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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 257 KB, 1125x1106, wwoymanons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23277381 No.23277381 [Reply] [Original]

Todays theme: No one is alone (truly)

>> No.23277390

First for no gf

>> No.23277391

Not one to complain about the op image but this one is really shit

>> No.23277393

thread theme music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZYYqUssAVw

>> No.23277398

It can be difficult to look in the mirror sometimes, I get it

>> No.23277403

Why didn't you go? What did they do to you? What did you do to them?

>> No.23277411
File: 43 KB, 658x901, D_EbUibXoAAY7Iw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read for 15-20 minutes
>100% concentrated, comprehend everything
>re-read every page while mind trails off
I don't think I'm going to finish this chapter today

>> No.23277417

Last thread hasn't hit bump limit yet, and the OP pic is trash. Fuck you.

>> No.23277423

Aruba has mostly American tourists. Because of this a lot of new architecture sucks cock.
Strip malls and no new walkable parts. No terraces to hang out in.

Curacao has Dutch tourists. The new buildings there are much prettier and better designed around walking/hanging out.

Americans can't into beauty. They spend a shit lot of money, more than the Dutch but the way they have fun on vacation is embarrassing

>> No.23277431

Typically, you post the new one when the old one is 50 replies off archiving, which it is.

>> No.23277437

howdyou deal with too hot chips

>> No.23277443

TYPICALLY, you post when odl hits bump limit
also it's so cringe with a lame OP pic

>> No.23277451
File: 378 KB, 2000x3000, 1703866493084244.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There really isn't any moral impetus as to why every american shouldn't be beheaded for what their goverment has been doing for the past century.

>> No.23277452

Stumbled upon this mental illness blog
Guy writes articles about his doll. Photoshops them into pictures of vacation spots and writes what they do etc

>> No.23277458


>> No.23277459

>TYPICALLY, you post when odl hits bump limit
The bump limit on /lit/ is 300 replies, no?
>also it's so cringe with a lame OP pic
I thought this was just a meme joke? What does the OP pic matter? Once you're in the thread you forget about it. If anything I find it funny, most of us are retarded. I can't imagine getting upset over something so trivial as a general threads image.

>> No.23277465

I don't understand your question

>> No.23277475
File: 360 KB, 1080x1146, Screenshot_20240411-095159~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revealing your powerlevel in person is dumb. That being said, if someones charismatic enough i usually always get along socially. But I mean, that person has to understand most of what I say, you know? I mean having to stop myself every other sentence to explain some common reference, some old phrase, gets really fucking annoying. Thats what it feels like talking to a true brainlet, and it is exhausting.

I didnt know how good I had it, talking to someone who at least knew about my glib remarks. Im not asking for a Jeopardy genius, able to get every obscure reference or phrase, but I take for granted how much, knowing even a little of the arts and humanities from a mere 70 years ago, can make an impact on a friendship.

I never knew how important it was. I thought it was all superficial, until I talked with a lobotimite longer than a few minutes.

>> No.23277481
File: 59 KB, 710x1000, 41azURz0ClL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The bump limit on /lit/ is 300 replies, no?
>What does the OP pic matter?
sets a tone

>> No.23277485

Now this is literature. Checking it out.

>> No.23277490

It's very Jewish to have a hot sister

>> No.23277493

Based, fuck women.

>> No.23277494

if I were you I would go for milk

>> No.23277495

I suppose there really isn't much difference than with people making use of AI for therapy and digital relationships.

>> No.23277497

The anon who always posted those cool paintings needs to make these threads again

>> No.23277503

i don't have milk!

>> No.23277515
File: 53 KB, 640x427, Paris_Tuileries_Garden_Facepalm_statue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whyd u eat a hotchip then??? just drink a lot of water

>> No.23277521

I'm at work and I'm watching porn again
hopfully my balls won't hurt again from excessive masturbation

>> No.23277531

Then what is the bump limit? On most slow boards (/lit/) it is 300, on faster boards (/sp/, /v/, /vg/) it's 500. It definitely isn't 500. You're just a little bitch talking out his ass.

Here's thread theme: you're a retarded little bitch. I think that set's a good tone.

>> No.23277545

i wasn't expecting them to be so hottt
damn ..

>> No.23277550

based retard

>> No.23277554

Bump limit here is 310 senpai desu

>> No.23277556 [DELETED] 

it's 315 or something, wait til the post count goes italic you immigrant
cringe thread :(

>> No.23277559

>someone bitching about new general being made when old thread was at 306 replies
And who says /lit/ doesn't have a sense of humor?

>> No.23277561

He sees old creepy men taking their dolls out for dinner as the next frontier of civil rights:


>The first step is education. We cannot convince everyone that what we do is "normal." Like the Karen in our example of the gay couple, there will always be people that disagree with our lifestyle. The difference in our gay couple example between the 1950s and now isn't the Karen, but the reactions of everyone else. In the 1950s, everyone believed "Gay=Sexual Deviant". As such they all feared it. However, today, most people understand that gay does not mean sexual deviant. They understand the LGBT life styles enough to no longer fear it. That is why when today a Karen tries to complain about someone that is LGBT, no one gathers their pitchforks and torches. That is where we need to get to. We need enough of the population to understand that Sex Doll does not equal Sexual Deviant. How do we educate the public? We need people in the doll community to write about it or to create videos about. We need to get the word out. This is easier said than done, as even as I create these articles, I fear being doxed.

>Another step we need to take for people is to start taking their dolls out in public and to do mundane, everyday things (like going to the store). I will admit, although I love the idea of taking my doll out in public, I am not the person to do this. That is why I admire so much those that do. I know of a few doll owners that do. One person took his doll on a train trip/vacation to the south of France. Another routinely takes his doll shopping. We need these kind of people who have overcome the fear of being outed. These people then can show the public the normalcy (or at least the non-sexual deviant) of doll ownership.

>Time and Patience. Things like this do not change overnight in a society. We need to be patient and give people time. We need to show them more love than they show us hate. We cannot convince everyone, but we don't need to. We only need to convince enough people so when a villager cries "Sex Doll," everyone else says "So what?" We need to let our actions speak louder than our words.

>> No.23277567

>doesn't know the bump limit of a board he frequents
>knows /lit/ is a slow board, bakes new bread before autosage anyhow
congratulations if you're pretending, my condolences if your stupidity is natural

>> No.23277569
File: 12 KB, 400x400, 9FGA8I1q_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like yr too eager to make the front page stape a wojack image

>> No.23277572

The US Government has acted unilaterally without the approval of its people for many decades now.

>> No.23277573

Back when I was in 6th grade I got hit by a car, going about(I assume) 45km/h. It was something like 7 AM and I was walking to school, when it suddenly hit me from behind. I flew a little(I think?) and then hit the ground. I immediately got up, touched and looked all over myself to see if anything is broken or if any blood is coming out, and upon confirming that there's no problem I proceeded to powerwalk to school, the reason being that I was already late. Since I had just gotten hit by a car, I was walking a bit funny. The guy who hit me did not stop for a second, going straight forward without a hint of hesitation. There were only two witnesses, a nearby mother, probably in her fourties, and her child who looked to be in elementary school. She was bewildered, meanwhile her kid didn't really understand or care. She came up to me, first cussing the guy who hit me, then asking if I'm fine. I did not reply to her or even look at her, and just kept walking in silence. She didn't try to stop me.
When I got to school my teacher scolded me for being like three minutes late, and gave me a test paper. Apparently we were having a mock test(or was it a normal exam?) today. Aced the fucking thing, I don't remember what my score was but I do remember it being above 90. My body didn't hurt when I first got up, but halfway through the test the adrenaline wore out and my entire body started aching in pain, I started sweating, and so on. I just silently bared through it all. The right decision would be to just tell the teachers that I got hit by a fucking car, and ask to go home or the hospital, but I didn't do that. The reason was kind of silly, but I think it was fair. I was convinced that the teachers wouldn't believe me, since I have always found it hard to express emotion, especially physical pain. Imagine a student suddenly telling you, with a blank expression, that he got hit by a car and wants to go home. Anyway, I spent the whole day without telling anybody, and went home when it was time. When I got back home, I told my mother that I got hit by a car, to which she reacted with worry and asked me if I hit my head(I found this funny at the time) when I fell to the ground. I told her no, and she never took me to the hospital. She probably saw how nonchalant I was about the whole thing and thought that I barely bumped into a slow car or something. For another year afterwards I had pains in my body, especially left arm, every single day. It would sometimes get worse, sometimes better, with no clear reason as to why. It was painful enough that I would sometimes gasp in pain, though nobody ever saw me doing that. Every once in a while my left arm feels weird, and this is probably the reason.

