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/lit/ - Literature

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23232408 No.23232408 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about people with extremely low IQs (we're talking retard-tier low) trying to get by in life? I think the hardships which clinical idiots face are perfect material for a tragedy, it must be really grim to hear people yelling at you every day and being visibly annoyed by your stupidity and still being unable to comprehend what exactly they want from you. I've already read Flowers for Algernon and I remember Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep having some retard with a heart of gold, what are some other books?

>> No.23232422

the bird by tarjei vesaas

>> No.23232432

The Idiot by Dostoyevsky to a certain extent and Of Mice and Men by Steinbeck immediately come to mind.

>> No.23232465

Start a metaphysics thread here

>> No.23232472
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>> No.23232514

Reminder that this guy continually refuses to debate flat earthers because he is afraid he will lose lmao.

>> No.23232523

The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time

Not strictly retarded but the narrator is autistic enough that he may as well be.

>> No.23232533
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>> No.23232553

The Life and Times of Michael K by J.M. Coetzee

>> No.23232564

Benjy in The Sound and the Fury.

>> No.23232595

What are some books *by* retards? I don't mean unreflective midwit NPCs, I mean actual drooling, lightswitch flicking, 70 IQ retards.

>> No.23232742
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>> No.23232753

>I remember Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep having some retard with a heart of gold
You might be mixing it up with Confessions of a Crap Artist? That's the PDK novel told first-person by a semi-retard.

Other first-person retard novels:
— The Sound and the Fury (Chapter 1)
— Forest Gump
— One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest sort of counts, but Chief Bromden is mostly just pretending to be a retard. He is a bit confused but his weird delusions are supposed to be a sort of metaphorical way of seeing the truth (all the stuff about wires and gears inside people etc)

Third-person novels with a retard protagonist:
— Barnaby Rudge
— The Inheritors (perhaps Lok is not strictly a retard, but he's not the sharpest Neanderthal in the box. The main thing is he's clueless about what's going on, which is the key to the retard protagonist experience.)
— Being There
— Of Mice and Men, if you count "co-protagonist"

>> No.23232756

>Not Upside Down Syndrome
fucking retard

>> No.23232759
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Have any philosophers written about the ethics of having sex with the retarded?

>> No.23232762

if she's down I'm down

>> No.23232767

Don Quixote

>> No.23232791
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I wonder what it's like being really hot but too retarded to understand sexuality and relationships like a normal person.

>> No.23232811
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Imagine being retarded and still having access to Chad

>> No.23233328
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Question for religious people: why did God make sexy retards?

>> No.23233331

I wonder what it's like to be a woman too

>> No.23233336

Go take a dick up the ass

>> No.23233340

I said a woman, not you every other weeknight

>> No.23233373


>> No.23233378
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Main character is a retard

>> No.23233390
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My post best post

>> No.23233395

You're already a bitch. Take the last step bitch boy.

>> No.23233399

I'm pretty sure the retard your talking about is John R. Isidore. He lives in an abandoned apartment building and has been made retarded due to the effects of radiation. Towards the end of the book the androids manipulate him so they can hide in his apartment. He finds a spider and cares for it but later the androids mutilate it. I wouldn't say he has a heart of gold though as he keeps the spider as he can sell it not really for any sentimental or moral reason.

>> No.23233508

Scientists have: https://sci-hub.se/http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1300/J151v01n03_02#.UkxzORDl4ZU

The findings of this paper are that informed consent requires at least an IQ of around 55 and adaptive behavior age of around 8.

>> No.23233517


>> No.23233721

Why do the faces of the dudes look so weird.
Have they been face-swapped or something?