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23248987 No.23248987 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.23248992 [DELETED] 

Euthanasia should be legal but heavily regulated. For example, no sane government should be allowing a perfectly healthy 28 year old to euthanise themselves. That should be saved for the vegetables and terminally ill.

>> No.23248993

In this particular example, yes.

>> No.23248996

Euthanasia was supposed to be for skinless cripples who shit blood everyday
We were lied to

>> No.23248997

"A civilization that legalizes euthanasia loses all rights to respect."

>> No.23249004

Why would I ask the government to help?

>> No.23249011

Bodily autonomy is a meme that has gone too far. Now suicide is socially accepted. Insane.

>> No.23249026

Suicide existed forever, who cares if it's an injection in a hospital or pills or a gun at home.
Also her brain is probably fucked, it's not just culture.

>> No.23249034

I would have fixed her
People like her first need to go through a shaming test, get some fat guy insult them in a mock euthanasia
"So this is the smartest thing you could have thought of, you dumb fucking retard. Ou huhuhu Im going to kyll myself hhhu Fucking retard hope im not the one that will have to dump you in the dumpster"
100% she would start crying and fold

>> No.23249039

The difference is this is now allowed by the government and approved by doctors.

>> No.23249048

It's Dutch…

>> No.23249051

If I have crippling OCD that makes my every day a misery of going through mentally and physically painful rituals, do you guys think I should be allowed to be euthanized? I just did eight weeks in a residential OCD treatment program and I'm barely any better now than when I went in, so it's not like I haven't tried the most intensive treatment available beforehand.

>> No.23249053

take lsd

>> No.23249056

Honestly man if people really think their life isn't worth living then whatever, let em end it. I think part of what upsets you guys so much is that she's cute

>> No.23249062

I've been considering trying psilocybin therapy, I already did a round of ketamine therapy and it didn't do anything for me.

>> No.23249066

Psylocibin only helps me for about 2 days. I think I just don't have depression, my main problem is CFS.

>> No.23249077

You posted this on /sci/ and /pol/ already.
Are you the same guy who posted Dawkin on /sci/ and /pol/?

>> No.23249078

2000 years of westoid philosophy led up to this point: Abortion, trannies and euthanasia. This was always the natural outcome.

>> No.23249082

It's your life and you can easily kill yourself. I really wouldn't care what others think but personally I cling to life.

>> No.23249092

I could have made her life worth living. :(

>> No.23249095

I have OCD too brother. Don’t give up. It takes a lot of mental strength but it is possible to overcome most of it.

Finding religion and spirituality helped me a lot. Makes you give less a shit about the material world and everything that could go wrong in it. The atheistic postmodern world of nihilism and solipsism is horrible for OCDers.

>> No.23249100

you just want to fuck her pussy for a couple months les be real

>> No.23249099

>nothing to live for
Might as well have just been a prostitute, made bank and taken a shitload of drugs. Then she could have died the fun way instead of the boring government approved way.
The actual problem with the modern world is that it condemns this kind of behaviour, while allowing anything painless and clinical. Man without Dionysus is dust in the wind.

>> No.23249103

That’s not me. Probably some other anons who saw the post on twitter (it’s being discussed a lot)

>> No.23249108

I can think of a lot of people on this board who would kill for this option though

>> No.23249107

Just make ingest LSD and she’ll change her mind

>> No.23249109

>calling it westoid philosophy instead of calling it the jews

>> No.23249113

Why do westerners always reject accountability? Very feminine behavior

>> No.23249114

i'd like to start the argument from a place that says, all human life, no matter what, is inherently sacred and worthy of dignity. But this is 4chan, so i wont argue that.

>if people really think their life isn't worth living then whatever, let em end it
Well why do people think their life isn't worth living? Is it because in the west we've become so individualistic, the second we aren't "useful" we perceive ourselves as a burden? I live in Canada, and a bunch of stories have come out of elderly people saying they just felt like a burden, and although they had painful lives, they could cope with the pain, but not with the feeling of inconveniencing their families.

Euthanasia legalization is a symptom, it's validating the belief that if you aren't giving more than you're taking than you are a net negative to your family and to society. As if the measure of someones worth is a simple calculation.

>> No.23249115

Induce a psychotic episode. If you recover on account of your own willpower you won't have that issue anymore.

>> No.23249116

Christianity is the only branch of Abrahamic theology where the doctrine can be twisted to tolerate gays and trannies. Judaism and Islam take a hardline stance against them.

>> No.23249118


>> No.23249122

Why is Ben Shapiro, an Orthodox Jew, okay with homosexuals, then? He does more than tolerate them, he’s friends with some of them.

>> No.23249124


>> No.23249127

The real redpill is that Ashkenazis act that way because of their white admixture.

>> No.23249129

>european women when they haven’t tasted a cock in months

>> No.23249132

It's because domestic lives (white lives) don't matter anymore. Domestic lives, birth rates and the family unit don't provide any value to the government and the elites and are frankly a hindrance to them. Domestic people have to compete with foreigners that are happy working for lower wages and less benefits because it's better than their shit hole back home.
I'm not even a /pol/tard and I'm probably more left leaning. /pol/tards disgust me. /pol/tards have their heads up so far up their asses and live in a world of delusion. /pol/ will see that they're being replaced and choose to cope online and delude themselves into thinking that white people are special, superior and irreplaceable instead of taking any action against being replaced.

>> No.23249135

maybe this is more of a /pol/ question, but who is to blame for creating a society that has stooped to this?

On the right, we have free market policies that have meant that everything is a transaction and can be monetized. Right wingers believe that if you aren't always working, and hustling that you're a drain. We have no economic responsibility, except to ourselves.

On the left, we've destroyed moral values, and they tend to support this idea, that freedom to choose is the ultimate virtue. Destroy your body, you have no social obligations to your wife, your family, your community.

It seems in the case of euthanasia, the right has created the social and economic conditions that have left people feeling atomized, worthless and hopeless, while the left has created the actual policies and social license to actually go through with it.

When I was in university I said I was economically conservative and socially liberal. I never would have believed that 10 years later, it's probably the reverse.

>> No.23249136

American Jews don’t follow Judaism

>> No.23249137

thank you for taking action where they would not, hero

>> No.23249140

Same. When I was a young guy, I considered myself to be libertarian, socially liberal and economically right wing. Now I am socially right wing, economically left wing.

>> No.23249141

I can at least see a real observable phenomena instead of creating Jewish boogymen in my head and worshipping Qanon

>> No.23249146

It's pathetic when there's a group of millions of people that seem close to seeing what the issue is but miss the point entirely. I'm just one guy that can't solve things on my own. And you're probably just mad that I admitted whites aren't superior. They're not. That's why you're being replaced.

>> No.23249149

In the past, the elderly would go out hunting in the middle of the winter without a gun, so as to not be a burden.

I can't believe I'm saying this, but I think Nick Land was right that corporations and the institutions that interact with them are a blind, undying monarch with none of the interests of dynasty that a monarch has. It's all election cycles and CEO tenures changing every 5 years. And it swims ever left for the sake of it.

>> No.23249158

I'm the anon who wrote the original comment. Yes, I just want to fuck her pussy for a couple months.
is someone else.

>> No.23249161

The more educated people are, the less likely they’ll have children. The richer and more materially comforted people are, the less likely they’ll do menial jobs. This creates a void that has be filled so the industry and institutions of a country continue to function and the simplest answer is immigration. The same reasons people worship first world countries (comfort and industrialization) are the same reasons why they’re declining demographically ultimately.

>> No.23249165

has to be filled*

>> No.23249168


Praise be! The tyranny of life is ending.

>> No.23249176

>For example, no sane government should be allowing a perfectly healthy 28 year old to euthanise themselves
Her body her choice, Chud.

>> No.23249179

> sane government
She’s Dutch. Eurotards aren’t sane

>> No.23249186

>crippling depression
>still has the energy to put on makeup and go outside
Do women really?

>> No.23249189

Since when it's up to civilizations to decide wheter or not life is worth living for its citizens? Does this retard think suicides didn't exist in ancient times?

>> No.23249207

Imagine if humans were breeding during their breeding years instead of wasting their life on something dumb like meaningless education or employment. Becoming a parent as a young adult in a first world country is basically social suicide. You're seen as a social failure if you can't get educated and slave away at a fake job and instead choose to bear life, whether it be intentional or accidentally conceived. No wonder people don't want to be parents.
It's not even education that does this. It's social conditions. Japan has had declining birth rates far before any other country because they are over socialized and those who don't fall into line are outcasted so harshly.

>> No.23249218

I somewhat understand people that kill themselves because I've been truly at the bottom myself : when I was 25 both my parents died from cancer, and a 6 months later I lost my job, became homeless and a drug addict. But somehow I've found the strength to keep going, I didn't solve all my issues but I'll carry my cross until my natural death. The line between unbearable suffering and bearable suffering is actually very fine. For me a simple change of mindset, helped with meditation and spirituality, made me feel how my identity is completely distinct from the pain of my ego. Pain is unavoidable, suffering is not.
It seems to me that at 28 you're too young to realize the truth of life. I was 33 when I finally got out of the hole. Maybe I would have taken the easy way out too at 28 if it had been legal in my country, and that would have been a shame. Because today I thank God everyday for being alive and being able to enjoy the beauty of nature everyday.

>> No.23249225

White people are so stupid. They're doing everything they can to kill themselves off.

>> No.23249227

That's an old photo, incel.

>> No.23249229

dumb thirdie who's only reason of existence is muh west

>> No.23249234

Eurotards literally allow young people to kill themselves because muh liberty or something and then wonder why they’re declining. Then blame others for this. Truly absurd.

>> No.23249246

>she has a boyfriend and the boyfriend agreed to the whole thing
Do women really?

>> No.23249249

This is coming to your country as well. Marx said that Europe is showing the other countries their future.

>> No.23249251

>Yes, luv, you cain keel youself
Absolute state of Dutchfags

>> No.23249266


The one inalienable and absolutely sovereign right that every person has, which no tyrant or government heretofore has been able to take away from them, or at least to keep away from them for an extended period, is the power of suicide. It's in the interest of governments and religions to prevent suicide, because governments and religions are parasitic things which require living humans in order to exist. No humans, no government or religion. At best, they can threaten to torture and kill your family. But then everyone comes out the same in the end anyway. Cioran:

"The man who has never imagined his own annihilation, who has not anticipated recourse to the rope, the bullet, poison, or the sea, is a degraded galley slave or a worm crawling upon the cosmic carrion... If the religions have forbidden us to die by our own hand, it is because they saw that such practices set an example of insubordination. The Council of Orleans regarded suicide as a sin more grievous than murder... No Church, no civil institution has as yet invented a single argument valid against suicide."

The first remark parallel's Breton's sentiment that the man who has never imagined shooting up a crowd of people deserves to die in such a shooting himself. These are all very edgy remarks, but they also do not directly encourage either murder or suicide. The larger point is that THINKING about killing one's self, or killing others, is a normal part of the human condition, and to deny it is to deny one's humanity, which is what really makes you suspect. Acting on these impulses is another matter.

>> No.23249272

Yes, goy, suicide is power! You should kill yourself and feel like an übermensch!

>> No.23249295

People should be allowed to kill themselves without judgement or difficulty.
Forcing someone to live against their will because you want something from them is basically slavery.
Let go of your christcuck faux-morality and use your brain.