>> No.23277574


>> No.23277575

What do you think about guys going to undergraduate school in their late 20s or maybe graduate school in their early 30s?

>> No.23277576

Sometimes I think back to my actions back then. Very weird and autistic behaviour, all in all, but I also think that it was really cool and manly, in a weird way. When I got hit by the car I felt absolutely no panic or worry, when I realized what happened I immediately got up, when I got up I immediately checked for broken bones and bleeding. I both looked around myself and touched all over my body, the latter being my main way of checking. When I confirmed that I am fine, I kept walking to my destination without any care, as if nothing had happened at all. I never felt any panic, did what is necessary and did it efficiently, then when I confirmed that I'm safe I kept going. Isn't there something very masculine and good in this?

>> No.23277578

I have autism and ocd so a new general made any post prior to 310 causes me extreme distress

>> No.23277579

I love it. I for sure am going to write poetry and novels from the POV of someone like this.

>> No.23277580

That's me. I'm that guy

>> No.23277582

Pedantry is retarded, so he said "set's", you knew what he meant. Should I complain you didn't capitalize the first word of your sentence? Should I complain you are assuming he frequents this board when you don't know that as a fact? I will never understand anon's who take things so personal that they have to resort to such minor judgements to feel superior about themselves. So he made a new thread 9 replies before bump limit, who cares? If anynone else cared they would have continued to post in the old one, yet here YOU are, posting in the new one. Just shut the fuck up already. Absolutely childlike and embarrassing.

>> No.23277583

been done

>> No.23277584

This reads like something Werner Herzog would have done.

>> No.23277585

You should watch Lars and the Real Girl.
Movie about Ryan Gosling who has a sex doll he takes with him everywhere.

>> No.23277588

Doesn't matter. In my undergrad (Music major) I was in several classes with a 34 year old and he was unironically the coolest guy in any of my classes. Everyone loved him. He now has his PhD and teaches music at a Uni in Chicago. Age is literally nothing but a number. Imagine if he had been a little bitch too afraid to follow his passions?

>> No.23277590

you mean "I". also, I left that point for last as the icing on the cake. didn't and won't read the rest of your post because I smell profound retardation coming from my screen just by looking at your post.

>> No.23277591
File: 39 KB, 613x380, JY3i-vX0k9GG_7HYHBxBqCVyALQXwRMeFisZHH4oqPA[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting, thanks.

>> No.23277595

Why the fuck does YouTube now have games

>> No.23277609

How’s that going?

Well, I know it doesn’t matter but what do you think of it? Ideally, you have better options when you’re 30s. We can all admit that. If you want to be really, really successful there are probably more important things to do right? Like if it doesn’t matter, why go?

>> No.23277608


>> No.23277615

How do I get a girl like this?

>> No.23277616

After I eat something spicy I wash it down with something hot and sweet like coffee with sugar or hot chocolate. I enjoy the added sensation of pain it creates on my tongue, you should try it! There's a risk of your tongue going numb for a while after, just a warning though

>> No.23277619

Yeah look up YouTube playables. New feature. They're all extremely retarded games for autistic children (I spent hours playing them last night)

>> No.23277625

Time for a nigga to euthanize his umvelt

>> No.23277629

About five years ago, during the winter, I found and started reading a romcom gourmet manga. The main characters were a boy and girl, both in the same middle school and class, who happened to be childhood friends. Every chapter they would laugh, have fun, flirt and cook up some great looking meal. As for me, I had a sort of unique way of reading this manga. I would always read it during the weekdays, right after waking up, at about 7 AM. There was a big hole where a roof is supposed to be, and no heating in my house, so during the mornings I would just shake uncontrollably until I arrive at work. Right after waking up I would fetch a loaf of bread, then eat it while reading this manga and shaking nonstop. Since it was very early, the sun had still not risen and the only light in my room was from the screen which I was staring intently at. I wonder how I felt back then, watching those two flirt all day. Eventually I read through all the available chapters and then forgot about it.

>> No.23277630

>How’s that going?
It's going good. I remember being 23 in my community college and chatting up a cute 24 year old girl in my class. We laughed about how everyone else was a teenager. She rejected me :(
Anyway I transfered to some 3rd rate state school where everyone is a commuter. I'm 25 now. It's going good so far. Its helpful that most students are also older on average and transfer students. Im autistic and anti social so I havent made friendsor anything but I do have fun hanging out on the campus bar and looking at the teenage girls asses. I feel a little burnt out and directionless. Fell behind this semester. Gonna spend all weekend catching up on my work.

>> No.23277632

here's my advice to every incel type guy in this thread.
drop a 'do you not like me?' early during the date

>> No.23277633

I'm studying philosophy and french in uni next year. I'm so excited.

>> No.23277638

i'll try it
i'm trusting you right now anon

>> No.23277641

Probably tough to make friends as an older student but if it makes you feel any better most college friends stop being friends within a few years anyway

>> No.23277646

Yeah when I transfered in I hoped I would get some semblance of the college experience. But I'm content. I like my campus being a kind of little island from the rest of my life. I chose this campus because it was nearby my childhood home. I have a social circle near my current home which is enough for me.

>> No.23277670

lurk moar

>> No.23277673

moral of the story: dont read amines if your dying of hunger

>> No.23277685

>drop a 'do you not like me?' early during the date
Won't this signal that you have some deep-seated issues like BPD?
Dans un an, tu seras complètement désabusé de tes illusions et ta passion pour la philosophie et la langue française auront entièrement disparu. J'essaie de te prévenir, mais je sais que c'est en vain et que tu devras l'apprendre tout seul.

>> No.23277690

People don't realize this but time isn't real. None of this is happening. You believe you're a person experiencing one moment after another but you're not. If you could think the right way, you could see it. Time and extension falling away. Moments like distant lights through broken glass. Your mind normally shies away from it when it gets too close to the vision. But something about me isn't right. It's always there out of the corner of my eye. It's blinding sometimes. If I push on my skull from the inside I can feel a door and if I opened it I could go out from here. To somewhere else. An opening. Mountains above the clouds. A soundless place all like smoked glass and sparks. Stars wheeling overhead.

>> No.23277692
File: 93 KB, 896x756, IMG_20240410_123207_847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no such thing as an incel

>> No.23277695

Im in my early 30s. I just go to the classes and go home afterwards. Barely any interaction with other students aside from group assignments but they think im mid 20s anyway.

>> No.23277696

i'm not a pua expert or anything, but i'm pretty sure girls are into issues

>> No.23277700

not really. you were just a kid. kids do weird shit all the time since they dont know how to deal with most situations. ive seen children in africa and afghanistan walking around with missing limbs and gaping wounds. its not that they dont care, they dont know how to respond or even what happened

>> No.23277702


>> No.23277726

thank you for the excruciating pain

>> No.23277729

Not that anon, but care to elaborate on both subjects? I don't know french, but I figured it would be the opposite.

>> No.23277730
File: 43 KB, 1024x794, 1712559903989173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I started posting fotos on instagram again and no one likes them.
In the past some strangers would give a like. Now they dont all have to like my pics but it seems no one even gets to see them.

>> No.23277732


>> No.23277734

I've been hanging out with this girl for like 3 or 4 months and she didn't even know my eye color. What the fuck

>> No.23277737

You can trust me anon. I wouldn't recommend you something which I haven't tried before

>> No.23277750

little too early for eye color pal

>> No.23277752

I live in fear of my chair breaking

>> No.23277753

This is just one guy with extraordinary luck, assuming it's even real. Even men who are better looking than him have worse chances.
I love philosophy and French too. What I mean is that studying them in a university environment will kill his passion for them. Something about the environment is so sterile that it sucks out all the joy.

>> No.23277754

Ur welcome ^^

>> No.23277755

This just isn't helpful man. I'm 28. I've never touched a girl. I'm not even sure I want to. You constantly just say hopeless shit. I can't ask girls out. There are literally none around. You offer to help but you never pull through
I'm just too different from regular people

>> No.23277760
File: 661 KB, 1080x916, Screenshot_20240411-111238~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to take more pics of women or cats. get on that revenue

>> No.23277763
File: 410 KB, 1724x1206, Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 19.13.17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg this is sick

>> No.23277765

Are u that fat

>> No.23277769

No it's just chinkshit

>> No.23277771

Even Netflix has added games for some reason

>> No.23277776
File: 65 KB, 556x606, 1712569090059599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not gonna upload pics of my gf
My catpics didnt get likes either. Probably because trillions of catpics get posted every day already.

>> No.23277783

Ah, yeah, I can see that happening.

