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/lit/ - Literature

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23269727 No.23269727 [Reply] [Original]

French is the perfect language.

>> No.23269760
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English is better, honestly. French may be beautiful, but it's not strong and regal like English. Thank God the Norman invasion happened, or else we'd still be talking like Germans. Truly, the best thing that ever happened for the English language was the year 1066. Now we're blessed with the best of both worlds.

>> No.23269776

>English is better
Reading this sentence got me so fucking pissed that I will simply stop reading /lit/ entirely for the day, I have no time to waste stressing and educating worthless stupid trash like you.

>> No.23269794

You forgot the ', honestly.'

>> No.23269855

Looks nice but sounds bad

>> No.23269985

No explain. Why is French better than English?

>> No.23270085

english is better for poetry
mais pour la prose ? c'est le français

>> No.23270102

Faggy language

>> No.23270106

the french need to sneeze and get rid of their nasally voice, it's almost as annoying as high pitched jap voices, you only worship it because you don't speak a romance language and idolize them for being poor.

>> No.23270110

French would be better if they pronounced it more similar to Catalan

>> No.23270115

Noone is explaining anything in this thread, just dick swinging nonsense..I hate /lit/

>> No.23270131

Because it’s clearly a joke thread?

>> No.23270133

Es español para maricas

>> No.23270140

French, English, German, Spanish, Italian

They all get mogged by Latin

(which in turn gets mogged by Attic Greek)

>> No.23270144

[Which in turn gets mogged by Japanese]

>> No.23270146

Nice try, weeb.

>> No.23270150

stick to rock music

>> No.23270165
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French sounds incredible as it is.
You only say that because your English isn't good enough to read literature in it. If you can't understand pic-related, then there's no point responding any further to you.

>> No.23270189

All that effort just to say post nut clarity hits hard

>> No.23270191

Then give me a joke ye bastard

>> No.23270193
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>> No.23270196

Mogged by Russian

>> No.23270198

Anglos are the scum of the earth.

>> No.23270207
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>> No.23270211


>> No.23270222

Look here, mr bilingualonlyfag (pejorative), english is one of the easiest languages to read. You being a midwit and thinking that screenshot is hard to read is what makes me and others don't want to respond to you any further, (and I won't because you are retarded).

>> No.23270242

I refuse to believe anyone can understand that without seriously studying it.

>> No.23270243
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>got absolutely BTFO'd when it came to pronunciation, so now he's going after the orthography
Predictable, or should I say... prévisible. In all seriousness, French orthography isn't nearly as fucked up as people make it out to be; it makes a lot more 'sens' than than English orthography, du moins. In any case, it's a whole lot more consistent, and you can get the hang of it within a week or two. People just like making mountains out of molehills, like how people freak out about having to learn a new alphabet and choose Latin over Greek even though they know Latin literature is pretty stale in comparison.
>mr bilingualonlyfag
>You being a midwit and thinking that screenshot is hard to read is what makes me and others don't want to respond to you any further, (and I won't because you are retarded).

>> No.23270248

>no declension

>> No.23270261

of course you are also a dekinai lol

>> No.23270268

>horrible grammar
Yeah..english is easy..

>> No.23270272

I kneel...what the fuck is declension?

>> No.23270273
File: 133 KB, 1024x1024, 1682220392377869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, it appears my native ENGLISH skills are so great that I didn't catch your mistake the first time around. Did you think you'd escape me?
>You being a midwit and thinking that screenshot is hard to read is what makes me and others don't want to respond to you any further
>is what makes me and others don't want to respond to you
Oh my goodness...

>> No.23270292

All the main Romance languages are great for reading, maybe with the exception of Portuguese. Russian coming close though to their level.

>> No.23270297

you didnt catch it the first time?...grim

>> No.23270300

It's what happens when you're constantly surrounded by argumentative ESLs online. Your eyes just start to glaze over their mistakes.

>> No.23270306

i ain't writing no essay on this website, after you pointed it out i can see what's wrong with it. /lit/ is ass because it's pretentious and anons become passive aggressive when others hit a nerve so i don't even bother. recommend me a book in english instead, this is why i come here.
>argumentative esls
yet here you are

>> No.23270309

but it really is, for only one reason: adaptability. From 'O'-(zero; zed) to 'zen' (japanese to english) to the various conjunctions that name technology in the computer world and become ubiquitous buzzwords, English has it.

We don't teach children to speak poetically, rhythmically, but we could.

>...I'd still get rid of 'c' but that's personal.

>> No.23270311

..yeah sure buddy
>self-hating ESL

>> No.23270315
File: 492 KB, 1350x558, Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 18.09.05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is a living language and, like all such, is continuously changing. We don't have an Academie francais; there's no simple, correct English, but only innumerable precedents of arguable validity. That's why French has a remarkably poor vocabulary compared with English.

>> No.23270316

>BTFO when it came to pronunciation

*breathes in*

your language sounds retarded anon, it's a joke for the entire world to laugh at. Keep coping and seething, it's funny

>> No.23270321

Non-verb equivalent to conjugation, basically. It's a large part of why Greek and Latin sound so cool.

