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/lit/ - Literature

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23277165 No.23277165 [Reply] [Original]

Wuxia edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous: >>23267465

>> No.23277167

Read Wuxia/Xianxia its pretty dang good. Well that's an exaggeration. Some, like Reverend Insanity and Lord of the Mysteries and ze tian ji is pretty good, not all of it though. Some of it is heavily reusing tropes of others because you need to understand the cultural context. These webnovels are required by qidian to update five times per week, so you are essentially getting a third draft of quality with no editor, and its much easier to do so if you just crib a lot from other writers instead of being original yourself. To further compound this, most writers are amateurs and not really super skilled at the craft with exceptions.

They are like the junk food of books, wish fulfillment, power fantasy, mega huge power levels, that stuff is pretty common in that genre of webnovels. If that sounds like it's up your alley give it a shot. If not, well you can look at the minority of books in the genre that are not like that.

>> No.23277169

Which is better 40k books or Halo books

>> No.23277240
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>when it's finally time to buy a new batch of books

>> No.23277242

Why is the Xianxia genre so dishonest in regards to Taoist history?

>> No.23277247

Quarantine; Permutation City; City of Glass. I'm noticing and remembering trends in Egan's work that I conveniently forgot since reading these years back. City of Glass fucking sucked. Bummer of a mystery.
Schild's Ladder. I hate this forced romance subplot in my "new physics are taking over the universe and how do we stop it?" story. I may be finished with my Eganventures after this.

I'm in a lull of what to read. I've been bouncing between some other titles here and there, as Schild's is so dry but nothing has stuck. This is why I personally need my own AI to tell me what to read and discuss them with me.
I continue to find Cugel's Saga best enjoyed slowly and incrementally. I have a few months worth of chapters of Infinite Realm to catch up on but that's only a 10-15 minute commitment. I could go for something else pulpy in the realm of powerlevel/progression but I've lacked finding anything recently that tries for anything close to different, mainly tired of stories using the same terms for everything.
I hate this general, I hate myself, and I dislike you.

>> No.23277262

40k peaks higher but also has some total shit as well. All the Halo books read like a 3-star soft sci fi military book with a couple hundred reviews; totally interchangeable.

>> No.23277263

Nice one, a very based edition of /sffg/, I like it.

>> No.23277267
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forgot pic

>> No.23277269
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Metal Cross, the next /lit/ Christian Sci-Fi hit, will debut in less that 72 hours. Amazon is processing it right now.

>> No.23277299

Because the Chinese are fucking obsessed with the body.

Cultivation as a concept is all over the world in various forms—even the Greeks had a version of it—and both similarly treated such energy as breathing of sorts.

Both western and eastern alchemical traditions tied into concepts of inner percfection, and both west and east have their respective parallels—even the philosopher’s stone.

There is a present trend of separating cultivation from typical magic, which is a flawed perception. Cultivation in China is heavily, -heavily- related to Taoism, which is more ritualistic and esoteric than simply…kung-fu… and Taoist sorcery is definitely a thing. Even Buddhist sorcery is a thing.

See, the Chinese believed in internal alchemy, or spiritual perfection, as the Westerners (Hermetics, Gnostics, etc) did—but they (the Chinese) were absolutely obsessed with the body, to the point of stupid kung-fu, while Westerners were less bodily focused, more spiritual/mental, and were much more content with simply unifying with the divine cosmos. Leaving the body behind.

(In-general, the Chinese still believe a lot of retarded shit regarding the body—see Chinese traditional medicine today—and is a part of why the West won out in the end—that supreme acknowledgement that the external vastly outweighs the internal.)

The western mystic/alchemist was more mental-spiritual and concerned with uniting with the external. The eastern mystic/alchemist was more bodily-spiritual, or internally focused—not that Taoist beliefs weren’t also external/universal.

>> No.23277307

Depression and its symptoms are terrible.

>> No.23277309

So the western mage is a pure caster while the eastern mage is a caster martial hybrid?

>> No.23277323

Yes, but also no.

The word ‘Xian’ actually has more to do with pure wizardry and sagely essence than martialism.

Xian translations:

(in Daoist philosophy and cosmology) spiritually immortal; transcendent human; celestial being.

(in Daoist religion and pantheon) physically immortal; immortal person; an immortal; saint, one who is aligned with Heaven's mandate and does not suffer earthly desires or attachments.

(in Chinese alchemy) alchemist; one who seeks the elixir of life; one who practices longevity techniques,

(by extension) alchemical, herbal, or qigong methods for attaining immortality.

(in Chinese mythology) wizard; magician; shaman; sorcerer.

(in popular Chinese literature) genie; elf, fairy; nymph, etc.

(based on the folk etymology for the character 仙, a compound of the characters for person and mountain) sage living high in the mountains; mountain-man; hermit; recluse.

(as a metaphorical modifier) an immortal; an accomplished person; celestial; marvelous; extraordinary and exceptional individual

(in new-age conception) seeker who takes refuge in immortality; transcended person; fully established being

(in early Tang dynasty folk religion conception) immortal being part of a small spiritual cabal who had immortal lifespans and supernatural powers.

(in Daoism and Chinese folk religion) a Daoist who was blessed to become immortal.

(in Chinese Buddhism and Buddhist-inspired Taoist sects) a kind of deity or spiritual person imported from Taoist beliefs.

(in Fujian Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and folk religion) a boddhisatva, or a being of comparable holiness and power over nature to one.

(in Korean Taoist-inspired new religions) a being subservient to heaven that helps humans.

>> No.23277387

reading against a dark background right now, it hasn't grabbed me at all. Most of Banks's characters aren't interesting, and I feel like in one off universes like this and The Algebraist he just doesn't have the time to set up anything interesting worldbuilding wise. The Culture universe feels so rich, while these two one offs feel like such duds in comparison. They're both decent adventures but they certainly don't hold a candle to his mainline novels. It makes me want to read his normal literature to see if they're any better without the scifi themes.

>> No.23277566

Kung fu fags btfo

>> No.23277793
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anyone else just read edgar allan poetry for days on end? i feel like nothing else satisfies this urge... been dipping into vathek too, and tennyson's idylls of the king (kino poetry for arthurian cycle)

>> No.23277895
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I tried reading Reverend Insanity, but there were one too many trannies(picrel) for me. I braved through 50 more chapters after that, but the tranny became a travel companion, and I couldn't stand it anymore. It's a shame because I quite liked his character, at least before he lost his cock.

>> No.23278286

Depression is a normal human condition.

>> No.23278299
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why aren't you reading the belgariad right now?
>I read it recently
that is the only acceptable answer

>> No.23278374

>betrays fang yuan
>refused to elaborate

>> No.23278397
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I really, really, really, really hate how eastaboo litrpg faggots completely took over this general. This place used to be somewhat cool, years ago.

>> No.23278400

Is Street Cultivation litrpg?

>> No.23278404

Anything cultivation and litrpg and chinkshit and webnovel belongs in its own general. This used to be a place to discuss Traditional Western science fiction and fantasy. Now it's just some cesspool of eastaboo online retard slop.

>> No.23278406

I almost thought I was in /wg/ with that comment.

>> No.23278435

>Traditional Western science fiction and fantasy.
Dead since at least 2010

>> No.23278467

The Unholy Consult came out in 2017.

>> No.23278480
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.23278482
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince

>> No.23278494
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Read The Weirkey Chronicles

>> No.23278504

That or RoyalRoad.
The place is near-impossible to navigate these days with all the LitRPG and xianfaggotry cluttering it up.

>> No.23278560

I didn't know RR users had a problem with it as well, but I guess other kinds of webnovel exist. I might not mind the format so much if it weren't 90% of the same kind of low effort trash.

>> No.23278572
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Can someone recommend me some "beauty and the beast" stories where the beast is a girl and the beauty is a boy? Preferably not pornographic webnovels or Japanese doujins. I'll accept science fiction as long as it's not just James Kirk breaking taboos by kissing a girl who's "monstrously hideous" simply because she has a bit of spirit gum on her forehead or because she's African-American.

>> No.23278580
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This boils down to a subversion (the good kind) of a Lovecraft story, doing it better because it's about real things you can look into rather than Slup-Niggerballs. It's not especially deep for someone that's heard of the Demiurge before, and for someone that hasn't it spells everything out. There's nothing in the text to look into beyond Dick schizoblogposting though.
Read it recently. I hate Polgara.

>> No.23278585
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Fantasy authors need to take notes from David Eddings: he fit a complete ten-novel series into 1500 TPB omnibus pages, which is about the same space modern writers need for a single book (in two volumes). Absolutely exquisite pacing, without stinting on a thing. At no point are you under the impression that he's moving too fast or leaving plot threads unwound or feelings unsaid; virtually perfect novels.

>I hate Polgara.
gay confirmed

>> No.23278601

95% of stories on RR are litrpg

>> No.23278622

>Anything cultivation and litrpg and chinkshit and webnovel belongs in its own general
Why hasn't it happened yet? There seems to be a user base for it. Half or a quarter of sffg is litrpg, xianxia, webnovels, etc.

>> No.23278624

This is kinda gay m8. Effeminate boy gets dominated by strong muscle lady vibes.

>> No.23278626

Right? Holy shit.
Riger zelazny is another great example. Hebdoes more in 100 pages than Sanderson or Jordan do in 3 books.

