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/lit/ - Literature

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23229809 No.23229809 [Reply] [Original]

previous >>23225620

>> No.23229818

Moving to the east coast to sell benzos and percs laced with fent was the smartest thing Ive ever done. Feels weird knowing I have caught more bodies than soldiers or dudes in gangs though.

>> No.23229819

So that Asian girl my parents set me up with a few months back asked me to marry her. She really needs a green card as she has to return to Asia soon. It felt really weird. She made it clear that the marriage would be only for her to get into America. I didn't like that. Made me feel like a tool. I'm not gonna do it but it was nice having a practice gf for a couple months

>> No.23229822


Out of curiosity, what's your ethnic background and what part of Asia is she from?

>> No.23229823

Someone is gonna kill you some day and you will deserve it

>> No.23229836

Fuck off bro. I have no pity for junky pieces of shit and they wont do shit anyway

>> No.23229848
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wearing shirts like this empowers me like nothing else. boundless cotton confidence, resting against my skin. suits make me confident too but not as much as this. this is my peak. only by wearing this can I make people feel better about their day. I cry every night thinking of little African and white kids who will most likely never feel the breeze under their armpits. they will never be able to fly and share smiles with strangers like I do, sad!

>> No.23229857

I'm white American and she's south east asian

>> No.23229868

Tell her you will marry her only if she lets you rawdog her.

>> No.23229882

I feel embarrassed. My neighbor really did not like when I pretended to stab him with my pocket knife, and he yelled at me.

>> No.23229886

Not worth the hassle. As a white man I can raw dog Asians without needing to commit anything, especially not a fake marriage

>> No.23229901

The shirt is based but the print is gay. Hemingway would not not have worn it. No self respected author would. Get yourself some plain ones with a pocket and make sure you stuff some sunglasses with a cigar or notebook and pen in it. Obviously. Can’t believe I have to say this.

>> No.23229970

How do I define what I want vs what I'm told to want?
Like I feel this intense pressure to go out get a good career find a wife
I feel regret and depression over not having the typical optimal young man life

At the same time i just want to live alone not have a serious job not do much and be comfy. I remained a virgin not because I couldn't get with anyone but because I feel like a relationship would negatively impact my freedom and my life.
But ever since I started getting older I can't help but rake myself over the coals.
It sucks

>> No.23229982

Today I became aware again that my head is shaped asymmetrically. Eyes, nose, ears, jaw, lips, etc. Distressing. I think I am over it now.

>> No.23229983

So many fucking idiots care about winning elections, still. We're past that, at this point. Wherever the world is headed, whatever the future holds, it won't be settled at the ballot box.

>> No.23230030

True. Nobody is really talking about the fact that the Russian state is saying openly and publicly on formal channels that the Americans coordinated and directed a terrorist attack on its citizens. Now, I don’t even think it’s beyond the United States but whether that really happened or not is not the point. Just them publicly saying that is extremely significant. Things have changed dramatically recently. And people are still talking about these elections like first of all they’ve been legitimate in recent memory or as if they even matter. I think people are just coping because it’s like a run away train and they don’t know how to fix it so they just pretend elections still matter.

>> No.23230035

If you have premarital sex, you're a whore.

>> No.23230073

Whenever I come back to this thread after viewing it or making a comment, it's either expired or at 300 + replies. /lit/ is too fast for me.

>> No.23230078

>but the print is gay
the print is immensely based. what are you wearing, anon? I can't agree with you as, first of all, only pseuds smoke cigars. a free man is free from addiction. what gives you wings? and why do you wish to be Hemingway when you can be the best version of yourself?

>> No.23230109 [DELETED] 
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I bought a pepper spray. It wasn't fueled by a traumatic event or anything. I carried one for two days for a friend and felt safe and it has been a very long time since I felt like I could walk anywhere safe, so I bought one. Imagine wasting your time learning martial arts when you can pepper spray people in the face, go home and read books. someone must make a fastman starter pack v6 now as the last fastman starter pack isn't literally me anymore.

>> No.23230119
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I bought a pepper spray. It wasn't fueled by a traumatic event or anything. I carried one for two days for a friend and felt safe and it has been a very long time since I felt like I could walk anywhere safe, so I bought one. Imagine wasting your time learning martial arts when you can pepper spray people in the face, go home and read books.

>> No.23230120

One of the first signs that /lit/ became trash was when wwoym reached bump limit in a day. I took it as an ominous sign and I was right

>> No.23230136

your own fault for letting the tradlarpers conduct their theological debates in here

>> No.23230144

It sounds so gay when men are concerned about being ugly. Looking pretty is supposed to be your woman's forte, not yours.

>> No.23230200

This thread is a psych ward, well, /x/ is worse.

>> No.23230205

/x/ is fine

>> No.23230219

Martial arts are a waste of time, but whenever I see the adult karate class in my gym I always think the one girl there looks super cute in her gi.

>> No.23230251

Good move anon. Once the novelty wore off you would be facing major regret

>> No.23230270

These walls hold me in.
I stretch and compress.
I gaze out the window at the changeless streets.
I think about going out, but decide this room is warmer.

>> No.23230284

You didn't want to be loved. You hated touching people and being touched. When someone hugged you I saw you make a face. You hated being complimented, and you tried to ignore it when it happened. When someone put time and effort into doing something for you, you were grateful but I could tell by your expression and your tone that you wished they hadn't bothered. Sometimes I would see you turn down invitations or offers to hang out with people. Other times I'd notice that you tried to prevent others from getting close to you, or sabotaged relationships with them deliberately.
When you had problems you never reached out to anyone. You hated the idea of burdening someone with your issues and chose to bottle everything up instead. A couple times you slipped up and I caught you with a little red around your eyes and you would try to play it off like you were tired. You would lock your door and turn your lights off and stay in there for hours, alone. There were times when you would go for a drive or for a walk because you wanted to get away from everyone and there were times when you wouldn't speak to anyone for days. I know you always believed in God deep down, but you never went to church, and I think that was because deep down you also couldn't believe that you deserved to be saved. That you were worthy of love. That you were lovable.
I know you were lonely but you never showed it. When you say couples at the park your face would go carefully blank sometimes. I know you were always caught between not believing you were attractive or valuable to anyone and not wanting to keep getting older alone. I know that when you got rejected on the few occasions that you did try reaching out it ripped you up inside and you laughed and tried to make it seem like you didn't care. You wanted to have kids one day. You tried to reject that part of you that made you feel loneliness and attraction and arousal and you tried to see yourself as something less than human, not human, as an overgrown clump of moss in a person-shaped costume or a rock magically given sentience, as a way to escape the pressure you felt from it all. You wished you'd been born a long time ago, when it wasn't so complicated, even if it meant you would have less of a choice in things. We talked about it once.
I know you tried to escape from your own life in so many ways. You were always talking about your dreams, dreams you remembered in vivid detail. You read more philosophy than anyone I'd ever met in person. There was something beyond the mundane here and now you were looking for, something always just out of reach. I know you sometimes despaired because you felt like you weren't smart enough to reach whatever it was. You talked about it so much and I could never follow everything you were trying to tell me.

It's been quiet here lately. If you saw how I've been sitting around all day long and staring out the window you would laugh and tell me to cheer up.

>> No.23230300

>oh no the soldiers are going to kill the fancy scarecrow's potted plant
>there should be a portable machine which converts rice into rice crispies and it would be bought by everyone else no rice cooker manufacturer has got it down yet
>Finns have weird genetics and might be proof of goblins
>chocolate tastes nice
>qts are a cute
>talking to animals is much more productive, humans often have bad songs
Those are all the things

>> No.23230310

How much money would her family have given you for the green card marriage?

