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23254553 No.23254553 [Reply] [Original]

If you could combine all the positive qualities of these men, and get rid of the negatives, would that be the Overman?

>> No.23254555


>> No.23254557


>> No.23254561

Left looks like the >la creatura meme, kek.

>> No.23254564

do you have something to say?

>> No.23254567


>> No.23254569

To all (you) future famous writers out there: never allow your picture to be taken. Pynchon's right on this one

>> No.23254577

negative qualities isn't exactly not the overman. Odysseus has so many flaws but he was a good example of an overman

>> No.23254579

>good at manipulation
>good at business
>good at rhetoric
>good at creativity

>> No.23254585

You think? Not Achilles? The man who ultimately tells his own tale (think advertising) --really?

>> No.23254592

You'd probably just have a really charismatic talented kickboxer/musician. Also not /lit/ related so fuck off

>> No.23254698

is allowing your allies to die because you're mad at a king and only going into battle when your boytoy cosplaying as yourself gets slain the mark of the superior man?
is he the camel? the lion? the child?

>> No.23254715

this is cringe

>> No.23254728

Odysseus's negative traits like his lying usually serve some purpose like getting his friends out of a tough situation so with a person such as him, even his vices he can use to benefit everyone around him. Donald Trump isn't an Odysseus just because they both enjoy lying.

>> No.23254730

None of them is an Overman, go Read Nietzche

>> No.23254746

you'd get Caligula

>> No.23254748
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>>good at business

>> No.23254751

damn i would love to be a waiter of that dinner table

>> No.23254753

what's he good at, then?

>> No.23254762

How many multibillion dollar businesses have you started?

>> No.23254778

acting like a cringy teenager desperately trying to be cool

here's something else I've never done: run my mouth so hard that I was forced, by court order, to buy a social media platform I didn't want for 44 billion dollars, and then immediately run it into the ground.

>> No.23254780
File: 1.02 MB, 1984x2219, 206FA2DA-2EBF-45D1-904B-85A8BA01E0A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still triggered because Twitter is no longer owned by mainstream leftist media?

>> No.23254788

>Hunter Biden
rightoids need to stop seething over pictures of this man's cock. He does hookers and blow, like every rich person ever.

>> No.23254797

why did Facebook and Twitter hide the laptop articles then?

>> No.23254798

No because the Overman is supposed to be intelligent and cultured. You couldn't squeeze a teaspoon of culture out of all four of these chuds combined.

>> No.23254800


>> No.23254812

All of them are practical, humorous, and know how to make money. They can be very eloquent at times in their own way. You are nothing compared to them.
meaningless buzzword. Show me where Nietzsche says the Overman is “cultured” lol

>> No.23254821

what’s the matter? Browsing reddit to find some sort of comeback?

>> No.23254832

lmao the beta is probably seething and trying to figure out what to say

>> No.23254837

Damn, you really like sucking cock like a turbofaggot. There's some cum on your lip btw, clean that up. As to your request, Nietzsche says the Overman has an appreciation of art and is aristocratic. All the people in the photo are plebs. "Humorous" lol

>> No.23254838

>run it into the ground.
it was a leftist propaganda organization, inorganically propped up and funded entirely by laundered judeo-political money. of course when they pulled out all the (((advertisers))) and (((donors))) that were funding it as a political tool and weapon it would fail, because it was never legitimately successful in the first place.

though it is pretty funny to be able to chalk up another leftist hugbox that got destroyed by removing censorship.

>> No.23254839

imagine using "who cares we're all corrupt and degenerate anyway" as a defense.

>> No.23254840


>> No.23254846

they’re all billionaires who are a million times more influential than you. Is this how you cope? By saying you have better taste in art? Lmao.

>> No.23254856

Of the superior man, yes. Of the regular man, no-- but primarily because the regular man will NEVER find himself in that position. All Odysseus does is tell the tall tale of himself. To believe him, however, compromises one's own 'status' so be careful

>> No.23254865


This is also how you defend Trump's degeneracy though

>> No.23254871

Im excided for all the new pics we will get during the election cycle

>> No.23254872 [DELETED] 

Culturally plebs. Money doesn't buy culture or taste, that should be obvious. Who gives a fuck if they're rich and famous? Are you some kind whore? Your little bugman issues you should take them up with Nietzsche who said the Overman is aristocratic and appreciates art.

>> No.23254874

No, the parenthesis meme doesn't work because Elon is a sellout and a Ziocuck. Literally supports Jews, Israel and claims he's "aspirationally Jewish" while deboosting critics of Israel on his platform and turboboosting Jews. Fuck off.

>> No.23254876

Culturally plebs. Money doesn't buy culture or taste, that should be obvious. Who gives a fuck if they're rich and famous? Are you some kind whore? Your little bugman issues you should take them up with Nietzsche who said the Overman is aristocratic and appreciates art.

>> No.23254884

all of them have fucked very attractive women and reproduced. They have fulfilled their biological imperative. They are rich. They are influential. They are winning and you are coping. They are alpha and you are beta. If they are 1% of the Overman, then you are 0.00001%

>> No.23254887

You can keep sucking their circumcised cocks all day but they're still not the Overman in the Nietzchean sense. Nice try, though.

>> No.23254895

Then please describe what they would need to do to become the Overman

>> No.23255006

what degeneracy?

>> No.23255010

yea I'm sure that's why all the amerijews pulled out of twatter when he bought it and removed their censorship control over it. literally who fucking cares about israel lmoa. you have jews in your nations right now in control of your media, ruling and destroying your countries from within.

>> No.23255018
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Bros.. why did my 'eterson thread get whacked? It was discussing his writing.

>> No.23255044

>literally who fucking cares about israel
Elon and the Jews who own him.

>> No.23255055

If jews own him, why is he still so rich after the twitter debacle? Why haven't they cancelled him yet? Also one thing i am confused about, do the republican also support jews, the religious folk, and how does that play in with the democrats who also support the same jews with the leftist policies benefitting them across the west. I don't really understand how both political positions can support this rather divisive group and yet you have poltards blaming them??