>> No.23278634

If you read old classical Wuxia like Jin Yong you instead end up getting a treatise on nationalism, what it means to be a hero, and the complexity of interpersonal relationships against circumstance, all veiled within a plot that involves three dudes settling a blood feud through superhuman technique and a fourth dude comes in with a brass cauldron and joins in, leading to generations of bloodshed between their kin.

>> No.23278648
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>a man putting his penis inside a woman's vagina is gay because...because...

>> No.23278662

Zelazny is a bad example because his stories and characters are miserably bad, deranged, and convoluted, with borderline no sense of continuity from one novel to the next. Their merciful brevity is the only positive quality that they have. However you are right that he FUCKING GETS ON WITH IT; Tad Williams spends 3000 pages doing fuck-all with Simon Mooncalf then resolves the entire conflict of Osten Ard in a Deus ex Machina about 3 sentences off-screen, only to write another 3000 pages about how the conflict returns and everything the heroes accomplished (or rather, the writer accomplished for the heroes who didn't do anything) is reversed. And let's not get into Dune...

>> No.23278663


>> No.23278684

>trads immediately give up and segregate instead of splitting chinkreaders from sffg

>> No.23278688

which should i start with?

>> No.23278694

cultivation stuff should probably go in its own general, but the thread is often slow anyway

>> No.23278697

The whole board is slow these days (the world is winding down)

>> No.23278704

For god's sake just make a webnovel/lightnovel general for litrpgs, xianxia, isekai, etc. It'll fix sffg and get rid of weeb posters from /lit/.

>> No.23278711

Zelazny is miles better than any writer you like, mostly because he was able to write stories unrelated to stories he'd written before, in different worlds, and about different people. He could tell stories, he didn't waste his whole life adding frivolous detail to his ballpit.

>> No.23278738

>chinkshit being /sffg/'s biggest problem
Newfags like you are the problem with the website as a whole.

>> No.23278773

>general for litrpgs, xianxia, isekai,
xanxia does not belong together with litrpg and isekai

>> No.23278817

It's all trash so yes it does

>> No.23278834

imagine splitting a thread that barely stays afloat on /lit/ of all places
i'd rather read some shitpost about young masters than have 2 slow threads regularly dying on their own

>> No.23278850

I'm on book 3 rn. i love Polgara
>when she goes berserk at the end of book 2 to save Garion
Kino, old school fantasy is still king

>> No.23278851
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Does this version have all volumes or only Suldrun's Garden?

>> No.23278852

All modern progressive cuckold, lgbt and female fantasy and scifi should also be posted in the trash thread. This is the only way to keep the main thread clean.

>> No.23278853

>Effeminate boy gets dominated by strong muscle lady vibes
any books for this feel?

>> No.23278854

Behold the many attempts, of which this is by no means exhaustive













>> No.23278866

Starfish by Peter Watts. 4/5 already wrote a review.
Black chronicles by Glen Cook, almost done got 130 more pages. Probably a 4/5 or 5/5.
Either gene Wolfe shadow and claw or whatever or CS Friedman black sun rising.

>> No.23278883
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Read Tenebroum

No progression, no cultivation
No magic systems
Not xanxia and not litrpg.

>> No.23278889

>Modern fantasy
Equally worthless

>> No.23278895

It's webnovel trash. Belongs in another thread.

>> No.23278896

It's fine, go and reread LOTR for the 15th time.

>> No.23278901

LOTR is Christian wuxia. Doesn't belong in this thread.

>> No.23278906
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The Tainted Cup, Shadow of the Leviathan #1 - Robert Jackson Bennett (2024)

Dinios Kol is an engraver, an altered person who has perfect recall, working as an assistant to Anagosa Dolabra, a high ranking investigator. They're part of what functions as law enforcement in the empire. Ana prefers to only solve cases rather than having to be personally involved in any sort of fieldwork. So, she sends Kol out to record and retrieve all of the evidence and then present it to her. Few mysteries present any challenge to her. The story starts with Kol's first murder case, which is only an introductory part of a greater mystery. They soon find themselves entangled with the most powerful houses, a grand conspiracy, and the possible fate of the empire depending on the successful resolution of the case.

The Tainted Cup is a first person fantasy mystery with a single POV. Saying this is a Holmes & Watson mystery is an easy reference, though I don't believe it's that accurate. In the acknowledgements, Bennet says the inspiration for Ana was Nero Wolfe and then later Hannibal Lecter. I can't comment on the former, though there are similarities with the latter. To that mix I'd add Mycroft Holmes rather than Sherlock. By relation I'd say that Kol is more Will Graham than John Watson. Since smell is so important to him, he also reminds me a bit of the private investigator from the eponymous Ukrainian TV series, The Sniffer. There's also some similarity with The Justice of Kings, the first book of Richard Swan's Empire of the Wolf series.

The Empire of Khanum is the namesake of the Khanum people, who have long since died out, but their name and technology continues on with those humans who came after. This is a civilization that has mastered biotech and cannons. Their level of technology is unclear and uneven. There's a considerable amount that in other contexts would be considered science fiction. I found it rather interesting to see how much they could do with bioplastics and other repurposing of organic life. There's also a lot that seems to be from the Middle Ages at latest. As this book takes place entirely in the outskirts of the empire, the inner areas may be more advanced. The greatest threat to the empire is that with each wet season everything they are and have is put to the test as the leviathans, beings the size of mountains, come from the eastern sea to travel inland, destroying everything in their path.

I loved everything about this and it's a strong contender to be my favorite book published in 2024 and will surely be among the best I've read this year. It starts very strong and only gets better as it goes on. All the characters are great, the mystery is a lot of fun and fair, the worldbuilding is excellent, it's well-written, and it reminds me of much else that I've greatly enjoyed. On a personal level I don't have any complaints at all. This is definitely a series I'll be looking forward to for each book.

Rating: 5/5

>> No.23278911
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Some Rambling Thoughts on References
Usually when I'm reading I'm not reminded all that much of other media, or at least not enough to where it becomes something I believe to be notable. As I was reading through this though there were so many times where it seemed like was referencing very specific things and not doing much, if anything, to obscure it. I'm ambivalent about that, but it was so well integrated that I couldn't tell if was inspiration or something he had come up with independently. It happened so often and there's probably a lot that I missed that it really makes me wonder. I'm reminded of the saying "good artists copy, great artists steal". There's such an orgy of evidence that I started second guessing myself because it was too obvious and I must've been letting my imagination run wild.

Because there are several layers of walls with attacking titans, which the leviathans are also called, along with their usage of cannons and other tactics, I've seen Attack on Titan mentioned a lot, which I don't disagree with. There are a few other similarities as well and depending on how it progresses it could have even more in common with it. There also a lot of major differences with it as well though.

Without going into detail I was also reminded of Alice in Wonderland (mostly the Chesire Cat), Dune, Book of the New Sun, No Country for Old Men (the film), a few specific JRPGs, and a few other anime/manga. What may be a One Piece reference was one of the more surprising. There's much more I could mention. The blindfold reminds me of something, but I don't remember what. The rolling around on the floor reminds me of anime and I'd go as far as saying one character was doing the Shaft head tilt.

Honestly, it made me feel a bit crazy. This isn't something I wanted to include in the main part, but it's something was more than significant enough to where I felt I was compelled to ramble about it at some length. If none of this is at all relevant, than that's all the more to show what a write Bennet is, at least for me anyway. If it is relevant than I think it was all very well used and speaks highly of him as well.

I like both of the covers. The former looks like a nice fancy cover while the other is more representative of the title and content. What do you think about them?

Lastly, the question that I think is irrelevant, but for others means everything to them. Is this POZZED?! The answer is, yes. Yes, it is. If that bothers you, then don't read it. In what way is it? You'd have to read it yourself or have someone else tell you, because I don't think it matters. How much is it? That's difficult for me to judge because I'm not sensitive to it, but I don't think it's all that much. Those who go by the one drop rule obviously feel differently though. Why is it? You already have more than enough answers for why. Dealbreakers are a personal problem. I'm not going to pretend that I don't have any.

>> No.23278915

The novel is way too good for RR.

>> No.23278938

>has never read Amber
how do you mean? the Belgariad series is 5 books then 5 of the Malloreon which are a direct sequel taking place a few years later

>> No.23278947

>it's either reading lotr or chink slop/self published crap from 2010+
you know there's 60 years worth of books between these two right?

>> No.23278953

It's not even depression. I return to books I've read because I cannot find new books to stimulate me in the same way. I could go back to crawling through older 50s-70s stories but I do prefer to go in as blind as possible regarding the story; while hard(er) sci-fi is most definitely a later thing. It's difficult to find authors writing the shit you enjoy when every Al Gore rhythm talks about the same twenty authors.

>> No.23278957
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Naruto with Gandalf. Change my mind.

>> No.23278960

>First published February 21, 2019
Just buy an ad Justin

>> No.23278972

if I were Justin my nom de plume would be Justin Time

>> No.23278987

Yes. Wolfe, Le Guin, Vinge, Pratchett Jordan.. the usual suspects

>> No.23278993

belgariad anon here, currently reading amber, it's not great

>> No.23279004

None of those are first-rate authors even among their peers. Sole exception is Le Guin

>> No.23279042

Female protagonists or writers?

>> No.23279052


>> No.23279054

>currently reading amber, it's not great
yeah the reason I brought up Amber is because it was completely horrible, in contrast to what that idiot I replied to said about Zelazny, I advise you stop reading it immediately and save yourself a lot of grief

>> No.23279060

Female protagonists and female writers.

