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23230265 No.23230265 [Reply] [Original]

Why is he such a piece of shit? Zero redeeming qualities.

>> No.23230269

He's supposed to be relatable

>> No.23230279

I'm supposed to relate to a narcissistic sociopath? Actually, yeah. Maybe you're right.

>> No.23230282
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is Greg being a sociopath just a meme? I found him highly relatable when I read it in my youth

>> No.23230301

Reread them. They're actually not bad books by an stretch either. Greg is a complete and utter prick with an insanely inflated ego. It only gets worse as he matures and goes through puberty and becomes a teen. Not once does he do anything positive for others. Everything is for his own gain, and it's usually at the cost of making others suffer. He's a piece of shit.

>> No.23230426

He's just your average young lad

>> No.23230432


>> No.23230438

But his redeeming quality is that he's literally me.

>> No.23230462

I personally have always found his attitude distasteful, especially about the things he says about Rowley in those books.

>> No.23230472

he was born evil

>> No.23230479

Most middle schoolers are, simple as.

>> No.23230498

>Rowley ___ the cheese

>> No.23230745
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>> No.23231050

I avoided these books (really any book with the word diary in the title). May someone dare to redpill me on this series, especially that it is now an bloated cashgrab of a franchise?

The most I know is that Kinney designed video games before writing the book.

P.S: In another thread, I said that I would avoid Kinney as an author.

This is always vandalized on the library copies and one day it was my task to remove whatever words it said there, whether it was cut, touch, or fuck.

>> No.23231587

Just read the original webcomic. It's still up somewhere.

>> No.23231616

Does Greg actually get older?

>> No.23231626

Every time I see something Diary of a Wimpy Kid-related these days, I'm reminded of that gag that Kinney uses in one of the earlier books (3rd or 4th I think) about the children's book series that just kept going on and on and eventually started to run out of ideas.

I wonder if it was always his intention to milk the franchise by as much as he's doing, or whether his past self would be ashamed of him now.

>> No.23231635

he's probably under some jew contract

>> No.23231638

>Not once does he do anything positive for others. Everything is for his own gain

>> No.23231650

rodrick rules was the only good one, dog days is one of the worst things ever conceived

>> No.23231656

I remember liking The Last Straw

>> No.23231767

It's been like a decade and a half since I read these they're all mixed up in my head and I don't remember them all that well in the first place

>> No.23231781

>when I was a young lad I was proud of myself that I could finish a "book" such as Diary of a Wimpy Kid in 4 hours
if only life remained that simple

>> No.23231789

In that respect, the Wimpy Kid books are really like manga volumes: you'd finish it on the day you got it.

>> No.23232729

I think he feels this is the only thing he knows how to do.

>> No.23232737

If you think about it, Rodrick was actually the least shitty person in the entire family

>> No.23232795

I read the first 4
remember catching wind of it when dog days came out cause of all the advertising. I was 13 then last year of middle school
I don't remember the series much at all.

>> No.23232869

Greg is an abject and misanthropic teen morally destitute because of the insufficient kindness and attention he has been given or offered in life. His demeanor is a projection of the uncaring and selfish attitudes others have shown him throughout his formative years. Most notably, by his own account, Rodrick, his big brother, had always been a stark figure for him, at times exemplifying nightmarish ire and bullying dispositions, and at other times providing guidance and advice and being the only adult-like role model figure that was inclusive enough in his personal life to be learned from. The nonchalant apathy he takes from his parents is what he sees as only what must be in the natural world of adulthood, and so, as he is not an adult, they are irrelevant to him just as he perceives he is irrelevant to them. And this vein of adult-like attitude is extended to other adults in the world. If anything, the conflicting perspectives offered from his punk brother Rodrick support Greg's own apathy toward adults, seeing them as beneath him, shackled by their adult responsibilities and dispositions. Even mocking and manipulating them as tools for his selfish want. Other times fearing their automaton-like wrath as they threaten to restrict his hedonistic way of life. Despite these moral shortcomings, Greg sometimes does the right things as he realizes the fleeting years of his youth and his family's value to him as a foundation of support--even if they are not very involved in his life or understand him as he would like. It may not come across as obviously benevolent, but it's the best way he knows how to do good.

Deep down inside, Greg is a good boy just turned bad by a selfish world.

>> No.23233446

Nah fuck off. Greg is a dick with an egregiously high sense of ones self. All while he has zero talents or skills.