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File: 538 KB, 600x838, Dawk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23240724 No.23240724[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What on Earth happened to the New Atheists?

They are now calling themselves "Cultural Christians" lol.

>> No.23240733

They always were. This isn't news. They just think that believing in the supernatural is phony because... science and the Church did bad thing once, I guess.

>> No.23240740

OP u suck u make the same thread twice!

>> No.23240743

well well well! Look who's coming back with the tail between xer legs!

>> No.23240848

Nietzsche retroactively refuted secular humanism and the New Atheists

>> No.23240858

Hitchens was and Harris is a Jew.
Dawkins is a man of many minds.

>> No.23240867

And the gospels retroactively refuted neetzche. No Christ = No hope for mankind.

>> No.23240885

>We know, and what is better, we feel inwardly, that religion is the basis of civil society, and the source of all good and of all comfort. ... We know, and it is our pride to know, that man is by his constitution a religious animal; that atheism is against, not only our reason, but our instincts; and that it cannot prevail long. But if, in the moment of riot and in a drunken delirium from the hot spirit drawn out of the alembic of hell, which in France is now so furiously boiling, we should uncover our nakedness by throwing off that Christian religion which has hitherto been our boast and comfort, and one great source of civilization amongst us and amongst many other nations, we are apprehensive (being well aware that the mind will not endure a void) that some uncouth, pernicious, and degrading superstition might take place of it.

>> No.23240887

No they didn't. Nice try

>> No.23241024

It's starting to feel like Christianity might actually make a comeback.

>> No.23241036

They lived through a solid decade of what it looks like when Christianity isn't dominant in the West, and they realized it fucking sucks.

>> No.23242669

>spends whole career tearing down Christianity
>shocked when civilization declines and people adopt other religions.

>> No.23242673

To his credit, at least Dawkins recognizes that Christianity is fundamentally good, but knowing that his life’s work directly contributed to the subversion & erosion of Christianity will surely haunt him, not to mention when he stands before God at the end of his life.

>> No.23242678

Because they know that any reasoning against religion in a civil society is pure cope. We've seen the fruits of a secular society and nobody, not even the reddit atheists, like what they're seeing

>> No.23242685 [DELETED] 

This is something that Atheists are not ready for, they have no much shit to account for its not even funny.

They’re going to be on the defense for decades to come.

>> No.23242689

Nietzsche would accuse Dawkins of a "hedonistic turn of thought" and would advise Christians against considering this some sort of W. If anything, it makes us look pretty bad.

"Christianity is kind of alright because it builds pretty cathedrals, makes people nice, and it otherwise conducive to the comfort of famous atheists" is ngmi.

From Will to Power:

“Supposing it were impossible to disprove Christianity, Pascal thinks, in view of the terrible possibility that it may be true, that it is in the highest degree prudent to be a Christian. As a proof of how much Christianity has lost of its terrible nature, today we find that other attempt to justify it, which consists in asserting, that even if it were a mistake, it nevertheless provides the greatest advantages and pleasures for its adherents throughout their lives:—it therefore seems that this belief should be upheld owing to the peace and quiet it ensures—not owing to the terror of a threatening possibility, but rather out of fear of a life that has lost its charm. This hedonistic turn of thought, which uses happiness as a proof, is a symptom of decline: it takes the place of the proof resulting from power or from that which to the Christian mind is most terrible—namely, fear. With this new interpretation, Christianity is, as a matter of fact, nearing its stage of exhaustion. People are satisfied with a Christianity which is an opiate, because they no longer have the strength to seek, to struggle, to dare, to stand alone, nor to take up Pascal's position and to share that gloomily brooding self-contempt, that belief in human unworthiness, and that anxiety which believes that it ‘may be damned.’ But a Christianity the chief object of which is to soothe diseased nerves, does not require the terrible solution consisting of a ‘God on the cross’; that is why Buddhism is secretly gaining ground all over Europe."

>> No.23242694

Whoa weird. It's like they're actors or something.

>> No.23242699
File: 452 KB, 1098x868, IMG_8944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is something atheists are not prepared for; they have so much to account for that it’s isn't even funny. All the fruits are rotten.

There is nothing more detestable than these clowns lamenting the loss of the culture they destroyed while still pretending they’re morally superior to the people who warned them every step of the way. They will be on the defensive for decades to come for the damages they caused.

>> No.23242701

Richard Dawkins never had to fear that a Christian would decapitate him for blasphemy. Now he has to fear actual religious zealots who want him dead.

>> No.23242714 [DELETED] 

Dawkins is a product of a world that assumed all hard political and religious questions would be answered through democracy and consensus. It makes everything a farce while taking a view from nowhere stance.

That’s gone now. This was cute during the 60s and early 2000s when things were somewhat stable and healthy, but it’s indefensible in the current state and a testament to how things were better in a way. He’s going to regret this, like he’d converts do, and he’s going miss the very society that allowed him the stage to criticize it. Because the Muslims won’t be so merciful.

>> No.23242728

Dawkins unironically is too smart. If everyone were like Dawkins, there would be no problems. He is peaceful, intelligent and just wants to read and do research. Unfortunately the retards always need some ideology, Dawkins overestimated his fellow men.

>> No.23242747

"Woke" is a product of the failure to replace Christianity with a new religion.

>> No.23242755

Probably true. Dawkins himself doesn't seem too woke to me though, he was criticised because he says there are just 2 sexes, but he did misunderstand how people think.

