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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 474x706, corncob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23280098 No.23280098 [Reply] [Original]

The writing is usually overdone. The scenes, while vivid, don't add up to much. The grotesque elements are a bit samey, if a little boring. And he cannot write anything but a brusque male character with either a death wish or some nihilistic outlook. Name one female character he wrote that wasn't some freak or abuse victim.

>> No.23280102

Didn't ask?

>> No.23280106

Hurt your fragile ego? None of you will be like him. He's only rich and remembered because his wife did fucking everything for him, including washing his clothes, sending off manuscripts, typing up stuff, feeding him, cleaning... He's a sack of shit, and didn't ever look after his kids.

>> No.23280107

name one female you've met that wasn't some freak or abuse victim

>> No.23280110

Most women I've worked with were just normal, trying to make ends meet, while they tried to raise kids with their husband. Others were just on their way to university.

>> No.23280111
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>> No.23280113

Uhh anon what is your "work", exactly?

>> No.23280119

Various industries. I worked in research, admin, legal, publishing, and now in the trades. Currently trying to make it as a writer. Only had 2 stories and over 10 poems published.
So I've met a lot of people, instead of just pretending to be a writer by sitting at home and beating my wife until she does what I want like a slave.

>> No.23280120
File: 247 KB, 674x974, Bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood Meridian was the final novel to be added to the Western Canon. Contemplate this on the Tree of Woe.

>> No.23280123

If your good they let you do anything

>> No.23280124

>/lit/ shitting on Corncob now he's dead
Yeah we get it. Nobody actually thinks he's some great master of fiction. Yes, we all went through that phase of thinking he was based, and yes you move on to better things and more accomplished writers.
But he got a lot of kids into books who wouldn't normally read. He was very good at what he did

>> No.23280129

Why are you complaining on her behalf pretend femoid? Did you somehow crave his cock in your ass?

>> No.23280139
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Shut up, poser. People like you give literature a bad name. Nothing about immoral actions and abusiveness makes you an "artist"

>> No.23280148

More like Wendigoon got a lot of people to read Cormac's wikipedia page

>> No.23280304

It does if you're cormac

>> No.23280330

Debbie Nathan, is that you?

Take it easy on the Franzia.

>> No.23280332

>Don't add up to much
What does this even mean? This sentence tells me you fundamentally misunderstand fiction. McCarthy's prose and descriptions are an aesthetic experience on their own. I bet you speedread too. He writes more characters than what you say, maybe you need to read more of his work. His writing isn't overdone, it's heavily flavored. Maybe you don't like flavor. If it were overdone, it would taste like burnt carbon.

>> No.23280378

He just writes Biblical allusions and mad dreams you'd just read from a pulp writer like Lovecraft, or Edgar Allan Poe, earlier Gothic writers, like Shelley or Beckford. It adds up to little, because he is not adding anything to literature; he is a hack who takes from previous writers to make an "aesthetic experience," as you put it, which was already perfected by Lovecraft, Poe, and Shelley.
Nothing in the beginning of Outer Dark, the horrible scenes of Blood Meridian, or the deathly landscape of The Road are going to be remembered. Because he is not as cutting edge as Faulkner was, when Cormac just apes Faulkner and better writers.

>> No.23280401

I fully believe you only think this because he wrote after the 1950s. Every writer takes from other writers, that is a moot point. Stop deluding yourself and enjoy modern writing.

>> No.23280431

>already perfected by Lovecraft, Poe, and Shelley.


>> No.23280441

I have enjoyed the works of many writers post-50s, including Pynchon, Gass, Barth, and Saunders. Try more.
McCarthy writes "Southern Gothic," not literature; it's a genre fiction genre, as in, it's about grotesques and the horror of the everyday. Blood Meridian is the only really anti-genre novel, because it's anti-western, and destroys the idea that America was founded on adventure and glory. He's very against literature, including all European Modernists like Proust. You've clearly delineated McCarthy as high art even though he is genre, and a pulpy one at that, who just made money for Hollywood.