>> No.23279100

Poul Anderson
Mervyn Peake
Fritz Leiber
L. Sprague de Camp
Fletcher Pratt
Richard Matheson
Peter S. Beagle
Lloyd Alexander
Anne McCaffrey
Michael Moorcock
Randall Garrett
Jane Gaskell
Robert Silverberg
Clifford D. Simak
Gardner F. Fox
Roger Zelazny
Terry Brooks
Stephen R. Donaldson
Patricia A. McKillip
Mary Stewart
Robin McKinley
Katherine Kurtz
Tanith Lee
Phyllis Eisenstein
Tim Powers
C.J. Cherryh
Elizabeth A. Lynn
Lin Carter
Philip José Farmer
Karl Edward Wagner
Robert Don Hughes
Eric Van Lustbader
David Eddings
Raymond E. Feist
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Margaret Weis
Tad Williams
Glen Cook
Mercedes Lackey
R.A. Salvatore
Guy Gavriel Kay
Elizabeth Moon
Ellen Kushner
Steven Brust
David Gemmell
Barbara Hambly
Charles de Lint
Emma Bull
Melanie Rawn
John Crowley
Jennifer Roberson
Patricia C. Wrede
Christopher Stasheff
Meredith Ann Pierce
Julian May
Harry Turtledove
Lyndon Hardy
Dave Duncan
Robert Holdstock
Monica Furlong
Joel Rosenberg
John M. Ford
Robert Lynn Asprin
Michael Shea
Katharine Kerr
P.C. Hodgell
Michael Scott Rohan
Patricia Kennealy-Morrison
Louise Cooper
Hugh Cook
Marta Randall
Janet E. Morris
Janny Wurts
If you want to shill your self-published slop go to reddit, they love slop there

>> No.23279106

eyaa is helliconia good or overrated

>> No.23279135
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2024: The Third World War. I bitched about it a few threads back. it was just lame fast popcorn military thriller. but I really needed a breaker from sci-fi

Use of Weapons by Banks. Consider Fleas never clicked for me, Player of Games clicked OK (but honestly I read it too fast and just didn't "get" it.. chess... in space!!!). But I'm 120 pages into Use of Weapons and it's slick and sexy and it's clicking and man I like how Banks writes.

>> No.23279149

If you want to shill female authors, sjws, feminists, lgbt promoters, race mixers go to reddit, they love slop there.

>> No.23279151

You missed a few.

>> No.23279213


>> No.23279227

it's okay but Aldiss is a coomer for underaged girls

>> No.23279242

What can be done about the jew RR shills? It’s insufferable

>> No.23279259

What the fuck is "cultivation"?

>> No.23279288

>Player of Games clicked OK (but honestly I read it too fast and just didn't "get" it.. chess... in space!!!)

Players of games is shonen isekai cynically targeted at a highly specific market segment of autistic board gamers. your point of reference is that of a normie (e.g. you mention chess), so you are not one of us and there is really no reason for PoG to make any impression.

If you like Use of Weapons you will probably also like Canal Dreams.

>> No.23279315
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Turns out it only has Suldrun's Garden

>> No.23279348
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can't believe it took them three and half books to finally use that lmao.

>> No.23279359

rendezvous with rama was fucking weird for being such a highly esteemed classic
>mostly about woah cool setpieces
>captain chad 2wives existing
>the sequelbait ending that also makes no fucking sense (would you say "the humans do everything in twos!! because we have 2 fuckin legs?)
were people really that impressed with it in its time or am I missing something here

>> No.23279428

It's basically just chink flavored litrpg. Infinite power level wanking where characters snort ground up demon-tiger penis and meditate inside of a divine lightning bolt to become stronger than ten thousand dragons.

>> No.23279429
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Nope, a lot of scifi classics just fucking suck

>> No.23279449

the relationship between polgara and garion throughout the entire series is one that hasn't been surpassed in my mind. there's a moment in book 4 that should really seal the deal if you aren't fully convinced by then

>> No.23279461

what >>23279428 said - it's literally just Dragon Ball Z converted to text, with Goku training for 200 million years while he's dead in the 14th heaven of eternal training dojo to go even further beyond Super Saiyan x3 except instead of being a cartoon for hyperactive 9 year old boys to sell trading cards and action figures to it is written wholly 100% unironically and treated as a serious piece of professional literature on par with Journey to the West

>> No.23279487

That's the most tolerable chinkshit. The really bad chinkshit is where everyone was always godly the entire time so they take turns revealing how they were just holding back.

>> No.23279508

It's tolerable, it can occasionally even be kind of fun. The main problem here is that there is a vocal autistic minority for whom guilty pleasures are actually all that they read. So these threads are more and more turning into endless discussions of the worst slop. But I guess there are also really only so many conversations to be had about Vance and Wolfe at the end of the day.

>> No.23279518

scifi classics are famous for being the first modern published story with those ideas, not due to any real merit beyond that

>> No.23279520

the practice of daoist religion/magic is to consume elixirs and meditate yourself into becoming a god

>> No.23279535

I’ve got an interview at a fantasy publishing house coming up for a marketing position. What are some tips that might help me land the job?

>> No.23279536

wear a cock cage

>> No.23279542

at some point, clear your throat then spit the phlegm straight up into the air, catching it back in your mouth

>> No.23279556

>we have never seen a race quite like them, nor will we again
i'm really liking morning star. an accurately portrayed rebellion in sci fi is so rare holy shit.

>> No.23279626

>>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

All these links should be changed

>> No.23279633

>chart that separates books into gay, female protagonist, and other
>isekai chart
>Lesbian Genre Fiction.png
who made this shit

>> No.23279635

If you make the thread you can do whatever you want.

>> No.23279640

Is there any martial arts/mythology fantasy that isn't cultivation bullshit?

>> No.23279647

90% of authors sit down to write a story, you think they're going to churn out the furthest extent of their imagination, but nope, they think to themselves "I think will write half hearted schlock instead". I swear most sffg is written by people who don't have internal monologues or something

>> No.23279652

I've been thinking this. Most of the charts in there are actual garbage, some so much so that it seems like whoever made them must have been trolling. Even the ones that have okay books are formatted like shit so they are practically unusable. The point of having charts at all is so a newcomer doesn't have to ask for the same dozen recs every thread, but instead if they go to the mega they are pointed to "Oh Great! I can't believe I was reincarnated as a Farmer!" or "Dungeon Crawler Carl" or "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality!" or a chart for lesbian characters which includes trigger warnings or whatever the fuck else is in there. Which is especially useless because there is already an autist who posts his own charts for that kind of garbage unfailingly in every thread.

And I'm sure the goodreads group is well intentioned but like, look at the currently reading:
>Halo Novelization
>Dr Who Novelization
>Thrawn Star Wars
>The Walking Dead Novelization
The fuck is this shit?

But thanks to whoever took the time to make both the mega and the goodreads group, I think everyone would just appreciate if they were less shit, that's all.

>> No.23279675

Why are you a wordy faggot?

>> No.23279684

your """reviews""" are SHIT. fuck off

>> No.23279685

Did you make the mega? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings bud.

>> No.23279692

That's wuxia. I only know of the Jin Yong novels.

>> No.23279700

Absolute false flag.

>> No.23279701

The mega is 50% WH40k and Star Wars garbage, whoever made it needs to be taken out back and shot.

>> No.23279713

This is such a dumbed down reading, built on tropes and misunderstanding.

>> No.23279716

By all means make a more curated version of the mega if that's what pleases you. I don't have any interest in doing so and it's a low priority for me in general. If you look in the archive you can see that several years ago now the OP was a few selected charts. At that time there were tons of the same charts spammed in every thread. One of the reasons I made the mega was to reduce that spam and it mostly worked. It also really reduced the number of chart threads which was a bonus.

As for the Goodreads, which I also founded , the recs are for whatever theme I feel like for the month because they don't usually matter all that much. As it says, this one is basically an April Fool's that lasts the entire month. While I do have the themes picked out for rest of the year, I'm entirely open to what you think would be better choices. The previous ones are listed in the bookshelf.

As it is, I see the primary purpose of the group to be able to see what others think. The bookshelf function shows reviews and ratings from everyone in the group. Sometimes the members find other member accounts they like. There are other uses, mostly whatever I feel like since there isn't much activity.

The archive link is because I thought it was unnecessary to link back to a lot of the previous threads, often 3+, if not 5+. 1 suffices

I'm also the tripcode that posts my thoughts about what I read because that's what I feel like doing.

I post in the thread regularly and a lot.

There was a duration of time, I forget, probably ~6 months, that I was the making the thread and it caught on.

If you want there to be changes, you have to be the one to do them.

>> No.23279736

Personally for general usage I prefer the spreadsheet I made of what was most read and liked by the group, but it's outdated and rather lacking in a lot of ways. It would be nice if a lot of this was a lot better, but it's not something I'll be devoting my life to. I happened to wake up in the middle of the night and saw this and thought I'd reply sooner than later. If needed I'll go more in-depth after I wake up again. It's unfortunate there are so many limitations and deleterious circumstances, but that's just how it is and what has to be accommodated and worked within, especially without the requisite wider cooperation for meaningful change.

Anyway, back to sleep.

>> No.23279803

That's honestly fair for the most part. I don't normally check the Goodreads group so the April fools thing was lost on me (although I dunno who would read three/four presumably shitty books in one month as a joke).