>> No.23270325

NTA but Lyrical Ballads

>> No.23270332

didnt think I'll learn something on this god awful site..thanks anon..have a (You)

>> No.23270338
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>recommend me a book in english instead
Alright, I'll give you three. Read The Wings of the Dove by Henry James, A Month in the Country by J.L. Carr, or King Lear by William Shakespeare.

>> No.23270343


French is too much in the throat. It has a "sticky" quality too it. Almost gargly. French is to the Romance Languages as German is to the Teutonic. French romanticization has gone too far.

Italian is the prime Romance language. Fluid and refined, and the first literary language to succeed Latin.

>> No.23270348

its called cum you homophobe.

>> No.23270355

I've listened to a lot of ASMR from various languages over the years, and French is phonetically one of the worst sounding languages, like Arabic.

>> No.23270363

>French is to the Romance Languages as German is to the Teutonic.
German copied that gay French R after Hitler's way of speaking was considered unpopular and as a way to sound "sophisticated". German wasn't always disgusting.

>> No.23270365

No surprise that an ASMR-fag would have bad taste.

>> No.23270367

Eh, I think French women sound hot even if French sounds odd otherwise.

>> No.23270389

Perfect is not the word to use. The French do have a beautiful sounding language though.

>> No.23270449

anon..please stop, for everyone's sake

>> No.23270764

Humans speak Romance languages. Subhumans are for everything else. Mutts are the Central and South American..."dialects" to call them so. Simple as.

>> No.23270797

And superhumans speak Germanic languages

>> No.23270826

it's true

>> No.23270854

>Strong and regal
It's one of the most effeminate languages, possibly even more than french, there's a reason why girls who don't speak english as a first language love plastering their social media profiles with quotes in english.

>> No.23270948

This is God-tier bait. Have a (you)

>> No.23271462

Maybe don’t listen to mumbling whispers that pose as relaxing for language opinions.

>> No.23271540

Jean Jacques Rooseau and Marx agree English is better.

>> No.23271557

Should I buy 50s editions of Pléiade for cheap?

>> No.23272056

Spoken French sounds like one drowning in saliva. It's repulsive. Arabic and Cantonese sound better, and they're shit languages.

>> No.23272124
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>like Arabic
Is this a meme or something? I keep seeing people throwing this around whenever they're talking about languages, even when Arabic isn't part of the topic.

>> No.23272974

Many claim Arabic sounds scracthing to them. Most times I heard it; it sounded like they kept their mouths to much open and it sounded airy rather than scratchy. Then again, there’s so many dialects, it could just be certain ones that sound scratchy and coarse to people.

>> No.23273057
File: 513 KB, 767x986, 0007256_jama-the-pit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English is too bland for poetry. Especially compared to Slavic languages.

>> No.23273072
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>> No.23273468

i only know french and english
what makes english bland ? it's so naturally rhythmic i find
what makes slavonic languages better ? the lack of articles ?

>> No.23273486
File: 210 KB, 871x900, 1436978693021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

French sounds like a plucky, snot-nosed kid trying to impress you with his performative manner of speaking. I say this in an affectionate way but the idea that it has some abnormally strong quality of romance or beauty is hard to take seriously. Pretty much every language can be beautiful, that is by far the most generic quality of language, and anyone exalting it as a virtue of a particular tongue makes himself look like a pseud. What makes the Romance languages stand out is how fun and playful they are, not beauty.

>> No.23273492

mais du tout

>> No.23273500

English is heavily oversimplified thanks to contact with Scandinavians, but despite the rigorous attempts to make it bland it still retains some of its old Tudor character. It has a very unique magic to it that most do not have eyes to see since it acquired the status of universal tongue without also acquiring great prestige as a Lingua Franca typically does.

>> No.23273584
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>t. hasn't read any English poetry

>> No.23273842

oh là là fais-moi plaisir OP ne me dis pas que tu crois vraiment que le français est supérieur à l'anglais quand il s'agit de poésie ?

>> No.23273893

I also hate how French sounds. The only language I hate more is the Chinese.
The most beautiful languages when it comes to their sound are probably German and Russian.

>> No.23273899

German only sounds good when sung, and Russian only sounds good when spoken by a fake submissive ugly vtuber girl hiding being an avatar whispering in my ear about how crazy that play she just made was.

>> No.23274005

french is dogshit
i prefer italian and russian

>> No.23274048
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>french is so ugly and nasally and harsh guys, i hate it
>russian is nice, though
wtf is wrong with this place

>> No.23275325

this guy gets it

>> No.23275474

El catalán es español de maricones.

>> No.23275479

Actual frenchtard here, there's nothing special or beautiful in the section your posted. I don't doubt proust's prose could be beautiful in french but the passage in question is just extremely ordinary. Stop larping and gushing over a language

>> No.23275480

It's Putin's post truth world we are just living in it.

>> No.23275482
File: 370 KB, 800x1037, rhodes colossus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the seethe from the continentals lmao

>> No.23275946

Spanish, French, Italian.

The holy trinity of great and cultured tongues.

>> No.23275968

Flouncing away, a typically Fr*nch response.

>> No.23276163

Fucking based