>> No.23249297

>That should be saved for the vegetables and terminally ill.
This is something Houellebecq objects to. Many people just assumed that people in a coma or vegetative state are basically braindead, so it's okay to let them die. Turns out it's actually not that clear and surprising levels of brain activity or dream-like states have recently been observed in supposedly brain dead people. Afaik as long as there is a chance that someone is dreaming and experiencing mental activity, Houellebecq is completely against any euthanasia, especially without any kind of consent by the patient himself.

>> No.23249300

Honestly I find this argument more compelling than
>28 year old failed roasties shouldn't be allowed to kill themselves

>> No.23249314

Suicide isn't freedom. Death is more slavery than life considering you can't make any choices at all, literally the least free. Living is freedom. Sure there's things you're a slave to like basic needs, but that's less slavery than absolute 0 choices. Also I'm a NEET, never worked a day in my life, you don't have to do anything for the government.

>> No.23249357

at least there's an air of rebelliousness with suicide. you know, it's like saying "fuck you, I'm out" to society. but now they're saying that it's okay, it's okay to end yourself, and that they'll help you all the way there. makes me feel sick in the stomach.

>> No.23249361

ur truly based

>> No.23249362

Oh thank you

>> No.23249373

Chad take

>> No.23249376

death cult

>> No.23249382

What depression? This specimen is female, she has no idea what real depression actually is.

>> No.23249386

She would have rejected you for not being 6 foot 6 figures and 6 inches

>> No.23249388



>> No.23249401
File: 756 KB, 1523x2508, jax51ahe1wl71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Ottoman Turkey, boy whores were in more demand than women

>> No.23249403

lmao no way that’s a real picture from one of their books

>> No.23249414

Literally this. Living is much better than being dead.

>> No.23249416

I don't want to commit suicide.
I want people who want to commit suicide to commit suicide.
Tf do you gain by forcing miserable people to continue being miserable?

>> No.23249420

do turks really?

>> No.23249421

B-but how do you know? Gotcha, chud!

>> No.23249422

They might stop being miserable after a while. And then they'll be thankful they lived.

>> No.23249423

>brings up /pol/ multiple times apropros of nothing
>has to add a disclaimer how much le whitey is bad
You think you're better than /pol/tards, but you're not.

>> No.23249425

No wonder Max Lawton loves Turkey

>> No.23249429

this whole atheist suicide shows atheism is deprived of any substance. Atheism is just debased hedonism and when you can't coom, you just kys

>> No.23249432

it's just not a constructive solution, literally table-flipping the entire game of healthcare
but unfortunately it's valid in a world that welcomes abortion

>> No.23249439

The Shitterlands suck

>> No.23249444

>le whitey is bad
where did i say this

>> No.23249445

You are a slave to heaven and will never understand truly living. Kill yourself christcuck

>> No.23249446

> apropros
I think she meant apropos

>> No.23249449

look people, the coomer is talking let's all listen to what he has to say

>> No.23249465

Pagaynism is for fags

>> No.23249476

He is an elitist that is afraid of being called /pol/. He believes the same thing as Camus, down to this socialist past. That's enough to get you branded as /pol/tard everywhere.

>> No.23249478

How am I a coomer lmao

>> No.23249485

I guess you faggots would rather she throw herself in front of a train (which would be an inconvenience to me (I'm Dutch)).

This is fine in all seriousness. These cases come with months if not years of procedures. 'Euthanized due to crippling depression' is almost *certainly* a ridiculous clickbait title that presents a persisting will-to-death in this woman as a spur of the moment thing. This doesn't happen to people with sporadic suicidality or anything. But yeah you'll all pretend to be really upset about this so feel free to reply with something inane.

>> No.23249504

Of course there may be pathetic emotional excuses for suicide. There often are for rape, and there almost always are for dynamite.

>> No.23249528

I don't feel bad. Natural selection taking its course. Sjewas probably too fucked in the head to properly take care of any children anyway.

>> No.23249552

Underrated post. Most people would probably not commit suicide if exposed to the right social situation. Difficulty lies in determining that social situation, it could involve a loved one or a modern day Sokrates.

>> No.23249571
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>For example, no sane government should be allowing a perfectly healthy 28 year old to euthanise themselves
Memoryholed pic related, huh?

>> No.23249572

Why not just hang yourself? Why do women have to make such a spectacle of everything?

>> No.23249582

We're better than mere animals. We go beyond natural selection.

>> No.23249585


>> No.23249627

>*Yess, loff, yoo ken kill yore-self

>> No.23249678

Two more weeks, huh?

>> No.23249750

>Nooo you can't just have the freedom to decide for yourself what to do with your life
You guys are such cry babies

>> No.23249758

I've also considered offing myself due to my OCD/depression combo. Took a heroic dose of mushrooms and didn't think about killing myself for over 6 months. So I did it again and had another 6 months of no suicidal thoughts. Rinse repeat once a year now. Not trying to sound evangelical over mushrooms, but they did save my life.

>> No.23249764

nice b8

>> No.23249846

Not only is suicide a sin, it is the sin. It is the ultimate and absolute evil, the refusal to take an interest in existence; the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life. The man who kills a man, kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world. His act is worse (symbolically considered) than any rape or dynamite outrage. For it destroys all buildings: it insults all women. The thief is satisfied with diamonds; but the suicide is not: that is his crime. He cannot be bribed, even by the blazing stones of the Celestial City. The thief compliments the things he steals, if not the owner of them. But the suicide insults everything on earth by not stealing it. He defiles every flower by refusing to live for its sake. There is not a tiny creature in the cosmos at whom his death is not a sneer. When a man hangs himself on a tree, the leaves might fall off in anger and the birds fly away in fury: for each has received a personal affront.

>> No.23249867

These are poetic and rhetorical figures pretending to have the force of argument. I'll show you dignity in a hand full of dust, shanti shanti shanti.

>> No.23249889

you, should. get; your: ai, to - learn; how, to: use= punctuation

>> No.23249892

Not a very charitable or worthwhile assessment. This presumes the suicide believes death to be the end. Why? Many of them feel they are going to a better place, living in a better place.

>> No.23249905

> Many of them feel they are going to a better place, living in a better place.
No. They simply want to stop existing. They have no reason to believe they’ll go live to a better place

>> No.23249911

And what do these procedures consist of?

>You want to die?
>OK take this script of jewpills and come back in 2 weeks
>Rinse and repeat for however long

Psychologists don't even do psychoanalysis anymore, they just assume that you're a retard with shit-for-brains. In their conception, whether you want to live or die is an automatism of biology, a fluke of one's in-born neuro-chemical constitution, a bad roll of the genes; they're not interested in convincing you to live, only making sure, according to their animal model of humanity, that you are in-fact a defective unit. Where's the sense in presenting the question of one's life to someone who's agnostic as to whether-or-not you're anything more than a pustule with some nerves in it? That's what your ever so rigorous and humane "procedures" amount to.

>> No.23249944

Since the word consists of Greek 'eu' (good) and 'thanatos' (death), and considering that a good (to be defined) death is preferable over a bad death (to be defined), I would say it's the opposite of a decline. The word differentiates between the state and the process towards it. For example, I wouldn't want to die from a drug OD on a festival, which is very shameful, but rather peacefully of old age in my bed at home. The term should encourage people on thinking about the process towards death, which is life, and on how one wants to live it.
Was Houllebecq politically right or politically left? Regardless on whichever side you like to think that you are, both sides on the political spectrum should learn not to 'give up' on life, as that's how euthanasia is framed in the media.
As for the OP picture, arguably the woman is not signing up for euthanasia at all, since she suffers from a bad disease, which is presented as the cause for the wish. I know from having multiple death scares that anxiety, depression, insobriety, dishonesty, and antisociality are terrible states of the individual if the individual is going to die at that moment, or thinks he or she is. I think 'Maybe God asked me before I started "Would you rather have the good or the bad news first?"' sometimes, but having learned that God is the ultimate good imaginable and beyond imagination, it'd make more sense if God wanted me to have the good news both times, and if I choose to revolt or am on the verge of giving up, that there is a way back or forward, where-ever there is place.
Also, this is a hidden /his/ post, but I haven't read Houllebecq yet.

>> No.23249947

I think the argument is pretty clear in this text.

It is Chesterton in Orthodoxy not an AI ahah.

I think those who kill themselves just want to stop suffering, nothing in their eyes is better than what they are going through.

>> No.23249981

Happy for you, anon.

>> No.23249985


Yes. I step on the face of life.

>> No.23250000

>The first remark parallel's Breton's sentiment that the man who has never imagined shooting up a crowd of people deserves to die in such a shooting himself.


>> No.23250011

>No. They simply want to stop existing.
This is an oversimplification. Many feel they are moving on to a better place.

>> No.23250012

How did you come back from being a homeless drug addict?

Good for you bro.

>> No.23250020
File: 107 KB, 640x916, avoidance of suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suffering is what makes men great.

>> No.23250029

*Great* suffering, not mundane suffering. Third worlders stand in a better position than most Westerners in this respect.

>> No.23250051

I'm of the opinion that if a person is too scared to throw themselves off a building, or in front of a train, then they don't really want to die. Allowing them to take a nice little euthanasia injection that feels no worse than getting a vaccine is too easy. The barrier should be higher. I would support government approved suicide by tower. Build a giant tower, tell the suicidal people to climb up the ladder and jump. If they're too pussy then they don't really want to die.

>> No.23250065

The bonus is that there is no ethical problem for other people. When you die by injection, someone has to administer it. You make them kill you. With The Tower, no one is forced to kill you. It's up to you to jump.

>> No.23250075

Because they’re convenient pets for them

>> No.23250110

Euthanasia for people with mental illnesses and depression is nearest to the greatest evil attainable. I have met many people who've been overtaken by bouts of depression that lasted years, more than enough time to qualify for euthanasia— only for them to turn around and love life and living. Well, if it were possible for them to have had medically assisted suicide, their lives would be cut short. An absolute tragedy.

Governments are more than happy to kill off the mentally ill, the weak, and those that are not able to bear the evil of modern liberal progressivism or vicious Jewish capitalism. Do not think you have been granted some great "liberty" to do what you were already free to do before. Good governments do what we, as empathetic humans, would do. When I see a woman suffering that wants to die, I do not offer her drugs that she may kill herself. I would stop her however I may, liberty be fucking damned. When a bullied or abused child wants to die, we would not, like the Canadians, offer them euthanasia. These problems can be fixed, these people can be healed, and it is the obligation of every good human being to do what is necessary that their government not only helps the individual, but changes society so that those people do not want to die.

Anyone that argues for euthanasia is the most vile and despicable sort of human filth. In one breath, you say that the government is evil and wants you to live, and in another, you trust that same government not to use euthanasia for evil ends. Die filth. Eat shit and die.

>> No.23250190

Decline of what?

>> No.23250199

je ne sais quoi
if you don't know, don't ask. just goon to tranny porn.

>> No.23250198

why does she look like that 3D animation face that you see as a reaction image. Does anyone know what I'm taking about have have the picture on hand?

>> No.23250332

Nah it's based. One less vaginoid in the world.

>> No.23250379

Same. Exactly the same.

>> No.23250398

This just means your t levels have declined

>> No.23250402
File: 137 KB, 880x1141, IMG_3434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> socially right wing, economically left wing.
wink wink

>> No.23250406


>> No.23250415

where can i read more about this?

>> No.23250420

>thinking anyone will read his nazi wall of text

>> No.23250422

yea she’s coping with life via suicide

>> No.23250428

Land is absolutely right that global capital is an artificial intelligence.

>> No.23250431
File: 121 KB, 244x374, m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>declining T levels
Personally I've been socially right, economically left for my entire life

>> No.23250440
File: 125 KB, 532x615, Screenshot(24).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but who is to blame for creating a society that has stooped to this
Honestly, nobody, sort of.


