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File: 13 KB, 456x319, me-rn-tbqf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23248081 No.23248081 [Reply] [Original]

Write what’s on your mind

>Me rn tbqf edition

Previous >>23243974

>> No.23248088

Absolutely love watching ugly women trying to look pretty. The second I identify a weakness, it's easy pickings for me. Somehow I am able to innately identify this masquerade and thus I feel extremely comfortable and confident in speaking with and occasionally manipulating them. It's as if I see the entire game and all the puppet strings and levers and buttons I can use to get people to behave how I want them to behave. It's honestly magic. All my exes and hookups have been ugly women that have tried to present themselves as beautiful.

>> No.23248098


>> No.23248103

Finished reading Rich Dad Poor Dad. The book is very okay.

>> No.23248106

I do this with short dudes and baldies. I kind of feel bad about it but they are such easy targets because of how insecure they are.

>> No.23248109

I have life all figured out. Waiting until something happens.

>> No.23248110

I walk unerring ere over failures of my own design, whence I should slip and fall it'll atleast be a fate of my own make, wrought oft by those of similar kine.

>> No.23248117

2022 and 2023 were years of massive creative growth. Successful by my own metrics.
2024 was supposed to be a year of delivery, of the bearing the fruits of my hard work. So far, a failure, by nearly any metric. I 99.99% won't win any of the contests I submitted to, but I hope I can at least place 2 or 3 of the stories I'd written. Fuck bros, shit sucks balls.

>> No.23248119

>tfw baldy myself
How you manipulate us, anonette?

>> No.23248129


>> No.23248134

I might be financially illiterate, but the author of that book is 1.2 billion in debt and isn't debt a bad thing?

>> No.23248139

He takes cares of his debt through stocks and other assets. Essentially, if the debts need to be settled he can give those to the bank to take care of it. I'm no economic expert too, but there is a loop hole he's using to take care of it.

>> No.23248144

The hole on the sides of barrels for pouring out alcohol are called bungholes and the plug is called a bung. It has nothing to do with anal, mom.

>> No.23248145

wait just a second
where'd the IP counter go?
when did that happen?

>> No.23248155

i was using speedrunning loosely in my original post that the other anon was replying to
my point is that a lot of people just seem to read things in a hurry or play them in a hurry just to feel that they finished said thing
i've met so many retarded faggots who say shit like
>bruh, i read all of [x] when i was 16
which shows because if you ask them a single thing about it it's like they hadn't read it at all

>> No.23248164

what if instead of having gay sex all the gay guys just lifted weights and grew those funny gay mustaches and called it a day?

>> No.23248165

I pass the time at my shitty retail job by leering at the women who pass through. Most of the young women are quite beautiful. The uggo's must not leave the house very often. I think this is doing immense damage to any potential ability I might have had in talking to women. An endless stream of Venus' buying things. They walk in, browse around a bit, buy something, leave. They may as well cease to exist once they leave my eyesight. I see them more as alien objects of immense beauty, like a Greek marble, than as people you can talk to and interact with as humans. For all the terrible things I read and hear about them it does not register in my head that these could possibly be the same beings. They do not wake up with bedhead. They do not conceal gross pimples with makeup. They do not possess repulsive personalities or insecurities. They are just agents of the demiurge sent to torture me. Unobtainable perfection.

>> No.23248167

I am the great cornholio,
I need TP for my bunghole.

>> No.23248169

That'd be based, you could spot them from a mile away.

>> No.23248180


>> No.23248193

Perhaps a chance a bird pants and perches on ants

>> No.23248212

Fuck you, I ascended through will. Even I could do it, though in part.
To explain, a while back I sperged out and cut off all things sexual and my sexual desire too. It came after a long while spent frequently looking at porn. I would go on a certain site, open up a bunch of drawings, making sure to utilize the tags so that the chances of the content in them being nothing but "naked or clothed woman just sitting around doing something or lazing about" and I would spend hours every time opening up hundreds of drawings like that and every time I would ignore the naked bodies and stare the girls dead in the fucking eye, for minutes at a time, for every single drawing, and the whole time I would basically think nothing. No, I do not know what the fuck made me do that and I never will. Eventually I flipped out in the middle of this, and swore to never feel lust or look at a woman weird ever again. I don't remember the exact reasons, but basically I thought that it was disrespecting them, disrespecting myself, and most importantly disrespecting those around me. A decent amount of time has passed since then and so far I have successfully blocked all forms of lust and arousal.
I have not once looked at something sexual, not intentionally at least, and the few times that I did look at them I felt no lust or arousal. It's not that I had to control myself, the thing simply did not work on me. I do not feel pent up in the least. I have felt the slightest bit of temptation in certain things though, not those things that are intentionally made sexual but simple things like a smile, or a hand. Even then it was not the usual "lust" that I am used to, but something more primeval and fundamentally slightly different. The few times that I feel it, and it is very rare, I immediately direct my "attention" on that feeling itself and it disappears as if it had never existed at all. When I have it, it feels like a sort of genuine threat, like it would bring me severe harm if I do not put my attention on it and destroy it very quickly. Aside from this things have been going very well and I feel like a shitty Chinese knockoff of a holy man, as opposed to the usual, which is a shitty African knockoff of a human being.
These days I do not dream of or think of women sexually at all. Not of men either, I'll tell you that before some cunt chips in. That being said though, every single day, especially in bed, I imagine myself holding the hand of or hugging a woman. That alone hasn't changed, hurray.

>> No.23248214

Something interesting did happen today though. I woke up earlier than usual to a boner, and sensing that something is off I put my full strength into preventing ejaculation, which worked. Then I went back to sleep. I can say for certain that I had had no sexual dreams, nor did my penis chafe against something or anything like that. Anyway, I slept for a while more and then when I woke up again I found out that I ejaculated in my sleep. My hypothesis is that after I went back to sleep the boner popped up again and did its thing, this time with me being too busy sleeping to intervene. Was an absolute bitch to wake up to, I had no hand(haha) in the matter and so did not feel guilty, but it wasn't funny to wake up to wet underwear. But none of that shit really matters, what I wanted to tell you with this paragraph is that I managed to block ejaculation through force of will. Not the first time I managed to do that, and in the past I could do it even better. Many years ago I was just like I am today, filled with a hatred toward the sexual, and resisting it tooth and nail. Once a month or so, my penis would just try to ejaculate while I'm asleep, and I somehow managed to wake up every single time, and in my stupor I could force the fucking thing to stop. I would always wake up maybe ten seconds before it, and I could feel the liquid make its way up, then back down. I don't understand the physical specifics, but through an overwhelming distaste toward the action I could force the damn thing back down, and do it reliably too. I did it dozens of times back then. Isn't that just fucking amazing and bizarre? With a strong enough disgust you can block out your lust entirely and will your body into obeying you, thereby preventing ejaculation. In a sense it reminds me of mysticism.

>> No.23248220

>am straight guy
>have moustache
Its over

>> No.23248243

i was having anxiety because i am afraid of death until i noticed a pimple under my left nostril which looks hideous. now i don't really think about my fear of death anymore and instead my mind is occupied with how disgusting my face looks to others and how they will perceive me.
is this really all there is? constant existential dread which is at times exchanged for self-concious hate for myself? why do positive thoughts not distract me? i would like to be content

>> No.23248250

Went to social security to pay some debt that I'm not even supposed to have, and when I talked to the girl at the front she called me a virgin loser, called her friends over, and they held me down, tore my pants and ripped my favourite Spongebob undies to bits. Then that girl called my penis small, and they forced me into a locker. Spent a few good hours there.
Well fine, that's not exactly how the story went, but I fucking wish it was the case. It'd have been less of a pain that way. She told me to call the orangutans from my last job and close the thing, so I called them and told them to close the thing. Well obviously I have no clue what the thing is and how you're supposed to "close" it, so the bitch at the other side of the line was confused. I tried to explain it again but neither of us understood what I called her to do, so she just pretended to be switching me to other people, twice, and when she found out that I'm still patiently waiting she told me that the people who close the thing are away and that I should call later, (preferably) when she isn't on phone duty and does not have to put up with me. Now I am at home and want to kill the retard who invented bureaucracy and all that other bullshit. I'll try again tomorrow and probably get called a loser virgin for real, I have been contemplating whether to reply "at least I don't work at customer service!" or not, should such a thing happen.
You know what I really hate though? Being told by some fuzzy existence to just call some other fuzzy existence and tell them to do some fuzzy thing, like what happened here. It's so fucking insufferable and humiliating. I've been thinking on the way back home and I still have no clue what is supposed to be closed and why, so how the fuck would I even word it to some third party? In this case I literally told the woman "uh yeah...there's this thing that needs to be closed...I came to talk to you about that..." and it's no fucking wonder she didn't understand. With the particular tone used, you'd think that I came to talk to her about the international effects of my thing not being closed or whatever. I wish these people would just tell me what I need to do, straight and clear. Anyway, is there anybody here who is trans? I want to get run over by a train.

>> No.23248257

shave your bussy tickler, bucko

>> No.23248259

Oh yeah, and a final fuck you to all phones. Fucking retarded machine.

>> No.23248271

It was thrown away like two weeks ago.

>> No.23248276

iPhone 15 Pro is good

>> No.23248279

hey steve, i didn't realize they had wifi in hell

>> No.23248280

I can't do a single thing that is good. Even when I try to good I sin.

>> No.23248291

I created this thread. You are all my children. Let me bless you. Take care, dear ones.

>> No.23248293

My fear that I have nothing to say, and that I havenothing is under the hood keeps me from writing.

>> No.23248296

my real dad could beat your ass

>> No.23248313

Oh yeah? Then why hasn't he left his step-kids in 5 years to visit you?

>> No.23248327

i NEED a cute flat chested girl to sit in my lap

>> No.23248333

Need a big fat bullet in my head.

>> No.23248334

so many books i want to read but i literally cannot tear my eyes from my screen i want to read everything and understand everything without thinking too hard why am i stuck fantasizing without trying

>> No.23248342 [SPOILER] 
File: 38 KB, 400x400, m2NUrGGL_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There isn't even anything such as 'debt' in the 21st century.

