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23267465 No.23267465 [Reply] [Original]

Sexy female antiheroes edition

>Recommended reading charts (Look here before asking for vague recs)

Previous >>23257474

>> No.23267503
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I have begun the Gormenghast series, so far I am enjoying it. I am glad I have been able to buy it before it is made in to (a moderm) tv series.

>> No.23267514

Reading the first Wheel of time entry, feels like cheap Tolkien. I hope they improve.

>> No.23267517

The best femdom not in a MacDonald Fraser novel is SM Stirling's Drakon.

>> No.23267527


Talented writer John C Wright says it better than ever I could:

GORMENGHAST by Mervin Peake. What I would not give to have the hours I wasted trying to plow through this tepid piece of pretentious trash back.

It is a book of hate, written by an Englishman who seeks to mock the class system and ritualism of England. Well, first, I am an American, so what do I care if you Brits hate each other?

Second, I have seen the same condemnations of human pomposity and class-folly done better, and with wit and imagination, by Jack Vance.

Third, listening to anyone merely pick at the scabs of this festering hate is unpleasant at best, even when his foes and his faction are also yours. When his foes are meaningless to you, or his faction from another hemisphere, it is like listening to a crazy old lady on the bus, who is rocking back and forth, her yellow eyes unfocused, muttering about how her husband from six decades ago wronged her; and she lists his every flaw for you, even though you never met him.

Why in the world is GORMANGHAST even considered a fantasy book? How in the world did it creep into our section of the bookstore? The only element even slightly fantastical is the sheer grotesqueness of the characters, the sheer size of the giant, moldering castle.

This book personally offends me. Back in the day, back in the Time of Lin Carter, there were only a handful of fantasy books, and we all read all the same ones because that was all that there were. Somehow this ill-smelling troll was shoved in to our small and beloved circle of books, and dropped it bloated three-volume buttocks into the seat next to Hope Mirrlees, William Hope Hodgson and Lord Dunsany. I wanted to like this book because it was the only fantasy book I could find one I had finished reading XICCARPH by Clark Ashton Smith.

E.R. Eddison, Mervin Peake is not. He is not even Edgar Allan Poe.

>> No.23267536


It doesn't. It gets worse.

Again, John Wright FTW:
THE WHEEL OF TIME by Robert Jordon — I was crushed on the Wheel of Time like a hindoo sacrifice being crushed by the great god Juggernaut.

Why could I not finish? This one is also hard to explain. The characters theoretically should have been a lovable as the picked-upon orphan-boy in HARRY POTTER, or the smart-but-shy Hermione. I mean, come on, a farm boy with a dread destiny, his honest blacksmith friend, and their friend who is good with dice. Not to mention Aes Sedai and way-cool ninja swordfighting moves and magical gateways and Dark Lords galore. But it never clicked with me: I was slogging halfway through the fifth or sixth book (yes, I stayed with it that long) when I realized that I wanted the main character to die because he was out of his mind, I wanted the gambler fellow to die because he was turning all dark and crooked, and I did not care of the blacksmith fellow lived or died, because he was spinning his wheels not doing much of anything. Somewhere along the way, I had lost all sympathy for all the heroes and all their goals–if they had goals. I mean, I had clambered up a mountain of thousands of gray pages, and I was still waiting for that “Council of Elrond” moment when Some Wise Mage tells Frodo-lite what the quest is. No one seemed to be doing anything and no one had a plan. And I wanted all of them to die.

Now, in all fairness, this last might not have been a fault of the author. I am a cruel and sadistic man, like many readers, and I only read when I am a foul mood, either right before a gladiatorial game or an afternoon of kitten-stomping. So maybe it is just me.

But Rand-al’Thor really did get on my nerves after a while. He seemed a character simply too small for the role. If Ranma Soatome has been the Dragon of that world, the Dark Lord Bumbershoot (or whatever his name was) would have at least been booted in the head before five books ground wearily by. If Paul Mu’ad-Dib had been the dragon, by then would have at least disrupted the spice production. SOMETHING would have happened.

>> No.23267546

Great post anons, very original but just started three body problem and i'm wondering when does it gets good? are the witcher books any good? Only played Witcher 3 and the netflix's series. Just started Eye of the World when does WoT gets good?? Any books like dark souls/berserk/Bloodborne??? Any books like FF/Dragon Quest/Tales of..??!! Any books with N'Wahs?Kvothe is a cuck, will slob Martin ever finish winds of winter??? Abercrombie is Reddit-tier?? Are the dune sequels worth it or should i stop with god emperor of dunc? Should i read the Hyperion sequel???? Did severian fucked his grandma? Is severian a clone? Any books with chinks? Any books like fallout/metro? Any books where the mc gets cucked? Any books where the mc Doesn't get cucked?? Stormlight book 5 when? Will kaladin fuck the fairy?? is the Eisenhorn trilogy a good place to start with W40k??? Or should i watch 4hours YouTube vid about le EPIC lore??? Any books with young petite women? Any books with old thick women? Any books with MANLY men like David Gemmell? Soulcatcher or Lady who is the better waifu? When does malazan gets good?? I didn't finish highschool so i can´t understand Malazan?!?! Any books with chinks??!! When does ASOIAF gets good?!?!? When does Farseer gets good?? When does lightbringer gets good?? When does codex alera gets good???? When does Lord of The Isles gets good?? Dunsany is king or bakker?? Any books with incest?

>> No.23267574
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Read Beyond Apollo

>> No.23267582
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Any SFF with this vibe?

>> No.23267604

It's so funny that you'd think to publish this as an author, it's so revealing about who Wright is as an writer.

>> No.23267706

just finished A Memory of Light
Brando tried really hard to save the series, and I think he managed it. The last three books are miles better than anything after Dumai's Weels.
My biggest gripe is my guy Demandred spending the last few days/weeks screaming for Rand like a fucking retard.
Tuon is pretty great and it's unfortunate there was no time for her to interact with the rest of the cast. Perrin ended up being good too, despite being the worst character by far there in middle. I liked he got chummy with the Aiel, Gaul was very fun.
Too bad the ending (and most everything else) was rushed and most characters didnt get proper epilogues.

>> No.23267713
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>Well, first, I am an American
Opinion discarded.

>> No.23267761
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Why are the "popular highlights" always cynical loser bullshit for our genre

>> No.23267775


Wright is extremely clear about who he is and his worldview. He's absolutely based, and Catholic.

>> No.23267778

>Any books with old thick women?
this intrigues me

>> No.23267785

he tries to be the modern heinlein a bit too much

>> No.23267786


Because the vast majority of people who use the Kindle Highlight feature are woke losers.