>> No.23230357

As an ESL it's kind of strange that English pronounces the letter X conventionally in words like sex or mexico but refuses to make the same sound at the beginning of words, like in xenophobia.

>> No.23230358

There are really only two answers to the supposed problem of pain and suffering. The first, is that the possibility of pain and suffering is needed for free will and choice to exist in the things we have control over, in essence it is needed for us to be free independent moral agent. In the things we don't have control however, the second answer here is a bit more nuanced: Essentially it is that there are things beyond human understanding that happens for reasons we either haven't seen fully manifest yet or is for some greater purpose not yet understood, or frankly, can ever be understood.

The foolish man will dismiss the first answer and wishes to be a robot, whereas the arrogant man demands an immediate explanation for everything in the second and wishes to be more important than they really are.

>> No.23230360

I'm sorry for your loss, anon. It's a nice tribute. Sounds like he was a rare type of friend to you.

>> No.23230367

Have you heard English people saying sickth for sixth yet?

>> No.23230378
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>see cool looking template by random goodreads profile
>has this in it
Why are women like this?

>> No.23230382
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>> No.23230411

>live in country where it's rude to play loud music at night
>not quite German apartment building rules but close
>people will call the police on you if they're pissy
>most nearby people pretty polite
>people next to me over two floors kind of push it to the limit
>they kind of hate everyone in the building because they've been dicks to enough people over other things
>play music right up to quiet hours but nothing you could report
>they hate when other people play music though
>new person moves in upstairs next to them
>new to country
>social norms back home don't include quiet walking etc
>girl other side of me from passive aggressive music players is apoplectic

>come home tonight
>passive aggressive just turning off loud music to not have police come
>elephant upstairs comes home
>hears music
>assumes it's music time
>KARAOKE TIME to be precise
This is going to be good

>> No.23230417

admitting it online may not be the smartest thing for someone who doesn't want to be shot.

>> No.23230428
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at what point does inertia win? the west is in planned decline and the kikes are behind it. they unleashed bio weapons upon us, and wield nigger golems deftly. niggers can burn down the country without consequence. nigger floyd was a piece of shit who O'D' when he ate his fentanyl floyd. millions of shit holers pour into the country. They get paid for it. this all should drive one to madness. Yet, the masses state into fluorescent light, and ignore the sun. I sometimes pray for god to send another meteor. I don't want my grandkids to suffer, or be mulatto slaves.

>> No.23230429

you used to be softer and gentler and you used to find cruelty and ugliness shocking and unsettling but now your entire world has become ugliness and emptiness more than that and you want it all to stop but you don’t know how to save yourself so you know he’s right there’s only one way out but if you do it that way then you leave an ugly scar on the lives of all of the people who know you and you don’t want to die exactly what you really want is to unmake yourself and erase yourself so that it’s as though you never existed you want to leave the world and everything in it clean and unmarred by any contact with you

>> No.23230430

Pretty much, but what's there for me to do about it?

>> No.23230434

what are you going to do, type "bang bang" at him?

>> No.23230450

She offered to move in together and she would pay 100% the rent and help cover my college tuition. Her only caveat was that I would have to drink less beer

>> No.23230451


>> No.23230474

A long time ago, when I came back from middle school, I laid in bed with my uniform still on. My cat came over, sat on my chest and fell asleep there, purring all the while. The fresh spring wind regularly hit me from my left, through the window. That was the only time I ever felt truly alive and happy, filled with pleasant sensations and thoughts, and no worry about things past, present or future. That period of thirty minutes or so, it has been a decade since then and I have not ever come close to it again.
You're about 90% right, yeah. What about it?

>> No.23230480

Is there a word I could put on my resume that would help me convey that I've got experience fostering relationships with customers and intuiting their needs?

>> No.23230489

A procurer or fixer

>> No.23230523


>> No.23230545


>> No.23230562

Facilitator is the one I've usually seen but it may be pretentious to use it without clarifying. Depending on the role you could also say you have lots of experience "acting as a client/customer liaison."

>> No.23230582

>I've got experience fostering relationships with customers and intuiting their needs
You put this in your cover letter

>> No.23230593

Is it normal to get the urge kill myself everytime I get upset

>> No.23230599


>> No.23230600

Haha, sounds like you'd be talking about me. But I know no-one that well, and my family doesn't suspect anything.
I wish you well, anon.

>> No.23230603

wondered how observing the sabbath would work for jews if they were in outer space. turns out rabbis have discussed this exact problem at length and offered different solutions depending on different interpretations with a consensus answer in order to observe the sabbath in places where days aren't certain. such a fascinating people

>> No.23230612


>> No.23230617

This is just noise. Like half a second in and I can tell it's shit.

>> No.23230625

It's a banger
source: listened to it

>> No.23230627

I think most people hate it, but I've always liked it. I think it fit well with the anime it was for, Death Note.

>> No.23230653

i'm so tired of where I live, I so fucking tired of these goddam dogs, it's been 6 years alrady, I can't get enough sleep, I can't study, I can't read. i'm pretty sure I have permanent brain damage because of these screaming beasts barking 24/7.

>> No.23230664

It was your fault lmao, you wrote all this bullshit but you still let him kill himself? Bitch ass nigga

>> No.23230689

I know how you feel. My solution was to listen to extremely loud music 24/7 for a few years, I think I have damaged my ears and gotten problems concentrating as a result, but it was worth it. It is a shame though that I never got up and killed every single one of them though, I simply lack the heroic character required, I suppose.

>> No.23230700

When I go to the park I walk a paved trail and read. Anytime I pass a pullup bar / monkey bars I stop and do 10 pullups. If I am wearing all black with my tattoo exposed, parents call their children to them and leave. People pull their dogs to the other side of the trail and hush when they near me. If I wear the same outfit with a yellow shirt that covers my tattoo this behavior flips immediately. Children marvel at me doing pullups, cross the playground to ask me how to do them and imitate me. (I tell them "Eat your vegetables." Parents laugh.) As we cross paths on the trail people say hello and compliment me on being able to read and walk. They stop and let me pet their dogs. No change in my demeanor, just colors can entirely alter people's preception. I've known this for a long time but I often think about this example because it's such a simple change and such a drastic effect.

>> No.23230705

I don't have any tattoos and people still look at me weird.

>> No.23230718

you're just a normalfag

>> No.23230735

I’ve written this before but I always hope for a more thoughtful response. Not to be antisemitic but the idea of chosen people isn’t compatible with today’s society. You have Italian and Irish people in the US. After a couple generations, they’re no longer considered Italian or Irish but Jews are said to be genetically Jewish. Which traces their genes to the story of the Bible, Talmud, Torah, but that statement is mythological in nature and fallacious. It depends on proeugenic axioms. It speaks of “races” the same way sci-if speaks of alien species. It’s compatible with Chinese rhetoric but even china is called xenophobic for having such views, It speaks of races and purity but not to everyone but only to groups of people perceived of having coming from similarly noble races. Even the secular Jews say “I consider myself Jew as a race” even if they were raised in the US or Canada. They eat bacon, don’t observe the sabbath, likely sees non-Jews as equals. What’s the point then? Why do we tolerate this but any Martin is called American rather Irish? I don’t care about the antisemitic conspiracies, just a weird way they express themselves.

