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/lit/ - Literature

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23246579 No.23246579 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.23246585

It's about time

>> No.23246593

You guys suffer from jewish derangement syndrome. Literal obsession

>> No.23246594

and the talmud should contain warnings that it's satanic.

>> No.23246599
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>> No.23246607
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>> No.23246609

The tweet you posted and what you posted are saying different things. Make it make sense, /pol/tard. Also, off-topic.

>> No.23246614
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>t. Vile Shlomo
You have no foreskin. Go back to torturing chickens and sucking baby penises, Yid.

>> No.23246621 [DELETED] 
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Yids literally suck their own children's mutilated penises and bomb other people's children with white phosphorus.

>> No.23246641 [DELETED] 
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The Jew is the enemy of all mankind. Those foreskin-munching, hook-nosed, chicken torturing babyfuckers believe you and I are going to become their slaves for all eternity when their false messiah (the Anti-Christ) comes and brings about the apocalypse. Specifically each of them will get 2800 goyim slaves to abuse, rape and torture forever. Their 'religion' is merely a self-serving and self-worshipping ethno cult without any faith or spirituality. Do you see what is happening to those Palestinians right now? That's the fate they wish to inflict upon all goyim if they could. Don't be fooled by their meekness when they're weak. They show the vicious face of the kike menace with the mask off when they get any bit of power over the Goyim.

>> No.23246643

whats anti-semitic to them? the entire new testament?

>> No.23246651
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>> No.23246657 [DELETED] 
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The truth.

>> No.23246711

Read your history

>> No.23246712

>claim the Bible is antisemitic
>Jews wrote the Bible
really says more about them than anyone else, doesn't it?

>> No.23246719

Christ is King

>> No.23246740

Are they removing it or just adding warnings?
You can't add warnings to things you remove
Post sounds a little misleading

>> No.23246741 [DELETED] 
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Never trust any jews. If say they're going to take an inch, then it means they're going to take a mile and more. They're subversive scum.

>> No.23246753

>Are they removing it or just adding warnings?
The nickle noses will do both.

>> No.23246758

>highlight the antisemitic passages so you can find them easier

>> No.23246766

Good luck trying to do it to Quran kek

>> No.23246778

I'm sure they'll do one, then the other. Then deny doing anything and claim it was always like that. Like they do with chimneys and body counts.

>> No.23246791 [DELETED] 

Wtf. This can't be true

>> No.23246793 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23246802 [DELETED] 


>> No.23246807
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>> No.23246810
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>> No.23246812
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>> No.23246813 [DELETED] 

Fourth Reich or Jesus Christ soon, whichever comes first

>> No.23246814
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>> No.23246817
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>Jesus Christ

>> No.23246820
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>> No.23246824
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>> No.23246827
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>> No.23246835
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When you come to this board and shit it up don't act offended when people call you out

>> No.23246839

Cut it out jews. Sick of you guys and gals

>> No.23246885 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23246918

One of those didn't even mention /pol/ you bootyblasted moron

>> No.23246925

They genuinely are evil aren't they?

>> No.23246953

Poltards are, yes.

>> No.23246969

I'm growing tired of the Jews and their nonsense.

>> No.23246984

Alright how does this sound: white people aren’t allowed to do anything to preserve their existence, and there is nothing that Jews aren’t allowed to do to preserve their existence. Sound fair?

>> No.23246999

What do practicing Talmudic Jews think about this?

>> No.23247013 [DELETED] 

They will lie, because they're Jews

>> No.23247023

>books defaming the entire white race
>includes Whiteshift, a book that basically statistically proves the Great Replacement and argues for the legitimacy of white identity politics and nativism.

This loser literally just looked at books written by Jews with "white" in the title and assumed they were all defaming white people. Brainlet.

>> No.23247033

They think that gentiles were created by Yahweh to serve them as slaves, just as the OT tells them to, duh.

>> No.23247050 [DELETED] 

Jews are loathsome but frankly I am starting to believe that white people really deserve to be treated like this
I mean white people actually pay to look at niggers on TV, now I don't know what kikes do in their spare time like cooking and eating freshly stolen fetuses but that's still more respectable than fucking paying to look at niggers on TV like holy shit I can't even
Everyone always told me I'm not owed anything by the world, why do you want respect from ethnic groups that aren't yours? Not being racist doesn't mean others should not be racist toward you, that's such dumb fuck reasoning. White people deserve it. Indolence is a fucking crime thay needs to be punished

>> No.23247056 [DELETED] 

He argues that it's a good thing and we need more of it, you disgusting kike.

>The early stages of this transformation have led to a populist disruption, tearing a path through the usual politics of left and right. If we want to avoid more radical political divisions, Kaufmann argues, we have to enable white conservatives as well as cosmopolitans to view whiteshift as a positive development. Kaufmann examines the evidence to explore ethnic change in North American and Western Europe. Tracing four ways of dealing with this transformation―fight, repress, flight, and join―he makes a persuasive call to move beyond empty talk about national identity.

