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23280842 No.23280842 [Reply] [Original]

Why did Stirner trigger Marx so hard?

>> No.23280866

The list of people who triggered Marx would be a very long one.

>> No.23280870

This. Butthurt and petty personal feuds are the foundation of Marxism.

>> No.23281080

Commies have herd mentality so they naturally despise individualism and freedom

>> No.23281689

Nobody thinks about Stirner.

>> No.23281704

*raises paw* I do

>> No.23281995
File: 83 KB, 660x1000, A1GpGL17KcL._AC_UF1000,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marx literally teamed up with Engels to write 500 page long seethepost to refute Stirner.

>> No.23282010

You know some experts say that writing down your feelings when you're angry at someone can help you relax.

>> No.23282014

venting without action can quickly become a toxic mental habit

>> No.23282060

The only reason we even know of Stirner is because Marx thought he was a retard, and that it was worth explaining how retarded he was.
I'm no marxoid but that's not a very good reason to remember someone. We don't even have a photo of the man -- the only picture we have is a caricature someone drew in mockery of him.

>> No.23282140
File: 410 KB, 1200x959, Die_Freien_by_Friedrich_Engels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We don't even have a photo of the man -- the only picture we have is a caricature someone drew in mockery of him.
The illustrator is Engels

>> No.23282165

I don't like capitalists nor communists, what should I read? I'm inclined to Keynes, but I never read him.

>> No.23282167

Because egoism isn’t a real threat to the bourgeoisie while Marxism is. It’s intellectual masturbation that turns the will to freedom inward (toward “ownness”) rather than externalizing it through revolutionary action. The egoist is fundamentally powerless to change the world around her, so she channels her ressentiment into engaging in online debates with Marxists and calling everything a spook while conveniently ignoring fascist talking points to show how she’s “not like the other leftists.”

>> No.23282173

He disproved him.

>> No.23282183

>“not like the other leftists.”
Any Stirnerite who is like this is already a fraud. An egoist should be willing to support right, left, and any other direction so long as it supports their personal self-interest.

>> No.23282344
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and yet it would be a millionth as long as a list of all those he triggered, many present itt

>> No.23282352

What is this imbecile even trying to say?

>> No.23282428

It wasn't just about Stirner, its about all the wacky Young Hegelians and their blinding, unscientific ideology. Its quite funny as well, Marx would be a clever anon.

>> No.23282531

>unscientific ideology

>> No.23282551

ya and all those many millions he triggered right into the grave

>> No.23282558

the only other options are monarchy and anarchy

>> No.23282578

They wrote all that but forgot to solve the captcha.

>> No.23282587


>> No.23282591

dudes ass is shaped like a picket fence

>> No.23282595
File: 610 KB, 1080x1525, Distributism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Distributist writers, I guess. Specially Hillaire Belloc (read 'The Serville State' from him even if you don't care about Distributism).

>> No.23282598


>> No.23282613

>t. illiterate retard
How can it even be Communism if it does not propose to abolish neither private property, nor the family unit; as well as not holding an atheistic understanding of reality, but a transcendent one? It can't, because it isn't Communism.

>> No.23282765

communism doesnt abolish private property, it just abolished the right to it. any distributionist is a commie.

>> No.23282998

>that's not a very good reason to remember someone
Says more about Marx's character than it say about Stirner. If he was a nobody, why bother?

>> No.23283008

Morality doesn't exist in a materialist framework, marxism cannot justify why the proletariat should be liberated or why the bourgeoisie oppressing the proletariat is wrong besides appealing to the reader's sense of self-interest.

>> No.23283015

Start with the Greeks. Become a monarchist.

>> No.23283024

Sounds to me more like American anons who like the same system that fucks them so much. Americans are so obsessed with slavery for some reason it is beyond me .

>> No.23283031

It think it is better than deciding to take the scepter by force in order to perform a genocide.

>> No.23283034

Reformism, or in other words, read authors who advocate for change from within the system.

>> No.23283043

Yes.. individualism coupled with capitalism means people try to gather as much resources as possible for themselves, and in this scenario everyone loses except for the State that takes a portion of their belongings in some intermediary unit of exchange. So , basically what you said, but in other words.

>> No.23283046


>> No.23283048

Cope harder.

>> No.23283404

because if you read the ego and it's own you realize Max Stirner did like half of Marx's job and he was mad that Stirner stole his thunder

>> No.23283782

>posts in thread about Stirner

>> No.23283788

I know a dude who makes max stirner his whole personality gimmick. He's also schizophrenic and from finland. Go figure

>> No.23283806

no cope, just facts

>> No.23283819

Crazy, got any other personal anecdotes?

>> No.23283953

Why did Nietzsche suppress his knowledge of having read him?

>> No.23284626

Right. And Marx' theory of pre agrarian matriarchal harems was definitely more scientific.

>> No.23284636

You should check out the hungry hungry caterpillar

>> No.23284643
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Why was Marx so neurotic? He seems to have been raised by loving parents who did their best to make him happy.

>> No.23284649

Engels bought the pass.

>> No.23284672

Will retards ever even understand this meme? Don Draper was actually deeply bothered by him.

>> No.23284772

Stirner looks really cool here. How is that mockery?

>> No.23285122

perhaps his forehead wasn't actually THAT big.

>> No.23285406

Marx was exactly like the type of people identity with his ideology in current year. If he was alive today, he'd either be a tranny or be fucking one.

>> No.23285464

>The only reason we even know of Stirner is because Marx
Wrong, plenty of later philosophers have talked about and been influenced by him.

>> No.23285551

the jew schizo genes got to him. also academia poisoned his mind as it has poisoned the minds of many youth today.

>> No.23285664
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International Socialism is whatever you want it to be. It's a shell game that only those at the top really 'get' in its unvarnished bareassed brazen self-interest and demagoguery. Cleaving to 'morality' of the benighted illiterate born slaves of history & the world to speed run some Saturnine eschaton of 'post-scarcity' plenty and moral apotheosis of society is a bald faced lie which Egoism actually consistently and systematically bears out. Everything Marx & Engels wrote is guilding the ochlocractic oligarchy lilly: to each according to his need ... is at the discretion of those whom are more equal than others-- the intelligentsia, the ideological vanguard, the 'intellectual workers', the Party cadres, the military's armed Party cadres ...

Why? Stiner says the quiet part out loud-- Marx wants to negate God & Substance and have his Speculative Gnostic Materialist Religion too. His 'hegelianism' inverted is window dressing, and he and Engels laugh about 'scientific jargon mumbojumbo to dupe the bourgeois' in the correspondence. It's not only a lie but a self-conscious deception propagated against rubes that don't and cannot know better beyond their blinkered animalistic self-interest.

>> No.23285844

Marx says a lot about Stirner in very little. The number one thing is stirner has replaced "God" with "The Self" and than used it to directly negate the whole of reality, and the moral constructs that accompy them. That Stirner is essentially a miracle worker, who has substituted the mysterious power of God with the mysterious power of the self. Rendering everything into "spooks" is just a denial and a rejection of reality, which Marx saw as deeply moral. Marx detested speculative philosophy, and stirner to him was an idealist, incapable of coming to terms with the actual nature of things, relying on forms of mental discrimination between things alone to come to understanding.

>> No.23286988
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There's an interesting letter Engels sent to Marx in which he writes about him. (https://marxists.architexturez.net/archive/marx/works/1844/letters/44_11_19.htm).).
Also, Stirner did not live to see The German Ideology published, so we can't know what his response would be, but he did care about responding to his main critics and did just that in Stirner's Critics.