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23233210 No.23233210[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Fascism is eternal because human history is intrinsically and permanently made up of man's indomitable spirit.

Progress represents the weakness of this moral spirit and is naturally doomed to decay, since its morality is linked to values that resort to and preach the submission of this spirit towards the herds, which acts directly against our nature.

By "fascism" you should understand not exactly an ideology, but a return to those values that have always been part of us, and honestly, will continue to be, you know why?

Because humanity always repeats these historical patterns that lead to authoritarianism. Even progressivism has its fascist and authoritarian facet. Single and homogeneous thinking is a visible feature of it. There is no overcoming to be possible, our history began and will end like this, in authoritarianism, whether on one side or the other. There is no freedom.

>> No.23233224

It is a philosophy of base nature for sure. To some, such a thing is profound I suppose.

>> No.23233610

what do you mean by man's spirit? What does that have to do with anything?
>since its morality is linked to values that resort to and preach the submission of this spirit towards the herds, which acts directly against our nature.
Giovanni Gentile literally preaches subordination to the state, although he does that gay hegelian nonsense by saying that somehow that makes you more free and thereby implying that "freedom" is the ultimate good like everyone from communists to liberals.
>but a return to those values that have always been part of us
you haven't named these values. probably for good reason because something tells me they'll contradict what you just said.
>Because humanity always repeats these historical patterns that lead to authoritarianism
i.e. the state has always and will always exist.
>There is no freedom.
What are you even talking about? I thought you didn't want to submit to "the herd" or whatever.
Isn't the incessant striving for some "human liberty" more base than subordinating oneself to some ideology?

>> No.23233688

>By "fascism" you should understand not exactly an ideology
>fascism is eternal if I conveniently redefine it to mean whatever I want it to mean

>> No.23233798
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As you pointed out yourself, though see no flaw in your reasoning, humanity always in some way or the other progressed. By progress i mean development of technology, culture, religion etc. The big flaw of fascism is the rejection of progress, although only progress of cultural and the religious kind (to an extent)
>but a return to those values that have always been part of us, and honestly, will continue to be
Fascism fails to consider material history, instead striving for some mystic idealistic view of humanity. You cant return to the original roots of humanity since those roots were entirely based on circumstances that no longer exist and will never exist. Traditionalism to an extent fails in the same places. Traditionalism can only be understood in a wide, undefined way, at best tied to a culture or century. It also forgets the progress of history which made the culture/religion function the way it did. Traditionalism is unnatural, striving for still perfection with little or no reforms, something that never existed, and which ironically condemns the whole movement

>> No.23233900
File: 147 KB, 1600x1144, Berlin in 1945 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys faggot nazi

>> No.23233903

You will never be a real woman

>> No.23233915
File: 370 KB, 1187x1174, Berlin in 1945 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never be a real nazi too ;)

>> No.23233947

>By fascism, I mean not fascism but something entirely different

Fuck off.

>> No.23233954

It's closer to how people loved in clans and tribes a long time ago. Groups that lean fascist are typically stronger. I love how American liberals fantasize about Natives killing Europeans like they think they should have. Liberals hate immigrants, but simultaneously love immigrants. A liberal cuck would let everyone in the country then be dumbfounded when the demographics change and now that group starts dictating policy and no longer cares about the people who were there before them. Liberals bend over for foreigners. No dangerous foreigner has to do anything except make not be so obvious about their real intentions. A liberal will welcome them with open arms and spread cheeks. The modern liberal is inherently a cuck. A self hating cuck who hates their own group. They favor the out group over their own. Something let would get you beaten or killed a long time ago.

Wow you opened the gates to foreigners and they raped and murdered our people? That person would be executed or kicked out of the group. Every liberal faggot is a modern day version of that spineless cuck that got members of his village killed. Then they have the audacity to think they're a good person. That's the modern day liberal cuck.

>> No.23233957

Cry harder

>> No.23233985

Nothing i said is false. Every rape and murder by an illegal is on their conscience. Not surprised this is how you reacted. Typical for a cowardly self hating cuck. You will always side with foreigners over Americans. You hate poor Americans. You make fun of Americans having their jobs taken. Worse yet you faggots think you deserve a country like Switzerland where they take care of their citizens. You don't care about your fellow citizens. You laugh when they have to compete with fob immigrants and illegals for jobs or when they drive the wages down. You're a piece of shit who hates their own group. You're like a snitch. You're essentially a traitor. Liberals love to hate Uncle Tom's. You're the Uncle Tom of your own group and you are less because of it. Any cuck of any group should be banned by said group. You don't deserve the luxuries that the group provides. You want to burn it all down like the piece of shit you are.

>> No.23234007

there's no reason to call that fascism especially since the latter is very much intrinsically linked to the world post the industrial revolution with its technique, mass participation and even just raw population densities transforming the panorama of effective state forms
in fact, the movement towards the digital age has itself already once again effected major changes

"fascism" as in "some guy is openly in charge" instead of the displacement of a whole array of feminine/thiefly smoke and mirrors play pretend shit to make it appear as if the demos is in charge of anything is a dumb manichean joke

>> No.23234009
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>> No.23234019

Big man on 4channel

>> No.23234140
File: 210 KB, 1024x685, nazi-propaganda-12-1024x685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>very much intrinsically linked to the world post the industrial revolution with its technique, mass participation and even just raw population densities transforming the panorama of effective state forms
This. The primordial stuff is like cosplay flavor wrapping around mass industrial production (so very much a modern phenomenon), but now you can get neofolk streamed directly via Bandcamp.


>> No.23234232

What things could have been.

>> No.23234322
File: 34 KB, 400x256, berlin1945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's a sick ideology tainted to the core. We got its logical conclusion

>> No.23234328

Why? What’s wrong with fascism?

>> No.23234329
File: 76 KB, 753x635, 1711660852120266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I love fascism so much

>> No.23234334


Kill yourself like your leader :)

>> No.23234338
File: 76 KB, 850x400, quote-respect-the-man-of-noble-races-other-than-your-own-who-carries-out-in-a-different-place-savitri-devi-121-93-81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you hate fascism?

>> No.23234339

>form of governance that can only exist thanks to modern industry and propaganda technique
>it's le eternal because muh feels

>> No.23234342

Because it's idolation of faggotry

>> No.23234961

you'd know a lot about that wouldn't you