>> No.23242760

They are tedious homosexuals who fear judgement, and want the big bad Cross Man to go away because he says that masturbating with human shit and ripping the limbs off of unborn children in the womb with pliers is wrong.

Unfortunately, someone forgot to tell the child murder brigade that when you murder your own children, make it an ideological tenant, put up billboards talking about how sacred it is, and encourage people to be faggots or to cut their genitals off and pretend to be the other sex--well, it turns out that you reach a sustainability problem, where your only options are to convert other people to your mental illness to sustain your numbers.

But this is contingent on having people willing to listen and as Dicky Dawkins has just figured out, Mohammadeans don't speak English, and don't care what some shitlicking cuckold booteyed retard from a conquered country has to say about their religion, as far as they're concerned any of them are allowed to kill a kuffar for any reason--or for no reason--and they act like it. This caused Dicky Dawkins to hide under his bed and cry when the even gayer Stephen Fry (Piers) called him out on it.

This is a good learning experience for the future, when they're going through the history of Bongland 500 years from now, and see the collapse of Christianity, the obliteration of the English people and their replacement--not blending with, replacement BY--80 IQ browns from Pakistan, they're going to credit it to the tireless efforts of Dicky Dawkins and his atheist friends in murdering their own culture, and therefore, their own people.

At least the Muslims will rip the teeth out of communists and torture them for confessions before burning them at the stake, beat dykes to death with rocks, throw faggots off of buildings and slit the throat of every Jew in the country. That's kind of what I was hoping we would eventually do, but Muslims doing it is more ironic so I guess that's acceptable.

>> No.23242770

Nobody is adopting Islam, genius.

>> No.23242772

I remember there was a big campaign to cancel one of those guys for saying that the sound of church bells is beautiful and so much better than the Islamic call to prayer.

>> No.23242781
File: 1.25 MB, 1200x1070, TraditionalCatholicEuropa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can go back bros but it requires a return to Traditional Catholicism. We must Reconquista our lands.

>> No.23242783
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I don't know about Richard Dawkins, but I know Christopher Hitchens didn't believe all religions were equally bad. He did believe they were all equally wrong or stupid or untrue, but he had a line, like "if you dislike Christianity, you must dislike Islam much more." He didn't think a Quaker and Osama Bin Laden were the same, but each have their individual disadvantages (the Catholic insistence of celibacy he thought was deforming). Some religions don't proselytize or try to brainwash you with their love either (and it's almost always a man doing it, naturally).

He also made an argument that Islam has an advantage over Christianity because it doesn't have a papacy. There is no center that can say "we condemn this" or "we support this," yet there are built-in tendencies in it that block a reformation, and the Quran doesn't make a difference between divine and civil law for example, which is why everything from commerce to science and technology becomes a religious issue -- to the detriment of progress in all those fields. All in all, this makes Islam pretty outrageously obnoxious and rivaled only by a handful of hard-line Christian cults that divide the world strictly into believers and unbelievers. It's actually hilarious and damning the most recent of the Abrahamic religions by a mile is the most totalitarian as well as the worst.

>> No.23242786

I doubt that new atheists had much to do with mass immigration, that was decided long ago. And they did criticise Islam as well. How would Christianity stop immigration btw.?

>> No.23242793

People do adopt other religions, yes.

>> No.23242795
File: 1.42 MB, 1200x1450, TraditionalCatholicAmericas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How would Christianity stop immigration btw.?
Reconquista and repatriation. Spain has already done it once, we can do it again.

>> No.23242798

They get plenty of converts but this is besides the point since they don't need to convert anyone, they just need everyone else to keep killing their own children--which they are doing, I believe they just declared it a human right to kill your own chilren in Ireland, so I guess another thing they'll read about in the past is that there used to be an entire island of redheads over there who are now extinct and replaced by... The same 80 IQ kebab people who by that time will be the dominant ethnic group in every major city in Europe.

I actually wonder what it will be like to be able to ask a question on the internet, and simply not have any Europeans answer. In some ways future generations will be fortunate. Atheism will simply be extinct, faggots will be something people remember as a mental illness from the old (now dead) world, feminism will be remembered as the reason the old world collapsed, and the Chinese will finally get their turn at ruining the world. Hope they're more cruel than we were. Don't make the same mistakes Chang.

>> No.23242799

The current Christian mindset is very different.

>> No.23242803

When you debate a contemporary western atheist, he is trying to save your own school of morality from its bigotries and fantasies. But Nietzsche wishes to push the entirety of Christianity down the stairs in a fit of Schopenahaurian vigor.
Christian apologists really aren't sending their best... just consider how a mainline Protestant or a Catholic would respond to Nietzsche's critique of Christianity as a base resentment of power, an engine of spite—they would affirm it! The Gospel is the preferential option for the poor. How can you refute someone who has described you so accurately? His only error, then, is in rejecting this. Dawkins begging Christianity to be a sword against Islam again puts him at odds with all the great houses of Christianity, the Roman Catholic, the Anglican communion, the Orthodox, etc. He has become a Bush-era conservative to defend Bush-era liberalism lost. The churches won't have him, he is too bigoted for Christ

>> No.23242808

>There is nothing more detestable than these clowns lamenting the loss of the culture they destroyed while still pretending they’re morally superior to the people who warned them every step of the way.
Pretty much. It's what really gets under my skin out of all the trash they speak. Literally most of the societal problems are self-created and can be traced back to hyper-liberalism and secularism and when you point it out, they'll dismiss it as conspiracy theories. It's baffling as fuck to me, and that's coming from an edgy ex-atheist.