For the Mega I might try making a more curated one myself if I find some time. I realize those sorts of things tend to be more work than expected though. Especially since I think that there would need to be some better charts made, not just fewer of the ones already there. I could also see how having a bunch of trash on there might possibly discourage some of it from seeping into the thread, although with what still gets posted it really doesn't seem to.

>> No.23279839

Newfags come here for "real/actual conversation" which is why they ask (and receive) the same 12 recs every single time due to them not browsing charts themselves and shutting the fuck up.
The goodreads group is literal newfag normalfags who barely read and who have a discord group to talk about relationships in.
Much of the problem here is simply the community.

I was thinking about the OP a few days ago. The best OP we had was whomever was constantly uploading high-res fantasy/sci-fi related images with a threadly question prompt. This was pre-covid and is never coming back.

>> No.23279891

I remember that, I also remember years ago instead of a mega it was just links to a couple of pretty inoffensive charts for sci fi and fantasy each, and also to that autistic boomer's web 1.0 "great sci fi and fantasy" site. Is there a good reason we switched from that? It's not perfect but it was surely better than what we have now in terms of general recs.

>> No.23279963

Your OP is fine.

>> No.23279984

*sigh*.. alright anon, whatever you say. checked.

>> No.23280094

>Thrawn Star Wars
>Halo Novelization
They're good

>> No.23280200
File: 533 KB, 1454x2200, Howling Dark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hadrian gets out in the universe/space and actually does shit instead of reflecting on the absolute HORROR of being born a rich noble of the ruling power
not surprisingly, it was more enjoyable than the first book and didn't feel like a slog

>> No.23280213

Is all of this true?
Have I been brain rotted by anime and Chinese webcomics?

>> No.23280242

chatgpt just recommended Revelation Space to me - is it worth reading? I have never seen it recommended here

>> No.23280275

your iq is far too low to enjoy banks if you think player of games is about board games lol

>> No.23280283

The 4 books aren't meant to all be read. It's more a suggestion than anything else. I sometimes explain my reasoning under the "why we're reading this". I usually do a before and after check using the "view activity" as to whether anyone added the books to their profile in some way. If you had clicked that for the Halo or Star Wars books you'd have seen that a fair number of members have read them and rated them well. I'm more interested in describing than prescribing which is why a lot of it is how it is. I fully encourage you to make as many charts as you can. It is less now. There's only a couple dedicated spammers.

For those interested here's /sffg/ sorted from oldest to newest, though the original threads used something else, as I've posted about before:

There are many who read a lot and write about what they've read in the group. That's why there's a thread putting the members in order of how much they've written about, though I haven't updated it in a while. The discord group isn't linked any longer and that isn't what it was about. At over 840 members it's at least somewhat representative of those who use the thread. It would be higher if I didn't purge members, especially blank profiles, every so often. I was harsher about it at the beginning though.

The threadly question has been used multiple times since then and it doesn't really matter because it often was entirely ignored.

Here's apparently when I started doing the threads more often and was rather silly about it at first, though I would like more in the OP.

Look from the beginning as I've linked and see what you liked best.

I agree. It's fine at best. I'd like more. I've posted what the mega link should be multiple times now to link directly to the sff charts, but since I haven't posted the threads myself it hasn't taken. As noted before there's also stuff in the /lit/ folder in zboards.

How often are you in the thread?
Even if something is mentioned every thread, which this isn't, most are probably only casually browsing and miss it, which is probably one of the reasons there's the same stuff posted every thread.

>> No.23280286

/lit/ will never admit it, but I really loved these books. I blasted through them so quickly, and I was surprised how them improved book by book without any really weak spots.

>> No.23280295

You mean /sffg/ and that's inaccurate. Many share your opinion. Both by posting as such in the thread and by how they rated them it in the group.

>> No.23280318

You do not own /sffg/, no one does except maybe hiroshimoot. Already you got away with shilling your goodreads group (which cannot even be accesed without an account), now you want to add more shitreads links, more walls of text and a cover of book you enjoyed into the OP.
Fuck off!

>> No.23280333

I've never claimed to own /sffg/. I haven't gotten away with anything. It's the choice of the thread maker what to include. There have been extended durations where various links were dropped from the OP and that's their decision. The Goodreads takes an account because as what I stated to be its main purpose, which requires an account filled out with books. That may or may not change in June as it will be one of the various things voted upon in the plebiscite as I've already notified members. I don't think any further Goodreads links need to be added, or walls of text, and I have no idea what you mean by the book cover.

>> No.23280361

Yes. Anime and martial fags hijacked it.

>> No.23280364

40k because you're bound to find a series or book you like. Just pick a book that focuses on whatever faction catches your fancy or try if you're into general mil-Scifi, go for Gaunt's Ghosts or Ciaphas Cain.

>> No.23280381

Who'd you get for the cover art?

>> No.23280387

>hates anything being creatively reinterpreted

>> No.23280396

It’s a disgrace to Taoist ritualists everywhere.

>> No.23280412

Taoist ritualists disgraced themselves by becoming ccp shills and a literal meme.

>> No.23280413

I'm sure they appreciate you being offended on their behalf.

>> No.23280414

If there's one thing I hate it's faggots clogging these threads with their warosu lines (pulled from their own extensive library of saved links to all their own posts). Just start a blog/substack so people can opt out/into your gay shit. All the people that post them are also majorly libtard reddit refugee coded in their language

>> No.23280425

I'm just about the only one links to to warosu here and it's either to reference something or link about a book I've written about. I certainly don't have them saved since it only takes a few seconds to search them up again. Other than that I don't really know what you're referring to.

>> No.23280502

lotr is good but not that good. the story is pretty generic, the movies are more entertaining

>> No.23280526

The ccp hates spiritualism though

>> No.23280529

nice bait

>> No.23280563


>> No.23280568
File: 251 KB, 500x333, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've honestly tried to read LotR a few times and never got through a quarter of book one. It's not like I'm incapable of reading large books, or fantasy. I just don't give a shit about whatever he starts talking about. I can't even remember what it was any more.

>> No.23280599

There's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.23280600

someone drop that good danmei shit

>> No.23280615

>Gorilla glasses: ON
>Gorilla book: OPEN
>Gorilla nips: OUT
>I Am Forcibly Removed From The Premises

>> No.23280668
File: 99 KB, 400x600, 1695715520431.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One of the most popular novels in all of royalroad
Is this actually good?
Why is it so popular?

>> No.23280685

I guess you're the only faggot then

>> No.23280688

>superhero story
>95% of the story involes no super heroing or even any real action
SS is for therapy obsessed women

>> No.23280691

Danmei (Chinese: 耽美; pinyin: dānměi; lit. 'indulging beauty') is a Chinese genre of literature and other fictional media that features romantic relationships between male characters.

>> No.23280740


>> No.23280803
File: 111 KB, 570x694, 20240404183305_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did google mean by this?

>> No.23280820

well they were atheist, but only so that the people would worship mao. they destroyed a lot of their culture in the cultural revolution

>> No.23280876

Have you read it? How pozzed is it?

That name and character looks on the cover is already giving me bad vibes.

>> No.23280969

How old are you? What is your skin color? These traits tend to determine your enjoyment of Lord of the Rings in any medium, and in print especially. For example, I'm white, so you'd expect me to be innately fond of Tolkien, but as a matter of fact I couldn't stand any sort of medieval fantasy - hell, any setting without guns - until I was about 21 or 22, which is about the time it starts to click for people if it ever will. I was a late bloomer, but my race showed out in the end.

>> No.23280981


>> No.23281152

Timbul Cahyono. Amazing, right? It is on already: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D1L9R2JK

Too bad I fucked the dimension details when uploading (there is a black line on the left). I already uploaded a correction, in a few hours it will be corrected.

>> No.23281170

32. White/Asian mutt. Though it's been a while since I last tried, so I don't know my age then.

I enjoyed the Hobbit when I was young, tried over the years to read the sequel that no one would shut up about, and just never cared.

>> No.23281171

No kindle edition?

>> No.23281178

It is processing right now. Maybe tomorrow will be out.

>> No.23281233

It's already dead. RIP.

>> No.23281382
File: 3.15 MB, 1440x7238, 20180321142921_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm...try watching the LOTR movies (extended editions of course), then playing Lord of the Rings: War in the North (I hope you got it before it was delisted from Steam lol) and then listening to the 1981 BBC radio drama, and then trying to read LOTR proper. If none of that works, it means you inherited soullessness from your Asian parent, a regrettably incurable condition.

>> No.23281398

fellowship is a very acquired taste, at least until they get to moria or thereabout. all the elf scenes are really boring too. I like book 2 and 3 a lot more

>> No.23281400

I watched the two towers and it was boring af.

>> No.23281465

Read The Silmarillion instead

>> No.23281476

Confirmed bug.

>> No.23281482

I thought I learned my lesson the last time I looked up a character name to see if there's any art of them to get a good idea of what they look like only to have their death spoiled by quite literally the first Google result of just their name and the series but here I am again feeling like an annoyed retard once again

>> No.23281496

third time's the charm, eh anon?

>> No.23281529

chinese fantasy version of real life esoteric daoist practice to cultivate oneself into immortality. it would be like if someone read the legends of western mystics being able to fly and perform other miracles and based an entire genre about gaining the abilitg to fly through meditation.