>> No.23230770

the concept of race is inherent in the very idea of family lineage. anon begat anon begat anon began anon -- this is the anon lineage, and thus, over time would be in a way the anon race if all those people shared such qualities

a jew is a jew if they come the family of jews, hence israel's notion of at least having one grandparent be of jewish origin to qualify. pure jews work in america because they maintain closer familial purity between jews and other jews

americans are mutts. that's why it works for jews and not others.

t. also an amerimutt

>> No.23230795

Not him, but the attitude of the jews is quite bullshit. You can't really call yourself X or Y when maybe 1 or 2% of your ancestors are actually of that race, yet jews feel free to do it. Are they jewish in heart? Yes, but certainly not in body. The overwhelming majority of jews have very little jewish blood, and there is also plenty who are converts with no jewish blood at all. That these people, or at least the ones who aren't of significant jewish mixture, which is actually the majority, keep trying to show off to others just how RACIALLY PURE they are nonstop is very irritating to me. It's a simple falsehood. It also pisses me off how jews can not!brag about it nonstop when a German or any other race bragging about genetic purity would get dragged through the dirt and given a public execution on social media.

>> No.23230801

This doesn't work because if you have a female line to Ireland, you can also get citizenship. That's why so many people born in the UK suddenly remembered their Irish great grandmother when they needed an EU passport. Some of the Irish Americans you're talking to are considered Irish enough to get a passport, but it's not as many as those who claim to have that descent.

>> No.23230829

the attitude of the jews is that they at least care about their lineage, even if they are of lower blood yes. think of it this way, say someone just hangs out adopts the customs is basically a family friend, so much so they are called uncle and is treated like any other family. their daughter even intermarries. sure, technically they are not a member by blood but they are a member of the tribe in many other ways. they care about the lineage, the history, the customs, the tribe

contrasting this, the very idea and concept of German, Irish, British these are governmental and descriptive terms. not family. just people who happen to occupy a set place in a set time, and immortalized as people of said region. all jews are said to be sons of abraham, as God promised him the stars of the sky

who is the Abraham of Germany? Britian? Ireland?

this is why pride in country is kinda cringe, and why historically people moved away from that. whereas Jews continue to fixate to this day of said abrahamic lineage (and christians btw who are said to be added onto the tree)

>> No.23230835

You okay, anon?

>> No.23230849

I don't get the concept of anal. Poop comes out of the anus, if you put your penis in an anus, you will get poop on your penis, which will result in nasty side-effects. I don't understand why anyone thinks this is normal or okay to do.

>> No.23230852

Blood and children come out of the vagina

>> No.23230858

Feeling particularly fond of the Dutch recently.

>> No.23230861

There is a psychological factor with an extra degree of intimacy or domination

>> No.23230863

When I was younger, I found it fascinating that people would speak aloud to themselves. It was totally foreign and puzzling to me, as I would just keep all of my thoughts in my mind's internal monologue. For fun, I decided to try it out, see firsthand what exactly the purpose or benefit was. Well, many years later, when I'm alone I often find myself a victim of this madness as I will, at moments when an anxious or nervous thought appears to me, almost shout out a phrase or word -- usually something like 'Fuck me!' or the name of my first love or 'kill me goddamn it' or something similar. Often times I imagine what someone with hidden cameras and microphone installed in my room must think of me when they see these outbursts. Hopefully I can break the habit someday.

>> No.23230869

Right, which is why fellatio is the only non-degenerate form of sexual intercourse.

>> No.23230872

Whatever you do, don't google vomit.

>> No.23230879
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dear god no the migraine is coming back please fucking no

>> No.23230883

Take a look at /int/, that should fix your disease.

>> No.23230885

Piss comes out of the penis

>> No.23230892

Not mine, I reroute it through my ass

>> No.23230894

nothing is ever going to be okay again

>> No.23230897

Artificial wombs and artificial sperm are the only way we're going to survive this.

>> No.23230903
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I want to be smart, I wish I could be smart. I can only pretend to be smart, but that doesn't change the fact that I will never be smart. No matter how much I try, I will never make any sort of breakthroughs, I will never see the universe through the eyes of a genius, I will never process thoughts like a genius does. I will never write like a genius. I'm a midwit, I can only understand things at a superficial level, it takes me a lot of time to understand basic things. Yet I want to believe I could some how become a genius if I try hard enough. This is life as a midwit. Always desiring to become someone else.

>> No.23230912

Feels bad knowing that all the anime girls that I like would reflexively vomit and run far away from me the moment they see me. Perhaps it is a good thing that they are behind my screen, far away from me.

>> No.23230916

If you were in the anime you would be anime too, and thus charming and good. Everybody is good in anime, even bad and ugly characters.

>> No.23230918

That would just be another pandora's box of incomprehensible horrors wrought by industrial society.

>> No.23230926

He could be a poorly animated background character

>> No.23230931

I feel like you’re just trying to fuck with my head and I can’t cope with it

>> No.23230966

>who is the Abraham of
Though arguably Eriu, because she was making promises

>> No.23230970

Sounds like a good plot to an anime.
A poorly animated background character that wants to take part in the story, but he is seen as bizarre and almost monstrous to the true cast, or maybe just invisible.

>> No.23230989

There's at least one anime like that, and several dozen light novels. The idea itself sounds good, but in execution it is always some whiny, gloomy faggot crying about how he is not the protagonist, despite him having a big harem of hot girls for no reason. At the end of the day both anime and light novels are products that are made to be bought by consumers, so when they have a plot like this it inevitably ends up being eroded in favour of greater popularity among consumers. The actual meaning of being a "background character" gets ripped off the work, but the "aesthetic" of being one remains.

>> No.23231004

Buck up.

>> No.23231016

How about a well crafted literary character stuck in an anime trope filled world

>> No.23231019

Death is neither beginning nor end, but continuation of a process that has always been

>> No.23231041

Death sucks, but life sucks even more. Even God said he agrees with me on this point!

>> No.23231051

no one fucking reads cover letters.

>> No.23231060

I wasted my life. I am an idiot.

>> No.23231061

I hate myself and I hate living. The pain of being inhuman is too much.

>> No.23231063

Why do you hate yourself?

>> No.23231088

With each passing day I become more and more sick and tired of all things sexual, and instead expect something divine and Godly from women. Every time that some thing or person tries to trick me into sexual lust, every time that I fail to see the divine in women, my feelings become even more compressed and stronger. Chances are, they will strangle me every moment until I eventually die to some reason or another.

>> No.23231092

Woah... I'm that guy but far more lame and gay. And I have no friends to make a post like this about me.

>> No.23231100

>google something
>quora results of someone asking similar question
>open 5 or 6 quora pages
>all the answers are indians copypasting AIshit or not answering the question at all
i fucking hate indians so much god damnit

>> No.23231105

Thinking about jesus last supper

>> No.23231106

Saar please redeem the HIV medicine shipment saar, me grandpa of village many old dying of disease alone :(((

>> No.23231109

Because he is human all too human

>> No.23231115

Comercial empath or as I like to call them jewish

>> No.23231130

It's over bros

>> No.23231157
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the cuckoo's singing
is not heard by nightingalesー
the cuckoo's clinging

the cuckoo's calling
is not heard by nightingalesー
the cuckoo's falling

the cuckoo's crying
is not heard by nightingalesー

>> No.23231165

Good and evil by their very nature are incapable of understanding eachother. One who is good can not comprehend the desires of one who is evil, and the intricate reasons behind them. The same can be said for those who are evil, they do not understand good and the roots of it. At this point a sort of interpreter is necessary, for the side of good and good only. The purpose is that the interpreter will be able to point out that which is evil(as well as its roots and various smaller pieces) to good, which is necessary because that which is good cannot comprehend evil. What is evil does not need an interpreter, for it by its very own nature undermines good merely by existing, whereas good requires clear targets to strike. I believe that I am one such interpreter. Explaining like this, it sounds quite majestic and boastful, but in truth it is an utterly pathetic role. One who is an interpreter can only manage to have that role because he has many a time sank his soul deep in both good and evil, and thus able to clearly differentiate between the two. By his nature he is a sort of pathetic individual, he can distinguish between the two and is willing to help the good elements, but he(for reasons known only to him, or perhaps to none at all!) does not side directly with good and live with it, making him an avatar of it. He can speak of right and wrong, but refuses to personally act upon it, most likely for no good reason at all.
Or at least that's what I thought while pissing the alcohol out of my system while in the bathroom. Somebody please make a shounen manga with this as part of the story, and give me part of the revenue. I would like to buy myself a rope or gun to end myself with.