Btw, what comedian is your pic related talking about?

>> No.23242809
File: 1.42 MB, 1360x1330, TraditionalCatholicMonarchy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is why we need a return to Traditional Catholicism. We must reject the novus ordo and vatican II
>Vatican II: What We Have Lost...and the Road to Restoration
And for those of you not Catholic what are you doing? Dont wait
>How to become Catholic in 5 Steps

>> No.23242812

Ah yes the Midwest, traditionally Catholic AND French because of some trade posts along a river that got conquered 300 years ago... by Anglo militias. There are probably more people of aztec/mayan admixture living in all those states than there were ever Frenchmen. There is nothing in Christianity that would make it inherently anti-migration... your entire map is a product of people migrating

>> No.23242816
File: 46 KB, 640x360, Posters-2-and-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Atheism will simply be extinct ... and the Chinese will finally get their turn at ruining the world. Hope they're more cruel than we were. Don't make the same mistakes Chang.
China practices state atheism so it's funny you say that.

>> No.23242817

video-game influenced teenage neo-nazi theology is not traditional catholicism, you can't even be an absolute monarchist you can't even afford a house in indiana from which to rule your kangdom

>> No.23242833

the chinese already use a racial slur (baizou) to refer to western liberalism so they seem to be pretty self-inoculated against it; their biggest problem is fertility, which could be fixed with policies designed to further gender inequality since that's always correlated with higher fertility literally everywhere, so if they are paying attention to the useless family incentive efforts in western countries plus japan that's an easy lesson to pick up on (and one that could only be applied in a non-democratic government like theirs)

>> No.23242838

I'm mostly just angry at people who think we're at some sort of precipice. Where if we only make our countries browner, gayer and more atheist, it's all going to catapult into some sort of egalitarian utopia. Dawkins just made the mistake of thinking everyone possesses the Logos.

>> No.23242839
File: 177 KB, 500x267, King_Saint_Louis_IX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got conquered 300 years ago... by Anglo militias.
The land got sold because France got backrupted helping the americans with their revolution but when the King of France needed help the Americans betrayed him and refused to help
>There are probably more people of aztec/mayan admixture living in all those states than there were ever Frenchmen.
And they have to go back as well
>There is nothing in Christianity that would make it inherently anti-migration
The basis of Catholicism is that it is the object true manner to live life. We do not accept alternative satanic morality, and we certainly do not accept it in our lives nor the foreignors who practice such abominations.

>> No.23242844

The Seven Years' War was a conquest of French colonial North America, the Lousiana Purchase was a purchase. Your dumb map combines everything because map coloring video game logic. You will never be a Crusader Kang. You will never deport our predominately Catholic foreign underclass.

>> No.23242849 [DELETED] 

They’re not improving the fertility any better than the west is.

I always tackled it on this question, at this point it’s woman working a 9-5 that’s preventing family formation. ai doubt the Chinese are willing to cut their labor pool in half to increase inequity, since they make things for the world.

>> No.23242850

Libertine boomers realizing that the comfortable, stable, Christian ethical framework that they spent decades tearing down is now being replaced by something far worse

>> No.23242851

Why are you even mad, you are basically getting what you wanted. Ultra conservative theocracy. The sort of Christianity that you propose would be just as unacceptable as fundamentalist Islam, Christianity was only acceptable when it was weak, that was the western culture we got used to.

>> No.23242868

If the "Christian right" had had half a brain they would have insisted it was "racist" to criticize "Christianity" like Muslims have successfully convinced the left with regard to Islam.

>> No.23242903
File: 295 KB, 1024x1024, jews_islamization.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like Muslims have successfully convinced the left with regard to Islam.
Its not the muslims that have done that its the jews because in their own words "islam is the broom of judaism" you think jews are going to do their own dirty work? No they need foot soldiers, thats why theyre importing them.
We need another reconquista
And how exactly do you think a bunch of backcountry French are going to defend themselves without any support from their country? Against the evils of the masonic usa

>> No.23242915

>anti-semite worships a dead rabbi
like clockwork
anyway, the church is more pro-migrant than even the migrants themselves, and I'm not sure what you're accomplishing by larping as an ancien regime courtier—though political fantasies like undoing the French and American Revolutions are certainly complementary to your retreat into religious fantasies

>> No.23242924

I think atheism only took over as a trend for a few decades because the secularization of the west has meant that most people have simply not considered their religious beliefs very seriously.

It lead to a vacuum of morality that was filled with a myriad of ideologies. The new atheism obviously being one of them. Individualism, wokeness, etc as a few others that seem to dominate currently.

In my opinion it's incredibly telling of how weak and poorly thought out these ideologies are given it's only taken a few decades for them to collapse in on themselves. Wokeness less than 10 years.

I think we only have a few more decades until we either get swept up under some stupid but attractive ideology that takes over the west (nationalism is looking like a strong candidate), or we see a slow decline back to religious belief. Likely a mix of Christianity and Islam in the west given the demographics.

>> No.23242928

They were always drive by slave morality and secularism is just a different shade of Christianity

>> No.23242931

Decline back to religiosity is perhaps not the right phrasing. Return is probably better.

>> No.23242938


>> No.23242954

>Nietzsche's critique of Christianity as a base resentment of power, an engine of spite
that's more of a baseless insult or a psychological accusation than a critique, really.

