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/lit/ - Literature

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23230693 No.23230693 [Reply] [Original]

What books could fix him, revert him back to what he used to be, /lit/?

>> No.23230697

im trans btw

>> No.23230710

ah shit here we are
i've read all the meme books anon there's nothing left but to go full underground man

>> No.23230747

Young adult or other novels for entertainment

>> No.23230777 [DELETED] 

mein kampf

>> No.23230820

I was gonna say shonen manga. YA is too female brain oriented.

>> No.23230865

oh I'm like that too.
is there a book on how to get Cancer?

>> No.23230877

Identifying with wojaks is astrology for men, get over yourself

>> No.23230898

I wish I had a taste of love. I'm 30 now

>> No.23230901

underground man is the closest you'll get to "fixed"

>> No.23230907

This wojak is the reason isekai exists

>> No.23230908 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 1280x853, 1FF0DA27-1CED-416D-8FAF-6F1A05E1EF4B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you’re looking for brotherhood, a purpose, and a mission in life, then join Patriot Front.

>inb4 Jews start fedjacketing

>> No.23230923

Kind of? Alice suggests otherwise.

>> No.23230934

>recruiting alienated lost men
Really picking some low hanging fruit here

>> No.23230939

keep pearl clutching, Jew

>> No.23230960

>alienated lost men
>alienating them more by calling them low hanging fruit
surely nothing could go wrong

>> No.23230972

I’m sure they have no illusions. If they are open to being brainwashed and radicalized I suppose it’s their choice but it’s a sad one. Give up on the individual self to join a collective- that’s giving up on yourself and digging the hole deeper. Good things happen when you start taking accountability and working on what you can

>> No.23230994

the irony ofcourse being you having the balls to feel sad about them giving up on themselves after youve given up on them.

Good things do happen when you start taking accountability for your actions. So start thinking about what you say, before you say it.

>> No.23231020

Your post sounds like cope

>> No.23231086

The critical flaw of this wojack is negative beliefs about other people and negative beliefs about his personal social dexterity. The cure is reading a novel for entertainment

>> No.23231201

A book about something he at one point had a possibly passing interest in. Seriously, man should pick up Kendo: Culture of the Sword if he's into weeb wooden swords, George Daniel's watchmaking, something grounded in the real, something he can appreciate the intricacies of, something, ideally, he can get truly obsessed with. The step after reading is to seek it out in the real, whatever it ends up being. Take classes, find hobby groups, etc.

>> No.23231213

>if you only knew how bad things really are
broken bloomer, gone bloomer, what is the next stage?

>> No.23231276

Cadaver bloomer

>> No.23231324

Sub-human mongoloid group made to give fellow retards a false sense of superiority. What you stand for is antithetical to hard work, to real pride in what you do and how it impacts others in your community. Just a circle jerk/participation trophy giveaway for people without real value.
Neck yourself, freeloader.

>> No.23231326

Shakespeare's Sonnets.

Fuck the plays. The sonnets saved my life.

>> No.23231332

so youre just going to ignore all the charity and community work they do?

>> No.23231341

>doesn't understand why people lie
Typical young white guy problem

>> No.23231348

>deriding innocence
Typical oid post

>> No.23231360

>"All the charity and community work they do"
>Food Drives: 1 (from the official page, mind you)
The little good does not outweigh the bad. Even less so when the caveat is they only help those of European ethnicity. Or as they call it "American communities". Don't get me wrong, foreign religion, like Islam, is a cancer. This does not mean newer generations of immigrants can't adapt to cultural norms and completely integrate into their new societies and be true Americans.

>> No.23231424

>they only help those of European ethnicity.
Oh okay... youre just a liar.

>> No.23231437

He just need to stop caring and enjoy his life for what it is. The sooner you realize you don't need to cling to other people to be happy the better your life will be

>> No.23231442

But other people live better lifes so they must be right

>> No.23231446

people lie

>> No.23231488

You just got to learn to cope until you die. Desire is the root of suffering

>> No.23231492

Some people just weren't made for it.