>> No.23231206

this but unironically

>> No.23231226

Romanticism in the arts is a revolt against jews and homosexuals, with their cynicism and perverse "taste" that seeks to associate romanticism, the most universally erudite style, with the vulgar. We might attract the jaded sigh of the painted whore, but we are at one with the living universe, we worship before the same gods known to the Acheans. The secrets of the earth yield to us, they honor us with their insults. Ours was the faith that shook the world in the last century, the faith in Nature and Man in Nature, Ours will be the faith of the world which is to come. Men will fight for our ideals and no others. Women will die again in the purity of youth and be as an offering to men's yearning. All shall transcend. The oceans will bear witness to our triumph, the mountains shall be our standard bearers. Music joyous will ring out in the valleys and the fields, a new Medievalism will reign everywhere, secret Europe will thank us with her harvests. We are unconquered, we are unconcerned, we burn with the fire of life! Ours is a song of victory, we are the rushing waters, we are the rocks beneath the stream.

>> No.23231281
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>> No.23231282

This sounds like Dune lol

>> No.23231286

... Byron's life story is going to destroy this anon.

>> No.23231288

He probably shouldn't read too deeply into Goethe either

>> No.23231300
File: 46 KB, 447x589, 1558951714190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I was rich just to have tons of books and not have to work, spend all my time reading and writing.

>> No.23231307

I turned 21 right about when the pandemic began. I remember when the governor announced the lock down I went down the store, bought a massive bottle of Finlandia and spent the next two nights getting black out drunk and watching kino. Went back for more after I was done. Spent about a month doing that and chugging 30 packs of course before I finally had to go back to work. Man it was great. I tried doing it again afterwards but it just didn't feel the same

>> No.23231356

That seems a bit docile and antisocial, imo.

>> No.23231422
File: 36 KB, 678x452, images (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like a girl I've come to know online a little bit too much. I only approached her because I found a chance to say some absurd funny shit that would make both of us laugh (mostly for my own entertainment), but then she turned out to be this earnest and level-headed woman that has gained my respect as time went on. It's not right because she clearly doesn't reciprocate my own feelings given that I'm the one initiating almost all interactions, with the typical unseen/unrepelied texts you get used to on social media, and trying to establish that kind of rapport online is a needlessly complicated hassle. You always have to consciously present some sort of attribute, waving from afar and sending signals and all this b.s instead of organic communication and fruitful rounds of observation. This surface level game of chess just sucks, it's demeaning and debasing. Having already been through a relationship that was built on those shaky grounds, i don't want to go through that ringer again. I don't know what else to do. I could just waltz around in her university or her areas of preference in order to ''bump into her'' and actually read her self in a natural context, but of course that's too close to creepo territory to begin with.
I just want to (or have to) get it done with in a clear, direct, and conclusive fashion so she doesn't keep haunting my thoughts for longer. I could spill the beans in a respectful & straightforward way strictly online, but that would be a guaranteed resounding No with an extra asterisk for disgust. I probably should have stopped using social media instead of getting in too deep.

>> No.23231428
File: 1.13 MB, 300x242, 1586223858964.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like a girl I've come to know online

>> No.23231433

Ask to hang out irl

>> No.23231448

I wouldn't have put a lot of consideration into it had I not met my ex-gf through social media mutual friends. And I really do mean that we became an irl couple, not an ''e-dating'' thing or whatever it is. It set a precedent. I guess that's the world we live in. I stay away from dating apps because that's the apex of treating relationships as fast food joints, it's repulsive.

>> No.23231449

not a tranny nor gay but does anyone else hate being a man?
I don't wanna carry weight, I don't wanna work under the sun, I don't care about cars, I don't care about being a handyman

I want clean comfy spaces and books and silence.

>> No.23231455

None of those are really unmanly, but you should lift and get some sun exposure for your bones regardless of gender (females even more so)

>> No.23231462

You'll never be other than what you are. Embrace the terminus of mortal flesh and spin hideously towards your desires, even as they fling themselves away in all Christ's stolen gifts.

>> No.23231470

If i can find the proper way to formulate it with charm and wit and the right timing, then I might give it a shot in an ''all or nothing'' day. Sometimes, she makes me lose my lucidity.

>> No.23231776

My stomach has been sinking for hours now that I've just come to the painful realization that I've most likely failed in my multiyear writing goal. OH GOD FUCK WHY GOD FUUUUUUUUCK M GOING TO KILL MYSELF

>> No.23231780

Why do you have to do any of that to be a man?

>> No.23231785

Which candidate will make giant women real?

>> No.23231805

But learning and practicing martial arts is fun, it looks cool, and it's good for the body and mind, because of the perseverance and discipline needed to get good and the workouts you get from practicing.
There also are situations where knowing how to throw a punch can give you the opportunity to run away and where you wouldn't have the time to take the pepper spray out.
None of these are as effective for self defense as a knife or a gun, but they're certainly not useless.

>> No.23231814

Wouldn't joining the military of a smaller country that doesn't get involved in any conflicts be a pretty sweet gig?

>> No.23231826

Same but for me it's the realization that my years-long NEETdom may never come to an end despite my best efforts.

>> No.23231836

Has any latino-dictator novel ever portrayed the dictators as anything but old men? Seems like a very common device.
Yes, but there are huge waiting lists.

>> No.23231879

just wanted to thank whoever recommended John Williams' novel Stoner. Haven't been exposed to much literature outside of the classroom and it really moved me. Any recommendations for similar reads?

>> No.23231895

That sounds more like you hate things you don't care about that have been imposed upon you by family and friends. None of that is inherent to being a man, really.

>> No.23232047

>Finns have weird genetics and might be proof of goblins
I simply have to know more. Goblinpill me.

>chocolate tastes nice
>qts are a cute

>> No.23232057

I haven't had a good night's sleep since I moved into my new place about a week ago. I'm either waking up early cause I'm too hot (even though it's the middle of Autumn) or I'm waking up an hour before my alarm for no reason. I hope my body sorts itself out soon though cause this shit is starting to annoy me, I've been tired all day every day.

>> No.23232072

Pleasant walk in the sun, anticipating a storm later. Looking forward to listening to the rain & drinking a hot chocolate. Listening to Mary by (Sandy) Alex G. When did he stop being sandy? Why was he so sandy in the first place? Not to brag but this might be as good as it gets. I can't even begin to express how much I love the sun. Had a cool idea for recursive framing in a story, guess I'll write it down for when I have more time to write again. She's got leather heart & leather gloves. She's the only girl that I wanna love. Hmmmm. Today I will listen to The Silver Jews. Clueless.

>> No.23232082

all we had to do was put round earthers in camps and none of this would have happened

>> No.23232131

i keep failing simple goals and it's so frustrating
whether it's failing to meet my writing quota, undereating/overeating, working out every day, or not fapping, i just fuck up
and it sucks because even when i am on a good streak all it takes is one bad day for me to lose control and start slipping
i have no real drive to succeed either. like i can get myself pumped to do well for a few days, but that's about it, as a challenge. there's no real source of long term motivation
nothing motivates me at all
even if you told me there was some 11/10 supermodel ready to bang me downstairs i'd probably prefer just sitting in my chair and going nowhere because i'm just so fucking lazy
i also feel sleepy all day long, and i barely sleep at night
not that i can't sleep, or i have nightmares, i go to sleep at the same hour every day and wake up at the same time, but it's impossible for me to get more than 5 or 6 hours of sleep

>> No.23232133
File: 152 KB, 551x740, 2024 READ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what I've read so far this year. I didn't read anything in January or February as I was locked in on finishing my novel.