>> No.23280451

Southern Gothic is not genre fiction, retard.
> Saunders
lmao pleb

>> No.23280457

Man you're dumb

>> No.23280468

>The writing is usually overdone
Nigga are you joking. Actually this post might be a joke I'm too autistic to get
>Name one female character he wrote that wasn't some freak or abuse victim.
Same thing can be said for half of his male characters

>> No.23280470

Shakespeare wrote in genre. You are the dullard here.
Keep believing in the marketing of universities and publishing houses. Buy that "high literature" of McCarthy writing about Judge Holden eating a roasted baby, because it's so deep and different.

>> No.23280475

>Same thing can be said for half of his male characters
You read the literary equivalent of Berserk, "eughh so deep, the big tough guy is actually an abuse victim," as if that's redemptive of poor writing.

>> No.23280482
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And yet he's the best writer of all time. How can one man be so fucking based and still get away with it!

>> No.23280483

It's bad writing. Peak dick lit.

>> No.23280495
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>Peak dick lit.
You would know, you're the expert on dicks LMAO

>> No.23280500

Who cares about Shakespeare? Plays aren't even literature.

>> No.23280508
File: 6 KB, 250x203, 1500568353166s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If ur gonna be a cringe tranime avatar tranny loser atleast get some better taste than fucking redditsoifotm lmfao how embarassing

>> No.23280517
File: 38 KB, 278x415, 1702723196496701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you have some dicks to "study"? LMAO

>> No.23280520

kek gottem

>> No.23280522

Why can't that be high literature?

>> No.23280532

Define "literature". You are an idiot if you think plays cannot be "literature"
Since literariness is dependent upon what we value in academia, numbnuts.
It's derivative. McCarthy adds nothing new to the pile. Read my responses before to see my reasoning. Thank you, sir.

>> No.23280533

How is that derivative?

>> No.23280546

>How is that derivative
Thanks for asking. It's because McCarthy just rewrote a fanficiton of Chamberlain's diaries. Then tacked on some biblical hellish imagery to make Blood Meridian. He also seems to just reuse 1970s horror movie tropes, like Texas Chainsaw Massacre, for his art. So many cannibal freaks in his novels, you'd think it was just him repeating bad movie scenes. He even admitted to never reading, so it comes off like a movie.

>> No.23280558

>Define "literature".
Prose fiction and poetry that are the thing itself.
>You are an idiot if you think plays cannot be "literature"
They're instructions for another medium, not literature itself.
>Since literariness is dependent upon what we value in academia, numbnuts.
No, it's not, you pillowbiter.

>> No.23280564


>> No.23280566

All literature is "derivative", retard. What a shit argument.

>> No.23280573

>Prose fiction and poetry that are the thing itself.
Prose fiction means language as it is spoken, by everyday plebs. So it is completely in contradiction to poetry, which is rhythmic, metered, and often rhymed, in pithy language that is barely ever spoken by untrained plebs. Great definition there.
>the thing iself
What thing?
>They're instructions for another medium, not literature itself.
So Sophocles is less literary than Allen Ginsburg because Sophocles wrote plays? Sophocles has been more studied and more important for art than any Beatnik who wrote shitty vers libre. Give me a break.
>no, it's not
Where do you get literature from? Where do we store library books? Where do you have authorities? Half the people who made charts here, or discuss anything, were students in college. Most of the boards here are for 18-24 year olds in college, and mainly from rich white families. Most plebs in the world have little time for reading, so we have a division of labour for academics to make literature for us.

>> No.23280577
File: 199 KB, 728x739, gothic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cormac McCarthy is unoriginal and never wrote anything worth his Hollywood status. Gothic fiction is "literature" for retards too retarded to know they are reading genre slop. If you want literature, read Dante.

>> No.23280587

>Prose fiction means language as it is spoken
No, it doesn't. It can be language as it's written, too. The literary language and the every day language can be different.
>Great definition there.
Thank you :)
>What thing?
The literary work itself. They aren't plans, instructions, models for another medium.
>So Sophocles is less literary than Allen Ginsburg because Sophocles wrote plays? Sophocles has been more studied and more important for art than any Beatnik who wrote shitty vers libre. Give me a break.
Sophocles wrote for theater. Sorry but that isn't literature. Plays and screenplays are not literature.
>Where do you get literature from?
From books.
>Where do we store library books?
Everywhere in the world
>Where do you have authorities?
I don't.
>Half the people who made charts here, or discuss anything, were students in college.
Maybe, but so what? I've made charts myself. Not a big deal.
>Most of the boards here are for 18-24 year olds in college, and mainly from rich white families.
>Most plebs in the world have little time for reading, so we have a division of labour for academics to make literature for us.

