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/lit/ - Literature

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2326535 No.2326535 [Reply] [Original]

Post the book you're currently reading and your reaction to it.

Let's get this shit started:
>Crash, JG Ballard

>> No.2326543
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>Of Time and the River
>Thomas Wolfe

>> No.2326560
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>I, Claudius
>Well I'm a classicist and historian so this should be intereHOLY SHIT THIS IS THE BEST SOAP OPERA EVER

>> No.2326566
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Beautiful in every way. Best book I've read for ages.

I recommend it to all.

>> No.2326573

Unlike your face.

>> No.2326577
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>thomas wolfe
my nigga

Currently reading a collection of his short stories
>mfw "only the dead know brooklyn"

>> No.2326590

I loved the tv adaptation of I, Claudius with Derek Jacobi in it. Must get round to reading the book some time because I used to be hugely interested in ancient greek and Roman history.

Anyway, I'm reading The Scar by China Mieville. Not too far into it but the setting is extremely cool and it seems to be devoid of the kind of forced faux-medieval dialogue that put me off ASOIAF. Best fantasy I've read for a while.

>> No.2326592
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>Lost in the Funhouse, John Barth

>> No.2326597

Inheritance - Christopher Paolini

Probably the best of them all, though I suppose that doesn't say much.

>> No.2326599


I need to read some more of his NY writing (I'm from there).

>> No.2326617
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bits and pieces on the embodied mind hypothesis. mostly just clark&chalmers

>> No.2326630

>Juneteenth - Ralph Ellison

Having a hard time figuring out what Ellison's point is. An interesting read, because Ellison does vernacular very fucking well, and the whole Negro Preacher thing is interesting, but all the biblical allusions are overbearing at points.

>> No.2326651
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Carrie Fisher

>> No.2326695
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Day by Day Armageddon J.L. Bourne

>> No.2326709
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>> No.2326753
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Tropic of Cancer

>> No.2326766
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>amusing ourselves to death by neil postman

>> No.2326778
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Leaving the Atocha Station, Ben Lerner

Jesus Christ. This protagonist is an insufferable cunt, and there's no sign of change or development so far. He's just an insufferable, dishonest cunt, and I CAN'T TAKE IT!

>> No.2326810
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Thus spoke Zarathustra

>mfw let's do this

>> No.2328179
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Same. Dat prose.

>> No.2328213

>Me Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris

>> No.2328217
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Ready Player One, Ernest Cline

>> No.2328222

Literally, just finished The Call of the Wild and White Fang.

Amazing. It brings out the little part of the the Wild in you. I think this is what everyone should be reading in schools.

>> No.2328224
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V. by Thomas Pynchon

>> No.2328228
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The Courtier and the Heretic: Leibniz and Spinoza and the fate of god in the modern world

Pic related: Me while reading this book

>> No.2328232

Awful lot of dick on /lit/ this A.M.

>> No.2328235
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>> No.2328253
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The Hobbit

>> No.2328254


I want this. I really love Bringhurst's poetry.

>> No.2328257
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The Complete Short Stories of Ernest Hemingway

>> No.2328258

I want this. I really love penises and ejaculate.

>> No.2328272
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A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man - James Joyce.
Just finished the sermon about hell and sin. It was like reading Inferno all over again.

>> No.2328277

I want this. I really love Bill Murray

>> No.2328287
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War and Peace
and Nana (Zola)

Picrelated for both

>> No.2328306
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I wasn't sure what to expect when I started this. I was ready for some bland, flowery Edwardian romance, but I'm actually pretty impressed.

I really liked Lawrence's novella The Fox, and this book is right up there with it. He seems to understand the modern woman, his attitude towards sex is pretty refreshing for a book written in the twenties, and I'm a sucker for early-mid twentieth century Britain. It is by turns funny, melancholy, and sexy. Also, as I found in The Fox, Lawrence has a gift for conveying the Northern English countryside, in all its damp and grey glory.

I would definitely recommend it. Unless, like a very vocal portion of this board, you are personally offended and disgusted by any work of fiction with a female protagonist.

>> No.2328309
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A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.2328319
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The Island by Jules Verne

>> No.2328415

I'm currently reading Murakami's 1Q84 and it is fucking brilliant. I can see where those who criticize it as trite and less than stellar are coming from, but on the whole it's rather ingenius. Has anyone else began/read this?

>> No.2328421
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>The Innocent Mage, Karen Miller
recommended by a friend

>> No.2328435

Looking for Alaska - John Green
why does every single fucking character have to be an unlikable attention-seeking pretentious CUNT

>> No.2328439
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captcha ate my image

>> No.2328451
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Infinite Jest


>> No.2328455

Is it bad that I find this gif... arousing?

>> No.2328457

I also find it arousing, do not worry

>> No.2328499
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>Of Human Bondage