>> No.23242955

I would fear that, but only because the chances are greater that it'll be "Christianity," not Christianity.

This anon's Nietzsche quote seems apt, >>23242689.

>> No.23242962

>What on Earth happened to the New Atheists?
They realized they couldn't bully mudslimes around like they could Christians. And that mudslimes are a billion times worse.

>> No.23242967

"Wokeness" or "wokeism" is just applied multiculturalism. Instead of merely affirming that a plurality of cultures and groups is good and that the opposite is evil, "woke" is about actually implementing these ideas as a matter of policy across government, schools, firms, etc. creating compliance frameworks, annual festivals and feasts, pseudo-religious tests, etc. And multiculturalism was itself a culturally reactive working out of the intellectual and aesthetic consequences of the Civil Rights movement and decolonization, which were enforced top-down and not quite "voted for" in a democratic consesus way, because otherwise you would have, and did have, parts of the country vote to keep "racism." (And today parts of the country are voting against "woke," because the T beyond LGB is proving to be a bridge too far in granting minority rights and manufacturing new population segments). So it is no weakness on the part of progressives that they are mutable. Early Christianity went through dozens of frameworks before settling on the theology and ritual forms it is most known for.

>> No.23242970

>baseless insult or a psychological accusation
Well the christian is lying to us so we have to attempt to look through him. Why is the world worthless compared to Yahweh? Why are the powerful destined for hellfire and their victims for bliss?

>> No.23242987

Lol Christianity in the west is dying. Maybe it will make a comeback with few alternations and in a new skin that will make it more palatable for everyone, but the Christianity of yesteryear is done

>> No.23242993
File: 2.85 MB, 1920x960, Aliens-Sigourney-Weaver.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the chinese already use a racial slur (baizou) to refer to western liberalism so they seem to be pretty self-inoculated against it;
They have another term (baiyou) to refer to Western rightism as well btw. The Chinese atheists I've run across can be kind of brutal or direct, but liberalism is also kind of like religion, you see. It's an ideology similar to Abrahamic religions. I follow one pretty hard authoritarian Chinese atheist online, don't necessarily agree with him, but interesting to me as he has a different point of view, like full-throated defense of what they're doing in Xinjiang, and sees the spread of Wahhabism there as essentially a mask for Saudi state influence. He would argue Islam is oppressive to women, but that he also doesn't like feminism such that a white Western feminist will try to take white men down but not criticize Islam.

>their biggest problem is fertility, which could be fixed with policies designed to further gender inequality since that's always correlated with higher fertility literally everywhere
The fundamental reason for the decline of fertility rate is urbanization. It doesn't have much to do with feminism policy nor some kinda ideology. The same is happening in China. To go back to this guy, he'd say: the feminist won't think it's important to build a road in a backward village and allow some gender inequality in a limited degree before the economy improves. Or like the feminine ideal is to be a "princess" and therefore oppress lower-class men, and strike the image and confidence of men such that their own ideology can jump in (which the Islamists then take advantage of). Most female role models in Western movies are also bad. But he liked Sigourney Weaver in Aliens for being a proletarian-type hero who works alongside the men and doesn't ask for special privileges, is willing to push them men aside and take charge when necessary, and also uses her female intuition to balance them. He also liked images of tough-looking women in the Black Panther Party. There's probably a lot of different opinions in China.

So, the solution to declining birth rates isn't going to be with more ideology, or meaningless marches and "empowerment" whether it's feminism, group therapy, or church meetings. There has to be investment and re-building of the small cities and the countryside economically to encourage people to no longer come to Shanghai, Seoul, Tokyo, HK, Shenzhen types of giant cities which is sucking the life out of the countryside. Once this succeeds, then the birth rate would naturally go up. Everything else is just metaphysical, pie-in-sky religious/ideological BS.

>> No.23242998

He did a talk with Jordan Peterson and he said that a lack of Christianity leads to nationalism and racialism, so now he's pro-Christianity. I shit you not.

>> No.23243002

>the chinese already use a racial slur (baizou)
Also to add to this, it's not necessarily racial. I imagine some use it this way, but I've seen discussions on Chinese forums where they were saying "white" as in the color of reaction (like White Army during the Russian civil war). So white left can mean the left wing of the "whites" (liberals, social democrats) while the white "right" would be like the Black Hundreds and fascists. I saw another thread where Tucker Carlson was talking about "baizou" and they were like "yes he's correct about the white left but he's white right because he's anti-China."

>> No.23243019

yeah feminism and subsequent trend toward gender equality is tied urbanization, every time a war required mass industrial production you got urban growth, more women working for wages, additional rights etc.; now there is no war and the women are still working and men are earning less than them, and the women won't marry down, so it's the usual poor urban fertility (living in a polluted box doesn't make you want to have a litter of tykes) but compounded with changes in societal gender roles (women can have "careers" and participate in luxuries like tourism and expensive housing, endless shopping, etc.)
it may well just be a pun we can't make here since we don't learn world history, a White Russian is an alcoholic drink not a faction in the Bolshevik revolution

>> No.23243028

>All of the major contraceptive methods are available without cost. The user is permitted to be absent from work with pay when he/she chooses either IUD insertion/removal, vasectomy, tubal ligation, and induced abortion. IUDs, OCs, sterilization, and condoms account for most of the contraceptive practice in China

>> No.23243039
File: 176 KB, 430x788, 1711966591602080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fucking zoomer