>> No.23277789

I've been learning Japanese and French on Duolingo for 14 days now, by the end of this year I want to be able to watch French noirs and animes without subs and dubs

>> No.23277800
File: 514 KB, 1724x1206, Screenshot 2024-04-11 at 19.23.48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im loving this
thanks for the rec

>> No.23277814

Ur welcome ^^

>> No.23277830

Prehistoric people ate a varied diet, of which meat was an important but less easily obtained part. There is also evidence of cooking going back 100s of thousands of years

Just cuz your buddy is fit doesn't mean he's not doing a meme diet

>> No.23277841

>I can't ask girls out. There are literally none around
Unless you live on an oil rig there is no way this is true

>> No.23277847 [DELETED] 

Its true. There aren't any girls i want to talk to around me. At least not in public. I'm not a horn dog guy. Just not how I am.

>> No.23277865

>There aren't any girls i want to talk to around me
Are you being realistic in your expectations here or is this a "mole on leg 3/10 would not bang" type scenario. You're just gonna come up with some reason why you can't, but get on one of the apps man. It's kinda depressing a lot of the time but every once in awhile you meet someone worth dating. Plus it helps you cast a wider net, find single people who you might not otherwise run into. Just don't take it too seriously.

>> No.23277874

Doesn't every indigenous group eats a meat-based (with some fruit) diet — starches when absolutely necessary

>> No.23277881


>> No.23277885

you are wasting your time. go see youtube testimonies about duolinguo. you won't learn anything substantial on it. you're better off practicing using assimil and language learning books. have you even learned personal pronouns and tenses on shittylinguo?

>> No.23277890 [DELETED] 

No I can't use the apps. I can't work like that at all. I don't know. I'm just not wired for this world at all. I got on there. Didn't like anyone. Girls matched with me but I didn't really want to talk to them. I just lost interest. Its a boring chore. I don't get how anyone can use those

>> No.23277911

Guess even the jannies couldn't stand him giving one excuse after the other

>> No.23277913


>> No.23277928

Sometimes I feel like inaction incarnate. All these thoughts, feelings, ideas, and yet at the end of the day I just sit on my ass and do the bare minimum required to physically stay alive. I fear that if one day the time comes for me to take action and do things as I want them to be, I will just sit there, blanking out, and everything will go down the gutter.

>> No.23277940

Nah it just wasn't worth discussing. You guys don't really get what I'm trying to say because you want to typecast me.

>> No.23277951

I don't really consider myself a leftist but I think the free market is stupid and killing us. Also if you're the type of person who wants to buy something stupid you should be put down like an animal.
I don't know. I support freedom but its clear the current humans on this planet can't handle that. They just turn nasty. I don't even understand why rich people want to be rich. And wtf does owning land even mean? I wish I could go to the supermarket without fear of being poisoned by immoral companies

>> No.23277987

What are you trying to say?

>> No.23278002

>I don't know. I support freedom but its clear the current humans on this planet can't handle that
>freedom ... on my terms

>> No.23278008

>but its clear the current humans on this planet can't handle that

you now know the thought process of the elite

>> No.23278016

What are you whining about?
Have you ever even downloaded a dating app?
Plenty of women around.
Sounds like the typical incel who refuses any sort of advice. Stay a virgin I guess.

>> No.23278020

I can't help it. I'm American but these people have ruined the continent they live on. If you think buying a $100k sedan is a good idea you should just be killed to be honest. There should be a man with a rifle at the dealership for you.
People should just be more ascetic. It clearly can't be forced. So the whole world seems hopeless. I don't understand why I should defend greed and immorality and corruption for the sake of freedom. Evil is evil. You don't deserve the right to do bad things.

>> No.23278028

Pls stop being that stinky, you are disturbing people

>> No.23278037

have you considered there may be people much poorer than you that think your 2 bedroom apt., 5G connection and ralph lauren jacket (or whatever) are unnecessary luxuries

>> No.23278044

Thats an unfounded assumption and it seriously does not matter if that's the case at all.

>> No.23278048

doesn't it unravel any kind of conclusion you might make? if you're not considering another point of view

>> No.23278052

No it doesn't do that at all to be honest.

>> No.23278059

sorry, but yeah it does

>> No.23278060
File: 60 KB, 673x673, 1608079475967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you knew your history, youd know rampant consumerism is relatively new in the first world. prior to the industrial revolution, the west (even america) existed in simple isolationist lives, with small communities and large homogenous households. their understanding of capital and goods were strictly needs based, as it had been for milennias.
it wasnt until mass industry and profit, when Edward Bernays changed america and the west into a want(consumer) based economy, effectively rewiring the minds with meticulous propaganda campaigns with a new study of the mind called psychoanalysis. This process continued on with little resistance, to this day

>> No.23278062

History doesn't really matter anymore. For all we know its made up. So who cares. The world came into being when I was born into it. No reason to think otherwise. I say this as someone who has studied history academically

>> No.23278064

I can't help it. I have hemorrhoids

>> No.23278066

I keep losing that fucking game and it's driving me insane

>> No.23278070

What are some books focused on the love for a man from the female perspective? Sort of like Turgenev but with reversed genders.

>> No.23278071

zyklon-b was a terrible gas cos it killed off all those jews
that's why it made such a good gas from hitler's point of view

points of view

>> No.23278072

Put toilet seat down before flushing at least.

>> No.23278075
File: 106 KB, 975x1219, -5093872591227169370_121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why has no one ever thought of poisoning the homeless/drug addicts/niggers with wild mushrooms?
They are easy to find, easy to use, easy to cook with and easy to distribute. I don't know how no one has ever like volunteered at a soup kitchen or something and put mushrooms in the food or just cook and give food with poisonous mushrooms to niggers and the homeless. It seems like such an easy and efficient solution.
Is this a sign for me to do it?
t. amateur forager

>> No.23278077

yeah it takes a minute to get it figured
do one long line then a short one at a right angle (switch up you get a tight space map) and you'll be way ahead

>> No.23278083

I wish it was the 60s I wish we could be happy

>> No.23278085

This just isn't relevant. You're not saying anything. Other points of view do not matter here. That's insane to think. You're just twisting words.
God this is so frustrating be a fucking human for once.

>> No.23278087


>> No.23278088

That woman at work, who I am infatuated with. What does her pussy look like? Like I really want to know, does she shave her pubic hair, trim it neatly or go for a full bush? What colour is the hair? It's a mystery that taunts me. Does she have neat, innie labia; does her vulva look like a coin slot on a piggy bank? Or is there a frilliness to the lips like the petals of some exotic flower? What does her ass look like out of those jeans I see every day? What is in her underwear drawer? These burning questions are not mete trivia I can answer by searching Google or Wikipedia. I can not just go and do the research here. These are unanswerable questions; they will understand black matter and weak gravitational forces before I can know the contours of the pubic mound. I can ask, I can plead, and the all powerful, faceless voice of authority will respond "No! It is not for you to know, not now or ever". But her husband knows, in fact he may find it boring, he might find the whole thing mundane. But...O to just know for one day!

>> No.23278103

Tell us anon when feds bash your door with a rifle stock for typing this lol

>> No.23278104

I'm so sick of disgusting adults like you. I wish everyone nasty like this could just die.

>> No.23278130

i like 'obey' by brainbombs. and lots of you do too.
but sarah payne's poor mum and dad can't share that point of view

there's sometimes a tiny bit arrogant about people going around feeling sorry for people they consider less fortunate

>> No.23278139

so if you start randomly killing people to gratify your sense of superiority, how would that get rid of the overlying mass industry (and government) that created these greedy people?

>> No.23278150
File: 159 KB, 540x960, 1711595079922034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know the thread is "write whats on your mind" but maybe this is better suited for /b/

>> No.23278160

evocative image
middleton grange town centre ... dmu elfed thomas sulets ... melissa marshall's council flat ... my dad's renovation right before the divorce ...
keys open doors

>> No.23278181 [DELETED] 
File: 85 KB, 975x781, -5907678428923014740_121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, it's a start
Make people scared, escalate things, make people understand how vulnerable they are.
There are opinions that you can only hold if you have never been heavily beaten, attacked or been in war yourself. None of this yapping about liberalism, greed and defeneracy would be so widespread if people were confronted with their own mortality and understood how fragile they are. Is it going to change the world (assuming realistic numbers) killing a few niggers? Probably not but maybe it would make people think they are fragile vessels of meat and act accordingly
You cant cheat God and live as if you will never die

>> No.23278192

Fucking based, I'm so fucking sick of these faggots

>> No.23278196

dangerously based

>> No.23278227
File: 25 KB, 600x451, 1660540254682488.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

500 years of Reformation, Enlightenment, and Modernity is sufficient to prove that a broadly shared prosperity will never take place. We've had half a millennium of revolutions, reforms, revolts, uprisings, all with, essentially, the same goal: to take power and wealth away from the small cluster of elites who previously possessed it, and distribute it more equitably among the masses.

