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23248936 No.23248936 [Reply] [Original]

Gnosisters....... where we at?

>> No.23249040

Naja das ist ja doch nicht neu oder

>> No.23249063

more like gnosissies

>> No.23249076

he's the last thinker the germans have and he's not even that great
what a sad state for the reich

>> No.23249083

Holy Christ on the tight rope ascending into the Heavenly Hyperborea, what a tremendous gift!

>The current state of the world is obviously defined by the fact that it offers no efficient co-immunity for the members of world society.
>At the highest level, there is no operatively convincing system of solidarity; there is rather only the classic war among interest groups – and, for the time being, even the existence of an institution such as the United Nations and other global forums can do nothing to change this.
>Today as in ancient times, we can still find efficient unities of co-immunity in smaller formats: they are familial, tribal, and national. Even the current empires follow tradition in obeying the law of exclusivity, insofar as they continue to make the conventional distinction between what is foreign and what is one’s own.
>In this situation, the familiar contest prevails: war of all against all. Partial systems compete according to an implacable logic, which consistently turns one’s immunity profits into another’s immunity losses. Every partial system seeks its own advantage, but the whole remains unprotected and exposed to the plundering of combatants.

>The catastrophic drift of global processes makes it necessary today to contemplate the creation of a comprehensive unity of solidarity, which should be strong enough to serve as an immune system for the defenseless whole – that unprotected whole that we call nature, the earth, the atmosphere, the biosphere, the anthroposphere.

>> No.23249089

>Gnosisters....... where we at?

>> No.23249192

Whats the german title?

>> No.23249265

Thanks for the notice. Will order it now

>> No.23249299

looks interesting, thanks for the heads-up. there is a pdf on libgen.
not coincidentally, Coulianu's Out of This World was a good read and (semi)-related. his last book was on gnosticism as well.

>> No.23249304

>vacuum noises

>> No.23249311

Just read Critique of Cynical Reason and Spheres trilogy and You Must Change Your Life. His other work is extraneous.

>> No.23249339

What's the Coulianu about? Already read Tree of Gnosis

>> No.23249344

Disagree. Aesthetic Imperative's a wonderful collection of essays

>> No.23249348

>What's the Coulianu about?
magic, mostly. in the actual, non-schizo sense.
fun fact: he got killed by (supposedly) romanian fsb niggers, either for knowing too much or for his connections with Eliade

>> No.23249358

I forget who said it, but getting murdered out of the world is a necessary but not sufficient condition of being a gnostic

>> No.23249394

Culianu is based. Have Out of this World and Eros and Magic. Alas Tree or Gnosis is OOP

>> No.23249440

As someone who read almost his whole work I'd say scratch critique of cynical reason and add either Nach Gott or Nicht Gerettet.

>> No.23249479

>How easy it was to love the world when one knew little about it. How simple it was to be a wording in an epoch when the cosmos was little more than a bigger hut - at most the starry sky over the city.

Yeah, gnosbros, I'm thinking we're back

>> No.23249644

Ehh, they have Bong Chong Hong

>> No.23249651

Not even in the same league...

>> No.23249677

Only retarded art students buy his books to post to IG

>> No.23249834

Sometimes I suspect that some esoteric synthesis of Jainism, some nobody's death awakening in bumfuck BC, and Mandaeism is the final quote unquote redpill

>> No.23249851

There's nothing between the quotation marks, or should it be that way?

>> No.23249884

He implies the Nothing. In the hidden book of the Mandeans, it is known as the 'bedeviled egg'. A certain telescope to watch stars in the void of every possible scenery and landscape. You put that tube to a wall, suddenly it provides a solution for another step. Which only means that 'the world' is merely a spell thrown from the side one might call Abrahamism. But the game is not to get stuck by being stimulated with negativity and opposition – no, that's the false path; true move is to weaponize that void, to strain it into an elixir. And to take it homeopathically. That gnussy dripping crater full of water.

>> No.23249936
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um gnosticisters what does it mean?

>> No.23250105

Was skimming this pile of trash board before bed and I got baited.