>> No.23281543

I hate how I can only get engaging conversation about RI on 4chan. Everywhere else people immediately take the ruthless benefits-seeking worldview of the Gu world at value, not understanding that it’s an allegory for the bugman condition currently infecting China.

>> No.23281571

Pozzed as in "There's black people" or pozzed as in "They can't shut up about identity politics"?

>> No.23281593

there is no separation between philosophical daoism and people snorting pixie dust in the woods, it's all part of the same religious practice that has been evolving for thousands of years

>> No.23281602

Daily reminder that all of these faggots seething about 'chinkshit' are pathetic westoid authors who are mad that their stories about niggers and trannies are being outclassed by stories written by bugpeople.

Go to the library and try to read a "book" concocted by modern westerners and you'll realize why this general primarily talks about xianxia.

>> No.23281612

Mostly the role of women and the existence of LGBT characters.

>> No.23281615

No wonder the CCP censored it

>> No.23281633

I missed that racist word you and now disavow everything you said, also finding it bad that I even agreed with you in the first place

>> No.23281684

>there are 3 billion bug people in the world
>there are only 1 billion whites
>anon is proud to be a bug because they win the raw numbers game of engagement
is there a word for this syndrome?

>> No.23281699

>Mostly the role of women and the existence of LGBT characters.
Can you expand further on this? The Bible has various roles for women and LGBT characters, but only the most deranged and/or depraved lunatic could call it pozzed.
What about the role of women is the problem, specifically, that makes it pozzed? Is it a matriarchal society that is inexplicably a utopia because women replaced men at all levels of government so there's somehow no wars? That's pozzed. Is there a queen in charge of a country somewhere? That's not pozzed.
What about the existence of LGBT, specifically, is the problem? Is it the positive representation of pederasty and fag marriage with men whining about their husbands? That's pozzed. Is it the presence of a court eunuch? That's not pozzed.
Please explain your rationale for hatred without resorting to thought-terminating cliches.

>> No.23281713

>you don't like the particular shit that I like to consume so you are a bugman

>> No.23281716

You literally admitted to being a hapa.

>> No.23281738

I enjoy Chinese fantasy because they are the only group of people who create evil protagonists. I have never come across a western novel featuring an evil protagonist, at most there are anti-heroes.

Xianxia is the only genre I have read where the protagonists literally do not have a bottom line. Rape, murder, genocide, they do all of these things casually, which is refreshing to read about compared to western protagonists who would rather kill themselves than kill their enemies.
Power gained through comprehensions into philosophy are more interesting to read than powers gained by meteorites and mana.

>> No.23281836

Read Maldoror, pal.

>> No.23281844

It's not about me at all. There's just a guy who always asks so I thought I'd put that there. Probably this guy

I think you're confused. As I stated, I don't care about such things. I have no problem with "pozzed", "degeneracy", or whatever else. All of your examples wouldn't bother me. As you note, they seem to be mostly personally defined words.

>> No.23281858

A story based around the mechanics of gaining power is almost inherently uninteresting.
>which is refreshing to read about compared to western protagonists who would rather kill themselves than kill their enemies.
A lot of the lauded virtues of chink lit just come from the person in question not reading very widely. There are plenty of extremely grey stories, where main characters are raping murdering monsters.

All the xianxia stuff I've read just seems stories of protagonists with a god complex, where the '''story''' is just being an extremely autistically written and boringly detailed vehicle for them to play out power fantasies.

>> No.23281873

>All the xianxia stuff I've read just seems stories of protagonists with a god complex, where the '''story''' is just being an extremely autistically written and boringly detailed vehicle for them to play out power fantasies.
well that's what happens when your nation's Century of Humiliation lasts 800 years.

>> No.23281882
File: 1.01 MB, 1231x2015, The-Runelords-by-David-Farland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys, I recently picked up the Runelords, because it sounded kind of interesting and was a good price. Is it any good?

>> No.23281886

I'm starting to vaguely recall lots of people just sitting around arguing. Is that what makes it acquired?

That's a different person. Also I don't know if telling me to watch the movies and play the game is a great testimonial to the literary superiority of whites.

>> No.23281899

I liked it. The author taught Sanderson for a bit.

>> No.23281900

>There are plenty of extremely grey stories, where main characters are raping
Such as?

>> No.23281903

The first half of Fellowship can be a slog for new readers. It takes getting used to Tolkien's writing style, and in truth it doesn't really pick up until the Council of Elrond. Me personally I tried to read Lord of the Rings numerous times as a kid and a teen and never could get past the initial hump of the first part of Fellowship of the Ring. It wasn't until I was in college I gave it another go and I could get through it.

See if you can power through the first half of Fellowship. Once they get going to destroy the ring after the Council of Elrond the series never really lets go. Fellowship isn't even as long as a lot of modern fantasy books anyway.

Or just do whatever, you do you. But Lord of the Rings is remembered for a reason, but it does take time to get used to Tolkien if you're used to modern fantasy.

>> No.23281905

why doesn't fantasy look like this anymore

>> No.23281906

There is a copy of his first book at my library I'm thinking about reading. Was it any good?

>> No.23281907
File: 245 KB, 736x917, ac607681cb53544ac1ac6d5b548e1492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the cthulhu mythos so good?

>> No.23281921
File: 179 KB, 762x1171, the-lies-of-locke-lamora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because we can't have nice things anymore, anon. While a lot of the 80s/90s covers for fantasy books look kind of the same style to me, at least they were actual attempts at making it pretty and interesting. These days it's just an object on a plain background or something like that.

The only modern fantasy I can think of that has a good cover was the Trade Paperback version of the Lies of Locke Lamora. Even if I think that was a 3.5/5 book at best, the cover blows a lot of other book covers out of the water, in the modern age at least.

It makes me wonder if there are any other standout fantasy covers in the modern age. I'm sure there are some, but I can't think of any right now.

>> No.23281966

I don't think you're very familiar with modern fantasy covers or you have a very specific aesthetic you like and nothing else.

>> No.23281969

most of the crap that gets talked about here is dime novels and pulp magazines

>> No.23281973

There is only RI, every other Chinese author and story adhere to CCP guidelines.

>A story based around the mechanics of gaining power is almost inherently uninteresting
It's what motivates Chinese characters to do what they do. It is not bad motivation for a male main character.
What are the motivations of characters in Western literature, what are the mechanics of Western stories?
The struggle of females? The stuggle of lgbt trannies? The stuggles of blacks (in stories written by whites) and oppression and discrimination of whites and white culture, promotion of cuckoldry, race mixing and of course the main theme, the self sacrifice and death of a white hero to save his white woman and his best friend (black) so they could live happily ever after.

Chinese authors write stories and characters that strive for power, for immortality, for eternal life.
Western authors write stories and characters that strive for their own death.

>> No.23281975

one of the only actually compelling and unique "worlds" or whatever in fantasy. i really don't know why fantasy authors today are so desperate to make their stories grounded and believable.

>> No.23281978

Western fantasy is slop just like chinkshit. Why pretend there's a standard anymore?

>> No.23281980

which one? jin yong’s works are like conan but take place in ancient/medieval china, with more focus on fight scenes and interpersonal relationships.

if you are fluent in chinese, you must read them in chinese because they are very well written in chinese.

the translation quality will never be as good as the original, and there will likely be much lost in translation, but the story itself is still good. even if the prose quality suffers greatly.

>> No.23281983

Because commerical writers write what sells.

>> No.23281989

its low fantasy since it takes place on earth btw

>> No.23282007

I do read more modern stuff, and generally I think there has been a decline in quality when it comes to covers. Faithful and the Fallen, as much as I like it, tends to have covers that are a weapon, on a white background, with some vague army at the bottom. Fun books, but very boring covers in my opinion.

I'll admit it's a matter of taste. I do like when there's more art to it than just an aesthetic.

And I take back what I said about Lies of Locke Lamora being the only one that stands out. I do like the cover for Kings of the Wyld as well. The Stormlight book covers are also fairly good, even if I'm not the biggest fan of the actual books themselves.

>> No.23282012

RIP David Farland. He was a mentor for a lot of fantasy writers, including Sanderson. Would like to one day read that series

>> No.23282013

Just has litfic has been skewing covers to appeal to genrefags, fantasy has been doing the same thing to either appeal to a trend or not look like fantasy. I'm suprised everything hasn't gone westoid animu/tumblrcore yet like YA.

>> No.23282019
File: 61 KB, 600x859, 9781250341624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wait, it has.

>> No.23282028
File: 241 KB, 1000x622, empireofgrass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It makes me wonder if there are any other standout fantasy covers in the modern age. I'm sure there are some, but I can't think of any right now.
Tad Williams's new series The Last King of Osten Ard had some pretty amazing covers for the first two books until the publishing house cucked out and decided to pinch pennies. Michael Whelan is one of the GOATs of fantasy covers imo.

Pic related is the Empire of Grass cover which I promised myself I would buy and frame someday

>> No.23282038

That is really beautiful, anon. I like it a lot. Tad's books typically do have good covers, though I did notice the ones for the Last King of Osten Ard, at least the later ones, were just generic looking. A real shame.

>> No.23282059

Yeah, it really is. Would've loved to see more artwork of that world from Michael Whelan but oh well

>> No.23282064

I swear some people here at E4L (English 4th language).

>> No.23282072

I swear that some people here are E4L.
Fixed it for you.