>> No.23231493

He's probably a repressed ethnic. If he was a nigger or a cracker he'd just do drugs and find a tatted up whore to dump all his broken bloomies on

>> No.23231497

Never trust anyone who tries to recruit you into some wacky belief system. Especially not into terrorists organizations like this nazi

>> No.23231513

Kind of a weird place to advertise this. However, I agree.
If you're on 4chan, you're probably white and alienated, don't pretend to be superior to these guys, they're parking their way forward in a constructive way

>> No.23231517

It's almost as if in-group preference is what literally every other ethnicity does *except* whites

>> No.23231565

Count of Monte Christo

>> No.23231803

new wojack just dropped
i see my man finally caved

>> No.23231870

Its over.
Suicide is imminent.

>> No.23231903

It's kinda odd to find this place be so unwilling to do fucking anything. It's like I'm on the wrong website
So what are you individual accomplishments? A girlfriend and a job? You hold aristocratic ideals. Most people cannot get what they want on their own, and collectivization has always been the tool of the poor, and derided by the rich who could actually achieve their own, specific individual goals through their means. But something tells me you're not very successful either, you just adopted ideas completely foreign to your constitution and really only get to punch down on the internet.
I can't do the nazi shit, since I'm slavic and find it cringe, but I am thinking about joining a Christian charity group that's a bit more active on the political side.
>Even less so when the caveat is they only help those of European ethnicity.
This is a problem why? Plenty of charities that help anyone but whites. As long as those exist, having a problem with one focusing on whites is either bad faith or a utopian daydream.

>> No.23232016
File: 919 KB, 2553x1915, heilers_roadside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

subhuman infestation on /lit/ due to non-existent moderation or getting one of their own as a janny.
imagine how subhuman you'd have to be to post this. does this guy even attend neo-nazi rallies himself or is he just a confused subhuman in a discord?
the number of active neo-nazi rally participants in america at the moment is probably less than 100 and this guy thinks he's doing something posting neo-nazi rally adverts on /lit/...
LOL they're filthy retarded subhumans. literally mentally retarded level. none of these people have read a single book in their lives.

>> No.23232018
File: 516 KB, 1024x576, airport_heiler.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neo-nazi revolution in america happening soon because people are calling subhumans subhuman.

>> No.23233186

More books less politics

>> No.23233203


>> No.23233207

Didnt they get caught building some pagan Hitler shrine? I dont care if youre on-side about Jews, thats just gay dude.

>> No.23234085

>derp why are they so cruel derp
>if only the world wasnt so cruel derp

>> No.23234139

good post

>> No.23234273

The Denial of Death

>> No.23234297
File: 153 KB, 275x276, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is the dude who thinks he is superior to me because hes huuwhite

>> No.23234313

and youre seething about it, even worse.

>> No.23234345

>books to fix him
>/pol/ drivel proceeds

What a mistake that board was. There is some alternate universe where /lit/ is still recognizable

>> No.23234368

Hey this is OP and I am not. I don't know who posted this.

>> No.23234432

go back

>> No.23234475

No books can fix you
Actually going outside and doing things might fix you though. You can join a book club, but it will be the talking to other people and doing something that fixes you, not the books.

>> No.23234481
File: 146 KB, 1140x641, burt_neo_nazi_ceo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and you're making "recruitment" posts on /lit/ fantasizing about joining his rallies. even worse.

>> No.23234533


>> No.23234719

Join a labor union and quit larping this made-up identity shit

>> No.23234722

im not the one who made that post . i literally said youre both bad. learn to read.

>> No.23234724

>your collectivist cope bad
>my collectivist cope good

>> No.23235577

I have one book though JR by William Gaddis not sure

>> No.23235900

put a powdered wig on this fella, give him a voluminous bibliography and you'd suck his cock

>> No.23236401

Decline of the West
I can’t tell you how much that book has helped me

>> No.23236542