And where have we wound up? Right back where we started: with a small amount of people controlling most of the wealth and most of the power. Oh, sure, it doesn't look quite the same as pre-modern aristocracy. But its function is essentially identical. In fact, I would say that the aristocracy of Modernity is WORSE than the aristocracy of Antiquity and the Middle Ages precisely because it pretends it doesn't exist. Our elites self-style themselves as "common citizens" and insist that "elections" and "public opinion" are the real drivers of how the world is governed. This is a blatant lie, and makes the entire way the world is governed now fundamentally dishonest.

If I could work my will I would have a new de jure aristocracy reemerge; maybe not quite the same as the old system of kings, dukes, barons, and emperors, but definitely one that was open about its status. If I'm going to be ruled by a small elite, if it's inevitable that I will be ruled by a small elite, then I'd at least like them to acknowledge their status rather than pretending they're just like me.

>> No.23278240

Sick of all these people who see me staring blankly at the wall like a retard and then proceed to chimp out over how I'm not paying them attention and start bawling their fucking eyes out about it
Just fuck off already retard I'm busy staring at the wall and I don't care about your ugly ass

>> No.23278253 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1168x1696, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIGHT so I'm a 27 year old wizard but in the last 3 years or so I lost a bit of weight and got a trendy haircut and now I'm goodlooking or smth & girls don't believe me when I tell them I'm a virgin and I have weird dates w them (where they're v predatory).
I know there are 30 khv here but is there other people with this particular ... you know

>> No.23278254
File: 608 KB, 2048x1285, orb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want a just as tall if not taller than me gf
>be 1.8 meter (6 feet tall)

>> No.23278258

Uh-oh, did I just catch you drinking.....at NINE-fiftynine instead of at or after exactly 10 PM? Sorry buddy, but I'm afraid I'll have to diagnose you with autism, retardation, being a nigger, being a kike, being a tranny, and drug abuse. I'm calling the cops RIGHT NOW so that they will come here and put your ass down so that the angels up above can judge you and send you to hell to burn for all eternity. I hope that you'll learn your lesson and only enjoy your 5% alcohol beer in hell AFTER 10 PM, sweetie!

>> No.23278260 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1168x1696, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIGHT so I'm a 27 year old wizard but in the last 3 years or so I lost a bit of weight and got a trendy haircut and now I'm goodlooking or smth & girls don't believe me when I tell them I'm a virgin and I have weird dates w them (where they're v predatory).
I know there are 30yo khv here but is there other people with this particular ... you know
[Post a Reply][

>> No.23278263

Same but I am two meters tall
It was over before it began

>> No.23278268
File: 148 KB, 1168x1696, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIGHT so I'm a 27 year old wizard but in the last 3 years or so I lost a bit of weight and got a trendy haircut and now I'm goodlooking or smth & girls don't believe me when I tell them I'm a virgin and I have weird dates w them (where they're v predatory).
I know there are 30yo khv here but is there other people with this particular ... you know

>> No.23278271

3rd world ameritar problems

>> No.23278275
File: 43 KB, 352x263, 1602756076178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my junior year of high school one of the exchange student girls literally asked for my number and her friend group came up to me and asked if I thought she was cute and I did not understand what the fuck was happening. I ghosted her, not deliberately but because I had no idea what she wanted or what I should say. Another time that year, a girl in my English class walked over to my seat and started chatting me up out of nowhere and telling me she wanted to get to know me better. I responded cordially but never tried talking to her one on one after that because, again, I had no clue what was going on. I thought it was a prank or something.
It took almost ten fucking years for me to realize they might have been into me. Nothing like that has happened since and I'm steadily approaching wizardhood without ever having so much as held hands.

>> No.23278276

>let me just delete and repost the same shit thrice
Books for this autism?

>> No.23278284

No, the problem here is that I am surrounded by retards and am too much of a gentle person to cut their tongues off. You are right that I am a third worlder though.

>> No.23278288 [DELETED] 

yeah it's called chase a bag don't worry bout what i'm doing

>> No.23278291

is ur husband getting angry at your drinking problem?

>> No.23278292

damn, here I thought I had it bad. I still have microscopic chance but you probabaly would have to search for such woman in guinness records book

>> No.23278294

why be ruled at all? why not go out into the world as the pilgrims, searching for freedom?

>> No.23278296

yeah it's called chase a bag don't worry bout what i'm doing

>> No.23278303

They're being poisoned with fentynal already

>> No.23278312 [DELETED] 
File: 157 KB, 770x283, chopin-grieg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn this album cover is so bad it's actually kinda good

>> No.23278319

looks like candy claws somehow
still the only chopin interpreter worth anything is rubinstein

>> No.23278320

College is depressing me. Everything that's supposed to be fun, interesting, or exciting is very elusive. I have so many bad memories of college too. I show up to campus, go to class, then drive home. All the people, events, clubs, and fun are alien to me. Worst part is I started in 2017 and still haven't finished. It's like I'm stuck in Purgatory

>> No.23278322

Sorry, deleted because I meant to post it in the /classical/ thread on /mu/. But yeah def. looks like a 2010s/2020s hipster pop-shoegaze album cover lol.

>> No.23278324
File: 3 KB, 345x283, 1700257851525061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a couple of those moments. as I get older I realise i wouldve been too young and stupid to make anything good of it, even if I did take them up. I feel better about it cuz there was no way in hell I couldve kept them. And no one can ever say im a idiot who breaks up constantly cuz I dont know how to pick a good one

>> No.23278361

They are being poisoned but its because they use it as a tool to decrease the value of real estate in certain areas and also as a demoralization tool for the general population
Not the same thing

>> No.23278384

and calamitous lapse of judgement yes YES YES!!!

>> No.23278389

More like calamitous prolapse of anus lmao

>> No.23278393

wahey !!

>> No.23278396

The real prolapsed anus was us all along...

>> No.23278403

The real adventure was prolapsing anuses along the way

>> No.23278405

I'm waiting an extra long time at the student health center because some dumb ass girl is having an anxiety attack from an energy drink

>> No.23278422

no that is my valise

>> No.23278425

i've been there .. humiliation ritual

>> No.23278445

Were you the one with the panic attack or were you the one waiting?

>> No.23278453

the one having an attack i spose https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rEamE0MYPkg

>> No.23278456

So fucking sick of hearing your ugly voice. I honestly have not the slightest of care for you, if I were to hear that you died then my only worry would be that I have to go there to your funeral and pretend to feel bad, and if you were to instead live a long fulfilling life I would not give a shit either. Despite my lack of care though, I am tired of having to hear that retarded lisp everywhere I go, no matter the time. That day it was in the morning, in the next it was the afternoon, now it is past midnight and I have to hear it still. What point is there in the meaningless garbage that you endlessly spew out? And I have to curse the lowly demonic scum that force me to listen to you every single day, without them I would never have to put up with this trite and go through all these pains. I hope for the death of your entire family, that way I could get some much needed silence. You literally show up in my dreams, like some sort of sick joke, and it's all because of those fucking dickheads. I feel the exact same frustration that a man may feel being forced to listen to sissy hypnosis everytime he tries to sleep. In truth all of this could end very soon and very simply if only I knew how to resist those idiotic people who want me listening to you, and how to resist right, but the only way I know is murder. And god fucking knows that my moral code is the only thing preventing me from it. If I could have one hour without higher powers observing me I would use it well and get rid of all of this trash swiftly.

>> No.23278460

Damn that girl has the same face as the dominatrix boots girl in my philosophy class

>> No.23278477

my 6th form philosophy class was all girls, once i used my gf's makeup to look like a genius w dark eye circles for one lesson. one girl asked to go to work (my dad's wind turbine factory) w me

>> No.23278479

>once i used my gf's makeup to look like a genius w dark eye circles
What the fuck am I reading

>> No.23278502

i think we're being very honest. which is they key to any art form is honestly

>> No.23278547

Should I keep my penis moisturized? I noticed my dick gets dry after using the bar of soap in the shower, so today I put lotion on it after the shower.

>> No.23278549

What kind of soap do you use? Maybe its too drying

>> No.23278551

Irish Spring original deodorant soap

>> No.23278563

That shits drying as fuck and is full of dyes and fragrances that can irritate your skin. Get the fragrance free dove bar and use that instead, try putting some coconut oil on the dry areas as well

>> No.23278564
File: 127 KB, 829x960, 1675163737008479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys should blow your brains out once your reach wizardhood. On a biological level, we're basically worthless creatures. I have 9 more years until my time.