>hey chud where's my paper?
>hee hoo those shitters that you print haha niggerkike fudchud
>you be printing all that mula from asshole huh? chudosaurus? hehe hoo hoo boo boo in tour mom's tushy kekerino

t. poopenhauer

>> No.23248344

nah my iPhone 15 is nice

>> No.23248379

I'm gonna write a nice, long, wholesome message to an old teacher of mine. My uncle (who is a teacher himself) said that it's a good idea and that if he were to receive one from one of his students that he would be over the moon.

>> No.23248381

Anyone else notice that the millennials involved in the creative space love to talk in non-sequitors? It's like they know they have nothing valuable or interesting to say so they just try to be obtuse

>> No.23248388

ampambulam up thee cambulam abramelin shoves a needle into his shin-dig as he fucks a pig mumphord and sonnes sux thank you based god

>> No.23248391

fr fr no cap a bluh buh buh bix nood on G*d

>> No.23248455

I understand zoomer speak because I myself am a zillennial (97 baby)

>> No.23248462

Going to try to sleep and imagine myself hugging a girl. Chances are the neighbours howling like dogs in heat will prevent me from doing this.

>> No.23248464

Getting sleep while sleeping in the same bed as a woman is an impossible task. Why are women so gay bros

>> No.23248468

>Going to try to sleep and imagine myself hugging a girl.
Me too. What does your look like?

>> No.23248472

ur mom lmoa gottem

>> No.23248474

>anon tries to have a heart to heart
>another anon dunks on him with a yo mumma joke

>> No.23248485

I can never quite fathom where exactly your arms and head should go. Can't even get a hug in my imagination! It's over!

>> No.23248495

next time tell the social worker to call the employer, with you on her side. The social worker will be able to explain the matter to the other bureaucrat.

>> No.23248509
File: 68 KB, 720x720, k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read pic related.

The truth is, without accepting some moral truths arbitrarily, his point cannot be refuted. Any number of atrocities, which I will now list, are irrefutable:
>1. Child Rape Farm
Children are raised from a young age with the use of drugs and therapy to enjoy being raped. Perhaps they will be surgically modified for this purpose or, if nothing else, they will be given drugs and such to forget or not be aware of what is happening.
>2. Modification of Human Fetuses
Well, a fetus isn't a PERSON so it doesn't have rights. Do you want a human body to rape and fuck all day? Surgically remove the brain, or modify it so that the fetus will no longer have any conscious thoughts or feel any pain. Then it will (assuming good surgical science and such) grow normally like a human but torturing, butchering, raping, and other things will cause no harm. Want to rape a fetus? Go ahead! Rape it straight out of the womb? Why not?! Rape it at every stage of its life, or just eat it. Again, at NO POINT is a human being's freedom EVER limited or injured. The fetus NEVER WAS a person and NEVER BECOMES a person at any point in time. It NEVER has a conscious thought.
>3. Human Flesh Factory
What matters isn't what a thing IS— all "things" are social constructs. Therefore, there is nothing really morally wrong with substituting that beef with human meat from ETHICALLY MODIFIED human fetuses grown for sustainable food production. What are you, some kind of chud? Human meat, if given the right additives and flavor injections, tastes and looks exactly like beef. It is identified as beef. Beef is a social construct. You are eating BEEF. It might not be cis-DNA beef, but it's beef. Now eat your human flesh, goy.
>4. Indoctrination for total degradation
If the idea is harm or suffering, then it is theoretically possible to socially engineer humans to be okay with horrific degradation and indignity from a young age, or perhaps genetically modify them for this purpose. Would anyone be harmed? No, of course not. And they'd be okay with being indoctrinated— ask them how they feel, and they will reply "I'm glad Chairman Sandberg and The People's Democratic Socialist Republic of Disney(TM) has reduced violence so much and made it so that society functions smoothly, and I'm glad that we get to service and please them in any way possible! Long live the Revolution!"
>5. Assisted Suicide of Small Children
Suppose that there is a child that has depression following an episode of severe school bullying. What right have you to limit his or her freedom to commit suicide? Well, one could argue that the child doesn't "know" what they want. But how do you know that? How do you determine consent? How do you determine when the child can consent to death? Countries like Canada are already moving to allow young children assisted suicide due to depression. I don't even need to argue on this philosophical point, because the line has already been crossed.

>> No.23248511

For anyone with a conscience, the last one is obviously evil, but you can say nothing except:
>Well... what IF they become happy?
So what? If they are unhappy now, you can just kill them and reduce their suffering. And they have a right to do what they want with their own body, right? Even if they COULD be happy at some point in the future, the future itself is a social construct. It doesn't exist. Therefore, kill the little bitch.

All of this cannot be refuted without simply saying:
>Some things are horrible and evil because... because they just are, okay?!?!?!?

And I want a book that will go into detail about intuition as the only basis for morality, because the way that society is headed is extremely fucking grim.

>> No.23248512

I think I’m going to kill my self if I don’t leave my golden handcuffs job. It’s just so stupid and pointless.

>> No.23248518

Nobody likes me. I know why.

Last night I got into a fight with my mother after she told my father to get off my back. She single-handedly distracted me from my studies and when I tried to resume she told me that I was not allowed to pursue any of them. It is not her fault, ultimately, but she should know when to shut up.

I also got shouted at by a stranger who accused me of being a child abductor and "rapist", merely because I was sitting on a park bench and I got there two minutes before she did. She then proceeded to beat her children. I was tempted to call the police, but I think she could easily worm her way out of the situation and I had little to no evidence that I could provide. I was not set in going to jail for the night.

This morning I was told by a neighbor that my driving is erratic. I know this and I would surrender my Driver's License, but my mother is forcing me to have one, so she is able to turn me in with actual documentation if I actually do something wrong (I threatened to do a bad deed to a therapist if she elected to hire one).

I have some legal documentation to give to the court today (nothing criminal, I swear), but I am seriously considering a hermetic lifestyle, since I have few people that ultimately trust me.

I am a God Fearing Man and I know that I will never be one of the elect and see myself to Heaven, almost nobody goes to Heaven in the first place. Maybe it would be better to become an Atheist, so I could live with myself being unlikable and dishonorable. I have broken half the Commandments, anyway.

>> No.23248519

i came up with a way to deal with this sort of thing
>dont like thing
>dont do thing
so far so good

>> No.23248520

why are you such an annoying faggot to everyone? have you ever thought about sorting that out?

>> No.23248522

>I am a God Fearing Man and I know that I will never be one of the elect and see myself to Heaven, almost nobody goes to Heaven in the first place.
>I have broken half the Commandments, anyway.
Same. I wonder if there's any fun to be had in realising how fucked up you are.

>> No.23248528

I achieved a similar state some two years ago but it did not end that well for me. I steeled my mind as you did when one day I decided I needed to stop. In the regime I watched porn but did not touch myself, and so for 5-15 minutes. After a while, it all occurred to me as malevolently disgusting, as it is in its true light that can always subconsciously be felt. I did that a couple of times and after lost all interest to look at porn or masturbate altogether. I felt superior, for months my head was cleansed; I felt powerful and I respected virtues that women around me had. But after some time, I don't know if I was in a moment of weakness or madness I opened porn and looked at it for some 10 minutes controlling myself to not masturbate; I succeeded and imagined I still got it. But as if a demon had possessed me from that moment every second day or so I did the same thing, and I was feeling a weird feeling of invincibility and untouchability doing that. That went on for a whole month, I open porn, look at it like a madman, almost sadistically insulting the people who were in it, and in the next moment pitying them endlessly: "Poor woman, look at what she is reduced to; unfortunately, she is a wench..." I remember not even getting an erection many of those times. The story ends with me finding such a poor and wretched creature on some livestream (Stay away from that!!), she was as charming as she was pathetic; it strangely touched me, in my feeling of overpowering superiority over the creature, that she sometimes, fully clothed, sang and played the piano (rather badly). Later I deduced that she might have reminded me of one of those holy Dosto's prostitutes (yet now I understand that she and her kin are beyond, or not even in need of, redemption; and that redemption should be for myself only). With time I understood she was wretched because her "work" was dishonest, vile, arbitrary-- she chose to exploit, no one forced her, and at any time she could have stopped, yet she didn't. All in all, the piano meant nothing. The new and paradoxical relationship with my screen lasted miraculously for a month before I masturbated to her stream and finished with thoughts of "doing the whole work all again, immediately", as I thought that this was the only mistake I would make, and I blamed myself fully for it. It was a terribly written tragedy, the stupid, useless rationale. Yet I fully believed in making the same effort to try my future redemption against the sad lapse of will... Now I know that I could not do it again because the essential extremity was gone (the absolute authority of a force almost beyond me which could turn me to stone in an instant), and so after the following months of fighting and falling I found myself masturbating about once a week: to me still, as I am writing this, a shameful and revolting fact. Reading your experience has reminded me of it all. And I swear right here and now to myself that I will do it again. Take heed.

>> No.23248534

Yeah, that is why I want to surrender my license and the reason why I sat on that park bench in the first place. I was alone before, that is the only way that I am not an annoying fag. I hate myself for making the therapist comment which is an eight year old remark at this point, but nobody forgets things like what I said then.

Allow me to put it to you this way, if I do what I can trust myself to do in life, things will be alright, as it stands now, I am being stretched beyond my capacity. What I said is only half of me, the other half is that I volunteer at a library, act as a caretaker to my father who suffered a stroke nearly six months ago (he is still recovering) and I am also a student in college.

Feel free to tell me to fuck off, anon. I have been told that about five times this week.

>> No.23248543

Not really, every bit of my life is a chore at this point knowing what I have done. The only commandments I have not broken are the first, second, sixth and seventh. The eighth was the first one I broke at the age of two and around that time I beat up a kid, gave him two black eyes and a bloody nose.

>> No.23248553

It took a while to write and it was as promised, nice, long, and wholesome. I hope he sees it, I put a lot into it.