>> No.23282080
File: 1.29 MB, 2515x3353, chad china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make fantasy great again

>> No.23282084

Thank you, I was carrying groceries while typing it.

>> No.23282093
File: 194 KB, 2500x1250, winnie-the-pooh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23282100

It's good popcorn fantasy, the magic works like superpowers so it has that comic book feel, i say this in a good way since this was 15 years before the MCU existed.

>> No.23282124

So I finally realized life is too short to read shit classics so what good fantasy should I read. I've never read a fantasy or sci-fi book. How's Sanderson? He has a lot of haters around here.

>> No.23282130

read >>23278299 instead

>> No.23282132

Did you want to read the shit classics of fantasy, or just how far down the slop rabbit hole were you planning to go?

>> No.23282139

Depends on where you want to start, and what you value. Prose, characters, worldbuilding, etc. Various authors do different things. I'll personally say I'm not the biggest fan of Sanderson, but he is very popular, and many do praise his worldbuilding.

I would say if you're not a fan of intricate prose, try reading John Gwynne's Faithful and the Fallen. It's very good, and not very prose heavy. If you want to jump straight in and get it out of your system, give Lord of the Rings a try, though it's not the easiest if you're used to more modern works. Tad Williams is excellent, but is very prose heavy, something I personally really like, but not everyone enjoys. I'll also plug in Kings of the Wyld here. It's not going to reach the highs of the authors I just mentioned, but it is a lot of fun, and very easy to read. I'll also plug in Joe Abercrombie's First Law books if you want something darker. Excellent character work, and not too hard on the prose.

>> No.23282160
File: 177 KB, 1260x523, lunas house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much fantasy I see can't even raise itself above of the bar of "worth reading over another harry potter fanfic." Sad!

>> No.23282166

I believe most modern books are trash but I'm willing to read something that entertains me. And unfortunately the "canon" was very boring to me
Thanks for recs. I want something that'll be easy to visualise. I want to fix my attention span.

>> No.23282184

just read old school fantasy, bro.

>> No.23282186
File: 401 KB, 1200x1627, simon bisley - slaine_4gladius_0672_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Conan series by Robert E. Howard
Elric of Melnibone series by Michael Moorecock
Book of the New Sun series by Gene Wolfe
Drenai series by David Gemmell
The Black Company series by Glen Cook

These are focused more on action and adventuring instead of nobles bickering and stabbing each other in the back. Not sure if you were looking for the latter.

>> No.23282191

Anon practically just admitted to being to retarded for the classics. Of course he doesn't care about prose.

>> No.23282196

>this nigga shopping in krone

>> No.23282214

>course he doesn't care about prose
I do care about prose you dumb fuck. I don't hate classics for the prose, I hate them because nothing fucking happens in them.

>> No.23282232

Is there anything you've read and enjoyed outside of the canon or are you just completely new to reading? Sanderson is basically anime in book form, but you might enjoy that more than acclaimed and literate fantasy. On the other-hand you can embrace rolling in the muck like a pig and read xianxia or litrpg shit. You probably shouldn't do that, but it's up to you. But if you don't have patience for classics I think you won't like Wolfe or Tolkien or others like them.

>> No.23282250

>Nothing happens in the Iliad or the Odyssey
>Nothing happens in Evangeline
>Nothing happens in Macbeth
>Nothing happens in Don Quixote
>Nothing happens in Moby Dick
>Nothing happens in The Sorrows of Young Werther
>Nothing happens in 1984
>Nothing happens in the Tell-Tale Heart
>Nothing happens in The Call of the Wild
>Nothing happens in An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
>Nothing happens in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
I think you might just be dumb. At least read some of Poe's more fantastical stories like MS. Found in a Bottle and Silence: A Fable.

>> No.23282255

>Is there a reason
General influx of new users who do not care about thread content and perhaps a departure of more users who do care. Whoever usurped the OP made it his own. There has been a 'meta', if you will, of rushing to be the first to create a new thread as soon as a current thread hits bump limit. Thinking about it, I believe that all of our current ritualposters are covid+ 2020+ abortion spawn.
>not even six months before 2020
I was thinking further back like 2016 and before even. The MUCH RELATIVE and SUBJECTIVE better times. If you have no input, feel free to not reply.
Newfags would benefit from becoming more familiar with warosu.

>> No.23282271

Before that I provided the link to the oldest threads that had /sffg/ in the subject line. You've ignored that.

>> No.23282291

If you want older than that, this predates /sffg/ and isn't the oldest.

>> No.23282328

>Whoever usurped the OP made it his own. There has been a 'meta', if you will, of rushing to be the first to create a new thread as soon as a current thread hits bump limit. Thinking about it, I believe that all of our current ritualposters are covid+ 2020+ abortion spawn.

This is the worst thing about NuChan. I hate the redditor/twitter faggots that have infested this place. I can't stand it anymore.

>> No.23282339

>chooses some works out of hundreds of classics
>see something happens in these
doesn't undermine my point, in most of the classics nothing happens

>> No.23282343

>Is there anything you've read and enjoyed outside of the canon or are you just completely new to reading?
Unfortunately, I'm completely new to reading. I have already outgrown most anime.

>> No.23282348

When did nuchan start? The oldest usage of it on /lit/ is from 2018.

>> No.23282360

I don't know dude, just look up 4chan.org usage statistics. It has huge bumps during the 2016 election season and 2020 lockdowns. It's been a slow erasure of the core culture over time.

>> No.23282364

I was asking for when you thought it started, but ok. What do you believe the core culture was?

>> No.23282380

When Russia invaded Ukraine was when the board died for good. There was a stark difference and quality fell off a cliff in the period of a few months and never recovered

>> No.23282403

Adding to this list >>23278299 >>23282186 :
Kane series by Karl Edward Wagner
The Dying Earth series by Jack Vance
Three Hearts and Three Lions & The Broken Sword by Poul Anderson

>> No.23282530

It used to be called "Newfag Summer", kids in middle- or high-school discovered 4chan for the first time or redditors migrated to the website during the time school vacations started up every year. I think the earliest I ever heard mention of it by name was 2010 or 2011 (coinciding with >2011 >ISHYGDDT). They would shitpost and act retarded for a few months but eventually they'd assimilate into chan culture properly; at least until 2015. Newfag Summer of 2015 also happened to merge into the election fracas and it never ended - we're still in 2015's Newfag Summer, and none of these fucking redditors or radicalized teenagers and twenty-something college students will accept 4chan as it is, or even supposed to be - they insist on making it reddit, or twitter, or discord, or stormfront, or whatever trash online circlejerking hugbox echochamber they come from, and drag down the IQ of the whole website, which is really saying something considering 4chan's average IQ before Newfag Summer makes countries in sub-saharan Africa look intelligent.

>> No.23282537

Please tell us which books we should be reading.

>> No.23282542

>insipid quote by GRRM
Every time.

>> No.23282576

just finished it, what a wowzer. probably the strongest trilogy ive read in some time. the ending was solid as fuck, i genuinely was not sure if the author was intentionally making you think they had a plan when they didnt, or if they really had a plan. the way they don't actually win, so much as happen upon victory as the evolving situation allows it is so well written.

and the epilogue... can anyone rec me some based procreator sffg? tired of the fake ass romances with no breeding.

i finished this series about a week ago. if you think the reflecting on horror in the first book is bad then youre not ready for kingdoms of death. it makes the first book read like teen angst lmao.

>> No.23282597

You gotta read the sequel series now it eclipses the original three in quality by a large margin and I already liked the first three

>> No.23282601

i dont believe you, but the opening lines of iron gold are... well we'll see.

>> No.23282606

He's literally a male. And it's just the author's fetish, because he does it like 3 more times afterwards. It's really not that deep. Males are stronger and more interesting than women but it would be gay to have a party full of males, so he just makes some of them women

>> No.23282660

You will by the time you finish Dark Age

>> No.23282799

I am obliged to vent my frustration. I read Bog Standard, completely decent until the author decided to go back on his decision because his patreons screeched and kvetched about a decision. Now the faggots on royalroad, who also cried, are confused why the story is where it is. Death to 'magick so kewl!!' niggers.

>> No.23282805

complete webshitter death

>> No.23282809

>Bog Standard Isekai: A LitRPG Progression Fantasy
I have only contempt for you and take pleasure in your suffering

>> No.23282820

You may be right, but where do you draw the line when half of that shit gets published?
I got baited by people complaining about the lack of LitRPG, sue me. The start really is divorced from LitRPG elements barring blue box exposition, no numbers. Then it enters the worst of both worlds, where numbers mean nothing yet MC keeps on crunching.

>> No.23282825

I draw the line at a competant editor

>> No.23282839

Him being turned into a woman has literally no meaning beyond the author making a few jokes. Bai Ning Bing has zero romantic or sexual interests, the whole novel is almost divorced from the idea of romance, the closest thing you will find is our MC reminiscing about his love in the past life, but even that is irrelevant sans giving a backstory, showing once again how he came to be what he is.

>> No.23282841

>child of mars, welcome to the worlds
why am i tearing up, this book is bullshit i hate this writer. his brisk prose is too emotionally poignant to be anything but black magic.

>> No.23282842

>redditors migrated to the website
This was during 2011, yes. They brought over autismposting and fedoraposting as well. It's like immigrants in real life: they don't assimilate to whichever culture they place themselves in; they attempt to subjugate everyone around them into following whichever rules and beliefs THEY desire.

