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23256524 No.23256524 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23256527


>> No.23256542

Who the fuck is Jake and why did Cormac insert a new character right at the end instead of telling us what happened to the kid/man?

>> No.23256555

>colonialism is bad

>> No.23256603
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>> No.23256681


>> No.23256684
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Is it bad writing to suddenly pull out a character out of thin air to resolve the conflict?

>> No.23256688

Not if the character is interesting

>> No.23256758

aggressively average mid-wit book

>> No.23256769
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aggressively average mid-wit opinion

>> No.23256872

>did you murder that man in the lunch place
>OK, on your way

now I know why Holden is regarded as one of the greatest literary villains

>> No.23256877

how pozzed is it, truly? I'd like to get it off my backlog but not if it's pozzed

>> No.23256882

extremely pozzed

>> No.23256890

elaborate or you're trolling m8

>> No.23256893

The message of war being "bad" and killing being "not good" are very pozzed takes

>> No.23256898

I could spoil some parts in order to answer that. Is that alright?

>> No.23256899

there’s a transgender gypsy

>> No.23256901

That’s just common sense, not really pozzed.

>> No.23256907

is HE a mary-sue?

>> No.23256920
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Go to your cube

>> No.23256931


The book is best read as a piece of Weird Fiction. Like if Clark Ashton Smith wrote a western.
But people that try and take a serious political/moral message from the book are mid wits.

>> No.23256945

Not that guy but I've read a lot of Conan stories by Robert E Howard (the original ones, not the ones made by copycats) and had a good time. I liked being lost in its fantastical-yet-grim eastern sword & sorcery setting. The stories were fine, but I enjoyed just being immersed into its world.
Should I get into Blood Meridian with the same mindset?

>> No.23256973

I think so. Its very atmospheric. There's a air of cosmic doom around the whole thing. Lost of stark alien land scape, rugged violent characters. and the description are always suggesting the supernatural. There's a scene where men are marching and people are falling behind and passing out. The scene describes death driving his invisible hearts to pick off stragglers and how he finds them in the holes they try to hide in. Its all very Weird in that Howard, Smith, Lovecraft tradition.

It is light on plot so its not fast paced. But the descriptions make it worth it IMO.