>> No.23248557

>anon still feels immense guilt for something he did as a barely conscious toddler
Learn to forgive yourself, man

>> No.23248561

Make sure you paypal me $2000 before you do it

>> No.23248570

I guess, but I nearly murdered my mother at knifepoint when I was 12. That was eight years ago too. I was almost taken in an attempted murder charges. The circumstances were similar, my mother blocked me from doing my studies, where I was working on a 15 page paper on Ancient Greek Military structure and tactics. It is too recent for me to forgive.

>> No.23248571

What a faggot

>> No.23248572

sorry, you aren't communicating that clearly and i take this stuff for granted.
do you have a learning disability? and/or claim disability? im not hating.
but i dont understand how you are being a nuisance to people, cant you just stay in your lane (literally and figuratively), acquire some hobbies, improve yourself?
or what pressure is making this too difficult?

>> No.23248573

Also, please jannies, do not ban me for speaking of this. Yes, I am aware of what I did and what rule I violate for speaking of it, but it was already handled afterwards and is in the past, which to a few on here, is the distant past.

>> No.23248577

seems kinda natural desu

>> No.23248579

suck my monkey anon

>> No.23248584

Neither, actually. My mother wanted a psychiatric evaluation because both she and my father think I have gone mad. Also they think I am mad for asking if I could buy Francium, since I wanted to tinker with it (this happened at age 16, when I was in chemistry). I know that is not what a therapist is for, but that is what my mother thinks the purpose of a therapist is (her mind is slightly addled from when she did cocaine [this would be when she was in high school, she is now 55]).

>> No.23248596

Im kinda going through the same thing. unemployed and I need to have my thing open and registered which it is and I am paying for it to be open and registered because it is necessary now that I am unemployed but the person whom is supposed to know whether it is open and registered can't see that it is so. so I looked and saw that it was so but I have to contact another branch of the same beurocracy and ask them whether it is open and registered but I have an inkling that it doesn't really matter at least not until the last of april but I don't know for certain so now I am in limbo unsure if I should be doing more or be panicing because it might be more or less important that it is open and registered I don't know for certain. I just wanna game and think about writing man fuck this shit

>> No.23248597

Also, I have hobbies, my mother hates my hobbies because they take up space. Cycling is one of my hobbies, that got me into trouble last night. Flying radio controlled aircraft is another hobby, but I break federal law when doing it (I do not want to spend $250 on a government tracker, to quote a certain meme "I Hate the Antichrist"). (Yes, jannies, I know I am incriminating myself, please bear with me, since this is a minor law and there is absolutely no way to enforce it in the United States).

In the literal sense, no. Even driving schools have given up on me, which is funny, because a pilot academy that I went to said that I was perfect.

>> No.23248607

hello underground man

>> No.23248614

>Husbands childhood crush is still in our lives because of their families.
>Literally the girl he lost his v but at least only have to see her a few times a year.
>Me and husband have baby
>He is nearly 4 years old now
>Since he was born he was always drawn to her. ie at a gathering would stop crying when she held him or would cry when taken away from her
>Always running up to her when he sees her and wanting to interact with her

Wtf is going on and why is this annoying me so much

>> No.23248623

You should divorce your husband and marry me instead :)

>> No.23248628

did you have friends at school? have you been diagnosed with autism?

>> No.23248627

I read it, I see the similarities, but at least I am not in St. Petersburg (I am actually American, so at least I am not there or in Ufa). From what I have heard, Ufa is the Camden of America.
Hello glowie.

>> No.23248633

your kid is probably like that with many others but you're noticing that interaction. all kids are like that.
...why am i reading such a normie comment here?

>> No.23248637

Friends, yes, they were jerks, though and I wound up trying to arrange a "friend" what he called an "Enjo Kusai" relationship. I did not know that I would be bordering on a procurer.

Autism is a weird story, the answer is no, though. After consistent screenings. I am sensitive to light and sound, but I think that is just a sensitivity.

>> No.23248639

Because women (if that is one) are becoming a rarity in these parts

>> No.23248640

Making tea at work and clinking the spoon on the mug to stir it is such faggot shit

>> No.23248641

Is perpetual renewal the right term for something that constantly renews itself?

>> No.23248642

sounds right yes

>> No.23248643

It’s one thing to be friendless at your age (I’m assuming you’re 25 or under judging by the demographic here) but if you’re my age (over 40) it’s somewhat expected unless you have what the kids call “rizz”

>> No.23248644

i am never not drinking tea and bought wooden spoons specifically not to be a faggot in my household

>> No.23248646

Once my child gets born I'm going to flood this thread with normalfag problems.
Feel free to go to r9k to vent

>> No.23248657

Domestic terrorism.

>> No.23248661

I honestly have no clue what "rizz" is. I mean, I still have one or two contacts from high school still, plus a girlfriend (who is too good for me, but she loves me deeply, so I accept her).

Is rizz appearance, because I look like I am 35-40 (what stress does to man), the doctor said my health was more comparable to someone of that age, I reached the health of a 30 year old at age 15, so quite literally, I am aging twice as fast as other people my age.

It does not help that I read classic lit and the newest music I listen to is probably Alien Ant Farm, which is a Xoomer band (I got mocked on /mu/ for listening to them and thinking that they are a better band than Nirvana).

>> No.23248667


>> No.23248669

>khhv even in imagination
this is beyond over

>> No.23248681

Okay, well that is something that I have little of. I am not that charismatic since, I dislike what most people my age like (Japanese cars like the Supra, rap music/jungle beats, Demon Slayer or flavor-of-the-moment shounen anime/manga).

>> No.23248707

>my mother blocked me from doing my studies
What do you mean by this? She asked you to take out the trash or something?

>> No.23248713

No, she said to stay in my bedroom and that unless I state my intention, she will call the authorities on me. She nearly called them last night because I did a poop instead of a pee, though I originally went to the bathroom for a pee.

>> No.23248714


>> No.23248741

I can't share any of the music that I like with any of the women I know because all the music I like is about love and romance, what can I say? I'm a sucker for soul music.

>> No.23248746

Exactly that, you like soul music? Say that, as it is. Women should then understand.

>> No.23248748

This nigga acting all exceptional when women love that shit.

>> No.23248749

>anon playing The Crystals' It Felt Like A Kiss on the first date

>> No.23248754

I feel good, then I feel sad. Whenever I feel good, I anticipate the coming sadness. Whenever I feel sad, I anticipate the coming goodness. I don't like it. It's the same feelings, worries, anxieties, hopes, expectations, etc. Every day. I'm trapped in my own head. I've ruminated on my thoughts for so long that I no longer gain any new insight.

>> No.23248761

No, I don't want to be like "Hey, check out this song that I like" and then them take it as me hitting on them because I sent them Let's Stay Together by Al Green.

>> No.23248767


>> No.23248790

Just say that I listen to soul music, then you can say that usually the genre is about love, so you do not think that it is appropriate to send them.

>> No.23248792

Are migraines /lit/?

>> No.23248803

His whole thing is basically "use debt to build wealth." He makes his minimum payments with dividends he gets payed off of wealth he acquired using that lone money. Basically, if he liquified everything, he could more than pay his debts off. Paying the minimum is just more sustainable and allows him to build more wealth. That being said, recession ruins these kind of people and ultimately the banks that loaned them money, and as a result, anyone else that does their banking with them (innocent victims of the casualty). He is basically betting a ton of other peoples money that the economy stays stable until after his death and his assets are used to pay the banks. If he even intends to do that.

>> No.23248916


>> No.23248937

Nothing breaks my heart like the human tragedy of a mother with an invalid child. She would go to the ends of the earth if her kid could get better. A man would want nothing to do with it.

>> No.23248947

Gonna ask the girl out at the Asian mart by my apartment. Hopefully it works out. She seems into me.

>> No.23248950

I wish the best and for a very delicious bowl of Chow Chow Chow Mein.

>> No.23248958

Thanks, Anon

>> No.23248964

My migraines are always presaged by visual patterns blocking whatever I'm focusing on, so I'd consider it anti-/lit/ if anything.

>> No.23248972

Buddy you need to move out

>> No.23248976

based pee/poo switcherino.
i don't know if you're playing a character, but if you aren't i hereby officially diagnose you with autism.

>> No.23248979
File: 42 KB, 996x1048, 1701178710264908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm good at absolutely nothing. Everything I try feels impossible despite all the time and effort I've sacrificed. The hobby I've been working on for 10 years, that I've poured over 15k hours into? Yep, still shit at it. There are 14 year olds who mogg me. I still can't help but feel there's something out there that I would be naturally good at.. but I just haven't found it yet. Any of you anons been through this? Did you end finding 'your thing' or not?

>> No.23248995

My parents determine whether I work and what I work on, my mother said none of the money that I would earn by working, my father said I have enough stress as it stands and that working would just lead to me sinking even lower. If I move out, I will be homeless, daily bread will not want too serve me due to allergies and becoming a liability.

I have dealt with my mother long enough to know how to live and handle her for the time being.
Nope, not a character, so I guess I am.

>> No.23249007

>The hobby I've been working on for 10 years, that I've poured over 15k hours into? Yep, still shit at it. There are 14 year olds who mogg me
What's the hobby anon? Anyway the point of hobbies is to enjoy doing them, not to be the best

>> No.23249055

>14 year olds mogg me
what helped me is getting rid of the dick-measuring mindset, it's just compare and despair. fish can't climb trees that well, but so what
if your goal is to improve, then you should be only looking at your past self, not other people
>'your thing'
i'm just content with doing things i enjoy, whether i'm good/bad at them doesn't matter to me

>> No.23249197

>me. I still can't help but feel there's something out there that I would be naturally good at..
Why? There's very few people naturally good at anything. Most people are only good at anything because they got good, not started that way. And tbf if you're not one of the super rare people born with perfect pitch or extra taste buds or the ability to remember everything you ever saw or did or whatever, it's not like the talent is going to suddenly show up now. All those freaks of nature get found pretty early.