>> No.23232148

You have midwit tastes and you don't belong here. Reddit would be more your speed.

>> No.23232166

He's well below midwit. Midwit would be more like extremely popular classics and pseudo–intellectual YA novels. Stuff like 20th century dystopian novels. You fell for his bait.

>> No.23232190
File: 634 KB, 1079x1567, 2023b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not bait, its genuinely what I like reading

>> No.23232291
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i don't know drugs
but your post implies that you sell them the wrong thing and they die?
what's the profit
wouldn't you want a repeat customer to come back and buy more.
or are you doing like a vigilante thing

>> No.23232310

Let me ask you a question. How would you have felt yesterday evening if you hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch?

>> No.23232331

Eager to have dinner, I guess. I'm a big guy and I don't like going to the gym when I have hunger headache.

>> No.23232341

you need to remove the extra frame at the start/end

>> No.23232350

>has npc redditor tastes
Leave this board.

>> No.23232356

I've been on a diet and going to the gym for years now. I'm at a good weight for my height and build.

>> No.23232367

Post physique with timestamp.

>> No.23232414
File: 193 KB, 1600x1063, Ray-Bradbury-1985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pulp science fiction is the absolute best genere, i dont want to read about gay feelings, i want to read about a golden robot walking through the dessert with a purple zapper making bip bop noises fighting green monsters writen by a man who went crazy after fighting in world war 2

>> No.23232511

>boundless cotton confidence
Wait until you try Rayon Hawaiian's, if you think you're confident now

>> No.23232515

Uhhh only if you promise to not go there and give cell damage to unconfirmed goblins they've a lot of unique genetic diseases but one involves lack of cobalt absorption, the goblin mineral, combined with low vitamin D production but high calcium, and can produce symptoms like turning blue green, growing extra bone masses and bone cancers, being extremely tall or extremely short, and sometimes exploding from the spleen out as total organ failure sets in- eating plants will make them sicker, eating livers or fish makes them slightly better because they contain cobalamin and vitamin d, and pica where they eat rocks or bark or other non food items are also symptomatic So obviously, goblins.

>> No.23232528

>might give it a shot in an ''all or nothing'' day
Or just hang out irl and see if you want to be friends with her irl. It's not all or nothing, it's just seeing if you have the same rapport irl. It's not like an arranged marriage where your first time hanging out either seals or breaks the contract

>> No.23232545
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I have found, with any goal, it is better to work towards an environment that will make your goals easier to work towards.

What do I mean by that? Take for example your first goal, your writing quota. Presumably you mean to write a set amount every day/week. In a vacuum, that is a difficult quota to meet, because nothing, and no one, is keeping you honest. So, to help make your writing quota more realistic and easier to manage, I would encourage you to join a writing club. Most major cities have several, where writers meet up to share what they are working on. This will force you to at least come up with something to share there and will keep you consistently writing. And who knows? You will probably make friends in your area who share the same passion as you, not to mention have other writers to help lend an objective eye to your work.

My impression of anon's on 4chan is too many try to acheive their goals in a vacuum, all alone, and this is a really negative symptom of the internet. Almost nothing of worth was ever acheived in a vacuum: Shakespeare was inspired by his acting troupe and going to the performances of other playwrites regularly; Same with Mozart; Wagner was constantly demoing his new music for his friends and other composers; Homer most likely came from a long lineage of Greek storytellers who informed and inspired him; Milton kept regular contact with several great writers and thinkers from his age both in-person and by written correspondence. These are just a few example's off the top of my head, but my point is that none of these writers worked alone or in isolation: they got out there in the world, they had courage and perseverence, and it is my impression that this is the thing most of you lack. Having the guts to put your work out there and say "I go and I read my work at this writers conference and I don't care what happens". It's scary but extremely liberating if you can go through with it.

Same basic principle can be applied to all your goals: You want to workout more regularly? Get a workout partner who will keep you honest. Don't have one? Quite simply walk up to someone at the gym and ask if they want to work out with you. What's the worst that could happen? They say no? Ask another. You have to start putting yourself out there anon. A great writer said hell is "Humans getting further and further away from eachother" and that's precisely what the internet has done to many of us. We are more isolated than ever. So how do we change it? By talking to people. The only one that can change the cycle in your life is you. The choice is always yours. Godspeed.

>> No.23232560

2 girls have rejected me in the space of two months. I feel terrible and I feel worthless.

>> No.23232568

Story time?

>> No.23232572

I've come to terms with the fact that there's no profundity to my thoughts or emotions. I'm only as deep as a puddle. The confines of my interests are narrow enough to allow for focus, for me to reach greater depths, but I remain on the surface, like a duck.
I am a duck, swimming over the waters of life, waiting for someone to cast their bread upon the waters that I may consume it, unchewed.

>> No.23232577

Same, due to work I'm getting home at 1am and not falling asleep until 3am. For some reason I've been waking up at 8am every day, staying awake until around 11am or so, and then falling back asleep until 2pm. Even though I'm technically getting 8 hours total, I feel tired and miserable all day. I hate it. Not sure how to stop it, I have 3 days off in a row coming up, maybe then I'll get my sleep cycle straightened out.

>> No.23232581

based realist. Loved the analogy. I'm more or less the same. The good news for us is we can always dump our heads in the water and swim deeper, it's just a matter of when, and how deep.

>> No.23232599
File: 1.12 MB, 1023x1022, 1687835496430780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reach out and touch someone

>> No.23232673

I’m not sure if bait exists on this site anymore. Anons seem to enjoy it or can’t not take it

>> No.23232685

>Anon has an itemized list of things Moorcock did wrong
You'll be okay

>> No.23232711

Interesting. Finngolians walking around growing extra bone mass like they're all on HGH. Do you think their goblin DNA contributes to them being good at motorsports or is this an unrelated phenomenon?

>> No.23232757

Subtitles make the anime experience better because they engage the brain and hold your attention.

>> No.23232799

>contributes to them being good at motorsports
Potentially, they can either be fast, fidgety and smart, or drooling retards with no reflexes, depending on how well you feed them. It runs the gamut from producing new neurons like they're on nootropics to killing neurons like they have MS. (Pls do not cage Finns for podracing purposes.)

>> No.23232810

My issue with subtitles is then I'm not really paying attention to the subtlties in acting and the visual experience. If I wanted to read, I'd pick up a book. The entire point of film and television is that it's a visual medium.

>> No.23232833
File: 217 KB, 736x748, st.-johnplacingearonchristchest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reach out and touch faith

>> No.23232834 [DELETED] 

Fucking nigger country with its nigger dictator got its nigger ass and all the nigger citizens defacto embargoed and so now I can't even get 1 cent subscriptions for services because it is impossible for me to get the NIGGERCARD that is required for the transaction. Soon I will personally spear every single NIGGER to death and the whole world will tremble in fear and awe, prostrating before me.

>> No.23232862

Laughing to myself at the thought of factory farming Finnish rally drivers and sending the slow ones off to the glue factory with the battered ex racehorses.

>> No.23232870

I never tried out speaking when alone so deliberately, but simply fell into the habit of playing around with inflection when I'm alone. This is also to say that I'm a bit of an actor and a mimic, like most people with an unusually good auditory memory, no early experience or formal training with a decent musical instrument, and a good voice. In private I'm pretty much the same as in public, in voice and feeling, low-key if a bit silly. I can't sound angry if I try to, loud as I raise it sometimes to be heard easily by an amiable neighbor some distance away across lawns.