>> No.23278567

>On a biological level
Who gives a shit, nature can suckle on my shit all day for all I care.

>> No.23278574

I tried lotioning my dick to keep the circumcised head from drying out but I just ended up jacking off everytime

>> No.23278581

Nah, fuck that. Lonely as I may be, my self-worth has nothing to do with whether or not I ever have a girlfriend. If I end up alone I'm making it everybody's problem.

>> No.23278582

Drank too much too fast and now it feels like I have a big fucking hole in my stomach.

>> No.23278583

last night i watched grave of the fireflies. saddest shit i ever saw. my whole feng shui has been irreversibly alterred

>> No.23278598

I'll need a lot more corpses if I want to warm up tonight.

>> No.23278605
File: 2.13 MB, 480x584, 1712868754420459.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even on a societal level, you're still a subhuman if you've never touched a woman past the age of 20.

>> No.23278765
File: 81 KB, 544x829, handshake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, when you're having a hard time and are starting to withdraw from the world is exactly the time when you need to do the opposite and reach out to people.
We want to help you and see you succeed.
But we can't read your mind!
You have to tell us that you need help.
You need a sympathetic listener? I'm there.
You need a loan to get you through the month? Let me know how much.
You need a job? I'll clear out an office for you at the firm—you can be my right-hand man.
You need some pussy? Let me introduce you to my daughter.
You need a well-functioning society run with the explicit teleology of increasing the complexity and hierarchical self-organization of life in the universe? Consider it done.
We just need you in the game, partner.

>> No.23278769

Can't tell if I'm depressed or just hungry and tired

>> No.23278772
File: 24 KB, 400x400, IMG_1774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon is doing that buy 3 books for the price of 2. Got NYRB Balzac short stories, Plotinus and the desert fathers, both Penguin

>> No.23278779

>Americans can't into beauty.
You've never actually been around or talked to an actual American

>> No.23278799 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23278830

it's pretty bad but interchangeable landscape paintings are the worst wwoym OPs desu

>> No.23278847 [DELETED] 
File: 97 KB, 680x823, 974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23278855

You sound like an adolescent.

>> No.23278858

I miss the feeling of being in love, I am so much creative when in love.
Stupid bitch.

>> No.23278874
File: 7 KB, 273x184, 1675991312936163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i polished my dick so much it reflects light.

>> No.23278878

Jews be like "I'm scared to go through muslim neighborhoods in europe" my kike in moloch, you made the immigration crisis.

>> No.23278886 [DELETED] 
File: 2.41 MB, 640x480, e6c8bffa3f175916f3c1d9d08bcae831.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Art imitates life.

>> No.23278900

My favorite thing ever: schizophrenic "spiritual but not religious" woo-woo that unites hardcore Trump/Qanon types, crystal healing chicks, and black women on twitter. Usually it's some kind of nonsense about how this eclipse or that planetary alignment is a sign of the imminent arrival of the Age of Aquarius, meaning that "the veil" will drop/the 5D transcendence will be achieved/some other such goofiness.

>> No.23278922

>I show up to campus, go to class, then drive home.
>All the people, events, clubs, and fun are alien to me.
Hmmm, I wonder what the problem is? Could it be that your dumbfuck retarded ass isn't going to event and clubs? Could it be that you are willingly not talking to the people around you? Who can solve this connundrum.

>> No.23278931
File: 70 KB, 640x508, 1670882222349891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gregor didn't despise himself, he was blissfully unware of his own suffering. He turned into a giant pickle and his first thought was "oh crap, I'm gonna be late for work!"

>> No.23278933

I like the landscape ones, you just have shit taste

>> No.23278934

All the anons complaining about their lives aren’t open to suggestions and change. They just want to vent and wallow apparently

>> No.23278954

>Anon, how's the writing career going?
I've written a couple moderately successful copypastas.

>> No.23279003

I did all that. None of it stuck. I even did this volunteer thing for the department today. Didn't go well. I'll put a renewed effort into it but being social does not come easy to me. I can meet the same person a dozen times and still have less a connection than people who meet for the first time. Part of it was some serious alienation and bullying and isolation I went through most of my adolescence. I'm contemplating going to the counseling and psychological services next week to see if they can help me build and maintain relationships.

>> No.23279009

I definitely vent here but I've actually made very significant progress in my life in the last three years by being open to change and new opportunities.

>> No.23279018
File: 387 KB, 680x708, 069u24qjypo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have developed some sort of neuropathy and now my face feels like spiders all the time.

>> No.23279029

I live in Canada, and if you know anything about Canada, you should know that life here has been getting worse. The cost of living is rising, houses are unaffordable, wages are stagnant, and public services are hopelessly inefficient. The system is so bungled, I haven't had a doctor since I was 16.

At the same time, our culture - if we ever had one - is completely disappearing. "not American" is the pinnacle of our identity, and even that is more and more questionable. We only consume american music, movies and television. For a while the radio ensured that there was atleast some Canadian content, but no one listens to the radio anymore.

Politically, though we have a multi-party system, we've only ever had two different parties hold power. And that's what's on my mind. The Conservatives and the Liberals, are essentially two versions of a Neo-liberal party. They fiddle on the margins of policy. Diet-Republicans, and Diet-Democrats, for you Americans. The other two major parties are a regional party, and a Social Democratic party - The NDP.

This morning I read that the NDP had 25% of their caucus declare that they wouldn't stand for re-election. The working class has been abandoned. It's not the caucus member's fault either. The party leadership has essentially pulled the party into the sphere of wokeism (once again, following the lead of our American counterparts.)

I think now is the time, for a real social democratic movement to take hold in Canada. A party that doesn't see people as statistics. A party that doesn't chase growth for growth sake, but has objectives about well-being of the people. Less people living paycheck to paycheck, more time spent with family, less people killing themselves (or wanting to kill themselves.)

I've been reading about solidarity, distributism. Basically catholic social teaching. I think we need that, just without the over religious angle. Let gay people live, but lets stop euthanizing people because they are disabled.

ELI5 how to start a political movement in canada pls.

>> No.23279039

Maybe you're just a boring person.

>> No.23279051

kill yourself jason

>> No.23279056

Yea you'd like that wouldnt you, you neo-liberal.

>> No.23279074

You're the bad ending. The one you get from a 60% completion rate. The end reserved for those who didn't get the right item or beat the hidden boss. For the ones who never explored the possibilities. For the apathetic, unskilled and aimless, all those incapable of playing properly. It's almost over now, only a decades long cutscene left and then you're done.
No way to restart it and try again.

>> No.23279085
File: 479 KB, 746x718, 1475814815550[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if it's a sign of me getting older, or a sign of just how low and shitty 4chan is getting, but every day it seems to become more and more unrecognizable. More retarded opinions than I saw before, more bait-postings, posts I can't tell if they're bait or not to begin with, progressives coming here and actively talking like they think they're in good company, same with neocons.

It's like feeling alone in a sea of people....Or maybe they aren't even people, they're mostly just bots.

>> No.23279087

Can therapy help with that

>> No.23279094

Guacamole nigga penis

>> No.23279103

What will /lit/ look like in two years?

>> No.23279108

more culture war bait
more christlarping
more bots
less literature

>> No.23279109

There will blue rectangles with words and images, red hyper links consisting of numbers, date and timestamp, and usually a green label saying "anonymous"

>> No.23279110

I'm gonna read this book. I'm not gonna look up the words I don't know. There will be words I won't know, and some of them I won't understand even with context. And that's okay.

>> No.23279112

Yeah, it sucks, but I keep coming back like a stupid dog returns to his puke.
I effort post and nobody even replies, but the idea that somebody might glance at something generated by my person is enough to make me waste my precious time.
The terminally online are always screeching at caricatures that are literally just the figments of their collective imaginations.
Nobody in real life is like the strawmen anons are always railing against. Everybody I meet is friendly enough. Nobody cares about politics or whatever, because we have jobs and social obligations and that stuff is more immediately pressing than some unhinged opinons about some abstract concept.
The public internet is just a Plato's cave inhabited by losers and robots.

>> No.23279113

>t. election tourist

>> No.23279122

It’s a dead board and a grotesque version of what it used to be. We are all fools who still have hope so we return to the puke pile. Anons need to leave myself included. This would be such an easy place to never come back to again if you didn’t have the occasional positive interaction legitimately related to actual literature that has been read. The baton pass from millennials to zoomers didn’t go too well. The culture war was the death blow.