>> No.23282845

I don't know a single webnovel that got saved due to a competent editor. The very fact a webnovel is published shows what people want to read, an editor won't change anything.

>> No.23282849

Literally every webnovel that becomes a well read published book was saved by a good editor.

>> No.23282856

Mind giving some examples?
>a well read published book
Seems very general, I am sure most of the things I would label as being shit fall into this category for someone else. Worse yet I haven't noticed any significant difference between things still on RR and published webnovels when it comes to quality of their story, character or worldbuilding. Maybe prose, but that doesn't change the inherent shit writting.

>> No.23282878

youre operating from an elevated standard. lower your bar if you want to analyze low brow works, otherwise you cant fucking think.

>> No.23282893

What are you even trying to say here? Just follow the conversation for a second.
I posted about the sad state of affairs a decent novel got ruined by the fans bashing on the author, lamenting. Other anon bashes webnovels in general, I retort by pointing out they get published all the time, which he claims is saved by competent editors. I don't see it and ask for examples. Then you come telling me to lower my standards if I want to enjoy shit.
That point is all fine and good, excluding the obvious. But what does that have to do with the question of editor elevating a webnovel, trash genre, into a good published book. Am I to lower my standards to some hypothetical middle ground, blow which are webnovels, with edited and published webnovels being above it? You do realize how stupid that is?

>> No.23282898

It's boring. I've read it, it has a good premise but it's badly executed. I hate that the entire world is a shithole. Like the protagonist is evil, but the people he's up against aren't are as bad if not worse. That's something xianxia does well, where just because you have an evil protagonist, doesn't mean the people he's up against have to be even worse. But it's so common in western webnovels.
Father of Monstrosity is a way better version of it with an evil protagonist that isn't a retard.

Also this thread is in such an awful state. I don't think it was good just a few years ago, especially with the bakkerspam, but this is horrid.

>> No.23282903
File: 310 KB, 702x1132, 30789470773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

6.5/10 kino I enjoyed.

>> No.23282927

>You do realize how stupid that us?
explain why it is stupid

>> No.23283104

Why Bakker of course. Multiple PoV characters are raping genocidal racist warlords. Cnaiur, Conphas, Xerius, and Kellhus are all main characters, and have PoV chapters and each one is a rapist of some description (bar Kellhus I guess if you don't think mindfucking someone is rape). Hell even some of the more '''heroic''' characters like Proyas contemplates raping a child while plundering a city

>> No.23283106

Jesus I never read bakkar far enough ahead. Fuck this psued.

>> No.23283120

>Chinese authors write stories and characters that strive for power, for immortality, for eternal life.
>Western authors write stories and characters that strive for their own death.
Chink authors strive for number go up revenge nuh uh I'm super powerful dbz shit. It reeks of insecurity because the fantasy boils down to an over-sensitive "nobody can hurt me, never ever ever" fantasy that the entire story is warped around.

Its why Quin Dong achieving 4th heaven level celestial dan allowing him to curb stomp a family because he put in the salaryman hours to grind for extra power is childish and gay. There is nothing adventurous, heroic, or badass about so ordered a system and such stunted characters.

There are thousands of fantasy books pre social justice where none of the stuff you're complaining about features. There are also plenty of other fantasy stories that dispense with such things even now. Its just that you see someone being promoted online in liberal circles and your brain shuts down.

>> No.23283124

>number go up revenge nuh uh I'm super powerful dbz shit
>Its why Quin Dong achieving 4th heaven level celestial dan allowing him to curb stomp a family because he put in the salaryman hours to grind for extra power is childish and gay
>nothing adventurous, heroic, or badass about so ordered a system
This is the reason why a lot of east fantasy has no stakes and thus no pull, it's not just slop it's like lowslop. Just power fantasies and contrivances upon contrivances at the next page's whim.

>> No.23283135

>It's boring. I've read it, it has a good premise but it's badly executed. I hate that the entire world is a shithole. Like the protagonist is evil, but the people he's up against aren't are as bad if not worse.
How many chapters did you read? It was mostly pirates and mercenaries and other scum that got killed by protagonist in the early chapters. Later the actual settlers came, neither good nor bad, just regular people who got corrupted by the protagonist. After that protagonist goes against religious monks etc. Portrayal of (fictional) medieval society is realistic and well written

>> No.23283139

thought this was clear in the post but you seem to have stopped reading it halfway through, but the specific "horror" of whining about his family's customs, whining about his dad, whining about his mom, whining about his brother, whining about the use of servants, whining about the nobility, whining about the empire, etc. was what annoyed me in book 1. but if that does come back later in the series that is a shame

anyways, the fact that he dropped the noble savage retardation about the Cielcin in Howling Dark is a good start and why I'm starting Demon in White

have you read any of the novellas/short stories? any good? I know there's a couple set before book 3

>> No.23283172

You keep going about the dbz shit. Yeah the authors promote character growth and strength so that they don't die a stupid heros death.
But do address the western tropes, the modern ones, and the less moderm ones like the hero ready to sacrifice himself for the first female he meets on the road.

> There are thousands of fantasy books pre social justice where none of the stuff you're complaining about features. There are also plenty of other fantasy stories that dispense with such things even now. Its just that you see someone being promoted online in liberal circles and your brain shuts down.
Can you list a few? I have been recommended works of Le Guin (a first rate authors among first rate authors) but upon checking her books I found then to sjw garbage.

>> No.23283182

gotta start somewhere, good for you for taking the initiative. seriously consider reading Harry Potter. they're good stories that are easy to follow and of similar quality to most anime, in the sense that it's easily digestible and not very challenging to one's own abilities to consume media. there's a very good reason as to why they're one of the most popular series in the world.

>> No.23283195

>But do address the western tropes, the modern ones, and the less moderm ones like the hero ready to sacrifice himself for the first female he meets on the road.
These aren't ubiquitous enough to be western tropes. Its just things you don't like in "an amount" of western books.

>Can you list a few? I have been recommended works of Le Guin (a first rate authors among first rate authors) but upon checking her books I found then to sjw garbage.
Conan would be a good start. I've no idea how autistic you are with "sjw garbage" and what constitutes it, but Conan and Bakker are both stories that are built from the ground up for male readers, and feature nothing that could be construed as sjw. If I start listing off pre 2000s fantasy books I enjoy you might flip out because there is a femoid that talks to a MC and isn't raped or beheaded for it - with some autistic 'it had to be this way' justification from the story.

For some slopcore you can always read 40k novels. There are hundreds of them, rarely feature female characters full stop, and are usually some variety of action pulp.

>> No.23283196

Tell me the last book that you have read and really enjoyed, it can even be with a big fat 'BUT'.

>> No.23283198

no buts

>> No.23283206

The Killer Angels by Shaara. a historical fiction book about the 3 day battle of Gettysburg. I just liked it a lot ok?? Good page turner, not bad prose, good insight into the characters (where it was "real" or not)

>> No.23283224

nta but If your only goal was to avoid sjw shit why would you ever read Le Guin? That's like actually the worst choice you could make amongst the common sci-fi greats. She is a good writer but it's no secret that she is a feminist, or that her work includes feminist themes.

>the hero ready to sacrifice himself for the first female he meets on the road.
If you're talking about chivalric literature, equating that to simping is a little disingenuous I think.

If you want someone older and western I'd suggest trying Vance. The DBZ shit is fine if that's what you enjoy, there just isn't that much depth to it and the writing is usually atrocious.

>> No.23283250

I'm depressed because I have no future, is now a good time to start Way of Kings to get my mind off my shortcomings

>> No.23283268

Currently reading Down the Long Wind by Gillian Bradshaw, a trilogy of Arthurian novels focusing on Sir Gawain - Gwalchmai, the Hawk of May, son of Morgawse of Orkney (Morgan la Fey) and brother of Medraut (Mordred). The first two novels, Hawk of May and Kingdom of Summer, are exceptionally good, but Kingdom of Summer switched from Gawain's own first-person perspective to the POV of his squire Rhys ap Sion - not that there was anything really wrong with that, it was just jarring, since the focus was still on Gawain's activities in Arthur's service, but I just started In Winter's Shadow and it's suddenly taken the perspective of Gwynhwyfar (Guenevere) and I feel like Gwalchmai is going to play second-fiddle to the narrative of Guenevere's adultery and Mordred's scheming instead of the story still being about him.

>> No.23283272

>>But do address the western tropes, the modern ones, and the less moderm ones like the hero ready to sacrifice himself for the first female he meets on the road.
>These aren't ubiquitous enough to be western tropes. Its just things you don't like in "an amount" of western books.
What are the western tropes then?

>> No.23283333
File: 106 KB, 647x1000, 1688538964398061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some of the best fantasy (adjacent) writing I've ever seen, like Robert E. Howard on steroids at points, but the retards in this thread won't even give it a try.

>> No.23283400

Sorry, I'm sure it's great, but it sounds like boring christcuck shit. I can't imagine reading about some old faggot crying because he wants to stay a virgin. Nice quads tho.

>> No.23283421

3 members of /sffg/ have read it. 2 gave it 5 stars and 1 4 stars. 9 others have it marked as to-read.

>> No.23283429
File: 78 KB, 504x761, 1685424618134477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really enjoyed
without exaggerating, The Golden Age (and sequels) last year
more enjoyment in one page than most whole novels, other scifi at least

makes those Wright posts last thread that much funnier

>> No.23283458

Should I read Mistborn before Stormlight archive?