>> No.23247108

When a people have been as thoroughly disenfranchised as the white race, what do you expect? It makes sense (when you can't make sense of a situation) that one would try and become enfranchised by joining in the hominid morass of anti white-ism, because that is the self flagellation ritual they "deserve"

>> No.23247115

Says more about you than whatever the cuck constitutes a "poltard"

>> No.23247257
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It is. This is also true but your average modern Christian would shid and fard their pants in horror if you brought it up. Newsflash: religious people generally don't know about every weird thing contained in their holy books. People pick and choose.

>> No.23247548 [DELETED] 

>Jews are loathsome but frankly I am starting to believe that white people really deserve to be treated like this
shalom rabbi

>> No.23247720

He's saying it's inevitable, not that it's good you gay retard. It's a good book.

White trash is another book that defends white people. Whoever made that list is the white equivalent of those illiterate blacks who think all books that contain the nigger word are racist.

>> No.23247780

Are you saying thar white people haven't been passively rolling over for more than half a century? You have packs of wild mohammeds here in Europe who gang rape 13 year old white girls and we haven't started ethnic cleansing yet. If you are so passive that a bunch of inbred goat herders can manipulate you and destroy your country by telling lies on TV you fucking deserve it at some point

>> No.23247819

Shalom Rabbi

>> No.23247822 [DELETED] 

>Nooooo you have to read this kike trash because its somewhat positive towards white people (by that I mean they don’t totally advocate ethnic cleansing)!!!!!

>> No.23247830

Slave morality the thread. Jews aren't why your life sucks, its just incel cope

>> No.23247919

Maybe they want to remove passages such as those in ezekiel where God tells them to, paraphrasing, eat shit and die because they are satanic idol worshipers

>> No.23247921

>Jews aren't why your life sucks,
nice strawman

>> No.23247953

jews just have too much power is all and they abuse it. they need to give up some power

>> No.23247960

>nooooo other ethnic groups have to be nice to me because they just have to ok???
Yeah only white people think this way. What can I say, anon. It's not like it matters anymore because media influence is in the realm of mind control and all that can be done about kikes and other 0.1% child raping elites is groan on an internet basket weaving forum. It's pretty much over. It was over since the boomers, I blame them more than I blame the jews for ruining life for humans on Earth. The fucking boomers started it all

>> No.23247975

>Shalom Rabbi
kek it's funny how a goy can only rely with this

>> No.23248077 [DELETED] 

Shalom Rabbi. Day of the rope is coming, I'd be sweating bullets too.

>> No.23248085 [DELETED] 

I haven't even said this kek I think /pol/ is a cesspool of autism but at least they're honest. It's just that every time some discussion on jews comes up the kneejerk reaction is POOOL CHUDS, as if being aware of reality is somehow a /pol/ trait. Cope and seethe, people are waking up schlomo. If you're not a jew in person, you are in soul

>> No.23248146

>Day of the rope is coming,
For who? White people? My country is all niggers. It's fucking over. I don't get why you think the way you do but OK. I wish we actually gassed the kikes and wiped the USA to a clean slate. No jews, no niggers, it would have been great. I fucking hate America so fucking much.

>> No.23248176 [DELETED] 

Fair enough, actually

>> No.23248195 [DELETED] 
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>just stop noticing that the inbred retard big nose small hat posse domimates your life, goyim!

>> No.23248199


>> No.23248203
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>Jews call for

>> No.23248221

frankly nobody cares if you dislike jews. people get mad when you come to a hobby board to fill 70% of the hobby board up with off-topic nonsense and expect yourself to be welcome here.
if i wanted to see this shit i would go to /pol/

>> No.23248224

But anon, my schizo pdf manifesto is literature

>> No.23248233 [DELETED] 

How can arabs be anti-themselves? Jews find new ways to attain new levels of stupidity each and every time.

>> No.23248305

>frankly nobody cares if you dislike jews
I've seen zoomers go ballistic at the blandest holocaust joke (not mine, a boomer's) nobody cares because not loving jews is out of the question. You can get away with mildly racist/xenophobic things sometimes but the jews are seen by normies as the innocent puppies of mankind

>> No.23248353

You do realize that amending or defacing the Holy Quran is a sin above most others, and that anyone who participate in doing so will earn a most painful punishment, correct?

>> No.23248357

Boomers have more culture than you do, zoomie

>> No.23248360

No one uses the word 'antisemitic' to refer to anything but hatred of Jews. They assume 'Islamophobia' covers all Arabs even though they're not all Muslim.

>> No.23248363
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Oh look a faggot

>> No.23248364

Go away

>> No.23248368

>if i wanted to see this shit i would go to /pol/
yet you entered thus thread and posted in it repeatedly, curious

>> No.23248382

Lmao no they don't
only zoomers are dumber

>> No.23248383

Yeah to tell you to leave because you're being a faggot

>> No.23248407

>surely this will garner sympathy for us
What are they thinking? I'm pretty sure the parts that say "Jews are Satam childe" are already self explanatory.