>> No.23279123

Anon that was 8 years ago. They're permanent residents now

>> No.23279125

>The baton pass from millennials to zoomers didn’t go too well
Oh shut the fuck up, it was a bunch of gay millennial Twitter personas who killed /lit/

>> No.23279137

spoken like a true election tourist

>> No.23279156

Are we being punished?
Maybe at some point in the past humans made a terrible mistake
Rome was built on easy access to bread and water but they were constantly consuming lead so they were destroyed by their greed for power literally
Are we being punished like the people of time were?

>> No.23279160

Heh joke's on you, I only came to /lit/ in 2019

>> No.23279177 [DELETED] 
File: 2.75 MB, 904x380, welcome to 4chan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That word..."Election tourist". It invokes simultaneously a pithy reaction in the uninitiated, who base their entire persona on the vernacular they reply with here, but the truth in all of it is that I envy the election tourist. To them, the boards have always been a battleground for meme wars and political shit-stirring, but to those of us who have been here longer, we are burdened - no. Saddened by the state of how things have gotten. 4chan was once a place where you could banter relatively care-free amongst the nameless and faceless hordes of individuals from all over the globe, partaking in rituals of jest and mockery. Sure, it was a shithole, where everyone dumped their waste, but it was a communal shithole, where it was all dumped together, and we all made the best of it as we were doing it. Now snivelling little cockroaches have invaded, claiming some piles of shit as their own unique little horde, with rats invading and claiming another pile, and all of us who have been shitting here for the last decade or longer have had to sit here, with our asses agape, pouring out our shit, watching as the pestilent armies of shit-smeared mongoloid insects and vermin swarm beneath us. The cozy warmth from our diarrhea mess no longer soothes us. It reminds us now of the swathes of irredeemable fucking trash that have over-run our shit-hole, and deafened us with their insectoid screams and their mammalian screaming.

>> No.23279186
File: 2.75 MB, 904x380, welcome to 4chan.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That word..."Election tourist". It invokes simultaneously a pithy reaction in the uninitiated, who base their entire persona on the vernacular they reply with here, but to me, it invokes a feeling of pity mixed with hatred, partially because I somewhat envy the election tourist. To them, the boards have always been a battleground for meme wars and political shit-stirring, but to those of us who have been here longer, we are burdened - no. Saddened by the state of how things have gotten. 4chan was once a place where you could banter relatively care-free amongst the nameless and faceless hordes of individuals from all over the globe, partaking in rituals of jest and mockery. Sure, it was a shithole, where everyone dumped their waste, but it was a communal shithole, where it was all dumped together, and we all made the best of it as we were doing it. Now snivelling little cockroaches have invaded, claiming some piles of shit as their own unique little horde, with rats invading and claiming another pile, and all of us who have been shitting here for the last decade or longer have had to sit here, with our asses agape, pouring out our shit, watching as the pestilent armies of shit-smeared mongoloid insects and vermin swarm beneath us. The cozy warmth from our diarrhea mess no longer soothes us. It reminds us now of the swathes of irredeemable fucking trash that have over-run our shit-hole, and deafened us with their insectoid screams and their mammalian cries.

>> No.23279190

Nah, ‘twas zoomers

>> No.23279219

I miss the self deprecation and snark. The scariest part of watching 4chan die is that there is no end in sight. Once gamergate and 2016 got that ball rolling downhill it’s been getting larger and larger. I’ve always wanted to ask anons who came here in the last few years why they came here and what do they think the site is about and what is the prevailing culture. To my eye 4chan is unrecognizably different. Things were so much better when everyone came to 4chan for /b/. Now it’s a porn board I hear. /lit/ is no longer a literature board. So many boards have dissolved into a homogeneous nu-Chan blob

>> No.23279238
File: 113 KB, 600x600, 1712351463907196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our country is doomed. I for one shall be leaving after I graduate from uni. Fuck anyone if they actually think I can find a job in this shithole that doesn't mean slaving away for years in Toronto or Ottawa.

>> No.23279244 [SPOILER] 

Jean des Esseintes is literally me

>> No.23279252

Dads aren’t supposed to be likable. No authority figure is. I can’t like anyone with authority over me, because I can’t like being told what to do. If you like being told what to do start HRT and bottom for some rich guy. Don’t get me wrong, my dad is an honorable man who has persisted through a lot of hardship, I respect and love him, but his hard work has alienated him from most people, his age has alienated him from young people, the losses he has suffered have made him jaded, he denied himself a lot of opportunities because he didn’t want to put his family in parol. You can’t be responsible for peoples lives and be lovey dovey with them, you can’t be gentle when you’re giving someone CPR, leading a platoon, hunting for game, or evacuating people from a burning building, those are the split second decisions that separate the tribe into chiefs and peons. That’s why the “family man” is an archetypical asshole, a stand offish prick is the only guy with the testosterone to silence chatter, discipline the unruly, reprimand people, stun people, hit people, kill to defend, break his own bones to build something. You can be a swell chap but if you are risk averse and incapable of snapping you aren’t an authority on anything, led alone how people within your household live their lives.
At the root they see their family as extensions of themselves, nerve endings that he has done a lot to protect from the world, so the herd driving to stay on the right path is as much a self control issue as it is asserting himself as an external power. You rebelling against your father is him abandoning you, because you’re taking the chance to lash out that he denied himself. That’s compassion. My old man was scary, but he had to be. I wouldn’t have respected him if he wasn’t.
Not a dig at me or him, that’s just the dynamic necessary for raising successful offspring.

>> No.23279254

Im all three, all the time.

>> No.23279271

I feel like I missed out on a lot growing up because I didn't grow up in America and I feel like I'm gonna miss out on a lot of shit in my life because I'm not in America.

>> No.23279279

Any father whose son ends up in 4chan is a failure.

>> No.23279285

Yeah that's what everyone says, but seriously senpai this is not some magic fantasy land that all you immigrants expect it to be. There's a lot of problems here.
t. Child of an immigrant

>> No.23279298

>There's a lot of problems here.
I know that. Don't get me wrong, I know that America has its flaws, I'm not saying it's the best, I'd argue that my country is better than America, but growing up in my country is really fucking boring, there isn't much to do here and the culture is pretty fucking stale.

>> No.23279301

Hey dad! I’m gonna belly flop in a fountain. Hey dad! I’m gonna sleep FOREVER. Hey dad! I’m eating sausage and pierogies.

>> No.23279305

I ended up 4chan and I'm married. Quite projecting, loser.

>> No.23279320

The whole western world is america. Your culture, your politics, your thoughts and dreams. All that influences you and your countrymen. It's all trickle down from America. Even the ones who despise it have irreparably been conditioned by their environment to think and act on american terms. Whichever uniqueness your country used to have is either gone or on its death throes. Bootleg America, that's all that you are. that's all that the entire world is. Even America. Enjoy.

>> No.23279324

>I'm not a failure because I'm married
Daddy sure did a number on you.

>> No.23279395

I gotta SHIT

>> No.23279400

Do it, man, and do it with pride.

>> No.23279408

My ex was involved in our local chapter of the NDP, and he expressed a lot of similar frustrations with the party’s trajectory and priorities. It seems like the NDP is primarily focused on squabbling over issues of identity politics in an attempt at projecting a progressive image, and has lost touch with the more practical goal of enacting legislation that will better the lives of working-class people.

There’s no way that’s Jason; the argument is far too cogent, plus there’s no seething and gratuitous use of racial epithets.

>> No.23279416

I just did, and it was HORRIBLE.

>> No.23279433


>> No.23279447

Its easy to be blackpilled and consumed by the sordid state of our world, but a closer look reveals that there is much beauty in life, but it just sometimes takes a earnest effort to notice.

>> No.23279455

i don't find jason's boilerplate /pol/tardisms convincing in the slightest; they just seem like something he adopted to "fit in" here for shilling purposes, because 4chan is the only remaining posting platform on the english-speaking www that admits a world-class asshole like him (barely, i should note, because he racks up bans every time he logs on during one of his manic episodes). the only thing that rings true, in post after post, is his sense of being a washed-up loser. all that other shit is him coping with it. his tradlarp is as low-effort as his books, he just wants the 80s pepsi logo back and to make vancouver malls great again. that pork-skinned elmer fudd motherfucker thinks himmler and goering are continental european airlines

>> No.23279457

Is it Friday already? How the fuck did that happen

>> No.23279466
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>> No.23279477

A orc warming his loins by the fire quandaries, Where do you come from Champ? Champ the fag. Prepare for mental ass rape in this state of hell. The orc is spindling wieners of his slain victims for the Champ.

