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/lit/ - Literature

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23257345 No.23257345 [Reply] [Original]

new thoughts - what are you reading tonight? edition
previous : https://boards.4chan.org/lit/thread/23252680#bottom

>> No.23257355
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a friend (a shitty one) told me how it ended. it's been in my backlog for a very long time. time to see if Agatha Christie really is the shit or not

>> No.23257359

I'm not reading anything because I got mayonnaise all over myself. I'm meant to be reading Strangers by Taichi Yamada

>> No.23257379
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I just finished reading "Matterhorn" by Karl Marlantes. It's a fictional story about the Vietnam war, inspired by true events that Karl himself went through. It has got to be without a doubt, the best war story I've consumed in my life. It's so enlightening, and so human, it made every other war story I had consumed previously feel a little inauthentic by comparison. The prose is good, the characters are great, the story is paced perfectly, it feels brutally authentic, and the hard moments hit hard and churn your guts. If you have any interest in the Vietnam war, or the experience of soldiers at war, this is about as good as it gets.

>> No.23257386
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Let's have a comfy evening, niggers. I look forward to your wwoymz.

>> No.23257394

I'm eating cheesecake. Cheescake!

>> No.23257399

everyday life sucks! SUCKS!!

>> No.23257402

Hell yeah, that sounds good. I am drinking black coffee, could use some cheese cake. Tell me, what kind is it? Plain? Some berries? Perhaps a wild concoction?

>> No.23257404

That's because we live in the vacuum of space.

>> No.23257405


>> No.23257406

"The White Goddess" by Robert Graves. I'm still at page 63, but so far it's as interesting as I had presumed.

>> No.23257407

The best.

>> No.23257414
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>keep thinking about posting pics on instagram but dont do it
>Only around 10 people are going to see it anyway
I dont know what im even worried about

>> No.23257424
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>that part where athena uses paris as a footstool while playing animal crossing on her switch

>> No.23257428
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i've been putting off this book my ex gave me the day we broke up 6 years ago.
just excavated it from my wardrobe and saw her note that came with (which i've read but forgot.)
i hope it's good...

>> No.23257439

I feel like a lot of contemporary moral dilemmas, imaginary or real, stem from the misunderstanding that sympathy is something that should be handed out indiscriminately rather than being something that must be earned before it can be given out, and can just as easily be lost if the object of sympathy proves himself or herself undeserving of it. It is only logical that the man of our entitled age would sooner ask "why aren't people sympathizing with me, are they bad people?" rather than ask himself the real question of "...maybe I felt entitled to the sympathy of others when I did nothing to deserve it from them in particular?"

>> No.23257488

I’m reading the 2004 Lydia Davis translation of “Swann’s Way” to see how it compares with the Modern Library revised version that I read before. I’m not far enough into it yet to have developed a concrete opinion as to which one is better.

>> No.23257579

Another day spent sleeping in the day, loafing around on the computer at night, I hate myself.

>> No.23257591

I've been doing that for 20 years.

>> No.23257603

rookie numbers, mason.

>> No.23257619

I've doing this for a month and I hate it. I like the daylight.
If I could, I would abolish sleep.

>> No.23257641

I've done things you guys would never believe but it doesn't even matter. None of it mattered in the end.

>> No.23257647

I am writing a commentary on a book, how do you write "This is another cope by the author" but without the zoomer lang

>> No.23257649

I only see money as a means to exchange value created by labor for products created by others.

>> No.23257663

This is just an excuse by the author, maybe?

>> No.23257674

I rarely think about women outside of the times I am horny. Even when it is within an artistic context, like, Donne's poetry or Bernini's sculptures, women and femininity are practically without exception little else but catalysts to something beyond themselves rather than subjects in their own right. Even if I was in a relationship, I feel like that wouldn't change much, if I loved my partner as a woman, it would be because she represented womanhood and femininity the most completely and most intimately to me, and not because I would think of her as my soulmate or one true pair or anything like that. Not to say that she would be interchangeable with any other woman but it would probably be a lie to say that my love for her would be because of her innately unique nature.

>> No.23257700

I really despise these grifting “manosphere” types, all of them are morally and spiritually bankrupt money grubbers. No grace or any sincerity. They’re all fucking degenerates.

>> No.23257703

I wonder if Shakespeare believed a single thing he wrote.

>> No.23257713

I wish I had learned to draw
I wish I didn't get forced into a STEM pipeline.
Now I'm both unemployed and unfulfilled
I wish I could have just pursued making comics and graphic novels

>> No.23257721

I find this new manosphere trend strange. It's seems like young zoomers and late gen alpha kids are rediscovering discourse that was already done to death over a decade ago.

>> No.23257754
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A few times in my past, women have shown me interest, sometimes in the form of giving me their phone numbers. I never reciprocated because I knew they would reject me once they realized all of my flaws, and I didn't want to put on a persona just to have a GF. I'm probably too ugly now, but if I weren't, and I had an opportunity to get a GF, I would probably do it for a deranged reason. I would put on my typical likeable persona until she's comfortable enough with me, and then, at no provocation, I would tie her up, tape her mouth shut, and blindfold her; The ropes to keep her from escaping, the tape to keep her from verbalizing, and very importantly the blindfold to prevent her from looking at me with the soul-destroying eyes of disapproval.

My design would be to lay on the bed next to her, hugging her tightly and telling her how much of a piece of shit I am, how I'm a monster that can't feel like a normal human, terrible, basically using her as a teddy bear and therapist. I would say every blasted, cursed thing I can imagine, and when the discomfort of the situation reaches a crescendo, or if she struggles to harshly, I would apologize, leave, and call the police on myself. "I tied my girlfriend up and falsely imprisoned her for a time," I would say, and when they arrive I would beg to be taken to jail immediately. This part would be essential— I wouldn't want to bear witness to her unbound and rejecting me. You see, as long as she is unable to protest, there is a sort of Schrödinger's rejection going on— as long as the rejection is not observed, then I can keep myself in the "falling apart" stay instead of the "destroyed" state. I would need to avoid ever going to court or in any way ever seeing her, so that I do not have to see the soul-destroying eyes or hear the sting of rejection.

After leaving jail (months or years) I would kill myself immediately, so that I do not ever hear about the rejection.

It seems like a deranged fantasy, but I would do it if given the opportunity. Isn't it weird that you share a board with the utterly deranged?

>> No.23257757
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>Isn't it weird that you share a board with the utterly deranged?

>> No.23257769

>I wish I didn't get forced into a STEM pipeline.
>Now I'm both unemployed and unfulfilled
how can you be unemployed if you have a stem background?

>> No.23257776
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I feel as though anyone that gets involved with me is falling into an ancient, dark and evil forest— a place with rodents, insects, the stench of death, where the half-moon is always shining overhead, where unspeakable things lurk just beyond every shadow. I could never accept love because of that thought. Just imagine (an unbelievable thought— I do not honestly entertain the idea, but this is for argument) if a woman really fell in love with me, what horrors she would endure. She would love a fake, or I would trap her in the forest.
I imagine a woman wandering around the darkness for decades, hoping that one day the sun will shine and the birds will sing, always holding on to that hopeless hope while her ... beautiful life crumbles around her. I could never do it ... I could never bear to see someone suffer for me. If I love anyone, I run away.

>> No.23257778

>I knew they would reject me once they realized all of my flaws, and I didn't want to put on a persona just to have a GF
Same. No self-respecting woman worth anything would want to be with me if she found out who I really am. I can put on a decent veneer for a few months but the cracks will show after that. She'd rightly feel manipulated and lied to

>> No.23257781

Anon I came across a group of people in /v/ that were openly discussing and promoting pedophilia, absolute degenerate scum, so believe it or not, you are not one of the weirdest freaks posting here.

>> No.23257788

This is a legit fetish scenario and girls will let you do it (though they won't want any actual cops probably) (suicide they might be more okay with)

>> No.23257796
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The internet has ruined my life.
I will not elaborate.

>> No.23257814

Pants have ruined my life. It's always some technology.

>> No.23257823

Are you serious? Some women would get even more attached to you if anything. I've seen so many poor souls in my third world shithole stick to actually dangerous people, and pay for it with their well-being, sometimes with their own lives, because they think it's salvageable and redeeming them will be heroic and proof of their undying love and totally worth it. Unironic "I can fix him!" kind of thing. Not to mention the degenerate who would wet themselves over the mere thought of >>23257754 doing some of the things he described (he actually seems unhinged though).
Regardless, that "boohoo they would abandon me cuz I'm flawed" argument is crap. You're just running in circles so you can run in circles.
How did pants ruin your life?

>> No.23257839
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>> No.23257843

>Regardless, that "boohoo they would abandon me cuz I'm flawed" argument is crap
Sure, being insecure, neurotic and irritable is very attractive to a woman. The whole "I can fix him" schtick is when she's dealing with someone who is a thug or thug-adjacent.

>> No.23257848

>The whole "I can fix him" schtick is when she's dealing with someone who is a thug or thug-adjacent
Or otherwise into the sexual degeneracy that the other anon was describing. We know all about women and their rape fantasies

>> No.23257850

This anon's >>23257754 fantasy is strictly non-sexual, so he'd be the unlikable genuine creep.

>> No.23257852

>Or otherwise into the sexual degeneracy that the other anon was describing.
That's just the most common paraphilia among women, most women do not wish to gett raped.

>> No.23257857

Just like a lot of men out there who are nonetheless getting laid. Show your good side before you either let your flaws slip or, better yet, decide to talk about them in such a way that you show that you actually want to change (and you probably do). As long as you don't hit her or humiliate her in public like a retard, she'll stick to you and you might even change for the better to honor her love.