>> No.23248408

>religious people generally don't know about every weird thing contained in their holy books.
I think it'd be fair to say that the Talmud represents a debate of historical "rabbis" just trying to define sin. The fact that these "rabbis" had these points at any given time might be totally irrelevant to loving Hassidic Jews.

>> No.23248438
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oh sweet summerfag

>> No.23248461 [DELETED] 

It’s because they worship them. The fate of the christqueer or the mudslime will always be connected to the kike because they worship their god. All of their prophets and important figures are also kikes.

>> No.23248478

Notice how their Jewish derrangement syndrome mirrors the derrangement syndrome of Zionists who insist antisemites are everywhere and the whole world has always and will always hated the Jews so give us our own state and weapons please?

>> No.23248481

How's that going for you?
Half the catalogue is shitposts and off-topic yet the whinging is always loudest whenever jews are brought up. You aren't complaining in the other threads, only here. Pure Cohencidence?

>> No.23248656

Okay, show me what culture you’ve created
The kind in your mothers panties doesn’t count.

>> No.23248684

>past generation turns a lush world into a wasteland
>oh yeah?? then why don't you grow some crops if you're better??

>> No.23248694

>one obscure rabbi says something retarded
>"OMG I can't believe that JEWS are saying this"

>> No.23248712

>>one obscure right-winger says something retarded
>>"OMG I can't believe that THE CONSERVATIVES are saying this"

>> No.23248734

Yes, I agree. It's a dishonest tactic that everyone seems to employ

>> No.23248768

Why are Jews editing the bible in the first place? if it’s because it’s makes them the big sad like with TikTok I’d say fuck them.

>> No.23248800

Why are they so adamant about destroying their reputation recently? Even normie moderates have been getting more critical about Israel's war with Gaza.

>> No.23248806

Noted, we're not going to do anything with it but your jihad has been acknowledged.

>> No.23248815
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They're mad because they're getting mogged hard.

>> No.23248817
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They've went mask off.

>> No.23248821
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Also, they don't control it.

>> No.23248841 [DELETED] 

Is there a race as sensitive and unable to take critisim as kikes? Genuinely, these fuckers never stop whining. How do non-antisemetic normies take these retards seriously???

>> No.23248846

they have all the power it undeniably works

>> No.23248852 [DELETED] 

Because in the last few decades they've really got the ball rolling and intiated their master plan (Jews have always been evil but they've never truly suceeded in complete world domination but are always quite close to getting it) of completely enslaving us goy, and as a result they've become more blatant and confident and have stopped considering their public image because they think they no longer need to.
Although history has proven that everytime they get too cocky they get humbled and need to hide in the shadows for a decade or two. This happened in Weimar Germany, for example, and they came back full-force after the Holocaust allegations and nabbed Israel through it.

>> No.23248853

It's so funny seeing whites talk about Jews the way that hoteps talk about whites. It's all just cope over being less successful and having a lower average IQ.

>> No.23248908

ur a jew

>> No.23248926

White people can't handle being told they can't handle spicy food.

>> No.23248942

>jews are like anxiety riddled zoomzooms and furbaby millennials
This is what has become of the jews? Grim

>> No.23249024

Is this guy related to the crazy Israeli PM that wanted to obliterate Ramadan.

Also you know what’s great about Jews getting called out in Islam? It’s a lot their own prophets of Israeli and Jewish background doing it like Moses, Jesus, Zakariya, and John the Baptiste. God sent so many prophets to Jews that were their own people in terms of background. Jews can’t claim racism lmao. In terms of religion they were Muslims (surrendering to God)

>> No.23249675
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>> No.23250262
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>Because in the last few decades they've really got the ball rolling and intiated their master plan (Jews have always been evil but they've never truly suceeded in complete world domination but are always quite close to getting it) of completely enslaving us goy, and as a result they've become more blatant and confident and have stopped considering their public image because they think they no longer need to.
>Although history has proven that everytime they get too cocky they get humbled and need to hide in the shadows for a decade or two. This happened in Weimar Germany, for example, and they came back full-force after the Holocaust allegations and nabbed Israel through it.

>> No.23250543 [DELETED] 
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>REEEE stop shitting up our board CHUUUDS!!!

And then you also spend all day in this thread absolutely buttblasted kek

>> No.23250556

I am going to intentionally post off topic threads now after reading this impotent rage lmao

>> No.23250560

Maybe YOU cant

>> No.23250570

They just need a pacifier. I got one in my pants so we’re good

>> No.23250575
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Let's see Paul Allens voluminous hate speech in the Zohar, Talmuds, and especially Schulcan Aruch.

>> No.23250635

Move out of the city
Oh wait. We don’t want you here. Clean up the mess you made.

>> No.23250646

Why do we have to change our religious texts around their feelings? They have plenty of anti-christian rhetoric on their religious texts. Leave us alone and we'll leave you alone.