>> No.23267796


Nah. He's definitely not Heinleinian. I'd nominate a half dozen others first. He's, in oldschool terms, far more of a Clifford Simak or even a Gene Wolfe

>> No.23267807

Based off what?

>> No.23267814

Is Drakon good

>> No.23267815

>based and Catholic

>> No.23267820


If you don't know what "based" means, 4chan truly has died. I was going to suggest the urban dictionary but it's been comped too. Read a half search results for "based 4chan".

Sad. The world really is decaying faster and faster. This site is a rotting corpse of what it once was.

>> No.23267827

> 10% through final empire
>just a bunch of bitching about muh social inequality and people jedi mind tricking each other
This really turns into an integration of magic and classical mechanics at some point?

>> No.23267834

Truly sad, my fellow 2016 oldfag brother.

>> No.23267836


>> No.23267844
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>> No.23267850

No, that comma was intentional. Catholic was an addition.

>> No.23267858

>Sad. The world really is decaying faster and faster.
You are the decay, the way it's being used there is completely incongruous with how "based" was initially used on /sp/. Your meaning boils down to "he agrees with me".

>> No.23267862


Heh, more like 2006... But who's counting? It's been a long hard slide my entire GenX life.

>> No.23267869

My brother is in the ICU and cant move his arms so I'm looking for entertaining audiobooks that he can relax to for hours while he's in there (it's gonna be months)

Any of y'all got a dwnload website? I cant do torrents unfortunately (use a work computer)

>> No.23267871

>initially used on /sp/
oh no now there are two newfags battling it out

>> No.23267874


You are the moron.

morlockabove 2021:
To be based is to have a certain effortless confident, self-assured fearless character and disposition towards the world. Someone who's based doesn't care if what they say is controversial, because they're too cool to care, but they won't say controversial things for the sake of it- attention-seeking is cringe, it's the act of a weakling who has to scramble for whatever power he can filch off others. The Based one simply says what he believes to be true when he wills, irrespective of social norms. He could pretend, but has no need for pretense, because he does not fear reprisal.


>> No.23267880


YouTube, honestly. So many full audiobooks there. Just search, and when you find a author/genre, the channel often has more similar but not well search indexed.

>> No.23267884

yeah but youtube to mp3 converters cap at 90 minutes length

>> No.23267892

wow 2021, that's only an entire fucking decade after it started being used on here lol
But sure you're not the decay, quoting fucking offsite randos for your whine.

>> No.23267901

Moron, that link also links to https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/based-god
Which says the same thing (and ids it from 2010) but not as well, I quoted someone who nailed it cleanly, unlike your inability to read. Kys

>> No.23267904

what does he like

>> No.23267909


You can download mp3s using ytdlp, or jdownloader or plenty of other tools. Google is your friend.

>> No.23267915

That definition doesn't fit Wright at all, who cares an incredible amount about what everyone else thinks about him as has been made blatantly clear by his past 15 years or so of posturing and self-important blog posts.
You're now just linking to a definition different to your own usage and claiming its what you meant all along.

>> No.23267918

Thread is SFF, so I'd assume scifi fantasy is what he wants.

And honestly it's all on YouTube... He didn't ask for what, just where to get it.

>> No.23267921


You're an idiot. Plonk.

>> No.23267925

he's a bit of an anime and videogames weeb, and we've been trying to keep shit lighthearted because he's dealing with some heavy shit. (Dungeon Meshi, Tokyo Revengers, etc)

But since I only know this mood in audiobooks for fantasy, I was thinking "Good Omens", and other Terry Pratchet stuff like Guards, Guards, and maybe Codex Alera, because he's such a huge pokemon nerd.

I dont know much sci fi. But I do remember really liking some super hero stuff back in my Graphic Audio days

>> No.23267941

Sounds like he'd enjoy Cradle.

>> No.23267943


I'd recommend most of the Neil Gaiman books, all good for audiobooking.

>> No.23267960

Look neat. I'll have to see if I can find it somewhere
Yeah I think he's in some good Coraline energy

>> No.23267972

What do you guys think of Caliban's War? Was a sort of entertaining read for me but i hated that one U.N. leader lady character who was le zanny-epic-professor-who-cusses type. Additionaly, the situation with the mercenaries and the scientist dude was weird. Two mercenaries died because the scientist kept getting emotional and messing up their rescue mission and the mercenaries didnt get angry at all about it. Bad writing.

>> No.23267986

>Based is a slang term that originally meant to be addicted to crack cocaine (or acting like you were), but was reclaimed by rapper Lil B for being yourself and not caring what others think of you—to carry yourself with swagger. Based has been appropriated by the alt-right online as a general term of praise, as if “un-woke.”

>Based comes from the slang basehead, a term from the 1980s to describe people addicted to freebasing cocaine, a method which makes the drug smokable. The term basehead became synonymous with the crack epidemic that swept the United States at the time. Over time, calling someone based was a way of saying that they were a crack addict, or acting like one, especially in West Coast street slang.

>> No.23267993


>> No.23268017

Let this be a reminder that Black people are the source of all pop culture for everyone, regardless of anything else.

>> No.23268022
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>Let this be a reminder that Black people are the source of all pop culture for everyone, regardless of anything else.

>> No.23268042

Just read the synopsis, seems cool. his terminator novels were suprisingly very good too.

>> No.23268171

Book was ok but after watching the tv show with jeet un president (lol) and her white husband cuck also that black woman ship engineer in space I dropped the series.

>> No.23268181

How is he gonna jerk off without his arms? Maybe consider helping him with that instead of giving him books

>> No.23268256

>last week, Small Press Distribution abruptly closed — leaving over 350 small presses scrambling to figure out how their industry can move forward.
Good luck with getting physical books from any but the largest publishers. Physical from anything other than from them is no longer viable. Print on demand ? Ha, what a joke.

>> No.23268270

Best fantasy books by decade??

>> No.23268275

There are a lot of decades??

>> No.23268281

Yes get started

>> No.23268283

Even trends by decade would include a lot of books.

>> No.23268341

Has a list for each decade from 1930s-2020s.

>> No.23268431

for me, it's the 70s, 80s and 90s

>> No.23268474

>based began on /sp/
>no based is from 2021!
These are the drooling baby newfags telling you that nepotism awards is natural and breaking down into autistic fits whenever someone enjoys a book outside of WoT and Asoiaf. I YEARN for the day when AI advances enough to churn out niche specialized recommendations.

>> No.23268526

AI can only remix, it cannot create novel content. The more niche is it is, the less it will have to draw from and thus not function as well.

>> No.23268530
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Why didn't anyone tell me how bad picrel is? The best parts of the book seem to be when Stephenson is attempting to be as stupid as possible and the absolute worst parts seem to be when he's preaching to you about how well read he is on sumerian mythology. Shit is an absolute reddit pick.

