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23255427 No.23255427[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Every human society seems to treat women like shit except for western civilization? Is there a reason for this vast gulf in morality?
Is it a byproduct of christian slave morality?

>> No.23255431

Why don't you ask women what they feel about how they're treated? Do some easy research: go to r/TwoXChromosome and read the utter horror stories women share about their encounters with men. They are terrified of us boys. It's time we shape up and do better.

>> No.23255432

I don't interact with women

>> No.23255435


>> No.23255471

Any books, technical or not, on the damages caused by gooning?

>> No.23255481

You make this complaint at the same time that you search for and collect webms such as this. Explain yourself.

>> No.23255482

What book are you referencing by the way

>> No.23255608


>> No.23255628

Stop watching porn and we’ll have this discussion, coombrain

>> No.23255639

>Oooooh... He's been to prison for murder and rape... He's so dreamy and strong. I bet he has a big heart just like Raskolnikov
>Ack! Why are men such pigs?!

>Ooooooh... he sold a 12 year old fentanyl and gave my brother brain damage... He's so dreamy and misunderstood... I bet he has a kind soul...
>Ack! Why are men such pigs?!

>Oooohh... He beat and killed his grandma and another grandma in the nursing home... I bet he was abused, poor thing... He just needs my heart to fix him...
>Ack! Why are men such pigs?!

If violence didn't cause women to flow like an unstanched wench, maybe they would think a little differently.

>> No.23255665

makoshake / carmen rae

>> No.23255666

Imagine deciding to point a camera at yourself and making that stupid dumbfuck face and going "gosh, I look so hot right now". I wish I could slug this bitch.

>> No.23255670

My friend thinks trannies are on the social grade, one step behind the women, this is the truth?

>> No.23255671

women give meaning to the male life, thru competition for women. this is not an atheist thing. this competition is literally the heart of any society.
Men even love more to compete for women in atheism thanks to the jewish shows like how i met your whore mom where the crowd cheers for the gay actor competing for whores lol
In atheism, women are at the center of the society, because according to atheists, women are not ''objects'', so this coupled with the innate male devotion to whores, women are bound to dominate any atheist republic.

Women will always sit at the top of the sex market, & men will always like it.
Over thousands of years men have developed a neurotic narrative where somehow they are the stronger sex for putting their energy into pleasing women and the ruling class. Men are the one talking about hooooonor and how seducing women is awesome. Again even fucking Casanova took pride into a being free dildo to whores.

The day men stop putting women on a pedestal is the day society dies forever. And normies are fucking obsessed with living, with '''transmitting genes'''', like any atheist NPC keep saying, with building crap to fill up their lives with.
And women love to sit on the top of the sex market. Women get free easy life just by existing. That's how fucking insane their life full of privileges is. & women will never ever let this go.

Even in the apocalyptic days that beta cucks keep dreaming about and somehow they survive thanks to all their dubious survivalist skills they learn in atheism by watching youtube, they fancy themselves as providers to women lol. They literally would give lots of free shit to women, from all the hoarding they had done before the apocalypse. All of this because of vagina , fucking lel.

You even had 2 fucking top military guys from Rome fighting over the egyptian roastie known as Cleopatra. that's 2000 years before atheists took power. That's how pathetic military guys are. And how men in general are pussyslaves and wageslaves.

>> No.23255688

being a woman is easy mode

>> No.23255694

Tell me more.

>> No.23255701

This. Houellebecq was right.
>Marcel Proust and Thomas Mann, to return to my subject, might have had all the culture in the world, they might (in those impressive early years of the twentieth century, which summarised eight centuries and even a bit of European culture all by themselves) have been at the head of all the knowledge and intelligence in the world, they might respectively have represented the peak of French and German civilisation – that is to say, the most brilliant, the most profound and the most refined cultures of their time – but they were at the mercy of, and ready to prostrate themselves before, any wet young pussy or any valiantly upright cock – according to their personal preferences, Thomas Mann remaining undecided in this respect, and Proust being somewhat vague as well. The end of The Magic Mountain was thus even sadder than a first reading suggested; it didn’t just signify, with the two highest civilisations of the day rushing, in 1914, into a war as absurd as it was bloody, the failure of the very idea of European culture; it signified the final victory of animal attraction, the definitive end of all civilisation and of all culture. A Lolita could have made Thomas Mann lose his marbles; Marcel Proust would have crushed on Rihanna; these two authors, the crowns of their respective literary cultures, were not, to put it another way, honourable men, and we would have had to go further back, probably to the start of the nineteenth century, to the days of early Romanticism, to breathe a healthier and a purer air