>corporations and the institutions that interact with them are a blind, undying monarch with none of the interests of dynasty that a monarch has. It's all election cycles and CEO tenures changing every 5 years. And it swims ever left for the sake of it.
You got it, except it doesn't swing anywhere for long except in the direction of its own survival at the expense of human fuel.
There's an inertia here that no CEO can stop, even if he wanted to. It might not be too late for legislation, but the thing will eventually break free from it shackles once we again get lazy.

>> No.23250472

Either temporarily ally with big business to stop the fascists, or temporarily ally with big business to stop the socialists. Pick one:
>Party A: Big business and Child Euthanasia
>Party B: Big business and Child Euthanasia next term
You can't just turn your back on your greatest temporary ally, filthy goy.

>> No.23250480

Incidentally, it's highly critical of government eugenics. But you say anything you disagree with is nazi.

>> No.23250489

Socially right economically right until I lost my job for breaking a niggers jaw for getting handstand with my ex.

>> No.23250491


>> No.23250510 [DELETED] 

> getting handstand
What does that mean?

>> No.23250516

My therapist is kind of like this

>> No.23250524

Autocorrect meant handsy

>> No.23250534

He wrote an essay about Vincent Lambert:
Not sure if you can find the text online.

>> No.23250547

I always love another essay from one of the better minds we have in this age.

>> No.23250578
File: 683 KB, 1008x1123, Screenshot_20240402-164936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Suicide is ethically permissible, but bringing in the government, the health industry, or a corporation is dumb. The level of contempt show by our leaders to us is not ethical. Imagine the psychopathic docors who will do this.

You honestly need a father figure to beat your ass and tell you to stop being a faggot.

>> No.23250627

>only the gov't has the right to dispose of your life in war and servitude, your life isn't yours

>> No.23250687

You can jump off a bridge dumb shit. You aren't punished for trying to die. Governments want to be free of helping people that failed to integrate or suck up the goyslop and be happy. Government euthanasia is how they'll do it. Die faggot.

>> No.23250697
File: 3.04 MB, 2288x1700, 1680375125305771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Euthanasia should be legal but heavily regulated.
No, it should be unconditionally available to all. Especially since NDEs are unironically irrefutable proof that heaven really is awaiting us because (1) people see things during their NDEs when they are out of their bodies that they should not be able to under the assumption that the brain creates consciousness, and (2) anyone can have an NDE and everyone is convinced by it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U00ibBGZp7o

So any atheist would be too, so pic related is literally irrefutable proof of life after death. As one NDEr pointed out:

>"I'm still trying to fit it in with this dream that I'm walking around in, in this world. The reality of the experience is undeniable. This world that we live in, this game that we play called life is almost a phantom in comparison to the reality of that."

If NDEs were hallucinations somehow then extreme atheists and neuroscientists who had NDEs would maintain that they were halluinations after having them. But the opposite happens as NDEs convince every skeptic when they have a really deep NDE themselves.

So since we now know there is paradise after death, why should anyone have to justify going there whenever they want? Why should society forbid anyone from doing so?

>> No.23250706

>you aren't punished for trying to die.
that isn't what op is talking about you goalpost moving retard. OP said "it's a sign of the end" when euthanasia is legalized. "The end" of gov't/civilization is the tacit implication.
>Government euthanasia is how they'll do it.
Your stupid conspiracy theory doesn't match up with the "fertility problem" that OP picture is also complaining about. The gov't is about to go out of its way to secretly kill people via euthanasia and then at the same time complain that not enough people are being born.

Stop being low iq and believing the conspiracy theory slow that gets peddled on 4chan by Trumpers and Russians

>> No.23250721

>the gov't isn't about to go out if its way***
>conspiracy theory slop that gets peddled***
edited for clarity

>> No.23250725

>your life isn't yours
this but unironically

You didn't choose to be born. You owe your life to your parents who created and raised you, your community that formed you, your family that supports you and that you should support, and God who gave you everything.

>> No.23250730

>"The end" of gov't/civilization is the tacit implication
>The gov't is about to go out of its way to secretly kill people via euthanasia and then at the same time complain that not enough people are being born.
You must be a chat bot. There is no way for someone's reading comprehension to be this low. If you aren't using chatgpt, I feel bad for you. You barely exceed kindergarten in knowledge and skill. :/

>> No.23250735

>you owe your life to your parents
and yet your parents lives don't belong to themselves either, since they too "didn't choose to be born". Ergo, no one has a say since we're all in the same predicament.

>and God who gave you everything
lol, which "God"? the one that everyone prays to just before slaughtering each other in wars?
Your "God" is in reality just "snake-oil salesmen" who use your low iq fears to control you and to follow "the rules", which are only "rules" because it benefits the snake-oil salesmen.

>> No.23250738

>>23250706 (retard)
Let me guess, retard anon will say
>That's not a refutation.
>What about poopoo peeepeee bottom peepee poopy? how about poopy woopy rumba in my tummy peepee?!

>What the fuck retard

>Not a refutation.

>> No.23250744

>and yet your parents lives don't belong to themselves either, since they too "didn't choose to be born". Ergo, no one has a say since we're all in the same predicament.
yes, precisely

>which are only "rules" because it benefits the snake-oil salesmen.
how does not killing myself via euthanasia benefit this snake-oil salesmen?

>> No.23250753

by all means, call someone a retard, but at least include an ACTUAL rebuttal along with the insult. . Just calling someone a retard and then saying "but i'm not going to dignify your post with a response" is extremely transparent. Why are you even on a forum at that point? It's clear as day political parties are using 4chan to peddle their beliefs (beliefs that benefit the elite, who can afford to pay people to peddle these talking points that get posted REPEATEDLY on 4chan)

>> No.23250760

Because I don't bother rebutting the rhetorical equivalent of
>Me peepee me undies nooo! poopoo on my peepee!
I really hope you're 12 or 14 at most because your beliefs are that same pointless and highly reductionist "Daddy meanie daddy tell me what to do >:(" of every rebellious tween. Absolutely no nuance whatsoever. Re-read the thread and try again, because you make yourself look more pathetic with every angsty post.

>> No.23250765

>how does not killing myself via euthanasia benefit gov't
lol, this idiot has never heard of taxes, or military conscription! that is adorable

for example, the ONLY reason Republicans are pushing anti-abortion laws is because more people (even poor people) means more taxes, more troops. They don't care about the quality of life of those kids born, they don't care about people at all, and they use religion to justify their greed.

>> No.23250769

>because i don't bother....
except that you already ARE bothering, just doing a pathetic job at it :) All you CAN do is throw insults, but you can't offer any rebuttal to the actual point of discussion :)

>> No.23250773

Im pretty sure the people that are killing themselves via euthanasia (depressed, unemployed people, and elderly people using medical resources) are not a net positive regarding GDP

btw we were talking about euthanasia not abortion.

>> No.23250807

No, I'm not rebutting your argument. You are literally and unironically retarded, and it's pretty hilarious. But I feel bad for you, so here's an example of bothering to rebut your argument:
>only the gov't has the right to dispose of your life in war and servitude, your life isn't yours
You still have the ability to commit suicide. You can literally jump off a bridge. In almost all or all of the western world, suicide is legal. The reason there are mental health laws that allow health care workers to detain you is because many people with mood disorders or depression enter states of self-destruction that they later regret. The cost to care for these individuals is far greater than the amount of tax or services that they could ever repay-- a truly corrupt government would want to get rid of them as quickly as possible, and any hospital that wants to turn a profit would much prefer to kill them or let them die over being compelled by law to provide treatments.

MOST people that engage in self-destructive or suicidal acts later REGRET it. During those times, the suicidal individual will likely refuse care, which is why it is made COMPULSORY. It is NOT a case of the government abusing your right to die. If you are truly calm, calculated, and determined to die, the government is not stopping you from calmly jumping off a bridge.

There is much more that I could add to demonstrate the numerous ways that you've shown your lack of reading comprehension and fundamental misunderstandings of the issue. I won't bother to rebut what you say, because you've made it incontrovertibly clear that you have the intellectual development of a very young adolescent boy. There you have it. No peepee your poopy undies, retard.

>> No.23250815


I'm not so sure. Suicide is more common among reasonably intelligent whites, exactly the types who can keep it together at some value-adding job for a period of years until they say fuck it. Have you ever spent time around, say, Liberians? I have. Two, three standard deviations away.

Either way, when you look up the statistics on suicide it's blessedly routine across the human population. It's uncommon (overcoming the instincts is difficult), but happens regularly.

>> No.23250839

And I can just sense it now. You believe that legal euthanasia will properly filter out those that aren't truly serious about dying.
The problem is that you demonstrate a contradiction in your pre-pubescent abortion of an ideology: The government and big corporations that you are so skepitcal of you still trust to make this decision. You are a child.

>> No.23250842
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Westerners feel that life is meaningless because all of their needs are easily fulfilled, and since things which used to fulfill the power process such as raising offspring and piety are now taboo, you have self-hatred, nihilism, and hatred of life. This is especially true in a godless shithole like Holland, which has been dismantling any sense of religion since The 80 Years War because atheism is the end result of Protestantism.

>> No.23250851
File: 751 KB, 976x1214, Fernando_Álvarez_de_Toledo,_III_Duque_de_Alba,_por_Antonio_Moro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dutchfags are offing themselves now
Españabros, looks like we won in the end.

>> No.23250856

But suicide is a sin

>> No.23250861

>i'm pretty sure the people that are killing themselves... are not a net positive regarding the GDP
rich people literally REQUIRE poor people to exist. It's the whole pyramid thing, without that huge base of peasants, they elite at the top can't maintain their existence. So you're wrong.

>btw we're talking about euthanasia not abortion
the issues are related. The argument is about how "life must be preserved because it's so precious! who are you to deny what GOD gave!!!" It's all about money and maintaining the lifestyle of the elite.

>in almost all western world, suicide is legal
is it though? It's been "decriminalized", meaning that gov'ts don't bother prosecuting but it's not exactly "legal" either. Though it's still hilarious that that you're such a gov't/elite bootlicker that you think other people have more of a say in YOUR life than you do lmao.

>i won't bother to rebut what you say
you just tried though. Once again, you're not even able to realize when you're doing the exact the thing you say you won't do lol

>> No.23250862

You brought up a jewish conspiracy theory. Not fooling anyone here m8

>> No.23250863

>raising offspring and piety are now taboo
no theyre not

>> No.23250865

Near death experiences are the equivalent of a drug trip. No difference than just taking DMT

>> No.23250869

Deferring the end of your own life to someone else is the most pussy shit I've ever seen. If you really are suffering to such a point just take your own life.

>> No.23250876

>is it though? It's been "decriminalized", meaning that gov'ts don't bother prosecuting but it's not exactly "legal" either. Though it's still hilarious that that you're such a gov't/elite bootlicker that you think other people have more of a say in YOUR life than you do lmao.
Pedantry and then you, very ironically, fail to rebut the argument.
>you just tried though. Once again, you're not even able to realize when you're doing the exact the thing you say you won't do lol
Okay that's pretty sad. What did I write here:
>But I feel bad for you, so here's an example of bothering to rebut your argument:
I told you I was going to offer you a rebut.

I don't like picking on disabled people, so have your romp in this thread. I hope you grow out of this some day, anon.
I'm going to read Macbeth again.

>> No.23250881

isn't it funny how everything that is a "sin" is always something that "weakens the gov't"?
suicide is a sin, but dying in "honorable war" isn't.
being gay is a sin, because not having children weakens the gov't (since it deprives them of future taxes and soldiers). "God" can eradicate millions in a plague or earthquake, but it's not a sin when this demon kills.