>> No.23280590

Originality has never been the ultimate metric for literary status. The Canterbury Tales? Orlando Furioso? Les Misérables? And all the other derivative works. Are they not literature? Fucking faggot.

>> No.23280597
File: 216 KB, 1526x647, demographics 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They aren't plans, instructions, models for another medium.
And yet Cormac is the most adapted author in recent memory. Why did he approve of it?
Pic related, everyone here is from a first world country (majority white), other than a small contingent of /gif/ posters.
>I don't.
That's why you talk about literature in a very idiosyncratic way and no one will ever believe you. People need degrees to get cultural capital and be taken seriously, with connections and name recognition.

>> No.23280601

Hollywood isn't literature

>> No.23280602

>Canterbury Tales
They were extremely original in the sense that Chaucer put very new things into new perspectives, such as writing new words, figuring landscapes in new discourses, and making sites of local places; he also happened to add a lot of scientific and astronomical language into Middle English, because he read Latin and Greek, and translated various treatises on early astronomy. You have no idea how important he was for English.
>Orlando Furioso? Les Misérables?
How are they derivative? You just throw out titles from random authors and don't connect any claim, or argument, to it.

>> No.23280604

>a bit samey
I honestly believe that you don't know how to read.

>> No.23280606

Exactly. Cormac McCarthy is Hollywood slop for people who think they're smart for going, "ho hum, er, people are bad and I would kill you in a post apocalyptic scenario."
It's cynical slop for cynical plebs.

>> No.23280610
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Ah yes, famed tard wrangler Faulkner, lol.

>> No.23280613


>> No.23280618

And yet here you are crying about it

>> No.23280620

That's not what makes literature good though

>> No.23280621

I haven't been on this board for over a year, read a lot, wrote a lot, got in contact with publishers/editors. You people deserve your status. Crabs in a bucket. You make heroes of NEETs and failures, to make yourself feel good.

>> No.23280622


>> No.23280623

OK enjoy your life

>> No.23280625

>And yet Cormac is the most adapted author in recent memory.
Is he? I don't think so. He wrote 12 novels only 4 have been adapted. Without going any further, J. K. Rowling wrote 7 Harry Potter books and they've made like 10 movies already.
>Pic related, everyone here is from a first world country (majority white), other than a small contingent of /gif/ posters.
You said they came from rich families. I'm not seeing that in the picture.
>That's why you talk about literature in a very idiosyncratic way and no one will ever believe you.
I don't care.
>People need degrees to get cultural capital and be taken seriously, with connections and name recognition.
It's an incestuous and cannibalistic field. No one outside that field cares. Literature exists beyond academia.

>> No.23280626

You should enjoy yours. Move upward. See the light.

>> No.23280633

Ok you got me. Good one. There's no coming back from this scathing riposte. I concede!

>> No.23280636
File: 224 KB, 1544x616, demographics 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can't find their assets and holdings. But look at the age distribution. Do you think poor white guys out of high school can spend all their spare time reading and writing on here? No. They're working for ZOG, or doing retail slavery, or flipping burgers, because their parents couldn't afford to send them to college. These dumb ass white boys are watching anime, playing video games, or just getting abused on social media for the simple crime of being white. You know where life is today. That's why you're here. And you're a rich white boy like me. I went to the highest degree in academia and found what I could not say. And we have to take back our kingdom from the wicked.

>> No.23280641

>They were extremely original
They were derivative of The Decameron.
>How are they derivative?
Orlando Furioso is derivative of Le Chanson de Roland and Orlando innamorato. Les Misérables was derivative of Les Mystères de Paris. Again, this is not what makes or breaks a literary work.

