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23282213 No.23282213 [Reply] [Original]

Germans are mocked for being cold but they weren't always like that. The music of Wagner, Beethoven, and Bruckner prove otherwise. The poetry of Holderlin and what Nietzsche and Heidegger talk about is the true German passion and spirit.

They used to be a deeply spiritual and passionate people.

This is why literature and art are dead. All the West has castrated itself with guilt.

What would Wagner say of today's Germans? Are they not like Klingsor? Self castrated and evil?

They've been traumatized into non-being. The exact opposite of Heidegger's dream.

>> No.23282225

Watch this video and tell me what you think.

>> No.23282229


>> No.23282233

Your thread sucks.

>> No.23282280

i didnt read nor understood what the thread is about but what i can read and understand is that you are a seething leftist tranny and i fucking hate you

So OP that means
BUMP in ALL fields

>> No.23282301
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Well, the Jews were able to perfect their application of orgy-porgy and soma through their powerful, hypnotic mind control devices and media. The Germans were in their hands after the war, and they did to them as they pleased.

>> No.23282315

They have sexual perversions, are extremely cold, materialist and shallow, and feel guilt when they stray from the path put upon them.

Modern Germany would be incomprehensible to all their great people.

>> No.23282335

The US is also thoroughly Jewish in that sense. The socialization is designed to destroy love.

>> No.23282357

I've been thinking about how many of the dumbass stereotypes about Germans we have today were unheard of in the past and nonsense created by yanks and anglos post WW2. It honestly makes me hate the anglosphere in general.

>> No.23282366

And for those who doubt me, consider the cuttlefish:

>> No.23282371
File: 281 KB, 800x1244, Screenshot_20240413_055955_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude is on to something.
Btw this vid is blocked in germany but a certain android app made it accessable.
Young people cant have families and own nothing. War is better than slowly rotting away in some gooncave.
Es ist zeit fur reich (again).

>> No.23282432
File: 256 KB, 371x538, image_2024-04-12_214603241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy, I think they're alive and kicking.

>> No.23282439

He's Jewish and his music isn't his. He's a manager and has a team of ghost composers.

>> No.23282473
File: 172 KB, 1050x550, wit-germany-recycle-facebookJumbo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The German stereotype of being efficient is a myth. Germany is more of a protocol nation. Everything is about protocol. The attitudes to education and work is different. The education system selects people at a young age in different tracks and they're big on vocational schools, so if the Germans decide that your destiny is to become a refrigerator repairman or some other apprentice in trades, that's what you will be, because that is a good job. It's not really looked down upon as stupid or lower class, especially if you're good at it.

The work environment is much more hierarchical. They are very methodical in the way projects are done, too, there's a lot of planning and discussion to the point where actual implementation is almost an afterthought. This can be somewhat slow but usually things are done to a high standard. But people are much more free to speak their minds rather than dance around issues trying to be polite. I think that's why people from Anglo countries find them to be a bit blunt. Germans can sometimes feel like they're interrogating you if, say, you're leaving a social situation early. "Where are you going? Why can't you stay here?" Look I just gotta do some stuff OK and those would be hostile questions where I'm from but Germans are just interested I guess.

There's a million different things like that. They are also a bit determined when it comes to democracy. The German government and constitution has a very serious commitment to prevent the repetition of history, and if there's one government you can trust not to become an authoritarian state again, it's Germany. The modern German state is designed to prevent that, which doesn't mean that Adolf Hitler Jr. is going to mysteriously disappear at night in a black van and never return again, but it DOES means that if you're an antidemocratic authoritarian crazy then you will be monitored to prevent YOU from doing that to other people.

Political corruption also really does manage to enrage the average person around there, if it's something serious and reaches the papers. It's tough to generalize though because Germans are divided into a lot of different classes, subcultures and regional groups. This also ties back to the education system.