>> No.23257872

I want to find a woman that hates men and wants to kill them, and formulate a plan with her where she gets to act out her fantasy of murder and I get to die showing weakness. Isn't that what intimacy is? I would bare my heart and have it bleed out all over someone else. I would pour it all out and die in someone's arms. Is that too much to ask?

>> No.23257883

need to start doing the things that i enjoy
only thing preventing me is laziness

>> No.23257891

Is it any good? I've seen people say that Proust is dull, although he does seem to have some devoted fans on here.

>> No.23257893

I feel like I can't truly express myself anywhere because I'm convinced that no one cares, no one will care, and nothing I could ever say or do will ever be interesting or meaningful or valuable to anyone else, no matter how important it seems to me at the time. I struggle to even write 4chan posts, let alone saying any of this to another person face to face.
In social situations I carefully observe the behavior of others and try to imitate what's successful while presenting a picture of what I think others want to see when anyone speaks to me. The moment anything goes poorly I retreat into my shell even further and ruminate on the failure for days or weeks afterwards.

>> No.23257894

It's 2024

>> No.23257900

I'm just not willing to settle for a non virgin woman and at my age thats impossible
I don't identify with incels though. It feels out of my hands. I just never found the right one

>> No.23257904
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It's been almost a decade, but sometimes I still think of her. It used to be that I'd see her wherever I looked and dread would overwhelm me, then a long time where she simply disappeared from my head, but now it's such a warm feeling. Warm, and rather strange, in that it doesn't make me sad at all. I'm just content with the memories and the byproducts of my imagination. I'm imagining as I type this us chatting like we used to, her mellow voice slowly charming my spirit, or me singing like when she asked me to; and if I close my eyes and fall quiet for a minute, she'll whisper sweet nothings into my ear, cuddling me like I'm a huge doll, or I'll get back to what I described in >>23253327. In fact, it was that post that made me realize this.
It's honestly wonderful. I agnize it's over, and I'm not attached to any dangerous delusions. I don't blame myself for what happened, nor do I loathe her anymore over what she did not do. Time has dusted off the ruined city, where now towers a fortress such that even the specters that once haunted me seem unable to lay siege. It's like the following lyrics of a certain song:
Learning from misery
Staring back at dissent
Leaving distrust behind
I'm inspired and content

>> No.23257905

I spend too much money on books. I had to restrain myself today and just bought 2, when I wanted to buy like 8.

>> No.23257910

I've changed my stance on the Israel-Palestine conflict after the WCK drone strikes. Now I support Israel.

>> No.23257988
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>> No.23257990

I think I may be using self-doubt to avoid broaching the subject that I don't care for the path I've taken.
The prospect that the past 10 years have been for nothing & that I may have to do a hard turn at fucking 30 is terrifying but also tempting

>> No.23258024

>Just like a lot of men out there who are nonetheless getting laid
For how long? Those traits bring down a relationship sooner or later unless the woman has the patience of a saint
>decide to talk about them in such a way that you show that you actually want to change
How do you even go about doing this? What would you even say? "I've been like this forever and have been continually trying to change but keep failing"? It also seems odd to just bring it up. The only time it might make sense is when you've displayed given trait in one way or another.
Cool so they just have debased sexual fantasies which they shouldn't have
>inb4 just like men
Yeah I know

>> No.23258026

>In social situations I carefully observe the behavior of others and try to imitate what's successful while presenting a picture of what I think others want to see when anyone speaks to me
I'm convinced autists are far more socially aware than normies. The issue is that they suffer from paralysis by analysis

>> No.23258048

Did you even had sex yet?

>> No.23258049

Yeah, he’s probably my favourite writer of all time for a lot of different reasons but honestly I’m rlly tired and my thoughts feel tangled so I can’t explain why right now but I found an old truelit post I made sort of explaining some of the reasons why and copypasted it for you

Proust’s work shows such a deep understanding of the intricacies of human relationships, and his exploration of the concept of memory is incredible. There were so many times where he managed to perfectly encapsulate thoughts, ideas, and experiences that I’ve had myself and yet have never been able to fully understand or articulate. He’s genuinely the most insightful writer that I’ve ever encountered. There’s also so much humour in his writing— he draws attention to societal pretensions and depicts people’s mannerisms and flaws in a way that, a century later, is still funny and relevant.

>> No.23258056
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I can't tell reality from unreality; I can't tell reality from dreams.

>> No.23258059

I feel you on this situation. When there was a chance, I was too depressed. Now that Im not as depressed - the opportunity is gone.

>> No.23258075

>How do you even go about doing this? What would you even say? "I've been like this forever and have been continually trying to change but keep failing"?
I don't know, man. And I'm not trying to be cheeky. I don't think there's an objective answer to this. You'd have to come up with your own way to convey this.
>It also seems odd to just bring it up. The only time it might make sense is when you've displayed given trait in one way or another.
I mean, you could bring it up after a screw up too, what I mentioned was probably the absolute best case scenario when you've built up enough trust to go "actually, I'm a bit of a nut job." Those traits can indeed destroy a relationship as you said, but in the end it's not about how deep in the shit you are, but whether you can convince her you're able, willing, and actually trying to get out and do her proud.
Also, mind you I'm talking about real women, not gold diggers, dick riders or anything.

>> No.23258085

No I don't see the point

>> No.23258101

This motherfucker, named Daniel, was a piece of fucking shit. At 3 AM on a Sunday he broke into the local church and robbed it of its holy water. Straight up used a shop vac to pump that holiness out. INTO A PLASTIC RECEPTACLE. Disgusting.
Anyway, this sin could not wait for the wrath of God, and must be dealt with NOW.
He is in a 2007 Honda Civic. Me? I'm in a 2019 Honda Civic. The added weight of electronics assisted me in PIT maneuvering his vehicle, and he quickly ended up upside-down in a ditch.
I go up to his door, open it up, and as he is struggling to regain some semblance of understanding of what just happened I shove a tazer into his armpit. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ goes the tazer. I literally just kept it on until it no longer tazed, and then I grabbed my back-up tazer to continue the shocking violence. Before running out of charge on the back-up, I pull him out by his hair and zip him into a specialized rubber bag. I then put the bag onto my back with the attached straps and walk him into the trunk. Once he is all secure, I drive home.
I hoisted him out and brought him to the basement's bathroom. I had a hook above the tub for suspending the bag from. Then? I pumped non-holy water through a hole in the top. He started screaming and shit, but it was not very loud due to rubber's insulating properties. The screaming straight up stopped when the water got to his face (an assumption, I cannot actually see into the bag, transparent materials for such constructions are pricey). I stopped pumping water because I did not want him to die yet (there is a hole in the bottom of the bag for drainage, but it is not that big).
It is VERY important that you give a motherfucker time to suffer so that they make their own amends with God. In a way, I'm doing God's work. I'm giving Daniel a chance to not face hell, for I give him a temporal taste of it here on this beautiful green Earth.
After a view rounds of water pumping, I pump in some oatmeal. Motherfucker must be hungry (it's been 16 hours since he was nabbed). Once he is finished eating, I go to take a nap.
After waking up, I visit Daniel. I see that he took a shit, because I can see some of it in the tub. It is all mushed up and shit (lol) because he must have used his feet to crumble it through the bottom hole of his bag.
Anyway this pissed me off a lot so I decided to just take a bat and beat the fucking shit out of him inside the bag. One crack (think I hit his ribs) and a little scream emits. Two cracks and a BIG scream emits. The third whack makes the bag start moving a bit (fucking muscles). The 4th whack was to his face, and blood starts running out of the bottom hole.
I unzip him out of the bag. I cut off his fingers. I cut off his toes. I rape his anus with rebar. I expose his spine and pour alcohol onto it. That'll teach YOU motherfucker. God showed me that he had apologized for his sins, and he is now almost certainly in heaven.

>> No.23258102

I'm better off just trying to improve while I'm single and if God sees it fit to give me a wife then let His will be done. I don't want to have to explain how messed I am to a woman who I'm married to after the fact. Admittedly, I've made no progress on my negative traits. I just see myself running in circles.

>> No.23258126

I wish I had friends with skillsets useful for projects. For example, a friend with experience in making pixel art and Unity programming. That way we could collaborating on creating a game together and share revenue.

I don't see the point of most friendships. Just talking endlessly and tolerating one another's differences. I want to bond over shared goals, but my goals rarely persuade others to put in the time, even if they find it fascinating. I've had my ideas stolen numerous times, and I fear it will happen again unless I bring my idea out there relatively soon.

>> No.23258133

There are worse situations to be in, thirty is still relatively young. For example, take the guy who made something awful, he woke up once day and realized he was in his mid-forties, twice divorced owing thousands in alimony and child support, with nothing to his name, suffering from back problems and dealing with a pill addiction; he ended up killing himself.

>> No.23258135

I'm naming my son Teleporno.

>> No.23258136

Yeah. What did you expect?
People aren't very noble animals.
Woke up one day*

>> No.23258142

I've sinned again.

>> No.23258145

I was sad over being single.
I went to the store. I saw a prime millennial coupling.
A short man who wasn't fat or thin or kuscled simply a lump of flesh, he was balding on the crown and his hair was long. He carted around two small dogs inside the store and his obese girlfriend who was raiding the clearance candy. He spoke in mumbled soft spoked affirmatives as his lover pulled out more and more confections and held them out to him.
Maybe being single isn't so bad.

