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23278734 No.23278734 [Reply] [Original]

Stop killing trees

>> No.23278747

Most books and paper are made from waste wood, the stuff which can not be turned into lumber or the like. Paper and books is a good use for this stuff and better than the few alternatives which exist.

>> No.23278755


>> No.23278759

How do I purchase books made from furniture-grade wood?

>> No.23278763
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>> No.23278776

Stop before I make you speak Latin

>> No.23278814

i buy second hand though

>> No.23278827
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>> No.23278840

unfunny meme forced by a schizo mexican

>> No.23278844

Stop printing books with microscopic thin ass paper and flimsy ass "hard"covers

>> No.23279032

i am so sick of ignorant woketards. you literally know nothing, you make no effort to know anything, and yet you think we should do what you say. kys

>> No.23279263

un-serious take + retard

>> No.23279267

I buy used books only

>> No.23279401
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ackchyually books are good for the environment because they act as carbon sinks as long as they aren't burned or left to rot.

>> No.23279573

lmao I love this picture

>> No.23279801
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Make books from thin sheets of plastic so we use more oil instead, and make the factories that produce them coal fired.

>> No.23279843

>doesn't know we're one bad solar flare away from worldwide electronic blackout and thinks his pdfs will survive into the next dark age
Kek. There are only going to be a handful of people with access to working electricity and internet in the coming dark age, in the same way books were gatekept by the elite in the dark ages. Physical books will be the only way of ensuring mass literacy

>> No.23280025

>last post was in January
He's lost his head, hasn't he

>> No.23280180

>He's lost his head, hasn't he
never had one to begin with

>> No.23280509

Yes that's why I pirate everything on my phone. No I wont buy yet another electronic device just to read books thereby polluting the planet with electronic waste. I love nature so I'll just use my phone thank you. I love reading as well. Thanks for reading

>> No.23281001

I have a bit of a question regarding this.
I bought a new phone in 2019, which had dark mode. Until then, i had been using light mode on my phone for reading books. But since the dark mode felt more comfortable and I could read faster, I started using that.
But, a few months after that, when I went to my eye doctor, I realised I had astigmatism. I had near sightedness before that, but now I had astigmatism, too.
No problem, get the appropriate glasses and move on.
But since then, the astigmatism has gotten worse and worse. And now I came across some articles that claim that dark mode ruins eyes.

Is that real? I got astigmatism only after I started using dark mode all the time. Was that just a coincidence and it was my genetic clock ticking until that point? Or was it related?

>> No.23281003

Varg has actually written many books though.

>> No.23281236

When the production of new book sis outlawed, my family will earn a fortune in selling stocks of the books I have acquired
>implying I will have kids

>> No.23282445

china and india shit out so many tons of carbon per year a billion retards could cut their dick off like you amd it wouldnt make a difference. Imagine ruining your eyes forever for some imaginary goodboy points. Just kys if you love nature so much. Pro tip it will totally make a difference if you do niggercattle

>> No.23282486

>Stop killing trees
No. Fuck those wooden faggots. The part of them that generates oxygen is their greenery, so the better environmental option is to clear out forests and plant leaf heavy and hardy bushes, weeds, and such.

>> No.23282616

I'm reading electronic books due to lack of availability of physical books. I couldn't care less about trees.
If I could find the books I like in my local libraries and bookshops, I'd buy them instead of getting eBooks.
There are more forested areas in the world now than there ever were in the history of the world.

>> No.23282625

Reading both paper and electronic books, a ton of books you can only practically reach electronically and also instantly for free.

>> No.23282629

Being able to access and instantly download any relatively popular book has changed a lot about reading. Will read them on my PC or phone.

>> No.23282640

But curiosity slayed some pussy

>> No.23282728

Is I possible for pirated epub to allow jumping between chapters? So far only bought ebooks allow me to do this. When I pirate, my kindle doesn’t even differentiate chapters and all my bookmarks are in EXTRACTS.

>> No.23282737

I've planted like 100 000 trees. I don't think I can read enough books to offset that.