>> No.23251127

1. What you said is not what the picture shows.
2. Even that will never happen since Christian and Muslim publishers will not admit their books are antisemitic, unless they're proud of it of course, but then they wouldn't put a warning. I assume whoever this Jewish guy's intention is just to draw attention to the antisemitic content in them.

>> No.23251268

Here I was thinking Satanists were the edgy ones.
>Hurr durr /pol/
There's no denying what their Torah says about sex with kids and killing non-Jews, I'm sure that book was for sekrit club members only too, before printing presses were invented, seeing how it's so big.

>> No.23251774 [DELETED] 

That is one unsightly kike. Damn.

>> No.23251895 [DELETED] 
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>> No.23251897
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>> No.23251901

Why can't they mind their own business? They are already so privileged.

>> No.23251903

What's with the fags here enjoying shitposting on anglos, bongs and slavs but losing their minds when its jews mentioned.

>> No.23251909

I'm tired of these /pol/ threads, but I'm even more tired of these kinds of interfering shenanigans from the Satanites of socieity.

>> No.23251927 [DELETED] 

Here in Europe the country is 100% niggers. It's so painful to see historical villages swarming with niggers because nobody wants to live out of the city anymore. All these places with ancient castles and XIII century churches are filled with steet shitting niggers because the government absolutely needs to import as many as possible and make them reproduce to replace us
In ancient times you had to wage war to invade a country but now your govt pays the invaders and white people just accept it. Then I see niggers with brand new Jordans and 4 turds in tow of a sheboon, how? Where the fuck does ooga booga get the money? You can't make it with a degree here, how the fuck does a nigger who can't even speak a word of human language raise 4 fucking turd nuggets? If we were worth anything we'd go fucking French Revolution on our governments, a la fucking guillotine, instead people just accept it. There's literal human shit in the streets now and people just accept it but if there's a soccer game and some kid yells nigger at one of the millionaire niggers kicking a ball we fucking stop the presses holy fucking shit this is madness

>> No.23251930

At this point even xitter normalfags are "pol threads", they cant hide behind thought terminating cliques forever.

>> No.23251936

Everything jews have done can subsequentially be blamed on Europeans for letting such a tiny minority destroy their entire institutions. Like, are the Jews right in considering you just got cattle to be exploited? Even now, what are you going to do about these evil subversives in power, be a le (((noooooticer))))?

>> No.23251940

Should we blame your kind for being holocaust'ed and never have paid you reparations? It's your own weakness that caused it after all. I guess Jews despise goy kindness for weakness, I'm not sure how this is supposed to prove the anti-semites wrong though.

>> No.23251945

>your kind
Nigger, shut up. I'm merely just burnt out on right-wing's incapability to actually asset themselves. I've been watching it for a decade and the jewish question another century old.

>> No.23251951

Are you a vampire?

>> No.23251965

>nothing to see here, carry on goy.
The gospel of John
Not good enough. There's a hint of cynicism in your rhetoric. You should have accepted wholeheartedly as a default.
>You're not a Rabbi so you have no idea how to interpret it correctly.
Look at the last hundred years. Censorship actually works.
You're playing dumb. There's has been an obvious increase in censorship in the last decade. This one suggestion can actually grow into a reality.
Thery're doubling down in panic.
You're ignoring the subversion and the different interests of the two groups.

Btw I'm a jew.

>> No.23251974

What is it like being a honest jew?

>> No.23251993

Insane. I feel like I'm siding with the enemy. Non-jews are ticking time bombs of Antisemitism. Nothing you'll do will ever change that impression.

>> No.23252001

Anon, why would you ever side against non jews against the prosperity of your own people? This is like a cuck who thinks he's holy because whites are evil for slavery and shit.

>> No.23252007

Good point, I guess I'm a cuck!

>> No.23252015

Please don't mutilate your sons' genitals if you have them in the future. Thanks.

>> No.23252022

Idk I like jews like him. We need more brother nathanaels in this world.

>> No.23252066

>whites are evil for slavery and shit
who brought the slaves to the market
the only sins whites have ever committed in the history of the world is not going full ham and stuck with it, we are literally the warning example to all other aspiring empires to never let women have a say, to never pity or sympathize with your enemies and that if you ever relent and try to be compassionate you will be living under the boot of the most weakest and wormiest race and your children will be mutilated for it
even the fucking bug men asians are better at running an empire than we are and their people live in shoebox apartments made by corroded by salt cement eating sewer grease, consider that for a fucking moment and see what the alternatives are if you have jews around

>> No.23252071

You know very well what is with (((them))).