>> No.23232911

The last people who tried that it didn't work out too well for them

>> No.23232948
File: 59 KB, 474x632, x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cuckoo cries his cracking call
Yet was there none to hear his tale—
The cuckoo cries his cracking call
Had he but had the Nightingale...

>> No.23232977

I love you guys

>> No.23232983

I love you too *kisses you deeply*

>> No.23232987

For you

>> No.23232991

>depending on how well you feed them
Whatever about race cars, why aren't we training the goblins as food fighters? Win win

>> No.23233048

>goblin moves to Japan
>lots of food challenges
>professional competitive eating scene
>people think carrying a hammer around to produce gold or fire is just cosplay
>the ferries are never bringing people to church
>very few Christians so less risk of being found eating one
>lose contest to small boy and cut open own stomach
>people just think you're honourable
The turning blue thing might be a problem though because that's a demonic influence sign but concealer on men is acceptable so it's probably a non-issue

>> No.23233074

The quality of bait depends on the framing, or its degree or rhetoricity. If there's one thing that the most advanced possible AI and baitmaster trolls have in common, it's that neither in poll nor provocation nor anecdote can they conjure memories ridiculous or peculiar enough to relay the strange richness of social life, particularly in the comic sense of it. One can tell, and the tragedy of it is that not everyone lives long and well enough to tell easily.

>> No.23233136

Do you like me?

>> No.23233143
File: 228 KB, 790x577, drift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This post put me somewhere I always wanted to be

>> No.23233148

Who are you?

>> No.23233153

Reading Kafka's diary. Would he want me to read it? I think so. Anything written is intended to be read.

>> No.23233180

An annoyance I hope crawls out of my ass sometimes this decade.

>> No.23233181

I had this same thought reading Pessoa

>> No.23233189

im here to see dommy mommy waifus WITH monster titties bitch, not to fucking READ

>> No.23233223


>> No.23233234

would rather sleep after a long day now instead of jack off
got too old too fast

>> No.23233256

>The entire point of film and television is that it's a visual medium.
Not entirely. Soundtrack is just as crucial, if not so demanding from the standpoint of bandwidth or technology. I enjoy quite a lot of well-written and well-spoken films & documentaries in languages I can't speak or write in, or that in are in mixed languages, or in English dialects that are, shall we say, well off standard in pronunciation and lexicon. (Scotland, Ireland, Wales, for instance.) Accurate subtitles, where present, are pretty easy for me to attend to in any any case, where helpful, and to ignore when not. Also, I'm way too old to learn French or German, two languages I like the sound of, but am far to old now to attain real fluency in.

>> No.23233303

Tbf inaccurate subtitles can lend a lot to a film (video game mistranslation is responsible for a lot too)

>> No.23233334
File: 69 KB, 474x600, katze-in-einem-kinderarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im kind of scared of ending up with schizo/underclass neighbours that will be unhinged, addicted to drugs, constantly loud and unreasonable etc.

>> No.23233339

Don't move to Berlin then

>> No.23233342

I'd rather wank after sleeping long as I please, or completely as it takes to ravel the sleeves of care. Still, I doubt I'll make it to 70, though it's not my fault.

>> No.23233344

>Berlin transformed itself into the Babel of the world. Germans brought to perversion all their vehemence and love of system. Made-up boys with artificial waistlines promenaded along the Kurfustendamm. Even ancient Rome had not known orgies like the Berlin transvestite balls, where hundreds of men in women's clothes, and women in men's clothes, danced under the benevolent eyes of the police. Amid the general collapse of values, a kind of insanity took hold of precisely those middle class circles which had been unshakeable in their order. Young ladies proudly boasted that they were perverted: to be suspected of virginity at 16 would have been a disgrace in every school in Berlin.
- Zweig

>> No.23233355
File: 839 KB, 2448x2447, 1698443044194636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont.
Sometimes I read about mental patients terrorizing entire neighbourhoods and threatening everyone but police cant do anything because reasons.

>> No.23233366

Fucking sucks to have to deal with them, yes. They only really piss me off and I don't have any deeper feelings or thoughts about them, but I don't even want to imagine being a man with a family and having them be anywhere near the sight of my family.

>> No.23233416

It can be entertaining, no doubt, but only insofar as one already knows. Last night I watched the 1975 film The Romantic English Woman, in which someone mentioned YSL, pronouncing his name in the most English possible way as "Yv snt LAURen", almost like one would do for the ASMF. In 90s documentaries about fashion no one pronounces it that way, anglicized or otherwise.

>> No.23233421

>If you have premarital sex, you're a whore.

>> No.23233429


>> No.23233432

I really like girls with big, fluffy tails. The bigger they are the better.

>> No.23233442


>> No.23233444

>kitsune got another one

>> No.23233445

Like or like like?

>> No.23233450
File: 400 KB, 165x201, lazytown-stephanie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yar har, fiddle di dee
Being a pirate is all right with me
Do what you want 'cause a pirate is free
You are a pirate!

>> No.23233451

I'm not a disgusting fucking furry, I just like it when girls have kemonomimi and tails.

>> No.23233566

I like to think you are talking about Dogs. >>23229818
Probably fake, but this is the true spirit of Eugenics
Source: Trust me bro.
Just don't get caught.

>> No.23233670

The ugly stench,
Of lies.

>> No.23233672
File: 726 KB, 960x505, ancient chinese delicacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One Piece seems like a fun world to live in.

>> No.23233673

what are you talking about?

>> No.23233722

I’m not even lying

>> No.23233723

i know what that's like, but haven't to put up with any of that shit for the last 6 years, From dusk to dawn I enjoy an almost lunar silence, and have never heard any of my neighbors during those hours. Faraway and very long trains to be sure, but never anything I've been woken by. Feral cat fights too faint, faraway and high-pitched to hear at all through closed windows. Even during the middle of the day, my neighbors are rarely audible from my bedroom, and never loud enough to rouse me from the lightest sleep.

>> No.23233727

funny. yeah that's a martial art for cutie pies. women doing sports are crazy though. my ex is a black belt and she's gone from my life

I agree with everything you said. then again you can know how to throw a punch, do basic workouts and still take the pepper spray out as fast as a pumba when it's needed. even if I were a champion boxer (I am not one) I wouldn't bet on my fists if I had to run away from multiple people for instance. I am more of a pragmatist and would rather use my time on something else, but I agree with you that the discipline you gain from it is good if you tend to procrastinate every day.

>> No.23233729

I'm sad

>> No.23233731


>> No.23233734

I'm lost

>> No.23233739

Where did you see yourself last?

>> No.23233742

I never did

>> No.23233743

In what way?

>> No.23233748

Any landmarks nearby?

>> No.23233764

>be me
>24yo engineering student living in the equivalent of the hood, but in France
>go to the supermarket
>witness bums everywhere
>they speak to me as I pass by them, but nobody speaks fucking french
>go home
>students in my country live in studio apartments the size of a rat cage
>witness people who are not students trying to get in everyday
>"well at least they're not bothering me, are they"
>turns out everyone is carrying a knife in this part of the city, and basically nobody is taking the risk of aggroing someone else because actual fucking knife attacks happen there. on the other hand women get raped and people have their phone taken away everyday in the city center
>tfw niggerland is safer than the city center

>> No.23233780

>in France
My condolences. May I suggest escaping to Antarctica?

>> No.23233782

Don't really know what to do

>> No.23233799

---- Solaria ----
Retail Central

I took a certain expressway there
Quite a few times in July on Diazepam

And surrounded by light December snow on Ativan
Behind heavy hoods and slight ornaments

While ethereal music played.