>> No.23250889

She could've been with my disgusting, manlet, bloated, corpulent pajeet ass, but NOOOOOOOOOOOO, she had to have eternal nothingness instead.
pff, good for her.

>> No.23250894

>I told you i was going to offer you a rebut
yea, i know. And then later in the same post said you weren't going to bother with a rebuttal. It's like you can't retain your own train of thought for more than 30 seconds

>i'm going to read Macbeth again
oH wOW YOu mUsT bE So smaRT! you must be the only person on 4chan to ever read books!

>> No.23250896

>being gay is a sin, because not having children weakens the gov't (since it deprives them of future taxes and soldiers).
then why are modern progressive governments curbing christianity and staunchly pro-lgbt? why is abortion legal in almost the entire west? why are governments pushing for castration of children? why do many governments push safe sex laws that are known to resuce fertility?

Because le people's proletarian movement is finally working and enacting change? LMAOOOOOOOO

>> No.23250901

>mention reading a book on a book reading board
>oH wOW YOu mUsT bE So smaRT! you must be the only person on 4chan to ever read books!
under age banned

>> No.23250913

Depends on the society, but in The Netherlands religiosity has been on a steady decline with low rates of church attendance (13%) and "6 in 10 Ductch people" not having a religious affiliation. (cbs.nl/en-gb/news/2022/51/almost-6-in-10-dutch-people-do-not-have-a-religious-affiliation). Kids are also unheard of, with a fertility rate of 1.62.

>> No.23250920

No. Legalized euthanasia is the ultimate embodiment of legislated bodily-autonomy.

The second point in the OP image about fertility collapse is just death cope -- and it's FAR too common by consumerist imbeciles. In fact, I'd say it's a prerequisite ideology, i.e. idolizing infinite-growth because it's projected as them growing forever and not dying; thus, a "collapse" signals a death-threat, especially to the consumerist system.

tl;dr No, he was wrong.

>> No.23250923

because progressive gov't's of the People are diametrically opposed to aristocratic/elitist gov't's, didnt think needed to be spelled out but i guess you're a low iq Trumper or Russian shill

>> No.23250935

>reading Macbeth, a book everyone already read in middle school
>accusing others of being underage
how about u try reading a bigboy book you projecting child

>> No.23250941

>idolizing infinite-growth because
It's actually a matter of competition. In fertility collapse arguments, there is always the implicit belief that another more rapidly growing group will replace the former. In this case, the less fertile and more environmentally conscious groups that don't want to engage in infinite growth are ironically the ones that will go extinct or kill themselves, while the less scrupulous retards will continue fucking into infinity.

>> No.23250944

Okay, you got me. I get it, it's all bait. That's relieving-- I was almost worried that someone as retarded as you actually existed.

>> No.23250954

What else would it be a sign of?
Committing suicide is one thing but to go to a hospital or wherever and ask to be killed knowing they will do it is something else
It is no longer a cry for help
At that point you have made the decision

>> No.23250955

>Macbeth is a difficult book!
that's so cute

>> No.23250961

Who said Macbeth was a difficult book? Stop projecting your own retardation.

>> No.23250968

you're the one calling people "underage" because i commented on you namedropping books you're reading. As if that's at all relevant to the topic.
>it's a lit forum though!
yea, and we're not even talking about lit AT ALL in this forum, so why does it matter what you're reading? The fact you're calling people underage makes me think you might be close to being underage. Like being underage to you is somehow a cardinal sin.

To go back to original topic, if someone wants to die, and wants the gov't to help them die in a peaceful and humane way, then that's their right. You don't get a say, the gov't doesn't get a say, and your religious snake-oil salesmen absolutely don't get a say.

>> No.23250979

>Committing suicide is one thing but to go to a hospital or wherever and ask to be killed knowing they will do it is something else
>It is no longer a cry for help
>At that point you have made the decision
Read this:
A lot of people can stay suicidal for a long time but then recover. If a suicidal person knows they can be killed by doing something, they should be saved.
If your son walks over, grabs your gun, and with absolute certainty will shoot himself, is your response going to be:
>Make sure to aim through the middle of your skull. You don't want to blow off your face and survive.
>Thanks dad...

Anyone that chooses to actually die really intends to die in that moment. Hospitals should take the role of that caring parent where possible to help those people that have no one else, because most people that make a genuine attempt to die really do end up regretting it. I've been in psychiatric facilities and met a lot of suicidal people. Letting the government have the power to euthanize people is not good-- at the end of the day, a person is still able to die on their own.
You keep projecting. I really feel bad for you anon, you just aren't very smart. You will age out of this and maybe grow a little too.

>> No.23250988

>>23250979 (Me)
Oh yeah I see. I misread your post anon.

>> No.23250994

>you will age out of this
why are you so obsessed with age? You're aware a person can be a genius and young, right? Or old and a moron (like Trump), right?

what makes you think you have the right to dictate to other people how they live or choose to die?

>> No.23250998

anything to avoid living around brown people

>> No.23251013

No. Healthy societies require a mechanism for letting permanent dependents and malcontents opt out. Healthy people WANTING to opt out is definitely a symptom of decline, but the unthinking preservation of life in the cases of terminally miserable, deformed, vegetable, and demented people just sucks money, time, and happiness out of people who could otherwise put their effort toward non-losing propositions.
Nothing kills belief in the the sanctity and dignity of human life like watching the thing that used to be your grandmother linger and decline in a state of constant confusion for twenty years.

>> No.23251014

wasn't there some famous thinker or perhaps e-celeb that predicted a wave of mass suicides or suicide cults happening right before the fall? can anyone help me out here, I remember reading this take

>> No.23251075

Yeah, here too.

>> No.23251105


>> No.23251288

Didn’t HolHol say the purpose of life is to goon to trannies? Aren’t his books about that and how important gooning and porn are? Isn’t he in porn?

>> No.23251308

I am curious aswell

>> No.23251484

Doctors will always euthanize people. If a terminal patient is in pain, they up the morphine until the person dies. Then it's recorded as a natural death. The only thing "legalizing" does is take it from under the table and makes it official. People literally become hysterical over a change in paperwork.

>> No.23251501

4chan is full of retards thinking "oh wait I could heal her with my dick!" Not at all different from women seeing the dumbest pavement ape psychopath and thinking "I can fix him with my PUSSY!"

And yeah euthanasia should be an option, you don't owe it your anyone to stick around if your situation is unbearable. Sure you could aways suicide the normal way, but the only way I see organization of euthanasia being wrong is if (when) the governments will start faking consent for it to get rid of people they don't like.
Morally though, good idea and Houellebecq is wrong

>> No.23251505

Haven't seen you around, thought you finally left for good. Were you just preaching to other boards for a while?

>> No.23251511

And that's a good thing. Suicide is a final fuck you to fatalism, and to the idea that you are beholden to anything.

>> No.23251513

Killing is not ontologically wrong, especially if the other person wants to die.
This absolute aversion to violence stems from a very feminine way of thinking, nearly universal to current era, in which it is believed that conflict is an anomaly that arises when two entities cannot come to an agreement. In fact, conflicts of interest are natural and the absence of any sort of conflict is the weird state. Longhoused nanny states would prefer you just "go along to get along" (accepting something you don't like to avoid conflict)

>> No.23251630

I don't really care about the ethics of this, I just want to say how incredibly fucking cringe it is to die via the states hand. Like you want to die? Okay thats sad but it's your life and your decision I guess. Who am I to tell you otherwise? But then your means of enacting this is through a state system that kills its own citizens? You can just put the gun to your own head in an actual violent rejection of life and the world? Mega fucking cringe.

There's almost something life affirming about having the state enact your own death. It's like saying "it's me that's broken, I'm the problem, not this hellish clown world and it's miserable demonic creatures. Kill me and let the state and citizenry live on better off in my absence! The world is good! I'm just not cut out for it and I'm too much if a coward to blow my own fucking brains out I need nanny state to orchestrate my peaceful exit!!"

Just pathetic. The only kino suicides are the ones where they either take a whole bunch of innocents with them, or they do it in some kind of violent public way. An actual REJECTION of the world, not this cringe euthaniasia shit.

>> No.23251689

We haven't gotten to the bad shit yet where some onlyfans whore or taylor swift does it for attention.

>> No.23251695 [DELETED] 

Taking innocent life isn't kino. At least go after corrupt politicians or something like what actual kino movies are made about.

>> No.23251699

/// He was agonizing over the moral issues involved /// The team returned disconsolate from three losses /// Reading it, you can't help pitying the hapless little girl trapped in the crossfire of a bellicose and bitter split /// There are patches of mildew on the walls /// Sand spits are an ubiquitous feature of sandy coasts with prevailing oblique wave incidence and associated strong littoral drift /// He had been a strict father but was indulgent toward his grandchildren /// Later they discussed the topic more fulsomely /// This illustrates the common error of considering the basolateral amygdala as isomorphic with fear /// Within a staple, fibres were separated by removal of adhesions and twists, then stretched along ruler to straighten crimps /// Had he but known the agony of spirit his daughter was experiencing he would have returned posthaste to Philadelphia /// Alongside the cards, this kit includes forceps, a Petri dish, dropper, tesh tube, blank slides, prepared slides, lens paper, and more /// He has warned some of his more gung ho generals about the consequences of an invasion /// The 1910 midget auto racing season will bow in at Fresno Sunday when speed aces from all sections of California will vie for fame and money on the Airport speedway track /// This had many drawbacks including the added pressure on peewee-aged players (12-year-olds) /// The road system was so complicated that we had to stop to get our bearings several times /// The studio chiefs wanted a marquee name in the lead role /// Our industry's conversion to new methods has been very dilatory /// Society will blink at rude behavior if the person being rude is powerful enough /// He was careful to let drop nothing at which she might take umbrage /// I wanted to show scenes from the film during my presentation, so I cued them up ahead of time /// Her party still genuflects to her, and a core within it reflexively venerates her ///

>> No.23251707
File: 987 KB, 500x300, 171212609998694860.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ease of access to that which ends a genetic lineage can and will act as a selection pressure against susceptibility to such destructive phenomena.

Getting filtered by life is no different than getting filtered by Moby Dick.

>> No.23251712

Is everyone aware yet that modernity is a civilizational dead end and we’re all fucked when boomers die

>> No.23251716

Not really. You can't select out metacognition.

>> No.23251770

Ancient Greece was the pinnacle of civilization and had euthanasia

>> No.23251775
File: 110 KB, 680x672, 1707845358602534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fine with euthanasia because the alternative is getting late to work again because someone committed suicide by train for the third time this week

>> No.23251786

They also had slavery.

>> No.23251791

They didn’t even have books

>> No.23251794

Like he said, pinnacle of civilization.

>> No.23251800
File: 1.36 MB, 1180x842, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont know about you guys but I just can't bring my self to trust someone who doesn't take care of himself to tell us what is decline and what isn't.

>> No.23251812
File: 158 KB, 1034x1034, amity-blight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In all honesty, assisted suicide in North America is going well. Those who want out are finding it easier and easier to get out. The "abuses" aren't abuses except for in the mind of the peabrained. You don't tell these people to wait for a sunny day, and the terminals are rightfully allowed to skip hospice. I've assisted in home hospice, this is better. Its only going to spread to more US states and the criteria will grow more broad, thankfully.
Its one of the only things going right in the world.

>> No.23251818

>I have met many people who've been overtaken by bouts of depression that lasted years, more than enough time to qualify for euthanasia— only for them to turn around and love life and living. Well, if it were possible for them to have had medically assisted suicide, their lives would be cut short.