>> No.23258149

i found your reddit account anon

>> No.23258154

Seeing people like that makes me want to curl up and die; this world is hopeless. I cannot bring myself to enjoy the absurdity anymore, the gallery of banal horrors is growing repetitive. I want to just go limp and die.

>> No.23258155

What's a tunafish plus a tunafish

>> No.23258156

You're already limp, dicklet

>> No.23258157

When I don't sin, I still sin.

>> No.23258161

I'm a completely different person from whom I was 5 years ago. Why are people from back then coming back into my life?

>> No.23258162


>> No.23258163

So are you, fellow anthropoi,

>> No.23258170

2016 was the last good year. I think most people of my generation are starting to realize this now

>> No.23258177

Sometimes I take a catalog of myself of what body parts I'd be willing to lose without it being debilitating
The obvious nonessential organs(spleen,gallbladder, 1 kidney, appendix,tonsils, etc)
An eyeball
Index finger on both hands
That part of your liver you can cut off
A handful of teeth that you don't need.
Wisdom teeth

More abstract like Sense of touch Sense of taste.
All childhood memories

I think of more extreme stuff like my left hand or arm.
Then I debate if prosthetics count and how good they are. Like I could probably be okay with a below the knee leg amputation on one leg. Maybe both. And I could replace all my teeth with fake ones.

I think selling organs and body parts should be legal. I'd probably be so rich. I don't understand the debate against it on moral grounds. I know someone who thinks it would be too sad for poor people to be selling their organs just to live... is it less sad for them to be homeless or worse?

Sometimes I kind of like the idea. Like I'd be more "pure" in some way by emptying my guts a but.
Plus I'd probably feel so much lighter

>> No.23258188

Naw I want to go back to 2011

>> No.23258194

No. A fournafish

>> No.23258199

t. Millennial who peaked in college

>> No.23258201

t. Millennial who peaked in high school

>> No.23258202

I'm not even him and you're wrong

>> No.23258203

Just no.

>> No.23258207
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>> No.23258213

Always good morning retard
Never how are you retard

>> No.23258231

My brother loved Apu. He would have loved this Apu. Man this really sucks. Seriously guys, don't kill yourselves. Everyone will be affected

>> No.23258233

I really just don't care to be honest. I don't have friends. And I don't care about my family.

>> No.23258246

Kys and eat shit in hell.

>> No.23258250

Yeah that's basically what my brother said
He also said this

>> No.23258326

getting a gf is literally impossible

>> No.23258330

Have you tried to the gf store?

>> No.23258335

why would do you even want one?

>> No.23258344

someone to do stuff with, but you have a point getting a gf won't turn things around by itself. Damn life sucks.

>> No.23258351

John 15:5

>> No.23258360

Get a dog

>> No.23258365

get a cool hobby, sport, interest, goal, can be anything and do interesting stuff yourself, having a decent girl by your side is definitely good but you have to remember that she should just be a cherry on top of your already delicious cake

>> No.23258381

Man.....I just don't want to. I guess there's something wrong with me. But all that stuff..just not for me

>> No.23258382

A dog would be too much responsibility.

>> No.23258389

Bungled so much I wish I could go full isolation and write about some truth I've found. But I can't write so I'm just a retard who's mopey.

>> No.23258465
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it's fucking Jover

>> No.23258484

yuor qwelconme

>> No.23258487

not bado

>> No.23258489

Struggled to write and instead have been going into Death In Venice tier manic episodes over 14 year old boys

>> No.23258504

I don't know if this question deserves a whole thread so I'll ask here: should I be knowledgeable about Greek mythology before reading the Iliad? I just finished book one and I'm noticing a lot of references to gods that are totally unfamiliar to me, like Hephaestus and Thetis.
Also, should I familiarize myself with the geography first? I don't know where Achaea or Troy are actually located, but they keep talking about the Achaeans and the Trojans.
Will this knowledge have any real bearing on the story?

>> No.23258513

How do you spend your day /lit/?

>> No.23258515


>> No.23258522

today i worked on a photolitogrpahy nmachien
i read some of kafkas diary and his novel Amerika on my lunch break
i went and got drunk and played pool with coworkers after work
went to cowrkers new empty apartment and chain smoked and did some lines molly and now i am at home reading shakespeare and listenig tom usic and staying awakwe

>> No.23258523

i read book and i post

>> No.23258527

nap, read, attempt to write, post. a little exercise and guitar
some days i play videogames
i am going to do nothing but this for at least 1 more year

>> No.23258537

How to read on phone? I keep on getting distracted. I'm poor and I don't have the luxury of buying books that I might or might not like.

>> No.23258545

anemia sucks. I wonder if vampires feel like this when hungry

>> No.23258588


>> No.23258622
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I fucked up my last batch of contact lens. Since I have astigmatism I have to wait for contact lens when I order it else I would've just bought the lenses really quickly. What a pain in the ass it is to have myopia.

>> No.23258655

I'm sorry for your loss, anon.

>> No.23258675

That feel when eyes getting worse

>> No.23258694
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>> No.23258697

Ran errands for mum, watched the footy, went to the gym and read a little

>> No.23258702

this is me everyday bros...

>> No.23258721

I wake up in the late morning. I browse 4chan for a while on my phone. Sometimes I read news articles. Most days I either go to my shitty retail job or university for around 5 hours. On days where I have nothing to do I lay in bed well into the afternoon. From the afternoon until the early hours of the morning I will sit on the computer. Wasting time. I never really study or learn anything new. It just gets sucked away. Video games, talking to people on discord, watching crappy shows or youtube videos. Sometimes I'll go for a walk or lift weights or cook the family dinner. I will read for a bit in bed before I sleep. I don't read as much as I would like to. It's a bug's life!

>> No.23258833

Years ago, while arguing about the state of the world and trying to pinpoint when exactly did things go wrong, a friend of mine pointed out that 2005 was the divisive year in all media (movies, music, game, you name it), past which everything began to degenerate, slowly but surely, and so clearly that even the average person, as long as they're not just as sick in the head, couldn't ignore or dismiss it anymore. That doesn't mean that everything post-2005 is full of shit, but that more and more things went absolutely tits. It's more like the year when the disease made itself known to the unsuspecting body. I think that's rather accurate.

>> No.23258866

That could have some elements of art imitating life. 2005 is when life expectancy rates in the US start receding from the historical peak

>> No.23258872

>I think selling organs and body parts should be legal. I'd probably be so rich. I don't understand the debate against it on moral grounds. I know someone who thinks it would be too sad for poor people to be selling their organs just to live... is it less sad for them to be homeless or worse?
Coercion would be hard to prove. Imagine an 18 year old woman being psychologically abused and coerced into slowly selling off more and more of her body parts for her boyfriend.
The moderate benefit of someone being homeless and able to sell a kidney is no where near as horrific as all the evil that can happen as a result. In the first case, the good (a little money temporarily) is balanced by an evil (losing a body part). In the second case, there is no good, and the evil is immense and unbalanced.

Similar things already happen, and we do not need to facilitate it legally.

>> No.23258883

yeah i'm into MILFs (Men I'd Like to Fuck)

>> No.23258888

Just ended a 3 day fent binge, time to get my brain back to normal again. Reading /lit/ is generally a good start.

>> No.23258896

Gym or country club?
Which one?

>> No.23258897

the "do not distub" setting would stop notifications and calls from coming in, if that's what you mean

>> No.23258902

imagining the water below being pulled up and down as he bounces

>> No.23258910

we can transplant pig organs now

>> No.23258942

Is there a better example of a game series ruined by woke idiots than Assassin’s Creed? Apparently, the next installment will have you playing as a black female ninja in feudal Japan and a witch who summons Mephisto during witch trails in the Holy Roman Empire (the Christians are the bad guys, obviously).

>> No.23258963

I used to think those sort of /pol/tier critiques of the enlightenment were kind of dumb, but the older I get and the more I read, the more I realize that while poorly stated, they were basically right. The enlightenment was absolutely retarded and that is just so obvious to me after reading most of the most influential enlightenment thinkers. The revolutions really were a disaster. And our inheritance of the world after the enlightenment (intellectual revolution), political revolutions, and Industrial Revolution, is an unmitigated disaster. Once you realize that the smartest people who ever lived, lived before 1500 AD, with the smartest of those living between 100 AD and 1500 AD, and you realize that the entire modern project is predicated on insisting that those people between 100 AD and 1500 AD were the dumbest and that the people before them were a little right but mostly retarded, you immediately realize why modern life is so fake, gay, and basically fucked up. John Locke literally thought women were naturally more powerful than men and we should live in a gynocracy. Rousseau literally thought democracy would subordinate politics to the sharpened will of the people, and not result in a moneyed oligarchy playing popularity contests with lowest common denominator candidates that would appear as a pleb to any Roman aristocrat. Descartes literally did not think “I think therefore I am” contained a basic logical fallacy. And we are living in the world that treats these guys like the first truly correct people who ever lived. It’s nuts, really.

>> No.23258976

I wish I'd have that non-food consuming depression.

>> No.23258991

Okay, why?

>> No.23259027

that's hot

>> No.23259031

In the city my father grew up in, there is an island a few hundred meters off the coast. Often, when I am sad, I daydream of swimming to it and walking around on my lonesome. Laying in the sand and enjoying the sun.
It's a restricted area, due to being a nature preserve, and even if it wasn't I live in another continent. But I think of that island a lot, wistfully. I have never been to it, and my only memory of it is asking my dad if we could swim there and him ignoring me.