>> No.23249278

i'm shit at everything too. All I'm good at is being NEET and spending the day on the internet.
I tried day trading and I suck at it. I lose money when i do what seems right, when i do what seems wrong, and when I do random things.
I tried making money by buying and selling stuff on ebay and so on, it didn't work.
I tried being on welfare and i got nothing.
I tried to go the university and I just suck at following courses and at research too.

I still don't know how I 'm going to earn money.

>> No.23249481

what's on your mind

>> No.23249486

Someone flossing their teeth and pulling out an entire rotisserie chicken

>> No.23249524

I want to eat meat, and skip out on work.

>> No.23249537

Be sure to floss after eating meat.

>> No.23249539

It's probably an orthodox problem

>> No.23249544
File: 688 KB, 1600x1534, Transfiguration-of-Christ-wood-p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more I read the Gospels the more I realize that there are an awful lot of people that have taken verses specifically applying to Jesus Himself and tried to universalize them to apply to all humans, and civilization more broadly.

Like the line during the Passion about "put your sword back into its sheath." People read this as Christ endorsing pacificism broadly but I just don't think that's the case. Christ doesn't want Peter to defend Him from the mob because if the mob doesn't take Him, He won't be crucified, and then the entire reason for Him being incarnated on Earth won't come to pass. It's not a general forbidding of violence, it's a specific instance where Jesus cannot let one of His followers interfere with His destiny.

And there's tons of verses like these, where I've noticed certain people (many of whom aren't really Christian) try to make them apply to humanity as a whole, but in the context of the Gospels they apply specifically to Jesus, or to a specific situation He is talking about or dealing with.

>> No.23249558

I still think he told us that we don't have to wash our hands before eating if we're really hungry

>> No.23249580

I'm sick of lying to people, but life is just too much of a pain for me to get by without lying. This post may or may not feature lies in it.

>> No.23249597

recovering from a sinus infection and nosebleed right now
i had a nosebleed like this about 8 years ago. the smell of the dried blood brings nostalgia like nothing else. i miss college, had some good times

>> No.23249619

i think auto(matic) renewal is more common

>> No.23249722

race war NOW

I don't mean it, it's just fun to say and type.

>> No.23249724

You know who the Father of lies is, don't you anon?

>> No.23249735
File: 61 KB, 1080x452, Gimme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me rhythmically thumping my cock into the sand to hasten the arrival of sandwormussy

>> No.23249874

I don’t have the money to get into cars.

>> No.23249918

One sentence could change my life

>> No.23249926

What sentence?

>> No.23249928

Sometimes I think about that one love song I used to listen to. Unlike normal love songs it did not whine and bitch at all, the lyrics were very simple and elegant, overflowing with optimism. It was in a language just similar enough to mine to be both intelligible and exotic at the same time, and the pronounciation of the singer was interesting. I think that part of the special feelings that I hold towards this one song originates from this, many years ago back when I was a young kid I decided to "reject" my language and "people" for various reasons, and this song is the only real sort of interaction that I have with the language, culture, and people. For maybe two or three years now though I have not listened to it, at some point I started developing this emotional connection between this song and a certain someone, so now it hurts to listen to and I don't even dare to do so. I would like to eventually listen to it again though.

>> No.23249935

I wish I knew. Think about it. There's is a sentence that could change your life, too, if only you knew what it was

Mine maybe? "You have won the lottery"

>> No.23249937

What are your hobbies?

>> No.23249938
File: 87 KB, 424x640, 1711733189439324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism cured my depression by giving me a positive and proactive outlook on life

>> No.23249942

One day a year or two ago I woke up, got up to wash my face, and the moment I saw my reflection in the mirror I spat on its face. No anger or anything like that, I just did it instinctively in the same way as you would catch a ball heading for your face or something. I wasn't even in a shit mood or anything like that either, my body just moved on its own and spat on the face of the tard looking back at me, no questions asked. I think that I may perhaps have a reenactment of this sometime in the future, except with a punch instead of spit. We'll see I guess.

>> No.23249948

I was making money from playing video games until I quit a few months ago. I want to go all-in on literature now. That aside, I currently listen to like thirteen-to-fourteen hours of classical music a day, I'm utterly ensorcelled and completely hooked. You?

>> No.23249953

Of course, who doesn't? From what I know many cultures have independently developed a hatred of lies and liars, which I think is very interesting. There's something about lies in specific that is very evil.
To be honest though, I don't really care about the father of lies or what the average guy thinks about them. What really scares me is the idea that I would lie to somebody I like, or that I would lie to somebody else and the person I like would somehow learn of this and forever know me as a liar.

>> No.23250122

I want to have sex.

>> No.23250147

watch aftersun

>> No.23250164

Being alone for too long, like at least a year of barely going out, makes you feel like you're drunk even though you are completely sober. Time passes weird, your senses dull and sharpen in strange ways, your thoughts become more esoteric and abstract, your fetters to this world seem lighter than ever, reality starts to feel like some sort of dream you could wake up from at any moment, like Zhuangzi's dream about the butterfly.

>> No.23250197

Pay for a hooker.

>> No.23250208

I dedicated 8 years of my life to Physics and I'm mediocre. Well, at least I tried I guess

>> No.23250213

Wow, thanks for reminding me of that passage. That is exactly how I feel. There are times throughout my day that I see myself at 18-20 years old, surrounded by rain and storms, trying to wake up from this nightmare; I can quite literally feel the gentle storm's spray and smell the rain. It is drawing me. Am I awake? The dreams are so real. I want to wake up— I see it at the bottom of the bridge— consciousness. I want to let go so badly.

>> No.23250217

>he fell for the stemfag meme degree

>> No.23250232

Feelin really extra depressed today

>> No.23250235

I've never been the "creative" type, yet as of late I have been feeling a nagging sensation somewhere within myself to create something. Though to be honest I don't even know what it is that I should create, a drawing, a short story, some mixture of both, or really, what its story and characters should be like. There is but the faintest, vaguest swirl of themes that I have enjoyed in other works I have seen or read floating around within my psyche, like some sort of primordial soup, that feel like they could be formed into something. Yet I feel like if I truly had something worth saying, that image shouldn't be vague, it should be clear as day, clearer than reality itself. I probably just think I have something to say, or want to feel like I have something to say, rather than actually having something to say, I feel like this sort of thing is like being great at sports or anything else, if it was truly for me it wouldn't be in my mid-20s that I felt a calling towards it, but rather had it come to me naturally when I was five and have it feel like an integral element of my self by now. What portrait of any artist worth taking seriously would start by the time most others are already done "becoming artists" and are ready to create the uncreated conscience of their race?

>> No.23250242

I also want to go all-in on literature right now but I’m in this weird headspace where I’m sort of depressed so I’ve been avoiding both reading and writing. I really wanted to get something published this year and that didn’t happen.

Other than that, I have things I like but nothing I spend much time on. I really have to find one or two other hobbies just to keep me sane, fit, and with a semblance of a social life I think. My life has gotten really stale…

Fourteen hours is nuts by the way.

>> No.23250244

You have won the lottery.

>> No.23250275

more immigrants means more wageslaves for my neetbux

>> No.23250284

Thats the spirit brother.

>> No.23250292

What happens when the immigrants get on neetbux instead of wageslaving?

>> No.23250299

Then we get more immigrants. Dumb ass.

>> No.23250300

introduce them to your dealer for bulk discount

>> No.23250307

How much?

>> No.23250311

I recently got on medication myself which strongly fills me with motivation, focus, and energy. Without which I'd probably be stuck in a rut as well, as I certainly was when much younger. That said, I'm sure passion will find you again shortly, it's natural to have ebbs and flows.

And by fourteen hours, I'm also doing other things while listening to the music of course. It is the highlight of my day though.

>> No.23250319

I seriously want to go back in time to middle school. My life is just fucked. There's nothing I can do. I can't take this anymore. I just go to bed screaming and crying every night. I want to die so bad. Just what the fuck am I supposed to do

>> No.23250326

I don't know how to have hobbies

>> No.23250344

Reading about history, culture and religion, particularly the Japanese kind.
What I really do is just stare at the wall everyday and wait for death, though. Engaging with my hobbies is a once-in-a-month thing.

>> No.23250353

The exact amount you need to change your life plus an extra 15 bucks for a little snack on the way!

>> No.23250357

Do something wacky!

>> No.23250364

Go fuck yourself

>> No.23250366

telling strangers to go fuck themselves on the internet is wacky anon

>> No.23250371

Uh thanks

>> No.23250374

Hell yeah brother. Very wacky!

>> No.23250380

You got it man. Hope you're new life is one you like better. 15$ well spent.

>> No.23250433

But it didn't happen

>> No.23250461

Why are you torturing me

>> No.23250465

23 and my knees already hurt. I get so tired from just trying to walk 1 mile. Every joint cracks and aches. Everything feels hollow

>> No.23250468

Nobody is torturing you. How did you get to a point where a small light-hearted mockery can hurt you? I have no idea what you're living through but I'm 95% sure it's no big deal. People on this site like to complain.
What's so shit about your life?

>> No.23250470

Try drinking more water, up to 64 ml a day

>> No.23250476

Need to change the oil

>> No.23250488

Now imagine that but at age 15.

>> No.23250490

stop sucking dick

>> No.23250507

Idk I think my health is not quite right. I don’t really know what to do to resolve it. How come you don’t make money gaming anymore?

>> No.23250509

Baby. Try being 40

>> No.23250521

I'm thinking about writing something based on one of the worst things that has happened to me. Maybe it'll help me to work through it or to at least funnel the energy.
This is what I'd be basing it off of. My grandpa was murdered by two of his employees a few years back when they set the building on fire. Police lied about what they saw and we know this because of what their bodycam showed. The state appointed fire marshal ruled it was an accident and then turned around and said my grandpa set the fire the next. We had to hire private investigators and get in contact with politicians and the attorney general for anything to actually happen. The two employees bragged that they got away with it to the PI and it was recorded. Also the two guys would call my mom's work.

>> No.23250525

Why would that matter

>> No.23250539

My hands and legs and skin fell off.

>> No.23250542

I suppose you're typing with your dick then. Looks fun.

