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23262927 No.23262927 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any anti-LGBT+ books written from a left-wing (preferably Marxist and materialist) perspective?

>> No.23262976

This guy looks like a crazy nazi jew homo I knew in jail. Astonishingly so. I'd be willing to believe he is a direct descendant.

>> No.23263091
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>Founder of socialist realism
Didnt even know socialist could even be realistic. But i do know they are bad at self-reflection.

>> No.23263100

I really really hate his face. Would be willing to make an exception to my anti-capital punishment stance in his case were he still alive.

>> No.23263103

Actually he wasn't a leftist. Gorky, Marx, Lenin, etc. transcend the modern left-right dichotomy. For instance, Marx was racist. You would be hard pressed to say that Marx aligns with the modern left. Sheesh. Stop trying to claim Marx for your own.

>> No.23263106

A whole book? No. The only things you can find are that Engels letter and that Stalin letter.
>but that Adorno book!
It's 3 lines from a whole book and it was written after he abandoned Marxism.
What's the point of this thread? Are you a conservative that tries to hide it in Marxism? I did the same until I finally admitted what I am.

>> No.23263144

It's always a good idea to dress your beliefs in the language of power. Don't see a problem with that.

>> No.23263148

His name: Max Lawton

>> No.23263154

Weird I thought it was Albert Einstein.

>> No.23264099
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>If you remove homosexuals then you remove the need for Nazis to arise and gain support for removing the homosexuals
What did he mean by this?

>> No.23264109

Literally all you need to know is that Marxists used to cope about fags by claiming it was "bourgeois decadence" despite having no actual moral arguments against it. They didn't want to admit that Western Liberalism was more revolutionary that Communism.

>> No.23264333

The french aristocracy was filled with fudgepackers

>> No.23264430


In the early days of the Nazis, there were some prominent homosexual party leaders in the SA, led by Rohm.

>> No.23264454
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And they were all kicked to death during that faithful night. Many were dragged from their beds in the company of boys. Then what followed was the most vicious persecution of homosexuals the world had ever seen.


>> No.23264481

Back during the height of Marxist class-struggle intellectualism the gay thing would be politely ignored — it wasn’t something polite society delved into publicly. The modern development of LGBT obviously didn’t exist back then either. They would no more write about gay relations then today’s intellectuals would write about different kinds of poop — it’s real and it may even come up here and there on the fringe but it wasn’t something any serious person would write or read about,

>> No.23264496

The Rohm thing was an interesting dynamic. Hitler liked him just fine when things were in upheaval but the guy refused to do anything but cause upheavals so finally the others around Hitler had to take care of business. Hitler himself obviously knew it had to happen which is why he supposedly got really angry over the event but the perpetrators never got punished. To the Nazis this was their possibly greatest scandal which they tried hard to bury — they’d have no idea that they would later be accused of genocide lol.

>> No.23264543

Leftism is about not oppressing any particular group so its fundamentally against it

>> No.23264547

>Lenin was le jewish
god damn I hate you nazis

>> No.23264560
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>Born of a Jewish mother
>Literally the only criteria by which all branches of Judaism use to be considered a jew

Don't be mad that they are correct, be mad that once again the jew is once again trying to destroy Europe. Realize that this is partly the reason why Communism and Fascism where such diametrically opposed systems. One was the expression of a rooted, narive people the other was that of a rootless foreign people.

To be a Fascist is to be firmly for Europe and against the jew in all its forms.

>> No.23264642

He didn't know his mom was ancestrally "jewish" whatever that means. And its only jews that consider it a rule, if you don't give a fuck then it doesn't matter and he was atheist. He wasn't jewish in the slightest

>> No.23264654
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Jew is not only a religion, it is an ethnic grouping too. He was a jew.

>> No.23264656

How about you reason yourself why homosexuality is wrong instead of being a stupid ideologue and wanting to be told how to approach the issue.

>> No.23264690

literally none at all

>> No.23264850
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>Back during the height of Marxist class-struggle intellectualism the gay thing would be politely ignored — it wasn’t something polite society delved into publicly.
There are writings about gay communists who brought it up in these Stalinist-Maoist groups in the U.S. in the 70s, and it wasn't so overtly homophobic, but more seen as a deviation of human behavior that will disappear with socialism (read: a worldwide overturning of property relations, which would lead to a revolution in everything). A party functionary would say something like: "We can discuss it, but the line's going to be that unless you can show me different, unless you can show me the material basis for homosexuality and it's theoretical contribution to revolutionary struggle or the working class, you just basically need to know what's wrong with. That's it's like bourgeois..."

So they'd become disillusioned and leave, and formed these little queer communist groups that started popping up. Then some of those Stalinist-Maoist groups starting changing, like throwing in a few token gay demands into their kitchen sink demand list, probably because they were getting a bit embarrassed because they were trying to recruit people too, like ex-liberals or people who were still liberals, who became interested in socialism and Marxism and were confused about why these groups considered homosexuality to be a symptom of bourgeois decadence. It doesn't really make any sense.

>literally none at all
Communists didn't much care about their followers' private lives. You can probably go through thousands of books from across the world published by communists in the 20th century but find basically nothing about how to have sex or raise children as a communist. They had a remarkably flat conception of human nature -- unique for such a Millenarian movement.

The paradox is that it became about conquering the kingdom of necessity by submitting to it. Communists were expected to show discipline even with the most minor things. Communists had reputations for being workaholics (contrary to stereotypes) committed to revolution around the clock. But the USSR turned into a place where you pretended to work and the government pretended to pay you. There was also a contradiction between this cult of revolution and the (rather bourgeois) domestic comfort that the socialist government provided and didn't really intrude into. One result is that the parents didn't pass on the revolutionary zeal to their children. Marx and Engels? That's a bunch of boring stuff they teach at school. Blah blah blah. People didn't read that stuff at home, they read Mark Twain, Goethe, Heine, Jules Verne, Gogol, Pushkin, Tolstoy, and Dickens. In fact, the Soviets preserved a lot of traditional Russian culture. But maybe this ended up contributed to communism's downfall as an idea:

>> No.23264855

(Not all) homosexuals disproportionately spread disease.
(Not all) homosexuals disproportionately abuse children.
And as such, I think (not all) homosexual activity should be heavily discouraged.

I don't believe in skydaddy or subscribe to the german workers controlled opposition party to think this way either.

>> No.23264861
File: 909 KB, 2500x1667, PublikCoffeeUtahWedding-LGBTQWedding-PhotobyMarinaReyPhotographyLLC-8287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The flip side is what about the lesbians. Like they're less hedonistic than the heterosexuals. They have most of the same-sex weddings too.

>> No.23264864

Yeah, My Diary comrade.