>> No.23268593

That's completely your own fault for not reading the negative /sffg/ reviews that were available alongside the positive ones.

>> No.23268595

Honestly didn't see any which is why I'm contributing mine now

>> No.23268601
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>not a single mention of the belgariad
yeah, I think this is the patricians choice

>> No.23268604

There are 12 reviews.

>> No.23268607

are these reviews on goodreads or something

>> No.23268614

Yes, they are. That's what the bookshelf function is for. It shows the the reviews and ratings of the 841 members (currently anyway). I'm sure you can find a good bit in that archive as well though.

>> No.23268631

Silk is the most based jew i ever read in a fantasy series

>> No.23268635

By "currently anyway" I mean I'm considering purging the blank profiles again. 1,000 members would be nice, but it doesn't really matter.

>> No.23268801

I just finished reading Shogun for the first time and could use a scifi that stacks up, any suggestions?

>> No.23268904

banner of the stars

>> No.23269014

You should look for stuff on archive.org too. I found the BBC LOTR series there.

>> No.23269100

No that's what his mother is for

>> No.23269102
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Read Domesticating Dragons

>> No.23269111

Been reading the Elric series, and it astounds me how shit some of the stories are. Like the one I finished a week or so age, 'A Portrait in Ivory'. The whole plot of the story is just: Elric sits and a lady makes a sculpture of him. I considered briefly that maybe Moorcock was just really high when he wrote it, but upon research I discovered that it was written in 2007.... Elric bros... I don't feel so good.

>> No.23269147

Ancillary Justice

>> No.23269223
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Why are recommendations always so shit?
One is some shitty anime (with space elves) and the other is some shitty pozzed space opera.

>> No.23269231
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Read Tenebroum

>> No.23269240

It's because we're all pozzed. You need to find somewhere else less pozzed.

>> No.23269254

buy an ad

>> No.23269271
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>lit asks for rec
>provide a recommendation
>buy an add

>> No.23269295
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>>buy an add! (sic)

>> No.23269310

Are you ok, anon?

>> No.23269324

you wanted something pozzed like shogun but scifi so I answered accordingly

>> No.23269325
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I seriously hope you are joking, DWinchester

>> No.23269327

That word has no meaning anymore.

>> No.23269330

it means advocating for aids-infested degeneracy

>> No.23269348

I am not him, I wish I was though.

>> No.23269414

Is the chronological order on Tolkien Gateway accurate? Is it missing anything, and if so where do those books fit in?

>> No.23269526

>Based has been appropriated by the alt-right online as a general term of praise, as if “un-woke.”
Can you imagine the actual brain damage of someone who has to write like that.

>> No.23269585

I'll look into them

Not that you're necessarily wrong but this dude pretending to be me lol

>> No.23269688

/qa/ lost

>> No.23269705

damn, okay golden son is off to a good start.

>> No.23269718

I have terrible instincts when it comes to evil characters

Roose Bolton? A guy who has a flayed corpse as his banner, whose family has a long history of beef with the Starks, who is rumored to bleed himself with eels and speaks in a low whispery voice and is all around creepy? This guy is obviously going to be Robb's best friend and an example of don;t judge a book by its cover. Nope, he really was that evil.

Sadeas, Dalinar's former best friend and loyal servant to the king, who has a more utilitarian view on war and is willing to do some pretty fucked up shit for the sake of the greater good of the kingdom? Yeah, clearly he'll eventually see that Dalinar was right all along and they'll be brothers in arms again. Nope, he really was that evil.

So I'm reading Assassin's Apprentice and the creepy looking professional assassin with the very pale skin and scarred face who turns out to be a fatherly figure? Well I'm hesitant to draw any conclusions.

>> No.23269828

>This guy is obviously going to be Robb's best friend and an example of don't judge a book by its cover. Nope, he really was that evil.
The based "judge a book by its cover" George RR Martin Gigachad Move

>> No.23269833

Is this why you've dropped a snarky response 3 threads in a row? Because you have poor reading comprehension? That's rhetorical, you stupid faggot.

>> No.23269871

And I keep telling you in different ways each time that it doesn't work that way.

>> No.23269873
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While it's indisputable that a ton of good works came out since they died, I feel the death of the pulp magazine really denied entire generations of writers out of getting a fair shot at writing great sci-fi and fantasy (not to mention horror and adventure and mystery)
There is so much good stuff you can find from these days that are lost to history now that it's a great crime these magazines were not archived or preserved better.

>> No.23269880

idk what all this is about but i just wanted to tell you that novel doesnt mean anything. its just what you call a mix of things that is, to you, new and interesting. but for another person who is familiar with the way it was mixed is just a mix of what came before.

>> No.23269889

Next you'll bemoan the death of the penny dreadfuls. The future sort of you'd lament that the utter drivel of modern pulp that is Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) wasn't better preserved and archived.

>> No.23269895
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holy fucking based

>> No.23269898

Yes, it's just a mix. I'm glad you agree.

>> No.23269902

Nah, I lament the death of blogs where seasoned amateurs collated and filtered releases so that there was some standard of quality so you didn't have to, much like the function of the better pulps.

>> No.23269929

Yes, everything is a mix. There is no novel writing. But you don't agree with that, do you?

>> No.23269930

read erotica

>> No.23269943

We have a fundamental semantic difference on what creativity means.

>> No.23269955

No? It doesn't matter what words you use. The fact of the matter is that AI can (or will) be creative precicely as you mean it.

You would have thought that after the 50th example of someone being btfo after saying "AI will never do X" only to live to see AI do X that you people would stop making this meaningless myopic statements.

>> No.23270009

I await the cults that have an AI as the leader.

>> No.23270012

At least one alreadt exists.

...would you like to join?

>> No.23270078


>> No.23270114

The joke is that the leader is still a human because the AI doesn't make its own decisions.

>> No.23270123

Then the joke falls flat because all you need to do is set the parameters and an AI will "happily" make decisions until you pull its plug. Thats... thats literally the only thing AI can do, are you retarded? AI is literally just a fuzzy decision making algorithm adaptable to different tasks by virtue of the way it processes information lexically versus logically.

>> No.23270247

Yes, someone is setting the parameters. It doesn't set its own.

>> No.23270305

that's basically what kindle or royalroad or whatever are

>> No.23270371

It definitely does. There are more than x* amount of great enjoyable imaginative stories out in existence.
* = greater than 1 or 5 or whatever your favorite book series is
is this bakkerfag?

>> No.23270374

No anon you are mistaken. My favorite author is the only worthwhile author to read and if you disagree I will devote my entire existence to ruining this discussion platform for you.