>> No.23250545

nobody cares faggot kys

>> No.23250549

create an Onlyfans

>> No.23250553

I miss you

>> No.23250554


>> No.23250559


>> No.23250562

I'm a vapid person. I don't get any of the art stuff people like. I don't get movies and TV. Changing my life is hopeless
My life is hopeless
Maybe I should just be comfy with that. Trying anything else feels like torture

>> No.23250564

I stopped playing. And damn, sorry to hear that. Have you considered medication then?

>> No.23250574

I don't think therapy is the answer for me I think it might be death instead
How am I supposed to connect with some normie therapist who can't understand me at all.
The only therapist success stories all come from normies who are s a d for stupid shit like
>she left me
>i can't have what I want
>i can't stop drinking


>> No.23250577

but I haven't met you yet

>> No.23250579

I didn't sleep at all last night. Now it's evening again and I'm not even tired. I also threw up for no apparent reason yesterday. Something's not right chez moi.

>> No.23250591

5 years ago I lucked out and got a good therapist. The thing is- she didn't understand me. But she knew that, I guess, and instead of trying to solve a problem that she really couldn't deal with, she focused on the areas that we intersected as human beings. She made me feel a little human, for the first time in my life. I am fairly certain that she was my last hope in life of ever managing to fix my shattered brain.
Still, in my insecurity, I lied and said I was getting better à la Good Old Neon and attempted suicide.

>> No.23250618

'bout to go score some fent with a buddy. I'll take a couple hits for the /lit/ homies, y'all can enjoy the orgiastic pleasure vicariously through me.

>> No.23250626

Interrupting callers
Wake me from my slumber
For unimportant reasons.

>> No.23250632

>boo hoo nobody understands me
Nobody understands anyone else. Get over yourself.

>> No.23250647

A blonde pawg is blowing up a bathroom in Saint Paul, Minnesota.

>> No.23250648

Blah blah blah

>> No.23250654

I don't trust therapists. They can ruin your life. How am I supposed to feel comfortable talking to them knowing that if I slip up and say how I really feel my life will get really fucked up?

>> No.23250679

>I don't like them, they will ruin your life. definitely better I just end my life myself.

>> No.23250680

There was a a Mexican orphan on my cross-country team in high-school. I watched him stick his hand in a fire ant pile and let them crawl and bite all the way to his elbow. I watched him do it more than once. Later his arm would be swollen and covered in white capped pustules. Why would he do that to himself? I knew him since elementary school. He won a planking competition against our whole class once. I think he held a plank for something like twenty minutes. I think maybe he had a hard life.

>> No.23250682


>> No.23250686 [DELETED] 

hi dr stacey I hate myself
I want to hurt myself
In fact I do look
I want to hurt my mom
I want to hurt my sibling and their spouse
I day dream about hurting other people
All of my free time is spend day dreaming about suicide
All my dreams involve suicide
The only way I can distract myself from the constant barrage in my head is by creating a dramatic escapist fantasy about killing myself and adding to it every night
Sometimes I feel like I can hear voices and disembodied screaming
Sometimes I hear my moms voice yelling for me in water drops or in a rush of air.
My internal monologue talks to me in the 2nd person and has a dark sardonic voice and I have another voice that speaks in the first person which is more helpless and sniveling.
Yes I have access to firearms.
I kind of think its all bullshit. Nothing will make me happy. Money serves no purpose to me. I don't care about a career. Im too unlovable and offputting for a relationship. And im a kissless virgin at 30 so nothing i do can make up for that. I dont like hobbies. I don't want to learn. I don't want to try anymore. Everything is exhausting. Everything aches. I havent had the energy to even masturbate for the past 8 years. I want to pass away. I want to go.

>> No.23250688

No. I will not.

>> No.23250699

I actually meant it. Don't know what to do in life. Do some shit no one is expecting and then react to the ramifications for a while. Even if it is just telling some rando on the internet to go fuck himself. I have given you a course of action in these replies. You are welcome.

>> No.23250702

But it did. I said the sentences. Why hasn't your life changed yet? Get to it!

>> No.23250713

I'm no Calvinist but sometimes I wonder if they were right about the whole predestination thing. Like, maybe some people were born to enter the Kingdom and some are here because others may find meaning in the way in which they fall, you know? I think I might be one of the latter category. There were times when it seemed like everything in my life, the whole universe, conspired to send me a message, to tell me that there was a greater meaning, a deeper understanding, out there, that if I turned away from the path I was on I would find something truly satisfying and fulfilling in a way none of the vices and dalliances I filled my hours with ever could. And you know what? The heavens opened and I saw signs and wonders, and afterwards I found that even with all that I couldn't bring myself to choose what was right over what was easy. I don't exactly believe in the fire-and-brimstone Hell like a Bible-thumping Baptist or something but I think it would be completely just for me to end up there at the end of all this. Not so much because of all my deeds but because I know, I fucking know, exactly what right and wrong are and I end up on the wrong side of that line, time after time.

>> No.23250741

I don’t know what medication I could benefit from at this point and getting serious tests from my doctor is like pulling teeth.

>> No.23250756

I regret not moving around and doing more while I was young. Having never moved to a city or entered a legit career feels like having inadvertently opted out of doing anything in life.

>> No.23250764

You should try self medicating. Weed, mushrooms, alcohol, cigarettes, lots of caffein. You want shit to really change? Meth, crack, fent.
>but I can't get my hands on that stuff
Crack heads can, you can too.

>> No.23250770

I wish I knew where I was supposed to move. All the places in America suck. None of the big cities feel like cities. Its just suburbs but more

>> No.23250774

Having both gotten a decent job and seen a pretty decent portion of the world I can honestly tell you that I also feel like I don't and wont do anything in life. Nobody tells the goalposts are alive and they move around allot when you realize how mundane almost every action you can take truly is.

>> No.23250778

To the desert I say!

>> No.23250787

Nights do not speak anymore, night lights do not shine anymore, spring doesn't smell anymore, going through the motions of stage 4 soulrot, stage 5 brainrot, crimson red alarm lights beeping and flashing, or so they should but they are silent nothing is possible anymore.

>> No.23250793

Americans ruined it like they do everything

>> No.23250795

Into the deep desert! Deep!

>> No.23250797

Thats not fun for me. I want to meet someone

>> No.23250826


>> No.23250840

I use two buttons and a joystick with my tongue. It's broken so it gives me a small electric shock every time I use it. brb a monkey just threw shit into my open wounds so I'll have to spend the next week cleaning it. I was in love with that monkey, I thought we would marry one day.

>> No.23250852
File: 239 KB, 953x1260, Francis_Wheatley_-_The_Death_of_King_Richard_II_c1792-93)_-_(MeisterDrucke-546947).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23250866

I don't want to make it to be honest. Making it doesn't look all that good.

>> No.23250868

That's nothing. When I had malaria for the third time one of my balls fell off. It itched a lot but I couldn't do anything lest I would lose the other ball. And it was all for nothing because in the end I got mega-cancer (it's a rare thing, not many people have it, it's when the doctor puts a finger up your asshole to find prostate cancer and THAT fiddling gives you ball cancer + leukemia) and lost my second ball anyway. Then my wife left me, I became an alcoholic and my kids don't respect me anymore. Also the loss of the balls created a chemical imbalance of testosterone vs estrogen and now I got bitch tits. The end.

>> No.23250952

I think it’s just a prerequisite though. It’s not like it’s an achievement in itself. It’s just what needs to be the case to be able to do anything it seems.

>> No.23250957

It's not getting better.

>> No.23250960

What’s wrong?

>> No.23250965

I guess it depends on what your thing is. Literature? New York or similar. Tech entrepreneur? San Francisco, Austin, or similar. Academia? Whatever city the best college you get into is in. Alternatively, you can just go to the biggest city in your state or region.

>> No.23250967

So far its been a prerequisite to nothing man but maybe you would do better with it than I do.

>> No.23250970

I got that impression. Good luck not making it. Its harder than you think to not make it when you are a coward

>> No.23251027

Nothing compares to the first stare, smell, touch, kiss, I love you

>> No.23251037

Why are we at the point where nearly all conspiracy theories are true and nobody is doing anything.
The shit everyone used to laugh and make fun of from the 60s to the 2000s just keeps being confirmed again and again.
You guys realize the video game Deus Ex was meant to be satirical and funny "haha what if all that shit people on usenet say was true"
The world was even shut down for a pandemic..
Literally every media figure you can think of has strong ties to some really awful shit that you'd think it was a satire from the Simpsons.
Literally what is going on anymore? This doesn't even feel like a nation or a world for that matter.

>> No.23251041

These cities are literally pathetic except for new York but then you have to live in New York.
America is a beautiful land but the worst possible people and the worst possible government decided to exist here.

>> No.23251044

The Theosophists were unironically correct about Black Lodges dominating institutions of imperialism from within.

>> No.23251056

your city wont fix you

>> No.23251057

Even the biggest head in the sand close minded normies i know have adopted a "haha its all fucked anyway let's just have fun" mindset. Joking about being on a ton of drugs or having your system fucked by microplastics is just common now for people under 40. A news story about whose the latest pedophile involved in the occult comes out every month and everyone knows about it and they don't care and buy their music or movies anyway. Nobody cares.

>> No.23251058

i don't see myself living past 30. i've tried to change my life for the better. to network. all sorts of shit. no one is willing to give me a chance. i've prayed to god.
how am i supposed to live?

>> No.23251065

I literally just want to be in a city that is built for humans in mind. I'm not asking to be fixed. I'm fine. I just want to live in a certain place. But this government made it illegal to build cities like that

>> No.23251084

canada is the same. if i want to live in a 'walkable city' my options are very limited and my rent will be like 4k a month.
however small towns, usually have a main ave. a little like this, and are comfy as hell.

>> No.23251095

Please fuck off at your earliest convenience

>> No.23251101
File: 50 KB, 527x527, 1710858585870860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been so horny lately that I might just bite the bullet and download Tinder. I'm just sick of impotently cooming into napkins. Is this a mistake if I'm still a khv?