>> No.23233810

Please don’t be angry

>> No.23233829

Had a dream I tried explaining a meme to my sister but only my sister-in-law got it. The meme was supposed to a merging of the Taxi Driver worlds with the American Psycho worlds with the movie poster saying Paul Allen was the next killer as a killer actual taxi driver modeled after an actual taxi driver in New York named Paul Allen (not sure how I knew about a random nobody in New York with that name)

>> No.23233836

Shouldn’t be dating illegals in the first place, genius

>> No.23233842

The plot twist is that America was supposed to be the chosen land for whites and then the Jews swooped in and ruined it. They destroy anything they get their grubby hands on.

>> No.23233849

>this is why pride in country is kinda cringe, and why historically people moved away from that
And that’s why no one will remember their name

>> No.23233854

>tfw my imaginary gf just met my imaginary ex gf
This imaginary date isn't going so well bros

>> No.23233858

She's here on a visa and is therefore legally permitted to be here

>> No.23233867

More like MasterCard

>> No.23233884

Stupid trite.
No, I do not care, fuck you.
My moral code prevents me from ripping that rotten jaw of yours right out, but that is all. Were it not for it I would have done so ages ago.
Stop with your pathetic attempts at trying to incite stress in people's hearts, it reveals how rotten you are, and is very irritating.

>> No.23233890

I hate that filthy voice so much. Sometimes I'm caught off guard by it, in the few times where I am happy, and the moment I hear it I end up cussing out loud in rage. Filthy animal.

>> No.23233949

Just read an interview on Politico with former The Supremes court member Stephen Breyer and he said his favorite author was Camus. Disgusting.

>> No.23233970

---- Solaria ----
Backyard Astronomy

Victor giggled with astonishment at Saturn's rings.
Matthew delighted in how sllght

Or near to the human vision threshold Venus shadows can be between our houses

Joan and I used to share jokes about the constellations
Though I can't rememenber her

Ever beholding the Pleiades in a lens
Bass as binocular loops.

Bryan was most rechrerce about intrinsic luminosity
If discreet about why he cared.


>> No.23234084

One of these days I'm going to beat every woman in my sight to death, and it'll all be their fault.

>> No.23234088

being a lawyer is anti-/lit/ past the 19th century

>> No.23234090

you may. I will leave for Switzerland in a short while, thankfully

>> No.23234123

A self righteous pervert.

>> No.23234195

Wish there was some fancy(but cheap, I'm poor) drug out there that temporarily kills your instincts as a man. For the past 48 hours I've been daydreaming about things such as hugging a girl in bed, wanting to do something for her, wanting my own children, and so on. As a natural side effect I've been agonizing.

>> No.23234205
File: 49 KB, 332x500, IMG_1358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Supremes court

>> No.23234206

Are you me?

>> No.23234229

at least youre self aware though

>> No.23234242

Such drugs do exist, but you should not do them.

>> No.23234260

i wrote some and i feel embarrassed for having tried so hard on it. i'm always fearful that the stuff i try hardest on is the most repulsive to other people, that my most carefully chosen words will be the most nonsensical and deranged.
i need to cultivate self-confidence. i want to write well, but i don't want anyone to read it. what's the point of a message no one will hear? a very embarrassing condition to be in, all around.

>> No.23234267

Just hire and bang a hooker

>> No.23234287


>> No.23234298

I have never been loved

>> No.23234301

I know, I was just asking for one that has this express purpose and achieves only it, without the side effect of making me de facto retarded for a few good hours.
That would do literally nothing other than waste my time and money. I am not in the least interested in sex, and in the first place banging hookers has nothing to do with the desires that I have now.

>> No.23234306

what I would do with 2k6 a month after taxi in Europe and no car

- rent : 850€
- groceries : 300€
- clothing : 60€
- going out : 150€
- forgotten stuff, holidays and unpredictable stuff : 200€

that's 1560€. 1k left. 12k of savings a year. it would take me at least 8 years to buy a small place in a big city, accounting for future increases in salary and no debts. and with that kind of salary I would be in the top 30% of the population. it's a real wonder to me why everyone just doesn't fucking rebel and crash the housing market. why is everyone fine with being indebted their whole life is crazy to me

>> No.23234316

Thinking about the crucified

>> No.23234320

I love you and God too anon but must importantly you must love yourself :)

>> No.23234321

Being fat as a young woman is like being a man and someone offers you a million dollars to lose 30 pounds and you don't do it

>> No.23234337

Might make a thread about it but I’ll test the waters here

Should I get the Nag Hammadi Scriptures or Plotinus?

>> No.23234372

Give yourself a varicocele and hop on an SSRI for a while and those will all disappear.

>> No.23234383

I violated you spiritually

>> No.23234400

It was wrong and I can never undo it

>> No.23234407

They’re me

>> No.23234409

I drank too many energy drinks, now it's 3AM and I can't sleep. I coomed to make myself dizzy on purpose. In the meantime, I hope my Ameriburger friends are having a good day.

>> No.23234412
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>> No.23234416

I can drink as much coffee as I want and it will do absolutely nothing. I can drink five cups of coffee in an hour and then head right to sleep without any problems. Caffeine just doesn't work on me, no amount of it can prevent me from sleeping.

>> No.23234417

You live in Italy?

>> No.23234421

It’s okay here in Burgerland, a bit of a boring Good Friday. Waiting for Easter at my parents house

>> No.23234426

Nag Hammadi

>> No.23234430


>> No.23234434

How many Hungarian weebs are there?

>> No.23234444

youre an idiot.
i shouldnt need to tell you why and surprisingly not (to me at least) for the reason you probably think.

>> No.23234484

Nag Hammadi

>> No.23234509

I don't want love.

>> No.23234512

I want love.

>> No.23234517

My mother will be out for easter, my father doesn't celebrate it.
I want to find some hiking place near me and do an excursion tommorrow.
Not that there's anything better to do.
I wish I had important things to say or so.

>> No.23234550

>their cynicism and perverse "taste" that seeks to associate romanticism, the most universally erudite style, with the vulgar.
ironically this was a very vulgar, tasteless description of "romanticism". In other words: cringe.

>> No.23234584
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Alright /lit/ I need a diagnosis for this
>While closing my eyes & listening to the sound of waves, my head began to move. It began with simple bobs back and forth which coincided to the severity of waves I was thinking of
>Eventually I think of a violent tornado & my head/body followed suit
>Do this for my arms, hips, etc
>My left ear is ringing
What mean

>> No.23234586

For some reason I love porn where a hot girl is telling me to masturbate and calling me all types of degenerate things, sometimes I also like it when they’re soft and gentle.

I wonder how I became like this, it’s strange.

>> No.23234589

Reverse the decisions I made. Undo the things I've done. Remove my memory from everyone who knew me. Put all the things I took off the shelves back in their places. Send all the things I bought back to the store. Erase me from all the photos I'm in. Revert all the dialectical development my siblings underwent through my presence in their lives from a young age. Cause me to have been stillborn. Convince my parents they didn't want want another son at that time anyway. Unmake me. Unspeak my name. Undefine the idea of me entire, remove what limits and defines it, carry me out to the dark night on which all cats are black and set me down softly in the cold damp grass and walk back inside and shut the door.

>> No.23234590

Found the shortwave radio general on /diy/

I am in heaven. I also have the hiccups.