>> No.23279485

When I was only 14, before I even started high school, my older brothers' severe drug addictions and onset mental illnesses totally destroyed and upended my life. I lost everything. My family disintegrated, my dad lost the house, we had to move. Things were extremely chaotic and confusing. There were cops, social workers, court hearings, interviews, and a lot of violence and instability domestically. I ended up very alone. I tried to kill myself. Nothing was ever the same again.
That was almost 11 years ago. I never really adjusted to new life. Even after things settled down, I never felt the same. High school was very challenging. I didn't adapt. Ended up friendless. Struggled in college. It was like I hit pause at 8th grade and never really grew past it. It wasn't until two years ago that I found my footing as a person.
All the while I struggled my brothers continued to be unstable. Homelessness and rehabs and suicide attempts and court dates and just chaos all around. They both died within the last year. One drug overdose, one suicide.
I had thought I had moved on from all the painful memories. I thought I had recovered. I thought I forgave them even. But their deaths only served to bring up the past. And now my dad, replaying all the events himself, is reminding me very explicitly that they stole my life from me. I guess I didn't really forgive them.
I'm just so tired. I want to move on. I want to have my own life. I guess now I'm freed.

>> No.23279517

I’m so lost I don’t know what i really want in life, I do enjoy a variety of things but not enough to fully commit to one, maybe because i think I’m mediocre at best maybe because I feel like I would miss out something but i just can’t embrace something entirely. I want to be engulfed, consumed, immersed myself to a goal but everything losses its charm after awhile

>> No.23279530

youre right. but modernism, the disease, has made men pathological about their fathers and will never accept or understand this

>> No.23279548

What does it say about me if I'm not morally opposed to serial killers? It's like, OK, they killed a few people and then got locked behind bars for the rest of their lives, so? There are over 8 billion people on this earth and they killed a couple, oh no?

>> No.23279605

Going to read a book next week.

>> No.23279632

I shouldn't have told my parents about the 17 year old Russian girl who I talked to online and had make private ASMR for me. Now they think I'm a weirdo.

>> No.23279654
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Doesn't she look like Abby from Love on the Spectrum? How weird is that?

>> No.23279876

>Hello Anon
>Hope you are well.

>> No.23279954

Don't get into social work, kids. Become a tradesman and have adventures to write about.

>> No.23280077

>So one time, I was flushing out this guys clogged pipe and whaddya know, it was clogged full of condoms, what an idiot.
>Wow, anon, what a fun story, what an adventure you must've had...
I can't wait for all the adventures that I'll be having.

>> No.23280078

That's a boring story because you deliberately made it boring. A fun guy knows how to twist even the weirdest experiences into a good laugh. In short, skill issue.

>> No.23280080
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I thought the same too but I realized that from Friday I've been out socializing and drinking. Today's the only day I stayed home. This is kind of an anomalous behavior coming from someone who prefers to stay home most of the time.

>> No.23280085
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Another day, still no gf

>> No.23280089

Drug addicts who destroy families are based because they are living conduits of the despair that faggy normal families are always repressing. better dying a selfish POS in squalor than bleating about getting your life stolen

>> No.23280101
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>turn on the AC
>my coughs come back
>turn off the AC
>i'm drowning in sweat

>> No.23280104

Clean your air conditioner filters.

>> No.23280164

almost finished my work rotation, in a few days I'll be banging all the pussies I can my cock in, I have a list of about 10 or so bitches I need to bang. man I fucking love asian pussy it's insane

>> No.23280166

you're not, you're just a lazy loser that doesn't want to interact with real life bitches

>> No.23280167

Why can't ignorance of a law be used as a defence? So everyone is expected to know literally every single law in their country?

>> No.23280174

Everyone is expected to know every single law in their country that is relevant to their lives. I don't need to know laws regarding investment if I'm not an investor nor plan to work with other investors, but I'm expected to know that stabbing people is, among other things, against the law.

>> No.23280181

I want to spoon a girl so bad. I'd give up 2, maybe 3 fingers for the chance to nuzzle my face into a girl's bare chest. I'd literally get on my hands and knees and beg one to let me bury my face in her ass for 30 seconds.

>> No.23280183

In exchange for living in a country/city you are expected to follow their rules. Not knowing them is no excuse and ignorance is the most retarded defense I’ve heard

>> No.23280187
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Why is this so common for men? Especially for lifters and on /fit/.

>> No.23280189

I should note that I'm just being practical within predictable terms. If I do end up committing some form of investment fraud even in such circumstance, ignorance won't cut it.

>> No.23280212

Normal families don't experience that. You have a warped perception

>> No.23280223

You're not expected to know every law but you should be able to make connections to figure out if something is illegal or not.
>I'm really mad at this guy and I really want to do this specific thing to him but I don't know if it's illegal, let me think.
>Will this thing that I want to do bring harm?
>Is bringing harm to someone illegal if it is not self-defense?
>Will this be self-defense?
>It is illegal.
It's just simple thought exercises like that. Also, if you're ever curious about whether something is illegal or not where you live, just look it up.

>> No.23280225

People will tie themselves into all sorts of knots to defend or excuse their fathers when they really don't deserve it.

>> No.23280236

No, not every family has some sordid secret, but the despair that drives someone to become an addict doesn't come from nowhere. Must be good for your health to be this naive

>> No.23280253

That really sounds like you're projecting, anon.

>> No.23280257

are you a virgin?

>> No.23280263

As someone who watched half his family die I can tell you I understand despair. You're just a selfish moron who thinks overdosing behind a dumpster is based and redpilled for some reason.

>> No.23280279

It isn't in the grand scheme of things, but my heart will always go out to the rawness of it, I know what it's like to feel so unloved and disconnected from people the only thing you have to look forward to in life is a chemical.

>> No.23280302

I'm really not. I like my dad. Yeah we had some fights, but he's not "scary." He taught me a lot, and I have immense respect for him. Whenever I read stuff like that post, it just seems like people trying to justify their father's faults as something required to "raise a good family" when in actuality they probably would have been fine if their father wasn't so distant, prone to anger, or whatever. You can't be gentle when leading people out of a burning building, but so often that's not what's happening. Really it's just an aging man denying himself and then taking out his frustration on his kids. Seen it many times.

>> No.23280307

The irony is that drug use is exactly what turns someone into something unlovable

>> No.23280312

The causality for these things is always circular and vicious, the way that weed tends to always be associated with a grodier phenotype on average. No doubt they already perceived themselves as unlovable before ever picking up the drug. They've done experiments that prove that rats won't drink the heroin water if they are thriving.

>> No.23280357

My body craves the Italian air and Mediterranean winds.

>> No.23280363

That show would gain me no favors with the hyper specific interests I have

>> No.23280367

Can someone answer me what this sounds like? ChatGPT’s answers seem convoluted

> The reason why its so important for all of this to take place, albeit happening in various stages, the first where wealth become deterritorialized from the grasp of the oh-so-parasitic elite class, into the hands of the non-landowning peasant class, as Marx intended, since when a business or landowner takes in wealth, he desires more of it, as its human nature to want more of what gives you prestige over others. That is not to say this natural tendency is desirable or undesirable, unless its in excess over 1 billion dollars, as it goes against the desires of others to own property or wealth. A kind of ethical compassion must be practiced so that the rights of one does not triumph over the rights of others, and while some people are better off being taken under the ownership of someone else so the market does not exploit their freedom.

>The next step would logically be that everyone has their lot, the exchange barriers that had been placed upon the community during the first stage can be taken down and exchanges of goods can be resumed, and any excess wealth or property earned by persons can be taken up and redistributed among the community to finance projects related to education, recreation, housing and other such communal needs that might benefit even the poorest of citizens, with equal or close to equal distribution of profits between land-owner and land-renter. Finally the erection of barriers to the outer global market will ensure that the community keeps people buying and selling domestically, making it able to eventually become wealthy and as running smoothly as a well-oiled engine in the most top-of-line machine equipment.

>> No.23280384

It's padded. You're either twelve and trying to reach a word limit, or else your style hasn't developed since then, and whoever told you to stay that way did you a disservice.