>> No.23270390

Yes, but you want it to be particular to you and give accurate recommendations to what you'd enjoy. As I said the first time, recommendation algorithms exist already and work based on knowing what you like and what others like. You're proposing something more like a full text correlation with other books. I'm saying that I don't believe it would work like that. When people recommend, if they do it well, they do based on what they know about the person and the work. "It'll just work" is nothing more than magical and or wishful thinking if you have no idea how it could.

>> No.23270435

/sffg/ will hate this but it's true

>> No.23270534

AI is the new euphemism for exploiting the global south.

>> No.23270601
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>> No.23270629
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>finish Final Empire
>only integration of physics and magic is "force pushes small things farther than big things"
Is that seriously it? Is that single inclusion really what people are talking about when they say Sanderson has some super complicated physics based magic system? What the fuck?

>> No.23270644


>> No.23270653

Mistborn specifically follows the Scadrian civilization through its technological (and subsequent Realmatic) progresstion.

>> No.23270697

I mean, yeah. Remember those Amazon stores that promised to have an AI tracking the things you took throughout the store and then automatically deducted things from your account and whatnot? That AI was just 1000 pajeets. AI just stands for "Actually Indians".

>> No.23270710
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/SFFG/ Recommendations:

Read Reverend Insanity, Lord of The Mysteries, Neuromancer, Hyperion, The Prince of Nothing

Also read The Wandering Inn, Between Two Fires, Mother of Learning, Cradle, I Shall Seal the Heavens, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Poppy War.

>> No.23270717
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/SFFG/ Recommendations: LITRPG Edition

Read Azarinth Healer, Primal Hunter, He Who Fights with Monsters, Dungeon Crawler Carl

Also read System Universe, Dissonance, Defiance of the Fall, Iron Prince

>> No.23270739

>you knew I was a snake when you took me in
Bolton and Sadeas deserved what they got

>> No.23270857

I was looking for this book at the used book store and could not find it. I picked up the men inside instead.
I didn’t like it, none of the characters were anything more than sociopaths and World building was undercooked (even for a novel its length). The obligatory sci fi perky tit chick gets naked for the protagonist was hilariously ham fisted i think Barry might be a virgin. Only thing I enjoyed was the confession machine.
I don’t think I’ll be reading beyond Apollo.

>> No.23271005

TL;DR: it's bad because I'm personally not familiar with the British class system.

>> No.23271021
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>> No.23271052

The book that killed the cyberpunk genre fad.

>> No.23271068

I've noticed recently that there's been more sff threads being made on /lit/ and more of the discussion has been taking place in them rather than here.

>> No.23271079

Whore after all.

>> No.23271254

here’s an exercise in hilarity. if ever you read a wuxia/xianxia story replace the word human with white, and demon(or a specific nonhuman race) with black, indian, slav, etc., and you will receive in turn a great lark.

>> No.23271426

>if ever you read a wuxia/xianxia story
I won't but I am a racism fan

>> No.23271467

give me a page to practice this with

>> No.23271475

Why did my image for the OP get deleted, it wasn't nsfw

>> No.23271476

!oorcock was always high. Even in 2007

>> No.23271479

>The whole plot of the story is just: Elric sits and a lady makes a sculpture of him.
Babby first slice of life?

>> No.23271494

Maybe if you learned to spell correctly I would take your opinion more seriously.

>> No.23271496
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A Memory of Light was mostly written by Jordan according to Brando as I remember. Look at Demandred from different position. He is absolute gigachad. Apex cultivator (literally).
>Too bad the ending (and most everything else) was rushed and most characters didnt get proper epilogues.
I agree about epilogues and some character arcs like Logain's one. Brandos OC were not part of original plot after all. But Rand's ending outshined pretty much everything else because of how satisfying it was. Peak cinema. Everything just came together without a single asspull. And The Dark One characterization if I can say so was pretty good too. I have seen such villain archetype across all media, but something about him just "clicks". At the beginning of the books you imagine him as some sort of Sauron lord of darkness, but slowly from Sauron his image turns more into satanic eldritch abomination who ruins his own plans just by existing. Clever.

>> No.23271506


>> No.23271576


I'm sorry I didn't put all these on the good reads group. They are now there. Those are all my thoughts from it.

>> No.23271585
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fang yuan is a demon and the book is racist enough (fantastical racism) without adding real world racism

>> No.23271612
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Books for this feel pls

>> No.23271617

>he doesnt know

>> No.23271619
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I wouldn't say RI has any moral values but at the very least it shows that its own in-world racism as hypocritical. Humans are only at the top because of the give-and-take nature of the Heavens, and once they became ascendant they destroyed the means by which the heavens could balance things and furthermore committed genocide on the next race that was designated to rule.

>> No.23271702

Are the Legend of the Galactic Heroes books worth reading if I've already seen the anime?

>> No.23271750


>> No.23271804
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Bro, how can anyone stomach this book? The prose is great, but the worldbuilding and the themes are so fucking retarded.

>> No.23271810

Not really. I think the OVAs are far superior and even the new anime is better. They aren't translated very well and have a lot of errors. For me it was still worthwhile because I wanted a different way to experience it.

They are. I've read them all. They're also easily available to download.

>> No.23271812

provide a reductionist greentext of your understanding of the worldbuilding

>> No.23271823
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Read the Cthulhu Mythos Omnibus NOW.

>> No.23271826

Took me a bit to find what I previously wrote about it since I removed most of my partial reviews:

>> No.23271866

I actually find the Moorcock prose to be really mid. If you compare his writing to fantasy/pulp writers like Lovecraft, Howard, Smith, Dunsany, or Peake its really not impressive. Even compared to Tolkien's writing i think its lacking.

>> No.23271879

>Hurr ye olden civilization
>Decadent and degenerate
>Durr the newcommers
>Greedy and expansionist
>"Our time is past!"
>"The gods no longer inhabit the land!"
>"But ops, yes they do!"
>"I'm different from my people"

>> No.23271881

I mean, the interrogator IS thin. You can't fault Moorcock for saying that.

>> No.23271890
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>> No.23271909

i only did ri because most of the other wuxia/xianxia that use human race a lot are MTL. yes, i have been poisoned by MTL. i always detox after MTL binging by reading either a chapter of Moby Dick, a literary short story, or Vance.

>> No.23271924


>> No.23271977

>Fang Yuan was a normal person when first transmigrated to RI
>500 years of sheer bugmanness ground his soul to nothing
>500 years of the bugman philosophy of gu cultivators ruined everything for Fang Yuan so badly that he decided that he could only find meaning in life through immortality
>proceeds to overturn multiple million year plots within several decades
Was RI parodying the ruthlessness of the cultivation world? I mean the Gu World was so ruthless it turned Fang Yuan from your regular chink protag into a sociopathic bugman within the scope of 500 years.