>> No.23259033

Not the same but related:
I started out as a far-left progressive liberal and became a disillusioned /pol/tard. You know the pipeline— reddit, twitter, youtube pop-philosophy to become a far-left liberal, then when you pick up books and look at things critically, it all melts away. I still heavily romanticize liberalism. I love the idea a lot; believe me, I have searched and searched for something to disprove my /pol/tard beliefs. I don't WANT to be right. I want someone to show me how I'm wrong, and that liberalism really will work out, that "Liberty, Equality, Fraternity," is not the dead idol of a dying empire.

An example of a heavily disillusioning moment is the fact that I'm not white, and when I actually took the time to look at crime statistics, IQ, etc., non-whites really do perform worse. The best of the best explanations used by the left to explain this difference amounts to, quite literally, pointing at imperceptible, unprovable, unfalsifiable systems of "structural racism," the only proof of which is that their observations don't match their expectations. That's it, really: "All people are equal. We measured a difference. Therefore, there is an unseen 'dark racism' floating around that cannot be detected in any way other than measuring the difference in outcome." The tenuous assumption is that all people must necessarily be equal, and it is something that, the longer time goes on, becomes more and more ridiculous a belief. Believe me, I WANT to believe in equality.

This is just one of the many increasingly apparent issues in modern liberalism. In order to prop up this dead god, we have to point to unseen forces, magical variables that cannot be known, ideas that cannot be falsified, and NEVER, EVER, question our basic assumptions. Liberalism feels like a beast which, at the beginning, we expected to grow into a wonderful and helpful create but, after we have continued to feed and nourish it, has become a terrible and increasingly insatiable tyrant; We feed and feed and feed it, it grows larger and more hungry, and eventually, we will no longer have anything more to give. It will consume us all.

>> No.23259043

I miss that city so much. Even if I was only there once.

>> No.23259048
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feelsbadman. I have received a good job offer in my country (salary in the top 30% of my country's living wages) but I initially wanted to leave. The main problem in my country is that even with a good wage you can't become a debtless landlord if you haven't inherited.
I will miss out on plenty of stuff. I want to attain greatness, but at what price? I don't know what to do.

>> No.23259052
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Read this book when they were promoting it at the Scholastic book fair. I made up a funny story about one of those Newfoundland dogs getting a bad case of diarrhea. Because the dog is so big, I imagined it was the worst. The dog was walking around diarrhea-ing everywhere. A massive trail of diarrhea. The little town had to organize to clean up the diarrhea trail left by the dog.

>> No.23259063

Why what?

Liberalism appears to me as more of a delusional wish than a reality, especially in the technological age. Yeah, it would be great if we lived in a society where governments and institutions allowed people to live freely for the most part, but that’s just not the world we’ve ever lived in and never will. Liberalism is a sort of Utopianism imo, not all that different from Anarchism and socialism and liberalism when subscribed to by politicians just renders them helpless in view of political ideologies like progressivism and woke progressivism or whatever. Hell, it’s half the reason we’re obviously sliding into progressive fascism, because the right broadly subscribes to liberalism (ie do complain when the left goes too far but do nothing else because that wouldn’t be liberal).

>> No.23259068

Should I eat a burger today?
I kind of want a burger and don't know if I should.
I might just flip a coin.

>> No.23259078

Why were the enlightenment and French Revolutions mistakes?

>> No.23259086

On the topic of races and IQ, crime, etc.

I think people are stuck in this false dialectic of blank slate/noble savage and genetic fatalism. Lefty idiots usually pretend like non-whites and non-Asians just have lower IQ and higher crime and all that because of the history of slavery and racism and all this and that’s obviously retarded for the reasons you mentioned. But the right also slides into retardation when it baselessly ascribes genetic determinism to people on the basis of trends. I mean, think about it logically. If I see a strong correlation between races and IQ, it’s just factually not the case that I can say with certainty that race caused the IQ. I can only say they’re correlated.

This is the false dialectic at work. So probably, the real answer is that it’s partly genetic and partly socialized. And actually, racism and slavery prove this. If we look at African-Americans for example, the single most peaceful and productive time in their history in America was slavery. Now, people will clutch pearls about that and think it’s a prescription for slavery, but it’s really an antidote for genetic determinism of racists. If blacks really were more violent and lazier because of genetic reasons that can never be overcome as long as they remain genetically black, then it shouldn’t have been possible that slavery made blacks more peaceful. Similarly, if it was slavery, or racism, that made them more violent and less productive, then that also shouldn’t have been the case under slavery, which is the most egregious case of racism that has ever existed. So both sides are stuck in this false dichotomy that is easily refuted by simply using logic and thinking about history.

Now, how does this play into liberalism? Well, it depends what liberalism describes. The inherent flaw in liberalism as a utopian project is that assumes natural universalism, all people are exactly the same. When in reality, all people are the same in some ways but not in others. So maybe it really is the case that blacks are genetically predisposed to be more violent and less productive, but that can socialized out of them in the most extreme case by slavery but in less extreme cases simply strong social norms. Liberalism fails in both aspects. It fails to acknowledge the nuance, leading to the failure of the logic of the Utopianism, and then the Utopianism fails to be practical enough to deal with reality. But on this topic, you can recognize this and still be stuck in the false dichotomy.

But I think what you’re really condemning is not liberalism but progressivism. Their nature is similar, but not the same. We very much live in a time of progressivism, which eschews this falling to natural common denominators and instead makes use of state and law to lift up groups, or try to.

>> No.23259088

>Hell, it’s half the reason we’re obviously sliding into progressive fascism, because the right broadly subscribes to liberalism (ie do complain when the left goes too far but do nothing else because that wouldn’t be liberal).
So accurate.

>> No.23259103

Well I mean i kind of pointed out what was retarded about a few Englightenment thinkers but mostly, the enlightenment was predicated on faulty logical premises, and ran with simply because it appeared to work. The enlightenment gave us science and technology and science and technology are clearly very powerful, and so we accept the enlightenment as true, but to be powerful and to be truthful are not the same. So what you have with the Dawn of the enlightenment is a society that is increasingly thinking what is powerful but not necessarily true. Basically, every year we are more powerful but more wrong about power and how we use it.

As for the revolutions, in some aspects they had good intentions but the problem with the revolutions is that they were fundamentally an overturning of the old world order which by nature had as one of its goals the preservation of good, virtuous, societies. The revolutionaries condemned the aristocrats for becoming decadent, and then immediately became the most decadent, degenerate, unethical people who ever lived. 200 years on, they’re not so unethical, at least not obviously so, but the society in general is far more unethical, and everyone including them is less virtuous, more decadent. Just think about the role of a landed aristocrat. Preservation of the estate, and thus the land and its people is obviously in his interest and one of his primary mandates. But the cosmopolitan lawyer turned congressman or parliamentary has no obligation to any estate, any land, or any people. He’s not naturally predisposed to think he is either. He is a professional, and is liable to sell his service to the highest bidder. And that’s exactly what politics has become. Moreover, the upper class, the lower class (whether by politics or money), has always been the social role model for every society. Has there ever been one so lacking in virtue in admirable qualities as ours? The last great man was Napoleon, whereupon his death, Europe almost immediately fell into rule by ignoble plutocrats, and became an ignoble society as a result. In America, it was less severe as we had a hundred years or so of landed gentry running the show, but after the Industrial Revolution became even more plutocratic than Europe. And all of this amounts to a civilization of lesser people, Nietzsche’s last men, but worse since they’re without virtue or hope. This is what these revolutions wrought. The pious aristocrat with cultural tastes, obligations to land and folk, and martial obligations is without any place at all, and the whole society is made of professionals and coomers.

>> No.23259105

Go for it.
Classic cheeeburger.
80/20 ground beef
Cheddar cheese
Sesame seed bun
The works
Nothing better

>> No.23259113

Are Apple Watches gay? I’m thinking about getting one to track my sleep and fitness.

>> No.23259115

>But I think what you’re really condemning is not liberalism but progressivism.
True, although I see progressivism as a sort of inevitability when it comes to liberalism.
Your post was really quality as well. That is what I believe, although I think it's undeniable that there is a strong genetic factor that leads to the observed differences. The problems arise when a people realizes that they are more or less being colonized by one that cannot uphold the same values to the same efficiency as they could, and that the system is being taxed to the brink of destruction by it.
Very sad, because I know that neither side is really evil, but it cannot be avoided. The world was never meant to be happy and free.

>> No.23259129

I think that progressivism and liberalism come from the same impulse but are not the same. The reason it seems like progressivism is an inevitable evolution of liberalism is because progressivism is what you get when the impulse that leads to liberalism is left when liberalism fails. People tend to forget that progressivism literally arose because liberal politics was failing miserably in the industrial and post-civil war eras. The tragedies of the working class and now emancipated blacks were on full display and liberalism had no answers. Thus, progressivism got taken up and ultimately monopolized by the left, mainly with Wilson and Roosevelt.

>> No.23259137

There definitely is a genetic factor, but it’s important to acknowledge that we don’t really understand the deeper meaning of genetic factors. For example, what causes them? Nobody really knows. What if genes are shaped by socializing over the course of centuries? If that were true, then ultimately, all differences would be socialized rather than genetic. This is just one of the many ways you point out the logical flaws in this thinking. The same methods apply to thinking that items strictly socialized. At the end of the day, you basically have to admit that what we see is correlation and not causation, and that the correlation seems to be the case with both genetic factors and social-historical factors.