>> No.23243047
File: 1.17 MB, 7421x5083, AFP_33D39XZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or like, feminism means women can "marry up" but they won't marry down, like you won't see many Western feminists going to Asia to marry a lowly peasant, but the low-class men who are oppressed in America can get a wife in the Philippines. But feminism is putting a "human face" on what is essentially a global patriarchy and exploitation system. In this hierarchy, the men on the top oppress the men on the bottom and the men in the richer countries oppress the men in poor countries. The form of oppression is taking away the right of sex and reproduction of the lower class men while privileging the upper class ones

Overall, it's structural that a large number of the lower-class men will never get the chance to marry the lower-class women absorbed by the urbanization and converted by feminists. So the lower-class men have several strategies: (1) oppress the lower-class women even more in the name of tradition and religion to prevent them from leaving. Sound familiar? Check the lower-class white men and the role of Christianity in the U.S. rural areas. (2) Transfering the internal contradictions to "make the Mexicans pay for it." If no white women, marry gold-diggers from Southeast Asia, China, and Latin America. This is also what Chinese lower-class men are doing currently to Southeast Asian men.

There's also the irony of feminism and identity politics. Like J.K. is a feminist hero today but tomorrow she is a sexist to transgender women. The "new generation" uses the same tactic on her which she used before where men are vicious villains in the feminist narrative while women are pure, innocent victims -- this is how ideology and identity politics play out. It is the rule of the game. Just like religions where yesterday you were orthodox and now you're a heretic, and also essentially Darwinian. Everything is socially constructed and reversible. Today you are a victim, tomorrow you become a villain once your "enemy" learns from your tactic and adapts to it.

Anyways, the labor participation rate of women in China is around 70%, which is one of the highest ratios in the world. The hard atheist materialist mindset there seems like: all the major problems, such a sex-selected abortion of girls, discrimination on women etc., come from the poorly developing countryside in which people still partially live in the feudal-style society, or the recently industrialized cities where the old generation grew up in the old period. Therefore, the solution is top continue to develop the economy, promote modernization, and urbanization in those regions. It's not because the peasants in China happen to be sexists by probability or random distribution but their social productivity doesn't allow them to transition. So fundamentally it's an economic problem.

>> No.23243049

The European landscape isn't supportive of that. America, maybe. Evangelist sect have superceded the other faiths though, which is obviously terrible

>> No.23243056

Lack of solid and responsible religious education (due to secularization of school systems, parents not passing it down, dumbed down catechism), is creating a vacuum and it's going to be filled by charlatans pretty soon.

Seeing more homeless on the streets? Cost of living increasing? Prosperity gospel is coming to a town near you.

>> No.23243068

They're too spineless to be white supremacist openly so they're "cultural christian".

>> No.23243073

I think it's talking about John Cleese of Monty Python

>> No.23243084

>the lower-class men have several strategies
They used to be fed to the gods of war or the gods of the temples, now they just simmer and become a social problem to manage. That may be the real challenge, since you can always import "rural" adults from other countries to offset the fertility problem of having urbanized the entire country and promised women they can live like [successful] men. The unlanded, unwed, un- or under-employed men need to be consumed with something or it won't be safe to go outside.

>> No.23243124

The funny thing is they old farts will not suffer, their children will.

>> No.23243143

Leftie boomer found out his flavor of smug contrarianism can only thrive in a homogeneous high trust society where there's no danger of a gang of pakis stabbing you on your doorstep. Just a shame Hitchens didn't live long enough to suffer the same wake up call.

>> No.23243211

so much hilariously verbose garbage itt

>> No.23243218

>since you can always import "rural" adults from other countries to offset the fertility problem
>Your countrymen are perfectly equivalent to other countrymen
>We can always import more rats if our pig population gets too low.
Are you in charge of the EU's immigration policy by any chance

>> No.23243226

I my because athiests don't have kids and they die off alone and cringe. Meanwhile the people who go to church and maintain a community connection will have kids and inherit the country.

In the end, this athiest fad was more of a death cult

>> No.23243227

It's not thwr contrarian, you just think that because you live in a US flyover town.

>> No.23243248

I am just telling you what is believed, not that I personally believe it. But for example, the United States avoided becoming an adult diaper society by becoming a quarter Hispanic. A desperate Japan might eventually let in lots more Filipinos and Sri Lankans, and it may want to beat South Korea or China to doing so.
They will die in hospitals surrounded by unfamiliar faces and alien tongues.

>> No.23243250

>Ad hominem

>> No.23243273

Well if the Catholic Church can unfuck itself when the Vatican 2 generation dies off it could regain its old mojo, probably. The younger priests make me optimistic.

>> No.23243290

I too look forward to someday a Pope "Augustine" authorizing the first cruzado lusotropico against the eurohomo government of Hispania. The wombs of their women will grant victory.

>> No.23243295

It's pretty much the mainstream stance about Christianity in the countries with national churches in the Porvoo Communion.
God is beyond our understanding so even the Bible despite being our best guide to God and divinely inspired is still supposed to be analysed critically using reason as a guide so the appeal is to reason over text. The idea of "literalism" doesn't make sense to anyone in all history except a few brainwashed Americans.

>> No.23243306

Dawkins was called contrarian, this is a weird view where only a tiny minority is atheist. Atheists must be absolute weirdos since obviously everyone is Christian. This is not true and I don't accept that rhetoric. Also if it were just a few contrarians, why lament the decline of Christianity.