>> No.23252083

here's a little thought experiment
>become the worlds greatest empire / coalition
>the bloody path you forged through defeating all your enemies have let you to this point
>your coalition is united by shared culture, race and values
>the libertarian ideals of the enlightenment movement spurred you on and made you an empire worth fighting and dying for
>start to slowly but steadily increase the quality of life of your citizen to make your empire the envy of the world
>notice that a group of foreigners start to infest your empire and favor their own in business dealings
>they are seating themselves in key positions of power and working in unison to further their own goals
>they dial your libertarian ideals up to a 1000 and are demanding rights for women and minorities
turning point, a crossroad
do you a) abandon libertarian ideals when you see them clearly being used against you or b) go along with it just to preserve the golden ideal of enlightenment and libertarian ideals that made your empire what it is in the first place or c) kick the fucking hook nosed faggots out for trying to subvert your nations and tell your women to shut the fuck up about voting some fee fee driven hag into office

>> No.23252086

Kill yourself

>> No.23252090

after you worm

>> No.23252109

Spain was already a brown country who cares.

>> No.23252119

>libertarian ideals of the enlightenment
>worth fighting and dying for

>> No.23252127
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yes, you just have learned to take it for granted, go back to licking jackboot of some cop or move to putins playground of homo's taking people away for voting wrong

>> No.23252131

>do you a) abandon libertarian ideals when you see them clearly being used against you or b) go along with it just to preserve the golden ideal of enlightenment and libertarian ideals that made your empire what it is in the first place or c) kick the fucking hook nosed faggots out for trying to subvert your nations and tell your women to shut the fuck up about voting some fee fee driven hag into office
The ''ideal of enlightenment'' is jsut a social constructs by the bourgeois who re-defined ''freedom'' as ''freedom of entrepreneurship'', ie not having the kings and the priests on your back 24/7 .

What you call ''ideal of enlightenment'' is just the fantasy for tuning everything into a business with civil servants settling the disputes between two merchants

>> No.23252136

>globohomo is good actually and the final stage of history
Lay down the Destiny cocksucking, you liberal fanboys are embarrassing.

>> No.23252140

did you get dragged into the kings dungeon for saying that
did the church burn you on the stake for saying that
were you educated enough to form that opinion
were you allowed to be contrarian enough to even state that opinion
>i am so accustomed to personal freedoms in the west that i literally cannot imagine what life would be without them so i yearn for the slingshot back into peasants and conscriptees under a coin shaking cross of hypocrites
have you enlisted and paid your church taxes, are you a devout believer and not a fake one? lets let the drill sargeant and inquisitor find that out

>> No.23252142

oof i'm sorry anon, it appears you had premarital sex defouling a maiden and your child was born outside of marriage, that's not good anon, it also appears you have divorced once, i'm very sorry but you have to be punished for your sins
it also appears that you have not done your service to your nation by fighting in a foreign land, only way out of service is a purple heart you know this anon, you service dodgers are all the same, take him to the penal legion

>> No.23252161
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yeah maybe the libertarian ideals should die so you faggots can stop dreaming of wearing a sparkly uniform and doing parade dances under the shadow of the flag while a church chorus sings ave maria
the shit you're idolizing is literally the propaganda they used to recruit people and to keep the plebs under boot

>> No.23252183 [DELETED] 

the idea you have of globohomo and libertarian bad comes from the jews corrupting that and using it against the west, surprise surprise they ruined another thing that they touched because they're worms that abuse porkholes in every system they infest

>> No.23252204


>> No.23252239

The liberal bot broke, must be the LGBT brain aids he caught for being so enlightened and free. Shouldn't have let Destiny give him a blowjob, rip.

>> No.23252247

>if i just follow the military and church everything will be fine
i think you should do that, i think you really really should keep doing that, it's the best use for your talents

>> No.23252273

Thank you OP for making this thread and triggering the jidf, their cope is delicious.

>> No.23252322
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>> No.23252325

>God commands the Hebrews to kill entire throngs of people
>all part of the plan
>people are righteously pissed at these "Chosen People" for being murderous
>oy vey, accountability is tantamount to antisemitism

Pick one you fucking hymies

>> No.23252329

Time to stop the genocide and wind down israel, jews

>> No.23252427 [DELETED] 

>who try to kill you at very turn

>> No.23252489

Bible isn't literature

>> No.23252591 [DELETED] 

I REALLY hope the kikes will feel bold enough to target the Quran because unlike whites, Muslims don't fuck around

>> No.23252592

Probably already mentioned, but OP is a faggot for overstating his own image.

But yeah, adding a warning label to religious books and they expressly state you can’t add anything new to them. HA.

>> No.23252595

Are there going to be warnings about racism and hate speech in the Talmud?

>> No.23252610

You know the tragedy is though? While this may not necessarily happen as requested, that organic society your ancestors knew is not coming back any time soon. People will continue to live in the socially engineered society for as long as that remains a possibility. Normal life is not coming back, not for us anyway.

>> No.23252657

globohomo is peak human society tho, do you want to go back to the neolithic or something? you'd be dead within a month without the care provided by modern liberal societies.

>> No.23252675

That's the dream bud.