BUT I think we’re coming in a time in our history, where historical explanations are going to increasingly take precedence. So it’s important to get out ahead of that. It’s going to neither genes nor social norms, but history, and not shallow history like just slavery and after, but all history, the history of the present, or slavery the entire African sub-continent. That is simply where we are going.

>> No.23259141

God damn this board became slow.

>> No.23259149

I don't want to argue about morality. My moral beliefs are "some things are wrong because they just are."
The primary problem that I see with the enlightenment was that it created a climate where "anything can be questioned." I know that is not the purpose of the enlightenment, but it is the most natural product and the most evil thing about it. On its face, it's a really good thing. I agree with it, but the problem is that if we try to base everything on some rational end, we find that morals are never and can never be rational or logical.

We are led to this truth: A fetus can't suffer or think. It's not a person. You can snip the brain out of a fetus in utero, give birth to it, and then, with the brainless baby, fuck and eat it. To a normal person, this is abhorrent and disgusting. It is evil. But no matter what, the idea that it should be permissible is completely irrational and illogical, and more or less amounts to "what kind of message does it send?" Same as the arguments used against many other fetishes.
Morals should be unquestionable. Canadians have questioned the morals engraved into the heart of humanity to such a degree that children can be euthanized just because they're depressed. No one ever could call themselves a good person if they saw a thirteen year old lying in a bed, about to be lethally injected because he's really sad and "consents" to death, and then say
>It's his right. Stop interfering in other people's lives. Why do you care so much about what someone does with their body? Sure, it might look bad, but do you have any more say?
Liberty was a failed project from the start.

Yes, I am aware it's not rational to say these things. Rationality as an end was the primary evil of the enlightenment. If it is irrational to dash the brains out of a doctor about to kill a child, if it is irrational to hold him or her and tell them
>I don't know if you could ever be happy, but I want you to try. This world is cruel, but there is still love in it. Millions have been just like you, on the verge of death, disillusioned, afraid, and millions more will be. I love you and so many more will to. Live, for goodness sakes. Live!"
Then I would never choose to be rational.

>> No.23259158

The idea that it should not be permissible (to fuck and eat a brainless baby) is irrational and illogical*
Because it causes no harm or suffering.

>> No.23259167

I stopped reading after your second sentence because what you said in other words is “I have beliefs but I have no idea if they’re justified”. So to talk about truths, or anything being right or wrong in your view is just straight up nonsense and so I lost interest.

>> No.23259168

read bunch of stuff that didn't ended up enjoying, makes me want to stop reading altogether

>> No.23259174

That's because you are unintelligent and wouldn't understand that none of your beliefs have an objective justification anyway, besides it being how you want it to be. The non-aggression principle? Still arbitrary, and only based on how most would "prefer" or what causes the least "harm" or "limitation of liberty." All arbitrary, all subjective, and even all definitions disputed.

It is worthless to even justify why raping a baby is bad. It just is.

>> No.23259190

no matter what justification you use for why something is wrong, you will always be subject to the "why tho" and this will go on until you finally have to say "because i want it" or "because society agreed to it." its aebitrary all the way down.

>> No.23259191

You can seethe about the nature of my justifications all you want but the fact is that I have them and you have none. If you can’t justify your beliefs, you’re not doing philosophy, you’re not doing debate, you’re not even doing intellectual discussion or anything worth engaging with for that matter. You’re simply stating a preference that you haven’t even considered, which I flatly do not care about. So if you want me to care stop being such a midwit. Otherwise, just go away.

>> No.23259196

You are so ignorant that it's funny.

>> No.23259198

That’s bullshit. No Muslim is going to tell you they want what they want because that’s what they want nor will they appeal to society. You’re a pseud. This is a uniquely Western mind virus that just baselessly assumes everything is subjective. It’s just as a matter of fact not subjective to say “God wants this”, for example and yet there are almost 2 billion people who would tell you that in Arabic.

>> No.23259204

Is that your justified or unjustified opinion?

>> No.23259205

Then we agree, actually. You just must have misread my point.

>> No.23259216

Is it easy to move to Russia and find work if you know the language ok and have western credentials? I have savings and could live off them while getting set up for a while.

>> No.23259230

Red pill me on electric vehicles. The whole “they use more gas!” critique seems a bit shallow to me. Is it really true? Almost all of Norway’s wealth is tied up in oil and gas and yet they have the highest EV adoption rate.

>> No.23259239

Nope. You have sub-optimal reading comprehension and philosophical training. If I say “my morals come from God”. I’m saying my morals are objective. That you disagree doesn’t render my morals subjective, arbitrary, or relative.

For some reason people like you always seem to think that objectivity in regard to the justification of morals means that nobody can ever have different morals when in fact that’s not what it means. It simply means that someone is right and someone is wrong.

>> No.23259245

Then we literally agree. Oh my God this board is full of completely pointless arguments.

>> No.23259259

Thanks for the answers.

>> No.23259275

>people between 100 AD and 1500 AD
Such as?
You are simply an utter fool ruined by online propaganda.

>> No.23259289

I just scrolled through youtube shorts for 4 hours. Is this what being a zoomer is like?

>> No.23259294

If you want the real red pill on what's happening to human intelligence, read the first chapter (on the Roman empire) in Brooks Adams' Law of Civilization and Decay:

>> No.23259330

But to make it more specific, what I'm saying is that a liberal's moral justifications are not more meaningful than a Christian or Muslim saying "Because God said so."

My personal belief is that some things are objectively right or wrong, and I know the objective reality with absolute certainty. Anywhere that I make a mistake is simply because I did not know the reality of the PARTICULARS, but I did know the reality of good and evil. For example, if a man kills a woman for seemingly no reason, I believe he's wrong. If I later find out that the woman was horrifically abusing and blackmailing him, I was mistaken. Not on the nature of good and evil, but on the particulars of the situation.

I believe all humans agree on good and evil, but that ignorance of the particulars can harm the ability for a person to do what is right. FOR EXAMPLE: A man kills a robber. The robber was stealing a loaf of bread to feed his daughter, he was unarmed, and he would never hurt a fly. The store owner believes he's justified, and the witnesses do not. The difference in opinion happens due to the ignorance or knowledge of the situation. Maybe the store owner thought he was armed, and the witnesses believe the store owner wrongly should have known. Maybe the store owner still believes it was justified, but only because he has false beliefs about what the robber's nature really was.

The evil of a person can also account for this. An evil person knows what is right or wrong, but they either lie about it to benefit themself, or do not care.

Personally, I believe in God, but I do not claim to know WHY it is bad to hurt someone. I just know it. If I justify my beliefs based on "harm" then sometimes it might be "less harm" to let a 12 year old kill herself because she would "suffer less" that way. I cannot base my justification on anything other than that it is bad, without allowing for horrific edge cases.

A lot of people call me a nihilist or moral relativist, but that's only because I'm justifying objectivism with subjectivist language-- I'm saying it doesn't matter so the subjectivist can shut his fat trap. This was a phonepst on the toilet, so it's really rambling and chaotic. I didn't follow every sentence logically, so assume some of the errors are due to these constraints.

>> No.23259337

Huh, so that's the point of contention for you? So if he lists you all the bright minds during the period, you'll accept that the enlightenment was actually kind of stupid?

>> No.23259342

kinda miss you a lot
kinda wish we could play together again
kinda wish I were someone else

>> No.23259384


>> No.23259385


>> No.23259387
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Read the last 2 paragraphs in this link, then read pic related.

>> No.23259392

I'm not being facetious nor confrontational I just want the list

>> No.23259403

I wasn't the person you were responding to, I just wanted to say "Yeah" to someone saying "Yeah"

>> No.23259408

Well, until you define “meaningful” than your point is meaningless. What does it mean for morals to be meaningful? One set is justified and the other is not. The inherent contraction is in this because liberals call you to do things on the basis of something being true, correct, or good, but they don’t actually know that by default.

>> No.23259415

The most accurate description of the current state of humanity is "Zoomers are mutating into niggers on TikTok" and that's beautiful

>> No.23259418

Excuse me? Who the fuck do you think you are?

>> No.23259429
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About to finish Clifford Geertz’s Local Knowledge tonight hopefully

>> No.23259442

why anthropology?

>> No.23259443

Just want to know more about the human condition for my writing project and how it connects to politics and history.

>> No.23259473
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In heaven I will meet Sir Philip Sidney
And other heroes of that kidney

>> No.23259491

>Well, until you define “meaningful” than your point is meaningless. What does it mean for morals to be meaningful? One set is justified and the other is not. The inherent contraction is in this because liberals call you to do things on the basis of something being true, correct, or good, but they don’t actually know that by default.
Justified by what? Being true, correct, or good? What is good about reducing suffering?

>> No.23259514

I just ordered 5 pizzas for my birthday.

>> No.23259529

I have a dream for my life and I hate myself because I’m just not the person who can achieve that dream. It feels like dreaming of playing in the NFL as a midget.

>> No.23259543

happy birthday

>> No.23259547

You don’t know what a justification is, do you? A justification is when you give an account for how you know some claim to truth. When I say “my morals are good” it begs the question of how I know, for example, what good even is. If you’re a secular liberal, your conception of good is just relativistic “I prefer this”. What you’re literally saying is “you should do what is good, and what is good is what you should do per me”. That’s a failure to give a justification of good. And no, it’s not self-evident that suffering universally should be eliminated. Sometimes suffering serves an end.

>> No.23259576
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>> No.23259582

You have to be doing this on purpose- there is no way for you to be this retarded.

>> No.23259594
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nothing to eat, right?

>> No.23259638
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>> No.23259662

'Tis nameless woe , I wot.