>> No.23243317

Christianity is politically marginal in all the countries which have shrugged about whether the bible is true. The United States, by not having a state church (nor a centralized non-state church), has created conditions for a legalistic (but also generic or cross-denominational) Christianity with a persecution complex to thrive, though this was entirely unintended.

>> No.23243319

Atheists don't propagate through sex, though. Most militant atheists were born to religious parents, and that fuels their fervor.

>> No.23243348

>Most militant atheists were born to religious parents, and that fuels their fervor.
That's like my parents, my father in particular has real hatred for religious people. He'll slam the door in the face of proselytizers and insult them. I'm an atheist but that comes across as irrational to me, but he was raised in a repressive religious environment.

>> No.23243350

Its one thing to be atheistic, it's another to be a militant "ackshually god don't real flying spaghetti monster XDD" retard, and he popularized those.

>> No.23243368

>Christianity is politically marginal in all the countries which have shrugged about whether the bible is true
It depends on what you mean. At least until recently the mainstream parties identified with Christianity and often called themselves something like "Christian democrats" in their language but the talking points were what burgers would call "cultural Christianity", talk about community and culture not theology.

>> No.23243371

Muslims will do that to you.

>> No.23243375

the billionaire families are all traditional
they will arise from the ashes of the civilizations they themselves help set on fire as "kings" - that's my conspiracy theory

>> No.23243378

who is he racist against?

>> No.23243398

>the billionaire families are all traditional
>The hebrew pedophilles are traditional
Loving every laugh

>> No.23243420
File: 157 KB, 572x443, TraditionalCatholicGF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We can go back bros. But you must become Traditional Catholic and you must pray the rosary every day.
>Hino: Ô Marie conçue sans péché (Ó Maria concebida sem pecado)

>> No.23243433

Some of you need to take a good month long break from the internet. It’s rotted your mind

>> No.23243444
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A lot of the cringe the New Atheists who posted on Reddit came from taking themselves too seriously and ironically turning into pig-headed circle jerk, which is what they claimed to be against. I'm not sure being too "militant" is the problem as much as the failure to be self-deprecating and make fun of yourself. I am Fedora Man. The scientific argument about God is also boring compared to critiquing the content of religions, which may be exoterically pacifist but esoterically obsessed with redeeming the world or demonizing enemies as wicked while undergirding global war at unprecedented scale.

New Atheists also became too focused on debating believers, which is probably a waste of time. They were idealists, so therefore religious people have the wrong ideas and are stupid, when the materialists would say that religion may be "wrong" but the very idea of religion as important or something that works is because of suffering in reality such that it creates the need for the person to escape reality, so rather than debate all these ideas for 1,000 years like all those philosophers, it's better to focus on eliminating the material base of religion (which will probably take a long time anyways, until death is overcome by synthetic modifications there will always be some people trying to cheat death by praying to a false god).

Also even in a institution as atheistic as the CCP, it's still notable that political leaders' funerals still have some of them considering that being burned into ashes or dumped into rivers and oceans can bring them back later in a mysterious way. Despite being Marxists, they still "have to deal with Fengshui first to make sure the location and setting fit Fengshui:"

Hitchens would also like to say that Western religions meanwhile were, after all, our first attempt at philosophy, understanding the world, and that is obviously attested to by great libraries and monasteries, as it is with cathedrals, and which also kept alive the ideas of the Greek philosophers and retransmitted them. He just claimed that religion can no longer perform that function.

>> No.23243505

He isn't a transphobe so of course he'll adopt delusional garbage.

>> No.23243523

This woman doesn't exist outside of the drawing. You are putting whores on a pedestal when they'd only display even half of those traits for male attention.

>> No.23243534

>Hitchens would also like to say that Western religions meanwhile were, after all, our first attempt at philosophy, understanding the world
Pretending there's some huge categorical difference between empirically derived models and what ancients did is dishonest framing that contributes to turning adherence to the new models into a new kind of religion with its own dogma. They're all flawed maps, we can't pretend any of the maps are special no matter how great they are at predicting the physics of rainbows or whatever.
This principle of not holding the map of the thing as higher than the thing itself is important either way but I think it's also the correct interpretation of what the first commandment is about. The dogmatic mind creates an idol of its ideas of the thing and rejects when reality offers information that would correct the ideas if incorporated.

>> No.23243589

The tendency of a lot of people aligned with New Atheism (the anti woke faction in particular)/IDW/secular anti-woke thought to peddle "cultural Christianity" can be boiled down to these things.
1. Christianity is castrated thanks to secularization and they want to use it's dying half-corpse as a bludgeon against Islam and wokeness.
2. Christianity has influenced the Western civilization they love (secularism is the product of Christian humanism).

But ditching Christian religion inevitably leads to ditching Christian culture though the heritage may still stay. A pornstar isn't a cultural Christian just because she celebrates Christmas.
DESU, New Atheism was more a byproduct of secularization than a cause. The main cause would be atomization and hyper materialism.

>> No.23243603

>if you don't believe in god that means you also don't believe the past 2000 years happened!

>> No.23243646

>must pray the rosary every day.
Jesus said not to use vain repetitions (Mat 6:7). God wants a personal relationship and the only way to be reconciled to God is through the Lord Jesus Christ, there is no other mediator and none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved (Jhn14:6; Act4:12; 1Tm2:5).