>> No.23280389


>> No.23280405

How much a dollar really cost?
The question is detrimental, paralyzin' my thoughts
Parasites in my stomach keep me with a gut feeling, y'all
Gotta see how I'm chillin' once I park this luxury car
Hopping out feeling big as Mutombo
Twenty on pump six dirty Marcellus called me Dumbo
Twenty years ago, can't forget
Now I can lend him a ear or two how to stack these residuals
Tenfold, the liberal concept of what men'll do
Twenty on six, he didn't hear me
Indigenous African only spoke Zulu
My American tongue was leery
Walked out the gas station
A homeless man with a semi-tan complexion
Asked me for ten rand
Stressin' about dry land
Deep water, powder blue skies that crack open
A piece of crack that he wanted, I knew he was smokin'
He begged and pleaded
Asked me to feed him twice, I didn't believe it
Told him, beat it
Contributin' money just for his pipe, I couldn't see it
He said, my son, temptation is one thing that I've defeated
Listen to me, I want a single bill from you
Nothin' less, nothin' more
I told him I ain't have it and closed my door
Tell me how much a dollar cost
It's more to feed your mind
Water, sun and love, the one you love
All you need, the air you breathe
He's starin' at me in disbelief
My temper is buildin', he's starin' at me, I grab my key
He's starin' at me, I started the car then I tried to leave
And somethin' told me to keep it in park until I could see
A reason why he was mad at a stranger like I was supposed to save him
Like I'm the reason he's homeless and askin' me for a favor
He's starin' at me, his eyes followed me with no laser
He's starin' at me, I notice that his stare is contagious
'Cause now I'm starin' back at him, feelin' some type of disrespect
If I could throw a bat at him, it'd be aimin' at his neck
I never understood someone beggin' for goods
Askin' for handouts, takin' it if they could
And this particular person just had it down pat
Starin' at me for the longest until he finally asked
Have you ever opened up Exodus 14?
A humble man is all that we ever need
Tell me how much a dollar cost

>> No.23280415

I can attest to that; I turned to weed out of some indescribable regret that was perhaps caused by external factors but wasn't fully described by them. I can try to explain it away as "douchebag realized he's a douchebag and decided to turn to self-pity" or "midwit got a reality check and couldn't handle it" but both of those mindsets are self-replicating. I'm obsessed with not "dulling" myself(I stopped watching /tv/ at least) but then lack the discipline to do anything with that new "clarity"(or /pol/ obsession, not sure which), reading a lot(history and econ mainly) but not getting any actionable ideas from it, proving the "immature midwit" theory I already believed. A devilish part of myself(mixed with the counsel of IRLs including my own parents) tells me to just accept that I'm a midwit and go back to dulling myself with the idiot box and mainstream news, which I obviously don't want to do but don't think I have a choice in since I'm getting to the point where I'm having outbursts in public(got sent to CPEP once or twice since they thought I was bipolar, turns out I'm not), and finding the "truth" hasn't made me change myself for the better whatsoever, at least not enough in comparison to the bitchmade attention-seeking.

>> No.23280426

thought is the thought of thought

>> No.23280449

Also a chronic smoker and midwit. Weed loves to drip feed you the kinds of thoughts and high plateau of impressions that geniuses are mainlining 24/7 so it tricks us into believing we're more than we are. At least self-awareness counts for something in the economy of grace

>> No.23280476

Sweat so much I have to shower again. Got reminded if I was social all the people I knew were awful anyway. Meant to be eating a burger but might just get crab. Going to do a lot of drugs and make dumb choices

>> No.23280478

Fuck off

>> No.23280484

It's a beautiful day today. Shame I have to stay at home working.
I had plenty of beautiful days like this before, and I stayed at home doing nothing.
It's a beautiful day, but I have nowhere to go.

>> No.23280491

>the kinds of thoughts and high plateau of impressions that geniuses are mainlining 24/7
You would certainly not want to have this; it is both a blessing and a curse, and it will drive you insane if you had it 24/7 — all these thoughts popping up spontaneously, and these associations you get by merely looking at an object or thinking of something frivolous. All the different conexiuns the same synapses can make and trigger different and long forgotten memories.

>> No.23280498

Maybe not, but better than dying a mediocrity

>> No.23280503
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I only smoked weed once in my life and it just made my vision blurry and made me depressed. It was a bong hit. Maybe it was because it was on a birthday party and all of my friends were doing better than me.

>> No.23280507

Too many words for too little info. Lengthy sentences which seem to stretch into infinity as I'm hoping this will be the last comma I'll see before a period. The meaning of it all, beyond the obvious marxist stuff, has been diluted in this letter soup. The first sentence, in specific, leads nowhere. Overall, terrible.

>> No.23280531

Yes, isn't it obvious?

>> No.23280537

I already have ADHD, overstimulation is nothing new to me(I did not handle it well at all—even as far as middle school I was publicly screaming[not lolcow-tier but certainly not normal] about the burning in my head). Probably why I thought it plausible there was anything interesting going on up there to begin with.

>> No.23280555

I think overstimulation is a necessary but not sufficient condition of being a highwit. I think people like us, who feel so stimulated by a drug like weed, have poor cognitive control. I think with weed, quality of thoughts and cognitive control are inversely proportional, at least from the direction of the thoughts

>> No.23280581

Should people even buy homes right now? This whole market smells fucking fishy. Realistically, how much will these houses be worth in 20 years given population decline and these markets becoming more Hispanic and African than anything. You buy an house at $400k annd you expect an Hispanic family to buy it in 20 years ant $800k? I don’t think so. Nobody even has money now. They definitely won’t have money in 20 years. I almost think you shouldn’t buy a house even if you can afford it. Boomers might get stuck holding the bag on these houses in the next decade or two.

>> No.23280644

What hurt real estate in the States was the wealthy turning it into investments. You should not be able to own residential property you don't live in at least one quarter of the year, to allow for vacation homes. Too many wealthy people buy up residential properties and rent them, effectively having their tenants pay the mortgage, and then they sell them for twice the value in 15/20 years when the property is paid off. It's scammy and inflates property values everywhere.

>> No.23280662

>Weed loves to drip feed you the kinds of thoughts and high plateau of impressions that geniuses are mainlining 24/7
You must be joking. You would seriously maintain that when you're high, you're experiencing the lucidity a literary genius like Homer or Milton would have as their baseline? Believe me, I am laughing out loud right now. This is low-wit cope of the highest order. Your best thoughts and perceptions on weed are some of the lowest quality. If you disagree, go ahead and record yourself rambling, or write down your thoughts when high, and then listen to the recording or read your thoughts a week or two later when you're sober. You will be embaressed with what you hear/read. Every true genius of the first rank was largely sober their entire professional life, and they often abhorred drunkeness and drug use.

>> No.23280670

Daily reminder the double helix DNA structure is one of the
>The acid told me and the acid never lies
discoveries of the 20th century

>> No.23280675

>Should people even buy homes right now?
>This whole market smells fucking fishy.
That's why you need to buy
>Realistically, how much will these houses be worth in 20 years given population decline and these markets becoming more Hispanic and African than anything.
they'll be worth as much as they need to be worth. you DON'T have to sell houses. if you buy yourself a family house, you can have people live in it for multiple generations
>Nobody even has money now. They definitely won’t have money in 20 years.
That's why you are buying it for your kids
>I almost think you shouldn’t buy a house even if you can afford it.
there are more worthwhile investment if you move around, but if you plan to stay in one place in a good neighborhood you'll be fine

>> No.23280682

I said dripfeed, ie an approximation of the non-linear tracks that artists think on. And I write for a living, high. Weed only makes you as stupid as you already are

>> No.23280701

If you have the cash for it , then yes; tho you should NOT take a mortgage in an environment where the interest rate is so high as today’s. Comparably , the Fed interest rate in 2020 was decreased to 0,25% while today is 5,5%.

>> No.23280716

This phenomenon exists in all western countries. And it remands me what Aristotle wrote in the Athenian Constitution where Solon wiped clean everyone’s debt and he was accused by the rich that it was a fraudulent scheme to enrich those who purchased land, essentially creating a new class of “new money”.

>> No.23280721
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I hate school so much with all the pointless projects at this point. At a certain point the workload isn't hard but just annoying/tedious. I pray one day I make it doing things I enjoy as hobbies, rather then having to suffer finding a wage slave job just to make ends meet.

>> No.23280761

lucy nation would be a great drag name
guerrilla medicine is the way of the future
i need to get batteries for my camera someday

>> No.23280763


>> No.23280788 [DELETED] 

I want a traditional Christian wife, but I lost my faith and I am to honest with myself and others to pretend otherwise.

Why am I always cursed to be different?

I share Christian moral values to a T, and there is nobody in the secular world who I can ever relate to or be comfortable with, let alone marry.

>> No.23281054

I got sex down to modes of experience the female dominate version and the male dominated version the difference begin mainly about control and who gets to dictate what as I will explain. In female dominate sex the female has a say in what her and her male partner may do this maybe stuff like asking him to go down on her she may also decide pace like telling him that he should slow down or speed up she also gets a say when to start sex too. In Male dominate sex the female does not have a say on anything the male is assumed all control and delegates he gets to decide when to start sex and pace of it too he is not expected to accommodate a she at once.

>> No.23281531

Beats the hell out of social work.

>> No.23282180
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Going to meetups to meet people in the hopes of maybe getting friendly enough with people to get myself some kind of work. Indeed just isn't cutting it and I refuse to use LinkedIn for work because it's icky.

What are anons thoughts?