>> No.23259677

I wish William Blake was discussed more here

>> No.23259682


>> No.23259691

Cause I love him and his schizo writings, I find it really fun to pick through his prophetic works and try to figure out what he means

>> No.23259693

pretty stupid fucking question, anon

>> No.23259696

I'm glad he asked it, I'm glad someone was interested enough to ask anything about my passion

>> No.23259700

Then make a thread about him faggot

>> No.23259702

I'm scared no one would reply

>> No.23259705

that's besides the point.

>> No.23259756

>And no, it’s not self-evident that suffering universally should be eliminated. Sometimes suffering serves an end.
writing this demonstrates that you didnt even understand anon's post

>> No.23259760


>> No.23259797

The Faggot
by William Fake

Faggot, faggot, on 4chan
Jannies should give thee a ban
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful faggotry?

Why appear within this thread
To share the gay shit in thy head?
On what forums darest thou post
And thy love of Blake to boast?

Dost thy foolish, feeble brain
Find it meet to bitch in vain?
If thou thinkest /lit/ is dead,
Post a thread on Blake instead?

What the purpose? What the plan?
Whining just because thou canst?
Just retarded? Simply gay?
Shitting up this thread all day?

When the jannies throng in hoards
And mete out bans across this board
Shall they smile their work to see
Knowing /lit/ is rid of thee?

Faggot, faggot, on 4chan
Jannies should give thee a ban
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful faggotry?

>> No.23259804

Does anyone know any book to retain information better with the books I read? Thanks

>> No.23259821

never mind I'll just read effective notetaking by Fiona McPherson

>> No.23259832

>book about retaining information
>written by a woman

>> No.23259879
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>niggers start playing hockey for the first time
>one immediately chimps out and murders a guy

>> No.23259894

I think the worst thing about someone dying is that everyone wants to get together right after it happens to talk about it. I really don't want to do it but I have to

>> No.23259916

I'am the storm, brother.

>> No.23259919


>> No.23259920
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>> No.23260001

>What's the purpose? What thou plann'st?
>Whining just because thou canst?
Might be better.

>> No.23260044
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good shit

>> No.23260050


>> No.23260054

Is it wrong for me to use the term "schizo" as a catchall term for non-autistic, scatterbrained female-type thinking processes?

>> No.23260100
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I want to date a woman that knows I am an abuser, toxic, evil, worthless, and disgusting. I want to make sure she thinks I don't care about her. If I never develop feelings for her, then I'll leave. If I do, then I'll keep it a secret.
In this way, I can love her without fearing rejection. I can do whatever I want and express my love however I want, and I wouldn't have to fear being rejected because, of course, I "dislike her anyway and don't care what she thinks." One of my biggest fears is also that she will pity me and stay solely because she feels bad- with this system, if she stays, it will be purely because she wants to. Secretly, my sole raison ďêtre would be to make her happy. I'd take out a life insurance policy and kill myself to provide her with plenty of money and, if I played my cards right, she wouldn't care if I died.

>> No.23260101

lads i am jerking off as we speak to your gfs

>> No.23260119

I can’t even focus on reading because I’m too sad and the book keeps reminding me

>> No.23260120

The e-christians should be seen as more political than religious. Them niggas ain’t religious and spiritual

>> No.23260133


>> No.23260189

How is Descartes's principle a basic logical fallacy?

>> No.23260230

Is it just me or do Mexicans have no concept of borders? Almost every time I hear about them they're always traveling without a passport and ignore territorial jurisdictions.

>> No.23260238

The absolute state of STEMtards

>> No.23260248

I wish I could draw well. I want to make tons of dumb drawings of anime girls driving armored vehicles or operating machine guns in maid outfits.

>> No.23260258

Truth to be told because of academic bureaucrats the manosphere has never been able to produce philosophers in their own right because academia is notoriously leftist and a movement centered around men countersignals the metanarrative of matriarchal primitive societies and the noble savage concept, so they get shut out as reactionaries. That's why a genuine male philosophy should be practiced outside the universities or we should form our own.

>> No.23260276

>That's why a genuine male philosophy should be practiced outside the universities or we should form our own
I hear this sentiment in various forms from many different "right wing" groups. We should just practice our own philosophy outside academia, we should just focus on our own communities and ignore national politics, we should just form our own party and ignore the mainstream R/D parties, we should just form our own communities and social networks and ignore untrad nonbased bluepilled liberals and their ilk, etc. I get where it comes from but it's hard as fuck to engage with anything by ignoring the institutions which literally hold 99% of the power and influence in their fields, especially when those institutions are the ones making and enforcing laws or deciding what is publishable and what is not.

>> No.23260283

what is the worst that can happen to them if they get caught? go to jail? get thrown back into the absolute hellhole that is Mexico?

>> No.23260339

I am pretty much desperate to find a cool hobby and become interesting after wasting my 20s reading and playing video games.

>> No.23260365

I’m miserable…

>> No.23260368

why WOULD they respect other countries borders?

>> No.23260407

Around 5 or so years ago video games just got too bad for me. I've been drifting ever since. I just don't like anything anymore.
I'm worse than a boring guy. I can't do anything or connect with anyone.

>> No.23260419

I wish I was a maker. I'm not sure what kind of nature vs nurture needs to happen to make someone a producer rather than a consumer. I just can't make anything. Theres something wrong with me. I can't write or draw or compose or anything. And I've put time into those things. I'm just defective I don't have that divine spark.
I'm kind of tired of hearing from the there's no such thing as talent crowd. Don't call it talent then if it makes you feel better. But there's just such an obvious gulf between me and people who can make things its night and day. And its always been like this
I'll be 30 soon. I guess I'll settle for some single mom and hopefully have my own kid some day. And maybe that kid can win the dice roll to be worth something.

>> No.23260454

I'm so fucking ugly ... and swagless

>> No.23260462

Every Mexican I've met in my country has been greedy and rude. They have no qualms about scamming people or taking advantage of the system to get free shit. No idea if it comes from poverty or what, but they're just irritating and entitled people. Very selfish and never reciprocate favors.

>> No.23260470

you can, you just need to put yourself to the test. some stuff can't be easy. have you ever done something considered hard, or particularly long enough to discourage most people in your life?

>> No.23260476

I'm not sure you get it then. I just can't. And I don't know what you mean by that question

>> No.23260499
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No matter how much I wish I could stop, I can not stop this solitude from tethering both my mind and heart hostage and me feeling chains rattling with every word I type. Its a need that can't be expunged no matter how much one might wish, no matter how much one understands it, this hunger will never quit and unfortunately its debatable at best; whether pragmatically or not; its even possible to not just satiate but also manage such insatiable void in ones soul.
The tedious and taxing part is that its recurring, almost every night, and tonight is no different.

>> No.23260517

It’s 90% choice and consistent application of iterative effort

>> No.23260521

I’m the same actually. I lost all my friends and even my girlfriend after college. My life got worse in every way through my 20s and I’m still not sure what I should have done instead. Try harder and spend les time online, I guess?

>> No.23260547

It’s not supposed to be like this

>> No.23260613

Posts like these make my eyes roll.
We're living in extraordinary times when information about literally anything you might think of is available in some shape and form, and even obscure books that you wouldn't otherwise have a chance to read are now within reach. Yet people can't do shit, and it seems more and more people have been facing this conundrum. Why? Because you're not talented, you may argue; you're not gifted. But it's not enough. A violinist would certainly feel grateful if endowed with the perfect pitch, but that doesn't make the violinist. Calling it talent is like losing a race and arguing that it's just because your rival wore good shoes while you were barefoot, and going "oh if only I were just as blessed" works just as well as agreeing to swap. You would soon realize that his shoes don't fit.
It's an offense to people who got far with more than just their talents, an even greater affront to those who found success without such blessings, and ultimately it's an admission of defeat. Sore loser talk. It's not just talent, and it's not just effort either; when it comes to art, it's whether you have anything meaningful at all to share. If you think you do, but lack the means, you'll roll up your sleeves and find a way through even if it takes you years, perhaps decades, to present your magnum opus.
Maybe that's just how it is for you. You might even have the skill to pull it off, you just lack the topic, the motivation, the resolution, the surety that whatever is in your mind isn't just worth sharing, but worth glorifying. In which case, talent wouldn't save you.

>> No.23260727 [DELETED] 

You've just narrowed the definition of talent more than me. I don't think you understand what I'm saying at all.
There's just nothing I can really do.

>> No.23260730 [DELETED] 

Well thanks for bragging about your friends and girlfriend

>> No.23260752

Not that anon but he's right. You're refusing to put the hours in. That's on you, not talent or anything else. You made that choice and that's going to be all you made if you keep making it.

>> No.23260755 [DELETED] 

Again I don't think you're understanding what I'm saying then. Lets just drop it then

>> No.23260767

I'm just suspicious of anyone who says I put the time in and then doesn't have specific critique about what went wrong, like maybe they can't see a faulty end product because there never was an end product, good or bad.

>> No.23260772

I was just reading a novel and it sent me into an existential crisis. In the novel, one of the characters just lives for himself, accumulates experiences, reads books, but literally does nothing with the knowledge and experience he has gained. Another character points out that this guy's life is basically useless without some commitment or ideal. Then it struck me that I'm the exact same — I've often felt this same futility myself and wondered what the point of reading all these books was. I also have zero commitments in my life, no one to help, nothing to work for, nothing to give reading a purpose — I live far away from my family, hang out with my friends only a couple times a month, have never known love except one brief and failed attempt at romance, and have given up on all political ideals and activism.