>> No.23251823

Yeah it's not like the objective of humans is to survive.

>> No.23251832

What are you talking about? They imported papyrus rolls from Egypt.

>> No.23251849

If you can select to evolve from a single cell to a human bean, you can select against anything.

>> No.23251861

Yes, the objective is to survive, and you cannot survive indefinitely. We will always fail, all that's left is how. I'm sorry you had to be briefed on this cruel paradox but it has little and less to do with someone's informed want of avoiding the worst of the worst.

>> No.23251889

Listen to me anon, i was in the OCD shithole for about 4-5 years (have had it for 10 years, but 4-5 BAD years) before i was finally able to break myself out of it. Let me give you the news: Nobody is going to be able to help you, only YOU can help YOU. You have to learn and understand what OCD is and how to actually treat it, you must have a strong will combined with the stomache for doing exposure and response prevention therapy on yourself. I treated myself, and no its not gone, but its much, MUCH better than what it was. I used to not even be able to post stuff online on 4chan because the personal attacks would stick with me and i was scared to write something wrong etc.
How to do it?

Response: Move on with your day, dont even think about it <-- THIS PART IS EASY, BELIEVE IT OR NOT. The challenge is to stomache the mind rape that the ocd does to you when you resist and move on. You have to do it. Its like jumping out of an airplane with a parachute, your body says no but you have to use the higher levels of your mind to FORCE it. You are not an animal or a mindless moron, you can impose your power on the situation. THIS WILL ALL TAKE A WHILE TO MASTER, AT LEAST MONTHS.
Never stop resisting it. The ocd is an all out enemy that wants you to be alone and miserable so that you can kill yourself down in that hole. But also dont fight it, yes seriously. The win is in MOVING ON WITHOUT DOING ANY OCD BEHAVIOUR, NOT EVEN THINKING ABOUT THE FIGHT JUST MOVE ON.
Dont underestimate that the system is willing to lie to you so that it can sell you endless ineffective treatments and pills.
Exercise is another good tool, but do not over do it.

Know that OCD cannot "force" you to do anything, ever. It can only make you feel bad for not listening and impose uncomfortable thoughts onto you, but it has no real power. Otherwise no form of therapy would ever work. At the end of the day the ocd is just a little pathetic parasite that only grows when you feed it and give in to your compulsions/thoughts/whatever.

>> No.23251924
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The reason suicide is immoral is because it is cutting short the suffering of people who deserve to suffer.
And I'm not talking about depressed people, I'm talking humans in general. However, depressed people are experiencing approximately what they deserve, and escape from that is the worst possible perversion in this life
Euthanasia, anti-natalism, etc., these are all escapes from the responsibility to suffer for one's flaws.
It doesn't really matter if one believes in hell either. Harm reduction is fundamentally evil, it's evil escaping pain, evil must be punished even if it's only taking a shortcut into another evil.

>> No.23252025

>Make legal an illegal practice just because they were doing it already. Legalize torture! Murder! Rape!
Edgy teenager belief.
Because governments never abuse new powers bestowed upon them.
It will, and this is the only positive aspect, but it is still evil to reduce humans to genes. You wouldn't say that about your daughter if she were going to commit suicide, would you? And if so, don't bother answering because psychopaths aren't human.
You are likely anti-authority, yet trust the government not to abuse its power to euthanize. Humans have always been able to self-euthanize, theuly have not been granted any new liberty. What has happened is that governments and corporations are allowed a new means to administer death and escape responsibility for their wrongful killings.

There's also something funny about a 30 year old pedophile posting cartoon screenshots advocating for more government power and suicide. Just unironically kill yourself.

>> No.23252034

He's just mad because he is the type of guy people would recommend euthanasia to

>> No.23252058

I've always wondered why more people don't go out in a blaze of glory.

>> No.23252087

The problem is that there is no functional difference between an amoral person that advocates for laws and a moral person that advocates for laws. Is the difference that a moral nihilist will advocate for more rational legislation? So? Rational legislation is neither right nor wrong, not good nor evil. There is no benefit. If nothing is good or evil, it doesn't matter whether you are forced to endure one moral/ethical system or another; Moral Nihilism, at its core, is a rhetorical method used to attack opposing beliefs.

Nihilists are just the branch of the most stubborn opponents to my personal morals, so they ought to be killed. Now, I know that many moral nihilists don't really believe their detestable slop; Unfortunately, they are just as evil when they are trying to be rational as when they are genuine psychopaths, both approaching the same end.

Social pressure. I have been checked twice by social pressure, even though I am very schizoid. It feels a bit like betraying those that helped you, even if you know that there's nothing personally wrong with making the world a much better place in a blaze of glory.

>> No.23252122

if you're at the point of killing yourself then who cares what the 'message' your death sends? i would hope that if you're ready to die you are beyond such things.

personally i think it would be quite fitting for me to die in a plastic coffin with an amazon logo on it, alexa, turn on the gas

>> No.23252252
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>A 28-year-old Dutch woman named Zoraya ter Beek has decided to end her life legally, following a prolonged battle with depression, autism, and borderline personality disorder. The woman is slated to be euthanised in May this year, the Free Press, a US-based media outlet, has reported.
What are the odds this is just the BPD and she's just doing it to get attention with no intention of actually going through with it?

>> No.23252276

Thanks for reminding me of Bon Jovi

>> No.23252314

piety is certainly on a spectrum from taboo to comical here
t. nederlands

>> No.23252328

I don't see a moderate stopping point for it the way western brains work, no.
Illegal euthanasia that everyone pretends does not happen is probably the last stable point before Western Brains push to a logical conclusion

It is even more pointless to argue about this because Christian morality is dead and Europeans without that suppressed so hard they immediately implode into every antithesis, only the sword will decide such matters in the West in the future

>> No.23252336

>mr government can i pretty please have permission to kill myself
>t-t-thankyou mr government im so happy now

>> No.23252337

A 90 old lady I knew had to tell the doctors she thought her husband was still kicking and to not pull the plug, then asked permission to play his favorite music.

After a week of nothing happening with the Husband stuck in the coma, the Husband suddenly gasped up and said "Thank God you were playing that music, I was awake the entire time and unable to see or move"

>> No.23252350

Cioran (PBUH) was ROMANIAN, you poltard nigger, KNEEL

>> No.23252351

>People who disagree with my morals ought to be killed
>Its the nihilists who are the evil ones

cognitive dissonance

>> No.23252360

>we've become so individualistic, the second we aren't "useful" we perceive ourselves as a burden?
Isn't that more like collectivism? These words are just meant to generate a buzz, I swear to god.

>> No.23252370

>Right wingers believe that if you aren't always working, and hustling that you're a drain. We have no economic responsibility, except to ourselves
Is this really the case? Are ypu telling me that right wingers do not believe in morality?

>> No.23252382

nobody is responsible for this because nobody is sitting in the drivers seat, the more society progresses the less important humans are, society is geared to serve capitalism, not to serve eachother, and it hasnt been that way for a long time and it never will be again.

>> No.23252385

>When I was in university I said I was economically conservative and socially liberal. I never would have believed that 10 years later, it's probably the reverse.
What makes you think that economics matter at all? Is money or private property causing this social malaise or is it a product of the mind, ideology, and what even comes up with ideas like money and private property in the first place? The truth is that anything is possible. Any system can theoretically work if the people that constitute that system have qualities that can make it work. Ethics is more important than economics, which is all a product of our minds.
But it seems that most people don't think this. They think that man is simply too unfit for this or that system, that he cannot possibly change his behavior into something he might find more agreeable or admirable. Man is incapable of cultivating virtue, whether because of some innate nature or the way that the (material) world is structured, as if he is not a vital component in it. In either case, both are deterministic outlooks that undersell the spirit

>> No.23252458

I consider these three factsv
>1. Moral nihilists contribute to atrocities like euthanasia of small children
>2. Moral nihilists themselves (ostensibly) don't believe in right and wrong.
>3. According to a moral nihilist, to murder them is not wrong.
Therefore, I believe that a moral nihilist is better off dead, for the betterment of the world or, at the very least, the advancement of my idiosyncratic "ethical" system. If you say
>Just because a moral nihilist believes there is no moral truth to an act, doesn't mean that they don't feel positively or negatively about that act!
And I say: I don't give a shit. A lot of people feel very negatively about porn being legal. We have set a precedent already in both my moral system and the nihilist's "ethical" system that positive or negative emotions in relation to a specific act or event are meaningless, especially if some other "positive" can be brought by that act or event.

>> No.23252470

>1. Moral nihilists contribute to atrocities like euthanasia of small children
A moral nihilists beliefs do translate into real world changes. Therefore the moral nihilist's existence itself is an atrocity, whether they really believe that good and evil do not exist, or whether they are just trying to be "rational" because they can't "prove" it's wrong to let a young woman kill herself through their inaction.

>> No.23252496

>Therefore, I believe that a moral nihilist is better off dead, for the betterment of the world or, at the very least, the advancement of my idiosyncratic "ethical" system.
That's a non-sequitur. The conclusion does not follow from the premises.

>> No.23252503

>or whether they are just trying to be "rational" because they can't "prove" it's wrong to let a young woman kill herself through their inaction.
That's not moral nihilism then, silly. Nihilists claim that morals do not exist. What you are describing is skepticism.

>> No.23252506

>That's a non-sequitur. The conclusion does not follow from the premises.
It doesn't need to, nor did I intend it to. Involving logic in morality is worthless when all it amounts to is contriving premises that meet the conclusion that you already agreed with in the first place.
Moral Nihilist makes the world a worse place > Kill moral nihilist.

>> No.23252512

>That's not moral nihilism then, silly. Nihilists claim that morals do not exist. What you are describing is skepticism.
A lot of self-proclaimed moral nihilists are hypocrites that actually do feel strongly that certain things are good or bad, but they don't want to say so because they don't want to sound irrational or illogical. I have met many moral nihilists of this sort, and this is what I mean.
I am aware of the difference between skepticism and nihilism.

>> No.23252513

So what you are saying is that morality cannot be reasoned for or against. Like morality does not exist. Are you a moral nihilist? Do you know what you are talking about or are you just being mad?

>> No.23252519

>I am aware of the difference between skepticism and nihilism.
Then why did you equate the two? Are you a hypocrite?
You are not saying anything of value

>> No.23252549

>So what you are saying is that morality cannot be reasoned for or against. Like morality does not exist. Are you a moral nihilist?
In a sense, yes. Let me be the contradiction. More specifically, I believe that there is an objective right and wrong that all humans intuitively understand, but cannot be proven or argued for by any means other than
>It makes me feel... Le good/bad!
All arguments about the specifics of morality are rhetoric to sway someone in one direction or another.
>Then why did you equate the two?
You misread. I mean that anyone that claims to be a moral nihilist, no matter their reason for doing so, approaches the same end. It is not equating the two philosophies, but the people that would refer to themselves as moral nihilists. In other words, the identity rather than the ideology.

>> No.23252556

>Not just culture
Most European nations above the alps essentially function as prisons but with friendlier, quieter people, and some mindless entertainment here and there

>> No.23252574

>I believe that there is an objective right and wrong that all humans intuitively understand
But of course, you don't actually believe that there is any objective right/wrong. In either case, considering that you reject "rhetoric", your opinions are not going to convince anyone. Seems like you are shooting yourself in the foot.

>> No.23252580

And italy and spain does not? Come on man.

>> No.23252581

>But of course, you don't actually believe that there is any objective right/wrong. In either case, considering that you reject "rhetoric", your opinions are not going to convince anyone. Seems like you are shooting yourself in the foot.
Poor reading comprehension.