>> No.23283461

>boring christcuck shit
gustave flaubert was a hyperpromiscuous bisexual whoremonger antinatalist with ten different venereal diseases caught fucking teenage boys in turkey

>> No.23283475

That's pretty gay, but what does it have to do with his book about Saint Anthony?

>> No.23283478

What you should read depends entirely on how much you care about noticing little references and/or recognizing characters from different books who are using different names. There are guides for this if it's something you care about.

>> No.23283484

>what does the author have to do with the book
okay, you're an unreformable retard, carry on

>> No.23283489
File: 55 KB, 293x475, 979180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a lot of readers hated the protagonist for being a dumb cunt (he is) but I found him both pitiful and massively entertaining and starting from -9835934 made for some good and interesting character development. I enjoyed the second book as well, but not quite as much, especially since the ending/epilogue was both weirdly rushed and clearly hinting at a continuation that never came, so the story feels unfinished.

>> No.23283490

There's no separating art from its author. They are one and the same.

>> No.23283492

Chapter 62. The church is too obviously evil. I don't like evil vs evil stories, it's boring.

Forge of God. I loved the beginning, but I really disliked the last third. The ending is insanely depressing with humanity being completely subjugated and thanking their masters for enslaving them.

>> No.23283521

Now give me a novel you hated, but it has to have a 'BUT'.

>> No.23283535

I've considered reading Forge of God, but after reading that spoiler there's a 0% that I ever will.

>> No.23283567

I never said Flaubert was a boring christcuck, only Saint Anthony. I genuinely don't see how the author being a libertine makes his story about an ascetic monk being tempted any more interesting. I'm sure it was super personal to Flaubert and I imagine that it was a way for him to explore his own struggles with faith and with temptation, which to me is boring christcuck shit, even if you thought him fucking Turkish boy prostitutes in his private life was really cool.

>> No.23283588

Before reading anything remember to fully vet the author's entire life. All reads are endorsements, which means you approve, and indeed most likely want to be the same as the author.

>> No.23283664

>This is How You Lose the Time War
Purple prosey piece of shit. The garden scene towards the end was nice though.

>> No.23283680
File: 141 KB, 1080x1107, 1667940720653065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boring christcuck shit
I think anybody who uses the term "christcuck" unironically can have their opinions on anything safely dismissed.

>> No.23283828

I'll second Harry Potter if you're totally new. In hindsight, it was probably a mistake to mention Tolkien and Tad Williams. But John Gwynne is still a very easy recommendation. You might also try the Powdermage Trilogy by Brian McClellan. I read the first book, and while I didn't like it enough to continue reading to book two, it might be more your cup of tea. It's less swords and spears and more gunpowder and revolutions, but it is very action packed, and does have magic and is very much fantasy.

>> No.23283847

Magic...it just like programming...atoms...they are so stupid...know nothing...

>> No.23283870

Harry Potter is shit fantasy even if you're new. Begone.

>> No.23283890


>> No.23283932

People who throw around the term christcuck without any hint of self-awareness or invariably midwits angry at the world for not letting them lose their virginity, and get all their opinions from stormfront - or worse, half-baked and ill-digested meals of Nietzsche, the most misunderstood philosopher of the 20th century. They are the other end of the horseshoe from fag-spewing muslim-fellating communist SJW retards, and I find that there is no fallacy of the middle-ground to spurn and scorn both.

>> No.23283942

are* invariably midwits, not or

>> No.23283947

The Silmarillion is the greatest piece of fantasy ever written. It's not even close.

>> No.23283954

The epilogue to another thread begins.

>> No.23283958

Done: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYXRC41Q

>> No.23284014

well when you put it like that...

>> No.23284043

Any recommendations for a mercenary company novel? Preferably medieval, but I am up for anything.

>> No.23284048

Black Company

>> No.23284053

His publishers were retarded not to publish it

>> No.23284064

Bot posts.

>> No.23284071

Eat shit nigger, I asked a genuine question.

>> No.23284079

>question asked in 3 out of 5 threads isn't a bot post

>> No.23284081

That thread is so civil.

>> No.23284082

I don't live in these thread nigger, I come back once I have nothing to read.

>> No.23284083

lurk moar

>> No.23284088

Stop living in the general, circlejerk nigger

>> No.23284096

lurk moar obnoxious week old newfag
every single one of you acts immediately defensive when you're not told exactly what you want to hear
fucking children

>> No.23284107

Strange Company

>> No.23284110

>reeee stop ruining muh thread
You could not project more if you tried. Instead of answering, instead of ignoring, you farm (You)s. Was the 'living in the threads' part that heartrending?

>> No.23284126

the thread is on autosage
none of this matters

>> No.23284139

It also lasted 5 days. 25,26,27,28,29.

>> No.23284154

Does it really ever matter?

>> No.23284158

ultimately, no. all of this is ephemeral.

>> No.23284172
File: 180 KB, 1017x1011, cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rec me some kino that has pic related vibes.

>> No.23284192


>> No.23284200

Looks like zogslop.

>> No.23284443

Are you religious?

>> No.23284571
File: 1.66 MB, 3619x3549, owq2h3izu3m41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really, and I get tired of feeling secondhand embarrassment from people who look like this acting like they've solved the meaning of life by repeating "heh, god isn't real you dumb sheeple" like Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.

>> No.23284624

It is very anti-zogslop.

>> No.23284644

>people who look like this acting like they've solved the meaning of life by repeating "heh, god isn't real you dumb sheeple" like Beetlejuice Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
this is an internet construct

>> No.23284680

Zelazny sucks.

>> No.23284684

I don't read books that have zero reviews; or, should I say, PAY for books that have zero reviews unless they're from an author I already trust.
I made that mistake before and never again.

>> No.23284695

>Timbul Cahyono. Amazing, right?
No. Hire a white illustrator instead of outsourcing the work, for cheap, to browns.

>> No.23284701

>can anyone rec me some based procreator sffg? tired of the fake ass romances with no breeding.
You complain like a woman. Perhaps this book is more your speed: https://www.amazon.com/Morning-Glory-Milking-Farm-Monster/dp/1736546619

>> No.23284713 [DELETED] 

I paid 500 dollars, nigger.

>> No.23284716
File: 14 KB, 659x196, overelaborate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about shit like this? It's one of the only things in the genre that annoys the fuck out of me. I get that part of the onus is on the reader, but receiving the precise technical terms to describe the landscape is going to be lost on your average person picking up a book.

>> No.23284735 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 528x74, 1693283953383607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23284741

Just slip in some words like that here and there with some context clues to help the reader. They learn something new while the writer gets to look smarter.

>> No.23284796

Being vague serves you better than getting technical and fucking something up. The moment you have to figure out where you're supposed to be facing relative to the given position of the sun, I tune out, and I can do that irl easily. I get not knowing hyssop from devil's walkingstick or an oak from a poplar, but it's clear no one goes outside anymore if they don't know any of those words.

>> No.23284920

Getting back into reading has made me realize how incredibly embarrassing my limited knowledge of landforms is. It's made even funnier that the majority of videos on the subject are very clearly tailored towards children.

>> No.23285066
File: 128 KB, 894x894, 1706668104132916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wandering inn code pls

>> No.23285084


>> No.23285169

that's because anybody who says "christcuck" in real life instead of the internet is going to get weird looks from most people, or shanked by mexicans if they live in the southwest US

>> No.23285224

Peace be upon you, Christianity is religion of peace. God willing my brother you'd know that no Christian would attack another so violently for mere words. Listen to the words of the prophet, Jesus Christ, hallelujah. Matthew 5:38-40.

38 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye, and tooth for tooth.’[a] 39 But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn to them the other cheek also. 40 And if anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, hand over your coat as well.


>> No.23285230

Well? Where is it?

>> No.23285265

Here, pal:

I wouldn't buy it right now, though. I have uploaded a few corrections and Amazon is still processing.

>> No.23285372
File: 223 KB, 540x819, a19f4f63-1a44-458c-a525-37724e81bdf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this. The concept was interesting enough to carry it, but the enforced wokism of the protagonist had me rolling my eyes.
>Mormon who lived in Utah
>probably never saw more than like three black people in his entire life
>has multiple mental breakdowns over there not being any niggers in hell

>> No.23285391

the fuck? no, never mind I don't even wanna ask

>> No.23285499

>*sigh* I’m just so tired of dealing with atheists online, it’s exhausting…
>umm, try saying that in front of Mexicans and see what happens!
Shut the fuck up, pussy. I’m not even an atheist. Some old faggot from the 3rd century in the desert with sand in his asscrack staring at stone walls and sitting on his hands for 50 years so he doesn’t accidentally jerk off is boring. I don’t care which french butt-fucker made a novel about it.

>> No.23285602

nobody says christcuck irl
your boogeyman is an internet construct

>> No.23285649

Nah, I started with The Way of Kings without knowing anything about the cosmere and it was one of the best stories I've ever read.

>> No.23285774

you shouldn't read either tbqh.

>> No.23285812

And it was one of the only stories he's read, by jove! It would be in his Top 10 if he had read 10, dagnabbit!

>> No.23285839

People have to start somewhere

>> No.23285841


>> No.23285846

That's exactly what we need. More people who have read one (1) whole book series and spout about how it's the best ever!

>> No.23285848
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>> No.23285851

one job


>> No.23285855

>newfags don't understand any form of subtlety