>> No.23260805

Sounds like the novel is, hopefully, leading to onto a better path.

>> No.23260813

am I actually unbanned wtf

>> No.23260817

I posted a list of slurs for mexicans that was like 200 entries long into the ban appeal form and they released me from my prison
uhhm based??

>> No.23260820

Its not im just going to kill myself.

>> No.23260821

Been thinking about a druggie fiend I bonded with a year ago. I still feel that "I can fix her" impulse deep inside me. Sometimes I daydream about making it and calling her and us just living together in peace. Not like dating or whatever, but continuing the relationship the way it was. Hugs and playful kisses. Her cooking shit in the oven and me screaming when we both realize there was an insect inside. Sleeping together and enjoying each other's presence. We sort of went our ways after she tried to kill herself (again) and her 30-year-old psycho boyfriend wanted to meet me. It's mad that I still think of her even though she was a bleep in my existence. I can name a bunch of people I was intimate with in my life but she probably was the only person in the whole world I showed my true self to. Like, genuine self, you know? No pretending. No posturing. She rarely asked questions, but I wouldn't have hidden anything from her because she never did either. I miss her for this. I know I couldn't - and still can't - fix her, but I wish I could, anons. I wish we could live together and that I could use our time together to sort her life out magically. I wish she would stop using drugs and start a new life as a young woman. She probably thinks I don't give a fuck about her but I think of her sometimes.

It's just ramblings. I can barely help myself, so how would I help her? But I think of it. Dream of it sometimes. I wish I could help everyone out.

>> No.23260826

im catatonically miserable
i, 4chan neet, wasted my life lying on the floor
i was supposed to be some kind of generational writer but i never wrote anything and i havent even read a book in years and my brain has grown retarded from so much floor-lying and so little book-reading

>> No.23260827

I wish someone warned me when I was young that life ends after school. I'm just so alone. And I'm not capable of having hobbies. And no I don't want to talk with people my age at a bar or a barcade or whatever.
I don't understand why I should even get out of bed. Nothing helps.

>> No.23260829

I have this mental disease where I can't enjoy porn unless the women are acting naturally, and unfortunately I am empathetic enough to be pretty good at telling if a woman is acting or actually having a good time, and 99.999% of porn is like kryptonite to me

I just don't understand why making sure the actress is chilled out isn't the first thing any porn director would do. Why do you want her all nervous, adlibbing retarded sounding nonsense and screaming for no reason? Am I really that anomalous in only wanting to see the woman having a good time? Obviously it will always be fake because it's porn and they're actresses but in low stakes normal sex it shouldn't be that hard to get the women to just say things you actually hear during sex and not "MMMMM KISS MY PRETTY LITTLE PUSSY MMM MMM YEAH MMM." I can't understand how there's a market at all for "kiss my pretty little pussy," what kind of low IQ mongoloid wants to hear that? Who is turned on by all the ridiculous groaning and moaning, who actually enjoys people spitting on balls and pussies?

It makes me conclude porn is literally demonic. Otherwise there would be more of a healthy spectrum of normal to weird porn, instead of it all being so weird as its baseline.

Mods based for a change

>> No.23260852

Moving back home is my single biggest regret.

>> No.23260863 [DELETED] 

I wish I did the wrong thing
I wish I never went to college
I wish I forced them to send me to public school
I wish I never listened to anyone's advice
I wish I put zero effort into school
I wish I dropped out of middle school
I wish I ran away from home when I was 13
I wish I learned guitar
I wish I learned to draw

I literally don't give a shit about my life now or going forward.
I don't want to be happy in this life
I want a new life
I'd rather be unhappy with a new life than learning to cope and be happy with this one

Everything i do no matter what going forward is going to be punctuated by sadness and regret and unfulfillment
And my ultimate fate?
To be some weird elderly virgin bachelor in some lonely little living space still waiting to die
Or having to get with an obnoxious single mom and coping.

I just don't care anymore
I straight up don't have a future. There's nothing left for me.

>> No.23260927
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Suicide has been running through my mind like a thing I'm going to do "later," but just thirty minutes ago I was looking on /soc/ out of curiosity and saw a penpal thread. The OP just wanted a random someone to email. I thought about doing it for a little while, but for some reason my heart completely shriveled up.
I wrote a couple of draft (posts, not emails) just asking what they were looking for, but I realized I couldn't do it. Not even a temporary, no strings attached, anonymous email. The suicidal thoughts exploded like lightning, but the worst was to come; I considered a suicide hotline, maybe the chat, but I remembered that the last time I wrote them, I said I wasn't suicidal out of fear of getting vanned. Their response was to suggest I go somewhere else and get a therapist, understandably.

After these memories, I decided to kill myself now. Not later. I threw away almost $100 of perishables, some clothes, finished my weekend work, cleaned up the trash, and wrote instructions for my family (not a suicide note). There is currently a favela party of immigrants outside, so I can't leave yet. I may delay it until tomorrow night.

Seems irrational, but I just realized that my mind is completely broken. I can't talk to anyone because I don't know what. Something is wrong with me.

>> No.23260935

i hope you try something more drastic, possibly "stupid", before suicide.
why not roll some dice and try to experience some interesting shit? you can always commit suicide at any point.

>> No.23260945
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you could also deny yourself all the actions you would normally take, to the point where you don't feel like your life is your own anymore, and think of that as a suicide. try to turn into a different person.

"and inward out the other side..."

>> No.23260946

You can always kill yourself later. Here's a quote from The Count of Monte Cristo.
>"Live, then, and be happy, beloved children of my heart! and never forget, that until the day when God will deign to reveal the future to man, all human wisdom is contained in these two words, 'Wait and hope.'

>"Your friend,

>"Edmond Dantes,

>"Count of Monte-Cristo."

>> No.23260960


>> No.23260967 [DELETED] 

highly relatable
i'm actually sort of doing that. the friend i've been renting a room from just told me i have two months to gtfo last night. it made me realize i have to change everything in my life. i need to end this chapter and start something new. i've done it before twice. my self always comes back though. ugh.

>> No.23260986
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Something porn made me realize is the vast majority of dudes actually DO enjoy objectifying women. As in, they view them like walking pieces of meat to fuck who should be quiet the rest of the time.

Now, I disagree. But the fucking weird part is women WANT to sell themselves this way more and more. I know so many girls who were great and interesting people until around puberty, then they let themselves be objectified by men and got their personalities wiped like a blank slate into Neflix watching zombies with no personality. I understand it must be incredibly hard to resist this. But if you're going to go down the shameless whore route, can you at least pretend you're not being "feminist" or "empowered" by becoming the walking-pair-of-tits-and-ass that men are pressuring you into becoming? You can be a feminist without becoming an ugly dyke, there is a golden mean. The reason men can't take you seriously is because you refuse to wear real pants to the gym, you try to play the oppressed victim card and the hot piece of ass card at the same time and it's just ridiculous. Pick one you stupid bitch

>> No.23260996

I spilled my guts and she's letting them rot. Put me out of my misery.

>> No.23261036

Why do we sometimes think everything wrong in the world can be solved if a certain pair of feet were in the process of being tongued in our mouths?

>> No.23261075
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Live polling from the various parts of Anon's mind:
>what if everyone I know secretly resents having me around what if they take that thing I said badly I bet if I died they would secretly be relieved I should skip this event I was specifically invited to since everyone there probably thinks I'm a big burden and annoyance but acts like the complete opposite in front of me for some reason
>oh shit it's the unreal feeling again oh fuck I can't tell the difference between this hallway I'm walking down and a dream I had when I was 7 that I forgot until just now oh shit fuck why do my hands look like mid 2000s 3D renders oh fuuuuck keep it cool man take some deep breaths holy shit im walking on autopilot right now I can't feel my legs fuuuuuuuuck
>you should kill yourself NOW [lightning emoji] everything wrong you ever did was the worst crime imaginable and there is no redemption whatsoever for you there is a special pit in hell with your name on it and you need to go there this very second
>yep I just saw a couple pushing a stroller at the local park so it's time for my 3x daily fantasy of marrying a nice girl and raising a cute daughter or two or five followed by crushing loneliness, 5 second flashes of that scene in blade runner 2049 where ryan gosling bleeds to death on the stairs, half remembered visions of getting rejected as a literal middle schooler spliced together with random slightly disgusted expressions female strangers have made at me over the last 10 years for no real reasons I can remember, and a brief notion of making a tinder that I immediately crush before it even fully forms
>[10 second loop from a random song I heard once or twice a decade ago]
>did I just lie by phrasing things that way? is that a sin? am I sinning right now? oh shit I didn't mean to do that but it's too late to take it back now, I gotta get this neurotic scrupulous American protestant schizo mindset outta me, it's not this legalistic bullshit, I mean maybe it is I can't let that be an excuse to keep fucking up, fuck I haven't even been to church in years, I wonder what would happen if I died tomorrow? if I were to be judged at this very moment?
>[concurrent with the above] man I gotta start downloading pictures off that one hentai artist's twitter before she purges everything again I fucking swear with these neurotic japs sometimes they get one bit of criticism and it's time to delete it all and commit sudoku or some shit
>okay time to write this really cool post I've been thinking about just one sec lemme just open 20 tabs of other shit and close them and reopen more for the next hour before starting for real just one more I swear I'm almost there just

>> No.23261081

All I've read by him was Norwegian Wood and the first ~half of Wind Up Bird Chronicle. NW was fantastic (however I was about 18-19 when I read it so that probably played a part) however I thought WUBC was shit. Anyways good luck anon.