>> No.23251107

I'd rather be a weeaboo than a Koreaboo, something about Koreaboos irks me, why would you want to move to Korea of all places?

>> No.23251116

Unless you're hot or willing to swipe on fat chicks, your chances of landing some poon are next to impossible. Also, depending on how young you are, the women in your age range might say "not looking for hookups" in their bios, despite what people will try and tell you on the internet, young girls are a lot more prudish than you'd think.

>> No.23251126
File: 255 KB, 2048x2048, worf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The no gf situation continues to be dire, despite efforts.

As I sit here considering what to write I think it's honestly not even worth elaborating on because you've already seen the exact same sort of post on this website ad infinitum. 4chan is just one big swirling vortex of suffering that doesn't ever change. I don't think posting about it will enlighten myself or others. There is no insight to be gained. The only purpose "tfw no gf" posts have is communal suffering, just a big empathetic circlejerk of melancholy and self-pity. I've seen literally thousands of these kinds of posts, and what good have they done me? I've gained nothing by it. They haven't helped me in my efforts. Have they helped literally anybody?

I'm starting to question the usefulness of venting on 4chan in general. It's nice to have a proverbial shoulder to cry on, even if that shoulder may as well be a brick wall, but I very rarely get something out of it. It literally is just venting, releasing some noxious psychic gas that otherwise would suffocate me in my daily life. It's basically the psychological equivalent of excretion.

Anyway, >tfw no gf

>> No.23251136

>Unless you're hot or willing to swipe on fat chicks, your chances of landing some poon are next to impossible
Damn, that's sucks. Not even a chance if you're average-looking( barring landwhales, since that shit is gross)?

>> No.23251146
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I'm pretty sure >tfw no gf posting is just venting. No one expects shouting this into the void on 4chan of all places will actually do anything. Even this post is useless and serves no purposes other than to trump my current boredom before I go to sleep!

>> No.23251159
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There's always an Arquillian Battle Cruiser, or a Corillian Death Ray, or an intergalactic plague that is about to wipe out all life on this miserable little planet, and the only way these people can get on with their happy lives is that they DO NOT KNOW ABOUT IT!

>> No.23251170

Get Tinder Bumble and Hinge and maybe others, do them all in parallel. Don't spend more than 5 minutes a day on each, get good at going in, swiping rapidly, and tuning back out. Don't even allow your brain to think about the individual girls you see, since 90% of them are bots and dead profiles. Tip: If they mention insta or snapchat/sc in their bio, it's a bot, and a ton of 6-7/10 "classic profile you'd expect to see on tinder" profiles (especially pretty girls with lowercase one-sentence memes) are dead profiles kept adrift by the app to make it seem like it's still active. Smile in all your pictures and try to look like a fun normal guy.

Kill your feelings, utterly destroy them preemptively so that you don't attribute any importance to being rejected or getting no matches, remember nothing matters and the whole thing is demented and half-scam half-fake anyway, so don't try to make sense of "the algorithm" or of anything in particular that happens to you on the apps.

Don't try too hard to be self-aware, it seems desperate, it's better to err on the side of being basic/boring than to be "too clever by half" and come across like you were agonizing and overthinking about your profile. Also don't lean too much into interests, remember these are women, they are only impressed by something if the herd vets you as an expert/high status version of that thing, otherwise you're safer saying "I like literature" than overly showing off that you actually know literature well. Be middle of the road when in doubt, but include some showoff of assets like being smart or funny or whatever, just remember to always do it in a way that seems natural.

Then get ready for a trickle of matches that may take weeks or months, if you're average looking. It's a numbers game so just do it in the background while you live your life and try to date decent women (women not on apps) normally, as a backup. Remember, try to limit it to 5-10 minutes a day max. DON'T chitchat for a thousand years with matches, establish common interests then go for coffee or a cheap date, be strategic with dates that aren't too far (uber $$) or too expensive. Be ready for flakes and ghosts, again kill your feelings and simply don't try to interpret it. Be yourself and see it as a possible thing to take a shot at but no big deal if it doesn't end up providing anything, worst case is you lost those 5-10 minutes a day for a few months.

Anything other than following this advice leads to madness and despair.

>> No.23251210

Any morbidly obese homosexual anons with extremely low self-esteem want to become my no homo partner?
I specify
Because only a fag could have an interest in being around a male so closely for no reason.
>Morbidly obese
Because I'm extremely ugly and want someone that I feel is closer to my level. Being morbidly obese won't make you as ugly as I am, though. (Although I'm skinny)
>Low self-esteem
Because otherwise you wouldn't waste time with me.

I'm ridiculously lonely and want to talk to someone. Also would be nice to (no homo) sleep in bed with someone, (no homo) hug someone, (no homo) cuddle with someone, maybe a little (no homo) kissing too. Send me a message for further details...

>> No.23251212

This is actually so fucking dispiriting. I'll keep your advice in mind in case I do end up downloading a dating app, but I think I'll just stick to real life for now. I've tried my hand at dating in real life once or twice, and it was already difficult and ended in disappointment, but Tinder and all these other services just sound like utter hellscapes

>> No.23251213

At least anime and manga is Japanese, Korean stuff on other hand is just a copy of American garbage with more garbage that's why it feels so empty

>> No.23251233







Man, Sandy Hook was crazy.

>> No.23251235

>garbage jungle noise they call music
>garbage visual abominations they call manhwa (Priest is actually good though)
>shit overcrowded cities even by shit overcrowded city standards
>each and every one of their games rapes you harder through layers of grinding and RNG hell than the mongols did them
It's baffling. At least there's a fair chance they'll wipe themselves off the earth on account of some unironic gender war going on.

>> No.23251251

They are but think of it like applying for jobs. If you actually think of it as "applying for jobs," like it's some human process, you are going to see it as the most hellish and disgusting process ever filled with unfair dehumanization. But if you abstract from it and go "this is just the bullshit I gotta do mindlessly for 30-60 minutes a day until I get a job," it becomes tolerable.

>> No.23251254

Is it wrong to be in your late 20s and be in love with a 19 years old?

>> No.23251256

>Last night I got into a fight with my mother after she told my father to get off my back. She single-handedly distracted me from my studies and when I tried to resume she told me that I was not allowed to pursue any of them. It is not her fault, ultimately, but she should know when to shut up.
Please elaborate.

>> No.23251260

Yeah. Standby where you are, the imperial guard are heading to your location right now to execute you.

>> No.23251262

Damn this is like the female equivalent of a guy teabagging another guy.

>> No.23251299

just hire a hooker bro, shit's fire

>> No.23251325


>> No.23251326

I want to know the taste of victory

>> No.23251388

You might get one or two but looks will only get you so far if you're average, if you're average then you also need a great bio. And like I said, it depends on your age, if you're in your early 20s and you're openly saying that you're only looking to hook up, your chances are slim to none.

>> No.23251391

Do something simple.

>> No.23251407

Just looked up Priest, I like the art style, apparently, it got cancelled and the creator has never come out and said why, which I think it pretty based.

>> No.23251414

I am experiencing all encompassing fear about a medical condition I have. I'm convinced its a horrible terminal illness and that I'm going to die soon because of it. The anxiety is destroying me and making me a useless blob that can't get any work done.

How do I come to terms with a life unlived? I'm a miserable sack of shit that's achieved nothing and been a total failure. How do people deal with terminal illness? Even the prospect of it renders me incapable of finding the will to do anything at all.

>> No.23251417

The first volume can be pretty edgy and might give you the impression it's just cheap violence, but after that it develops nicely. Some of the scenes can hit you really hard thanks to the art style. Real shame it got cancelled.

>> No.23251435

I'm 33 and my income is from doordashing. I was a general manager for chipotle near 11 years ago and continued that profession for 6 years. I wonder what barometer of success I should judge myself by; economic or personal. I had more money but I also worked 70+ hours a week, were as now I make enough to pay the bills, but nothing more. I wonder how people who really try to make the most out of life deal with the absurdism of our world. perhaps I'm weak-willed, or perhaps I caught on early, or any other rationalizing thought one could think. I'm just gonna get drunk again tonight, and not care about why anything happens. such things are beyond what I can understand.

>> No.23251438

will help you with your virginity at least
isn't it retarded to be a virgin in older age though?

>> No.23251443

What's wrong?

>> No.23251444

>isn't it retarded to be a virgin in older age though?
Why would that be retarded?
>Haha, you didn't stick your dick in a woman and then thrust for a little bit until you eventually came while leaving her disappointed in the process. And don't forget, you're most likely gonna get sweaty and gross in the process.
Doesn't that just sound super fun?

>> No.23251456

suit yourself, virgin

>> No.23251461

>I have rationalized sex! That means I don't have to worry about it anymore.
Being a virgin isn't necessarily retarded, poor eunuchs don't really have a choice. But THAT was retarded. Easy on the copium.

>> No.23251469

that's a very clinical view of sex, however somewhat accurate. the best thing about intimacy is the ability to feel unguarded with someone else. so while the act of fucking can be simple and crude, how it came to be is greater than the act itself

>> No.23251478


>> No.23251497


Republics are the political tool used by the bourgeois to take power and kill kings, and the only mistake is that the peasants believed the bourgeois when they said the bourgeois will care about the cucks and remove the formal (ie legal) and the informal strata of the class system.
It is the true the bourgeois removed the legal strata, but not the informal one, and 250 years alter, the bourgeois still say ''everyone is equal (ie bourgeois and cucks)'' but they don't do anything about it , and protip they don't plan on doing anything.
During monarchies, there was no need for ghettoization, because legally there was a class system so people dint mix up in the first place.

So the next phase is to put all the poor people in the VR world and let the rich enjoy the physical world. The poor will have their society, own currency and of course these currency will worthless compared to the real ones.
digital dollar and UBI for billions of disposable coomers in VR life, used on e-whores, porn, weed and videogames.

>> No.23251510

Where can I find the fringe political clubs in my community like in no longer human

>> No.23251517

Ive got an earache and it sucks.