How would you feel if you had a friend who, every time you wanted to hear from them, only repeated the same thing to you every time you tried talking to them, and wouldn't even address you when talking to you most of the time? God wants prayers to be honest and from the heart. And the "rosary" idolatry and prayer hails Mary about ten times more than God the Father, placing another god, a goddess, commonly called the "queen of heaven" by Catholics (and even the Pope (all of which are antichrists, and Peter was not a pope)), before God Almighty and violating the first commandment (Exo20:3; Mat5:17-20). Jesus said pray to the Father in his name (Mat6:6,6:9; Luk11:2; Jhn15:16), he never said pray to Mary. Mary can't hear you on one side of the planet and another Catholic on another side of the planet either, Mary isn't omnipresent, that's an attribute ascribed to God alone in the Scripture. And in Scripture when a woman praises his earthly mother who was used by God to fulfill God's prophecies from the old testament, Christ corrects her and shines light on what's rather important; that is, hearing God's word and keeping it (Luk11:27-28).

Jesus made the authority of the Scripture clear when rebuking Satan (Mat4; Luk4), and after eating nothing for forty days in the wilderness, and by declaring "it is written", and when rebuking the religious leaders of the day (regardless of what positions/offices they held or their rituals to be seen of men or their fancy robes, Mat6,23; Jhn2:15-16) by declaring "it is written" and asking "have ye not read" and other similar sayings. He never made any appeal to any religious leaders or even his own disciples as what was the authority, but rather rebuked them for wondering who was greatest and even calling Peter "Satan" for minding the things of man rather than God (Mat16:23). Scripture further shows Peter's fallibility when he denied Christ thrice, and Peter's epistle makes it clear that the foundational rock of faith is the Lord Jesus Christ, rather than any fallible mortal man (certainly not religious leaders).

Mankind is at enmity with God by choosing to sin (not by being born), sin is transgressing the laws of God (1Jn3:4), not the traditions of Rome. The punishment for any and all sin is death, but the first lie in Scripture is "ye shall not surely die" for disobeying God (Gen3:4), one of the many lies found in the Roman Catholic Church, proclaiming that some sins do not cause death. This is a flagrant opposition to God's Word (Eze18:4,20; Rom6:23) and salvation is a gift from God, it's by God's grace through faith and not by works or rituals such as baptism or communion (Eph2:8-9).

>> No.23243675

protestant heretics will go to hell

>> No.23243705

>I didn't read it or consider anything said and I can't refute any of it, but I know I'm right and you're wrong you heckin heretic to the popes!!1!
Weird how Catholics never contend for the faith and always seem to lack the love of God in them, so eager to call everyone a heretic for standing for the truth of God's infallible words (Proverbs 18:13; Psalms 12:6-7 KJV; John 13:35; John 17:17; Revelation 3:19; Jude 1:3; Matthew 7:20).

But I know that's the typical response from Catholics when they see Scripture discussed or referenced so much, shutting their minds off, since reading the Bible rather than reciting vain repetitions to Mary might cause one to lose faith in their religious system. It largely wasn't for you, as I know what happens when the blind lead the blind.

>> No.23243711
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No they didn't. Nietzsche didn't say one wrong word about Christianity. The only Christians who dismiss Nietzsche's writings are those young in the faith or those too hardheaded and closed off to reality that they've stopped caring about the truth of Christ altogether a long time ago. Nietzsche understood the consequences of what Jesus did better than almost every theologian in Church history. He knew the Christ he rejected, and he was honest and explicit in his rejection of Christ. Nietzsche rejected Christ because he couldn’t believe in a God who offers universal forgiveness. For a lot of Christians, it's easy to just dismiss him outright because of that rejection, but he saw clearly what they fail to recognize or willfully ignore. They can demonize Nietzsche all they want, but as Christians, they agree with his definitions of Jesus Christ and his sacrifice for us more than they disagree with him. While Nietzsche would ultimately reject Christ because of such definitions, as Christians, they confess them (or at least should confess them) as true more than we disagree with him.

Nietzsche locates the violence not coming to us from God’s side of the house but to God from our side of the house. We killed him. We stabbed him with our steely knives. We invented new rituals and traditions, new atonement festivals, and cleansing waters of atonement. Jesus was killed by us. Jesus was OUR sacrificial victim. Jesus provided an alternative to the whole history of human sacrifices. Instead of more violence and death, he offered himself as a one-time, all-time atoning sacrifice for the sin of the world; past, present, and always. Instead of violence, he pronounced forgiveness, and so we killed him for it.

Nietzsche didn’t reject Jesus Christ’s sacrifice. He rejected the forgiveness that accompanied Jesus’ sacrifice. Nietzsche could not accept that Jesus died to convert murderers into forgivers. That’s why Nietzsche rejected Christ. Therefore, Nietzsche has much to teach us about the reality of being baptized sinners. We confess our belief in a Christ that we simultaneously reject because he takes from us the very thing we assume we cannot live without, our sacrifices. And yet, despite our refusal to accept Jesus as the Christ, he shows us grace and mercy, setting us free so that we may confess: Yes, I pulled my knife out too. I drove the blade up to the hilt. And yes, it’s true; I reject your forgiveness of others even while I beg you to forgive me. But because you sent your Spirit wrapped in words that converted my heart, I believe.

Nietzsche was so close to Christ that he stood in the shadow of the cross. But he rejected the divine victim because the forgiveness stretched out on Golgotha was an unacceptable alternative to human history, to our sacred violence and deicidal sacrifice in particular.

>> No.23243761
File: 98 KB, 640x640, 1680675721106861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro... that's such a based pic! Wait, what...?