>> No.23261090

>spilled my guts
This is what I call shitting LMAO
Fucking based, and I love latinas.

>> No.23261187

>There is currently a favela party of immigrants outside, so I can't leave yet. I may delay it until tomorrow night.
KEK. i agree barring immigrants from privileges is more important than killing oneself.
thanks for the jejs, bro.
hope you find your peace in the afterlife.

>> No.23261216

What did Heidegger even write about? People just throw around all these capitalized nouns in a pseudo-mystical manner but I still have no idea how his work connects to the rest of the western philosophical tradition.

>> No.23261241

Why do you think I dont want them here?

>> No.23261244

Its because black/female is the binary opposite of white/male. You should know this by now.

>> No.23261246

Because its logical

>> No.23261247

Just become a homeless fent addict like a normal person, jeez.

>> No.23261253

Am I the only person who has never had a left liberal phase? I mean I was an anti feminist when I was twelve in Anno Domini 1994

>> No.23261337

need friends or gf?

>> No.23261441

never never never never never

>> No.23261450

I am a very high mess

>> No.23261465
File: 120 KB, 736x913, 4d80ae6f385a3e86c57ff5414ba5fbc4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

after a gig

all you could tell me was Freddie Mercury was beautiful, attractive beautiful, and you had only just realized

I told you he was beautiful, I can't deny what I've know every day for twenty years

the time before was much earlier, and it was after a gig, but all of this was outside, I walked you 'round the alley back to the front then lost myself, returned back to the alleys until alone I peered into a frosty window seeing nothing but a lighted color dance floor with no dancers, speakers blaring Radio GaGa

I haven't thought about you on any other nights

>> No.23261468

I should try to get into drawing again. A while back I spent a good month drawing rotating squares and other sorts of bullshit as practice, but I stopped shortly after for various reasons, the biggest of it being laziness. I would like to channel my energy into something useful, and I do quite like art. Well, the end result at least. Maybe the process too, but I haven't gotten a good taste of it yet so I can't say anything.
I frequently imagine myself drawing something with a central idea or emotion that it tries to show off, both "the usual stuff" like self-hatred, loneliness, alienation, and so on. But also things like a propaganda poster for the Co-Prosperity Sphere, a stylized map of fascist Europe at its height(I am aware that I am about 80 years too late), and various other things, including those more closely related to individual people and their lives. The latter of these two isn't done with a political intent, there's just something inside of things like fascism, revanchism, the five races, and so on which tickles a part of my brain. I would also like to draw a lot of anime girls, like them or not it is a fact that they are beautiful and that it calms one's heart to see one. I would not draw pornography or anything like that, mostly just random pieces of their lives and them being happy. I've also thought about making short and simple picture books with them, with the intent of using an imaginary scenario to provide good ideas or knowledge about a specific point. It is still unknown though, whether I possess good ideas or knowledge, and whether I can use words to transmit them to other people. Either way, unless I finally get up and start doing the things I want to do, I'll never be able to find out.

>> No.23261481

Why is post-weber sociology so bad?

>> No.23261483

I'm going to become a king someday. I don't mean that metaphorically. A series of wild circumstances will make me magnanimous.

>> No.23261493

alright smart guy, demonstrate your logic.

>> No.23261496

Over abundance of female theorists overtime. Real Gs move on to anthropology if they know what’s good for them.

>> No.23261498

Draw hands and feet for practice. There is a reason AI has such a hard time with them. Get good at them and you're basically a professional

>> No.23261499

Ok, say you have a house, I’m just gonna walk in and eat your food and sleep with your wife and drive your car. And you can’t do anything about it. Does make any sense to you? No? Then shut the fuck up.

>> No.23261501 [DELETED] 

You have to read books on mythology.... You HAVE to read books on mythology.... YOU have to read books on mythology. YOU HAVE TO READ BOOKS ON MYTHOLOGY. YOU HAVE TO READ BOOKS ON MYTHOLOGY. YOU HAVE TO READ BOOKS ON MYTHOLOGY.

>> No.23261504

dont worry i read your post anon. i'd say most of us can relate to all of those but there isn't much to say.

>> No.23261506

I wonder how much would Spinoza's reputation fall if he wasn't jewish or wasn't the only premodern jewish philosopher of some note between Maimonides and Mendelssohn.

>> No.23261507

0, he would have been an annoying sperger even without being jewish

>> No.23261516

His philosophy is retarded and even back then people only cared about it because it gave the proto-Diderot types an opportunity to veil their materialism in religious-sounding language.

>> No.23261549

You're going to die someday.

>> No.23261553

Nobody gave a fuck about it back then either expect fucking autists. When he gave up being Jewish the Jews were like
>See ya
And when all his philosophical friends were like
>Stfu about God Spinoza just stfu you fucking autist nobody wants your spergy God rants
Spinoza was like
That's why Kant's all over him and Schopenhauer all over Kant, because it's sperg central. Just be glad they didn't have Pokémon back then

>> No.23261554


>> No.23261558

The primary currency of the game of philosophy is popularity, and popularity can only be earned by being useful for some to some end. "Correctness", soundness, debate, and all that is very far back in the overall scheme of things. Therefore the history of philosophy is not a "great conversation" but rather a record of which philosophies proved themselves the most useful to the most and/or the most powerful people, at any given time.

>> No.23261624

Cheese cake is the best cake.

>> No.23261626

Then change.

>> No.23261642

Reading on your phone is overall a miserable experience. Getting and reading books from your local library, albeit not perfect, is much more pleasant.

>> No.23261659

Mr moneybags here

>> No.23261662

While I sympathize with your view on the sordid state of Canadian bioethics, you can still use reason to argue why lethally injecting a child on the sole basis of his depression is wrong.

Ultimately when you say that morals should be unquestionable, my question is: what stops someone who believes that euthanasia should be given carelessly just claiming that it is just their moral position and it shouldn't be questioned? How do you then argue your position is better than theirs?

Dispensing with rationality entirely seems to be a mistake here.

>> No.23261665

My mind is a serpent longing for company

Reading some pop culture trash

>> No.23261666

lmao I wish

>> No.23261681

Between megalomaniac and suicidal.

>> No.23261684

I’m so tired but my mind isn’t and I can’t sleep :/

>> No.23261687

>Liberty was a failed project from the start.
This mindset is going to be death of us all in the long run, too obsessed with extremes.

>> No.23261692

As opposed to eastern mind viruses like mass conformity and unthinking dogma, right?

>> No.23261696

I think that has to do with the informational environment you grow up in, and a big portion of a young person's perception of the world is also formed by the little bits of "wisdom" leaking though the conversations with the previous generations.
It is probably an obvious pointer that this young generation was raised with a hardcore, pedal-to-the-metal-liberalism as the default "wisdom", that many have then seen through and adjusted their views.

>> No.23261699

It's hegel nigga. The hardcore leftism was a kneejerk heelturn from 00's bushism, now zoomers are edgy conservatives because all their teachers were insufferable millennial leftists. america is just a nation of retards swinging back and forth between extremes

>> No.23261700 [DELETED] 

The Tolkien of mythologizing Colonial Americans X Native Indians

>> No.23261704

It's a pendulum of time nigga, week men strong men dichotomy, every action has a reaction thing, balance and shit.

>> No.23261705

>The primary problem that I see with the enlightenment was that it created a climate where "anything can be questioned."
If you were a serious chud this would not be your primary problem with the enlightenment, but rather the idea, and the taking seriously of the idea, that reason is autonomous and independent, either in the personal or social sense, and by proxy, that superstition vs. reason is a real dichotomy. A real chud would not say "oh no, why are they criticizing X", but rather ask "to what end are they criticizing X, what do they want to legitimize and normalize by doing so, and which social and economic processes is this critique situated in"? You will never become a serious chud until you realize that philosophy is but foam on the surface of the ocean.

>> No.23261711

Anyone else feel like consoooming has lost its magic? Buy some shit off Amazon, it's cool for 1-2 days, then you forget it exists until you throw it in the dumpster months later. Its like why bother, I just don't buy shit anymore.

>> No.23261722

If I was a monkey in a cage, I'd throw poo on everyone around.

>> No.23261734

NEW >>23261732

>> No.23261808

Added it to my list, thanks anon

>> No.23261812


>> No.23262007

>While I sympathize with your view on the sordid state of Canadian bioethics, you can still use reason to argue why lethally injecting a child on the sole basis of his depression is wrong.
>Ultimately when you say that morals should be unquestionable, my question is: what stops someone who believes that euthanasia should be given carelessly just claiming that it is just their moral position and it shouldn't be questioned? How do you then argue your position is better than theirs?
>Dispensing with rationality entirely seems to be a mistake here.
What I mean is that morality must be unquestionable. I don't think one should not justify why doing something like baby-rape is bad, but that the justifications amount to rhetoric because one would (and should) never be convinced otherwise.

The person who holds the belief should think (bad because bad) and not falter, because it is ALWAYS possible to use enough rhetoric and circumstantial evidence to make an extremely convincing case for anything at all.

>> No.23262071
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More than that. I do not have either but there was a time when I did and it was no different than it is now. I yearn for a deeper connection, not just a friendship but camaraderie or even brotherhood with a strong sense of belonging; and to be welcomed as well. Not just a relationship but romance, intimacy and to have both of our lifes to be tightly and harmoniously intertwined one to another like 2 seperate unique threads in a rope; but still be our own individual selves

>> No.23262091

hahaha if only you knew hahahaha

>> No.23262110

t. Griffith

>> No.23262159
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