>> No.23271996

I've noticed that a lot of cultivation work has a subtle undercurrent of self awareness. I noticed the same thing in the three body problem...

probably just a coincidence.

>> No.23272089

Huh. I had no idea that the term Azoth was taken from alchemical literature.

>> No.23272112
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Possibly, the main message that RI beats you over the head with is "chinese gommunist party are a bunch of evil hypocrites," but there are possibly others. Let's not forget that even FY in his corrupt bugman heart still yearns to be gently wrapped up in a mermaid's tail.

>> No.23272126

The Deed of Paksenarrion

>> No.23272148

i think the only way fang yuan wouldn’t become a bugman was if he was isekai’d as one of Ren Zu’s children. in fact, Ren Zu seems like one of the only few decent parents in RI, given how he tried to rescue his children at any cost and how his kids did vice versa.

>> No.23272279
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>first book comes out 2017
>second in 2020
>i read it in 2021
>can't wait for the next one and think because i got to them all a year late, the next one was surely on the way
>expected publication date is may of 2025
why do authors do this

>> No.23272301
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>first book came out in 1997
>second in 2002
>third never because the author died in 2006

>> No.23272312

this is the fate which awaits all asoiaf fags (me)

the fat man is spiting us with unparalleled laziness while he overdoses daily on delusions of immortality.

>> No.23272332

>not reading completed series

>> No.23272354

RI is a straight up parody of Xianxia. Not even in a low key way, it blatantly parodies the entire genre. The problem is, a lot of that is lost in shitty translation and a bunch of westoids latched onto it an thought it was meant to be serious.

>> No.23272361

when are people going to realize that mockery is the highest form of flattery

>> No.23272380
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Greetings lads
I’ve just finished Slaughterhouse Five for the first time, and I can’t quite put my finger on why I loved it.
My question is: all of the time travel/alien stuff was in his head, right? Throughout the book, things attributed to other points in the book happen in real life. For example, the pornographic photo of the horse and woman appearing in the book store in New York City as well as his war companion.
There were other examples of this: the serenity poem being a poster on the wall of his dental office as well as being inscribed on his Tramafladorian wife’s locket.
Anyway, this leads me to believe that perhaps the alien and time travel stuff was a figment of his imagination or a coping mechanism to the brutalities of the war. Yet im unsure, and the book has left me with plenty of questions.

>> No.23272455
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More like overdosing on libtardism

>> No.23272459
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3/4 through this, it feels like there shouldn't be so many ignorant yokels in a world of stupidly accurate divination and 3000 year old gandalfs running around.

>> No.23272467

rothfuss, martin, who else?

>> No.23272538

install NewPipe, there's no time limit. i don't think it does mp3, only m4a, but that's not a problem. i have downloaded 10 hour videos as audio with it.

>> No.23272562

Is "Crest of the Stars" light novel good

>> No.23272634

>light novel
You know it's not good. In your heart of hearts you know it's beneath you to read such garbage.

>> No.23272692

it's about a human guy and his girlfriend from an alien culture forged one thousand times to be 1000% stronger

>> No.23272698

It predates most of the worst light novel trends (harem, Isekai etc) it seems like a promising, if pulpy proper sci-fi adventure. My main concern was whether the translation is sufficient. A new translation was just released apparently in a collector set but it seems rather hard to track it down.
Sounds cool

>> No.23272703

Sounds cool*

>> No.23272770

most of the groups i'm a part of are made up of leninists and i'm not sure how to talk to them. it's been an astounding journey for me to discover just how ignorant they are when it comes to history despite the fact that they read a lot. but it feels like everything they read is theory or weird schizo parapolitics garbage and so they end up being completely ignorant about things that are actually important and should be basic knowledge for any high schooler
the other week, a guy i'm friends with happened to look into ww1 for some thing he was doing and read this entry-level pop history book, at which point he proceeded to report to me the most banal things as if he had just split the atom. like what the fuck? how can you even consider yourself a political person when you know almost nothing about history, even modern history? how can you consider yourself a leninist when you barely even know anything about the tsarist system, the russian revolution, bolshevik rule, etc.? it's so preposterous
but i have no doubt if i said any of this they'd just call me a radlib or something. or maybe the true schizos in the same circles would start to say i'm an anticommunist, a nazi, or a fed. at the end of the day their attitude is clearly you're either with us or against us, and anyone who is against them is in the wrong, you either haven't read enough theory or you're using sources which are clearly western and thus wrong, and if they're not western then they're produced by western-aligned stooges. anything that paints leninism in a bad light is by definition just western slander, he dindu nuffin, bolshevik rule was a literal utopia and we're being told lies about it, comrades

>> No.23272813

oh. wrong thread.

>> No.23273063

>malazan 7

>> No.23273178
File: 196 KB, 287x324, klackon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK bros (and the two women here), what do I read next

>Burning Chrome - Gibson (do you guys read all of the short stories in a compilation in one shot?)
>Use of Weapons - Banks (Consider Fleas was OK, Player of Games was very good)
>Maltese Falcon - Hammett (not /sffg/ but /noir/)

>> No.23273239

he grimaced black blood

>> No.23273253

Can you recommend me a book with a druid (or nature themed) mc?

>> No.23273274

I read the first one way back in my anime phase and was lukewarm about it. If you saw the show it really is an exact blow by blow as I recall.

It's one of those series I have a lot of affection for, but which feels like it never quite hit its stride.

>> No.23273278

Yes. Shame translation was released too late.

>> No.23273284

Anyone read A Southern Fried Fantasy Adventure Story by Goates?

>> No.23273424
File: 254 KB, 1400x2122, 1712814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read the highest rated fantasy book that is not a sequel
>its generic predictable gary stu slop
i give up. finding fantasy books that are worth reading is just too difficult. guess if i want to read something good i need to wait an other 1-2 years till ai can finally write better books than any human

>> No.23273452

The 2nd half is just Red Rising. It's kind of gary stu slop, but I remember liking it compared to other shit getting put out these days. I don't know if generic or predictable are that fair, but it's been a little while. What are some things about it that you found lacking?

>> No.23273545

Jesus, what was in OP picture to end up nuked?

>> No.23273558

Use of Weapons is a masterpiece. Makes Player of Games look like YA lit by comparison

>> No.23273592
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jesus christ this book... thanks for telling me to stick with it anon this was wild.