>> No.23252679

i think the west needs to go full north korea except after killing the current rich, lets have ourselves our own little stalin with a military junta general and then just purge everything, we're long due for some pushback and the fact that the ones who engineered the slingshot effect being the first to go would just be the icing on the cake

>> No.23252683

I want to go back to at least the time before mass media technology made it possible to infiltrate every corner of human society and socially engineer it, yeah. If we could have some arena of life which is basically still organic and not institutionally directed, that would be good. A life that still had a bit of mystery and even the slightest shred of purpose would be better, but I’ll take what I can get.

>> No.23252689

And who is going to be the general? Look around. Actual generals speak openly about white rage, their underlings are into furry shit, their underlings are far Mexicans, and the rest of the population is too busy playing video games and jerking off or else complaining about the price of McDonald’s to do much of anything.

I really cannot overstate just how bad the condition of humanity is at this very moment in time.

>> No.23252723
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>who is going to be the general?
literally doesn't matter as long as they promise to make society better and their underlings buy that promise, after that the pressure of being killed by your own underlings if you don't deliver will motivate them to actually improve living conditions to appease the armed and dangerous underlings and to avoid the citizens from revolting and to keep them working their living conditions will be improved too
you have 0 idea how much of our economy is bled into the ridiculously rich peoples pockets who do jackshit but accumulate it, if that money is freed into the system any stooge general and their court can easily fix any problem we have for the next 20 or so years and if they know how to do long term planning we're on our way to a golden age
>what about the degenerates
put them in some segregated areas and let them be the last of their bloodlines
>what about minorities
shoot them if they misbehave and watch crime go down
>what about poor and working class
social mobility on the big bank notes from the rich until they manage to figure out how to automate manual labor and replace menial labor with rudimentary AI
>what about mass unemployment
gay luxury space communism(military junta), as long as you're a citizen and loyal to the regime you get treated well and taken care of (look at peoples action party for an example)
>what about the jews
kicked out on sight
>what about muslims
kicked out on sight
>what about blacks
look up the minorities part
>how about useful immigration
allowed as long as they work and follow the etiquette of the regime, closely observed to ensure they're not foreign agents
>what about emigration?
let them leave if they can't appreciate a nationalistic ethno-state
>what about trade
same as it ever was unless some people throw hissyfit about it (they won't, look at poland)
>what about eastern alliance
wouldn't care that much if we let them do their own internal shit, NATO tier shit on the border same as ever to ensure they stay in their shitty part of the world
>what about proxy wars
military junta's love those, free combat experience for the troops via trial by fire
>lets assume all of that works, what's the end goal
to keep growing and to attract everyone to your nation that actually wants to live a life free of minorities and jews, to become the envy of the world until they all start to emulate you
>and then what?
who knows all of this will take so long that by then we will probably start thinking about expansion to the stars and colonisation of new planets
>do you believe this utopia can really happen?
at this point any attempt towards it would still be better than what we have even if we would botch it at some parts so yea
>can minorities be integrated into it?
we can liberate their corrupt nations and work with them as segregated and separate countries, there can be shared zones where mingling can happen but in general segregation is the way to go

>> No.23252819

white people are so domesticated that you have packs of niggers paid by the government acting like they own the place and raping little girls in the streets and their only reaction is to worry that you might come across as racist if you say that we should shoot them at the border. TV says the boats are full of "women and children" but when you see pictures it's all grown men and white people would rather believe what an openly hostile government says rather than their own eyes. There is absolutely no hope. There is no hope that white people will just rally and have politicians' heads rolling and then start ethnic cleansing. It will literally never happen, if anything the most sensible thing you can do is just isolate yourself from society as hard as possible and hope they don't find a way to read your mind in your lifetime. There is NO way anything will change for the better, we factually live in a complete dystopia of broken, domesticated cattle that would rather protect an obviously fabricated narrative from the media than themselves and their own children. I'm not the kind of person who's got shit against women but women are sadly at the forefront of this sort of thinking, women tend to automatically respect authority and what they perceive as popular opinion so if their children are watching cartoons filled with homos and little boys that crossdress they just think "so be it", and the men of this society are too passive and pussywhipped to actually push back, like if you're watching a show and you comment that they made everyone black against all common sense they know it's true, they know it's annoying, they know it's social engineering, but you said a bad-racist thing so you're wrong even if it's fucking obvious that a show about fucking goddamn Vikings shouldn't be filled with goddamn filthy stinking ugly niggers. I am rather open about minorities and social engineering and hating the media and even explaining why antisemitism exists but I know nothing will change for society, certainly the only thing I will achieve is making enemies with normalniggers and make my life worse because you're not talking to real people anymore, they're just passive little faggots whose life is worthless. I fucking hate the jews but at least they have some self-respect and they hate other ethnic groups, something that white people lack and will pay the price for. I am tired of believing that people around me, my "society" is worth saving, people are really all just dumb animals who deserve to get treated like cattle. If anything I'm sorry that I'm not a psychopath and despite all the shit I say, ethics are actually holding me back from climbing the ladder and fucking other people over to my advantage. This is literally the only good thinking there is, doing shit for "society" is fucking goddamn retarded if society isn't worth saving.