>no mentions of "yaldabaoth"


>> No.23250136
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Indubitably I

>> No.23250587
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>the creation of a comprehensive unity of solidarity, which should be strong enough to serve as an immune system for the defenseless whole – that unprotected whole that we call nature, the earth, the atmosphere, the biosphere, the anthroposphere.

Yes, family and religion are the absolute ground of the State and Objective Freedom. Keep chasing para-Soviet geopolitical phantasmagoria to the End.

>> No.23250603

What disgusting globalist technophilia.

>> No.23251700

peter sloterbump

>> No.23252055

>The modern world at large has defeated smallpox and metaphysics. Only in exceptional cases does an author become notable as a patient of great ideas. Nothing characterizes the current situation of metaphysical thought better than the diagnosis that the contagious effect of classical sentences has been largely eliminated among intellectual populations; it seems that collective immune systems are now almost completely resistant to metaphysics.

Sure. Metaphysics is over. Now comes the time of the memetaphysics: Meme + Tapas (Rig-Veda) > physics. The memetically aligned counter-world reveal itself as an alternative, virtual plane, where the ancient tropes will make a majestic return. Watch anime it has far more highly calibrated pneuma packages than the 19-20th century works of letters.

>At their peak, the Western metaphysical teachings too were not “theory” in the modern sense but, at least according to their own self-understanding, disciplines of the true life under the guidance of a new striving to true speech.

Advanced memetics is the true speech.

>> No.23252088

>Therefore, to draw a fairer if also riskier picture, one would have to say: the called one leaps with his entire being through the burning hoop of the possibility of becoming a hero, saint, or prophet himself. Such a subject exists only as leap; indeed, one must recognize that his inspiration remains entirely the possession of the leap.
Reminded me of your posts

>> No.23252095

im gonna fuck that lil gnussy

>> No.23252375

What's his thesis?

>> No.23252452

Abandon cynicism and embrace vertical-ascending anthropotechnics if you wish to ascend Mount Improbable.

>> No.23252616 [DELETED] 

>Whoever goes into the desert seems out the worldly location that is uniquely suited to the minimization of the world ... The least evil place in the evil is that which is most hostile to life.

>> No.23252623

>Whoever goes into the desert seeks out the worldly location that is uniquely suited to the minimization of the world ... The least evil place in the evil world is that which is most hostile to life.

>> No.23252821

>For the gnosis, the stars are exclusively the ministers of evil. From Saturn the soul took on its sad dullness, from Mars its irascibility, from Venus its voluptuous desires, from Mercury its greed for riches, from Jupiter its imperiousness. But if the gnostic revolution has occurred, then the astrologers can no longer speak the truth, because the preconditions for the astral corruption of the soul no longer apply. With the ascent back into the hyperuranic abundance, the soul as homecoming, has relinquished all acquired properties. Consequently, one has to imagine the gnosis in its ritual part as a comprehensive exercise in the restitution of properties.

In the process of the leap, a chemical operation occurs: the one who is called, through doing the leap, is dissolved. Mercury: the dissolving liquid. When it is poured into a more solidified substance It redeems its soul from the 'planetary' influences, or in other terms, lifts up the karmic propensities, making it possible to get closer to the Real. In this sense, memes work as (memetic)DNA activation packages, highlighting the horizon from a particular memetic angle.

>The hermetic tractus Poimandres (“the shepherd of men”) provides a clear model for the sublation [249] of the power of destiny, which is individually consummated through gnosis, through memory, through ascension and world-expropriation. Thus, another type of truth is put into effect, a truth that refers only to the soul without properties.

The dissolved state, the mystic pre-linguistic, the state beyond the entrapments of the symbolic order. – Which is the first whiteness, the first hint of the possible Good: possibility not being coded with the past –

>their relatively lucky beginning; inability to remember would simply mean: not having anything to remember; our forgetting would be the white page of the life- and world-chronicle. Having nothing, nothing yet, to remember would mean having experienced nothing

One must curse evil and renounce it. And crucify it in himself. Through the wilderness: Faith is the surplus not fitting into the proposed. Here the Bible-2, and Nietzsche, and (you), and him, and Him, and She, and the horses conspire. Together, yet separated, as not to step on each other's feet.

>> No.23252834

What's the original German title?