>> No.23280642

I'm not the one crying because people enjoy McCarthy lmao

>> No.23280645

polshit has fried your brain

>> No.23280648

Chaucer made a lot of things new. The Canterbury Tales include new stories, and folktales. What are you talking about?
>Orlando Furioso is derivative of Le Chanson de Roland and Orlando innamorato. Les Misérables was derivative of Les Mystères de Paris. Again, this is not what makes or breaks a literary work.
They were new in newer forms. Orlando Furioso has nothing in the same vein as any Chanson des Gestes; that's why it was NEW for epic poetry, it wasn't just a song of war deeds like Iliad or Roland, it was about a knight of virtue against a sea of troubles and monstrous embodiments of vices. Stop being silly. Les Mis was Hugo's novelisation of other types of formats. It was new in that sense. McCarthy just wrote fanfiction.

>> No.23280657

>'everyone is like me' syndrome
So this is the power of academia. I rest my case.

>> No.23280667

We need to plunder the heavens and live as emperors once more, of no more Empereal Substance, but with the feasts of freedom, the feasts of yore.

>> No.23280671

Yeah and blood Meridian is great because it's from a fresh perspective

>> No.23280672

>Chaucer made a lot of things new. The Canterbury Tales include new stories, and folktales. What are you talking about?
The model is Decameron. It's derivative. Sorry.
>McCarthy just wrote fanfiction.
That's a retarded term to use in literature but if you want to be crass about it, then Orlando Furioso is by modern definitions also "fan fiction".

>> No.23280695


>> No.23280861

>Name one female character he wrote that wasn't some freak or abuse victim.
What about those women that wash the imbecile in Blood Meridian?
I like the lady at the end of Cities of the Plain too.

>> No.23280901

Is this the most successful bait thread in recent time?

>> No.23281027

Are people still trying to suggest McCarthy is mid?Myers predicted in like 1999 that no one would be reading McCarthy in 20 years. Not only are people reading him more then ever, but he is consistently the only writer that contemporary authors cite as inspiration, such as Murakami and Ishiguro.
Stop being a midwit. Take the L and get better at reading.

>> No.23281215

Those women are literally handmaidens for a retard, which is a role of abuse against both the retard and the women, who are forced into care work.

>> No.23281273
File: 666 KB, 682x886, gay nigga sandwich.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop talking like you're from Black Twitter, white greasy monkey cumskin.

>> No.23282761


>> No.23282826

Aahhh, dick lit. Let's BURN some of that, shall we?


>> No.23282850

I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.

>> No.23282881

>but he is consistently the only writer that contemporary authors cite as inspiration
Not really. Of that boomer born in the 30s generation, Joan Didion is by far the most influential on literature being written and published in 2024. Before her maybe it was Roth or Updike but she has outlasted them. There are shitty Didion rip offs all over the bookstores fiction and non fiction , not so many McCarthy copies

>> No.23282888

I liked his books :)

>> No.23283370

Literally no one talks about Didion and Roth was a just a flash in the pan. Updike has been influential but not as much as McCarthy. Mabey in the narrowly defined "literary fiction" genre, but McCarthys influence spills over to genre fiction and different mediums like film and video games.

In terms of imitators, William Gay, Tom Franklin, William Giraldi, Taylor Brown, and Donald Ray Pollock are just a handful of McCarthys many imitators. and unlike the "shitty" knocks offs you were talking's about, most of these authors are pretty good. McCarthy pretty much completely redefined rural crime and southern gothic fiction. Any novel written in that setting imitates him.

>> No.23283383

Everybody talks about Didion m8. She's the single most influential writer on contemporary American prose. You are very out of touch. Almost delusional
Check out any 'hot new writers' type article, read those authors, and come back to me. Read any literary journal or upmarket magazine, and tell me how many read like Didion, and how many read like Cormac. 90% of the fiction market is female writers ffs

>> No.23283411

Does Didion use ghost writers?
Does she have a writing staff that does a lot of the heavy lifting?

>> No.23283456


Dude. Were talking about literature. Not political op eds. This would be like saying Vaush is the most influential film maker of his age.

>> No.23283482

Can you mention a survey or list of the great pieces of 20th century literature that has Joan Didion as number one? Or even on the list? I've never seen her mentioned anywhere