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23279847 No.23279847 [Reply] [Original]

what am i in for?

>> No.23279964

Absolute kino. He describes how he committed the murder by creating a fake character whom he went to the house with, he blacks out and then finds the other guy murdered Nicole and Ronald

>> No.23279971

OJ ostensibly did not murder anyone. There was no motive and the evidence clearly exonerated him. Believing he did it is peak Reddit.

Funny how the victims family was caught up in all sorts of criminal enterprises and needed the most obvious scapegoat to plan and setup from the start.

The only miscarriage of justice was giving them carte blaunch and making them immune from being suspects. This further allowed them to pursue ruinous, frivolous, inflated civil and criminal actions by proxy which de facto nullified OJs constitutional protection against double jeopardy.

These books were not confessions. They were desperate attempts to raise money by a man who lost everything.

>> No.23279982

he was black though

>> No.23280033

>the evidence clearly exonerated him

Uhh what?

>> No.23280043

Has there ever been, a single mainstream opinion, where you don't hold the contrarian point of view anon?

>> No.23280058

>>america unjustly treats a black man
>america riots
>>america justly treats a black man
>america seethes

>> No.23280063

American culture is centered around OJ Simpson. They have holidays for OJ Simpson. They killed hundreds of thousands of white men to free OJ Simpson. They listen to OJ Simpson music. They elect a nigger as their president. They dress and act like OJ Simpson. They draw the entirety of their modern culture from OJ Simpson. They post sassy gifs about OJ Simpson. They watch sportsball in worship of OJ Simpson. Their biggest event of the year involves throwing parties in honor of OJ Simpson playing sports. They use OJ Simpson slang like "bruh" and "thot". When you say "Martin Luther" they're not thinking of the father of protestantism. They're thinking of the OJ Simpsonn. Their cities are completely overrun with OJ Simpson. They worship their ZOGbot police force disproportionately filled with OJ Simpson and their global police force of soldiers filled with OJ Simpson. Their men sit around watching OJ Simpson ball while their women sit around watching OJ Simpson talk shows. They worship OJ Simpson like Muhammad Ali and Michael Jordan and Michael Jackson and the late Eddie Murphy while attacking the whites who actually built their country before OJ Simpson took over. Their movies are filled with OJ Simpson and their music charts are topped by OJ Simpson. They send OJ Simpson to the Olympics and celebrate when the OJ Simpson win because those OJ Simpson are true red blooded american OJ Simpson. They watch nigger porn to a point where "BBC" does not make them think of an international media company but about OJ Simpson penises instead. They will tell you how much they hate OJ Simpson and how the mutt's law meme is a stale joke and they are just pretending to love OJ Simpson but the evidence speaks for itself in that America has always been and will be a nation of OJ Simpson loving OJ Simpson

>> No.23280064


>> No.23280067

NTA but not me likely

>> No.23280068

I used to wear an OJ jersey in high school to piss people off. Whether he did it or not, I got a couple of weeks worth of laughs from him.

>> No.23280734

>Whether he did it or not
He didn't.

>> No.23280738

"I'm not black, I'm OJ"

This is a strong philosophical statement.

>> No.23280895

OJ could run the hell out of that pigskin, and thats how we should remember him

>> No.23281952
File: 68 KB, 516x636, Hate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw the black jurors let him off as an act of revenge for how the police treated Rodney King, the drugged up shitnigger that nearly killed a dozen people while leading police through a high speed chase.

>> No.23282036

That’s pretty funny

>> No.23282040
File: 45 KB, 602x434, main-qimg-930f4885c6a4cf7169bbf993abaf4d7e-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a scene in Roots where OJ Simpson chases LeVar Burton and it's fun to shout out "run Geordie run or OJ is going to kill you!!!!!"

A lot of black folks were sick of being targeted by racist shitlords like the LAPD, so even though they knew he was guilty as fuck after brutally slaughtering his wife while high on meth, they celebrated his acquittal anyway... which is also fucked up, but I mean it's like Hamas attacking Israel. It's not really about Islam or Palestinian nationalism as much as getting revenge. That's fucked up too.

>> No.23282097

It definitely is about Islam though, they’re fighting over the holy land at the end of the day. It’s the religion that gives them all that crazy resolve to even care about that shit land. Otherwise people in Gaza could have easily just went somewhere else. Revenge isn’t enough to run suicide missions.

>> No.23282148

An okay crime thriller that is considered "so good it has to be true" by people who didn't read it, or any other books.

>> No.23282246

Who much do would a dindo do if a dindo didn't do nuthin'?

>> No.23282289

See the thing is, I don’t actually give a single fuck that he did it the right verdict was still reached. The prosecution fucked up so astoundingly bad that the only person who ever got charged in the entire case was the investigator who had to plead the fifth if he planted any evidence for perjuring himself earlier. Any defendant should be given the same treatment if the crooked police can’t even answer if they planted evidence against you or not.

>> No.23282305

No. To dispose of the vast amounts of evidence against OJ (blood at the crime scene that matched OJ's DNA; blood spatters inside the Bronco and in OJ's house that matched Nicole Simpson's and Ron Goldman's DNA) requires embracing an impossible conspiracy theory -- one that is truly beyond a reasonable doubt.

>> No.23283045

>poliss b raycis
Ok. And according to these people poliss alway b raycis even the fucking police is black from the chief on down (aka baltimore). They refuse to cooperate with cops preferring the law of the jungle/duh streets.
So what the fuck can you do? It’s just hopeless and pointless to try and intervene. Cordon off the area and let them live in their alternate reality. Stop trying to help.
No wait I got your reply already “das raycis”. Even though it’s literally the black and libshit platform for police reform.

Does it strike anyone that the ideal solution to all this would have been for them never to have come, or barring that to all have been repatriated. This is what anti slavery activists wanted because they could foresee centuries of this shitshow.

>> No.23283059

Mark Fuhrman was driving around with open samples of OJ's blood in his sled, and was literally recorded admitting he planted evidence .

>muh conspiracy theorists

Retard. The LAPD pals around with fascists and spooks. They run gay ops with black funds. It's just how the world works even if your reddit brain thinks that's just a heckin conspiracy theory.

OJ didn't kill Ron and Nicole. RIP