>> No.23251520

I assume how it came to be sort of went like this.
>Caveman: Ug (points to gross caveman penis and then points to gross cavewoman vagina)
>Cavewoman: (Shrugs, gets on back, lifts up and spreads legs)
>Caveman: (Gets on knees and sticks gross caveman cock into gross caveman vagina)

>> No.23251521
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Haven't done much reading the past ~week or so. I got halfway thru Dune Messiah and just burnt out on it. Right now I'm reading The Secret Teachings of All Ages cause why not knock a couple percentage points off my progress? I've been reading it for over a year.

>> No.23251527

As someone with a background in science, I realized the only thing important to me in life is to make art. I'm not particularly good in drawing, and while I enjoy music, it's been a struggle to learn an instrument. So here I am, hoping to eventually create my magnum opus. As you can probably tell, my prose is subpar. I think being a director would be cool, but I'm afraid of failure and don't want to start a thread on /tv/ because they will make fun of me. Is anyone in the same boat?

>> No.23251528

Be the change you wanna see in the world.

>> No.23251553

travelling is a female cliché

>> No.23251564
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I am overwhelmed by the extreme complexity of life. The present moment slips through my fingers by the second and I don't know what I should have done with it.
I don't know what I should be doing right now instead of this. I thought that I was wasting my time, that I was distracting myself from something, but I truly don't know what I've been distracting myself from, or what it is I should've been doing.
I take my eyes away from my banal diversions and I see a world that sometimes confuses and terrifies me, sometimes presents itself as a limitless and lawless playgound waiting for me to exploit it, sometimes means nothing at all. Each action I take, each word that my fingers and my mouth produce feel like everything and nothing.
It's odd. I don't feel afraid of death anymore. In fact, now it truly feels like a release, a release from all this disorder that surrounds me, and the end to all my desires and all my fears. But until that day comes, every second that passes I am confronted with the question "What now?", and answering that question terrifies me to my core.
I want to go back to the simple drugged out state of the drunk, the media consumer, the porn addict, the pathetic teen who only wanted a girlfriend and didn't dedicate a passing thought to life and death matters. A harmless animal that exists to hurt itself and chase after meaningless diversions until it dies, but I can't. I feel a strange calling, the weight of etternity pressing down on me, the inescapable compromise of the second that ceases to exist forever.
I am afraid. So so so afraid. I feel like I am going insane. Every day starts with either a zealous conviction on something or a great anxious void. Every night is a difficult journey into dreams or nothingness. And in the meantime everything and nothing happens.

>> No.23251583

only in the recent years, traveling has been a male activity for centuries. from the early explorers, to the sophisticated world travelers.

>> No.23251592

A short story of mine, that I worked on for years, just got rejected by a short story competition, a contest that I have been following for years. I've been eagerly waiting for months, anticipating good news of a victory, or at the very least, a shortlist nod. I've been rejected a lot but this was a contest that I really genuinely worked on. The near 7 months of wait for these results put me in a near catatonic state of anxiety because I really genuinely thought I would win. For months, I'd go to sleep dreaming of how my writing career would change because of this one small contest. Alas, that's all gone.

Lol it reminds me of this time that I went on a date with this hot chick just before summer break for uni. I was so into her and hung up on dating her that lost weight and worked out that entire summer, in the hopes that she'd find me even hotter when I get back. Every night, for some reason, id think of all the incredible positives of losing weight, of being more attractive to her. When we all returned for summer, i found out she started dating a dude fatter than me lmao.

In any way, it teaches me a lesson. To not get hung up so much over contests and specific things over a long period of time. Just focus on craft, on writing, and getting better every single story. At the end of it all, it matters that I write a good story, and that's what I need to work towards. The rest is genuinely secondary.

>> No.23251641

A normie just said that he is an ''anarcho-socialist''. How is it possible to have anarchism+socialism?

>> No.23251642

Welcome to McDonalds

>> No.23251657

so you are lesser than a caveman!? if they were able to debase themselves through procreation, what does that make you?

>> No.23251658

I live on an isolated farm right next to a huge forest. There was a helicopter with a searchlight going over the forest the other night. Kinda strange... I didn't see anything on the news.

>> No.23251666

>so you are lesser than a caveman!?
Sure, I've got no problem with that.

>> No.23251667

Anarchism is a form of socialism. Anarcho-socialist is a redundant term.

>> No.23251687

thinking about how incredibly mediocre writers get to hire the best artists and recieve unfathomable praise for something as dumb as "gay main character" or whatever and i hate that i can *feel* the forced lack of soul and spirit in a work, and in modern times that should not be the case! niggas can write books on their own now, comics were never easier to do, it's so easy to not be limited yet all around me are amateur stories not saying what they want to say, having generic or mediocre beats and messages, mid art style, yet still getting *all* the praise.
all so tiring

>> No.23251688

A movie called American Fiction came out recently and it kind of relates to what you're talking about. I recommend checking it out if it sounds interesting to you, I thought it was pretty good.

>> No.23251701

okay, satan. be the best hermit caveman you can be lol

>> No.23251705

lol what

>> No.23251714

This motherfucker, named Daniel, was a piece of fucking shit. At 3 AM on a Sunday he broke into the local church and robbed it of its holy water. Straight up used a shop vac to pump that holiness out. INTO A PLASTIC RECEPTACLE. Disgusting.
Anyway, this sin could not wait for the wrath of God, and must be dealt with NOW.
He is in a 2007 Honda Civic. Me? I'm in a 2019 Honda Civic. The added weight of electronics assisted me in PIT maneuvering his vehicle, and he quickly ended up upside-down in a ditch.
I go up to his door, open it up, and as he is struggling to regain some semblance of understanding of what just happened I shove a tazer into his armpit. BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ goes the tazer. I literally just kept it on until it no longer tazed, and then I grabbed my back-up tazer to continue the shocking violence. Before running out of charge on the back-up, I pull him out by his hair and zip him into a specialized rubber bag. I then put the bag onto my back with the attached straps and walk him into the trunk. Once he is all secure, I drive home.
I hoisted him out and brought him to the basement's bathroom. I had a hook above the tub for suspending the bag from. Then? I pumped non-holy water through a hole in the top. He started screaming and shit, but it was not very loud due to rubber's insulating properties. The screaming straight up stopped when the water got to his face (an assumption, I cannot actually see into the bag, transparent materials for such constructions are pricey). I stopped pumping water because I did not want him to die yet (there is a hole in the bottom of the bag for drainage, but it is not that big).
It is VERY important that you give a motherfucker time to suffer so that they make their own amends with God. In a way, I'm doing God's work. I'm giving Daniel a chance to not face hell, for I give him a temporal taste of it here on this beautiful green Earth.
After a view rounds of water pumping, I pump in some oatmeal. Motherfucker must be hungry (it's been 16 hours since he was nabbed). Once he is finished eating, I go to take a nap.
After waking up, I visit Daniel. I see that he took a shit, because I can see some of it in the tub. It is all mushed up and shit (lol) because he must have used his feet to crumble it through the bottom hole of his bag.
Anyway this pissed me off a lot so I decided to just take a bat and beat the fucking shit out of him inside the bag. One crack (think I hit his ribs) and a little scream emits. Two cracks and a BIG scream emits. The third whack makes the bag start moving a bit (fucking muscles). The 4th whack was to his face, and blood starts running out of the bottom hole.
I unzip him out of the bag. I cut off his fingers. I cut off his toes. I rape his anus with rebar. I expose his spine and pour alcohol onto it. That'll teach YOU motherfucker. God showed me that he had apologized for his sins, and he is now almost certainly in heaven.

>> No.23251720

Worker's voluntarily cooperate with each other. They own the means of production. You can think it's very silly and utopian but either way it's a form of socialism.

>> No.23251740


>> No.23251751

Pornography is an addiction that has nearly destroyed my life. I crave it at nearly every waking moment, it bleeds into my dreams. Going a single month without consuming it is a challenge for me, a challenge that has proven to be extremely difficult, but that has also changed me deeply.
Imagine 14 years of consuming porn daily. DAILY. From a quick 15 minute wank to the 8 hour gooning session, my brain has been scarred by these intense visions of exagerated vile sexuality. There is no way I could have come out unscathed, and now I know for sure that my mind is damaged and enslaved to something I am struggling to understand.
I feel disgusted at the notion that this is the one thing that gives my days meaning and purpose. There is something else I chase after and crave, something that I can only experience through those images and audios and videos and fantasies; it is not about the pornography itself, but the thing that begins existing when I interact with it.
My mind demands something I can't find anywhere. A sensation, a superstimulus that just doesn't exist. I could spend my entire life learning a craft, trying to capture that thing, to perfect the sensory depravities my mind demands.
I've gone insane. When I flee from porn I experience existential dread. I need to understand what is happening to me if I am to stop it. This can't be my life. I can't live just to jerk off to cartoons. I can't live just to fight against my urge to jerk off to cartoons, but somehow, in all the grandiosity of human experience, I cannot something else.

>> No.23251753
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This has basically been my intrusive thoughts since 2021. All my traits that I felt summed up my identity are slowly eroding one by one. I used to be the funny, smart, chill guy who made everyone feel good. Now, I don't even bother to meet new people since every time I do, I feel like a failure at being myself and being interesting (including my small group of friends ). It's like quarantine gave me an ego death with zero of the positive effects.

