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/lit/ - Literature

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2323146 No.2323146 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2323153

I find it interesting that the more we learn, the less we're willing to imagine.

>> No.2323158

Why such a materialistic mindset?

>> No.2323161

I find it interesting that the more we learn, the more we're willing to imagine.

>> No.2323164

i dont mind lit being denigrated, i mind philosophy being denigrated though.

>> No.2323166

This, as well as everything else that isn't science.

>> No.2323169

>be friends with a guy who likes sci-fi
neckbeard faggot never shuts up about shit no one cares about
>be friends with 'proper' lit reading guy
faggot in tight pants who never shuts up about shit no one cares about
>be friends with an alt-lit bro
mad crazy sex and drugs and having my face sawn to pineapple.

>> No.2323175

It's quite disheartening to be honest, it isn't as bad as 18th century industrial imperial english society, but it may turn into it in years to come.
In my opinion we're going to experience another revolution of culture in the not too distant future.

>> No.2323193

itt: opinions on anti-intellectualism?

i don't really mind what other people's interests are, but it always bugs me when someone expresses an opinon that goes past "i'm not into literature," to the point of denigrating it as a pursuit, thus deriding those who like to read.

>> No.2323202

What does denigrated mean? Is it when niggers touch something?

>> No.2323209

Oh well, I'm starting to find it useless studying the subject if it's not given any value anymore. Even sadder to notice how people react to it; empathy gap, I believe.

>> No.2323211

it has value in itself

that's the whole center and reason for intellectualism

>> No.2323215

no idiot. it is when you chemically remove the niggers from a heterogeneous mixture.


>> No.2323218

I don't think it is to be honest. I've never heard people badmouth literature unless they're 14 or the occasional engineering student.

People denigrating English students, however? Yes, that's common. Though most of it seems to be on this website, in real life I don't know students to hate each other that much

>> No.2323221
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Are niggers polar or nonpolar? I'm short on hexane...

>> No.2323222

>I don't know students to hate each other that much
I do. I've literally been told to stop wasting my time and get a job.

>> No.2323227


Where do you study though?

>> No.2323235

Uni of East Anglia,which is weird considering that league tables wise it has the best creative writing course in the UK.

>> No.2323239

it has been a while since trollchem, but i want to say yes, under certain circumstances. though if memory serves, you wont need the hexane until later tonight.
FINALLY: captcha=Isle aseplay

>> No.2323244
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Our society is not scientific. It is materialist, with illusions of objectivity, with arguments based either in humour or in a denial that is almost political, we are rational but not logical, hedonists without experimentation, we know a lot, but we misinterpret a lot as well, we are lost in translation.

I don't think science and logic is materialist in its core. I also don't think we are more "spiritual", on the contrary, everything is put on two extremes and both are materialist without they noticing, even religion.

The idea that science kills imagination, fiction, literature or philosophy only exists to those who thinks science denies any of that or that you have to fit instinct and imagination into some sort of rational mindset. These are separate by definition and they don't clash as mysticism clashes with scientific inquiry.

To put it in other terms, there is the brain, the mind and the spirit. The spirit is an idealization, the mind is abstract, the brain is material. Science doesn't care and shouldn't care about the spirit, because the spirit never really tried to prove itself and if there is evidence for it, it is not spirit anymore. The mind, on the other hand is not denied by science even if its not made of electrical signs, but languistic signs.

Communication brought very different realities closer to each other. What happends is that they clash, they degladiate and to do that they have to grow strong roots in what they believe, which is dogmatic, not scientific. You choose something to defend and stick to it to the end. The others are doing the same. You know those "atheists 0 christians 1" type of debates? Exactly. What is missing is thinking straight, is taking time our time before jumping to conclusions, avoid wild assumptions, etc.


>> No.2323245
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I've gotten it mildly from friends studying science.
They think it's funny that I want to give up my science subjects and study literature. I love Literature, but I don't see why I should be put down because I want to study which I have an immense love for.

Plus everyone in my Chemistry and Comp Sci lectures are reddit faggots/Chavs who can't stop spewing memes and don't care about learning whereas my English lecture is filled with people who actually enjoy writing and reading.

Maynooth by the way

>> No.2323247

>>2323244 cont

Then why is science so strong to you and to others? Why are we so materialist right now? It is because that's the only thing that works for everyone. Mathematics works the same everywhere, the laws are equal, everyone can study and get to the same conclusions. There is a need to reach some sort of agreement, so scientific knowledge is winning. How can you believe in the Bible and then read european pagan folklore, then learn about the 1001 nights, and then read Tolkien and comes a hindu talking about several gods, etc... How can you do it so? You to remain distant, cold, see it as dumb mythology rather than an aspect of our heads. They either battle against it or dive into it, people can't think and feel well enough to approximate without being dragged by it and I think that's a huge issue.