But if there's an essence of being German it's purity. The word for purity is Reinheit. But given the association with the Third Reich you might hear sauber instead which means "clean." In the national socialist form that was racial purification. For Kant it was the purification of reason. For Martin Luther it was the purification of the faith. There's even a beer purity law that dates to the 15th century or something like that. Today the biggest purification movement in Germany is the environment with autistic-level recycling. I think they have the politically strongest Green Party in the world. But they're still the same people. Europe too will be German, or be nothing at all.

>> No.23282475

Also don't get so enthralled by those Hitler speeches. The audio amplification wasn't very good in those days so a lot of people in those crowds couldn't actually hear him and would just salute when everyone else saluted.

>> No.23282500

All of those things Heidegger would call an excess of technology and lack of being.

It's not German -- it's post-ww2 German. A reaction.

>> No.23282520

>Political corruption also really does manage to enrage the average person around there
What's enraging is how many people don't understand that they're not a real, independent country and are a US puppet state because the government pretends to ask it's populace for consent every few years.

>> No.23282524

Germany is a Jewish colony and your post is gay.

>> No.23282526
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The entirety of the modern world is designed to do that by the logic of a society founded upon usury, which is less than zero-sum, it's negative-sum, where the hamsters fly off the wheels and scramble to eat each other alive in order to survive. It simulates in its final phase the imaginary state of nature dreamed up by Hobbes and Locke, interestingly. And that's by design which any game of Monopoly could prove.

>> No.23282630

Is it really that brutal? So Germany and the US would be far more dangerous than China at the far end of the shame spectrum, or Brazil at the far end of the fear?

The most dangerous country in the world as I see it is South Africa. And they live between fear and cold utilitarianism.

>> No.23282641

Germans are just people as are people from anywhere else in the world. What you call nazism or national socialism was a reaction to communist uprisings in Germany, as Marx was German. His writing were around the Civil War period, while national socialism or what is called nationalsozialismus took over Germany in the 1930s.

The Weimar Republic period, which my family endured along with the nazis, was a time of great economic despair and social stratification. This was after the attempted communist uprising, and there was a great deal of inflation, drug abuse, and prostitution. These are the conditions that led to national socialism in Germany.

Most people simply want to live a good life in peace and security, not to be bombed to rubble. Germany was destroyed because of the nazis, and now it is the most powerful economy. This is really a testament to the German people, who are not self castrated or evil, but mostly just working people trying to live like anyone else.

>> No.23282647

>now it is the most powerful economy
In Europe that is, it also has American nuclear missiles and bases that ward the region from invasion.

>> No.23282652

Do they fight on Shabbats?

>> No.23282653

>inflation, drug abuse, and prostitution
So basically today.

But the art and soul are dead.

>> No.23282657

Technically yes. Secular Judaism has taken over - everything is allowed.

>> No.23282658

>Is it really that brutal?
It doesn't have to be, just the perception that you are alone, disposable and crushed under a boot or oxford shoe is enough for their aims to be met.

>> No.23282667

In Brazil people have to light, warm, and disorganized or they feel afraid. In China you have to be like a robot and follow the norms or you're shamed.

What's the control mechanism here? Guilt as internalization of the commands of your oppressors. IMO it's far worse.

>> No.23282723

Dude, that's crazy

>> No.23282748
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>The most dangerous country in the world as I see it is South Africa
>Thinks South Africa is more dangerous than Haiti, Sudan(civil war and ethnic cleansing)DR Congo (civil war) Myanmar (Civil war) not mentioned Gaza.

>> No.23282766

You suck OP's fat tranny cock

>> No.23282824


>> No.23282930

There are no white people there.

>> No.23282933

It's about the German literary canon and why it's dead.

>> No.23282938

No, it's not.

>> No.23283036

No, it's clearly about how German art has died. An d art as a whole because the West has no character other than your job and making money.

The Anglos and Jews are the reason. Nietzsche was right in describing them as a nation of shopkeepers, they are who Heidegger is talking about in the question about technology, and the villain in every Wagner opera.