>> No.23252841
File: 430 KB, 800x450, hammond-painted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white people are lemmings so there is no way you can fix the issues that the infiltrated rats are actively causing by putting in a general to take over control and to tell the lemmings what to do with the backing of the most well funded military in the world and the number 1 world power
thank you for confirming that they're conditioned to accept the status quo and all we need to do is put someone in charge that will tell them exactly what they want and need to hear and to have the military hold them to that promise

>> No.23252852

>are you expecting a great leader
that's the beauty of it, you don't need them to be competent, you just need them to utter the promise and have the military buy that and hold them accountable for that promise
the jews didn't know what the fuck they did when they killed the peoples trust in the government, media and church
they unleashed the dog of war and all it takes is one (1) general and the popular vote will swing to their favor because people are so fucking tired of this fake bullshit, they used the military to scare the citizens to step in line, now that same fear mongering is coming to bite them in the ass
all it takes is one general who wants to stay true to their oath and you have a new reneissance

>> No.23252865

>but what if you have a fat dead weight general who lives in luxury?
still better than the totality of the 1%, no matter how large that general would want to live they would still not be physically able to consume enough material things for it to matter since it's just 1 person and their inner ring court
hell they can even have a council that will just fatten themselves on luxury items and fine dining and as long as they outsource the work to someone competent with their orders it will still work
leadership is not that hard just look at biden, he's a senile guy who can barely read his script and america is the same as it ever was
whoops indeed jews, you done fucked up

>> No.23252866

Dude the higher you go on the ladder of power the more Jews you'll find. No offense but expecting anything top-down to solve things is even dumber and more hopeless than expecting in grassroots rebellion. I know it feels nice to daydream about windfall events like winning the lottery but the sad ugly reality of these times is that the governments, corpos, jews, all the elite at the top right now has 100% complete absolute control and they are absoluely compact in their goals and they will sip champagne together on their pedo islands while we die for Israel. And soon enough I expect they'll start actually doing gayer and gayer shit like uniornically scanning your retinas while forcing you to watch niggered porn to see if you have a negative reaction and preemptively lobotomize you with jew brain drugs because you might be a danger to fucking society. I absolutely expect dissent, displeasure or whatever sign that you're not OK with everything to be pahologized and associated with terrorism or other scary shit so you can be unpersoned. We're in an actual cyber-medical dystopia and it's all downhill from here.

>> No.23252869

>all the generals are jewish
they could literally be a fat blob who only eats donuts and chicken and farts and burps on mic as long as they utter the promise to the people and the military will take care of the rest with the support of the people
you're either demoralized or a kike

>> No.23252884

I'm definitely demoralized but that doesn't mean it's wrong to be demoralized when there's nothing you can fucking do. I think such a person would get assassinated in 1 nanosecond. If he doesn't get assassinated all the media is ruled by kikes anyway and people drink up all the shit the media says, so they will say this dude is bad and he touched a woman's shoulder once so he is a rapist and wow, do you really want an evil ugly stupid corrupt rapist in charge (unlike the other people who are in charge right now)?! people will go oh no oh no I think he actually said the N WORD once AAAAAHH I AM GOING INSANE I don't wanna say i support this person this means I am RACIST NOOOOOO WHAT WILL PEOPLE THINK OF ME IF I SUPPORT A GUY WHOSE LABIAL READ THE WORD "NIGGER" IN A 360p VIDEO FROM 12 YEARS AGO NOOOOO
You know people do this. Kikes are getting cocky with this shit because they know people are so easy to control through the media they're pretty much like animals. It wasn't true maybe a few generations ago but starting with the boomers I think it became a reality, it's a self-fulfilling prophecy. Too many lies for too many generations made people addicted to lies

>> No.23252896

.. dude they voted for trump, stop glowing so hard kike

>> No.23252911

But anyway I expect that they will issue fixes very soon. They tighten the rope a bit and then they will point the camera at a new wave of shootings, terrorism etc. Then they will hammer in people's heads that if you are annoyed when the rope gets tighter around your neck you are likely to harbor thoughts of terrorism/mass murder/other bad scary things, so they will say, we need to monitor people's mental health right away or we cannot tighten the rope any further. Because when we tighten the rope these people just go loose and do bad things! And people will be damn, I don't want them scary terrorists! Please do whatever! So you will have shit like mandatory mental exams in schools, at the workplace etc. and if you are dissatisfied or unhappy or give no signs of complete flawless compliance - no matter if it's fake, they don't care - if your mask is cracked even just a little bit you are given mandatory antidepressants which destroy your brain and make you feel nothing. There will be a massive ovelap of technological and medical intrusion. "Mental health" will be used to enforce compliance and technology will be used to monitor "mental health", they are doing this bold shit specifically as a backdrop for more terrorism/shootings to force more people to cave in to medically induced compliance. Especially as of late people will NEVER question medical authority, it's on an even higher level than the fucking SCIENCE!, you have seen this during COVID. You have a lot of people who are enslaved to medical authority, enslaved to the internet and social media, monitored 24/7, fearful of bad random things happening like terrorism, shit like a "rebellion" or whatever dumb shit you're dreaming about will never happen. This is like believing that the chicken in a factory farm might organize an escape. They will not escape, they'll all get killed and eaten down to the last one.