Values are personal, subjective. They can be discussed, but they shouldn't be imposed or denied. Exposing ideas shouldn't be like preaching. Fantastic literature shouldn't be seen as madness and it shouldn't be written as madness. That's why I think a person like Borges is so damn well acclaimed, he is conservative, solid, and treats himself seriously and then move on to write about fantastical things. Fiction is not all about Star Wars, but I'm not saying this to fiction haters, even the fiction fans take Star Wars way too fucking seriously, without thinking, so it just looks more retarded to everyone else. You see retards praying in elvish language on Tolkien's grave, but no idiot is saying shit like they were from Uqbar in Borges grave (or at least I hope not).

Science is not about materialism. Imagination is not about believing in dumb shit. Democracy is not about having a permission to be dumb. Subjectivity is not about not having an opinion.


>> No.2323251

When I was last attempting to be social—which means suppressing all my various introvert-y pursuits and affecting interest in Smash Brothers, Guitar Hero, and recently-produced episodes of The Simpsons—I noticed that literature is customarily something that women engage in, to pass the time whilst their relational counterparts do the aforementioned activities. I think it reflected a widespread view that reading is for girls.

>> No.2323253


>hedonists without experimentation


>> No.2323254

This is why I come to /lit.
People know their shit when it comes to reality and society.

>> No.2323261

Our society isn't really scientific. Popular understanding of science, and the *workings* of technology, is pretty dismal, even though people like to think that they're science-minded and technology-oriented.

Someone should write a time-travel novel where someone from our present goes into the past, initially envisions him-/herself as much wiser than the chrono-indigenes on account of coming from an era with much more advanced science & technology, and comes to realize that knowing how to operate an iPhone doesn't qualify them in any way as an expert in sci & tech. And lacking that crutch, s/he's actually pretty fucking stupid.

>> No.2323268

Stupid question now: what does boom mean? "Boom, headshot! You are right" or "Boom, your argument just exploded and goes down the drain"?

>> No.2323280
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I know what I must do

>> No.2323288

Look, I know literature cannot outdo science in any aspect. But does it mean that everyone has to engage in scientific studies because literature is pointless?

I think it's obnoxious. Shakespear wasn't a fool.

>> No.2323291

And besides, I think without literature there wouldn't be any science. The very first notion comes from the mind of the inventor. This... is literature.

>> No.2323297

>Plus everyone in my Chemistry and Comp Sci lectures are reddit faggots

I know this feel. One of my upper-level chemistry classes was once delayed by a couple redditor types in the front row playing that Robot Unicorn song on the projector computer; they would also talk about doing things "for the lulz" and any time cake was mentioned - well, you can guess.

I guess they were probably just /b/ turds.

>> No.2323299


>Look, I know literature cannot outdo science in any aspect.

when we give out posting awards you're getting the certificate of participation

>> No.2323301

I'll get to this right now. World fame here i come

>> No.2323300

Love you guys.

>> No.2323304 [DELETED] 

hedonism is where you're just impulsive and pursuing pleasure. i'm not sure if it's ever experimental. i think that's the point. that it's thoughtless. if anything that anon is still grossly OVERSIMPLIFYING what i think is the idea. i think the second you start talking on about it you've missed the mark. and the longer you talk about it the farther away you are.

i little bit more and i would've thought it was copypasta from the postmodernism generator.

>> No.2323308

Worst part is when one of them sits beside you, looks at the lecturer on his own, and whispers in your ear, "forever alone".

I love making friends but goddamn I can't engage with you if all you want is reciprocation of memes. I just don't say or like that shit IRL.

Also, I hate it when you look down the rows of people in Comp Sci lectures and see everyone reading rage comics.

>> No.2323320

>I just don't say or like that shit IRL.

a friend's girlfriend spells out lol and omg. i'm going to tell him it's either her or me soon.

>> No.2323357

Because it seems halfway relevant, fuck futurists.

>> No.2323360

This, and not just because I'm invested in its continuance.

>> No.2323415


Ahh, the reddit faggots. They assume you're not aware really of internet culture because you're not chiming in (likewise, they'll assume you're a christfag if you aren't actively labeling religion as the source of all evil), without realizing that they remind you of yourself when you were 14, you knew the memes before they became dated, and you stopped giving a fuck about atheism-v-religion around the time you surpassed the age of 16.

>> No.2323495

I find it interesting that the more we're unwilling to learn, the more we imagine the stuff we don't know anything about.

>> No.2324562


>> No.2324683

I don't know what the fuck you faggots are talking about.

I read old sci-fi lit all the time and all the only conclusion I draw is that writers dream and the technologists bring those dreams to life.

Innovation by the scientist, inspiration by the writer.