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/lit/ - Literature

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23259450 No.23259450 [Reply] [Original]

Do you start writing a story before you think of the the characters' names or a title?

>> No.23259456

Title comes last so you can pull the name drop from the novel instead of the other way around.

>> No.23260028
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Personally I like to have a working title before I start, and maybe a few names. Names can always change, and often the title ends up being different, but it helps to have some sort of title to file the story under I think.

>> No.23260039

Character names and title are meaningless until the story is written and can be anything while writing. Often the last things I do and just use place holders for the character names.

>> No.23260115

My characters don't have names.

>> No.23260141
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the mere act of asking such a question proves you're hardstuck at number 5, OP

>> No.23260227

I don't know what that is.

>> No.23260250
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You guys draw your characters' names from the Bible, mythology and classical works, don't you? Or do you just pick whatever name that sounds fancy?

>> No.23260429

look up aphantasia test

>> No.23260438

>character names have to be meaningful

>> No.23260447

>before you think of the the characters' names
>or a title?

>> No.23260464

Where did I say that?

>> No.23260479

All of my characters have weird names, and most of them have nicknames instead of actual names. I used to use a baby name site for names and their meaning- I was really anal about it, but at some point I realized that it's much more fun and organic to just give them names that I like.

And for the nickname characters, it can add a little backstory to the character.

>> No.23260519

I'm 2 and I don't usually come up with names until after the premise, but I do come up with the story and main characters at same time.

>> No.23260536
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The title always comes first because it's the only piece of pre-writing you need to guide the novel.
Character names are thought up on the spot, just like how your parents came up with some dumb crap in the hospital that they thought you'd grow into.

>> No.23261182

Yes. I wrote my first chapter without even naming anyone, referring to them with titles, mother, father, uncle.

>> No.23261189



>> No.23261195

this is fake and gay. literally everyone is a 1 unless they have some notable condition.
same with the inner dialogue meme

names come later for me. i even filter out names of people in the stories im reading. they just dont matter because i have a visual/profile of the person and their name just triggers that if anything

>> No.23261198

fanfic writers. the lowest of the low

>> No.23261207

how are you a 2? you can't focus and think of an image in detail?
it doesnt need to be a vivid hallucination, man.

>> No.23261307

I just give them a name that I think fits the vague picture in my mind; or, if I'm using another character as a model (Hamlet, Macbeth, Iago, etc), I use that as a placeholder until I can flesh the character out more and give them a new name that either fits their place in the themes/motifs of the narrative, or one that I think fits them better than the placeholder.
I've been buying a lot of apples lately, so anytime I try to picture one I just remember the image of one at the store or in my kitchen. Even when I try to picture something like, say, an orange I can't help but use bits of memories of the color, shine, time of day, the porous surface and the tactile sensation of holding one and squeezing it, digging your fingers into it, feeling the cold juices as you see them sputter and stream out. Is that the point of the test or did I fail?

>> No.23261333

this is very curious. i'm not sure if we're getting hung up on expectations or,

most people, i assume, passively visualize objects in fragments, not especially vividly.

however if you are asked to focus and visualize the orange and manipulate it in any way, in any scenario, you probably should be able to do that.