>> No.23243768

>replacing the U with V but not the J with I and removing the final S

>> No.23243973

Out of all things, I am embarrassed the most by my atheist phase in my teens.

>> No.23243982

Just because islam is worse this doesn't make me like christianity. And I don't know what culturally christianity supposed to be besides not doing stuff no sane person would do anyhow.

>> No.23243986


christianity is literally just a greek druid following the non-aggression principle and being nailed to a tree by the IRS.

>> No.23243993

don't know that non-aggression principle seems shaky at best with most christians. again, maybe others are worse, but I grew up around catholics and those were definitely not very chill but gosspy bitches constantly hen-picking anyone.

>> No.23243996

>reject Novus ordo
What's that? Redpill me fellow chuddies.

>> No.23244004
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>New Atheists
It always was a public-relations/marketing stunt for midwits. its not like it was an actual intellectual movement. it was a buzzword to sell pop-science books to plebs.

>> No.23244015
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You're joking, but you don't know how right you are.

>> No.23244034
File: 17 KB, 459x283, merlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck spending tax dollars to feed lanisha's chilluns. spend my tax dollars on freeing merlin from that god damned cave.


>> No.23244054
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>> No.23244075

Link pls

>> No.23244081

Just search it on YouTube. It's short and you can listen to it on 2x speed.

>> No.23244127
File: 62 KB, 394x530, I CAN'T BREATHE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23244176

Christ is King

>> No.23244190

every time i see underage girls dressed as whores i ponder that maybe islam is onto something. also american Christianity is the most hollowed out husk imaginable, so many christcucks here are going straight to hell for their blasphemous worship of trump over the last few years. also dawkins is a worthless faggot

>> No.23244239

Religion isn't an inherited trait, you mongoloid.

>> No.23244249
File: 79 KB, 850x400, PopePiousIX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre projecting your own insecurities and perversions on others
>Background information
Catholicism is the one true faith created by Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ when he gave the keys to the Kingdom of heaven to the apostle Peter making him the first Pope. The Catholic church has maintain the holy apostolic succession of Saint Peter to this day. We have maintained our Holy Rites and missal largely the same since the beginning. The same religion that evangelized all of Europe, North America and South America and large parts of the world. Until...
>vatican 2 and the novus ordo
In 1955 the freemason known as bishop annibale bugnini change the missal for holy week. Then in 1962 changed the missal for the mass, and in 1969 at the conclusion of the "second ecumenical council of the vatican" known as "vatican II" the "novus ordo missae" was created. Which completely did away with our sacred and holy rites and missal. The jews via the freemasons and jesuits attempted to protestanize Catholicism in an attempt to destroy her.
Any Catholic you have met today is likely a novus ordo Catholic. That is not the religion our forefathers lived and died for, that is not what the crusaders fought for, that is not what evangelized the western world. The novus ordo must be abrogated and a reconquista must be launched.

>> No.23244264

Buddy, it has done more than rotted minds. It has actively ruined lives, taken lives, and does levels of damage that I honestly don't think can be studied until maybe 2 generations from now.

>> No.23244298

I know this is copium but AI is now teaching people how to think again. People like to criticize the language models for being incoherent but they outperform most posters here.
It's the same story with or without AI. Either the tech kills us / backfires horribly or we advance the tech far enough that it gives solutions to those problems and presents new ones instead.

>> No.23244318

Surprised that someone actually replied to me but thank you.
Good response though. I can only hope that people use AI as a supplement and not as stand in for something else. Perhaps the series of problems tech presents us with were going to eventually happen and we are being given the opportunity to deal with it now rather than later. That is just hopeful thinking on my end.

>> No.23244356

>AI is now teaching people how to think again

yeah let's just listen to PopeGPT, surely the government would never lie to su

>> No.23244460

Sounds like the cute Catholic girls were laughing at you for being autistic and you have been seething ever since.

>> No.23244462

I can only imagine how gay and feminine your family is lmao

>> No.23244795

Welcome to /lit/

>> No.23244817

was is new atheists but a miserable pile of secrets

>> No.23244867

fucking catholics rewrote history so many times "October" isn't even the eighth month anymore

fuck those diabetics, DRUID GANG

>> No.23244873

>distrust the left
>JUST the left though
>the right's cool

>> No.23244895

>if only Mass were still in Latin all my impotent Crusader Kangz political fantasies would be reality

>> No.23244909

butthurt reply

>> No.23244913

Reading threads like these, full of schizo reconquista catholics and pathetic cries of "Christ is king!" drops my respect for christians even lower than I thought possible.

>> No.23244921

if i wasn't so certain they got their "religious" beliefs from video game mechanics and xwitter memes I'd think they were atheists trying to make Christians look stupid

>> No.23245023

Grow up, please. Get out of the cave. Rise from your knees, brother. Just do it. Your rosary will not do it. Relying on a woman to do it?!

>> No.23245031

It's because Christianity, naturally, is to spiritually degrade into such a state. They are in the cradle, pyschologically. Helpless, awaiting a savior, the Catholics as the Orthodox want Mary. There is also overlap with this kind of thing with large breasts, because of how infantile they tend to be. There's a deeper psychology to it, whether they be repressed younger guys 'awaiting their virgin sweethearts', or of unfavorable dynamics with their mothers, at home under them, or otherwise. Jungian Psychoanalysis + Spenglerian civilizational cycles & second-religiousness, a fervor due to nihilism.