No.2331943

The first 3 of the Mortal Instruments were good(even though they had teenage angst up the ass) then because the series did good she changed it from a trilogy and expanded with more books. Simon is a daylight vamp( wannbe blade) she brings back the main female protagonist's brother who was like a big baddie in book three and now "lol" he is tied with the protagonist's boyfriend's soul. When you start bringing people back from the dead you know that an author is grabbing at straws.

The infernal Devices.... book one was kind of nice.... until you saw that she was using the same formula as in the Mortal Instruments series, this time it was 19th century teenage angst set in England.

You do not know how much i regretted reading book two for infernal devices... a lot of people on /lit/ said that Cassandra Claire is a plagiarist i believe it to be so now... not getting anymore books from those series.

>> No.2332066


“Critics who treat 'adult' as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. And in childhood and adolescence they are, in moderation, healthy symptoms. Young things ought to want to grow. But to carry on into middle life or even into early manhood this concern about being adult is a mark of really arrested development. When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up.”
-C.S Lewis

>> No.2333185

Should I just stick to the original trilogy then?

>> No.2333215

Probably... when i started the first book in the Mortal Instruments series... i wanted to know wtf i was reading... weird teenage angst and clubs... and after the described the male protagonist i thought he was a vampire and this book was some twilight distant relative.

I eventually grew accustomed to the writing style of the author and the "feelings" that were going around i only continued because i am a firm believer in finishing what i started, also when the two protagonist thought they were siblings and still wanted each other intrigued me what i would advise is that you read book one of the series and take it from there if you like it continue with the rest but stay away from Infernal Devices... after reading book 2 i am sorry i ever started this series.

The series could have done more she had a great plot with men against evils.... but the teenage angst, hormones, friend zone(you like a girl that will only ever see you as a friend) and the description of how hot the male protagonist is soured my tastes.

>> No.2333243

You see, despite the boos from the crowd, I don't hate Twilight. I'm not a Twihard either but I don't think it's bad enough to warrant hatred, so the things you described to me just there didn't really put me off.

>> No.2333262

The Leviathan trilogy, by Scott Westerfield.

Basically, it's a steampunk alt. history of WW1. Pretty good series, awesome illustrations on some pages, and the writing isn't bad.

>> No.2333294

YA fiction is -not- -literature-


>> No.2333313

Of course "literature" is anything by the name of the Ulysses or Iliad.
Pretentious poser.

>> No.2333362

I don't know if she's available much outside Australia, but there's some YA stuff by Isobelle Carmody that I loved to read. The Obernewtyn and Legendsong series both come to mind, but I don't think either is actually finished yet.

>> No.2333376
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>YA fiction is -not- -literature-

>> No.2333387


>> No.2333697

Thanks for all the recs everyone!

Except for this pretentious twat.

>> No.2333701

Books by John Green

>> No.2333713

Looking For Alaska
Angus Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging
Michael Sweeneys Method
A series of Unfortunate Events

yr welcome

>> No.2333734

The Railway Children by E. Nesbit.

>> No.2333768

Wheel of Time

>> No.2334512

Don't even start with that series.

>> No.2335339

Haha, why?

Thanks for all the other recs guys!