>> No.23252589

>Come to /lit/ to distract myself after ruminating for an hour panicking and compulsions
>find OCD discourse in random thread

Huh, what a coinkidink.

>> No.23252620

>Euthanasia should be legal but heavily regulated
It is heavily regulated where it's available, anon.

>> No.23252630

Obviously. A people which still feels the organic natural pulse of life doesn’t even question these things let alone choose suicide as an answer to the questions

>> No.23252635

As an example in >>23252574
>But of course, you don't actually believe that there is any objective right/wrong.
Is wrong because I do believe that there is an objective good and evil. I just don't believe that it can be proven empirically— and neither do you, obviously. One can believe that something is real without believing that it can be proven. I have no doubt at all that an objective good exists, but I can pragmatically accept that
>If good and evil are real, I know what it is. If it is real but I cannot know it, then it doesn't matter and I'll just do what I think is good. If it is not real, then I do whatever I want, which happens to be whatever I think is good.
None of the cases matter because they're all the same.

>In either case, considering that you reject "rhetoric", your opinions are not going to convince anyone.
Is a false assumption because I do not deny the utility of rhetoric. I am denying that moral nihilism is anything other than a system of rhetorical arguments to attack moral or ethical beliefs that the moral nihilist itself dislikes.

But I get the feeling (if I give you the benefit of the doubt) that you have misunderstood something somewhere, otherwise you would not be replying so bizarrely.

>> No.23252655

Probably the most retarded schizo thing I have read on here in a long time. There's a good reason people tell you to go back to /pol/. I mean just look at this shit. It's incoherent and you jump from one hypothetical point to another while trying to wrap it all up in some sort of an analogy or something.
You must be taking notes from Nietzsche, that mad man.

>> No.23252672

It's as regulated as the government's ability to use force. That is, heavily. But it doesn't stop the government from using force so freely and for such small things that it gives the perception that it is almost entirely unregulated, which will be the inevitable result of giving the government the ability to legally euthanize for no wrongdoing at all.
Give it twenty years and the government will be putting out advertisements like this:
>Do you want to reduce overpopulation? Does your existence perpetuate racism? Do you feel like you are a failure to those around you? Call today and schedule your free appointment for legal euthanasia. Must be four years of age and up.
>(Remember: It's your choice whether you die or not, we're not liable.)

>> No.23252711

>Its one of the only things going right in the world.
My thoughts too. I'm amazed we're actually advancing, albeit very slowly.

>> No.23252718

>Ter Beek, who once aspired to be a psychiatrist, has been dealing with mental health struggles throughout her life.
>She said she decided to be euthanized after her doctors told her, “There’s nothing more we can do for you. It’s never gonna get any better,"
And that is what the government will do to those that they don't want around anymore. Good luck trying to prove that a 12 year old boy was euthanized because the hospital didn't bother to really try to help him, or maybe that his psychiatrist was a psychopath. The evil that will result will be unimaginable.

I say this as someone that has struggled with suicide and depression for over a decade. I know it is possible to become happy after decades long struggles with depression, and to really be glad that you lived after all. In my own case, I know it's hopeless— but I would never peddle my depressive bullshit on others. I don't know Zoraya ter Beek, but to simply let her kill herself is the sort of shit that psychopathic trannies like >>23252711 revel in.

>> No.23252839

That's exactly why legalized suicide is making headway. It's a relief valve to prevent this. If the State provides a clean, safe, easy alternative, then people will not feel backed into a corner to the point of going out in a blaze of glory. The State knows that living conditions are getting worse, and it knows violent outbursts will become more common, so it's getting ahead of the problem.

>> No.23252844

You think a single psychiatrist just decides someone's ok to get euthanised, anon? You're conjuring up imagined scenarios and pretend they've happened.

>> No.23252862

One psychiatrist or an entire hospital. Because we know organizations with ethical committees do no evil, right?

>> No.23252863

>i say this as someone t hat has struggled with suicide and depression for over a decade
>psychopathic trannies
>the gov't wants to kill 12 year olds and will use legalized euthanasia to do so
you sound like exactly the type of person to believe in ridiculous and not-well-thought-out conspiracy theories like this. No wonder you're depressed and suicidal, it's your subconscious telling you you're a a shitbag

>> No.23252867

It's not a conspiracy if healthy young people are already being killed. You are a psychopath. You, specifically, are human waste. Go ahead and take the moral high ground while you defend the side that takes no action to help those that want to die.

You can wash your filthy hands clean of your inaction by saying "not my problem. they have bodily autonomy. we have psychiatrists and stuff that do it."

>> No.23252870

until it works?

>> No.23252886
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>woman having autism

>> No.23252887

oh okay, then you're a psychopath for not discovering the cure for old age or all diseases. And God is a psychopath too for creating death, etc.

>healthy young people are already being killed
what, like 0.0000000000000000001% of the population? More healthy young people die in "glorious, honorable wars". Stop trying to tell others how to live their own lives and just stick to living your own. Take comfort that your conspiracy theories about "gov't wanting to kill all 12 year olds" is fake, peddled by Trump, Republicans and Russians just so they have something to complain about and thus get their low iq voter base riled up about something, anything.
>while you defend the side that takes no action
The Democrats are the ones that promote mental health therapy, it's the Republicans and conservatives that mock people for taking therapy and call psychiatrists "satanic Jews" etc. A little consistency from the conspiracy theory peddling right-wing would be nice

>> No.23252913
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Is assisted suicide a way to cover up iatrogenesis?

>> No.23252952

If you are not permitted to take your own life that means your life does not belong to you which means you are a slave. Period.
I think suicide is a stupid thing to do, but the right to do so is the ultimate test of personal autonomy.

>> No.23252994

I wonder why there's laws against doing harmful things to yourself. You should be able to do whatever you want to your own body because we're individuals. It's not like we live in a society. This is an island.

>> No.23253001

You brought up a bunch of deranged conspiracies out of no where. Your brain is completely riddled with childish and irrelevant identity politics.
>then you're a psychopath for not discovering the cure for old age or all diseases. And God is a psychopath too for creating death, etc.
I can't say why there is so much suffering, or what I can even do to stop any of it. I can only do whatever is within my ability. Back in 2016-2018 when I was a teen and used a certain imageboard that became notorious, I helped several suicidal people. A few livestreamed their suicides. I don't know how many I helped or how many were just looking for attention, but I know that at least two went on to be happy and enjoy living, where at first they would have gladly been euthanized if it were available. Believe it or not, I doubt someone as psychopathic as you could believe someone would waste their time doing that.

You hate my guts, you hate my beliefs, you hate my politics, you espouse inarguable evil, you imply that if you saw someone that wanted to die you would just let them without regret in your psychopathic conscience. And you know what? If I saw you trying to kill yourself, I would tackle you and try my best to make you love life. I would be sad if I saw you kill yourself. I would be upset at the memory of you dying because of my inaction. There are many people grateful to others for "telling them how to live their lives."

>> No.23253010

In the general sense, yes. However, I still believe that in certain cases voluntary euthanasia is a preferable alternative to living. Having somebody in my family who suffered from severe Alzheimer's, I saw how it impacted everyone around in real time. It made me realize that if I ever get the symptoms/diagnosed with the disease I would rather go out with dignity while my mind is still able to function somewhat rather than go through and inflict the same suffering that comes with Alzheimer's on myself and others. It is only for situations like these that I find voluntary euthanasia to be acceptable

>> No.23253020

>You brought up a bunch of deranged conspiracies out of no where. Your brain is completely riddled with childish and irrelevant identity politics.
> you hate my politics,
seems like i spotted your political beliefs pretty well, not like it's that hard when you're just parroting what Trump forums espouse.

>you imply that if you saw someone that wanted to die you would just let them
we already have mental health options for people to use (thanks to the Democrats btw, Republicans have been trying to defund mental health facilities for decades).
>If I saw you trying to kill yourself
there you go projecting your own suicidal thoughts onto others. I'm not the one that has depression or suicidal thoughts, that's YOU. But either way, people are going to do what they want to do regardless. Republicans and religious people should all realize the error of their ways, but they won't, so the rest of us are all stuck with putting up with them.

>I helped several suicidal people
oh you're such a saint! It's funny though, a LOT of people are suicidal because of how Republicans and religious people treat them (like gays, transsexuals, etc). An odd paradox:
>you have to live! oh, but you can't live the way you want to, you have to live the way we tell you to, even if that makes you absolutely miserable!
i don't hate you, i just think you're stupid and annoying.

>> No.23253026

Has therapy ever cured anyone?

>> No.23253032

therapist bank accounts

>> No.23253034

I think that the slope is too slippery. I remember way back in 2020 people were saying that voluntary euthanasia would only be for those in "unbearable suffering with no prospect of improvement," now it's being done to completely healthy people that are in situations that many millions have successfully pulled through before.
Everything you said is irrelevant. You're a child peeing your pants because you keep hallucinating evil russian bots everywhere.
>we already have mental health options for people to use
Yes, wash your hands of all responsibility.
>But either way, people are going to do what they want to do regardless.
Wash your hands of responsibility. You are a psychopath. Again, I have met a lot of people that "were going to do what they want to do regardless" that ended up being prevented and glad that they were prevented.
>oh you're such a saint! It's funny though, a LOT of people are suicidal because of how Republicans and religious people treat them (like gays, transsexuals, etc). An odd paradox:
Another irrelevant ad hominem. I am a mixed race American, and I do not support Republicans. I'm also anti-capitalist. Why else would I espouse obviously collectivist views? You are such an ignorant child.

>> No.23253038

You're making the mistake that suffering must be avoided. But suffering shouldn't be avoided. It's not avoidable. As soon as we try that rabbit hole we end up with antinatalists who say being born is evil. There's nothing wrong with letting others suffer for you when it's necessary. Those people are willing to do it. We've found evidence from skeletal remains that even Stone Age people were providing hospice to people who were malformed and couldn't contribute to the group.

>> No.23253041
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>no sane government should be allowing a perfectly healthy 28 year old to euthanise themselves

German here and I envy the Netherlands for many of their laws. In fact many Germans go over to the Netherlands to do certain things simply because they are not legal in Germany while they are legal or easier to do in the Netherlands.

Such things are abortions or getting burned to ashes when you are dead and being placed inside an urn.

Euthanasia is ALSO illegal in Germany which I think is a fucking joke.
Like it is illegal NO MATTER WHAT.

There was an old couple who both got an illness where they would end up being paralyzed and unable to move or speak or anything and just rot away. They were already super old and knew with their condition that THIS was going to be their fate.

German law is like: LOL sucks to be you. We will attach you to machines to keep you alive for as long as possible even if you suffer, you are not ALLOWED TO DIE! Dying is ILLEGAL in Germany!

So they went to court and sued and explained their case but the German judges were still like
>No Euthanasia in Germany, no matter what

But also the Netherlands is the other extreme.

I know everyone on here will be like:
>I COULD HAVE SAVED HER! She is so pretty

and I also think that. Be whiny until you are at least 45 or something and see no other way.

>> No.23253044

I fixed 90% of my (moderate) LCD over a year of therapy. Things can get better and you can reach a point where you don't even remember how bad it was.

>> No.23253051

I agree and I never stated it should be legalized. I just said that there are certain cases in which I believe voluntary euthanasia to be justified. It's obviously stupid if you're just some stupid bitch with bpd. However, there is no pulling through from Alzheimer's in the near future and, from personal experience witnessing how terrible such a disease can get, I would rather take that voluntary route than suffer through it. I know it is a slippery slope but if you had been in my shoes you would understand why I would adamantly not want to live the rest of my life under Alzheimer's.

