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/lit/ - Literature

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2323936 No.2323936 [Reply] [Original]

What would /lit/ consider the most 'forbidden' book? Political, obscene, immoral or all, I don't care. Really curious about this one.

>> No.2323941

Holy Bible

>> No.2323946

Harry Potter.

>> No.2323951


To easy. Even then, it's pretty obvious that they're all fairytales. I would rather judge the people who believe this crap than the bible itself. (It's not all bestiality and rape.)

>> No.2323952

James and Giant Peach

>> No.2323954

> they're all fairytales

>implying jesus didn't rise from the dead

>> No.2323957

Flowers of algernon

>> No.2323959

>Implying Jesus (the historical person a.k.a. Yeshua) didn't exist.
Your point is moot.

>> No.2323961

In terms of sheer infamy, probably something like Mein Kampf, seeing as how in many countries it's an offense to even own a copy.

>> No.2323962


>> No.2323977


OP here. I don't know if it's exactly what I'm looking for, but it still seems pretty damn interesting. Going on my reading list.


>> No.2323985

Old chestnuts like deSade, von Sacher-Masoch, Bataille, etc. perhaps.

What exactly are you looking for OP?

>> No.2324000

>edgy as fuck

>> No.2324002


Difficult to describe. Overall just the book that most people would not want to read because of some reason of another. Just like the kid who only wants to play with the toy which was forbidden to play with, I want to read the book of which the general consencus is that it's immoral, obscene or inhuman.

Maybe it's a little bit easier to understand what I'm looking for with my metaphor that I have just given.

>> No.2324010 [SPOILER] 
File: 146 KB, 800x599, 1323512865779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't talk about it.

Discreet sage

>> No.2324019

Depends on what crowd you run with:

Typical Dildos: Mein Kampf
Professors: Storm of Steel.

>> No.2324025

Protocol's of the Learned Elder's of Zion.

>> No.2324038

Will gladly recommend Philosophy in the Bedroom by de Sade. It's a series of dialogues with pornography intercut with philosophical discussions on libertine morals - basicly meaning no moral restraints whatsoever. It's interesting, despicaple and funny. Might be what ypu're looking for.

Also, Flowers for Algernon is far from what you're looking for, but it's fantastic as well.

>> No.2324039
File: 639 KB, 605x640, Auschwitz - The Case for Sanity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holocaust revisionism seems to get people in a lot of legal trouble in Europe.

>> No.2324040


Storm of Steel does not sound bad, is it usefull to understand how some idiots can glorify war? If yes: Going on the reading list.

Thanks for the posts so far, excuse me for my english. I realise my spelling and syntax can be flawed sometimes.

>> No.2324047
File: 77 KB, 181x281, boys speak out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Overall just the book that most people would not want to read because of some reason of another.

I'd guess literatures that justifies sexual relationships between prepubescent children and adults as morally acceptable would be pretty high on that list.

>> No.2324048


Untill now I regret that I have not read anything from de Sade. I think I read somewhere that his writingstyle was quite troublesome and hard to work through, do you agree on this?

If no, going on the list.

>> No.2324052
File: 7 KB, 200x308, Race_evolution_and_behavior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada Customs withheld this from being imported into the country. The government tried to prosecute its author for inciting racial hatred.

>> No.2324056

No more than any other philosophic texts, no. Actually I think his is a bit more interesting since the ideas he propose are so ridiculously extreme.

>> No.2324057


I want to read this shit. Any download link?

>> No.2324067


In that case I'll read it. This was in the first place the reason why I have not read it untill now, but I guess this was exaggerated then.

Thanks for contributing so far. First post on /lit/ and I am already satisfied.

>> No.2324070
File: 54 KB, 500x389, and-tango-makes-three-banned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Tango Makes Three

Not even joking, I'm pretty sure that it's been the most banned book of late.

>> No.2324081


Although I can see the humor in it of being banned sometimes, for me personally this is not shocking or immoral at all. Nobody should find this offensive or immoral.

This is what the world has come to. People taking offence about gay penguins. Damn America.

>> No.2324091


I like how there's all of the sudden some De Sade obsessed dude pushing it on /lit/. I thought I was the only one who tried that.

>> No.2324100


OP here. I certainly don't mind.

I'm going to bed now. Will check this thread tomorrow.