In a few years, I'll be that mid-20's guy who hasn't gotten his shit together. This terrifies me since it'll probably happen with the pace I'm currently at. Even worse, I'll be 23 in my junior year of college next spring, while everyone I used to know from high school will be getting bachelor degrees or being 1-2 years off from being doctors/professors. That'll just make everything worse for my already failing mental health. At this current pace, it's culminating. I'm going to be alone and pathetic for the rest of my life. While every attempt I've done so far, hasn't helped one bit

>> No.23251756

I work with others and hold stock in the company I work for, I'm an anarcho-socialist

>> No.23251763

lol if you're having these thoughts this young you're in for a rough time. abingdon the disney-esque view of your reality and accept your situation. life is not what you want, it's what you get. if that's too difficult, well, you know how to stop it

>> No.23251769

looks interesting.
but i am reffering to the lack of child-like wonder new shit fails to inspire in me, it's all so "sleek and clean and perfect"

>> No.23251793
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What drives me crazy about you conspiracy guys is that we literally have documented evidence of capital destroying the world, rich people forcing people into being indentured servants, American imperialism destroying nations( killing millions), CIA doing countless shady shit in the open, a lot of foods causing disease, urban planning as segregation, slavery (in jail), prices always go up forever, all federal politicians are corrupt, an entire world spanning progressive ideology is suppresed in America, half the population is neo-fascist and mentally insane, cops can get away with anything, media is corrupt, America is still filled with powerful warmongregers, an even worse version of protestant nationalism is upon us, and the culture has been stagnated since 2014. Why are you all caught up with nonsensical bullshit like Jews running everything, thinking every powerful person in the United States is a pedo, and gay/racist crap? I would quite literally be fine with another medicore status quo if it meant a lot of the issues I listed are at least suppressed for the first time ever, with the hope that stuff will change forever in our future. But we can't have that because half the population is insanely autistic for nonsense that's absent in objective reality

>> No.23251799

What a bizarre attempt at trying to pick a fight man. Fuck. What a shame.

>> No.23251802

If worker's held equal shares in the company and made up the sole ownership of the company it would indeed be a worker's cooperative. An entire economy made up of worker's cooperatives with no government would be anarcho-socialism. Just because you don't own Amazon stock despite working in an Amazon warehouse does not disclude you from holding these silly beliefs.

>> No.23251803

I'm not even trying to start a fight. I'm just ranting and confused about how people who obsess over useless crap ignore the real shit going on that's been talked about for decades

>> No.23251804

Everything's going to be all alright because the Almighty will make it right.

>> No.23251809

I think you made up a shadow in your head to get mad at. I'm literally not the person you seem to be frustrated with.

>> No.23251817

geo-politics isn't an arena many can change, so dumb bullshit is more entertaining. would you rather stare at a math equation you can't solve or watch tv?

>> No.23251819

Absolute fucking retard.

>> No.23251828

but what if I did own stock? what percentage would be needed to accept this definition? and what is government? can there be a population that isn't governed? so yes, it is a silly concept

>> No.23251834

A shadow is singular. I believe it's a very real system that's the cause of most of this
Fair for now. America is not at a point where great change can actually happen

>> No.23251836

I hear ya m8

>> No.23251837

they were the girlies of their time, just like poets and what knot

>> No.23251852

>a shadow is singular...
What on earth are you talking about. I'm not sure you read my post right at all.

>> No.23251869

>go outside
>everyone scowls at me and looks at me like I'm a freak
>any awkward attempt at social interaction makes them hate me more and try to get rid of me
>literally nothing I say or do will change that
>even my own family is maliciously hateful towards me and excludes me
>I haven't done anything wrong, but they still hate me and don't want to include me in anything
>so I never have an opportunity to learn social skills and become this upbeat normie I was supposed to be
>they treated me like this even when I was a teenager so obviously there is no hope now
>doing anything at all except cocooning myself away with my electronic distractions simply reminds me of how fucked I am
it's over

>> No.23251942
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Im jealous that Americans get to see an eclipse. There isn't going to be one in my country for over 100 years

>> No.23251944

probably negative mental imprints that sit in your field. try square breathing 4x4x4x4 seconds: breathing in, holding, breathing out, holding. try for 5-10 minutes. all the best, fren.

>> No.23251949
File: 150 KB, 388x443, 1687188446752803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The global reaction to Oct 7th has radicalized me.

Fellow conservatives in my church who once argued against abortion are now openly supporting our tax dollars being used to fund the deaths of innocent children. I didn't know why until I dug deeper.

All of the memes are true and I am losing my fucking mind. I am actually going insane. I don't know what to do.

>> No.23251969

What do you mean by this? Are you saying I've made up a false situation in my head, the conspiracy people I'm confused by, that I'm wrong to think about our current system of society in America, or something else?

>> No.23252012

It wouldn't exactly be stock. It's more like each employee owns an equal share and an equal vote in governance. I'm guessing anarchists would prefer more of a direct democracy type thing. Large worker's cooperatives in the real world generally elect representatives to manage the cooperative, like voting for directors as a stockholder but each person has only 1 stock and is an employee.

>> No.23252014

Protestants are crazy!

>> No.23252027

Its almost like you might need more than just some words to change your life, isn't it?

>> No.23252028

Ask cats for help. You think they're here but they've only ever been to Interzone, your mouth says one thing but in Interzone you're honest.

>> No.23252076

Why don't you try being sensible? Do you call young men who rightfully qestion their integrity faggots in real life too?

>> No.23252144

There's no pulling myself out of the hole I'm in and I don't even feel like I put myself here. I have time, that's the best that can be said for it. I have gone in to destroy the world. I have destroyed the world. Fuck me. It's unbelievable how all the parts that made it work were just shaved off one by one, they just fell off. Everything is broken but if I have nothing I will kill myself, so I cling to what is broken. There is so much anger. There is no dignity. There is fire. Maybe with time something will change.

>> No.23252148

>I am actually going insane.
You go to church, you're not exactly of sound mind.

>> No.23252210

/lit/ is one of the if not the most atheistic board in this site, and I can't help but look at anons like you throwing edgy sentences and think it's really cute. Reminds me of people in middle/high school brainstorming one liners to own others. On that note, if you think that's an insanity factor, you really should go outside more. Catholic or whatever else, religious or not, everyone's going bonkers.

>> No.23252215

I love you anon (I'm a dude, I don't want to give u fake hope)

>> No.23252224

What's the song? Don't gatekeep it pls

>> No.23252245

>everyone's going bonkers.
I agree, doesn't mean you should add to your insanity with the belief of a god despite having 0 proof.

>> No.23252294

You have no idea what that even means. You can't think about any subject but keep parroting cute meme phrases you don't understand.

>> No.23252296

Yet you have just described one factor that definitely makes people insane. You can't taste with your ears, you can't see with you nose, and you can't smell with your fingers. A poet would be justified in calling you daft for trying to analyze his poems as one would a scientific article. Why do you do the same with religion? And in doing so, do you not realize that despite knowing fictional stories and characters are, well, fictional, you still relate to them, become attached to them, and maybe take some of their lessons to life, even though they literally do not exist and you know it? Even if you take religion as a huge fanfiction, what's the difficulty in either applying this lesson to yourself or, if nothing else, to feel empathetic towards those who are religious themselves?
Perhaps that's what fascinates me the most about /lit/. I won't even argue how science and religion once held hands, or how catholicism once embraced both reason and faith, until both sides parted to completely different paths, because it's not about that; it's that enough of you can't see this pattern and don't realize that by opposing it you are the complete antithesis of a great deal, if not the entire point of this board. Yet here you abound. It's online proof that the IQ curve bell meme is real, and that people really are getting more and more insane, religious or not.

>> No.23252302

/lit/ is probably the most religious board on the site.

>> No.23252316

Someone's upset.

>> No.23252320

Well, I don't think one denies the other. I see a lot of religious threads, and religious posts outside these threads, but also a lot of atheists. It might sound ironic when I put it that way, but 4chan culture rewards contrarianism because that's what gets you (You)s, so I think it's just natural.

>> No.23252327
File: 9 KB, 501x138, Proof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, it's pretty simple, I think you're the one who's struggling with it.

>> No.23252331

This is the primary place to discuss such things. No one is talking about Aquinas on /pw/. Only other place you'd see religion mentioned much is on /pol/ and /his/ and those people are retards.

>> No.23252338

Good point.

>> No.23252405

Im going to the bookstore after Im done with my work
Recommend me a lifechanging philosophy book

>> No.23252435

12 rules of life or whatever the fuck that jordan peterson book is called. I've never read it but I strongly agree with his anti sesame street tweets, so the book has gotta be good.

>> No.23252459

>it's pretty simple
Is what someone who has no clue what it means would say. You're appealing to religious dogma while complaining about religious dogma and undermining your understanding of history, language and logic in the process, a complete clusterfuck of nonsense. My issue is not as much with your braindead anti-European propaganda as it is with how unfathomably retarded, uninformed and anti-science faggots like you are while presenting yourselves as authorities on everything. You don't even have the tools to correct yourself or be corrected since you don't understand what any of the words you parrot like "proof" mean.

>> No.23252466
File: 246 KB, 660x563, image-8~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the hell do these fags do to be twitter popular?
Like most of them are mid and don't have anything to say, they just draw alright.
I don't get it, i feel like i have to be part of an online clique to mean something online but i do not like these people not one bit, they are so obviously latent narcissists it's insane. Any criticism levied at them is turned into a percieved attack of character, yet they give themselves the right to say anything.
I don't get it, should i stop bothering? My friends are the only real audience i need. But i want my voice heard, an impartial observer to come and see, y'know? I feel like the cliques limit artistic liberty way too much and care too much about image, i worry i might be corrupted like them. But like i also need to atleast *bother* with them until i get my own voice heard. They also don't mistify art and that's just a fucking disgrace like no i will not send you the study or anything i conjured this from my heart no i will not give you tips or break it down or explain anything it's art figure it out your fucking self you have the title right fucking there maybe it's a clue, huh?

>> No.23252681

New >>23252680

>> No.23252920

I am a student in college. I live with my parents. My mother and father are often at odds with each other over a common interest of my education. My father usually gets information before my mother because he asks me before or after I am tending to my studies, my mother has a habit of doing that in the middle of my studies. She has a habit of interrupting me and by causing this argument, it not only affected her ability to collect information, but also my father's ability to ask. I got mad at her for that, since, in my eyes, my father did nothing wrong, for saying that, I was locked away in my bedroom and told that unless I am to directly apologize to her and speak in the right tone at the right volume, she will allow for me to eat dinner. I refused, but elected to depart the household for a short period of time (the "park bench" incident), I came back and was escorted (with a firm grasp around my wrists, which were behind my back) to my bedroom with no alternative but to sleep. I attempted to disobey her, since I had assignments due that night and she cost me a whole lab report because of her stunt.