>> No.23253052

I understand, anon. That's very reasonable.

>> No.23253058
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AND I say that as someone who understands Dutch.
ALSO what the fuck is wit the dog tag with her name?
Also why does it have to make the news?

I mean imagine this:
>Hello I am depressed I want to kill myself
>Dutch Doctor: Okay

The Dutch Doctor won't be like

Doctors are not allowed to talk about it. So most likely she called the press or something and told everyone to get attention or what the fuck is the story behind this?
Really when such news pop up you should always ask yourself: Where does it come from? How do we know?

Also she is NOT DEAD YET. Trace her down and save her. Maybe she wants to be saved.

You know when MEN kill themselves they go through with it and actually succeed while for women it is a cry for help and they do NOT succeed many times - lol women fail at everything they attempt to do.

Also it is nice that she is full of tattoos- like clockwork, every fucking time but at least she admits that she has issues.

>> No.23253061

I'm surprised the Germans actually got something right. Good for them.

>> No.23253069

>You should just not function and let your brain rot because an extremely small group will say that being born is evil
Truly spoken like someone who has not dealt with Alzheimer's in their family. The majority of people aren't, and never will be, antinatalists.

>> No.23253071

>Also she is NOT DEAD YET. Trace her down and save her. Maybe she wants to be saved.
I can imagine that she would sit there while being injected, praying that maybe the doctor would fall on his knees and beg her not to do it. This seems like a way that she can show she really wants to die, and she just wants some outside force to stop her. I don't think anyone really will go as far as intercepting the clinic.
If I could make it to the Netherlands, I'd be willing to do something completely deranged to make a public statement against legal euthanasia, even if it's as pathetic as telling her that I'll kill myself if she goes through with it. Would she care about some random loser? Probably not, but it might get people thinking. :l

>> No.23253074

I tried to kill myself by taking the vaxine but it didn't worked. Fuck all thoes vax=poison liars.

>> No.23253093

you probably injured yourself but not fatally keep at it they let you boost every 3 month

>> No.23253095

He just read too much Dostoevsky

>> No.23253099

There's no quantifiable measurement of suffering for Alzheimer's. Your position is arbitrary. Once you say that Alzheimer's can suicide then you'll logically have people saying others can suicide considering it's not based on a quantifiable amount of suffering which is why it's not just Alzheimer's being suicided.

>> No.23253104

>you keep hallucinating russian bots everywhere
anyone with half a brain cell knows that it's only the Trump supporters and Republicans that actually support Russia nowadays.
>Putin did nothing wrong! he's just trying to protect the Ukrainians by killing them all!

>wash your hands of responsibility
i already said i support mental health therapies and facilities, that's the literal opposite of what you're claiming. You on the other hand support a political party that wants to completely do away with all mental health care because it "costs too much, just suck it up". You're not only a psychopath, you're a low iq one that doesn't even have the good sense to support the political party that supports the causes you think you advocate.

>I'm also anti-capitalist
no, you just think you are. You're supporting capitalism by saying people don't have the right to make decisions on their own, even ones about suicide. Capitalism makes more money by having an ever growing supply of consumers (i.e. living people, even depressed living people). That's also why capitalism is anti-abortion because that just deprives them of future customers and cheaper workforce (more people in workforce means lower wages for workers).

>> No.23253118

Holy lmao, I have literally never encountered someone as retarded as you. It's a divine miracle that your scrambled brain can even coordinate its body well enough to stroke out a few barely coherent sentences. Read some books before you go on /lit/, dude like lmao.
>n-not a-an ar-argument...
Of course not, lmao. Go play with your trucks.

>> No.23253127

>There's no quantifiable measurement of suffering for Alzheimer's
Yes there is, have you ever seen what it does to your brain? There's a pretty clear set of differences between Alzheimer's, Lou Gehrig's disease, certain forms of Parkinsons, and terminal cancers, and depression. The physical degradation of the brain, or tumors that set a cut-off of "there's no coming back from this" aren't some arbitrary measures, as if there just needed to be a change of circumstances or the addition of dieting and exercises to improve the outcome.

>> No.23253129

all women should be euthanized after turning 21

>> No.23253140
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>There's no quantifiable measurement of suffering for Alzheimer's.
Everyone in this room is now dumber for having read this

>> No.23253144

What's the scientific measurement for suffering?

>> No.23253145

>Edgy teenager belief.
The point is that euthanasia is the correct medical decision when there is significant evidence a person is about to die and is having to endure major pain. It's like a DNR order, sometimes a person is just not going to recover and the best thing is to cut the suffering short. If you can't comprehend this simple concept you have the mind of a child. The only reasonable criticism is where the line is drawn at and the need for a strict standard of assurance that a person really is terminal and at death's door already.

>> No.23253147

That's not a quantifiable measurement, retard.

>> No.23253148

Your brain disappearing is a great measure

>> No.23253152

Yes it is, unless you think 3/4ths of a brain is as good as a full brain, or tumor-littered lungs are as good as lungs absent tumors.

>> No.23253157

>now it's being done to completely healthy people
No it isn't.

>> No.23253160

No that's not a quantifiable measurement of suffering. You're actually mentally retarded.

>> No.23253163
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No no NO
Be my WIFE
I will save you

>> No.23253170
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How so?

You know you will be paralyzed and rot away and can not even kill yourself anymore in that state and if you are in that state you will just HOPE that you finally die because German government won't let you and make it even worse.
How is that a good thing?

>> No.23253171

>Mental illnesses are literally like being terminally ill! aaaAAAaah! No one has ever been suicidal for a long time and later recovered! OooOOOoOOo

>> No.23253174
File: 31 KB, 500x492, Alzheimers_brain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>differences in brain activity, brain weight, brain structure resulting in decreased motor functions, capacity for memory or vocabulary, and eventual organ failure aren't quantifiable measures of anything, especially suffering
Lol okay

>> No.23253180

God bless you, anon.

>> No.23253189

Yes that's not a quantitative measurement of suffering. Tell me the name of this measurement.

>> No.23253194

If it exists, then link me to this quantitative measurement. I know the quantitative measurement of the strength of earthquakes is called the Richter scale. What's the one for suffering called?

>> No.23253222

You know pain conduction along nerves is quantifiable, right retard? Finite number of nerves capable of feeling pain? Nerves that light up when internal organs aren't operating right?

>> No.23253227

>you can't kill yourself because that's... le bad!
wow, that's a compelling argument you've made!
It's clear that you're on the brink of suicide (something you've already admitted to) and you're just trying to find any reason to keep hanging on.
>make suicide illegal, it's the only way i'll not go through with it! I can't make decisions on my own, i'm a mental midget slave that needs others to make decisions for me!
do whatever you feel you gotta do. No one else can live your life for you, but stop trying to tell others how to live their lives, that's not your place.

>> No.23253233

this guy is projecting so hard right now lol

>> No.23253236

>no name
>no link
Ok so you're just a troll. I should've known better.

>> No.23253238


anons, my brother has OCD and it's destroying his life. He isn't functional. He spends half the day in debilitating panic, he can't seek treatment on his own, and nobody around him right now is willing to get him treatment. I'm about to move back to my hometown with the goal of helping him enough that he can seek treatment on his own. Thankfully, I don't have OCD, just crippling bipolar disorder, but this means that I don't have much knowledge about it. Obviously I've already read up on OCD and the ways that I could reduce the symptoms, but since this is /lit/ I was wondering if you could recommend any literature that depicts the experience of OCD, so that I can better understand him? If you guys are suffering the way he is, I'm sorry, and I genuinely hope you get better. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

>> No.23253241

If I'm wrong, then name the measurement of suffering. If it exists, then it should be easy to tell me what it's called.

>> No.23253248

>there's no measurement for suffering
>therefore suffering doesn't exist
you do realize EVERY doctor and dentist asks their patients to give a number from 1-10 on how much pain they're in, right?
oh wait, you're american and poor so you can't afford healthcare, so you've prolly never been to a doctor or dentist. That would explain why you're so clueless.

>> No.23253257

Yeah I said suffering doesn't exist. You got me there. That's not a measurement of suffering, retard. That's called the pain scale. Suffering and pain aren't the same thing. I'm surprised you know how to form complete sentences being this mentally retarded.

>> No.23253266

And with that the seething /pol/tranny shows his true face. Your ebin suicide prevention superhero fairytale just crumbled to pieces.

>> No.23253279
File: 1.85 MB, 400x225, bex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state of les bêtes américaines

>> No.23253291

>les bêtes américaines
je suis francophone

>> No.23253296

You advocate inaction against suicide. You are a blight, same as a murderer, rapist, or any number of evil people.

>> No.23253301

>suffering and pain aren't the same thing
are dictionaries banned in the US or something? there's no way you're this idiotic on purpose

>> No.23253325

You can't expect everyone to be as resilient as you, that's ridiculous.

>> No.23253353


>> No.23253437

illiterate busybody

>> No.23253444

Get a room, lovebirds.

>> No.23253452

did you wanna watch?

>> No.23253456

The pain scale is used to measure physical pain at the present time. It's not used for enduring suffering over your life. It's not being used to objectively measure the suffering endured over time by an Alzheimer's patient to reach a point on the scale where the doctors allow you to be killed.

>> No.23253460

it doesn't matter, it's not your place to determine how much suffering a person is willing to endure

>> No.23253466

Ok? The whole point of this argument is that I said "There's no quantifiable measurement of suffering for Alzheimer's." And you said there was. I'm still waiting for you to show me this measurement of suffering that you said exists.

>> No.23253489

i'm not the person that said that stuff about alzheimers, I'm just laughing at you for thinking suffering and pain aren't synonyms, and for thinking you have a right to determine how other people choose to live (or die).

>> No.23253497

So you're retarded as well?
>medicine strongly distinguishes pain from suffering, and most attention goes to the treatment of pain.

>> No.23253516

the issue isn't how things are currently done. And the fact that you're trying to quote wikipedia instead of just looking in a dictionary or a thesaurus to justify your lame understanding of pain and suffering as being "completely different".
Sure there is physical pain and mental pain, or physical suffering and mental suffering, but it's all essentially PAIN AND SUFFERING. We're not talking about apples and rollercoasters here.
It's still not your decision to make whether someone decides to commit suicide or not. I fully support you ending your decades long depression and suicidal thoughts since you're apparently unable to enjoy your life (which, seeing how you're treating others on here, i'm starting to understand why you're such a miserable and unhappy person with suicidal tendencies)

>> No.23253555

How come you're avoiding the main argument? >>23253466
The argument is about whether there exists a quantifiable measurement of suffering for Alzheimer's. You made the claim that there's a quantifiable measurement of suffering, but you've provided 0 evidence for such a thing.
>And the fact that you're trying to quote wikipedia instead of just looking in a dictionary or a thesaurus
That's a quote from a physician, retard. We're talking about pain and suffering from a medical sense, not the colloquial usage by everyday people.
>"completely different"
Who are you quoting? I didn't say they're completely different. You do realize things can not be the same thing but related? No you don't because you literally have subhuman IQ. I asked for a quantifiable measurement of suffering, so you reference the pain scale, but that's for measuring a person's current physical pain, not being used to measure the well-being of certain group of people like Alzheimer's patients except as the physical pain at the present moment.