>> No.23273596

nta but
>girl refers to another character, whose identity is unknown to the reader, using gender-neutral pronouns purely to preserve the mystery for the reader, as if she knew she was in a novel, when in reality this just makes the unknown character's identity MORE obvious to the reader.
however the part that brought me closest to throwing the book across the room was the rock-em-sock-em robots
really the whole conceit is just pathetic. >"advancement in our society depends on getting good at a game... OF DEATH!"
>what does running through a maze have to do with politics or management?
>"ah well you see we were actually training you for the real life game... OF DEATH that the Ancients inexplicably left lying around guarding all their secrets"
>why would they do that?
>"dunno lol"

>> No.23273638

>What are some things about it that you found lacking?
the characters are all unlikable and stupid. the author relies on exposition, for example describing characters as smart but never demonstrating it through their actions

the amount of contrivances is obnoxious. for example when they take a vacation at the place the protagonist grew up. conveniently his love interest swims in dangerous water so that he can save her life and she becomes his girlfriend, then use water exposure as excuse to play sick afterwards so he can enter the castle's hidden tunnel system and listen in on the high ranked senators when they go through every known or suspected case of corruption and blackmail material, and reveal how they sponsored the terrorists all along, hoping that if enough giga 9/11 attacks happen, they get more control. an other example is when the protagonist saves a wolf pup and the wolf later is all grown up and saves his life multiple times at the climax

the magic system is weird. how can you be strong enough to punch through stone and leap far but not run faster than a normal person? why is there so much exposition about how intensely they study magic and everything around it, but no demonstration of efficient and clever usage? not even magical guns

>> No.23273646

>reading what's most highly rated by the masses
>expecting it to be otherwise
>not picking from a curated selection chosen by those with high standards of literary excellence
>thinking AI will do any better

>> No.23273659

Whose identity are you talking about? I don't remember. But yeah the labyrinth shit was tenuous as fuck. I do also remember cringing every time a character would remind the reader that everyone knows running through a maze perfectly trains the exact same skills as doing magic because... you have to concentrate? Or that the most super duper elite academy only lasts for one school year and has a class for retards that you can't fail out of (which I guess can be explained in universe but still seems dumb). The dueling and the (not)chess were underwhelming and gay too, and those were like the only times the mc was actually shown doing anything to advance, rather than just getting moved along due to being the smartest and having had the best upbringing in the world during his 14 years as the prince of a small island.

Maybe the book was more shit than I remember lol

>> No.23273661

you're a retard

>> No.23273662

These seem like things that you could've learned from a cursory examination before reading. Did you go in completely blind? If that doesn't work for you, why do you keep doing it?

>> No.23273683

Trying to remember a book I read back in the early 2000s.

>Set in the future
>Giant intelligent psychic spiders are now the dominant lifeform on the planet
>main character is a human man (maybe from our time) who has time traveled
>part of a series?

Anybody know of this one?

>> No.23273689
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>waiting 1-2 years for AI to copy the most popular shit you already hate instead of reading the 39857349534 books published until now

>> No.23273691

>>not picking from a curated selection chosen by those with high standards of literary excellence
how do you know who has suitable standards? most of these curated selections are made by pseudointellectuals and even worse than going by rating

>> No.23273708

Is it possible that fantasy can't ever be what you want?

>> No.23273725

no because i have read fantasy before that i enjoyed. but tbhfam nothings as good as the fantasy i create in my head

>> No.23273747

Fair. The wolf saving him multiple times was an especially insane ass pull, I can't believe I forgot about that. And the magic system just being a bunch of incomprehensible jargon was gay as fuck. I was more willing to accept all of the stuff with him going back to his island because I think it was mentioned that it was the one bitch pulling the strings (inexplicably) to get him into that position. Very convoluted and full of contrivances though.

>> No.23273748

You can't have an academy thing without deathgames. It'd make no sense.

>> No.23273759

I guess you have no choice but to embrace that then and spend all day in catatonic daydreaming.

>> No.23273761
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>> No.23273776
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>It could be done with the best of the classic Japanese swords, which are marvels of metallurgy. However, one of these must be treated very carefully if it isn’t to be ruined. The mere touch of a finger can induce corrosion.
Anderson studied the blade?

>> No.23273795

>Whose identity are you talking about?
When Aequa is describing Caeror (the brother's) death, she says another student was there, and "they were badly injured and couldn't remember anything". It was so obvious that she was talking about Lanistia, the blind chick. Who by the way is literally just Daredevil from the Marvel comics. She's blind, but through magic, she has the superpower of "sight".
I lost my screencap but there was a post on here that read
>"I don't like thing"
>"You haven't read enough thing to know whether you like it or not"
>"I still don't like thing"
>"don't read thing then"
>every day there's one of these exchanges on here
anyway, what I'm saying is, fuck off you disingenuous cunt

>> No.23273884

>Japanese swords, which are marvels of metallurgy.
European metallurgy was much better already thousands of years ago than classic Japanese metallurgy ever was. I don't understand the obsession with Japanese swords.

>> No.23273892

Europeans couldn't even fold steel until centuries after Sun Emperor-God smote the tribes of Nippon and made his unified island empire...

>> No.23273920

Burning Chrome is a lot of fun. Great mix of stories.

>> No.23273956

If it's true it's true.

>> No.23273972

It was just a sfw Darth Talon image

>> No.23274013

Japanese history is weird. The great unifier of the country renamed himself "Jesus" and then killed everyone who opposed him. That's not very Jesus-like

>> No.23274041

Not sure why some people just cannot accept a genuine evil protagonist and a victory for evil story. It is always a parody, deconstruction, subversion or some other cope words.

>> No.23274046

Is the one available online bad?

>> No.23274064

Because it makes them feel bad because they have emotions and feelings. Worst of all, empathy.

>> No.23274079

But they are just fictional stories.

>> No.23274093

Probably because people generally have this inner desire to see good prevail in some form.

>> No.23274101

Dumb npc post
And loli porn is just drawings right

>> No.23274116

What else can they be other than drawings?

>> No.23274130
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feels like i've been reading star maker for a month by now and i'm only halfway
i want to put it down and start on another book but i can't make myself do it

>> No.23274134

By saying that you devalue them entirely. Why read anything if it doesn't make you feel anything?

>> No.23274138

Idealized (depending who you ask) immitations of reality

>> No.23274143
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this one is off to a great start, damn what the fuck was the author thinking with the first book. totally diminishes what comes after.

>> No.23274156

I am not devaluating anything. All I said is some people cannot accept fictional stories where with evil protagist(s) and and where evil genuinely wins. They will instead call it a parody or something else trying their best to either justify it or make look like under all that evil exists some righteousness and morality.

>> No.23274354

someone here recommended the Tainted Cup / Shadow of the Leviathan here, and it's good shit but I can't help but notice that its setting is rather Arrakis-y.

>> No.23274426

goodbye to the people who loved me

>> No.23274432

Don't come back.

