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23286482 No.23286482 [Reply] [Original]

>Flannery O’Connor
the queen of Southern Gothic

>> No.23286489


>> No.23286493
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Not too sure about that one

>> No.23286525
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>> No.23286529

she was a racist chud, no thanks

>> No.23286549

>tradlarpers keep recommending her
>read The Artificial Nigger for the memes
>it’s actually a good story
I shall never doubt again.

>> No.23286563

'The Artificial Gentleman of Dark Complexion' is peak Southern kino. Same with 'The Life You Save May Be Your Own' and 'Good Country People'.
An ugly dyke would never beat our Catholic queen.

>> No.23286573

You will never be trad.

>> No.23286582

Already am, faggot. You'll never survive AIDS.

>> No.23286584
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>> No.23286594
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>> No.23286684

Based Mama Flan Flan. She has been our sole queen since this board's inception and the only woman who was ever able to write anything of substance. Blessed be her name.

This bitch had one largely forgettable novel and a few others literally no one has read. To put her on the same level as our eternal queen is blasphemous.

>> No.23286688

Lmao how many great novels did mommy Flannery write? A fat ZERO lmao. The woman couldn't write anything decent above 50 pages.

>> No.23286695


The Violent Bear It Away>Wise Blood

>> No.23286841

I refuse to read anything written by a wAmerican

>> No.23286906

It's probably just the glasses with that haircut but she looks like a non-ugly version of Simone Weil.

>> No.23286943

I COULD have saved her, bros ;_;

>> No.23286950

She had lupus...

>> No.23286963

I SHOULD have done more ;_;

>> No.23286985
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It is the glasses & hairstyle combination, without them her irish ancestry is glaring & undeniable. Still, despite being a catholic mick potatonigger, she was a real qt in her youth, imo
short stories are superior to novels

>> No.23287186

She wrote 2 novels, both better than anything McCullers ever wrote

>> No.23287500

He does look Nordic as fuck though

>> No.23287504

Wise Blood and The Violent Bear It Away are so great that my only takeaway from your post is that you haven’t read them. You might have even not heard of them

>> No.23287506

Read The Lame Shall Enter First

>> No.23287677

Is she good or is just a “well we gotta include women in this genre somehow here how about this one she wrote some stuff” type meme? I enjoy McCarthy (mostly just Suttree but the rest was okay too) love Faulkner loved Matthiessen’s shadow country, should I give her a chance?

>> No.23287688

I read The Member of the Wedding and it was cute.

>> No.23287700

She's genuinely good.

>> No.23287719
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Fun fact: Robert Fitzgerald (the translator of Homer) and his wife were friends with Flannery O'Connor, and Robert wrote a 34-page introduction for the 1st edition of the posthumous book 'Everything That Raises Must Converge'. It reads more like a homage to Flannery, both the person and the writer, than a dry academic introduction.

>> No.23287902

Nords had chins

>> No.23287906

One good novel but it's very good

>> No.23287930

Her best stuff by far is her short stories.

A Good Man is Hard to Find, Enoch and the Gorilla, Good Country People, that's where she really shines.

>> No.23287932

>Good Country People
Good but overhyped

>> No.23287975

i thought the river was just a nihilistic tragedy until my catholic professor told me that the point is the kid was better off dead. theologically it makes sense but something about it still doesn't sit right with me

>> No.23287979

how can a short story be 'overhyped'?

>> No.23287998

Robert Fitzgerald’s sons, Michael and Benedict, wrote the script for the film adaptation of Wise Blood. Benedict also co-wrote the script for The Passion Of The Christ.
The Wise Blood film has a Kathy Fitzgerald listed as producer, I’m not sure if/how she’s related.

>> No.23288003

lmao. assuming they are white is a bit of a stretch though

>> No.23288006

He’s of the Prussian German ethnicity

>> No.23288012

Looks more like anglo or slav trash lmao

>> No.23288024
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Cute little paddycracker. She reminds me of a former coworker who was also Irish, and a colossal slut

>> No.23288027

Check out "The Life You Save May Be Your Own" or "Good Country People" to get a good idea of her style and themes. She is absolutely a great writer and resists being put into that box of "we need more women in the canon" given that she was conservative and religious and her views on race are far too nuanced to jive with the current progressive orthodoxy.

>> No.23288223

Do you really not understand what overhyped means?

>> No.23288704

>The Life You Save May Be Your Own
just read it

very similiar to "a good man is hard to find," she seems to like to write about the idea of men who can be saved.

>> No.23288742

One of the very few female American writers I'd have liked to fuck.

>> No.23288744


>> No.23288773

Based 2018 virtue signaler

>> No.23288838

the dick you suck may be your own

>> No.23289154

>"Good Country People"
Erik Langkjaer, the fellow who was likely the source for "Manley Pointer": https://www.jstor.org/stable/26671109

He's also mentioned in the notes of the Library of America Selected Flannery volume, if memory serves (I don't have it handy atm).

I thought this was quite an interesting article about FOC's perspective on Freud and Jung: https://www.jstor.org/stable/26467187

In addition to her fiction, her volume of essays, Mystery and Manners, and selected letters, The Habit of Being, are both great. (The LoA volume has one or more essays that aren't in M&M, and also letters that weren't included in HoB -- in both cases, very choice selections; indicative of the top-notch editorial work on that volume.)

The book "Flannery O'Connor: In Celebration of Genius," Sarah Gordon, ed. (Athens, GA: Hill Street Press, 2000), is a mixed bag, but it includes one outstanding item: a short story titled "Dear Flannery" by Nancy Mairs that is a pitch-perfect fictional imagining of an encounter with FOC sitting on her Andalusia porch.

>Robert wrote a 34-page introduction for the 1st edition of the posthumous book 'Everything That Raises Must Converge'.
I've somehow missed that over the years. Need to track it down. Couldn't locate the text, or a pdf, online. Please drop a link, if anyone has one.

>> No.23289159

>I've somehow missed that over the years. Need to track it down. Couldn't locate the text, or a pdf, online. Please drop a link, if anyone has one.
Sure thing, brother. Here's the pdf:

>> No.23289218

Excellent. Thanks very much.

>> No.23289839

>This bitch had one largely forgettable novel
>One good novel
I and most people regard The Member of the Wedding as her most complete novel—THIALH is just the most successful. Reflections in a Golden Eye is also on par with THIALH but doesn't get the recognition still because prudes couldn't see she was ahead of her time.

Read both of them and they are lost on any reader who isn't a braindead Catholic. GOOD short stories but shit novels.