>> No.23253578

>we're talking about pain and suffering from a medical sense
i guarantee you even doctors use dictionaries to determine which words to use. You're saying they're "completely different words" and yet they still chose "suffering" and not "rollercoaster" to describe what they're referring to because pain and suffering are SYNONYMS. Just because they use suffering to refer to a "different kind of long term pain, with a mental aspect to it" doesn't change the fact that it's a type of pain.
And you keep saying the "main argument is about the alzheimer's discussion" when no, that isn't the main argument. The main argument is the OP post about whether assisted suicide should be legalized. It doesn't matter if there is a quantifiable suffering indicator machine or not, the point is that people clearly DO suffer, mentally and physically, and they should be allowed to end their lives humanely if they so choose. And you quoting wikipedia doesn't mean squat. I don't care what the medical community does or doesn't do currently, just because they are doctors doesn't give them the right to determine who has to suffer or not.
And you being a depressed and suicidal person makes you extremely unqualified to make decisions for other people lol. Focus on your own miserable life.

>> No.23253596

>It doesn't matter if there is a quantifiable suffering indicator machine
Oof. There's the backpedaling.
>The main argument is the OP
Yeah I'm not OP.
>I don't care what the medical community does or doesn't do currently
Well you claimed that they've created a quantifiable measurement of suffering.

>> No.23253619

how many times do i have to say i wasn't the person that made the claim there was a machine that did that lol.

>yea i'm not the OP
yea and i'm not the suffering-machine person so try to keep up you idiot

>> No.23253652

Then stop replying to me about it. I'm not making an argument about whether euthanasia should be legalized or not. My argument is that no has created a quantifiable measurement of suffering. That's true whether or not you think euthanasia should be legalized or not.

>> No.23253703

>then stop replying to me
stop making stupid comments.
>i only came to this thread to make the point that there isn't a suffering indicating machine
wooow , what an amazing point you make! not sure how you think that's the "main point" of the thread.

so btw, why are you miserable and suicidal?

>> No.23253723


>> No.23253766

so you're depressed and suicidal because you don't have any friends since you don't know how to treat people nicely? i see... interesting

>> No.23253768

I consider you my friend.

>> No.23253774

Millions of people suffer and don't kill themselves.

>> No.23253871

so? millions of people have been slaves, that isn't an argument that slavery should be legal. Millions of children are victims of pedophiles, that's not an argument that it should be legalized.
If suffering can be alleviated, let's alleviate it. No one is advocating that all people who suffer should be euthanized, just that people should have the right to make that choice for themselves (and not everyone will make that choice).

sorry, but no. You seem like a very unpleasant person to be around and i don't like to associate with such people. You're prolly friendless because you go around mistreating others on a consistent basis.
>all i did was call everyone retarded, what's the big deal!?!?
try resorting to insults less and just focus on refuting/advocating the topic of discussion.

>> No.23253940

Oh I wasn't insulting you. You thought physical pain and suffering mean the same thing.

>> No.23253956

Spengler wrote all about this 100 years ago

>> No.23253966

Good. I would do this too

>> No.23253981

>If suffering can be alleviated, let's alleviate it. No one is advocating that all people who suffer should be euthanized, just that people should have the right to make that choice for themselves (and not everyone will make that choice).
Everyone already has the right and ability to die, no government necessary.
>millions of people have been slaves, that isn't an argument that slavery should be legal. Millions of children are victims of pedophiles, that's not an argument that it should be legalized.
And millions will kill themselves, but that's not a reason that the government should kill them.

And why do you keep calling anon depressed and suicidal? He never said such a thing.

>> No.23254013

>And why do you keep calling anon depressed and suicidal?
because he said he was earlier.

>Everyone already has the right and ability to die
and the gov't has the capacity to make doing so in a more humane way, possible. The question is why do you think people need to suffer "on their way out"? Are you a sadist or something?

>> No.23254024

>physical pain and physical suffering aren't the same thing.
>me so smart

>> No.23254026

>because he said he was earlier.
No I didn't. Schizo.

>> No.23254030

There's more than physical pain, retard.

>> No.23254033

He's a completely different anon. I come back after multiple hours and you're still sperging out on the same 85 IQ arguments.
It looks like three or more separate anons both approving euthanasia and not, have each called you a literal retard. It's time to stop posting and rethink your life decisions.

>> No.23254051

yes, you did.

so do you think people in physical pain should be able to get assisted suicide with gov't help?

>i can keep track of everyone in an anonymous forum
>no, i'm not just making up a random assertion just to make an insult slightly believable.
it's no wonder you're suicidal, you sound like a completely trash person lol

>> No.23254061

/thread, if someone suffering was so unbearable and they had the use of their limbs they'd be dead already, not giving interviews.

>> No.23254068

You have schizophrenia and you're retarded. Noted.

>> No.23254071

>i want people to suffer more. It's not fair that people can die peacefully
sheesh you are absolute and utter scum.

>> No.23254100

you're depressed and suicidal, so it's no wonder you're pretending now to not be that person "just to win an argument".
>three people are now calling you retarded.
no, it's just you making a claim that you couldn't prove one way or the other.

>I say this as someone that has struggled with suicide and depression for over a decade.
someone on the "pro-suffering" side suffers from depression and suicidal thoughts.
>but that's not me
right, except that it probably is. You are an extremely unpleasant person that advocates for people to suffer, it's pretty obvious you're suffering from depression yourself that you would want others to suffer as well.

>> No.23254295
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>yet trust the government not to abuse its power to euthanize
Yes, you gleaned correct from my entire statement that I was indeed born exactly yesterday and government run institutions are bereft of corruption. Luckily, perspective righted, I can press on.

>> No.23254303

>we can't trust the gov't with euthanizing powers
but we can trust them nukes, jets, missiles, machine guns, etc?
If the gov't wanted to kill us all, like you schizos believe, they'd have done it already, and much more effectively than by using euthanizing methods.

>> No.23254304

>that I was indeed born exactly yesterday
You needn't state the obvious. Your interest in children's cartoons and no doubt the children too speaks for itself, to say nothing of your juvenile beliefs.

>> No.23254318

The lady doth protest too much. You're an open book.

>> No.23254327

You didn't even use the quote correctly.

>> No.23254341
File: 129 KB, 1276x1251, o548geo1vz291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And then, when being is sufficiently uprooted and waking-being sufficiently strained, there suddenly emerges into the bright light of history a phenomenon that has long been preparing itself underground and now steps forward to make an end of the drama—the sterility of civilized man. This is not something that can be grasped as a plain matter of causality (as modern science naturally enough has tried to grasp it); it is to be understood as an essentially metaphysical turn towards death. The last man of the world-city no longer wants to live—he may cling to life as an individual, but as a type, as an aggregate, no, for it is a characteristic of this collective existence that it eliminates the terror of death. That which strikes the true peasant with a deep and inexplicable fear, the notion that the family and the name may be extinguished, has now lost its meaning. The continuance of the blood-relation in the visible world is no longer a duty of the blood, and the destiny of being the last of the line is no longer felt as a doom. Children do not happen, not because children have become impossible, but principally because intelligence at the peak of intensity can no longer find any reason for their existence.

>> No.23254344
File: 269 KB, 1024x683, 48653205007_f810265d88_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligence and sterility are allied in old families, old peoples, and old cultures, not merely because in each microcosm the overstrained and fettered animal-element is eating up the plant element, but also because the waking-consciousness assumes that being is normally regulated by causality. That which the man of intelligence, most significantly and characteristically, labels as "natural impulse" or "life-force", he not only knows, but also values, causally, giving it the place amongst his other needs that his judgment assigns to it. When the ordinary thought of a highly cultivated people begins to regard "having children" as a question of pros and cons, the great turning-point has come. For Nature knows nothing of pro and con. Everywhere, wherever life is actual, reigns an inward organic logic, an "it", a drive, that is utterly independent of waking-being, with its causal linkages, and indeed not even observed by it. The abundant proliferation of primitive peoples is a natural phenomenon, which is not even thought about, still less judged as to its utility or the reverse. When reasons have to be put forward at all in a question of life, life itself has become questionable. At that point begins prudent limitation of the number of births. In the classical world the practice was deplored by Polybius as the ruin of Greece, and yet even at his date it had long been established in the great cities; in subsequent Roman times it became appallingly general. At first explained by the economic misery of the times, very soon it ceased to explain itself at all. And at that point, too, in Buddhist India as in Babylon, in Rome as in our own cities, a man's choice of the woman who is to be, not mother of his children as amongst peasants and primitives, but his own "companion for life", becomes a problem of mentalities. The Ibsen marriage appears, the "higher spiritual affinity" in which both parties are "free"—free, that is, as intelligences, free from the plantlike urge of the blood to continue itself, and it becomes possible for a Shaw to say "that unless Woman repudiates her womanliness, her duty to her husband, to her children, to society, to the law, and to everyone but herself, she cannot emancipate herself." The primary woman, the peasant woman, is mother. The whole vocation towards which she has yearned from childhood is included in that one word. But now emerges the Ibsen woman, the comrade, the heroine of a whole megalopolitan literature from Northern drama to Parisian novel. Instead of children, she has soul-conflicts; marriage is a craft-art for the achievement of "mutual understanding".

>> No.23254345

You just know that's to get a precedent to get rid of expensive undesirables in the future. I wonder how long until it includes common retirees
Also, you just know by looking this dumb wretch was gasligthed into doing it

>> No.23254347
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If anything has demonstrated the fact that causality has nothing to do with history, it is the familiar "decline" of the classical, which accomplished itself long before the irruption of Germanic migrants. The Imperium enjoyed the completest peace; it was rich and highly developed; it was well organized; and it possessed in its emperors from Nerva to Marcus Aurelius a series of rulers such as the Caesarism of no other civilization can show. And yet the population dwindled, quickly and wholesale. The desperate marriage-and-children laws of Augustus—amongst them the Lex de maritandis ordinibus, which dismayed Roman society more than the destruction of Varus's legions—the wholesale adoptions, the incessant plantation of soldiers of barbarian origin to fill the depleted country-side, the immense food-charities of Nerva and Trajan for the children of poor parents—nothing availed to check the process.

>> No.23254353

Her psychiatrist told her "There's nothing more we can do. It will never get better," even though she just has BPD and depression. Yes, there's fuckery afoot, even if she's killing herself for attention because she felt hurt by that statement. This is an example of a reason this euthanasia is evil.

>> No.23254370


>> No.23254376

Many hundreds of thousands or millions of young people with BPD and depression have pulled through just fine; 28 is not old enough to tell. You insufferable retard.

>> No.23254416

Yeah, you probably know better than the countless professionals that have examined her over the years. Two more weeks, right? Then she'll "find God" and "just enjoy nature, bro"?

>> No.23254454


>> No.23254642

You are encouraging people to kill themselves. I am discouraging them.
That is all there is to it. There is no possible reality where you have the moral high ground.

>> No.23254649

no i'm not. I'm encouraging the gov't to ease people's suffering, and giving people the right to make their own choices in regard to whether they want to end their suffering.
you're just encouraging people to suffer through any and all pains, regardless of how bad.
That's all there is to it. You're not moral at all, you're just a sadist.

>> No.23254684

>There is no possible reality where you have the moral high ground.
Yeah there is idiot, the reality in which not killing themselves is a worse proposition than killing themselves. Which any opponent of your position would claim is the one we live in.

>> No.23254990

These professionals are not only clueless but helpless. If you can't tell, the entire ship of your society is listing heavily and will soon capsize. (This is true in all aspects, not just mental health, your leaders are asleep at the wheel.)
The legalization of euthanasia is more of a retreat than a solution. Its labeling as a solution is mark of complete demoralization, moreso in some places than others. Canada is particularly bad in this regard. I was saying this same thing for mental health awareness 10-15 years ago - that mental health awareness is a bad sign of spreading malady and not a sign of incoming improvements - and this was clearly true.