>> No.23252916

dig deeper my foreskin lacking pal buddy bud bud

>> No.23252918

I think Trump was used to create an even bigger divide. Before Trump it wasn't THAT bad to be a Republican but now you're like a fucking unironic Nazi. I'm not a burger but I've never seen shit like getting fired from your job for being a Republican because public opinion might turn against the company if they hire someone who wore a red hat once. It's fucking mental.

>> No.23252929

Dude you're really, really fucking dumb.

>> No.23252937

you guys have to accept that
1/ all societies decay
2/ the democratic republics by the bourgeois will not be exempted from decay
3/ the new society will not have the bourgeois at the top, ie it will not be a republic
4/ if the new model of society is so obvious, the bourgeois will do anything to kill it and keep their republics alive
5/ the new society will NEVER EVER be created by any civil servants or businessman.
=>The solution will never come from any media products like Zemmour in France, nor from a business product like Trump in the USA, nor from a woman, because in democracy women are products of bureaucracies and marketing.
The solution will come from somebody who is not part of the republic. Only an external element and external event from the republic will destroy the republic and the bureaucrats-businesmen for good.

>> No.23252940

compelling counter point, how about you stfu and let the adults talk

>> No.23252953

what the fuck was your counterpoint you fucking dumb nigger? I can't even understand how the fuck you're calling me a kike. You're suck a fucking dumb cocksucker holy fucking shit, imagine being such a dumb fucking schizo nigger that you cannot take a single fucking shred of reality. You stupid fuck things are not gonna get better because the world is filled with dumb fucking niggers like you. Go back to watching porn and plaing videogames or whtaever dumb shit you ADHD functionally illiterate zoomer troglodytes do.

>> No.23252955

oh lawd it actually was a jew, hi there noseberg

>> No.23252959

anon our entire world is neck deep into cronysm, corpos control the governments, you have such massive entities moving such enourmous capital around the whole globe it's functionally impossible to expect anything external to have an impact. Unless you're actually talking about a meteor or mass eruption

>> No.23253110

>I-i just want to destroy liberal republics b-because, b-because they're le bad okay?? e-e-even if they allow dsygenic incels like me to survive I will surely thrive under a military dictatorship!
Not only you won't do such a thing but even if you tried, you would be crushed as easily as a roach under a drag queen's heel. Liberalism and secularism are the apex of freedom and rationality and people will fight and die to defend them. Your "external elements" with their stone age beliefs don't stand a chance.

>> No.23253126

The generals are also fake too dummy. How do you think you become a general? Spoiler: it’s not being good at anything besides being a kiss ass. These people are who they are.

>> No.23253494

They'll be the last to have working AC and steak dinners if no one has them killed. They hate you.

>> No.23253508
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>You know the tragedy is though? While this may not necessarily happen as requested, that organic society your ancestors knew is not coming back any time soon. People will continue to live in the socially engineered society for as long as that remains a possibility. Normal life is not coming back, not for us anyway.
It's already collapsing.
That's both the good news and bad news.
Leftists are too retarded to maintain any of the institutions they've subverted.
The bad part is obviously that everything is going to complete shit, and we haven't even hit peak shit yet.
The good part is that our victory is inevitable.

>> No.23253568
File: 560 KB, 1960x2622, ARPN7GJPGFCDDQZNHYURJTXNXQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23253576

this text is literal nonsense wtf I'm going to report to the emperor that the jews are rebelling now

>> No.23253634

What are you even talking about, you braindead fuck? Who is ""they""? Why are you talking about Twitter? Fucking /pol/shitforbrains fucks.

>> No.23253643

? Stop chimping out.

>> No.23253649

I would use bird mana to culture convert these provinces and solve this political diatribe. Then I would continue map painting.

>> No.23253650

Jews suffer from Goy attachment symptoms. They should really get themselves a fix.

>> No.23253658

No that's an average post, not a bot.
We do have them here but its more like this: >>/lit/thread/23224611#p23232262

>> No.23253862

Enjoy the next decade anon. It's going to be especially wild for people like you.

>> No.23253908

These passages literally do not exist

>> No.23253936

>check the very first quote
>it's completely wrong
You can find things to hate about Jews you don't have to make up

>> No.23254010

>How to start a race war 101

>> No.23254138

This. Reality is worse than some talmud passage by a 10,000 years dead geezer.

>> No.23255073

Why do they care? They don't read the bible or koran. What's the trigger warnings in aid of?

>> No.23255868

>why would you as a jew do the most jewish thing ever

>> No.23255880

Twitter has been shit since inception, your point?

>> No.23256457
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