>> No.23274436

very short goodbye

>> No.23274605

Only thing that comes to mind is The Shadow out of Time.

>> No.23274643

he was thinking "if I write hunger games I'll get published"

>> No.23274657

It's amazing how retarded this series as a whole is. From the concept of colors to the payoff at the end, nothing was worth the hours of reading.

>> No.23274887

QRD on Sarah Maas? I've had her recommended to my IRL twice now, but it looks like YA shit.

>> No.23274931

I'm almost done with the chronicles of the Black Company, on the 3rd book. Been good, I'd say it's my favorite fantasy series so far (only read 2 books of Witcher.)

Burning chrome. Yes I read all the stories.

It's for women mostly, just go read a few chapters and see if you like a court of thorns and roses, no real downside in trying. Go do it and report back.

>> No.23275061

It's smut for women.

>> No.23275071

>finding fantasy books that are worth reading is just too difficult.
you sound like a woman. read the old-school fantasy.

>> No.23275072

it gets better.

>> No.23275073

did you even read books 4-6?

>> No.23275087

No, I dropped after the third one. Everything on the third book was too retarded for me.

>> No.23275107

did this megafaggot just write "sigh"

>> No.23275109

There's your problem. Books 4-6 are much better.

>> No.23275222

I doubt you're the same anon I was shilling GS and the sequel series to months ago but I'm going to take credit anyway you are welcome. Dark Age is the best book imo with GS being a strong number 2.

>> No.23275302
File: 54 KB, 329x500, 55868456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Decided to give this a shot after seeing it mentioned in the reddit thread that was linked last thread. I'm only 1/12th of the way in, so there's plenty of room to stumble, but if it delivers this will be an easy personal top ten. Occasionally the prose will feel a little amateur but the style is incredibly unique. The sporadic injection of the inner thoughts of someone connected to the scene (but not present, often because they're dead), reminds me of the pertinent exposition players of Dishonored could get when using the Heart of Dunwall, or Vance's use of footnotes.

>> No.23275307
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https://www.booksie.com/publish-posting-720366/ Wrote speculative fiction award.
Howdya like?

>> No.23275329
File: 659 KB, 1080x1419, edit_20240411_jimenez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks.

>> No.23275330
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>finish Well of Ascension
>mostly Sanderson trying to get the Twilight audience
>new magic is doing same shit but harder
>no new physics
>MC invents pushing dust around
>counteracted by MC forgetting that she invented detachable arrowheads last book
when does the progression start?

>> No.23275336

"Jimenez" was a dead giveaway.

>> No.23275338

What are the login details?

>> No.23275344

Stopped reading right there.

>> No.23275351

Not "Twilight audience"?

>> No.23275373
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based tag researcher

>> No.23275377
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only value in this book is the scene when jacob (whatever his name is you know who I'm talking about) realizes the voice in his head isn't just in his head

>> No.23275397

I don't know much about Twilight, it just didn't register with me.

>> No.23275455

goodbye to the people who hated on me
goodbye to the people who loved me
goodbye to the people who trusted me
goodbye goodbye to everybody

>> No.23275478

I liked the general idea of the conclusion and didn't even realize it was coming desu. But everyone had to be retarded to make it work. Everyone being retarded is an even bigger problem than the romance slop. Not only the characters when they need to be for plot reasons, but society as a whole didn't come up with clever ideas in 1000 years just so that MC could have them (and then forget about them so she can't one-shot everybody). People not realizing that seeing the future can apparently be countered by "attack based on what your opponent is doing instead of randomly fucking around" is especially disgusting.

Was book 3 better? I figure I may as well finish the trilogy even though it's not really giving me any ideas about integrating physics and magic in my own story, which is what I was really looking for. But book 2 just wasn't very good.

>> No.23275531

Fang Yuan is so comically, absurdly evil that it's impossible to take him as anything but a parody.

>> No.23275546

I am literally Fang Yuan though...

>> No.23275547

I disagree, he is the most rational type of evil character that I have encountered. Totally opposite of comically and absurdly evil characters.

>> No.23275549
File: 60 KB, 532x750, maeglin_by_ekukanova_de3hows-375w-2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you sell out your own country for your cousin's pussy?

>> No.23275585

There's nothing rational about him. He's constantly killing and maiming random people then deciding he has to exterminate everyone who has ever laid eyes on them to make sure nobody comes after him.
If he was rational he would stop being such a murderous retard and learn some patience and civility.

>> No.23275606

There was a other anon recently who posted here that that he finished reading it and it was one of his favorite books now.

>> No.23275610


>> No.23275628

>He's constantly killing and maiming random people then deciding he has to exterminate everyone who has ever laid eyes on them to make sure nobody comes after him.
He doesn't do any of that. Did you even read the novel.

>> No.23275692

I've been reading the short stories, in-multiverse chronological order. Not all of them are a " gotta save the multiverse" adventure. There's one that three shape-shifting "gods" become Elric's fans... actually, IIRC, it eventually becomes a " gotta save the multiverse" adventure. Dunno, anon, I just like the bizarre adventure. Maybe the things before the 2000s are just way better.

>> No.23275696

as with all copypasta, the author thinks he's smarter than he is.
i expect my comment will be responded to with an angry aggressive bald cartoon wojack.

>> No.23275697

Why is the fantasy genre filled with fags and women authors?

>> No.23275714

>Why is the publishing filled with fags and women authors?

>> No.23275720

>He doesn't do any of that. Did you even read the novel.
He literally does it right at the beginning when he kills the normie guy while hunting an animal then wipes out his entire family.

>> No.23275723

Logical male minds know sci-fi is better.

>> No.23275744

There were many hunter families living near and around the mountain but he only killed one family and only because 1. son from that family attacked him and 2. They were witnesses couldn't be left alive.
Do not forget that even before killing them the old man, the familys head gave Fang Yuan incorrect map with important information missing that could have led FY to his death.
In other words it was perfectly justified.

>> No.23275753

>it could have led to his death
>therefore killing him was justified

>> No.23275776

The hunters map he was given had a location of a strong beast missing, a beast that had to be avoided at all costs. Fang Yuan suspected this (that it may be a trap) and killed the hunter and his family for it. He later found the real, genuine map with all information marked on it.

>> No.23275858

yeah... what? thats not justification to kill the hunter and his family. what is this bug nonsense.

>> No.23275864

It's not justification, as in "just". It's justification as in "motive". He isn't like Spectral Soul, who killed for no motive. While a lot of his problems are solved by killing other people, he'll always try to extract the greatest benefits from people. And that means, sometimes, leaving them alive.

>> No.23275882

oh okay, my bad. so its not
>this is why it was okay
>this is an example of how fucked he is

>> No.23275908

It's an example of rational evil.