>> No.23234592

I had one awhile back which was red

>> No.23234595

>t. annoying suicidal heart damage anon

>> No.23234597

I am such an autistic sperg.
When I know beforehand that I will be seeing a lot of anime girls soon, by for example looking through Pixiv, I always first clean my nose, ears, eyes, look for any visible hair in my nose or neck, clean my computer desk and monitor if I deem them too dirty, and only then do I deem myself "ready to look at anime girls". Even when I am looking at them, I always "secretly"(in an inconspicuous way) keep glancing at my desk, monitor and surroundings so that I can quickly get rid of any hair or whatever other thing that may have been left there recently. I've been like this for over half a decade now, and I can tell you with certainty that this has caused me to waste over a hundred hours. If I were to for example browse Pixiv like a proper fucking human, I could probably download a hundred images that I like within 15-20 minutes. The way I do it, I could manage maybe some 15 images, and of course I autistically observe and burn into my eyes the drawings that I deem worthy of being downloaded. I also have a database of such drawings, with all of them being tagged one-by-one, by hand, according to their series and the characters that show up in them. A year ago I lost a significant proportion of it due to my HDD failing. On Pixiv I have the filters for adult content enabled, and when I see some drawings that just barely dodge the filter, my blood boils. Many a time I have found a drawing that was pleasing in its style or the technical ability of the artist, but had the girls in a pose that is too sexual for me, or showing too much skin. In the past, I also used to look at all the other drawings of the artist whenever I see a drawing they've made that I like, if I see that some of their other drawings are "too sexual" for me, I would pretend not to notice, download the first drawing, then go on my way. If I failed to find anything too sexual among his other drawings, then I would like and favorite the first drawing. In other words, I would absolutely refuse to like or favorite any of their drawings, if I find even a single one that I deem too sexual. And going back even further, I would actually initiate a sort of "embargo" on them if I find a drawing that I deem sexual. I would refuse to look at or download perfectly beautiful and pure drawings from them if I find even one that is too sexual. I stopped doing this at some point because it caused me to miss out on too many beautiful drawings, it's hard to find a good artist who hasn't drawn even a single thing that my hardcore purist ass won't think of as "impure", "overly sexual".
I am not officially diagnosed with anything, and in almost all things act as a normal person would. It is only with anime girls that I sperg the everloving fuck right out and do extremely autistic things, and I have plenty more examples that I could give.

>> No.23234605

Nah, I'm not that dude. Just another cookie cutter 4chan lonely dude yelling into the void.

>> No.23234638

Parachuting acid while listening Herr, unser Herrscher

>> No.23234645

Not him, but can you explain a philistine why?
I don't agree with him, but I don't understand how its vulgar.

>> No.23234686
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>can you explain a philistine why?
sure, pic related.

>> No.23234692

I'm the same but whenever I try to get pithy and poetic with it, I fail. It's excruciating to suffer without any poetry. Anyways, "cookie cutter" guys like you are appreciated, you say it where some of us can't

>> No.23234789

Why not?

>> No.23234801

The world doesn’t hate you and you didn’t deserve what I did to you

>> No.23234883

Title of article: What's Wrong With The Niggers And Why Are They So Mad At The Police?: Probable Cause For Disaster In South-Central L.A., 1992," from "Police" 187

>> No.23234889

I believe it has been said, in the parlance of our times:
Nigger. nigger n1gger n1gger niggernigger nigger
Why do cops hate niggers?
Nigger, niggenr nigger, n1gger nigg3r nigger... nigger
Because our dicks are bigger!

>> No.23234943
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A lot of people on 4chan who talk about religion don't even believe in anything but they want religion for pragmatic purposes, raising birth rates, restoring national identity, etc.
However, such conversations are boring and it's not what true spirituality is about. Those practical things can be secondary effects of religion, but primarily it must be about truth and God. If you don't even believe that the religion is actually true in a spiritual and metaphysical sense, then I don't care what you have to say. You are just another boring nerd crying about birth rates or something.

>> No.23234954

How do I stop forgetting what I read? Is it the material that I'm reading? The thing is I'm invested and can read for 30-40 minutes at once. the problem is I lose that information very fast.

>> No.23234978

One Piece has a horrifying hellworld where you're lucky if you don't get enslaved

>> No.23234985

I was thinking about it from the perspective of being a main character. It would be cool to have your own ship (mobile bases are cool) and crew and go on adventures, which is something that many people have romanticized, but One Piece takes that further and puts it into a fantasy world made for that.

>> No.23235007
File: 159 KB, 1280x720, Like fucking Cleopatra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more interested in sexual adventures with OP girls

>> No.23235009
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My entire belief of God rests on the fact that this universe is ordered in a specific manner and form and just didn’t appear out of nowhere. I’ve had spiritual experiences with friends to know that when my friend spoke Latin to me and he doesn’t speak Latin at all, it made me think. He had a near death experience and was brought up in squalor and it happened in front of me when he lived with me after escaping his horrible home life, which I wouldn’t wish on anyone except those who truly make my life hell as it stands. I watch Latin mass every Sunday when I can and the sermons hit hard almost every time. If that isn’t religion I don’t know what is. Sure I have the issue of having to relieve myself every now and then but God wouldn’t have given me a sex drive for no reason. It’s just that Mrs right has yet to appear to me and I crossed over the 40 year threshold two years ago. Sometimes I feel hopeless but I’m sure there’s a divine plan for me.

>> No.23235088

So I promised my neighbor that I would feed her cats. She paid me 25 bucks a day to do so. I forgot to feed her cats. So I walked 15 minutes in the rain at midnight to make sure her cats were okay. It was a beautiful experience. Light showering rain, a decent stroll through the suburb. I'm kinda glad I forgot. Walking int he rain at midnight, chugging a couple cans of beer, thats an unforgettable time.

>> No.23235090

So did the cats die or what

>> No.23235091

I like your meme. We eat God. That's the crux of it. We need spiritual feeding. Throughout the Bible we see the same motif. God delivers His own essence so His people can subsist on it. "Man can not live on bread alone, but on every Word of God." Eat God my brother.

>> No.23235093

No they were alive, thankfully. They were very hungry though. I think they were upset with me for being late

>> No.23235102
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do you ever get over the feeling that the time and the place you thought you belonged to are absolutely irrecoverably gone?

>> No.23235105

That's like that scene in Seinfeld where George is talking to the celebrities backstage of The Tonight Show and tells a similar story, only the cats die, so thank god for that difference. I might go for a walk tonight myself. Put some Tchaikovsky or Prokofiev on the headphones and walk to the local convenience store and back (too broke to buy anything).

If I get robbed you'll be hearing from my lawyers tho

>> No.23235107

I think I would still be a sexless loser no matter the time period or place.

>> No.23235116

I am my era. It will only pass when I am gone.

>> No.23235338

Pasting this here for later: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/how-to-disable-activate-windows-notification-on-your-pc-or-laptop/

>> No.23235436


>> No.23235474
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Storybro was 10 years ago.

>> No.23235477

Your blood is now flowing manually.

>> No.23235526
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>> No.23235574

dumb bitxh agreed to a date a week back, brn swerving me ever sinve, then cancelled it , a half hour before our date, saying she already begun dating someone wtf lmao, dumb whore, her poor xuck wont know what hit him

>> No.23235623

I think I can have a girlfriend, but she isn't attractive to others. She is overweight with a strange haircut and her face is a little odd. She looks OK to me but many people came to me and said I could find better. I normally don't care about that shit but I know for a fact my family (everyone is a 5 or more) will make fun of her. Also her personality is like she's from the hood but a touch softer, which is funny to me. I don't want to give her a bad family and a bad future. My last ex was beautiful and very cute and my mother loved her, so I'm sure she will give her shit. Feelsbadman.

>> No.23235694

You are now consciously aware of breathing voluntarily and you have to breathe voluntarily, and if you stop, you stop breathing.

>> No.23235731

Pre-requisite Spenglerfag autism warning.
Faustian Civilization's conservative counter part to the Ethical Socialist will be the agrarianist religious luddite, I feel it.
The type of guy who thinks technology is evil and thinks everyone should just worship God while tilling the soil.
No, because I never had that. Best I have is feeling jealous that my father got to live through the 90s early two thousands.
Fuck you.
I will asphixiate to prove a point.

>> No.23235776

The successor: >>23235773

>> No.23237269