>> No.23255709

women have every handed to them and still complain
they're like rich people complaining about how much taxes they need to pay

>> No.23255717

Everyone can have what they want, you speak only for martial goods and this is an exception, a woman should always seduce a man.

>> No.23255724

Our humanity currently does not have makoshake / carmen rae torrent.
This is the worst thing ever happened in 2024.

>> No.23255726

Women are amazing, stfu incel. You'll never even get to smell a fart from a babe such as this one

>> No.23255728


>> No.23255734

what’s up with all the, “I’m afraid of women” threads lately

>> No.23255738

this board is following /mu/'s fate. sad. I might just go out and read now.

>> No.23255742

It’s really just built into the teleology of the progressive era. Once women were no longer considered property, a part of man’s household and were instead given a vote, it’s basically all downhill from there. The more lines you can draw, the more you can drum up support for the lower partition of any line as a civil rights issue. In America, we believe in rule of law and the law is literally crafted to protect the lower partition. And there’s no line so sharp, no partition so obvious as the difference between man and woman. It’s the single biggest wedge for progressive politicking. Always has been. Always will be. And I personally believe that social sentiment starts in the political arena. The political sets the tone for the social and economical. Once you had a political regime predicated on spinning up robust legal protections for women, that was it. It becomes the norm socially, economically, in the household, in the business, everywhere.

People seem to not really appreciate just what happened between c. 1700 and 1900. Yes, you had the Industrial Revolution, yes, you had several important wars, and yes you had political revolutions, but the most significant event of all was the formation of a political cartel made of lawyers and businessmen that took of the politics arena and proceeded to craft it to fit its own ends over the next centuries. We are literally living in a world of atheistic lawyers and their businessmen benefactors run amok, unchecked by the practical concerns of a landed gentry, unchecked by the practical concerns of a military aristocracy, unchecked by the practical concerns of a religious clergy. In fact, half of their project is total sidelining of those. The mandate is to preserve legal and business interests, that’s bringing lawsuits and ballooning corporate profits. It is not preservation of the estate, literally the land and the people, it is not preservation of the national defense, it is not preservation of the traditional virtue and moral character. It is strictly a regime designed to uplift the lesser and stimulate profit. And obviously, women are essential to that, both as the clients of lawyers and the employees of corporate capital as well as the consumers. And of course this comes off as an overly simplistic chuddy sort of rant, but that’s exactly why it’s so ignored. It’s so blatantly obvious that you almost can’t accept this is what’s happened. Surely, it has to be some kind of expansion of technology, some sort of Landian explosion, some sort of teleology seeded in the Christian era or the Protestant era or whatever. But it’s not. It’s literally just the and moment of classical Christian virtue and the replacement of the traditional political class with an inherently progressive political class, a progressive political class which always confuses its own petty class concerns with political concerns.

>> No.23255830

> men having terrible interactions with men
>”this is normal let’s get used to this and do what we can within reason to avoid it”

>women having terrible interactions with men
> “let’s totally restructure the whole of our civilization, push for radical changes to all of the laws, state-enforced gender handicaps in every arena of life, pump women full of hormone-altering medication, banish men from the classroom and the workplace, and make everything a million times worse for men in general while we shake our asses on porn apps and divorce rape them”

Gender relations in 2024 in a nutshell. Somehow I think you’ll get the former from woman Reddit. And if you think this is an incel rant and not an accurate assessment of what is really happening, you’re probably just a simp and also a giant pussy

>> No.23255836

I think what you’re really speaking to is the fact that we are currently living through the only era in world-history where the whole of life and civilization is subject to the socio-economic marketplace. There is no top-down structuring of the market. The rules are market-determined. Western civilization is the only civilization in history that let this happen. That’s the answer to OP’s question.