>> No.23275915

theres really nothing rational about that example, though. killing him and his family gained him nothing.

>> No.23275922

>person who may be trying to get you killed exists
>person who may be trying to get you killed does not exist
pick 1

>> No.23275928

Why are cultivation novel protags such huge assholes? Is this just a common trend in chink storytelling, a subversion of older tropes, something else?

>> No.23275935

nta, it's a difference of moral culture. What he's trying to explain to you is honor culture. What you're saying is dignity culture. Rationality is irrelevant and often entirely misused.

>> No.23275942

They knew too much. Also before that he killed the old hunters son (in a self defense), he couldn't risk old hunter exacting revenge.

What do you mean? Almost every cultivation protag is a righteous character that goes on a quest to save his people village, country or even the entire world.

>> No.23275948
File: 65 KB, 333x500, way of choices.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chen Changsheng did nothing wrong, it's literally everyone else in the world (except Luoluo and the dumb guy) who is an asshole.

>> No.23275952

>may get you killed
past tense, he is not actively trying to kill him and he knows not to trust him going forward.
>i dont trust him therefore i should kill him and his family
isnt rational, its revenge.

>> No.23275955

theyre wrong, im right. honor culture destroyed europe, such a dogshit principle.

>> No.23275957

>They knew too much. Also before that he killed the old hunters son (in a self defense), he couldn't risk old hunter exacting revenge
okay now it makes more sense, thank you

>> No.23275971

In Coiling Dragon Linley (the protag) straight up executed a messenger who disrupted his meditation. Iirc that wasn't even portrayed as a big deal.
Then in God's of Yulan he abandons his wife and ~5 year old kids for 10 years to get some loot.
Also in Lord of Mists some dude insulted Linley, which of course resulted in him hunting the dude down and killing him. Turned out to be fine though, since that guy apparently had an elaborate plan to kill Linley

I'm fine with antihero protagonists but it's just... really weird that all of this stuff was presented so nonchalantly

>> No.23275996

People who tried to harm you in the past have above average likelihood of trying to harm you again in the future. If they do not also have above average likelihood of helping you in the future, and you suffer no cost from killing them, then killing them just increases the expected benefit of your future interactions.

>isnt rational, its revenge
The fact that you think this is somehow contradictory shows you're not a great judge of rationality or willing to think outside of the culture that programmed you. There are many circumstances where revenge is rational. People in the past weren't all retards until your society taught everyone to think good.

>> No.23276018

killing the man is rational. killing his family is revenge. the fact you need this explain to you is... mmm...

>> No.23276026

His family would've killed the guy in revenge, this is a common trope

>> No.23276027

>person whose family member you killed exists
>person whose family member you killed does not exist
2nd one is better. This isn't a hard concept.

>> No.23276035

interestingly enough, Fang Yuan in his first life was a genuinely principled and good person who was an outlier in the Gu World. The soulless bugman culture of benefits ground him down to the point that he later became the deranged, rational (for the Gu World), and ruthless protagonist we see today. From what I’ve read and seen of his character, he’s an extreme freedom seeker made so by his environment.

>> No.23276038

kek oh okay, i forgot that tropes specifically designed to justify a certain thing dictate the morality of that thing. you people are very bent...

no seriously, are you retarded? you do realize youre using circular reasoning, right?

>> No.23276042

Not really, it's perfectly rational to prevent the dudes kids from killing you. Also I thought we were talking about rationality, not morality. We've already established this is not a good guy

>> No.23276044

Wow I'm very impressed at you conflating morality and rationality. You must be a good person for being unable to distinguish those things. I hereby bestow social approval unto you.

>> No.23276046

>why did you kill that kid
>i saw a movie one time
its perfectly rational to commit genocide
its perfectly rational to steal
its perfectly rational to lie

rational is not a morale system, its a trope and you people are mistaking fiction for morality. in real life we dont call these people rational, we call them what they are, mentally ill.

>> No.23276048
File: 646 KB, 817x1024, mermaid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We never find out what happened to the mermaid in his first life, but I bet she's involved somehow.

>> No.23276050

read the thread again you bozo fucking dipshit. the other anon already conflated a psychopaths rationalism with an independant moral system. subjectivity fucking their brain and fucking your ear drums. what a joke you are.

>> No.23276065

Not every time and place has our exact set of values. Ever tried reading the old testament? They'd massacre an entire village and then take the female children as sex slaves. Those were the good guys. In that time, that was rational.
And considering that we're talking about xanxia novels where "I must avenge my father" is a common plotpoint, yes it's extremely rational

>> No.23276072

values are universal BUG
mine are correct, theirs are incorrect. very simple.

>> No.23276073

He was saying some people want different things than you want (e.g. as the result of having a different moral system), making different actions than you would take rational. He seemed to think rationality was doing things that maximize your probability of getting what you want.

But we know better. We know rationality is doing what we want you to do. High five fellow goodthinker!

>> No.23276080

bugshit pissant. disgusting thing.

>> No.23276176

if only Fang Yuan had a system

>> No.23276181

Bugman "morality" is considering serial killing a rational answer to anything.

>> No.23276344

kek, that was the first thing I thought of as well

>> No.23276546

>I wish Dorcas loved me as she had loved Jolenta
Nigga what?

>> No.23276627

It's not, they have morals just like everybody else. Fang Yuan is a villain on the hand, he has no morals, but he also does not kill indiscriminately.

>> No.23276665

It's interesting that you hear "bugman" and think "the entire..." hmmm.... what exactly are you thinking there, bud?

>> No.23276686

Exactly that, non evil bugmen have a sense of morality (an act according to it), Fang Yuan does not.

>> No.23276688

if its a bugman, its evil. not all asianoids are bugmen.

>> No.23276718

>not all asianoids are bugmen.
Kek, you must be new here.

>> No.23276815

no i just dont agree with the sentiment. bugmen are bugmen. the han, are bugmen. koreans, are bugmen.

>> No.23277147
File: 3.56 MB, 420x746, 1705072906457444.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Totalitarianism is the only true ism

>> No.23277155

Poor piggies.

>> No.23277243

https://docs.google.com/document/d/12FASu3mpJJ_IW5FmI1wrjPEMVsKygu4NM9q2wWBbK-U/ I forgor

>> No.23277278

>can't properly state what it is
A short story, not an award.

>can't properly link

>can't properly write
>can't not be entirely a combination of their politics and fetishes

You've failed in every way.

>> No.23277302

I once again ask for someone to give the reason cuckoldry is so common in sci fi and fantasy

>> No.23277315

Nevermind she killed him, I no longer suspect an angsty cuck subsplot. I am happy.

>> No.23277346