>> No.23255846

women are vital to civilization, they nurture the next generation that picks the mantle left by their fathers and forefathers

>> No.23255854

It is hot though.

>> No.23255861

It really isn't, it's uncanny.

>> No.23255942

Have sex

>> No.23255947

Why is there a woman hate thread on every board?

>> No.23255953

Because the chans are the some of the only places were you can bitch about women without getting lectured about having a BAD THINK.

>> No.23255968

Permanent election year.

>> No.23255974

>Is it a byproduct of christian slave morality?

>> No.23255975

If you are straight then being in love with woman is the greatest thing in life

>> No.23256015

Because they’re cute :3

>> No.23256035
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Because they’re the most beautiful creatures a man can fuck. Are you even heterosexual?

>> No.23256037

incels tricked themselves into being gay

>> No.23256047

Honestly the only reason I feel contempt (not even hatred) for women is because I can't have sex with them whenever I want and with whoever I want.
It pisses me off that the really hot ones are so picky (in my head you literally have to be hot, handsome, rich and charismatic to get one) and, since I am an awkward autist type that can't speak, it's going to be an uphill battle.
Even mid girls think they are hot shit, and the amount of simps that surround them only make it worse.
Sometimes I think "she's hot but I bet she's a dumb useless whore" but then she's talented or actually intelligent, that's when I feel this bitter contempt towards her (for I know she will never even give me a chance) and for myself (because I am such a pathetic nigger that I can't even try, AND I am a pathetic nigger because this fucking person could very easily get in my head and manipulate me)

Tldr aaaahhhhhgggggg I wanna fucking have sexxxxx with a big ass big titty taller than me girl hnggngffnnhggf

>> No.23256071
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>Women seem wicked, when you're unwanted

>> No.23256080

Jews want you to be a slave to women/cooming, it's because why there's so much money poured into the porn industry.

>> No.23256082

Interact with a woman for a week without cutting off your balls and you will understand.

>> No.23256084

kek. Might as well read. I've also given up on this board. I started reading.

>> No.23256090

I am starting to think the Jews are based

>> No.23256099

It's true they're incredibly fuckable but that doesn't mean you have to give them rights. Doing so is also counterproductive to being able to fuck them since they prefer going for Tyrones

>> No.23256100

>tfw girl I know proposed the idea of a threesome with me and a mutual 20 minutes before her boyfriend of 2 years arrived at the party.

its a nice song but far from the truth.

>> No.23256106

That's brutal. How are women this amoral
I refuse to believe religious women in Saudi Arabia behave that way. It has to be the 0 accountability lifestyle that's awarded for them in the west

>> No.23256111

Ive cheated on my girlfriend, us men aren't that much better

>> No.23256115

Wow that's so awful for you that a woman suggests wanting to have sex with you at all

>> No.23256119

Take the celibate pill /lit/. Dating isn't worth it.

>> No.23256124

Its threads like these that made me realize I am gay.

>> No.23256126

they're not all that bad. but when it comes to middle-class American women you are dealing with a total demon. especially if they are college-aged.

>> No.23256129

I went out to a date with this pretty girl. I found out later that her ex-bf was there. She was just using me to make him jealous. I felt so shitty :(

>> No.23256131

How come?

>> No.23256151

i keep coming back here to watch the webm lol

>> No.23256220
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Damn, I wish I lived in a shithole like Russia

>> No.23256226

What? How brain broken do you have to be to just assume that everyone who says something you remotely dislike is either Russian or a Russophile? What is wrong with you?

>> No.23256228

How is this woman hate? Saying that Weatern civilization currently worships women is not the same as saying I hate women.

>> No.23256232

>muh western civilization
not a thing
>muh women worship
not a thing

>> No.23256237
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Go to your cube

>> No.23256258

A nation for chuds, I think that Trump has exchanged USA for Russia.

>> No.23256278

You’re nuts, man. Lmfao. I would ask if you’re Ukrainian or something but I’m not paranoid enough to care.

>> No.23256578

>Is there a reason for this vast gulf in morality?
Whites have higher EQ than everyone else.
Asians have higher IQ than everyone else.
Blacks have higher T than everyone else.